The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1953 Week-End Church Events Westfield, March 20-Week mectings and activities in local churches will incinde: Second Congregational, Sunday. 2.30 to 4.30, meeting for fellowship land instruction in the church members 11 con- ho house for new will unite with the church 011 Thursday, April Central Baptist, Sunday, 10.30, meet ing of pastor's church membership training elans: 6.30 D. Youth Fellowship members will assist Rev. Russell 14 Wallace in the Vesper service at the Sarah Gillett Hone after which the group will go to the parsonage. Court for 8 fellowship hour.

Episcopal, Sunday, p. Young People's Fellowship meeting at the YMCA. First Methodist. Sunday, 2.30 p. final meeting of the pastor's preparatory membership class in the east parlor with the request all young people who are to be confirmed in church membership on Palm Sunday urged to attend; 3 Westfield Westfield, March 20-The Hi dance scheduled Saturday at the YMCA has been postponed until Saturday, April 18, because of the Lenten season.

Members of Auxiliary will participate in the parade and visitation banquet for the national post commander and auviliary president in Springfield Sunday. First wedding in- the new Episcopal Church of the Atonement will be Saturday at 2.30, when Miss Eldora S. Mann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

James R. Mann of 11 Allen the bride of Sheldon M. Shattuck. son of Mr. and Mrs.

Laurence TV. Shattuck of l'oronoco. Hampden Circle, Companions of the Forest. will have its quarterly meeting Saturday at 2.30 in CLU Hall. A social for members and invited quests will follow.

The annual meeting of Westfield Savings Bank corporators will be held RE the bank April at. 7.30. The Agenda includes the election of additional corporators and of officers for the ear. The quarterly meeting of the board of trustees will be April 7 at 7.30 at the bank. The Planning Board will conduct public hearings March 31 its former Green District School office on two proposed sub-divisions.

One hearing will be at 7.30 on the tition of Walter Fritz for a subdivision of five lots on the north side of Prospect opposite Sadie B. Knox Play ground. 'The other at 8 will be on the petition of Lewis H. and Florence Aldrich on 31 lots on two streets on Aldrich's Anew (housing development in upper Western Ave. Fred S.

O'Donnell realtors, tony reported the following sales: for Herbert Thorpe to Osley Whitney, land Southampton The local firm, designers and manufacturers of tools and molds, plan to erect a modern plant at the sire. The realty firm also reported the sale of the following one -family dwellings: for a George Vadnais of Springfield. to Mr. and Mira. Conrad T.

Capasso, Dir. and Mrs. Andrew H. D. Hall and Dir.

and Jirs, Robert S. Day, all of Vadnais St. City Clerk Harold Whittemore AMHERST Chapel Fund Drive Sunday Amherst, March 20 More than 100 canvassers will go from houseto -house Sunday afternoon seeking "bricks" for a nondenominationallard Memorial Chapel, ton ba built at Veteran's Hospital The town has it quota of $2000. Fred A. Colby, town chairman, will be the court room of Town Hall Tuesday at 7.30 p.

with the treasurer. Horace I. Babb, of the First National Bank, to receive returns and confer with workers. Amherst, March 30 Mrs. Father Jensen is in charge of tickets at the East Street parish house Saturday at 8 p.

m. for the play, "Enoch's Will and the specialty program to the presented by the Ladies. Guild of the Second Church. 'The play is an original one written by Mrs. Estelle Rulo, recent winner in a contest sponsored by tne NA.tional Grange Monthly Magazine and Sears Roebuck Foundaiton.

Harry Keefe is directing its premiere. The program includes quartet Arrangements by David Shumway; a fashion show, and dancers. Those in the play include Malcolm Turner, Walter Jarvis, Henry Newton, Francis Lyman, Harlan Mason. Edward Paradise, Mrs. Merle Smith, Miss Doris Martell and Miss Beverly Whitcomb.

RULE PLAY TO HAVE PREMIERE TONIGHT Sunday Services Amherst, March 20 There will be services in all of the town churches as follows: Grace, Rev. John B. Coburn: 8, holy communion: 10, post confirmation class; 11, sermon on "The Christians become the people of fiod br the power of Ilis spirit; 5. Young People's Fellowship. A.

M. F. Zion, Rev. Nicholas Franklyn; 10, Sunday School; 11, worship. Wesley Methodist, Rev.

James H. Laird; 9.15, Church School; 11, WOlsermon on "Fire from 4, minister's class; 6, Wesley Foundation will go to Baptist Church. South Congregational, Arnold Kenseth; 9.40, Sunday School; 11, worship, sermon on "Beloved, let 118 love one another." Unitarian, Rev. Nathaniel Lauriat: 9.30, worship, sermon on "Life's little defeats," Church School same hour. First Church, Rev.

Chalmers Coe: 8, Lord's supper; 9.30, junior Church School: 10.45, worship and sermon: 5, Junior High School Pilgrim Fellowship; 6, Edward Fellowship; Baptist, Nov. Lowell R. Kantzer; Judson Fellowship coffee hour: 10.30, worship, sermon on "The great need of our times;" 11.36, 'hurch School; youth meeting. supper. moving picture, 'J Beheld His Second Congregational, Rev.

John Hawley; 9.45, Church School; Jurges Janlowitz New Commander Of Apremont Post Other Officers Arc Elected At Annual Meeting Of VFW Westfield. March 20-Jurges Janlowitz ot George senior vicecommander of Apremont Post, NEW, the past the year, coming year elected 91 commander for the annual election tonight in the post's Main St. headquarters. lie will succeed Comdr. Frank J.

Julian uf P'ochassic St. Others ('hosen Others pleated wel'e: senior vicecommander, Stephen Wedora; junior vice-commander, John Strycharz; quartemaster. J'ast. Comdr. Dudolph Rumplik; judge advocate, Julian; chaplain.

Charles Harris; trustpp. three sears, J'ast Comdr. John Williams; delegates CO Western Connties Council, Arthur Moore and Past Comdr. Oren P. Smith: alternates, l'ast Comdrs, Sern Paulson and Rumplik; District.

No. 7 delegates, Past Conidrs. William Hupfer, John Willams. Nern Paulson, Augustus Aiken, Frank Casper and Janlowitz; alternates, last. Condrs, Stephen Halla.

-Inthony Parenzo, Albert Tryon and Wallace Zalucki. and Newell Degray and Frank Stochak. The newly plected post officers, together with the auxiliary officers, will he installed at joint ceremonies Saturday April 11; tentatively set for the post. headquarters, beginning nt 7.30. Fast Comdr.

Oren Smith is chairman of. the installation arrangements committee and Pant Comdr. John J. Fristik will install the post's officers, assisted by Past Comdr. Williams as officer of the day and Past Comdn, Parenzo AS adjutant.

Red Cross Fund Now Still Need $8500 More Westfield, March Red Cross Chapter's annual fund campaign has exceeded the $12,500 mark towards the quota of $21,000, officials havo announced. The month-long drive is now n.t the mark in the time set for the campaign and officials in charge of the drive request the volunteer workers assisting to completo their assignments AS soon AN possible. The Chapter office in St. will he open Saturday night from 7 to 9 to receive reports of workers. Sunday tho chapter's canteen unit, Gray Ladies and Gray Olen will serve coffee.

hour program at Northampton Veterans Hospital, Westfield, March 20-Two motorista, arrested tonight on three complaints each, were released under bail for arraignment in District Court here next week. James Seuderi, 45, of Albany N. apprehended on Route 20, Chester, by CpL William Finch of Russell state police barracks, was booked for speeding and of oparating without his license and registration in his possession. Ho posted $200 bail for arraignment Tuesday, The officer reported he was traveling 60 to 65 miles an hour, Floyd F. Hayne, 45, of Warehouse Point, arrested by Cruiser Patrolman James Cavanaugh, charged with speeding 65 to 70 miles an hour in Southampton passing R.

car on the right in Elm and failing to keep to the right of the double white traffic live on the sharp curve at the top of Clay Hill in North Elm Sc He posted ball to appear in court Monday. Hayne was in an argumentative mood with police when arrested and tried to make his arrest "tough for himself," police reported, while they in turn were trying to co-operate with him so he could continue on his way to New Hampshire for the week end. Two Motorists To Face Charges Lithuanian Songs And Folk Dances On Sunday Program Amherst, March 20-The Boston Tithuanian Male Choir of 40 voices And the Lithuanian Folk Dance Group of Boston composed of 18 young women will join in presenting the last afternoon program in the meetings series in Sunday Jones Library this season. There also will be a panel discussion of present -day will affairs be at in 3 instead Lithuania of the customary hour of 5 because of meeting another engagement by both singers and dancers. The programs: MALE CHOIR Julius Gaidelin.

Conductor Gaudzin Horns Trimitai- Sounding 3f. Petrauskas Balnok, Father Saddle The Horse J. Gaidells TereliIt Tylus Was Burn A. Calm Evening J. Strolia Misku KeleForest Floner a to Home Varpai- J.

Strolia Hells of Grave J. Gaidells Willow Song M. K. Ciurlioni3 Salts gius A Gay song J. Galdelis Rudenelis Autumn St.

Sinkus Zugis VilnitMarch tO Vilnius N. Banaitia FOLK DANCES Mrs. Ona Leader Kalveli3The Little Blacksmith A dance to honor the village blackamith. JonkelisQuadrille Type Dance CigonelisA dance based 011 FL Lithuanian folk The Little Gyroy song which tells about a farmer whol scolded a young gypsy for kidnaping a lamb, Audejele-' Tha Young Weaver This dance is based on 3 about young eaver. which tella about the weaving of A cloth and the working of her.

looms. MikitaDance Mikita A nickname for a hear. The village boys, after watching trained bears perform certain stunts with sticks, began to Immitate thoni. and thus this strenuous dance originated. Wind Still This dance the pAtterns created by the movements of the windmills' wings and wheels in action.


Gor. Number G. Whittier he the principal speaker at the annual meeting of more Community Club on Tuesday night in Weronoce, Residents will he Able to hear Lt. Gov. Whittier that part of the annual meeting, scheduled for 8, will he open to the public.

GRANVILLE Granville, March 20-Mr. and Mrs. Sakarais Ofiedahl of Water St. observed their 50th wedding anniversary recently at home with their family. Greeting cards, flowers and gifts were received from friends.

They were married March 14, 1903 in Now York, and have resided here since 1917 with two children, the late Moody K. Oftedahl, and Charles E. Hansen. They also have three granddaughters, two greatgranddaughters, one greatgrandson. West Granville Ladies Aid Society will conduct a public card party in Academy Hall Saturday At with Jirs.

Stephen Roberts and Mrs. Witliata as hostesses. Federated Church services at the Baptist Church include Sunday school at 9.15; worship at 11 with Rev. Morris L. Woodbury's text being, "The Son Who was not spared;" Junior higir group 7 at a the chapel with Gary Petersen leading devotions, Young people's group will attend union Lenten service at Westfield Second Congrega-1 tional Church at 8 m.

Oftedahls Mark Golden Wedding MIDDLEFIELD Middlefield, "March 20-The following menti bag been planned for the sugar-ent being given by Middlefield Grange Saturday, Maroh 28, In the church parlors: buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup, 4 a on 'snow, ice eat with maple sauce, coffee, doughnuts and pickles, Servinga will begin at 6.30 p. m. Dancing to Bud Madru's orchestra win take place in Town Ball from 8 to 18 with Clift Patino prompting. Middlefield Grange held an exchange night with Becket Grange Thursday' at Rocket, with Middlefield 'officers conducting the meetling and Becket members furnishing the program. The local Grange has been invited to neighbor with Lenox Grange on Monday night.

Town Clerk George W. Oids has deceived dIng tags and licenses should be obtained before March 31, Mr. and Mrs, G. Robert Olds and daughter Catherine are on A motor trip Washington, D. to visit Sgt.

and Walter Van Parya and daughter, Denice. Linda Scott-Smith, daughter and Mr. Robert Scott- Smith, hag returned home from Pittsfield General Hospital. Construction Mechanic Cornelius D. Vrepland, 8d, and Ira.

Vreeland are on a motor trip to South Carolina to visit Vreeland's brother, Pvt. Howard K. Pease 3. a Parris Island. Treeland is on leave until April 11 when he whi be transferred to Newfoundland.

RUSSELL McKay Elected As VFW Head Russell, March 20-Edward McKay was clected commander of Gen. Knox Poet. VFW. Other officers are: senior vice-commander, Felix James; junior vice-commander, Angelo Curro; quartermaster, John Riley; judge advocate, dolt F. chaplain, Ernest Castro; surgeon, Wilbur Grubert; trustee for one year, Joseph Langlois; delegates to Western County Council, Cecil R.

Gray and Wilbur Grubert. Installation is scheduled April 18 aL S. Dist. Cmdr. Raymond Hunt and aides of Post TO, Springfield, will install the officers.

COLLISION REPORTED Russell, March 20-A two- car RCcident, occurred Chester-Becket on line. Route Cars 20 driv- near en by James M. Dougherty. 21. ot 25 Center, and Lawrence Vezina of 807 Liberty Springfield, collided headon at 7.15 p.

but no one was injured. State police Cpl. William Finch WAs the investigating officer. James Scuderi of Albany, N. was arrested for speeding on Route 20 today by State Police Cpl.

WilHam Finch. He will appear in court at later date, An invitation has been extended by Edward A. Brown, president of the Lions orthopedic clinic to the Russell Lions Club to attend the annual meeting and second anniverI sary of the Lions Orthopedic Clinic of Western Massachusetts. Inc. Wednesday, April 1, at 6.30 at the Hotel Sheraton in Springfield.

It will be A Dutch treat dinner. Dr. Byron Smith of New York City, surgeon-director of Manhattan Eve, Ear and Throat Hospital, will he the speaker. The Russell Lions Club has adopied this project and is making a special effort to stimulate the interest of the community, Reservations must he in by March 25. Clara Barton was the founder and first president of the American Red Cross, WILLIAMSBURG Defeat of School Proposal Blamed To Many Reasons Fear of Tax Rise, Objection To Site Among Those Blocking Passage Williamsburg, March 20-At 2.

meeting of the school building committee, which has been, augmented by an advisory group the selectmen, assessors, town Finance Committen, School Committee, superintendent of schools, town accountant and A. of interested citizens, the consensus seemed to be that not Ole but several reasons combined to defeat the passage of the recent school proposition presented to the town by the committee, not the least Of these reasons being the fear of a big rise in the tax rate, Some Objected to Site Although there were objections to the site selemed, the chairman was unable to get volunteers from the special committee to study other sites. The question was raised concernthe building or A high school instead of the proposed six-room school. but the price, which, would probably, range 3150.000 scemed prohibitive, and d. letter written by the school building a8- sistance administrator wan read, explaining that the town is not financially in a position to build such a school.

It WAN voted to aak for a confirmation of Mr. Marshal's verbal assurance that the use of a new school after its construction 18 up to the town: the commission's interg being to insure, satisfactory location, sound construction and functional usefulness of the in keeping with educational standards. Supt. of Schools, I. A.

Merritt. expressed his opinion that he would like to see a gym added to the present Helen E. James School and a six grade elementary school built. He believed that with this arrangement present building would take care of the high school for mans: vEars. The queation was anked how long.

can conditions go on AS they are and It was revealed that one of the rooms in the basem*nt of the James School Is now being tised on a temporary permit for one year from 1 the state inspector. The School Committee was asked to gAt together and state the plan they feel best for the town and which the town can afford. Williamsburg Briefs Williamsburg, March 20-A Stephen Alan, WAR horn Thursday morning to Mr. and Dire, Leo Dymerski, in St. Francis Hospital in Topeka, Kan.

The harry is grandson to Mr. and Urs. Ernest Graved of South St and to Mr. and Dire Joseph Dymerski of Haydenville, and great grandson Grace Graves 'of South So, Walter F. Tetro of East Main and Mr.

and Mrs. Walenty Dimerekt of Northampton. The Boardof Health asks that regidents of the town sign and return the garbage and rubbish contracts recently sent then, whether they wish the service Ou not, in which case they should not check collection space. Those not wishing rubbish collection may still sign for the garbage. Mrs.

Mary' MacKenzie of Main St. left this morning to visit with her nephew and niece, 3ir. and Mrs. Walter Hanley of. Scarsdale, N.

Y. Rev. Charles F. Crist of Congregational Church will tako for his Sunday morning sermon subject, Something of the meaning and purpose of death," The church membership class for youth will meet the afternoon at 3, with Mr. in the church office.

At the Senior High Pilgrim Fellowship meeting at 7, the film strip, "The Races of Mankind," will be shown and discussed. There will be no meetings of the junior high group until further notice. Anyone willing to teach, assist, or help provide transportation for aL vacation church school this summer from June 2, to July 3, is asked in contact either Mrs. Charles Crist or Mrs. Hobert Purnell.

Anyone wishing to join the church on Sunday, March 29, is asked to contact the minister. BELCHERTOWN Selectmen On Record Against Court Change Rolchertown, March 20 The selectmen, following a public hearing in seeking local sentiment in regard to the proposed court change at Ware, went on record as opposed to much a change. Though the hearing was sparsely attended, the selectmen decided that opinion WAS against the change. Thus, this town joins with Granby and South Hadley, who previously voted in the negative on the matter, as against the bill which would transfer these towns from the jurisdiction of the Hampshire District Court at Northampton TO the Ware court. According to local selectmen, Northampton is far more suitable of being 8.

county seat and while Ware is several miles nearer, the advantage is not sufficient. Isaac A. Hodgen of this town, who introduced the hill, explained that there would not he any change in the salary schedule for Judges in either court by the sh*tting of the communities. i Catholic Women's Club will meet in the Pine Room of St. Francis Church Tuesday night.

when a movie will be shown as part of the program. Hostesses are Mrs. Claire Oberly, Airs. Victoria Sears, Mra, Rose Dewey, Mrs. Jeanette Beaudoin and Mrs.

Alice Burke. Sunday church services: Congregational, Rev. John Douglas, pastor; service, 10.45; church school departments. 0.30 and 10.15. Methodist, Rev.

Raymond Moore, pastor; service, 11; church school, 10. St. Francis Church, Rev. George Dudley, pastor, masses and 9.30; church school after latter mass. Dwight Chapel, Rev.

Everett bett. pastor; preaching service, 9.15: Sunday school. 1.0. State school, mass at 8.15; Protestant service, 2.30. WILL WED IN FALL MISS CAROLYN- OFT Mr.

And Mrs. Odd Norseth of Middlefield Chester, Al nounce the engagement of Mrs. Norseth's daughter, Carolyn 011, 10 Wheeler, Jr. 4011 of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Wheeler of Middlefield St. Miss 0011 A senior at Chester High School. Mr. Wheeler is graduate of Chester High School and 1- A. veteran of three years in Army.

He is employed At the Strathmore Paper Co. In noco. The wedding will be In the talL CHESTER Cheater, March 20-The Junior class of Chester High School will present an operetta, "Mountain Music." next Friday night at in Town HalL There will be several specialty numbers with Mrs. Lydia Hallock and Dr. Milton Lowenthal taking part, Johan Roberts.

music supervisor, directing and Paul Kirkland is class adviser. Mrs. Charity Laurent, Mrs. Hazel Leasot AIrs. Marion vainen will attend the first Western Massachusetts school lunch regional meeting next Friday at the Michael A.

Kirby School in Chicopee. Richard Bavan of School St. has been confined to his home for several days with grip. SOUTHWICK Southwick Briefs Southwiok, March 20-Robby Hollister, son of Ellis Hollister of College Highway, entertained school friends and neighbor seaterday at his eighth birthday party, Children present were Hally Mae White, Janet Hughes, Sandra Miffert, Janet Curran, Raymond Fiton, Martha Montovani, Linda. Brzoska, David and John Deveno, Connie? Dioky, Patty, Wilma and Charles Plakias and Bobby and his brother, Billy.

The Lions Club held their supper meeting in the Congregational Church House last night. Travel movies were shown. The annual music festival, given by pupils of The Consolidated School, will be held in the school auditorium under the direction of Birs. Marjory E. Cowles, music supervisor, the evening of April 17.

Frederick Kellogg, a student in the Leonard Preparatory School, Lenox, is spending the spring VAcation with hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Kellogg of Loomis St. The Christian doctrine class will be held in Our Lady of the Lake Church Saturday morning at 10. Confessions will be heard by Rev.

Thomas A. Shea in Our Lady of the Lake Church, Saturday from 4 to 5 and 7:30 to 8:30. A. preparatory class will be conducted by Rev. Irene P.

Hoyt Sunday at 2 in the College Highway Methodist Church, Anthony Katsiaficas, principal of the Consolidated School, recently his master's degree in eleadministration from Coreceived mentary lumbia University. Mrs. Carl Schwartz is in charge Girl Scout Cookie sale to be of the held March 21 to April $. SCHOOL. MENUS Southwick, March 20-The menu for the Consolidated School for next week is as follows: Monday, grilled frankfurts rolla, green beans, pickled beets, and peach Tuesday, spaghetti with shortcake: meat and tomato sauce, lettuce sandwich on rye bread, and appleWednesday, vegetable sandwich soup sauce: with crackers, egg salad fruit cup; Thursday, turkey mashed potato, celand gravy on ery, carrot sticks, cranberry tomato sauce And cookie: Friday, crackers, macaroni and tunA with Ash salad, Milk is served with toasted cheese 5 sandwich and orange.

each mneal. Southwick, March 20-Pilgrim Church, Rev. WVilCongregational minister; 11, serliam man nobody Thornberg, Sunday school, 10. mon, "The Highway Methodist College Rev. Irene P.

Hoyt. minisChurch, 10; church school, ter; service, 11:10. Church, Dexter Congregational church school. R. Rice, minister; 9:45 a.

m. Lady of the Lake Church, Our Thomas A. Shea, pastor; Rev. 8:30 and 10. MASSeS, Dentist Explains Care of Teeth Hadley, Davenport, March Boston and Walpole 20-Dr.

R. last night to the Mothers spoke Club on proper denYoung spoke all grade tal care and of the town, At the school children he showed A film club meeting Your Town About "Teaching Teeth." brushing contests in the Tooth health poster contests schools instigated, fluoride treatments and were periodically and graphs maingiven progress of each tained to certain periods of thine. chart child over help of colored the explained 10 two Dr. Davenport school children how soft groups of could wreck the drinks and through dicis and candy of second whole wheat bread, milk, orange teeth juice. PEES and vegetables good teeth can be built.

BLANDFORD WESTFIELD TODAY, WILL DISCUSS WSTC STATUS Westfield Mayor, Parenzo, Seck Clarification of Westfield, March 20-Mayor Fuller and Rop. Parenzo will confer here. Saturday relative to State the of new Westfield Teachers College, plans for the construction of which, Parenzo charged today, are being "sabotaged" by high level state officials. Fuller tonight was noncommittal on the local legislator's accusations. in which the latter placed blame on officials in the eastern part.

of the state for plans to hold up the 025,000 appropriation voted for the new college last year. Fuller expressed his desire to become fully acquainted with the matter before expressing his view point. The city is interested only because the now college has been projected here, but also because the city, through Fuller and the City Council, recently approved the plan to give the state a 26-acre tract of city-owned land 83 a college site off upper Western Ave. Reached home tonight for further comment on his accusation, l'arenzo said. "the neat step is up to Boston," meaning it is up to) state officials to explain actions holding up the appropriation.

"The whole thing happened within the past month," he Maid. The Saturday conference will he to explore the entire matter and to determine a course of action, Fuller said. It was indicated the action determined may include Inquiry nt the status of the new college and its appropriation at high state levels, possibly to Gov. Herter, himself. Meanwhile official reaction in Boston to Parenzo's charge is awaited.

Elks Ready For Annual Westfield. March 20-Westfield Lodge of Elks will conduct its annual "Irish at 11g home Saturday. Of the several so-called nationality night programs, the lodge conducts each year, Irish Night event has proven one of the most popular and a large attendance of members and guests is expected. A corned heef and cabbage supper will ha served, with sittings at 6.30 and 8.30, followed by dancing and entertainment. George H.

Clark is general chairman, assisted by large committees. The entertainment will feature Bruce Fitzgerald, popular young Springfield soloist. and a group of performers for an Trish reel. Ruth Kvitsky will be accompanist. I 'Irish Night' Gilkey to Speak At Union Service Westfield, March 20-The fifth in the series of Sunday union Lenten services of Western Hampden Council of Churches will be Sunday night at 7.45 in Second Congregational Church with Dr.

James Gordon Gilkey of South Congregational Church, Springfield, guest preacher. His subject will be "What it means to trust God." Rev. Elton W. Brown, pastor of the host church. will conduct the service, assisted by Rev.I Dexter R.

Rice of Southwick. AUTO COLTISION Westfield, March 20-Smal property damage resulted in a collision late this afternoon between cars driven by Antoni J. Grimaldi of 43 Union St. and Maynard O. Saunders of 33 Onk Hollow Springfield.

At Meadow and Elm Sts. intersection, police reported. Derrall M. Reem, £1. of Wilcox Simshury, paid EL $10 fine hora tonight for speeding in Southampton Rd.

Sgt. William F. Doughorty and Patrolman George Goodnies were arresting officers, Sunday Services Rigger's "Beautiful Saviour." Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J.

Abernathy and Mr. andl Claude Vining will be hosts and hostesses. Lewis N. Miller will report for the World Service Committee. St.

John's Lutheran, 10, morning service with Rev. Carimir S. David in charge: 7 p. merting of adult membership class with Mr. David.

Episcopal. in First Methodist Fellowship Chapel, S. lioly Communion sei vice: 11. anti-communion service. Rev.

Paul T. Shultz, in charge. At the latter service Bishop W. Appleton Lawrence will officiate at a service of confirmation. Advent Christian, 10.30, "Forsaken," sermon of Rev.

G. Franklyn Sturdevant; 7, evening service. First Methodist, 10.15, "Above and beyond." sernion of Rev. H. Newton Clay.

The chorus choir will sing two selections with Airs. Harold Pringle director. Central Baptist, 11, Rev. Russell Ti. Wallace will preach on "While Ho is near." Second Congregational, 10.15, Rev.

Elton W. Brown will preach fifth in his series of Lenten ser-10, mons on "The Christian way," his subject being "Strength for the Was. Turtles 12 feet long once lived in Kansas. Westfield, March 20-Sunday serve ices in local churches will include St Joseph's Polish Narional, 7.45, service of confession for adults and members of the M. K.

Club and St Joseph's Young Men's Club; 8, low mass and Holy Communion, Rev. Albert S. J. Tarka in charges following this mags the M. k.

and Young Men's groups will have A communion breakfast in tne ohurch parlor; 10.30, solemn high masa in celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph with members of St. Joseph's Benevolent Society to meet at 10 in the church hall to attend the service in a body, Christian Science, 10.45, lesson sermon subject, "Matter." First Congregational, 10.45, Dr. Edward U. Cowles, in charge.

First Church Quartet will Stainer's So Loved the and Youth Fellowship members will meet at the church to gO in group to the spring rally' of the District Methodist Youth Mellowship at Trinity Church, Springfield, with Bishop John Wesley Lord of Boston to address the evening session at First Congregational, Saturday. 10.30 at. meeting of pastor's training class in the church office: Sunday, 9.45 111., rehearsal of Caster music by Junior Choir members in the parish house with Mrs. Marjorie Junior Cow Conlesmirectorting with Sheila Stucenski in charge of the program: 6.45 p. 171., Pilgrim Vellowship meeting with Margaret Warren in charge of the worship and Rudolph Bever Munich.

Germany, Springfield College student, as speaker. St. Joseph's Polish National. Saturday, 8.30, meeting of Altar Boys' Guild in the church hall: 1. confessions for children and young people.

News Briefs will receive sealed bids at his City Hall office until 1.45 of p. m. the on Annual April for the printing departmental reports for 1961 and 1032. Ngt. Eugene Comea.u of Springfield and Cpl.

Robert Wojtkiewiez of 25 Cherry Su, recently selected by Capt. George Nicoll. 11 104th Regiment, commander, will attend National Guard school on methods of instructing infantry training in Boston Saturday and Sunday. St. Rocco's Men's Club will serve A spaghetti supper Saturday night (in Servings the club's will Elm be at St.

6.30, headquarters. followed by dancing. Joseph Dopico is arrangements chairman. The White Eagles Orchestra will play. Following the Sunday vesper service in St.

Peter's Church, A meeting of boys of the parish will be conducted 10 elect officers for the new Junior Holy Name Society being organized. Officers of the Holy. Name are directing the organization activities, Westfield Sportsmen's Club menthers who participated in the organization's recently concluded 16-week annual setback tournament will have their annual banquet Saturday night in Slovak Hall. 'Tournament winpe-ners will be awarded prizes. They are: first, Joseph Maslar and Edward Kriesak; second, William Oleksak and Walter Tres: third, Stanley Marge and Robert Warner.

Westfield River Valley Detachment, Marine Corps League, will conduct 3 party Saturday aLl its Elm St headquarters with the proceeds to go to the fund being raised to construct an -faith Veterans Memorial Chapel at Northampton Veterang Hospital Donalt Dupperault nnd Jack Manos are arrangements cochairmen, Roy Darkham and Dan Nuttall in charge of entertainment. Three speeders, arrested by State land in local District police, Court paid fines today. totaling They Were: Anthony S. Sudnick, 22, of Wolcott Southampton, and Abram D. W.

58, of 035 St. James Springfield, $15 each; and Philip T. Riley, 19, of Hyde Park, $10, 110.15, worship, sermon on "The beaw tiful life." Hope Congregational, Rev, Haw. lay: 6 p. sermon on "The comfort of the truth." Bridgid's, Rev.

A Alfred Lanct masses at 7, 8.30 10 and 11. North Congregational, Rev, Howard F. Boardman: 3.45, Sunday School: 11, worship and sernion. North Congregational, Rev. Howard F.

Boardman; 3.16, Church School; 11, sermon on "The Holy Catholio Church; Pilgrim Fellowship; 8, discussion group goes to North Hadlev. Amherst Briefs Amherst. March 20, At the anntal meeting last night of Amherst Chapter, Reserve Orticers Association, la the Paige Laboratory on a the UofM campus, Maj. Herman TT. Goodall of Pelham was elected pregident: Capt.

Jesse Taft of Hadley, Mai Elwyn J. Doubleday of Belchertown, treasurer, Maj. William K. Harris of Amherst retired A8 president. A spokesman for the group said their one objective is to aupport a.

military policy for the United States that will provide an adequate national detense. Amherst Grange will have a publici military whist and pitch playing party Saturday night, G. Sidney Roche of College Su. station operator for a the Western Massachusetts Electrio Co. was recently presented with a 25-year button in recognition of his service with the company, Word has been received of the death of Mrs.

Elizabeth Ella Hobart, 62. A former resident her. at St. Petersburg. Fla.

She leaves her husband, Edward B. Hobart of Greenfield. and two sisters. The funeral and burial was in St. Petersburg.

funeral of Warren Brainard of 330 St, was held this afternoon in the Douglass funeral home. Rev. F. Boardman of North Congregational Church officiated. Bearers were William Rackliffe, Edward Dowd and John Kentield, all of Amherst, Merrill Torrey of Northampion.

Burial WAS in tho North Amherst Mometery. The annual rummage sale, of the Women of Wesley Methodist Church will be Saturday from 0 to 5 p. in Odd Fellows Hall. HADLEY TWO IN ARMY Hadley, March 20-Joseph Wanczyk, of Mr. and Drs.

Joseph S. Wanczyk of 105 South Middle and Herbert W. Niedbala, son of Mr. and Drs. Joseph Niedbala of 16 South West were inducted into the Army today.

Wanezyk is a graduate of Hopkins Academy and Niedbala of Smith's School. T'he Women's Union of First Congregational Church will hold a food side in McCallum's, Northampton. Saturday at 10.30. Very little of Holland's land Surface rises more than 15 feet above sea level, while some of it is as (much as six feet below. Antique Hay Cart Is Going to Iowa BALK Blandford, March 20-Millie ant Eva Strickland have sold an antique, two 'wheeled hay cart and two Ox yokes to Eben Kimball of Lenox.

The haycart is at least 100 years old and always has been on the farm, Mr. Kimball has purchased the anticles for a Mr. Hanson, of Iowa, who commissioned Dir. Kimball to got dim an old covered wagon and A yoke of Black roan oxen to use in a parade. The oxen were purchased from A.

man in Thomaston, Conn. The whole ensemble will start for Iowa Saturday. MENUS AT SCHOOL Blandford. March Elmer Hart announces the following menus for the school cafeteria next wonk: Monday, scalloped potatocs, cold cuts, wAx heans, Johnnie cake, peaches; Tuesday, mashed potatoes, hamburg patties with gravy, cream style corn, bread and butter. oranges; Wednes.

day, baked potato, scrambled PREA, buttered beets, bread and peanut butter sandwiches, apple sauce: Thuraday, macaroni with tomato SAUCe, glazed carrots, toasted cheese sandwiches, floating island; Friday, baked stuffed fish fillet, notato chips, cold slaw, bread and butter. cookies. Milk ig served with on meals. Services in First Congregational Church Sunday will be at 10.45 and Rev. Edwin Crocker will speak on path of life," Sunday will be at 9.30, And Youth Fellow.

iship Group will mopt in the chapel in the evening. Julian Goodrich of Whittier and Goodrich, architects of Burlington, the firm to whom the contract for A. new school huilding or AdAition has been given, In town ing with the school building commit. tee. SOUTHAMPTON MRN.

D.AVID HALL Southampton, March 20-Mra, Gertie (Cowles) Hall. wife of David Hall of Maple died suddenly at her home this morning. the daughter of William Alice Born in Middletown, TEALS shed Cowles of Montgomery and moved there at the age of three. She WAS married in Montgomery June 14. 1893, and lived there until coming to Southampton in 1917.

Mira Hall was a member of the First Congregational Church and. the Women's Club here. She Jeaves three daughters, Mi Etta Bull of Wyben, Mrs. Beula Bray and Mrs. Robert Lane of this town: two sons, Delbert of Center St.

and Raymond of Weartleld; A brother, Conies of Springtield; a sister, Mrs. Edith Cross of Westrield: 13 grandchildren and 20 Funeral will ha Sunday at 3 in the First Congrea tional Church with Rev. R. Dyfrig Ostle officiating. Burial will be in Center Cemetery.

Friends may call 2.1. the Mitchell funeral home Satur4 day from 7 to 0 10. nt. CHURCIE SERVICES Southampton, March 20-Rev. Dyfrig Ostle will take for his sere mon, "In the Garden' at the A.

service Sunday in First Con gregational Church. Sunday school will meet at 9.45, the membership class at 10, and Christian Endeavor at P. m. The Lenten service at 7.80 will he Jed ha Rev, Benson Harvey of Easthampton, Sir. Ostle will conduct morning devotiong over SIMP at 7,60 next week.

His topic will be "Approaches to Easter." He also will speak. Thursday at the Lenten services the united churches in Easthamp. ton at 7.30 p. m. The Grange will hold R.

publio card party Saturday R1. 8 at t.ha hall. The committee in chargo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miles.

Mrs. Frank Rood. Ara, Bertha Philips and Ronald Tolson. The greenhouse committee of the July 4 Barbecue Bazaar of the First Congregational Church met recent13 at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Lindsay 1.

Brown. The CONmittee includes Mr. and Mrs. Sum. ner S.

Coleman, Mrs. M. Howland, Dirs. Herman Andrewa and Airs, Lois Ester. Walter Brown has been captain of the Williston varsity basketball team.

The Senior met 1'A. cently at the home of the leader, Mrs. Frank P. Conan. After A brief business meeting members worked on their garments which are to ba completed in five weeks.

Burial services for Mrs. Myrtle Bascom Hill will he in Center Ceme. Saturday at 2.16. Hill was a former resident for here. many and rears, had lived in Springfield Kenneth Myrick, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Myrick of Main 11A8 enliated in the Army and will go to Fort Devens, lIe is graduate of Westfield Trade School in 1951 and worked at the Springfield Pattern Works, HATFIELD NOVAR TEAM LEADING Hatfield. March 20-Going into the final night of the third round of Hatfield Legion Post's stag pitch tournament, the team of Peter Novak in leading with 111 His partners are l'olice Chief James T. McGrath, John W. Mullina, land Frank Kochan.

by Tied Lewis for second Wenare teams captained dolowaki and Stanley Symanski, with 101. and Thomas Mullins' Quit. fi: Is third with 403. Schedule announced for Monday is: Herman Strong VA. Lewis dolowaki; Peter Novak VS.

Mulling; Stanley Symanak! vs. John W. Mulling, John Kovalski VA Finnte Lisewski; John T. Shea VA. Robert A.

Mullany: Stanley Ziozulewiez VA. Ralph Tollinger: John Cernak VS. William E. Boyle; John M. Wentzol 1A, Edward A.

Broor, Jr. Steven Vachula 1'8, Francis F. Godin. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Rev. M.

M. Havlir, pastor; Sunday, English services at A. sermon "Jesus Christ, 011r high Sunday school at Slovak services at 10.30. Monday, Ladies' Ald cioty al 7.45 in the parlor: Tuesday, church school at Wednesday. English Lenten service at 7.80.

A of 20 in R. ot is 1 H..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.