The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 TI: 4 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 25 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE CHURCHES PLAN SUMMER UNION MEETINGS Joint Services for Two Vacation Months to Start in July Chicopee, June 20--The Chicopee Falls Protestant Churches have announced the schedule of summer union services usually carried on during July and August to permit pastors and their families to have their annual vacation. Rev. Joseph A. Talley will conduct services in the Chicopee Congregational Church on Sundays falling. on July 2, 9, and 16.

On Sundays 23 and 30 and Aug. 6, Rev. Bennett, a retired pastor, formerly pastor of the Carew Street Baptist Church in Springfleld, will preside. Mr. Bennett serving As interim pastor at the First Central Baptist Church.

The Anal three union services to be hold on Aug. 13, 20 and 27 will be held in the White Methodist Church with Rev. Roger E. Garland officiating. Mr.

Talley and his family plan to visit Mrs. Talley's folks at Medford on the North Shore for a part of their vacation and then g0 South to Burdette, to visit his folks at their peanut plantation. Mr. and Mrs. Garland will spend their vacation in this vicinity, searching out points of interest close by that they overlooked in previous summer vacation excursions.

Judge Keyes to Be Inducted as Kiwanis Member? Chicopee, June 20-An induction of new member. will be held at the first outdoor meeting of the Kiwanis Club for the summer season. The meeting will be beld at the Red Barn pavilion on Wednesday evening at 6:15. New members to be Inducted include: Judge Daniel M. Keyes, of the Chicopee District Court; School Committeemen John F.

Shea, 'Joseph Laporte and Lawrence Balthazar; Raymond Fontaine, a local contractor, and Robert Gaboury, director of the Hampden Nursing Home. City Solicitor Francis G. Gregory will be in charge of the induction ceremonies. During the summer months meetings of the club will be held outdoors providing the weather is favorable. 'Mansett PTA to Select 'Citizen Held Outstanding Chicopee, June 20-The executive board of the Willimansett ParentTeacher Association met last evening at the home of the president, Drs.

Stella Morache of Artisian to plan the program for the coming year. It was decided that a committee headed by Lawrence Baume would be formed to select an outstanding citizen of the community who would be honored at the final meeting of the association. was outstanding for services to chilThis person selected would be one who dren. Mrs. William Murphy was named chairman of the membership committee and will be asisted by Miss Nora T.

Driscoll, principal of the Willimansett and the teaching Mrs. Edmund Koluza, Mrs. Charles' Mercier, Mrs. Walter Cyboran, Lewis Kmon, and Mrs. Alexander Brough.

Wilfred Chartier and Mrs. Stanley Leta were co-chairmen of refreshment committee. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDowell were named co co-chairman and will of be the assisted hospitality by Mr.

com- and Mrs. Joseph Pellard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jochim, and Sir. and Mrs. Oscar Lesiege.

The program will be headed by Mr. and Mira. Royal Daniels assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laporte, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Bainbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leverault. AIr.

and Mrs. Robert McComb will head the ways and means committee and publicity will be in charge of publications and music will in charge of' Miss Phyllis Hoar, teacher in the Chapin School. Mrs. Lawrence Baume will be in charge of entertainment and Mrs. Wallace, McGowell wit head the sick committee.

A hour followed the business of the evening and refreshments were served. Esquire AC to Hold Summer Dance July 1 Chicopee, June 20-Members of the Esquire AC of Chicopee Falls will hold their annual summer dance in the Crystal Ball Room. of the Chicopee Falls Polish Home at corner of Market and Grove Sts. on Saturday evening, July. 1, from 8 to 12.

Chairman of the dance committee 1s Joseph Godek, He will be assisted by Max Staslowaki, Frank Labak, John Zamachaj, and Chet Przybylowicz. Music will be furnished by the Aristocrats. The admission charge will be 75 cents. The dance will be open to the public. Perfect Attendance Chicopee, June 20-Children of the Faith Church Sunday School who received ping for perfect attendance during the year included: Susan Beeler, Edward Geoffrion, Joyce Jackson, Carolyn and Dorothy Cushing, William Phelps, Edwin Gottsman, Ralph Phelps, Robert McCullough, AI Annis, Barbara Burke, Douglas Phelps, David Beeler, Muriel Clark, Margaret Gottsman, Ronald Lempke, Wayne Tracy, Raymond Burke, Robert Paul, Gerald Geoffrion, Charles Beeler, Dolores Haskins, William Enko, William Clark, David Geoffrion, Normand Elden Schmidt, Kenneth Hoyle, Nancy Enko, Betty Jackson, Alfred Ducharme, James Hutton, Frederick Kirchner, George Lempke, Ronald Vinton, and Douglas Potts.

TROOP 4 SCOUTS Chicopee, June 20-Senior Service Scouts of Fairview Troop 4 will hold 8 that dog roast Wednesday afternoon home of Mrs. Franklin J. Cushing, leader, Miss June Cadieux is in charge of arrangements assisted by Miss Jeannette Barre. CHEST LEADERS DISCUSS PLANS FOR 1950 DRIVE Discuss but Put Off for Year Proposal for TriCity Unit 0 0 Chicopee, June 20-At a meeting of the executive committeo of the Chicopee Community Chest held last evening in the Community Center under the direction of Oswald A. Savaria, president, a discussion was conducted on the for a tri-city chest drive with Springfield and Holyoke.

The reaction of the members of the committee was favorable to the plan, It was decided to continue to consider the plan with open mind' for another year to ample time (to work out the details involved. to Savaria, committee chairmen and operating committees be appointed. soon. After the will appointment of the committees preparations will be made for the financial drive to be held in October. The meeting was well attended with representatives from the many organizations, nationality groups and seccional divisions of the community.

Unit 337 Hears Reports On County Auxiliary Meeting Chicopee, June last 'evenings meeting of American Legion Auxiliary' Unit 337 held in the Legion Home on Worthington St. Mra. Irene Boisvere reported on the county meeting she Saturday in GAR Hall in Springfield. Attending with Mrs. Boisvere was Mrs.

Frances ecki. Mrs. Boisvere reported that Orchid Ladies screening would on be held Oct. and training would be 18 and Oct. 25.

At the 'county meeting Mrs. Boisvere A personal gift for Mrs. accepted Florida Swann, membership chairman, presented by Mra. Dorothy member- Livingston, new county director for During the past year the unit ship. has been challenging the Indian chard Auxiliary Unit for the largest increase in' membership and Unit was the winner.

Mrs. Swann who junior director of unit announced that plans for an outing for the junior members were being, made and would take place some during the summer Riverside Park. Mystery prizes donated by Lillian Garrow and Mrs. Phyllis Kingey were won by Mrs. Cecile Brault and Mrs.

Bergeron The next meeting of the group be held Sept. 11 in the lounge at Legion Home on Worthington on this evening Aldenville will also meet so the hostesses the evening will serve refreshments to the Post also. Hostesses for 11 meeting will be Drs. Ruth Olson, Mrs. Phyllis Kinsey, Mrs.

Ann geron, Mra. Garrow. Rhea Lascala and Lillian Paquettes Will Observe 40th Chicopee, June 20-Mr. and Mrs. William Paquette of Chicopee.

Willimansett, formerly of Fairview, will celebrate their 4t0h wedding anniversary on Wednesday June 21. Open house will take place Sunday June 25. The couple were married June 21, 1910 in St. Ann's Church, Fairview. Mrs.

Paquette the former Eva Blain lof Fairview was born in Holyoke. Mr. Pajuette also a native of for Holyoke Daniel is employed AS A carpenter O'Connell Sons, Inc. They are the parents of four daughters, Mrs. Leo Hamel of this city, Mrs.

Leo Anpin of Chicopee, Jirs. Raymond Goyette and Mrs. Edward Rondeau of Willlmansett and one son, William Paquette of Holyoke also 12 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. 3 Anniversary Date 5 MISS CLAIRE T. O'NEIL, Chicopee, June 20-Miss Claire T.

O'Neil, a daughter of Postmas. ter and Mrs. 'Cornelius T. O'Neil of Rimmon recently pointed teacher in. high school grade by the Springfield School Committee, set sail Monday mornIng from New York aboard the Roma for a two months tour of Europe.

Miss O'Neil, who until her Springfield appointment was teacher in the commercial ment of Chicopce Iligh School, was accompanied by the daughters Misses Jane and Mary Durkin, of Mr. and Mrs. John Durkin of Agawam. While in Europe, the trio hope to have all audience with the Pope, and besides their visit to Rome, they will tour Austria, Germany and France visiting such places AS Vienna, Berlin and Paris. They will return aboard the Laguria July VOCATIONAL 'HIGH GRADUATION--Walter School, delivered the address of welcome on behalf of the school Leutsch, president of the Class of 1950, second class of Chicopee's Vocational High commencement exercises held last night in the school assembly hall, and student body during the shown at right.

Twenty-six students were was the principal pastor of St. class chorus in two vocal speaker. Taking part the program to Mayor Edward Bourbeau for diplo- Rev. Josaphat delivered the in- and Donald R. LaPiere, in Plasta, J.

Rege, director of vo- Stanislaus opening proces- solo. A class was Church mas by Henry vocation after awards were presented Donald J. Archambeau and cational education during the evening. sional Athletic committee- I well address was given by T. Fitzgerald, director, of by John F.

Shea, a school Stefanik. Raymond safety at the Moore Drop Forging man. KIRBY STUDENTS GUEST OF PTA Eighth Graders Given Farewell Party by Parents Chicopee, June 20-Joan Gagnon and Richard Borlen were chosen the best girl and boy student of the Kirby eighth grade and were given prizes, when the class was guest of the Kirby Parent Teacher Association at a a "send 1 party given In the school this afternoon. Also receiving prizes were Patricia Harris and Allan Sittard as the most popular girl and boy. Mary Dowd and Stanley Koskozka were named the neatest girl and boy.

The group was entertained with movies shown through the courtesy of Golette's Cinema Shop in Aldenville. Square dancing was enjoyed with Charles Murray, director of the Chicopee Community Center, calling. Modern dancing was also enjoyed by the group. The students who will go to Chicopee High School in the fall were given a lunch consisting of hot dogs, soda, cake and ice cream. Mystery prizes were awarded Rita to Joyce Bouquet, Patricia Noonan, Fortin, William Chevalier, Robert Nichols, Clyde Strange, James Quinlan, June Cadieux, John Marcinek, Eugene Roger Viens, Clair Champigny, David Noyes, Francis Chamberland, John McKinstry, Ann l'olverini, Fred Kalat, Edward Lindsey, Betty Clarkson, Clair Laramee, Barbara Ernest, Beverly Anders, Beverly Duprey, Arlene Senecal, Richard Scribner, Joan Petuck, Barbara Harrison, Patricia Harris.

Lorraine Cloutier, Donald Dugre, Robert Brothers, Elsie Mundt, Gladys Mendrala, Pearl Mercier, Robert Roy, Patricia Flynn, Bernice Skorka, Gail Michaud. Frederick Kirschner, Ethel Ruel, Gilbert Landry, Donald Mercure, Donald Coclawski, Marian Edwards, Irene Partyka, Ann Tenczar, Raymond Herbert, Ronald Normandin, and Barbara Gowron, The committee headed by Mrs. Carol Noonan included Miss Mary J. Dillon, Kirby School principal, Mrs. Ann Elmer, Mrs.

Lucien Michaud, Mrs. Ann Peligian, Mrs. Lewis Hudzikiewicz, Mrs. Francis Kimball, Mrs. E.

Willette, Mrs. Carl Clarkson, Mrs. Everett Sittard, Birs. Emile Champigny, Mrs. Raoul Ducharme, Mrs.

Thomas Harris, Mrs. Martha Dowd, Mrs. Margaret McBlair, Mrs. Patrick. Flynn, Mrs.

Arthur Brunelle, Mrs. Herbert Strange, Mra. Jnseph Cyron, Mra. cl*tford Richey, Mrs. Earl Liberty, Mrs.

Hanna Hoffman and Mrs. Walter Kosacki. Father of Auto Dealer Dies at 76 Chicopee, June 20-Andrew Kuchta, 76. of 760 Front died at his home Tuesday after a long illness. He was born In Poland and settled in Chicopee 45 years ngo.

He was a member of the Polish National Alliance, Group 702. For many years he conducted a tailor shop, and just before retiring because of illness, was employed as a carpenter. Mr. Kuchta leaves his Mrs. Bronislawa (Czaluaniak) Kuchta; two sons, Joseph A.

Kuchta, proprietor, and Theodore Kuchta, service manager of the City Hall Garage, four daughters, Helen Slowaklewicz in Poland, Mrs. Genevieve Jaszek and Mrs. Stella Szlachetka, both of Chicopee. and Miss Gladys Kuchta, singer, of New York. He also leaves 10 grandchildren.

The funeral will be Friday at 8.16 at the Starzyk funeral home followed by a requiem high mass in St. Stanislaus' Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Stanislaus' Cemetery. Richard A.

Quelette Chicopee, June. 20-Richard A. Ouelette of West Warwick, R. formerly of Chicopee Falls and Springfield, died in the Roger Williams Hospital, Providence, today. He leaves four brothers Adrian J.

of Chicopee Falls, a water commissioner: Charles of Philadelphia; Euclid of Holyoke; and Frank of South Dakota; and one sister Mrs. Agnes Griswold of Bristol, Conn. The funeral: will be held at the Butterfield's funeral home, 795 Park Aubern, R. on Friday at 9 a. m.

Hackney Funeral Chicopee, June 20-The funeral of Robert M. Hackney of Madison Chicopee Falls, was held this afternoon at the Frank C. Tylunag funeral with Rev. JoA. Talley officiating.

The bearers were James Stewart, William Bruce Wickett, Gordon Salter and George Killacky. Burial was in Hillcrest Park Cemetery where Mr. I Talley officiated at the grave. graduating faculty and is was the numbers 8. vocal given by the fareEdward J.

HOLY NAME HIGH COMMENCEMENT- Thirteen girl seniors of Holy Name Girls High School in Chicopee Springfield. Pictured is Katherine Francis Kennedy as she genuflects before Bishop Weldon with received their diplomas tonight at 8 in Holy Name Hall from Most Rev. Christopher J. Weldon, the venerable Magr. John F.

Conlin, founder of Holy Name Girls High at the bishop's side. Bishop of Bishop Weldon presented each graduate with her diploma and urged the members of the class to uphold the traditions of the school and to exemplify in their future life the Christian teachings learned in the class rooms. Carol Ann Boucher, gave the vale- WILL WAIT YEAR BEFORE ACTING ON CURTIS TER. FPHA Wants Mayor to Decide If City to Take Possession Chicopee, June 20 In answer to a recent communication from the Boston office of the Federal Public Housing Administration that asked Mayor Edward Bourbeau what he intends to do about taking possession of the federally owned Curtis Terrace housing projects, the mayor said that he will withhold his decision for one more year. The city recently acquired Meadow Terrace from the FPHA and placed the project under the direction of the Chicopee Housing Authority.

the Curtis Terrace tract located off Hampden Mayor Bourbeau reported that there is a great deal of private home building going on in the city at the present time. If this type of building continues there won': be any need for the Curtis Terrace project, the mayor said. If the city acquires Curtis Terrace it will be turned over for $1 but the city will have the future upkeep to account for. Under the law if government does not obtain the transfer of the property no additional tenants will be admitted after July 1, 1951, and all tenants must be out before July 1, 1952. Special Awards At High School Chicopee, June 20 Principal Christopher A.

Fitzgerald of the high school today announced the following awards have been made to students for outstanding achievement in different fields during the present school year. Washington and Franklin Medal, donated by the Sons of the American Revolution to the student attaining the highest grade in American History, was awarded to Miss Alice McKinstry, a member of the class 1951. Miss Annette Beaupre of the class of 1950 was chosen Good Citizenship Pilgrim by her teachers and classmates on the basis of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. This award is made by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Arthur Hilt, also of the class of 1950, was given the Rensselaer Medal for outstanding, work in mathematics and award offered by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The Harvard Book Prize, donated by the Harvard Club of Springfield to the boy in the junior class selected as the best all-around boy, considering scholarship, student activities and leadership, was awarded to Bernadino Luiz. Brewers Local Plans Annual Picnic Aug. 13 ployees at the Hampden Brewing Co. of Willimansett, have been completed. The affair will be held Aug.

13 at Riverside Harry Leigner, local president, is general chairman of the bake, assisted by John Murphy, Stanley Bartkowski, George Perron and Frank Romanski. City Hall Picnic Chicopee, June 20-The Chicopee A Administrative Employees Association will hold its annual summer outing at the Aldenville Legion grove on Worthington St. the 28th at 5 p. it was announced today by Assistant City Assessor Frank Byrnes, pregident. A lunch consisting of hot dogs, hamburgers, steamed clams, pickles, salad and will be served.

Tickets are available from Mrs. Lillian the treasurer. ST. JEAN de BAPTISTE Chicopee, June 20-Plans for the annual clambake of the CIO Brewers, Local 141 of Chicopee, taking in em- Chicopee, June 20-The monthly Council 230, StJean de Baptiste will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 in. the social parlors of St Rose de Lima Church.

Mrs. Antoinette Lemay, president, will preside. Lottery and Fireworks Are Found at Moonlight Inn Charged With Having Punchboards as Well Serafino dictorian address, taking as her subject, "Open to Ale The Gates of Justice." The salutatorian, Dolores Joan Zdon gave an address of "Welcome." The program opened with the processional and a chorus; "Come Where the Viols Are Singing," by Lacome. A second chorus; "Hark, Hark, the ALDERMAN MAX SCHORR Chicopee, June 20-Alderman Max Schorr was elected president of the Fairview Bossed Club, at A special meeting last evening In the club on Royal St. Stanford Celatla was elected president, and Russell Campbell and John Weir were elected to the board of directors.

The newly elected officers will fill the pired terms of the officers and board directors who resigned last April. The nominating brought the names of these candidates to be voted on wAS headed by Edward M. Bnckley and Included Homer E. Ball and John J. Bresnahan.

1St. Rose Parties Coming to Close Chicopee, June 20-The Ladies of St. Anne Sodality of St. Rose de Lima Church held the weekly card party last evening in the social parlors of the church, with the hostesses for the evening being Mrs. Albert Couture a and Mrs.

William Lariviere. Prizes for high score at cards were awarded to Mrs. Joseph Cantin, Mrs. Oscar St. John, Mrs.

Albert Couture, Mrs. Emile Archambault. Door prizes were awarded to Mrs. Cantin, Mrs. Wilfred Fournier, Mrs.

George Schlenk, Mrs. Valmore Desroches, and Mrs. M. A. Picard.

Monday evening the last in the series of weekly card parties for the season will be held with Mrs. Valmore Desroches and Mrs. Rosa Picard as hostesses. White Clover Drive Chicopee, June 20-Chicopee Post 12. Amvets conduct its annual and Saturday, announced today.

clover day driven Thursday, Friday Edward L. Blaszek ha's been named general chairman of the drive, assisted by Joseph Wegrzyn, Max Zawidowski, Edward Sarafin, Henry Banas, Fred Granger and City Treasurer Edward J. Ziemba. The White Clover WAS selected the Amveta national flower in recollection of the white clovers Normandy, sometimes called "forgetme-nots" French. Amvets chose this particular blossom to rethe honored dead who fell gallon the white clovers of Normandy after D-Day during' World War Il.

Louschaenye Council Chicopee, June 20-The Louschaenye Council, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet Wednesday evening for the semimonthly business meeting and the monthly birthday party at the new quarters in Pulaski Hall on Norman St. Honored guests at the party will be members who have birthdays during the month of June and include Mrs. Alexina Bergeron, Mra. Marie Yergeau and Mrs. Ethel Talbot.

Hostesses for the evening will include Mrs. Laura Pronovost, Mrs. Emma Chamberland, Mrs. Julianna Warren, Mrs. Emma Cote, Mrs.

Eva Paquette, and Mrs. Melina Gagnon. STEADFAST, LAWN PARTY 20-The Steadfast Circle of the WSCS of Faith Church will hold A lawn card party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Richard Wiley, weather permitting. In of rain the affair will be held in the Wiley home.

Lark," preceded a dramatization, "Ut Feram Christum," an allegorical characterization of the new Piano presentations included "Concert Etude." by Loth, and "March Joyeuse," by Orth; with' Shirley Roberts, Mary O'Keefe. Marie Fay, Sylvia Vomacka, Eleanor Landers and Claire Fitzpatrick, playing. LAVOIE FIRM LOW BIDDER ON CHA CONTRACT Will Repair Curtis Terrace Catch Basins at Cost of $1285 Chicopee, June 20-Bids will be received by the Chicopee Housing Authority for the repair of the cribbing and embankment of Curtis Terrace at the hill on the Indian Park side of the project on or before Friday at 2 p. m. According to Paul Geissler, executive secretary of the authority, spring thawing and recent rains have caused considerable damage to the embankment.

The R. Lavole Trucking general contractors from Aldenville, was the lowest bidder for the repair of catch basins at Curtis Terrace. The bid was $1285. Recently the roadway of the project was repaired at 8 cost of $2962.75. White Methodist WSCS to Conduct Szot Park Picnic Chicopee, June 20-The Womens Society of Christian Service of the White Methodist Church will conduct Its annual picnio Wednesday evening at 6:30 in Szot Park.

A. program of games will be conducted. The picnic area at the park has been made available and outdoor Areplaces provided for member those is who expected desire to to bring her own lunch and table service. The society will have hot coffee available. Officers of the society have made arrangements to provide transportation to the park for any member who requests it.

In the event of rain the affair will be held in the church parlor. Brownie Troop to Go to Riverside Chicopee, June 20-Plans for an outing to be held Wedneaday, June 28, at Riverside Park were made at last evenings meeting of Brownie Troop 21 under the leadership of Mrs. Agnes Desrosiers. The group will. meet at the home of the leader at and will return from the park at 3 in the afternoon.

A bus has been chartered and the girls will he accompanied by Mrs. Desrosiers, Mrs. Thelma Landry, Mra. Loretta Quellette, and Mrs. Anna Lajeunease.

Last evenings meeting held at the home of the leader was the final weekly meeting of the troop for the season. DELLA PENNA FACES gr CHARGES BY MATE at 7 o'clock. WASTE COLLECTIONS Chicopee, June 20-Ashes and waste Chicopee, June 20-Francis J. Della Penna, 31, of 191. Montgomery Chicopee Falls.

was arrested this morning by Patrolmen John and James Sullivan of 'Holyoke' on warrant charging assault and battery: The complainant was his wife, Evelyn, and the defendant was taken to Chicopee by Officers Leslie Isabelle and Wilfred Roberge. will appear in District Court on Wednesday. FIDELIS PICNIC Chicopee, June 20-The Fidelis Circle of the WSCS of Faith Church will hold its annual picnic at the Red Barn on Montgomery Wednesday evening. Transportation will be furnIshed and care will leave the church materials will be picked up by Ash Department tomorrow on the following streets: Skeele, Call, Nash, Norman, Southwick, Waite, Fisher, Morton, Oliver, Canterbury Westview, Hillside, Zoar, Baltic, Rolf, Franklin, McKinley, Marion, Hampden from Marion to fare Fairview from Springfield to Moore, Dresser, Saratoga and Van Horn, as Selling Fireworks Chicopee, June 20-Arthur P. Serafino, owner of the Moonlight Inn at 17 Center was charged today with the illegal sale and keeping of fireworks and setting up and promoting lottery when Lt.

Harold Fit O'Conner and Patrolman Michael F. McDermott alleged they found lottery boards and fireworks in. his possession at the Center establishment. Before searching the Inn Acting Chief Theodore A. Fisher warned Serafino to stop selling the fireworks.

Not satisfied that Serafino had heeded his warning because of the various reports that he had received Capt. Chicopee, June 20-An assembly of 260 eighth graders gathered from the Kirby, Taylor and Bowe Junior High Schools, took place this morning at Chicopee High School, SO that fall's the youngsters who will become next class could get acquainted 'Step-Up Day' Medford Pastor And Wife to Call At Square Dance Chicopee, June 20-Plans for a tennis court dance to be held in connection with lawn party that will take place June 30 in the rear of the Faith Methodist Church parsonage under the auspices of the church have been complated and tickets for the affair will soon be on sale and may be purchased the evening of the dance. Permission has been granted the church for the use of the tennis court for the dance. Rev. and Mrs.

Robert W. Meikle of Medford will be the callers for the syuare daring. A complete set of the "World of Fun" records put out by the Methodist Church, which includes both square and modern dancing will be used. Rev. and Mra.

Meikle are very active in the youth work and have studied dance calling and for youth. 'n amplifying system will other activities to provide recreation be set up and beginners as well as advanced square dancers are invited to attend. HOME NURSING CLASS GIVEN CERTIFICATES Chicopee, June 20-Seven members of the Polish Women's Civic Club received home nursing course certificates at meeting tonight In the Polish National Home. The certificates are for completing a home nursing course given by the Red Cross Chapter in this city. Mrs.

Albina 'Forys, RN, was honored by the members as their instructor. Members receiving certificates are Mrs. Violet Strempek, Mrs. kitty Mrs. Kay A Rokosz, Mrs.

Sophie Szydlo, Rokosz, Mrs. Ann Tomaszewski, Mrs. Louise Mitira and Mrs. Alice Nanor- mek. Charity Guild Chicopee, June 20-Mrs.

Claire Leonard will preside at the meeting tomorrow night of the Chicopee Faiis Guild of the Holy Family League of Charity in the Community Center at 8. be formulated for the installation of officers in September. hour will follow the meeting and home-made refreshments will be served. Members are asked to bring friend. The gift of the month is gummer play suits or bathing togs.

Personal Items Chicopee, June 20-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Therrien of 36 Sargeant Ave. fare the parents of A. daughter born June 17 at the Providence Hospital, A Holyoke.

son was born to sir. and Mrs. Donat Roy of 53 Bristol June at the Providence Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Irving Cohen Bronx, N. Y. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Plant of Hampshire St.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Demers, 472 Britton St. are the parents of daughter born June 19 at the Providence Hospital. Daddies Club Outing Chicopee, Juno 20-Final plans the picnic for the Willimansett Re hool children being sponsored by the Daddies Club, will be made at a meeting to be held Wednesday evening at 8.

the Chapin School. The outing will held Look Memorial Park Saturday. Fisher sent a piain-clothesman to the Moonlight Inn to make a purchase purchase of as firecrackers. evidence Lt. O'Conner and Patrolman McDermott were sent with a warrant to search the establishment.

They not only found more firecrackers but also found the Illegal lottery boards. Among the items confiscated by the policemen were 25 punch boards, 3000 salutes, 20 boxes of torpedoes, 300 barrel bombs, and 350 packages of Chinese firecrackers. Serafino, who resides at 46 Leslie Springfield was released on a $600 disbail. He will be arraigned in the Itrict court tomorrow morning. Conducted with Chicopee High School surroundlings and routines.

under was conducted the direction of the Guidance Department of the School Department, headed by Henry B. Fav. Miss Mary E. Trumbull, vice principal, addressed the students, explaining rules regulations and the policies. Other speakers were Miss Mary A.

Harrington, head of the Commercial ment and Frank Rogowski, director of placement and followup. up Everett H. Sittard, director of school music, who composed the Chicopee High School song, "Fight On Chicopee," taught the next fall's freshmen how to sing this music with spirit. The school cheers were also taught by Mary Lou St. Francis, cheerleader for the school, assisted by others in the cheering squad.

The group was divided into five groups and escorted througout the building to Inspect facilities, especially laboratories, the school library and gymnasium. Then each freshmen was taken to his home room to meet his teacher. The incoming class returned to the assembly TO see a motion picture, "Getting the Most out of Your Educational Opportunities," and another loaned by A. G. Spalding Bros.

showing the World Series of 1919. Before the assembly broke up, each freshman was presented with freshman's handbook. MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Chicopee, June 20-The following marriage intentions were filed today in the of City Clerk Arthur Balthazar: Roland D. Brindamour, 20, of 659 Britton loom fixer and Cecile V. Robidoux, 18, of 53 Newton Holyoke, at hone; Conrad Mroczek.

21, of 31 student and Lucille B. Moreau, 21, of 110 Edwards office clerk; Norman Eneix, 22, of 25 Cochran loom fixer and Mildred D. 16, of Cochran examiner: Lionel Lopes, 26, of 468 Front dairy inspector and Curto, 25, of 96 Lebanon Springfield, cashier. Dartmouth Arctic Expedition Off for Coast of Labrador Roothbay Harbor, June 20 (AP) -The schooner Blue Dolphin will sail tomorrow for Labrador waters- -the second Arctic expedition to depart from this port in five days. Commanding the 100-foot Blue Dolphin will be Capt.

David C. Mutt. The 30-year-old skipper is Dartmouth Col4 lege's Arctic specialist. He will resume occanographic, hydrographio a and biological research begun last summer. The Arctic Institute' of North America, a joint Canadian-American organization.

is sponsoring tho voyago, Last Saturday, Comdr. Donald B. MacMillan and a crew of preparatory school and college students sailed for Arctic waters aboard the schooner Bowdoin. Scientists abroad will do rescarch 18 for the Office of Naval Research, the Oceanographic Institution at Woods of Hole, the Smithsonian Institution, Dartmouth, and the Arctic Institute. of The Blue Dolphin's ohjective will Labra- he the little-known east coast of a dor.

ENVOY TO INDOCHINA Washington, June 20 (A) -Donald R. Heath, of Kansas, a veteran career for officer, was nominated by President Truman today as minister to Heath, if confirmed by the denate, will serve as diplomatic officer to nt the state of Vietnam, kingdom be Cambodia and the kinglom of Laos, I which, comprise Indochina, dir of 34. i.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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