The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE LISTS 7 CLERGYMEN First Presbylcrian Church, Event Is Planned by Rev. J. M. Regester Thompsonville, March 25-Plans are being made for public Good Friday service at First Presbyterian Church April 3 from 1 3.

The service will be based on the "Seven lest words of Jesus from the cross. with seven clergymen participating. Kosides the host pastor, Rev, a James Mr. Regester, they will 02 Howard L. Love, Thompsonvilla Methodist Church; Rev.

win. Aikell. Enfield Congregational Church; Nev. Harvey F. rison, lazardville Methodist Church; Rev.

Allison R. Heaps, Somers Congregational Church: Rev. T. La. Baron Bearse, First Church, Springfield; And Nev.

Holmes Van Derheck, chaplain of Springfield College. Mr. Regester said the service will continuous, and that worshippers may come and gO as they desire. Special music will he by the organist, Sirs. Robert Jackson, assisted by soloists from various churches.

Providence Bible Institute Leader To Speak Sunday Thompsonville, March Howard more 1. than 25 Ferrin years of Providence: Providence Bible Institute, will he the speaker for the union Palm SundA service of the Protestant Churches. The service will the at United Presbyterian Church. Dr. Ferrin, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Northwestern University.

is 2. nationally know speaker, author of religious books and gospel broadcaster in the "Mountain Top each Sunday over the Yankee network. The Institute also has its own radio station. WPLT. An advocate of world-wide fellowship of Christians, he is member of the international committee of the National Association of Evangelical Christians.

As president of the Africa Inland Mission he has toured eastern and central Africa. Rev. Daniel Van Houte is host pastor. Junior High Prom At School April 17 Thompsonville. March 25 "Over the will be the theme for the annual Junior prom at Enfield High School Friday, April 17, Forrest Smith is chairman.

which Tuts Duncan Mrs. Johnson Maura G. Cassidy and Mrs. as faculty advisers. Music will he Eddie Abrahamson from 8 to 12.

Other commitice chairmen follow: Katherine Zomnir: favors, Mary Nigio; publicity, James McBride; program, Mary. Lou Garoner; refreshments. Elizabeth Gardner: checking, Miriam Auvine: riokets, Jean Zirolli; music, Richard! Prior. MATTHEW ASHE Thompsonville, March 25-Alatthew Ashe, 77, of 31 South River died today in Springfeld Hospital after a brief illness. le was born in Thompsonville, son of the late Michael and Mary Ellen (Cavanauch) Ashe, and had lived here all his life.

He was Well known when a young man R05 1 runner in track circles. lie was long 2111- ploved 2 jacquard weaver by Bizelow- Sanford Carpet but retired several years ago, former member of the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's Church, he had been a collector at the church for many years. lig nearest relatives AI two nieces, Mary Allen of Springfield and Miss Anna Hempstead of New Orloans, and a nephew. Edward -Ishe.

The funeral will he at the Browne funeral home Friday at 15 with solemn requiem mass A.t 9 in St. Patrick's Church. Burial will he in the old Patrick': Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral home will be Thursday from 2 to 3 and 7 to 10. THOMPSONVILLE BRIEFS Thompsonville, 25-Notice i- given by P'ostinaster Francis A.

Burke that effective March 31 the acceptance of Gift Parcels" for Austria. China, Italy, the United States-British zone of the Free Torritory of Trieste and Vatican City State will be discontinued. ing to the announcement, all gift parcels for those countries on and after April 1 will be subject to regular international parcel post rates. The recently officers of Ionic Chapter, OES, will be installed in a semi-public ceremony Saturday at 8 at Masonic Temple. P'earl St.

Dirs. a A. Taylor will succeed Mrs. Martha R. Bartlett.

as worthy matron. The new worthy patron will ho her husband. Herburt F. Taylor. Warren .1.

Fitzgerald. lawyer, will servo again as chairman for the cancer fund drive in Enfield. He attended a kickoff dinner tonight at the City Club, Tutford. at' which Gov. John Lodge officially proclaimed' April as cancer month in Connecticut.

Dr. Mitzgerald is upfor Volunteer's to assist in the local drive. Members of Colfas Rebekah Lodge. JoOF. will display hobbies at a.

"hobby night' program in, connection with the meeting Thursday at 4 at Odd Follows Hall, High St. Color slides of Florida also will be shown by Drs. Helen Waite. East Longineadow. confronting A probate court" will be the subject ior a.

talk by Probate Judge Joseph T. Glista at the Kiwanis meeting Thursday noon at the Mountain Laurel. The pack committee of Cub Pack 10. under chairmanship of Joseph Krzys, is arranging for d. "mardi gras' fair at Legion I all, High Wednesday.

April 23. 48 the annual fund-raising project of the pack. The affair will be for the pubJic with sold in advance. Several special awards will be made. Three Brothers Enlist Thompsonville, March 16-- 'Three Golden brothers ate among the seven new enlistmonts the Enfield Heavy Mortar 169th Infantry, it was announced today by M-Sgt.

Liboria DiMari: They are Pic. Don.dd I. Golden: 70 O'Hear .11 e. who 'served with the 130 Division in Virginia and Giormany: Robert G. Golden, 1312 Infield 311 Air Force veteran, and 1'11.

lone l. Golden, also 1512 Infield St The other new enlistments includo Roger 1). T'rovencher, 57 Spring SL. and Pvt. Robert R.

Rookey, 26 Spring both with service in the 43d Division: Dominic C. Lamana, 80 Windsor and John Zima, l'ost Office Enfield. Thompsonville, March 23-- Residents of North Thompsonville will conduct a maSS meeting Thursday at in the auditorium of the Brainard School for 1 discussion 011 A sewage system and disposal in that area. The meeting is sponsored jointly by the Brainard School I'TA And North Thompsonville Fire Department. Principal speaker will be Robinson C.

Buck of the engineerins tirin of Buck and Buck in Hartford, who will explain several plans for sewage disposal in the areA. made by his company following a preliminary survey last year. The sewage situation in North 'Thompsonville has been matter of concern to residents there for several years. Sewage System Proposals to Be Heard Today Cub Scouts Aided Heart Fund Drive Thompsonville, March 23 'The first organized drive held in Enfield for the heart fund netted 10. according to chairman Dr.

Bernard S. Dignam today. Of this amount. was collected by cub Scouts of Pack mail. 19, and nAg received by Enfield was in the Greater Hartford campaign.

which exceeded its quota of $51.000. According to Dr. Dignam, the heart service is available to children with congenital heart disease and cases are handled through the New Haven Hospital. 11 also movides for diagnostic heart service for persons up to 1S years of age through either the Hartford or St. Francis HospiPersons sepking these servtals.

ices may notify 1r. Dignam. TEACHERS MEET Thompsonville. March 25-A northern regional meeting of home economics teachers was conducted this afternoon at the House of Jimpers, Warehouse Point. James Pasinterior decorator, spoke on "New trends in teaching house furcoe, nishing." The meeting was followed supper at the Mountain Laurel with teachers attending from West Hartford.

Hartford, Windsor. BloomSuffield and Enfield. Mrs. field, Maura G. Cassidy of of Enfield the group.

Hich Senonl is chairman The program chairman was Mrs. Frances Ses mour, Suffield. SOMERS, CONN. Pupils to Make New York Trip Somers. March 25-Plans are complete for the 9th annual New York science excursion trip New York City by tirade 11 to pupils of Somerville School.

They will leave by train Thursday morninv April 23, and return Friday night. April 24. 'The schedule 111- eludes visits to the Statue of Liberty. American Museum of Natural History, Empire State Building, Radio City Music Hall and the B. C.

Studios. feature of 1 ho excursion will be the viewing of the musical comedy, "The King and Students making the trip will be Lillian Donnelly, Daniel Domingues, Herbert Bliss. Marie Engleman. Grace DelGreco. Donald Farnham, K-verly Gifford.

Lee Hammer, Mary Ann Hebert, Stephon Krasinski, Elaine Hebert, borothy Pease, Timothy Perroski, Mary Schneider, Judith Unas and Boverly Zuraw. Chaperones will 1 Mr. and Mire. Kenneth Balch and Principal Joseph J. Hamicki.

Somers Visiting" Nurse Association reports that 146 preschool children have visited the dental clinic, which has ended its work for the season. Mrs. Leon Smith, president of Somers VA.I and Miss Celia Wood, chairman of the nursling service, attended the Annual meeting and luncheon of the board members organization of Connecticut Public Health Nursing Agency in Bridgeport. The inonthly board meeting will be March 30 in the huine of Dirs. Leon Smith.

Somers Grange held the first rehearsal for the "Show Boat" minstrel to be presented April 19 and 20 in Town Hall. The committees in charge are: directors, James and Alvina Burgess; program, Mary Fitzgerald, John Griswold; Tickets, Joo Parvoski: costumes, May WilPearl Haas; posters, Alartha Butler: scenery and staging, Doniinick McCanu; makeup, Harriet Percoski. The next rehearsal will March 31. Philippine Group Backs More Aid to Korean War Manila, March 23 (PA congresI sional resolution asking An increase of the Filipino force in Korea from battalion to regimental strength was filed today. 'The proposal is aimed at an earlier move to withdraw all Filipino troops for economic reasons.

The new resolution was authored by five Liberal (administration) Party congressmen and one Oppositiona Nacionalista. It asked President Elpidio Quirino to comply with 3 a commitment made at the outbipak of the wAr to send a full regimental combat tean to Korea. WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN. Steps Taken to Activate $1,000,000 School Program Vote $103,200 for Grammar School Renovation, $26,500 for New Building Site Near Hamilton Standard Plant Windsor Locks, March 25- Nearly 200 voters and taxpayers al tended the special town meeting this evening in the high school anditorium called to take action on A program grammar of renovation school of building the pres- on Church St. and 10 purchase a site for a new 10-room grammar school in he western section of the town.

in the the vicinity of the new HamiltonStandard P'lant and the Jarvis and Appropriated $103,200 renovatNearly two hours were used in discussion of the program submitted by the Board of Education and items unanimously voted several, follows: Appripriated 3103.200 for renovating the grammar school building. to bo completed by September; 40- propriated $26,500 for purchase of 35 acres of land ON Proprietor's Highway from Richard V. Mather of Elm St. as site for a now school, voted to erect A. 10-room grannnaron school on the Mather property.

subject to approval of the State Board of Education and State Board of STAFFORD SPRINGS Telephone Open House Is Listed Stafford Springs. March 25 -Many school children, friends and relatives of telephone employees will visit the telephone company's Open House program at the new telephone building on Center Thursday and Friday nights. General tours, featuring the dial system, will he conducted by officials. The program start att 7 D'. 211.

each night. Seabury Lewis, local telephone manager will be in charge. Committee of Five To Survey Schools Stafford Springs. March 25-Authorization, $25,000 was in given anticipa- selecttion of taxes on the grand list of 1952 at the special town mooting tonight in War Memorial Hall committee to be appointed to study school building needs, will include a member the various boards and Otto from Staffordville, Stafford Hollow, Stafford Springs and West Stafford. The committee will report at a town meeting April 29, It was also votel to adopt 4 trailer camp ordinance for the town of Stafford.

Agreement WAS reached by voters concerning the relocation of Tretrault as listed in the call. Dr. Claude B. Tschummi WAS moderator and Harold Andrews was clerk. About 200 attended.

Stafford Springs Briefs Springs. March 25 Stafford -According to deeds filed at the office of the town clerk. Fred I. Prucker, has sold land on Statford St. to Albert and Shirley B.

DeNuncio. Mr. and Mrs. John Furnes, IStafford parents of twin cons. born today at the Johnson Memorial Hospital.

A daughter was born today at the hospital to Mr. and Hardy Thompson of Rockville. "Local 1-H Club members are invited to attend a Fair Rally, sponsored by the 4-H Fair Association Saturday at 3 p. m. at the Ellington Town Hall.

Miss Maryellen Johnston of West Stafford is a member of the advertising committee of the Tolland County 4-H Fair next Aug. 28 and 29. St. Edward's 'Parochial School will close Thursday while members the faculty attend the Dioceasan Teachers annual regional meeting St. Michael's school in New Haven.

Attending from St. Edward's convent will he Sister Francis Contra, Sister Lillian Joseph, Sister Ethel Mary and Sister Ruth Marie. also Mrs. Joseph Allard, lay teacher. Nineteen automobile drivers paid fines of $1 each at this week's session of Stafford Springs court for violation of the borough parking ordinance.

Military funeral of Cpl. Marion Fontanella, 20, son Mr. and Mrs. Mario Fontanella of Westford will be held Thursday at $.15 a. m.

at the Browne, funeral home with requiem in St. Edward's Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Edward's Cemetery. ALBERT DUPONT Stafford Springs, March 25 -Word has been received here of the sudden death of Albert Dupont, brother of Alcide Dupont of Glenville in Hartford Tuesday.

Ho was a native of South Hadley Falls. and had lived in Hartford for the past 36 years. Resides his brother, he leaves his wife, Mrs. Cecelia Gagnon Dupont: one. son.

two daughters, four sisters. and four other brothers. Funeral will be at the Waszkelewicz funeral home Hartford. Friends may call At the funeral home Thursday from 2 to 10 111.. STUDENTS TO WORK Stafford Springs, March 25 -Committees for the 1933 Class Night at Stafford High School have: been appointed.

They include: script. Jane Mclagan. Judie Netto, Barbara Poggie, Barbara Rounds, Ann Worthington. Ronald Campo, FranCis Casagrande; music. Merle Panciera, Leon Barbara Clough.

Orlowshi. Richard Iloine Russell. SeJanet Hubert: properties, Lorraine Malnati. Nancy I lillebrecht. Maryellen Tohnston, Doris Palardy, Ernest Tetrault, Paul Parrow, Vivian Valery.

Robert Greaves: costumes, Van Kleeck. Kathleen Dunay, June Estell, Barbara Calchera, Helen Fedorchuk, Janet Smith. Kenneth ence, Nancy Bren, Elaine Woods, Slater, Donald Desloge; in correspondLois Pellizari, Mary Hoch. Vilma Dorsey: ways and means, Evelyn Scott, Clara Picolli, ferome lusa. MRS, TOUT O'HALLORAN Stafford Springs, Alarch WESTFIELD TEACHERS URGED TO WORK CLOSER WITH PTA UNITS Conference in Westfield Is First for New District Westfield, March 25-Need for PTA by boosting teacher participation in Mrs.

Jeremiah Kondelba, Westfield PTA Council president. who could find no local teacher attending the session of the District 13 conference of Massachusetts Congress of Parents and Teachers A890- ciation al Westfield High School. Later, Mrs. Frank Chaco of Gardner. state PTA president, touched on the same subject as she urged all PTA members tr visit other units in action when they are traveling.

Teachers, she adyisod. should ask co-operation of superintendents in providing substintes while they atient important PTA conferences. The conference WAS the first for the new district, which separated recently from District 10. Other speakers were: MIs. Joseph Beatty of Huntington, district director; Dr.

Thomas J. Anernethy, local school superintendent; Airs. Robert Mayers of Greenfield, Western Region vice-president: Frederick Porter of Greenfield, school superintendent; Airs. Kari Kidder of Haverhill, chairman of the council advisory service; Prank Chave, Gardner school superintendent and State PTA chairman of audio- -visual aides. and Mrs.

Kondelka. Principal G. Fred Ensworth of W'estfield High School greeted the approximately 30 persons al the afternoon session. He also read A message from Rev. John Pichowicz of Holy Trinity Church whose illness prevented him from leading devotions, Supper for 100 persons, a film and entertainment by Westfield High School pupils also were on the program.

Westfield. March 25-Westfield Sportsmen's Club initiated plans 10 ngaged caretaker for Reservation field headquarters. off Montgomery when officials tonight reported recent acts of vandal1sin. A. pump used to provide water recently was stolen, it was announced.

and drunage has been caused to other facilities. Police are investigating. A club spokesman said "it is discouraging 14) work hard. make progress on a major and worthwhile project, and then have 8 thoughtless person or persons undo in a. few moments some constructive act of the club." Bellet was expressed the pump may have been stolen by an adult because the manner in which it WAS set up would have made it difficult for younger person to remove.

It also was announced the club's junior division is completing plans to erect two canips at the reservation, work to be started soon. The fishing derbies committee will meet 'Thursday at 7.30 at Slovak Hall to plan for the April 5 and 12 events and work party for all members possible will be conducted at the reservation Saturday to get the area in readiness. Caretaker May Be Engaged by Sports Group Acts of Vandalism at Fuller Reservation Reported To Club Young People's Sunrise Service In Montgomery Westfield, Alarch 25-Announcement was made today by Rev. Elton W. Brown of Second Congregational Church that Western Hampion Council of Churches vouth committee is completing plans the young people's annual Easter sunrise servlice Sunday, April 5, at the McQuat in Montgomery.

beginning at 5.15. Young people of Second Church parish will conduct the program and Rev. H. Newton Clay of First Methodist Church will Faster message on "And it began to dawn." Second Church members who plan to attend are asked to meet in front of the church at 1.00 a. 111.

to drive together to Montgomery. Mr. Brown also announced two identical services will he conducted in Second Church Easter morning beginning at 9.30 and 11. BOSTON ROTARY GETS BELL BACK Westfield, March 25 -Boston Rotary Club has its 1909 bell back. thanks to a past president, John Guinasso.

of the local Rotary Club, who retrieved it at an auction. And of the some 390 Boston Club mellro-bers, none was able to tell how the large bell, of the cow variety, became lost. C. Henry Klaubert, local club president, reported Fifteen local Rotarians made the trip to Roston to attend the "Westfield Day" observance at Hotel Statler. CD IDENTIFICATION CARDS ARE READY Westfield.

March 25-Some time ago 3. group of local civil defense personnel was photographed and fingerprinted and tonight CD Director William Buschmann requested these persons, 30 in number. to call at headquarters in the former Green District School to pick up their official identification cards. He said other information concerning the individuals is needed for the records. The CD auxiliary police unit will mect Thursday night At 7.30 in Masonic Temple with instruction to be given by Police Sgt.

William F. Dougherty. Dir. and Mrs. Percy Wiman of Highland Ave.

have returned 1.0 their home after a three months' stay in Florida, Easter Bunny in Preview The nearness of Easter is clearly depicted in the above picture. showing a preview of the Easter bunny, who will arrive Friday at the M. N. Landau, store in Elm Westfield. Three-old Brenda Renaud of Crescent Mills.

Russell, is being greeted by the Faster hunny, who will distribute Easter PEgS 10 children. Puppet Show Arranged For College Assembly Westfield. March 25-Westfield: State Teachers College Art Club will present a puppet show, "Platter Parade," at the Friday morning weekly assembly in the auditorium. The presentation will he patterned on that of a hit parade TV show. The song.

"This Is the will be sung by Aliss Fe Corridan of Chicopee and the little ballerint accompanying the SOME will manipulated by Miss Carol Bergmin of South Hadley Falls. Donald Landry Springfield wrote and will direct the show. Club members taking part will he: scenery, Alfred loris and Normal Lenville of Springfield, Jovce of Huntington, Marion Elliott of Georgetown and Forrest of Hull; puppet operators, on Ronald Miller of Springfield, Lois Matheson of Somerville, Rhea Shulda and Noreen Schwarz of Turners Falls. and Fe Corridan of Chicopee; lightbeing. Margaret Martin of this city, Dounella of Salent; m- sic.

Aun Melbere of Ludlow. Prof. E. Lolita Eveleth is club faculty adviser. Fathers, Sons Hear Talk On Safe Use of Firearms Westfield, March 25-Practical.

common sense advice on the hundling of firearms was given to a large group of fathers and sons by an expert in that field at the First Congregational Church Men's Club annual father and son banquet and program in the parish house tonight. Taking the subject. "Safety in handling fircarms." Edward C. Janes of Mill travel editor for lunting and Fishing magazine, contributing and associate editor for Outdoors Magazine from 1939 to 1050, and anthor of "A Boy and His Gun." dis- the handling of various types of weapons, illustrating his remarks with colored slides. Janes also showed a sound motion picture, "Shooting Safety," prepared by Sporting Arms and Manufacturers Institute.

Janes also related experiences of his own to inform his audience in correct and safe gun usage. Approximately 150 fathers and sons attended the event, which opened with a turkey dinner served by Woman's Union Group 6. Westfield News Briefs Westfield, March 25-Second Congrogational Church Women's League will conduct the fourth monthly food sale, with proceeds slated for improvement in the church kitchen and toward redecoration of the for the centennial in 1956. in the conference house Thursday, starting al 10. Mrs.

Hubert Cadle or Mrs. Sidney T. Dorrington will call for food for those who wish to donate if notified. Whip City Combination Drum Corps will rehearse Thursday at 7 in the Marine Corps Langue rooms. Westfield Golden Ave Club will meet Thursday at 2 AL the Red Cross chapter house.

Prof. Lillian Wallace of Westfield Stat Teachers College will show a series of travel pictures of Mexico, First Methodist Church Gooila Cheer Group will meet Thursday at 7.45 in the church. Airs. Arthur Norton will speak on "Style Hostesses will bp H. Clay Milar.

Mrs. Elizabeth Rutter, Airs. H. Eisinger and Mrs. Harry Rainey, Ar.

and Drs. Linus Diatot of Southampton Rd. and Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Blaseak of Sackett.

lid. are parents of sons born today at Noble Hospital. Edward Broadbent of 22 Fromont St. has returned LO his home from Noble Hosphal, where he Has been undergoing treatment. Marriage intentions have been filed by Miss Charlotte Fitch of 150 Buckingham Springfield, and Lt.

Rudolph IT. Rumplik of 33 Meadow Navy; and Miss Ruth SaCkett Grahani M. Thomas, both of Columbia, S. C. Donald I.

Siryder, son of Dir. and Mrs. Robert of 16 Western Ave. and an airinan, second class. in the 131st Squadron, based at Barnes Airport, left Tuesday for 1.

23-week machinist course at Chanute Air Force! Base, Ill. Second Congregational Church Sunset Group will have charge of 3 food sale, including, coffee and doughnuts, church parlor Thursday, beginning at 10. Advent Christian Church midweek prayer meeting will be Thursday night at 7 in the church. P'rof. Lillian Wallace of Westfiel State Teachers College faculty will give 311 illustrated talk on Dlexico at the Thursday afternoon meeting of Westfield Golden Ave Club at the Red Cross Chapter House, Central Baptist Church midweek service will be Thursday at 7 in the Memorial Building.

Dr. Gerard Haigh of Springfiell College psychology department will speak on "Seeing through 0111 emotions" at the Thursday night Westfield Kiwanis Club at Hotel Westfield. The funeral of Miss Wilda May Holcomb, 38, of 28 last. Silver St. who died Monday 111 A Sprinefield nursing home, took place today at the Firtion- Hollister funeral home.

Rev. Irene Hoyt of Southwick Methodist. Church officiated. Burial was in New Cemetery, Southwick. Mary Jane McMahon.

daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Cornelius T. MeMahon of 70 Court observed her 10th birthday as guest of honor at party this afternoon at her home. Bishop Beaven Circle, D.

of will meet April 8 at Moose Hall. Something new in minstrel shows -an endman-less minstrel--is being planned by St. Peter's Church parish, to be staged in Day, Paul SAYS T-H LAW IS IN NEED OF STRENGTHENING World Government Idea Is Scored by State DAR Official Health: authorized the school building committee 10 engage AN architect and procure plang and specifications for the new school, authorized the Board of Education 10 file application for state grants toward Cost of the three school projects. including the new high school to 1 built thee Wilson property in grammar school 011 Proprietor's Highway, and the e- novation work at the present gramschool. The entire program will cost approximately There are 400 new homes elected during the two 3 in thew estern section of the town with an enrollment of 350 children of school age and plans 41.1'A underway for construction of 200 more homes this year.

When the building committee has obtained specifications and bid- for the new school, d. special town meeting will he called to vote an appropriation for the work. IT. Pearson Smith, presided 88 moderator and. James 'R.

Rabbeit WAS clerk. ow of the late lott O' Halloran, life- long resident, died tonight in her High Nt. home after few weeks illness. Sho was born in Stafford Springs, daughter of William S. and Maria (Anderson) Quinlan.

She WAS a member of one of the first graduating classes at Stafford. High School and before her marriage was associated with the F. Ruck Hardware Co. in Stafford Springs, and Palmer, Mass. Following the death of her husband in 1927.

she continued to condnet his business, the Whiton Grocery Store. for years. She member of Edward's Church. She leaves a daughter, Mra, Franklin Learned of lligh a son. Lott O' Halloran, of Levitton.

N. and five grandchildren. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9:15 at the Browne funeral home. followed by R. solemn high mass in St.

Edward's Church at 10. Burial will be in St. Edward's Centctery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday and Friday front 2 to 5. and 7 to 10.

A rosary service will be Friday night at in the funeral home. Tobacco Grower Price Supports Are Announced a Agriculture Washington, Department March 25 announced (A)-The today it will support grower prices for 1973 crop flue-cured tobacco at a minimum average of 47.9 cents a pound, compared with last year's average of 50.6 cents. Likewise, the minimum average for burley was set at 16.6 conts. compared with last year's average of 50.6 cents. These two types will be supported at 90 per cent of parity as of the beginning of their marketing SPa sons.

Should the 90 per cent rate be higher than the minima announced today, upward adjustments would be made. Support rates for other types this year and last, respectively, include: Fire -cured, types 21-23, 35 cents this year and 37.1 cents last; dark air- types 35-36. 31.1 and cents: Virginia sun-cured, type 37. 31.1 and 33: Maryland, type 32, 50.4 cents and no support last year; Ohio filler, types 42-14. 25.1 and last year: Connecticut broad loaf, type 51.

53.4 and none last year: Connecticut Havana sped. type 32, 51.0 none last year: New York and Pennsylvania Havana seed. type 53. 26.1 and none; southern Wisconsin, type 54. 35.4 and none last year: northern Wisconsin.

Type 55. 32 and none last year, and I'verto Rican, type 46, 1953 rate will he announced as 'of next Oct. 1. and 1952 rate was 33.1. SUFFIELD, CONN.

Bav State Gives Award to Grange Suffield. March 25-Mrs. Fred Austin. chairman. of the home economics committee of the Suffiell Grange was happy to learn todwy, via a letter from the State of Magthat the exhibit at the Flower Show in West Springfield earlier month had carned the state blue ribbon award.

The exhibit. which featured forniture of 100 to 200 years old, also had won for the Grango committee a fourth prize. SCFFIELD BRIEFS paternal grandfather is George Rajotte of Bridgeport. Lt. Majole is stationed in Germany, have trial blazing hike on 1 SaturSuffield Boy Scout Troop 160 will day.

Scouts will meet at the Youth Center at 3 41. 121.. rain or shine. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Grabowiez of Burbank Ave. announce the birth of 3 daughter this afternoon al the Hartford Hospital. Daternal grandmother is Mrs. Frances Grabowice of South Suffield. A well child conference will be held tomorrow front 2 to 4 p.

m. at the emergency aid rooms. Mrs. and Mrs. John Godfrey of South St.

announced the birth of a daughter this morning at Tiartford Hospital. Maternal grandfather is Clark of South St. West Germany has eased currency rules to encourage foreign travwid-fellers, Bonn reports. dry- Sic Post, VFW, will hold 3 spring dance on April 11 starting at p. m.

at its new post home on Sheldon St. Joseph Romano is chairman. Russell Schaefer is ticket chairman. Airs. John Potter of the auxiliary.

is head of the freshments. Wirst It. and Mrs. Edwin Rajotte announce the birth of a. son Tuesday at the Hartford Hospital.

Matternal grandmother is Mrs. Leon Alfano of High St. Sufield and 'he I Westfell, March 20-Strengthening of the Law and abolition of -engendering world government. plans WITA advocated here today by the state D.AR chairman of national defense. Voices opinions Miss May Blake of Boston, who spoke later al a guest night dinner meeting of Gen.

William Shepard Chapter; DAN, declared in an interview: don't likin the Idea of living under laws which labor unions make for themselves, No other group has that privilege. Parts of the Taft- Law which would correct this situation should 14 strengthened." Of world government proposals, she said, "I see 110 JERSON why tha United States slould aurrender our form of government, which history has proved is successful, in favor of one- world ident, which bag failed in the bast. We should work for world peace, not for world domination." Descendant. of two founders ot Boston, who was it1 the DAl by her father long bofore she WAS eligible 10 join On her 18th birthday, Miss Blithe said she 1144 cancelled A projected trip 10 England for the coronation in fAVOr of 14, tour of South Africa, which sho termed "the next battleground." She scored the actions of a group called "Bostonians Allied for South African Revolution," which is socking to Anance natives there 10 gain control. opposed by Miss Blake Are school of UNESCO books, say W' must prevent children from nationalism." and the suggestion that all holidays ubserved on Mondays.

with 0116 Monin Fehruary sot aside 10 brate all United States presidents' birthdays. Sen. McCarthy, she said, "is alsolutely sincere and trying to do a wonderful work." She discussed several of these sunjents during her talk at Central Baptist church Memorial Building. Airs. Ernest R.

Pendleton, regent, presided. Violin selections by Mra, Roger Scott of Chester Center, with Mrs. George Wheeler. ACCOm pani-t. and presentation of on the state convention wore other program features.

Phone Company Plans Expansion For North Sie Major Project to Prvide Service for 180 Witing for Lines l'eregrin will direct the varietytype production. The rehearsal took place tonight in Slovak Parishioners Interested 111 joining the cast are asked to notify Mr. Peregrin. Frederick K. Morris, son of Mr.

has been named the freshinan and Mrs. .1. L. Morris, 29 Oak honor roll for the Tufts College School of Engineering. Red Cross Drive To End Tuesday Still Need $7000 Westfield.

March 25-With the Westfield Red Cross Chapter fund drive officially ending next Tuesday, total of of the quota--had been collected as of late today. Miss Elizabeth. Winslow. chanter executive secretary, urged all campaign workers to report their returns as soon as possible. it stands we have no way of knowing whether we will achieve our goal of $21.000," she said.

Industrial employees division "running well ahead of other years," she reported. In District Court Westfield. March 25--Arrested Tuesday night reportedly "passed out" behind the wheel of his car the middle of South Maple- Mill Sts. intersection. James F.

MeAvoy, of 93 Hillerest Windsor. pleaded guilty and paid $50 fine for operating under the influence when arraigned in District Court toilay. He also pleaded guilty to drunkenness charge which was filed. Set. William F.

Dougherty and l'atrolmen George Goodnigs were arresting officers. Wiliam Kucefski, 18, of White arrested on warrant Tuesday by Goodniss, charging him with assault and battery on his wife. Mrs. guilty and had 8 hearing set for Edna T. Kurofski.

pleaded not April 1. Joseph Alinasi, 43. of Albany, WAS fined $15 for speeding: while $10 fines on similar complaints were paid by Norman A. Burger, 20, Honolulu, Hawaii, Albert TV. MacGillivary, 42.

of 17 Boulevard West Springfield, and Roger Damon. 20. of Westhampion Northampton. Burger was also charged with operating without license and was fined $5. Westfield.

enlistment and three new recruits to 13 104th have been announced by Capt. George Nicoll, company commander. Robert I. Herbele of 20 Arnold who completed a enlistment, has started 2 new three-year 4'N listment. Recruits are James D.

Sullivan of Granville Angelm A. Falcetti of 69 Meadow Si. and Donald R. Scott of 20 Berkshire Dr. Westfield, March of the Drum and Bugle Corps of Tekoa Girl Scout Council, a champion unit in its classification, have been suspended by order of the council, lit was announced today bv Miss Margaret Aspinall, corps director.

Mrs. Otto F. Burkhardt, council president, said the suspension is temporary measure pending arrangements for A suitably rehearsal hall. THREE JOIN H. CO.

March -One re- Westfield, March 25-Tho company has started 3 mijor 11 pro- hen ject, estimated to cost facilcompleted, the north side: 4 the city whereby incrofed ities for result, James F. o' Donwill be the nell, local manager, angunced day. has started inhe laving Work central office in Schol St. one large undergroundcable from of a the mile northerly across Wetfield River to North Elm Su, Oponnell said, five and after this is cospleted. miles of aerial cable wil be placed future grovil 11 North to plan for elm Montgomery St and Hol.

yoke Rd. areas. When completed, MAil. 20 new installations waiting for some period will be released and :40 people waiting for individual or two party lines will be serviced. MRS.

SARAH E. Westfield. March 25-- re. Sarah Bennett, 91 widow of F. H.

Bennett, dir Al her Charles home in Furrow St. this afternoon after briet illness. Born in Southwick, on Jan. 11, 1842. she snent her early life in that loin and for the past 36 years had lived hero.

She WAS A member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church b1 Springfield. She leaver three sons, Oliver D. Chase of this city. Fraterick G. (Chase of Northampton and Elmore Bennett of this city: 3 daughter, 3115.

William Bennett of North Haven. seven grandchildren, four great grandchildren. four great-great-grandchildren. and brother, Marry Slater West HAven, Funeral will be Friday At at the Firtion-Holl-ter home. Rev.

Melvin G. Johnson, pastor of Seventh Adventist Church, Springfield. wit officiate, Burial will be in Pine Hill Genie. terr, Friends nay call at the funeral home Thursday from 7 10 9 n. In.

Teachers College Delay Criticized Boston. March Condemnation of Gov. Hertor's move to have A study made of the proposed $3.025.000 now teachers college in Westfield was growing among Democratic legislators here today. In the Senate, Sen. Maurice Donahue (D- Holyoke), minority whip, sought vainly 10 guilt immediate admission of an order 10 have.

construction started "forth. with." Another louse member. Rep, Edwin D. Gorman (D- Holyoke) added his protest to that of Rep. Parenzo's last weck.

On the Senate floor, Donahue declared that the money for the NoW teachers college in Westfield was ap. propriated in the last session and. that there is no propriety for A holdup in any study. "There is one member of the Legislature who is trying to sabo-' tago this program," he sAid. "I trust the governor will not kid 114 people of Western Massachusetts any longer." Although he was unable 10 gain suspension of rules, Sen.

Donahue'a order will go to the Joint Rules Committee for admission. d'.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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