The Brady Standard and Heart O' Texas News (2024)

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The Brady Standard and Heart O' Texas News (1) Next item

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Microfilm Service xxx
p. 0. Box 0066
Dellas, 'Texes
• • • •
. • * #'
June 30, 196!
Vol. Ml. Na. 37
Whole .Number 7747
Meet the Candidates for ‘Miss Heart O’ Texas’:
Beach Beauty' Show
To Open '61 Jubilee
Shetland Pony
Races Slated
At 2 Saturday
A specie I program of matched
rare*, Shetland puny races, and
open goat roping is scheduled at
the Jubilee race track at 2 p. m.
It will ho a warm-up for the
Jubilee's regular horse races
starting Sunday afternoon and
running through the Fourth of
1 he Shetland* will lie ridden by
children, and calf ropers will be
warming up. too, for their be-
tween race performances Sunday,
Monday, and Tuesday.
Tickets for Saturday’s show
are $1 |>er person and 50 cents
for children.
Shetland Pony
Show at Park
The Shetland Pony Show, a fea-
ture of this year n Jubilee, atarte
at 2 p m Saturday at Richards
Park, toil Dr W V. Olln.(com-
mlttee chairman, said It prob-
ably will not he as Inrae aa laat
Kntrtea will he taken until I
l». m Saturday
The XVeat Teas Shot Ian I
Hreedcrn Xanortation will give a
Shetland pony to some child under
H yearn of age at a drawing
after the presentation of the Pre-
mier award Saturday afternoon !
There Will he a parade judging '
between t and * 3o o'clock Satur-
day morntna hy laymen Point*
will count toward the Prwmter
award A trwphv and three rib-
bon* will be glvna the parade
r on mat
2 Brady Teachers
Taking New Jobs
b Km Bflmi
FH4*« ntfffct al L
Two Brady High Vhool teach
ere- Mlaa Imurt* Rarfoot and Karl
Behrens—are reetgnMtg.
Mi** Berfos ha* been named to
teach English at San Angelo Col-
lege neat fell One «f Bmdy High'*
heel known fncelty mens her*. »S»
ha* heea tenrhing English here
fee 2| year*
Hebrew*. ,«mUennl agrvcwltur-
tnerher here fer the Inat two
year*, t* going «» Ikietm.**i
High Srlnml tn tench agrtcwRure
The move to Prewnwwad ertll allow
htm to com r tete week en a maa-
ter • degree at Howmrd INyte
Hi* wife ala* ha* hnen
en a haefcelur's degree at
Howard Payne
-I law rafoved wetting
et Bred* Nigh hat tb..
leg »eeb* Nbe tbe
bent thing far a* le dw." be
Pehrena ta a member of tbe
Chamber of Commerce agriculture
.-..mmittee and a director of the
MrCullorh County Uveetock A*-
wM-iatton He ha* been an active
worker in the aaewrmtMa'* Jululee
Stock Shew, Quarter Horae Show,
and Jenter |jmt«rk Show
Mr and Mr* Hebron* and thetr
two children Rhonda. It, and lee.
a, plan te metre to Rranrnw'ood
■bout July Id
The tare twatgnetM*** were ac-
reyded hy tbe Hrbonl Hoard tn e
meeting Monday night
In ether actwn
- lane Will mm* e partner tn
•utatw t'ompnnv. wne ap
tTWw in Pnge Id. Cat 1.
Sixteen "beauties of the beach," |
will be seen Friday night in the
"Mia* Heart O’ Texus" pageant,
opening event in the 34th unnuul
July Jubilee.
The pageant will be presented in
front of the west grandstands in
Bulldog Stadium at Prudy Hiir'i
School. The stag* will he decorat-
ed hs a scene at the I teach, and
the girls will appear first in bath-
ing suits and then again in for-
Out-of-town judges will select
"Miss Heart O’ Texas" from
among the It! girls, and »hu will
Floats, Bands \
Begin Parade
At 10 Saturday
Fifty-four parade entrants will
unreel around the Courthouse at 10
o’clock Saturday morning, showing
off their flashiest floats, prettiest
queens, and best hands to crowds
attending the 31th edition of the
(July Jubilee.
This year’s parade boasts 17 out-
of-town float and queen entries,
six hands and marching units. 17
club floats, and 11 commercial
• • •
Changing routine procedures
from last year, James Isbell, par-
ade chairman, said float and car
| entrants should assemble on SouC'
Kim Street between Second anil
N’inth at 0 a. m. Saturday for of
, fieial judging
Isbell stressed that all en-
tries should be in place
promptly at 9 a. m„ which
will give the fudges only an
hour to pick the winner*. A
m*p in the McCulloch County
Electric Co-on office will show
I entrants their proper place*,
in rase they don’t remember.
The vacant lot behind the
Post Office will he roped
off so the hands can a«*emhle
there: It is not reserved for park-
! ing cars Isbell emph*si*ed
All h«»r*e riding entrants will
get together on the vacant lot in
front of Hell’s Fees! Store with
i County Sheriff Luke Vogel, who
t is in rhnrge of this part af the
! parade
Tbe float* will go north on Klm
to Commerce Street where they
will turn wrest and circle tbe
; square rounterrlockwiae. leaving
iTum to Pnge 10. Col. I, Plwwrl
Else Wright
Dies in Anqelo |
Kite iJigp*l W right, »». a
Brady re»ideni moat of hi* life,
•bed about * IX » m Thursday in
a Han Angelo hwayatal
He wraa take* to* a bnapitnl af
ter be became *vt with a “end
arbe Wednesday night
An nat» meebaaa he awM
ip Hrwdy fer WaffeM A Town
•end fee many yearn, hut moved
from Hrwdy about a year ag«
Tbe b«dy ia kmwg ntund tot
Hrwdy t« MTtlbers** Funeral Hamm
fer mtrvwes g 1 p W Saturday <
reign as queen of the Jubilee, suc-
ceeding Mi*.* Anita Young, the
I960 winner.
As a special feature of the
show, seven former Jubilee
quern* also will make appear-
ances. modeling bathing suit
fashion* of yearn gone by. And
the show producers are
presenting another surprise,
"the girl in the bikini.” hut
they aren't saying who ahe la.
To appear also are “MIm
Fiesta*’ from San Antonio, Sharon
Wingfield; “Miss Mohair’* from
Menard, Sunda Callan; and thr
new "Miss Mohair-elect" from
Brady. Carlene Brown.
Reserved seat tickets ($1.50) ore
on sale at City Drug and Rudder
• • •
Jack Ream and his orchestra
from Waco, "the biggest little
bund what am,’’ will play for the
show and later for the "Miss
Heart O’ Texas Pall,’’ starting
about 9:30 p. m. Friday at the
Country Club ballroom, honoring
the new "Miss Heart O’ Texas."
The public is invited to attend
the ball. Tickets are $2 per couple.
Pari-Mutuel Backer
Coming to Jubilee
State Rep. X’. E. (Red) Berry of
San Antonio—the state’s No. I
promoter of the movement to bring
pari-mutuel horse race betting
l hack to Texas—will be a July
Jubilee visitor next Tuesday.
He will speak at the Fourth of
July races here at the Jubilee
After his speech he will he ('re-
sented with a gift made possible
by local racing enthusiasts inter-
ested in legalizing pari-mutuel
horse racing in Texas.
Berry wa* elected to the
Texas Legislature on a pari-
mutuel platform lie failed in
his efforts to get the Legis-
lature to go along with him
this spring, hut he still sees a
good chance for the movement
"It got good state-wide pub-
licity and has created a lot of in-
terest all over Texas," he says.
Under his plan he would let the
people vote on whether "they
wituld Ity to sec this great in-
ternational s|*ort cs>me hack to
Texas . . .
"It would bring in million* and
million* of dollars tn tax revenue,
revenue that the states and the
counties need so hadly."
Berry points out tnat a com-
mittee hearing this spring on hi*
racing hill drew more than 1,50 *
horsem*n to Austin. "*everal hun-
dred of them from the Mill Coun-
try." The Texas Hill Country i*
the renter of horae racing in the
state, race meets still being held
annxtally in Brady f rederwk*-
burg. Sonora. New Rraunfels,
Junction, and Foerne. A new track
also was built just recently at
Paleface Park near Austin.
The Hill Country races arc run
just for the sport, of course, with-
out benefit of pari-mutuel betting.
Berry got two hills out of
committee in the Legislature
this spring, "the farthest it
has gotten in history." The
last time pari-mutuel betting
"got any kind of favorable
report was in 1917.*’
Berry does not plan to run
again for state* representative, al-
though lie ways he still bus "an
ace up my sleeve for racing, which
I will tell atsuit in about 30 days."
i He adds that he may Is* a candi-
I date for the State Senate from
his district but insists that is
"not the ace."
Stock Show Attracts
300 Sheep and Goats
Almost Jn* sheep and goats
Witt he lA ha ad fo* the Jabline
{ttorh show a> * a m Monday
Fifty-three entries have heea re-
ceived for the ha. X dor and
ram aale at > -** a m Tneadav
The cattle she* atll he held at
7pm tlowd**
• • •
Jadge ta lhe goal ahow will he
AriMt Kaeweed ad ftaaer* Har-
old Itracr of Colemaa •»« Jadge
the sheep *h,»a and (ha cattle
indge will he lleatoa M< find* of
dome of (he breed' ta bringing
sheep and goat* lo (he »how she
have <oatnhoiod to (he )n<v
Jahtlee ta the past are Milt At- 1
'i«A of Kouaexcit Harold Hrn«
deaharger of Mason Hohhf Hfede-
mnyet af Jam Ika Xera A tinr
ran* af Harhadai-*. Je*se g Fa*-
tar of Mealing City Joe M (lard |
aar af Jk^tm* X t‘ Liade i
maa at Htaaco and xHrea Talta
forro of Edaa
d p. in.— Mis* Heart O’ Texas
Pageant at Bulldog Stadium.
9:30 p. m.—Miss Heurt O' Texas
Bull at Country Club. Jack
Ream orchestra playing.
10 a m.— Parade around square
2 p. nv.—Shetland Pony Show at
Richards Park.
9 p m.— Pony race* ana matched
roping at Jubilee Race Track
9pm Dance at National Guard
■Xri".*rv with singer Warren
Smith and Larry Butler and tho
Sunset Playboy*
j 3 p. m H*>rse races at Juhilao
Race Track
19 a m .Aheett and Goat Sh or
at Richard* Park
■* n m.— H<»r«e race* at Juhilea
7pm —Cattle Show at Richarfc*
t» p. m Dance at National Guard
Armory. RiU Wayne and Fast
era Swingater*
y to a m Register's! Wllv and Sale at Richard* Park
* p m Horae race* at Jiihlm
• pm Dance at National Guard
Armory, Mil Hayne and Fast
era Swingater*.
Bill Names Shows
Operating at Dark
Pill flame • SNwac* aad Ra4e*
moved into Richard* Park (hi*
week ami planned to opnn for
fmastwn* Thursday -igr'l
Thr dhow*.......a h*g drawn** card
at thr annua July Johrfee will
he apaemtoag all <t»nxg the Jl
neat Tun lay tilgi

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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.

Smith, L. B.The Brady Standard and Heart O' Texas News (Brady, Tex.), Vol. 52, No. 37, Ed. 1 Friday, June 30, 1961,newspaper, June 30, 1961; Brady, Texas. ( June 17, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting FM Buck Richards Library.

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The Brady Standard and Heart O' Texas News (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.