I Live to Serve - Writing_rogue, coathangercowboy (2024)

Chapter 1: Send to Me

Chapter Text

The shadow curse was lifted. The road to Baldur’s Gate was clear. A sigh of relief from Reign. It had been a perilous few months; being tadpoled, waking up on a strange alien ship, meeting his new friends and partners, and trying desperately to find a cure for their unwelcome passengers. At least they had a heading now. They were to head to Baldur's Gate and wrest the remaining Netherstones from the hands of the two other Chosen.

Gale had snagged a map of the city from Ketheric’s chambers on their way out of Moonrise, his excitement over the Crown and going to Sorcerous Sundries overflowing as he did so. As the rest of the party packed their belongings, preparing to head towards the city in the morning, Reign sat and studied the map, his brow furrowed. He pulled a well-worn piece of paper from his bag, unfolding it and comparing the address written on it to the map.

“Have you ever been?” Wyll’s voice pulled Reign from his thoughts. He lowered the map, smiling softly at his partner.

“Once. Months ago. Before all of this.” Reign gestured out towards the rest of the camp. “Can't say that I got the opportunity to truly explore though.”

“Ah, you're missing out,” Wyll chuckled. “Voices raised in song on Returning day; the heady wines at the Elfsong. There’s truly no place like Baldur’s Gate.”

Reign chuckled softly. Wyll always seemed like the type to truly love his home. He wondered what it must feel like to have such a deep connection to where one was from. “You’ll have to show me all of the best spots when we get there.” His attention turned back to the map and then to the paper in his other hand. “Would you happen to know where this is?” He held the paper out to Wyll.

Wyll co*cked his head as he read it and then traced his finger over the map. “Ah,” he finally said after a moment. “That would be in Rivington, which is on the outskirts of the city proper. If I recall correctly, it’s beside Sharess’ Caress.”

“Perfect. We can swing by there after meeting with Voss.”

“Why? We already have business at Sorcerous Sundries,” Wyll posited. “Why would we also need to go to a smaller magic shop?”

“There’s someone I was meant to meet with before we were taken. I owe them a visit.”

Wyll shrugged, content with the answer. “Get some rest then. We have a long day ahead of us.”

As Reign lay in his bedroll, his thoughts drifted to the quiet wizard he had met so many months ago, as his thoughts often did at this time of night. He wondered what Theo must be feeling; to have gone so long between seeing each other, Reign could only imagine that Theo must have felt hurt that he had never followed up. Not that he really had the opportunity to, being taken by mind flayers and crashing in the middle of the wilderness and all. But their next meeting was a mere sleep away. If only he could actually go to sleep.

“Well,” Gale scoffed. “It’s no Sorcerous Sundries.” The party approached the small, hole-in-the-wall magic shop, a blue crescent moon adorning the plaque that read “The Blue Moon.” Reign shot Gale a look that said all it needed to. Behave yourself.

As the party filed into the small place of business, Reign nervously looked around. There was no one in the front of the store and he wondered if he had caught Theo on an off-day. He tentatively rang the bell on the front counter, his heart rate quickening. He heard shuffling in the back room that let him know that at least someone was here. And as the curtains separating the two rooms parted, Reign’s breath caught in his throat. There he was. The man that occupied his dreams. The smug wizard who had let him in for however brief a moment. There were so many things that he wanted to say at that moment, but before he could say any of them, Theo spoke up.

“How can I help you?” Theo said. He was clearly irritated by the sound of his tone. Reign’s stomach churned as he pulled the folded piece of paper from his pocket and slid it across the counter to Theo.

“I’m following up on a long overdue meeting,” he responded, attempting to keep his tone as even as possible, though it felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

Theo crumpled the paper in his hand, causing Reign to grimace slightly. It seemed that his suspicions were correct. Theo was angry with him. It wasn’t like he could’ve contacted Theo, even if he wanted to. There was no post in the wilderness, or in the shadow-lands. He wished that he could explain himself, but that would only diminish Theo’s feelings and that was the last thing he wanted to do at that moment.

“Long overdue,” he repeated with a scoff. “What an understatement. I would have thought you had long since lost this little note and forgotten about me.”

Reign tilted his head to the side and furrowed his brow. “How could I have forgotten about you, darling? I apologize for being so out of touch, but I was rather..,” he trailed off as he gestured to his head. “Preoccupied, so to speak.” His nerves got the better of him and he hardly let the sentiment hang in the air before continuing. “But, I’m here now.”

“Yes, and perhaps I can offer you a sending scroll so next time you disappear on someone, you can at least let them know you won’t be back for a while. I think your new friends would prefer that to having to wonder ceaselessly what might have become of you.”

The bitterness and tension was palpable and it took everything in Reign to not break down right then and there. He sighed and shook his head. “Theo, I don’t know what that means. But I’ve been without a way to contact you this whole time. If there was a way to contact you without the need for letters or paper or anything like that, I would’ve done it in a heartbeat.”

Gale, who had been silently and judgmentally observing the quaint shop up until this point, couldn’t help but pipe up. “Actually, darling, that is the whole purpose of a sending spell.” His eyes briefly scanned the other wizard up and down, casting a look of disdain in his direction.

Reign’s eyes flickered shut and he sighed quietly. He should’ve known better than to bring him here. But he had hoped, against his better judgment, that Gale could be civil and not act like a pompous, arrogant wizard. It seemed he was proven wrong.

Theo seemed unaffected by Gale’s attitude at first, for which Reign was thankful. He was certain that Theo knew how to handle other wizards’ attitudes, and Reign would be lying if he said Theo couldn’t dish it right back. But, almost as if it was in slow motion, he watched the gears click as Theo processed exactly what Gale had said. It hadn’t even stuck out to Reign. The pet name was so commonplace to him that he almost forgot the connotations it had and the secrets it revealed. Not that he was necessarily trying to hide the fact that he and Gale were together; he just figured it wasn’t the best time to bring it up.

“Perhaps you should go, Reign,” Theo practically spat. “Your darling clearly would rather be anywhere else but here, talking to someone as well below his station as me.”

Reign was not quick to anger, but he was certainly close to it. This was not how he imagined their reunion going and Gale was only making it worse. He attempted to suppress his quickly mounting frustration, but before he could even verbalize a rebuttal, Theo’s lips were against his. It took him aback, the suddenness of it, especially considering his attitude towards Reign up until that point. Despite that, all of his frustrations seemed to melt away as he leaned against the counter. The moment seemed to last forever and end all too soon at the same time. Reign found himself leaning in further, chasing the feeling that escaped him too quickly. He wanted to savor that kiss, feel Theo’s hair between his fingers and what his skin felt like against his own. But those were selfish thoughts. Whatever Theo wanted to accomplish with that kiss, it seemed he needed it.

Reign’s eyes fluttered open, meeting Theo’s piercing blue gaze. Gods, he could get lost in those eyes forever if Theo would let him. He wanted to worship that man in a way that no god would approve of. All the sonnets he could compose would pale in comparison to the sound of his name from Theo’s lips.

“If I had to travel a thousand shadow-cursed lands just for another moment like that, I would do it without question,” Reign mumbled, his eyes flicking down to Theo’s lips quickly before once again meeting his eyes.

Theo blinked rapidly as a faint pink creeped up his cheeks, a reaction that Reign had grown accustomed to. It wasn’t the first time he had flustered the poor man, and if Reign had anything to say about it, it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Theo broke eye contact first, reaching down to rifle through a drawer. He retrieved a scroll and gingerly placed it in Reign’s hands. The contact sent sparks coursing through Reign’s body and as he closed his hand around the scroll, he let his fingers linger on Theo’s for a bit longer than was likely necessary.

“Here, we can talk more later, if you’d like. Just use this to send me a time and place.” Theo’s eyes darted away again. There was clearly more he wanted to say so Reign simply kept quiet, allowing him the space to do so. As the silence lingered in the air for a few moments, Theo cleared his throat. “And if you’ll allow me in your head for just a few words at a time, I will send to you as well.”

Reign’s thumb gently guided Theo’s chin so the two made eye contact again. Just as before, Reign’s breath caught in his throat. How this man made him so nervous so easily was intriguing to him. He wasn’t unfamiliar with hearing Theo in his head; there was a time not too long ago where Theo had spoken telepathically to Reign in an effort to calm him down after Reign’s patron had been particularly vocal. Reign felt bad about his reaction back then. Theo was only trying to help him and he shut him down far too quickly. It was ironic, really. Where once Reign insisted Theo get out of his head, now, he welcomed it.

“You already occupy my every thought. I hardly think a sending spell would be any different.” Reign’s thumb gently rubbed along the side of Theo’s jaw. He noted the texture, memorizing the way it felt. “Does tonight work? I hear that the Elfsong is a wonderful place to buy pretty men a drink.”

Reign had hardly noticed the way Gale seemed to inch closer and closer to him, his hands tentatively snaking their way around Reign's waist. It was almost protective, possessive even. Reign had to have many conversations with Gale about the way he loves people and doesn't feel like it would be true to himself if he kept his love exclusive to one person. It took some time and much constant reassurance that that didn't mean he loved Gale any less, but over time, Gale had gotten at least somewhat comfortable with the relationship Reign had with Wyll and Astarion. With Theo though, it seemed different. Maybe it was because he was also a wizard, maybe it was because he was so much younger. Whatever the reason, Gale's jealousy was making itself known, even if he didn't say anything.

It was only when Theo’s eyes flashed to Gale that Reign registered the arm around his waist. “Well I could free up my schedule, but it seems you have plenty of men already in line for that drink.” Theo squinted at Gale before turning his attention back to Reign. “I wouldn’t want to cause you trouble by cutting the line.” A smirk crept up the corners of his lips and it made Reign wonder if Theo was truly interested in him or if this was just some sort of game where he was the prize to be won. He dismissed the thought quickly, not allowing himself to reduce either Gale or Theo to such immature antics.

Reign turned away from Theo, facing Gale, and took both of Gale’s hands in his own. “My love, will you give us just two minutes?” he asked in a hushed tone, his soft-spoken nature and even tone overpowering his irritation. “I will come find you in a moment.”

Gale’s brow furrowed as he looked between Reign and Theo. “Are you quite sure?” The look in his eye made it clear to Reign what he was thinking, even if he didn’t say it.

“Quite.” Reign’s tone was firm, not dissimilar to a parent scolding a misbehaving child. “Do you trust me?”

Gale’s eyes widened. “Of course I do. I just..,” he trailed off. He didn’t need to say what he was thinking for Reign to understand. I just don’t trust him.

Reign placed a soft kiss on the back of Gale’s hands and gestured to the door. “I will come find you in a moment,” he repeated. Gale gave one more cold glare to Theo before shuffling awkwardly out the door, his seething anger bubbling just beneath the surface.

Reign sighed in relief and turned back to Theo. “Apologies. He often lets his jealousy get the better of him. We’re working on it though.” He reached out, laying an open hand on the counter in an offer for Theo to take it in his own. “But I assure you, my darling, you are not cutting any lines or doing anyone any wrong. If you want to take me up on my offer, then I would happily buy you as many drinks as you like. However, I understand if you would still rather keep your distance.” Even as Reign said the words, he hoped against hope that it wasn’t true. It seemed selfish to him that he would hope for such a thing, but he couldn’t help it. He had waited so long to see Theo again, he felt like they were both owed this. Nevertheless, if Theo wished to keep his distance, he would respect that, no matter how much it pained him to do so.

Theo hesitated, eyeing Reign almost quizzically before taking his hand in his own, his thumb running over the bard’s wrist. “Alright I suppose I can let you explain yourself over some drinks on a few conditions.” Reign leaned closer over the counter, eager to meet any conditions Theo had for him. “Leave your lover at home, have dinner with me as well, and don’t let me have too much to drink. I won’t behave if you do.”

Reign nodded with each statement. Easy enough, it seemed. Though he couldn’t help but throw in a small tease. It was Reign, after all. “And what if I didn’t want you to behave?” he asked in a more hushed tone, almost as if he was afraid of gaining a reaction out of one of his two partners that remained in the shop. The other two didn’t seem to mind this whole interaction as much as Gale had, for which Reign was thankful, but still, he didn’t want to run the risk of Theo getting even more hurt. Reign raised Theo's hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it as he looked up through hooded eyes.

Theo licked his lips as he leaned forward. “Well,” he whispered into Reign's ear, sending shivers down his spine. “Depending on the type of misbehavior you're looking for, it might be more fun if you just asked for it. Not to say that I'm not up to a drunken sleepover, if that's what you want.” He gently nipped the tip of Reign's ear as he pulled away.

Reign’s grip on Theo’s hand tightened. He slowly raised his head so that he was once again entranced by those crystal blue eyes. “All the things I would like to ask of you are most unbefitting of a public setting, love” Every word seemed to take a great deal of effort to verbalize as he continuously found himself breathless. He used his free hand to pull Theo closer by the collar of his shirt. “Unless you're into that, of course.”

Theo’s breath hitched as Reign’s lips hovered just out of reach. Reign could practically feel the heat radiating off of Theo’s face as it flushed brighter. He gave a subtle smirk. He felt like he was winning.

“Perhaps we can discuss it in more detail over those drinks,” Theo said, pulling away just enough to put some space between them. Reign noted how Theo kept hold of his hand. He had to remind himself that they were in public, at Theo’s place of work, no less. It didn't make it any easier to resist the urge to hop over the counter and kiss him for as long as he was allowed. “Is there anything magical I can get you or your friends before you head off?”

Reign slowly scanned Theo up and down. There were certainly quite a few magical things he wanted at that moment. Be that as it may, he knew how to take a hint. Theo was the only reason he had even stopped in here, but he didn't want to leave empty handed and have wasted the business’ time. He looked around, picking up a few basic healing potions and setting them on the counter. Reign often found that he was rather persuasive when it came to merchants and so he hardly ever paid for a lot of the things that were currently in his and his companions’ bags, but here, not only did he insist on paying full price, he tried to slip in a bit extra, hoping Theo wouldn’t notice.

Theo meticulously counted the coin Reign had set in front of him, and after realizing that Reign had indeed given him more than the merchandise was worth, he slid the excess back across the counter. “I know you can count, Reign, and unless you’re trying to haggle for something you could more easily get next door, well, I don’t see any more merchandise, do I?”

Reign’s cheeks flushed. He didn’t think Theo stupid and was more than prepared to insist that Theo keep it, but he wasn’t prepared for the way he said it. For once, Reign was the one who found himself embarrassed. “No, no, no,” he stammered, pushing the coin back over the counter. “You know that’s not what I meant. I just…” he huffed as he trailed off, not used to being at a loss for words.

Theo chuckled as Reign stumbled over his words. “Relax. I know. But I’m not taking the money Vithka practically had to beg you to take when I still should owe you another twenty-five pieces. Or really more considering I still have that hat.” Theo once again pushed the coin back. Reign knew he was right, but that man was nothing if not stubborn.

Astarion finally spoke up from his place behind Reign. “Oh for the love,” he sighed with a dramatic roll of his eyes. “Your big heart is wonderful and all, darling, but you should really learn when to relent.” With a quick motion, he swiped the excess coin and stuffed it in his pockets. “Now shall we go? Or would you like more time to make your carnal desires known to the world?”

Reign’s cheeks flushed brighter. He really should’ve known better than to bring any of them here. He looked behind him at where the rest of his party once stood. Most everyone except for Shadowheart and Karlach had joined Gale outside at this point. He could only assume these three were being thoroughly entertained by the conversation he was having with Theo. Reign flashed a quick smile at Theo. “Until tonight then.” He scurried out the door without waiting for a response, pushing Astarion along by the small of his back.

The rest of the day was typical business for Reign. Saving some people, killing others. He found it rather boring in comparison to what tonight had in store for him. He let Wyll do most of the talking to merchants and people needing help as he found himself too distracted to really pay attention to what they were saying. Gale seemed a little needier than usual, sticking close to Reign at all times and being far more physical than he had been before; holding his hand as they walked the streets, asking for a quick kiss at inopportune times, and just always somehow touching Reign. He didn’t mind; he was always one who found great comfort in his partners’ touch. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with their encounter with Theo, however.

As the rest of the party filed into their rooms at the Elfsong, Reign rifled through his chest, looking for something, anything, to wear. An adventurer’s life didn’t lend itself well to having spare casual clothes just lying around, especially anything he deemed suitable for a date. He hummed in disapproval as he sorted through a disparate collection of armor and rags, huffing in defeat as he couldn’t find anything that he thought would impress Theo. He didn’t even really know why he cared so much about impressing him. It was clear he liked Reign as much as Reign liked him.

“So,” Astarion’s voice hummed from behind him. “Can’t find anything quite to your liking for your little romp?” Reign took a deep breath. He knew this conversation was inevitable and he prepared himself for the teasing he knew would ensue. He stood from where he was slumped over the chest and turned to face Astarion only to find Gale and Wyll standing with him. Gale had his arms crossed over his chest, looking not dissimilar to a pouting child. Wyll had a reassuring smile that made Reign wonder if there were feelings that he was hiding just to appease Reign. And Astarion, as per usual, had that smirk that meant he was looking for trouble.

Reign threw his hands up in defeat. “I mean, we couldn’t exactly go shopping in the Shadowlands.”

Astarion chuckled softly. “That we couldn’t.” He sauntered over to the wardrobe where he pulled out a black jacket with an incredibly deep V neckline and intricate silver details lining the neckline and sleeves. A belt wrapped around the waist and a shiny silver necklace hung from the hook of the hanger. Black leather pants hung over the shoulder of the jacket.

Reign gawked at the flashy outfit, running his hands over the detailing. “Astarion…when did you-”

“Shadowheart and I thought that it would be most unbecoming for you to show up to a date in your blood-soaked armor,” he cut Reign off with a wave of his hand. “I took that gold that you tried to just…give to the wizard and put it to better use.”

Reign looked up at him in disbelief. “There’s no way this only cost 50 gold.”

Astarion shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m very persuasive.”

Reign raised a brow. He knew that really meant I stole it, but he let it slide for now. He stared back at the outfit, in genuine shock at how gorgeous it was.

“Well, don’t just look at it,” Astarion scoffed. “Try it on.”

Reign slipped out of his camp clothes and into the fancy outfit. It was like it was tailored specifically for him. Of course Astarion would know his measurements. When he was fully dressed, he faced his partners.

“Give us a twirl, love,” Astarion requested. Reign did as he was asked and spun in a slow circle, showing off how the belt hugged his waist and the tight leather pants accentuated his thighs. When he faced them again, they stared in awe. “Ravishing, darling,” Astarion whispered with a smug grin.

Reign offered a slight smile before addressing the elephant in the room. “You all know I have to ask. Are you okay with this?”

Gale perked up as if he had been waiting for an opportunity to object, but Astarion waved him off. “Of course we are, darling. Go! Have fun. And come back with all the details.”

Reign raised a brow at him. “I know you’re fine with it, Astarion, but I would like everyone’s opinion, if you don’t mind.” He turned his attention to Wyll first.

Wyll took a deep breath and smiled genuinely. “I trust you, Reign. You have shown me that just because your love extends beyond the boundaries of our own relationship, that doesn’t mean you care for me any less. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself.”

Reign nodded and then turned to Gale, who was still seething. “Gale?”

Gale huffed, finally letting out the frustration he had pent up all day. “You know I trust you. But him? That overconfident, arrogant, sorry excuse for a wizard? I can’t help but think he’s rather egotistical.”

Reign tilted his head. “And overconfident, sassy wizards who speak before they think aren’t my type?”

Gale’s cheeks flushed. “N-no, that’s not…exactly what I meant.” He hummed as he tried to collect his thoughts. “I know people like him, other wizards. They think themselves too good for people like you.”

Reign closed the distance between the two of them and traced the collar of his shirt with his finger. “People like me?” he repeated, arching a brow.

Gale’s fingers twitched nervously at his side. “I- I just mean-” Reign cut him off as he pulled him closer, their faces inches apart.

“I can handle a little bit of arrogance. Don’t you think, Gale?”

Gale stammered, unable to properly form a sentence. “I…suppose you are rather experienced in that department.”

“Exactly,” Reign hummed in approval. “Now, as I’ve told you before, just because I have affection for other people doesn’t mean I love you any less. You are precious to me. You know that, right?” Gale nodded silently and Reign tilted his head up so their eyes met. “Use your words.”

Gale’s breath caught in his throat and his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “I’m precious to you,” he mumbled.

“Very good.” Reign pressed a quick but lingering kiss to his forehead. “Now, I do believe I have a date to get to. You three better not cause any trouble while I’m gone.”

“When have you ever known us to cause trouble, darling?” Astarion called out.

Reign didn’t respond; instead, gave him a knowing look before walking out the door.

Chapter 2: To Serve is to Please

Chapter by coathangercowboy


date scene date scene. also, we're using welsh as a stand-in for elvish so i'll put the translations in the end notes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Reign fidgeted with his necklace. Surely he hadn’t been waiting that long, but still, time seemed particularly slow in this instance. He straightened his jacket. It was still one of the most beautiful pieces of clothing he had ever seen. What if it’s too much? He thought. It is cut rather low.

His eyes fixated on the door. Gods, what if he never showed up? It would make sense, to give Reign a taste of his own medicine. He couldn’t say he wouldn’t deserve it. He bounced his leg anxiously. Did he smell okay? Was his hair a mess? He felt the need to find the nearest mirror to check the status of the latter, but worried that he would miss Theo’s entrance if he did so. He shifted in his chair, but nothing seemed to alleviate the anxiety.

Nothing until the door opened and he finally saw him. His eyes immediately fell to Theo’s exposed midriff and they continued drifting down, noting how the black leather pants he wore accentuated all of the most important features. He shook his head slightly, trying to not seem too desperate. He smiled softly, standing from his place at the table and beckoning Theo over.

Theo shoved his hands awkwardly in his pockets as he shuffled over to the table. Reign kept his hand outstretched, offering Theo to take it. “Gods,” he gasped. “You look utterly breathtaking.” He scanned Theo once more, his bell sleeves catching Reign’s attention. He watched as they swished when Theo moved. He took a step closer, catching a waft of the cologne Theo was wearing. Petrichor. A scent he was well familiar with having been in the wilderness for months. It felt comforting, like he could curl up beside Theo on a particularly rainy day and listen to him read. He allowed himself to indulge in the thought for a moment before bringing himself back to reality. His hand still outstretched, his eyes flicked back up to Theo’s. The rubies of his earrings glinted in the torchlight, casting a momentary gleam over his face. He never felt as lost as he did in that moment, but he welcomed it all the same.

Theo seemed to squirm under his gaze, eliciting a grin from Reign. He knew what he was doing. Theo placed his hand in Reign’s, allowing the cambion to lead him, but Reign seized the opportunity to place a gentle kiss on the back of Theo’s hand. A tender and intentional touch. He wanted to take his time tonight, to not rush anything. He had been waiting for this moment for months and he wanted it to go perfectly.

He pulled out the chair beside him for Theo and kept his grip on his hand tight, as if he was afraid that if he let go, he would lose him again. Even as he sat in his own chair, he never let go of Theo’s hand. He sat across from the wizard, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles on the back of his hand. Theo blushed faintly. It was a pretty look on him, one Reign came to enjoy very much. He chuckled quietly. “You would think that with a good few months to think of some ice breakers, I would have some, but here I find myself, once again lost for words.”

“It seems we often have that effect on each other,” Theo responded. “Let’s see what stories you could tell me. Perhaps we could start with where you have been all these months? If it took you that long to make it back to Baldur’s Gate, you must have gone a ways away.”

Reign’s lips pressed into a hard line. “It certainly wasn’t of my own volition, I can assure you. After we parted ways, I actually planned on staying in the city so that I could easily find my way to your magic shop. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but one moment, I’m going to sleep in the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been in, and the next, I’m waking up on a completely alien ship with an odd squirming behind my eye.”

Theo listened intently to Reign, nodding slowly. “This ship didn’t happen to look like a giant squid coming out of a shell, did it?” he asked. His tone was ever so slightly shaky, and though Reign registered it, he didn’t quite put the pieces together as to why he would be so worried. He was so numb to the threat of his impending demise because his Dream Guardian, who he had recently learned was a mind flayer in disguise, had protected him from that threat for so long.

He tilted his head as he recalled the image of the crashed ship on the beach. “Yeah I guess you could say it looked like that. I can't quite remember the name that I heard others use for it though...no- notoid? Nautoid?"

“And you have since had the tadpole they gave you on the nautiloid removed and made the arduous journey back to Baldur’s Gate just to see me?” Theo asked nervously.

“Nautiloid,” Reign repeated, “I knew it was something like that. Oh, but no.” He pointed towards his head. “Thing’s still stuck in there. You would not believe the amount of people we have met that offered to get it out. But see, it’s like it’s modified somehow with Netherese magic so no one can seem to get it out.” His tone was incredibly light, as if he was recalling a fond memory or sharing a lighthearted story instead of sharing some of the most terrifying news someone can get.

Reign’s brow furrowed as tears streamed down Theo’s cheeks. His grip on Theo’s hand tightened and he brought his free hand to Theo’s cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. “If you’re thinking that I’m going to turn, don’t be silly. You should know I’m far too stubborn to let such a thing happen.”

Theo let out a shaky breath and covered Reign’s hand with his own. “If it were that simple, there would be far less mind flayers on this plane, but if you have a plan to get rid of this enhanced tadpole, please enlighten me. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

Reign smiled as his stomach fluttered. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had several people offer to help him over the past few months, but the way Theo’s eyes softened when he looked at him. He couldn’t tell if it was pity or genuine fear, but either way, it reassured him in a way that no one else had been able to accomplish. Perhaps it was just because someone he cared about so deeply was offering him the same amount of support he often offered to other people.

“I appreciate the offer, I truly do,” he assured with a deep breath, wiping another stray tear from Theo’s cheek. “But I fear I am not making great conversation for a first date. I can assure you that we have a plan and are making our next moves, but I hardly think it’s fair to worry you with any of that.”

“If life were fair, you would never have been taken, and we’d be back in my apartment, curled up in my bed.” Theo closes his eyes and Reign imagines for a moment a life where he didn’t have to worry about mind flayers and cults and washed up gods threatening the existence of the world as they knew it. Even if none of this was an issue, there was still the matter of his father. As much as he told himself otherwise, the only reason he was being allowed to have the relationships he did was because the devil who haunted his music saw the potential of their souls for his own gain. But somewhere in a tiny corner of his mind, he allowed himself the opportunity to imagine a life where he had none of these concerns and instead could just run his fingers through Theo’s hair as he read aloud. “But life isn’t fair,” Theo’s voice snapped him back to reality. “So I have to worry about you when your well-being is so eminently at risk.”

“No, I mean there’s this person, or mind flayer, rather, in a prism that’s been protecting me and my companions from turning. There are a lot of pieces to this that I really don’t want to worry you with because frankly,” he took a deep breath. “It’s a lot.”

Theo pulled his hand out of Reign’s grasp to press the heels of his palms to his eyes. After a few short breaths, he flagged down a waitress and ordered some whiskey. “Alright, Reign. I will drop this for tonight. However, come morning, I need you to tell me everything so I can actually begin to understand the problem and how to solve it. And no this is not a discussion or a negotiation. You will be telling me. I will worry less if I can at least try to help you.”

Reign opened his mouth to protest, but he knew that it was probably best if he didn’t. He had already ruined this date irreparably, at least in his eyes, and he had no intentions of making it worse. He sighed and kept his hand outstretched, palm down, on the table. A gesture that was meant to convey that he was there if Theo needed him. He knew that even the little bit he had explained to Theo was a lot to take in. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, almost instinctively.

Theo sighed. “No, if anything I should be apologizing. You’ve done nothing wrong, Reign, and I’ve been nothing but an ass about it.”

Reign’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? You’re scared, which you have every right to be. I don’t know a lot about mind flayers, but I know that they can be pretty formidable creatures. Or at the very least, incredibly annoying,” he added. He tilted Theo’s head up, his gaze softening as he cupped Theo’s face in his hand. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

Theo scoffed. The waitress dropped off his whiskey and he downed it quickly. “I don’t want to argue right now, Reign,” he muttered, staring at the bottom of the glass. “I should probably go. I’ve caused you enough trouble, been sh*t company, and probably made for quite the pathetic source of entertainment for the patrons here. I’m sure your wizard will be ecstatic to have you back early and unsullied by my hands.”

Reign’s heart clenched. He had just gotten Theo back and had already f*cked up any potential relationship they could’ve had. He wished they could start over, that he could just start with a simple, “How have you been?” or a “You look well.” But instead, he upset Theo and it was unlikely that it could be fixed at this point. But Reign, being the stubborn man he was, had to try.

“None of those things are true,” he assured softly. “You’ve brought me more than enough joy to sate me for a lifetime. Your company is a light that has brightened my day. And as for Gale, I can honestly assure you that he just speaks quite boldly when he’s scared.” He tilted his head. “I wonder if that’s a wizard thing,” he murmured, more to himself than anything.

“Look, I understand if you would rather forget about all of this and go back to your shop, blessedly free of dealing with mind flayers and cults and devils and their tricks. But,” he stood from his chair and offered his hand once again to Theo. “I would be honored if you allowed me one night before we said goodbye.”

Theo stared up at Reign for a moment before taking Reign’s hand and stood, stepping forward. His free hand reached around to the back of Reign’s neck.

“Alright, take me then,” Theo said softly, looking up at Reign. He pressed their foreheads together and closed his eyes. “Show me what you want.”

Reign snaked his arm around Theo’s waist, pressing their bodies together. He searched Theo’s eyes for any remaining hesitation before claiming his lips with his own. It was slow, intentional, like he wanted to prove to Theo that nothing else mattered to him in that moment. He pulled away, his lips hovering just out of reach. “I want you, Theo,” he whispered, their breath intermingling.

Theo leaned in to kiss him again, this one being more messy and desperate. His lips pressed into Reign's hard and Reign’s hands settled onto Theo’s exposed waist. It felt natural, Reign thought. Like this was exactly where he was meant to be. Theo nipped at Reign's bottom lip as he pulled away panting. "Then have me, Reign. Make me yours."

The cambion’s fingers traced small circles on Theo’s waist as he processed what he said. He had been dreaming of this moment from the first time he met Theo, yet now that he was here, he wasn’t sure where to go next. Probably out of the bar is a good start, he thought to himself. He left some gold on their table, not bothering to count it, and took Theo’s hand, leading him to where he and the rest of his party was staying on the top floor of the Elfsong.

As the two made their way down the hallway, they passed by Halsin, who was headed to his room for the night. He offered a knowing smile at the two and Reign was thankful that he wasn’t the type to tease, otherwise the encounter would’ve been a lot more awkward. Though he could only assume he would have to deal with more than a passing glance the next morning.

He led Theo to the door at the end of the hallway and he opened it slowly. He had assumed that his partners would have had at least enough sense to retire to their own rooms tonight, and it seemed that all but one did.

“Astarion,” Reign sighed, keeping the door shut just enough to keep Theo out of Astarion’s view. “What the hells are you doing here?”

The vampire was sat with his legs crossed on the large, plush bed. He smirked with a raised brow. “I did tell you to come back with all of the details, didn’t I?” he drawled. “Though, it is rather early, isn’t it? Don’t tell me he ran off.”

Reign rolled his eyes. There was no way he was going to be able to get Astarion out of the room without embarrassing Theo at least a little bit. At least he had a few ideas for an apology in mind. “I will talk to you in the morning, love,” he said firmly. He pushed the door fully open, standing in front of Theo as Astarion huffed and sauntered out the door. Astarion gave Theo a small wave as he passed by. “Have fun,” he said before disappearing into his own room.

Reign pulled Theo into the room and shut the door quickly. Lovely. Just another thing to add to the list of ways he has messed this date up. He turned to face Theo. “Sorry,” he muttered. “He’s too nosey for his own good.”

“Well if that’s the case, you might have to give me a few minutes to ensure us some privacy.” Theo began casting a spell, the magic flowing out from his hands and forming a shimmering barrier around them and the bed. Reign stood back and watched in awe. He recalled the first time he saw Theo casting this spell. He always admired the control Theo had over his magic. It was like he was composing a symphony; the Weave bending to his whims and fluttering into place. It only made his desire for Theo intensify.

As the final pieces of the barrier fell into place, Reign closed the distance between them and wrapped his fingers around Theo’s hips from behind. “Smart,” he whispered into the crook of Theo’s neck. He placed a trail of kisses starting from where his lips hovered up the column of Theo’s neck before resting at his ear, where he nipped lightly. “You continue to impress me.”

Theo shivered and gasped softly, leaning back against Reign and letting his head fall back against his chest. “You know how I like to please,” he muttered. “Now are you going to tell me about all those lurid fantasies you said were ‘most unbefitting of a public setting?’” Theo pressed his hips back, the swell of his ass flush with Reign’s pelvis. He swayed them back and forth, eliciting a soft groan from Reign.

Reign’s fingers traveled from Theo’s hips to the very top of his thighs, his touch remaining light and teasing. “All of them, no. There are simply not enough hours in the day. But I imagine I can start here.” He brought one hand up, tangling his fingers in Theo’s hair and gently tilting his head to the side as he buried his face in his neck, sealing his lips over a spot at the base. He nipped and sucked at the tender skin, intent on leaving behind a mark of his affection.

Theo squirmed under Reign’s hold, his own hand coming up to tangle in Reign’s hair. He tugged, gently at first as he panted, then again, this time being firmer as he maneuvered Reign so that Theo could press their lips together once more. His free hand wandered down, his fingers interlocking with Reign’s as he pulled back from the kiss.

“So you want to mark me up? Given all I know about you, I can’t imagine you as possessive, Reign. I suppose the marks are all for me then, reminders of what you’ve done to me. Is that it? You want me to see them in the mirror and think of all the wicked things you’re going to do to me tonight?”

“Clever boy,” Reign mumbled, tracing his fingers over the blossoming purple where his lips had just been. He eyed the spot and hummed in satisfaction. “Purple suits you well.” He let his fingers fall lower. They wandered down Theo’s chest, caressing every inch, memorizing every curve. As they reached the waistband of his trousers, Reign lowered himself to his knees. He looked back up at Theo, his eyes wide with anticipation. “May I?” he whispered.

Theo reached out, cupping Reign’s jaw with his hand as he smiled down at him and traced his cheekbone with his thumb. Reign leaned into his touch with a soft purr. “Of course you may, beautiful,” Theo said, running his thumb over Reign’s plush lips before pulling his hand back.

Reign, already eager enough to see Theo fall apart at his touch, needed no further prompting. He had waited long enough, he felt. He slowly lowered Theo’s trousers, exposing his erection. He licked along the underside of his co*ck, circling his tongue around the tip, before enveloping his mouth around the length and setting a slow but steady pace. Reign used one hand to steadily stroke the base and kept the other fixed on Theo’s hip, lightly digging his claws into the skin. Theo tasted even more divine than Reign could ever imagine. He purred softly as he sucked harder before pulling away with an obscene and wet pop. Reign kept his hand set to the same pace as he looked up at Theo, observing his reactions.

“f*ck, Reign,” Theo moaned shakily as Reign pulled away. Theo looked down at him, his eyes fixing on the cambion’s slightly swollen lips before meeting his eyes. Reign’s breath caught in his throat, feeling as if Theo was looking right through him. The sapphire-esque gaze above him captivated him; the sounds of Theo’s groans only entrancing him more. He was only brought back down when Theo ran a hand through Reign’s hair.

“You’re divine, sweetness, oh-” He inhaled sharply as Reign ran his thumb over the tip of his penis, smearing pre-cum down the length. “But if you keep doing things like that,” he continued shakily. “I’m going to, f*ck, cum all over that pretty face of yours before we can really get started.”

Reign let a proud grin fall across his face. He knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to see Theo completely fall apart over and over again at his doing. His nose scrunched as he chortled softly. “I never said you couldn’t, my dear. Besides, after all this time, did you think I would be done with you after the first time you finish?” He lowered Theo’s pants fully and held his hands as he fully stepped out of them. Reign led him over to the bed and sat him down on the edge. He lifted Theo’s shirt over his head and studied the bare form before him.

“If I was given a thousand years to describe the pinnacle of beauty,” he said breathlessly. “I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything that compares to you.” Reign cradled Theo’s head as he laid him back on the bed. His calloused fingers ran over the exposed skin of Theo’s chest as his lips trailed in reverent kisses down his torso.

Theo wrapped a hand around one of Reign’s horns before he could progress down much further, eliciting a faint and instinctual groan from the cambion. “Sweetness, I need to take off those pretty clothes of yours before we ruin them.” Reign had gotten so lost in his thoughts of devouring Theo that he had not even thought about the fact that he was still fully clothed. If he had been wearing anything else, he would’ve assured Theo that it was fine and continued. But seeing as it was something Astarion had specifically bought and had tailored for him, he preferred to keep it as clean as possible.

Reign undid the buckle around his waist, removing the jacket and letting it fall to the ground. His muscles weren’t particularly well-defined, but months of fighting off monsters and cultists will earn one some semblance of a toned body. Eager to get back to his previous task, he lightly dragged his nails down Theo’s thighs, trailing kisses up his inner thigh until he once again reached the wizard’s co*ck. Reign flicked his tongue across the tip and stroked the base before resuming his tantalizingly slow pace.

Theo propped himself up on one arm, watching as Reign diligently set to making him fall apart. He wrapped his free hand around one of Reign’s horns near the base, gasping softly. Reign groaned around his co*ck and watched as Theo’s eyes fluttered shut. He felt like a student eager to learn all the ways he could please Theo. He could put even the most devout clerics to shame with the level of attention he planned to give the subject of his worship. Theo’s eyes flickered open once again and he used his grip on Reign’s horn to encourage a faster pace. Reign complied without hesitation, bobbing his head faster. He purred softly around Theo, who groaned as he fell back onto the bed and grabbed at Reign’s other horn. Reign gripped Theo’s hips tightly and moaned quietly as Theo pulled on his horns. He lowered his head further, taking Theo in fully. His thumbs traced light circles around Theo’s hips.

Theo slowly pulled Reign off of him, his co*ck slapping wetly against his stomach. Reign looked up at him, eyes and mind hazy with desire. He whined as Theo turned away from him and crawled up the bed. “Reign, come lay down for me, please,” he called behind him and Reign, though hesitant at first, obliged. He wanted to give Theo unimaginable pleasure, but wasn’t opposed to indulging him in whatever he had up his sleeve first. He circled the bed and sat on the edge, taking Theo’s chin between his fingers and rubbing his thumb over his jaw. He tangled his fingers in the wizard’s hair as he brought their lips together once more, the hand on Theo’s chin trailing down his chest and wrapping around his waist. He pulled their bodies together, Theo’s relative chill sending shivers down Reign’s spine. His other hand trailed down to hold the back of Theo’s neck.

Theo’s arms wrapped around Reign’s back, his fingers grazing over the raised skin that formed scars where his wings had once been. Reign had been nervous the first time he slept with someone, worrying that the scars on his back would prove unsettling. But over time, he grew more confident in himself so it hadn’t even occurred to him that he could possibly be offended. Theo pulled back from the kiss, instinctively moving his hands to rest them on Reign’s hips.

“Is it alright if I touch you like that, sweetness?” he asked.

Reign tilted his head to the side and guided Theo’s hands back to where they had just been. “Of course, darling,” he cooed softly, not exactly registering why he was asked in the first place, but appreciating it nonetheless.

Theo’s touch was light, despite just being given permission. He caressed Reign’s back, smiling at him softly. “Alright, just tell me if that changes, okay? Now, will you lie down like I asked?” From the sound of Theo’s tone, he had something planned. Reign was curious to find out, though he was still hesitant to give up control. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Theo; he just wasn’t used to fully letting go in these situations. Still, he leaned back; not fully, propping himself up on his elbows. He shifted his weight to one elbow and took Theo’s hand, lifting it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on the back of it.

Theo shook his head and moved so he sat in Reign’s lap. He rolled his hips, grinding against Reign’s hardened co*ck. Reign groaned and rolled his hips up to meet Theo’s. “Sweetness, I need you to lie flat on your back. Would you prefer if I walked you through what I want first? That way, if you don’t like it, you can just tell me no before we even start,” Theo assured, pressing his forehead against Reign’s.

Reign’s stomach churned in a strange and unfamiliar way. He was perfectly happy here, with Theo, so he couldn’t quite understand why he was suddenly so nervous in a way he hadn’t experienced before. He nodded slowly, using the feeling of Theo’s body on top of his to ground him. “If you would be so kind,” he muttered, trying to keep his shaky voice even.

Theo cupped his face and gave him a gentle kiss before speaking. “Once you lay down, I will straddle your chest so I can put my co*ck back in that pretty mouth of yours. I will have you blow me like you did before, while I f*ck your mouth nice and shallow. And then, when I am almost finished, I want to pull out of your mouth and paint that gorgeous face of yours with my cum. Though, rest assured, I would only need a few moments to stare before we could get you cleaned back up.” His voice was calm and provided a sense of reassurance as he explained his plans in detail. Theo gently stroked Reign’s face as he continued. “I know it’s a bit of a selfish request, but if you like the idea, you could do it to me as well. And if you hate it, we can forget it was ever a suggestion and take off these pants of yours instead.”

Reign, for the first time since meeting back up with Theo, found himself completely and utterly speechless. Having his plans explained in detail like that provided him an immense amount of comfort, though he wasn’t quite sure why. I’ll unpack that later, he thought to himself. He laid back fully, gazing up at Theo with admiration in his eyes. “I live to serve,” he drawled as he traced lazy circles on Theo’s thighs.

Theo hummed as he crawled up Reign’s body. He straddled the top of his chest and grabbed his co*ck by the base, pressing it against Reign’s lips. “Open,” Theo commanded, though his tone made it clear to Reign that there was always an opportunity for him to not obey it, if he so wished.

Eager to please, Reign did as he was told, opening his mouth and enveloping his mouth around Theo’s hard length. He lifted his head, taking him in further. He was desperate to pleasure Theo, his hunger comparable to someone enjoying their last meal. Reign’s hands gripped the wizard’s thighs and he looked up, meticulously studying Theo’s reactions as he eagerly swallowed him down.

Theo cradled the back of Reign’s head with one hand and leaned forward on the other to get a better angle. The sounds of his pleasure coming from his lips sounded more heavenly than a choir of a thousand angels. Theo began rocking his hips forward as he shallowly f*cked Reign’s mouth. Reign moaned softly, opening his mouth wider to allow him to probe further, if that was what he so chose to do, of course.

“You’re doing so good, sweetness,” Theo groaned. Reign whimpered involuntarily at his praise and his co*ck twitched in response. He bobbed his head faster, desperate to hear more of those pretty moans and, if he was completely honest with himself, more phrases like that. He did thoroughly enjoy giving to his partners in such a way as he enjoyed seeing them pleased, but the way that Theo spoke to him while he was doing so gave him a new motivation, even if it was for his own reasons.

Theo f*cked his mouth a little harder, a little deeper, panting softly from the effort. “Gods, your mouth feels like heaven and sin at the same time. You’re so gorgeous like this, and you will be so gorgeous covered in my cum, sweetness. Do you want that? To be covered in the evidence of how good you make me feel?”

It was all Reign wanted. He wanted to send Theo hurdling over the edge over and over until his voice was hoarse from screaming Reign’s name. His purrs grew louder, his throat vibrating around Theo. He firmly gripped Theo’s hips, holding him in place as he took him in fully, his nose just grazing the base of his co*ck. He could tell that Theo was trying to hold back, so his hand traveled higher, his nails scratching lightly at Theo’s sides before cupping his face. He ran his thumb over the wizard’s lips as the other hand maneuvered to his lower back and rested there.

Theo kissed Reign’s thumb and his hand tightened into a fist in the sheets. He pulled his hips back, releasing his co*ck with another obscene pop. Reign whined as he was left feeling empty, but he wasn’t left wanting for long. Theo leaned back, switching his grip from the sheets to his length while his other hand remained cradling Reign’s head. Reign’s brows furrowed together and his eyes widened as he silently begged for Theo to cum for him. Theo moaned a string of curses as he came, his eyes fluttering shut. Reign groaned as he felt the white, hot release splash across his face and neck.

“You’re so gorgeous like this, Reign,” Theo gasped breathlessly as he reopened his eyes. “More beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen.”

Reign eyed Theo intently as he licked his lips and rubbed his thumb over his own cheek, licking up Theo’s release as if it was the most delectable treat he had ever tasted. “You taste divine, my darling,” Reign mumbled. He reached up, pulling Theo down to him by his jaw and weaved their lips together, the taste of Theo still fresh on his tongue. Reign pulled back, just enough to be able to speak. “Don’t you think?”

“If I’m honest, I would prefer yours,” Theo responded quickly. He lied down next to Reign, attempting to catch his breath as his fingers traced a pattern over the cambion’s chest.

Reign caught his hand with his own and pressed a soft kiss to Theo’s knuckles, then another to his wrist. He trailed his lips up Theo’s arm as he rolled over to be on top of his partner until he reached his neck where he focused his attention on a single spot, sucking roughly and adding light nips periodically. Reign’s knee hooked under Theo’s as his free hand glided up his chest, resting his fingers on Theo’s lips before pushing in gently.

Theo took Reign’s fingers in his mouth and sucked on them eagerly. Reign hummed in approval as he pushed just a little deeper and his lips ventured lower. He pressed a harsh kiss against Theo’s chest, sucking lightly as the wizard’s words from earlier echoed in his mind. You want me to see them in the mirror and think of all the wicked things you’re going to do to me tonight? While it was true that he wanted to give Theo something to remember this night by for the next few days, he also enjoyed seeing them for himself. Not out of possessiveness, but rather because, like he said before, purple was a very suitable color for Theo.

Reign removed his fingers from Theo’s mouth, moving to tease his entrance instead. He hesitated, allowing Theo a chance to stop him if he chose to.

“Reign, as much as I want to indulge in what you’re asking for, I think we are going to need more than my spit if you want to f*ck me tonight,” Theo muttered as he pressed his fingers to the bulge in Reign’s pants.

Reign stopped in his tracks. Obviously, he thought to himself. Perhaps think with your other head, Reign.

Reign wasn’t one to take pride in most things about himself; with the exception of being a fast learner. After he had seen Gale use a spell to summon the correct lubrication to prepare him before, he had him teach him the spell. It proved rather convenient when on the road where such luxuries were more scarce. With a small flick of his wrist, he whispered the incantation for the spell, modified as Gale taught him to coat only his fingers in the cool slick oil rather than the whole area.

Reign circled Theo’s hole, smearing the cold fluid over it and making Theo squirm. Theo took a deep breath, relaxing around the intrusion as Reign gently pressed inside. Reign gave his partner a moment before slowly sliding his finger in and out. Theo ran his hands over Reign’s chest as he worked him open, adding another finger as he slowly relaxed. Reign sucked at a spot just below Theo’s collarbone, adding another mark to the ever-growing menagerie. Reign curled his fingers just enough to hit a spot that made Theo arch his back, pressing their chests tightly together.

“Reign,” Theo moaned softly. “f*ck, Reign.”

“Louder, darling,” Reign coaxed as he curled his fingers again and again. “You didn’t put up that barrier for nothing.” His free hand cupped Theo’s face and he rubbed his thumb over his cheekbone, studying the way his face twisted in pleasure, committing it to memory. Every gasp, every moan spurred him on as he learned how to please Theo. He could do this for hours, watching the way Theo reacted to him while silently begging for more. But he wouldn’t be quite that cruel. Not tonight.

Theo leaned his face into Reign’s touch, moaning and panting as Reign played him like he was more familiar to him than his fiddle. He started to squirm, simultaneously trying to press down on Reign’s fingers and shying away from them as Reign honed in on his prostate with every thrust of his fingers. “Reign, please, more, you,” Theo mustered between breaths.

Reign leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on Theo’s cheek. “Patience, my darling,” he whispered. “You’re doing so well for me.” He wanted to take his time, to treat Theo like he was someone precious because he was. He ached to feel himself inside the wizard, but not before seeing him become thoroughly undone once again.

“Please, please Reign, please,” Theo begged, his nails dragging down Reign’s chest, leaving pink scratches in their wake. His hands pulled at Reign’s pants, desperately trying to get him out of them. Reign brought his hand down from Theo’s face and pulled at his pants as well, bringing them down to his ankles and then kicking them to the side. As much as he wanted to keep Theo like this for much longer, Reign was aching to feel him around himself. And Theo had already asked so nicely, even if the words were sparse. Who was he to deny him? He pulled his fingers out and slicked his co*ck with the oil on his fingers before gently pushing it inside Theo with a low groan.

Theo whimpered softly as Reign slowly pressed into him. Reign’s body shook as he struggled to maintain the will to take his time. Theo’s legs draped over Reign’s thighs and he pushed himself towards the cambion, arching up before falling back down. The motion only allowed for a small amount of Reign’s co*ck to move in and out of him and Reign couldn’t resist any longer. He set himself to a steady pace as he squeezed Theo’s hip with one hand and cradled his head with the other. Reign always wondered if a devil could experience something so sweet as heaven; he figured that if it was anything like what Theo was providing him now, it must be more wonderful than the stories claimed.

“My love, you feel divine,” his words were punctuated with a faint moan. He lifted the wizard’s hips onto his thighs so he could get a better angle that let him slide just a bit deeper.

“Reign,” Theo moaned. Reign hiked his partner’s legs over his shoulders and leaned forward to kiss him. The cambion’s co*ck hit that spot again with the new angle, eliciting another whimper from Theo.

Reign kissed and nipped at his jaw, holding him close as he f*cked him gently. “Good, my darling. Be louder for me. Can you do that?” Reign was a strong-willed individual, yet each sound that left Theo’s lips pushed him further and further to relent. He thrusted harder, groaning softly as he did so. A slew of curses fell from his tongue as his arousal continued to crescendo, and Theo responded in kind with pleas and moans of the cambion’s name.

Theo reached between his legs, wrapping a hand around his co*ck and stroking it in time with Reign’s thrusts. He screamed Reign’s name as he hit his peak, his release spilling over his own chest and stomach. His muscles clenched around Reign and his back arched as he whimpered from overstimulation. Reign reached his own climax soon after, gasping Theo’s name as waves of ecstasy washed over him. His hips came to a halt, allowing himself a brief moment to bask in his afterglow before slowly pulling out and moving to lay beside Theo, wrapping his arms around him.

Theo flicked his wrist, casting prestidigitation before snuggling against Reign’s chest, pecking lazily. “Aros efo fi am byth,” he murmured as he buried his face in the crook of Reign’s neck.

Reign ran his fingers through Theo’s hair with one hand and rubbed his thumb along the small of the wizard’s back with the other. “Nid yw am byth yn ddigon hir,” he responded, placing a gentle kiss on top of Theo’s head.

Theo held onto Reign tighter. He tilted the cambion’s head up and sucked a mark into his neck. Reign moaned weakly as Theo pulled away. “Dwi’n dy garu di, yn fwy na hud.”

Reign blinked rapidly, genuine surprise crossing his face. More than magic? More than what he devoted his entire life to? He couldn’t quite bring himself to believe such a sentiment; not that he doubted Theo, he just couldn’t quite comprehend how someone could love him that much. Love him. Theo had just told him that he loved him. Reign pulled back slightly, guiding Theo’s face so that their eyes met.

“I have faced more deathly threats than I care to count, but if I had to do it all again to spend a single night in your arms, I would do it in a heartbeat.” He took a breath, scanning his eyes. “Rwy'n dy garu di, Theo.”

Theo practically threw himself at Reign, kissing him over and over again. Reign wrapped his arms around Theo’s waist, holding him close as he returned each kiss. The bard was one who was quick to love and he didn’t shy away from that; however, he often found that it could be intimidating to others when he expressed that too soon. So, he was grateful that Theo had opened the door for him to do so. Even still, he feared that the way he loved so fervently would ultimately be too much and he would end up scaring his wizard off.

He repeated the words between each kiss. “Rwy'n dy garu di. Rwy'n dy garu di, Theo.”

Theo looked down at Reign, a short bout of laughter overtaking him. The sound was heavenly, one Reign would treasure forever.

He was often teased for the amount of partners he had, and he could only imagine that there would be more to come once he made it known that Theo was going to be a more permanent part of his life. He could already imagine the comments from Shadowheart. “One wizard wasn’t enough?” he could imagine her saying. He never really let the teasing get to him; for one thing, he knew it was lighthearted, and for another, he wouldn’t care anyway, even if it wasn’t. Reign did hope that Theo wouldn’t have too many reservations in becoming more serious with each other. He could understand how entering into a relationship with a man who already has three partners would seem daunting, so he would understand if Theo didn’t want to get more involved; but he really hoped that he would anyway.

Reign gently pulled Theo close once again, cradling his head to his chest and wrapping his tail around his hips. His eyes were becoming harder and harder to keep open as he fought back sleep, wanting to bask in the moment that he was sharing with Theo. He wondered how his other partners would react to Reign’s newest partnership. Astarion would adore Theo, Reign thought. Wyll would probably have his reservations, but would come around. But Gale? He could only imagine the argument Gale would try to start upon learning that Reign and Theo were now also partners. That’s tomorrow’s problem, he thought as he placed another kiss on top of Theo’s head, resting his head on top of the wizard’s as he drifted off to sleep.


welsh translations:
"Aros efo fi am byth" means "stay with me forever"
"Nid yw am byth yn ddigon hir" means "forever is not long enough"
"Dwi’n dy garu di, yn fwy na hud" means "I love you, more than magic"
"Rwy'n dy garu di" means "I love you"

Chapter 3: Old Habits Die Hard

Chapter by coathangercowboy


surprise !! reign is actually a sad boy with a lot of things he needs to work out :))))

Chapter Text

Reign awoke slowly, taking a moment in the quietness of the morning. It was odd to him that he experienced no dreams, no dream-like visits. He shrugged it off, thankful more than anything. He looked down to where Theo was still asleep, his head resting against his chest. Reign smiled, remembering the night they had shared together. He ran his fingers through Theo’s hair as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on his cheek, trying his best not to disturb his rest.

Theo woke up slowly, groaning and burying his face in Reign’s chest. As he woke up, he lightly traced a pattern on Reign’s chest. A habit that Reign had remembered him doing yesterday, but he just figured that it was something he did as a fidget. Reign took the hand tracing the pattern in his own and ran his thumb over the back of it. “Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?”

Theo hummed and nodded as he sat up. He stretched and shook his head, his loose hair shaking over his shoulders.

“Hey, you stole my hair tie?!” he accused Reign playfully, sweeping the longer portion of his hair over one of his shoulders. “I’m going to need that back. Avis would kill me if she thought I lost her lucky hair tie.”

Reign chuckled, removing the hair tie from his wrist and handing it back to Theo. “I thought I would need to give you a reason to come back to see me,” he remarked, slight hesitation in his voice. Yes, they had told each other I love you last night, but he realized that he never actually asked Theo to be his partner.

Theo shook his head. “Well, unless you want to summon my sister, I would advise against taking things she made for me. Besides, I believe I was promised ‘More than forever’ and I was looking forward to seeing how you pulled that off.”

Reign hummed as he sat up and stretched. “Well, it would start with a proper introduction to my companions and partners. I know that most of them would be delighted to meet you, though some of their intentions are more to sate their own curiosity.” His fingers danced idly along Theo’s thigh as he spoke.

“Partners?” Theo repeated. “I figured that pompous ass from the shop had to have some claim on your heart, but I didn’t know you had others.” Was the pretty elf from before one of your partners, by chance?”

Reign nodded. He was proud to share his love with multiple people in such a way, so he couldn’t quite understand why it was so difficult for him to have this conversation with Theo. “Yes, that’s Astarion. The other horned man, Wyll, is another and of course, Gale made his presence quite known at the shop. I do apologize for him, by the way. I should’ve known better than to bring all of them along, but, in all honesty, I was so lost in excitement to see you again that I wasn’t thinking.”

He took a breath and took Theo’s hand. “Look, I know it’s not exactly a traditional arrangement, but it wouldn’t be entirely true to my nature to have just one partner. I don’t exactly know how to explain it; I’ve just always felt a lot of love for multiple people at once.” He paused before adding, “That doesn’t mean I love you any less, of course.”

“I don’t think you will love me any less,” Theo responded, seemingly honestly. “But I don’t want to be restricted either if we are doing this. I’m not going to wait around for my turn at attention when you don’t have time for me because you’re dealing with the others.”

Reign shook his head. “I would never ask you to keep yourself for me exclusively when I’m asking the exact opposite for myself. I don’t expect you to just wait around for attention either. You deserve every ounce of attention and then some and I know I will not always be able to provide that. So it would be unfair of me to ask you to just deal with that.”

Theo’s shoulders relaxed. “Alright,” he sighed. “We should start getting ready then. We don’t happen to have time for a quick wash, do we?”

“Of course we do, my love,” Reign assured, standing from the bed. He slipped on a pair of baggy, black casual pants before handing Theo his clothes from the night before. He turned around as Theo got dressed. He had slept with the man and they woke up naked beside each other, yet it still felt improper to watch him get dressed.

When they were both decent, he grabbed his bag of toiletries and opened the door, leading Theo to the washroom down the hall. Reign opened the door to the washroom, expecting to wait for him to be done, but instead, Theo pulled him inside after him, kicking the door closed behind them.

“Come on now. You need a bath too, and you can’t leave me here alone. What if Gale gets the idea to come remove the competition while you’re not looking?”

Reign shook his head and laughed softly. “Please, he’s not that competitive.” Even if the statement was hyperbolic, Reign knew Gale was, in fact, quite competitive. “Besides, I think you two have more in common than you think,” he added, leading Theo to the large washtub to the side of the room.

Theo sat on the edge of the tub as it started to fill. “What could I possibly have in common with that pompous ass? I get we are both wizards, sweetness, but I think that’s where the similarities end.” Theo leaned over to dip his hand in the water, humming contentedly at the temperature.

Reign narrowed his eyes with a slight grin. “Darling, I don’t think you want me to answer that question.” Theo rolled his eyes as Reign helped him out of his clothes, holding his hands for support as he stepped out of his pants. He folded them neatly and placed them to the side then removed his own pants and did the same. Reign once again held Theo’s hand as he stepped into the washtub before stepping in after him.

As they settled in the tub, Theo sat between Reign’s legs, leaning back against his chest. “I think I do want you to answer that question because I’m going to need some information to work with if I have to be civil with him. But if you are hesitant because you think it would be cruel, I assure you I can take it. Surely he must have some redeeming quality that drew you to him. Maybe we have one of those in common you could start with?”

Reign reached over, pulling his bar of soap from the bag. He ran his hands through Theo’s hair to wet it down. “Yes, like your insatiable curiosity and constant pursuit of knowledge. You are both fiercely loyal and though you both have a particularly high ego, it’s not from a sense of self-absorption.” Reign lathered the soap between his hands then massaged it into Theo’s hair. “Besides, I would be surprised if you didn’t have moments of being a ‘pompous ass’ yourself, love.”

Theo scoffed. “Well, at least I’m not possessive, as he seems to be. I don’t know how he handles being in a relationship with you if he gets that way after one simple kiss.” He dunked his head under the water to rinse his hair.

Reign raised a brow at the wizard. “A ‘simple’ kiss? You’re telling me there was no other motivation to that kiss? I find that hard to believe, considering Gale’s behavior just before. Don’t get me wrong, he was definitely overstepping, but don’t act like you’re completely innocent either.” He kept his tone light, wanting to make it clear that he wasn’t actually upset with Theo, but just pointing out the observations he had made.

“Gale may have been the catalyst behind me taking action, but my reasons for kissing you were not so petty as jealousy!” Theo insisted, pointing accusingly at his partner’s chest. “Besides, he was the one who decided to be an ass, not me. He didn’t have to try to pipe up to only half explain what a sending scroll was. Gods, I hate wizards like him who treat magic like it’s some artifact to lock in an ivory tower and not a precious tool to be shared.

Reign hummed. “And yet another thing you two have in common. Gale does really love sharing his knowledge of magic and has taught me a thing or two on more than one occasion. His methods at that particular time may not have been great, but I can assure you that he is truly a wonderful teacher.” He held the bar of soap up. “May I continue?”

Theo sighed and nodded, allowing Reign to continue to wash him. “Well, maybe next he can teach you sending. I would do it myself, but,” He hesitated for a second. “Well, I’ve never had success teaching magic.” He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before pressing his palms to his eyes. “Rwy'n dy garu di.”

Reign set the bar of soap to the side and took Theo’s hands in his own, moving them away from his eyes and placing a quick peck on his cheek. “Rwy'n dy garu di hefyd.” He rested his forehead against Theo’s and took a breath before continuing. “You can tell me no and I won’t ask again, but I would be thrilled and honored if you taught me sending. I wouldn’t want to be without a way to contact you should we get separated again, though I do want to make it clear that I have no intentions of that happening.

He cupped water in his hands, washing the soap off of Theo. “Besides, you already seem rather familiar with that spell. Not to discredit Gale, but I had never even heard of sending before you mentioned it so I’m not sure if he knows that one.”

“How in the world did you manage to pick up the one wizard in Faerûn who doesn’t know sending?” Theo chortled. “I can try to teach you, but I’m a poor tutor. And don’t teach Gale. If he has refused to learn it until now, he clearly decided he doesn’t need to add it to his spell book.”

Reign fluttered his eyes in a half-roll. “I didn’t say he didn’t know it. I said that I’m not sure if he does because he never mentioned it to me. And I’m sure that you’re a fine tutor and you’re not giving yourself enough credit.” He glanced over Theo, humming in satisfaction once he was cleaned up. He took the bar of soap once more and set to cleaning himself next.

Theo reached out and took the bar of soap from Reign, causing the cambion to huff lightly. The wizard lathered it in his hands before starting to wash Reign’s hair. “He best not know it because if he does, I will have to have a rather stern word with him,” Theo hummed as he scrubbed around Reign’s horns. “But enough about Gale. Tell me about the other two. Astarion seems interesting and, if I’m honest, I barely even remember this Wyll, as he never spoke.”

Reign let his concern about the inevitable argument between his two wizards fade for now. He purred softly as Theo scrubbed his hair. “Interesting is certainly a way to describe Astarion. He can come off a little strong, but that’s just who he is. As I mentioned last night, he can be a little too nosey for his own good so don’t let that intimidate you. He really is sweet once you get to know him.

“Wyll, on the other hand, doesn’t like to butt in on matters that don’t concern him, for the most part, which is why you haven’t really heard him speak. He is truly valiant and has been my rock these past few months. He’s always there if I need someone to talk to and has been a light in some of the most literal and figurative darkest moments of my life. I truly cannot wait to introduce you to them all because I would like to think they would all love you.”

“Hm, well I doubt they will love me. I'm still surprised that you do and you’re clearly a lover at heart. No, I think I could be content as long as they tolerate me well enough. Though it would be nice if we could at least become friends.” Theo said, picking up the soap once again to start washing his body. His fingers ran over the bite marks on Reign’s neck, left behind as permanent visual evidence of Astarion's nightly feeding.“Pray tell, is one of them a vampire?”

Reign sighed, rubbing his hand over the marks on his neck. “Yes, but he wouldn't be too pleased if he thought I told someone who is a stranger to him that. He's really bad at hiding it anyway, so I would appreciate it if you let him bring it up in his own time.”

Theo hummed in acknowledgment, rinsing the soap off of Reign.

“I’ll keep my curiosity in check, I wouldn’t want yet another of your partners hating me. What about the others, your companions? Anything I should be worried about there other than that hunky elf joining your small army of boyfriends?”

Reign blinked, taken aback. “Halsin’s not my boyfriend. But I'm sure that all will be revealed in time. I don't want to share anything that's not my place to say.”

“Alright, I’ll stop pestering you for now. I suspect if I keep you much longer the others will think I’ve stolen you away myself.” Theo said, stopping for a moment to give Reign one last lingering kiss before getting out of the tub and drying off. He cast a quick prestidigitation spell on his clothes to clean them before starting to pull them on, tutting as he did so.

Reign stepped out of the bath and grabbed a towel, drying himself off before wrapping it around his waist and securing it there. He tilted his head at Theo. “Do you need new clothes, love? I can bring you something from my chest, though I can almost guarantee you that it wouldn't be as fancy as what you have.”

“I’m not quite sure. These just feel inappropriately flirty for a first meeting with your partners and friends. What do you think?” Theo asked, looking over at Reign and nervously fidgeting with the hem of his cropped shirt.

Reign hummed as he looked Theo up and down before stepping over to him, placing his hands on his exposed waist and gently pulling him close. “I think you look absolutely exquisite. You can rest assured that no one is going to judge you based on your clothing.” Reign paused for a moment before adding, “So long as you're comfortable,” and placing a quick kiss on his forehead.

Theo took a deep breath, leaning into Reign. “I’ll be alright. Glad I decided against wearing that hat though. Looking silly for you would have been fine, but I don’t think I would have survived that in front of a bunch of new people.” He smiled up at Reign. “Get dressed, sweetness. Let’s go get this over with.”

“Please,” Reign scoffed with a faint grin as he pulled his pants back on. “I think you look stunning in that hat. I believe my exact words were, ‘It brings out your eyes.’” He took Theo’s hand in his own and led him out the door of the washroom.

As he led Theo to the main room, they were greeted by Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach, doing their best attempt of acting natural, as if they weren’t just talking about the two that had just arrived. Astarion and Shadowheart both had their noses buried in books and Karlach was looking in the opposite direction, whistling. Reign tilted his head and raised a brow as he approached Astarion, flipping his upside down book right side up.

“You can’t glean much from reading an upside down book, now can you, love?” he asked teasingly. He looked around, noting the absence of several of his companions. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Well, you know how Minthara and Lae’zel are,” Karlach piped up. “Morning routines and all. Halsin is ‘connecting with nature,’ whatever that means, and the other two..,” she trailed off, nodding to Astarion to continue.

“Your other wizard is being a bit melancholic,” Astarion chimed in. “Wyll’s trying to convince him to come join us for breakfast.” Reign let out a heavy sigh. Of course. He was probably going to have to talk to Gale himself for him to join them, but he wanted to at least introduce Theo to those who were already here first.

“Right. Well, everyone, this is Theo. Theo, this is Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach,” he said, pointing at each person as he said their names.

“Hello,” Theo said, looking around at each of them. He rolled his bottom lip between his teeth nervously. Reign placed his hand on the small of Theo’s back reassuringly.

“A pleasure,” Astarion responded, his ruby eyes gleaming mischievously at Theo before turning back to Reign. “Darling, I think you should go fetch the others. You wouldn’t want the poor party to go out without having had breakfast, right?”

Reign narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, sensing that there was something he was up to by his tone. “We’re all capable ourselves. I could cook us a nice-”

The cambion was cut off by a resounding, “No!” from the present companions. He nodded. “Fair enough. I’ll go get him.” He turned to Theo, placing a quick peck on his cheek. “Sorry. I’ll be back soon.” As he passed by Astarion, he stopped and knelt down. “Be nice?”

“I’ll be sweet as honey,” he responded with a grin. Reign hummed in disbelief but gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as well before making his way to Gale’s room.

Reign approached Gale’s door, where Wyll was standing right outside. The warlock offered him a genuine smile and Reign rested his head on his shoulder. Wyll leaned his head against Reign’s and sighed.

“He’s been in there all morning?” Reign asked.

“And all night before that,” Wyll explained. Reign hummed and lifted his head, placing a quick yet lingering kiss to his lips. “I’ll talk to him, love. You go join the others. Theo’s waiting to meet you.”

“Are you sure?” Wyll’s brow furrowed. “I can wait for both of you.”

Reign shook his head. “It’s fine, love. I promise.” Wyll took Reign’s hand in his own and pressed a kiss to the back of it before leaving Reign alone at Gale’s door.

Reign took a deep breath before knocking on Gale’s door. Silence. “Gale?” he called out with another knock. He heard a faint “come in” and opened the door slowly. He found Gale in the corner by the window, nose buried in a book. He closed the door and strided over to his wizard, kneeling down beside him and lowering the book away from his face. “Good morning, my love,” he greeted in a soft voice.

Gale looked up at him, his deep brown eyes highlighted by the morning rays beaming through the window. All of Reign’s partners had the most beautiful eyes in his mind. “I thought you would be rather preoccupied,” Gale scoffed. “What, with getting your newly acquired wizard cleaned up and out the door?”

The bard raised a brow as he sat beside him, facing Gale with his legs crossed. “Actually, that’s part of what I wanted to talk to you about.” He took a deep breath. “I would like to pursue something deeper with Theo.” Gale’s face twisted into a scowl, but Reign held his hand up. “Hear me out…please.” Gale relaxed reluctantly, allowing Reign to continue. “You know I have always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve. I do so with pride and unapologetically. I care for Theo deeply and I have for a very long time, but I couldn’t abide it if I knew it genuinely upset you.”

Gale took Reign’s hand. “Reign, my love, you know that your happiness is my happiness. I know that I can’t provide everything you need-”

Reign shook his head. “That’s not what this is about,” he corrected. “Just because I have relations with others,”

“Doesn’t mean you love me any less,” Gale finished in unison. “I know, I know.” He sighed. “But another wizard? If you wanted more magical experiences, I would be more than happy to oblige,” he suggested with a playful attitude.

“It’s not about that either. It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s a wizard. I’m not replacing you. I just care for him very deeply and want to make him a more permanent part of my life. I’m not asking you to do the same, necessarily; I just ask that you at least be civil with him.” Gale groaned as he rolled his eyes. “Just try to steer clear of topics of discussion that would cause any arguments, yes?” Reign added.

After a moment of consideration, Gale relented. “Fine. But only because I love you.”

Reign smiled, his nose scrunching. “That’s all I could ask for.” He leaned in, claiming Gale’s lips with his own. “And I love you too,” he added as he pulled away. “More than you could ever know.” He stood from the floor, offering Gale a hand. “Besides, you two have more in common than you think.”

Gale scoffed again. “What could I possibly,” he groaned as he stood from the floor, his knees aching. “Have in common with that pompous ass?”

Reign shook his head and chuckled. “More than you know, my love.”

“Perhaps a conversation best saved for another time,” Shadowheart could be heard saying as the two of them rounded the corner.

“I could always cook if you’re so very hungry,” Theo offered. Reign felt Gale’s hand clench in his own and he gave Gale a look, silently begging him to not take the opportunity for an argument presented to him.

“It would be rather rude of us to make our guest cook for us, don’t you think?” Gale posited, a smug grin on his face. Reign sighed. They were doing this, he supposed.

“Not rude at all, Gale,” Theo remarked, only half-turning his head towards the two. “I simply offered because you seemed indisposed. Of course, if you insist, I will let you do the honors.”

“Please, it would be my pleasure,” Gale responded with a slight bow. He dropped Reign’s hand, crossing towards the small kitchen opposite of them and passing by Theo. “You should relax, kick your feet up, so to speak. Don’t worry though, I’ll send for you if I have need of your assistance.”

A brief moment passed before Gale whipped around to face Theo, his face flush with anger and indignation. “How dare you! I will not stand to have my intelligence belittled by the likes of a shopkeep! As for ‘unmannered,’ at least I have the decency to ask permission before using the powers so benevolently bestowed upon us to poke around in someone else’s mind, thank you!” He stormed off, leaving Reign and the rest of the companions befuddled and looking to Theo for an explanation.

“He’s a bit dramatic, isn’t he?” Theo remarked as the others stared at him in confusion. Reign buried his face in his hands. This was certainly not the way he wanted this to go. He didn’t at all expect Gale and Theo to get along at first, but this was far messier than anything he had imagined could possibly happen.

He dragged his hands down his face as he knelt down beside Theo. “I’m sorry he yelled at you like that. Despite his anger, that was uncalled for.” He kissed Theo’s temple before standing to his feet. “We’ll talk more in a moment,” he added before following Gale to the kitchen.

Gale was furiously chopping various vegetables as he muttered indecipherably under his breath. Reign leaned against the wall, head tilted.

“What happened?” Reign finally asked.

Gale turned to him, his face still red hot. “That arrogant bastard is what happened! How dare he waltz in here and invade my mind like that. He had no right!”

Reign nodded. “I agree. He overstepped.”

Gale turned back around, resuming his reckless chopping. “I genuinely do not understand what you see in him, Reign.”

The bard approached Gale slowly, placing his hands on the wizard’s and slowing his motions. “First of all,” he started, his tone as soft and kind as ever. “We’re going to have a conversation, not an argument. If you need a moment to let out your anger before we do so, that’s okay, but you’re not going to take it out on me. Understand?”

Gale took a deep, shaky breath and turned to face Reign again. “I apologize. I did not mean to raise my voice at you.”

“Thank you. Now, can I start by asking what he said?”

Gale stared down at the ground in front of him and Reign held onto his hands, rubbing small circles against his wrist reassuringly, waiting patiently for when Gale was ready to speak, if that was ever at all. “I don’t know the sending spell,” he muttered. Reign tilted his head, but stayed silent. “Rather, I can’t access it. There are several spells that I can’t access because Mystra keeps them out of my grasp.” He looked up to meet Reign’s gaze. “But you didn’t know that. So why didn’t you ever ask?”

Reign’s brow furrowed. He had honestly never considered the option of asking anyone else for help. For the whole of his life, he had to fend for himself. No one was ever there to be his shoulder to lean on. No one had been there to help him in times of emotional turmoil. He was given away to a devil who tormented him for thirteen years and while it was nothing compared to what others in his party had gone through, it still hurt all the same.

Tears fell from his eyes as he considered why he had never asked. It wasn’t because he didn’t think they couldn’t help; he knew they could, for the most part. He didn’t doubt them. He just found it unnecessary. Unlikely, rather. Unlikely that even after everything he had given for the people he cared about the most, he would be met with the same energy. And it hurt. Reign felt like he had betrayed those closest to him, like he had worked his way into their lives and hearts only for him to keep the door to his own shut.

“I’m sorry,” Reign muttered.

“For what?”

For so much. For everything, really. For being…him.

Gale reached up, wiping the tears from his eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for, my love. You did nothing but your best.”

“Exactly. I did my best and people still got hurt,” he blurted out, only realizing what he said after the words already left his mouth. “I could have tried so much harder and perhaps then, none of this would have happened.”

Gale’s eyes softened as they glazed over, unspilled tears filling them. “Reign…”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be throwing this on you now,” Reign hastily spoke, pressing his hands to his eyes. Gale moved them away, wrapping one arm around Reign’s waist while his other hand cradled his head, holding him in a close embrace.

“You have done so much for me, for all of us, over these past few months. You need to let this out, Reign.”

Reign didn’t protest anymore; he simply let himself go, sobbing into Gale’s shoulder. He didn’t even realize how much he had been holding in this whole time as the tears kept flowing. He clung to Gale’s shirt as if it was the one thing keeping him grounded.

It wasn’t fair, he thought. It wasn’t fair that the consequences of giving so much of yourself to the people you love was pain and fatigue. They all deserve the world and he would give it to them if he could. But right now, he couldn’t help but want to just be held and told that he was doing enough, that he was being enough, that he was enough.

The two of them sat there in silence, broken only by Reign’s occasional sniffle, before the cambion lifted his head from Gale’s shoulder. “Thank you,” he muttered, wiping his eyes.

“There’s no need to thank me,” Gale assured, wiping Reign’s eyes as well and offering a comforting smile. “It’s what you needed.”

Reign wanted to protest, but a stern look from Gale convinced him otherwise. Gods, was that what he looked like when he did that? No wonder it worked wonders. He broke away from the embrace, trying to make himself look somewhat presentable. He wiped at his eyes one last time and ruffled his hair a bit. “How do I look?” he asked, forcing a smile and holding his arms out to the side, presenting himself to Gale.

The wizard hummed in discontent. “Like someone who needs more than just a brief cry.”

“Please, Gale,” Reign sighed. “I’ll just start up again.”

“Perhaps you need to?”

“No, what I need is to be able to have a conversation with Theo without looking like I just sobbed for gods know how long.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re going to be accomplishing the latter half of that mission.”

“Lovely.” Reign took another deep breath before trailing kisses down Gale’s face, landing on his lips. “I love you, darling,” he said as he broke away.

“I love you too.”

Reign emerged from the kitchen, streaks of shed tears glistening on his cheeks. He avoided the stares from his companions and partners as he approached Theo. "Darling, may I speak with you?" he asked quietly, gesturing to his room.

Theo rose to his feet immediately, following Reign down the hall and into his room before speaking.

“Gods, Reign, are you alright?” he asked, cupping Reign’s face between his hands. “I know I said I would behave, and I didn’t, but if that man took his anger at me out on you…” He trailed off as his eyes darkened.

Reign shook his head. “He didn’t hurt me. I wouldn’t allow that.” He didn’t know how to handle being so emotionally vulnerable, but he took a shaky breath, attempting to anyway. “Gale doesn’t have the sending spell. For reasons that are not my own to disclose. But even if he did, you shouldn’t be mad at him for never having heard from me for months. You should be mad at me.”

Theo pulled Reign in closer, holding him tightly and stroking his hair. “No, no I shouldn’t be mad at all. I should have stopped being a coward and tried to contact you myself. Perhaps you would have reacted negatively, but if I would have sucked it up and sent to you myself, I would have at least known you were okay. Even if you did tell me to f*ck off once and for all.” He started to sway lightly with Reign in his arms. “I made this situation for myself. I should have never lashed out at Gale, much less taken my feelings out on you. I’m sorry, Reign. I truly am.”

Reign allowed himself to fall into Theo’s embrace. He wasn’t sure if he had any more tears to shed at this point, but they somehow kept managing to fall. “It’s not your fault,” he managed to choke out. “You were understandably scared. I can’t fault you for that.” He took another breath. “I appreciate the sentiment, but you have nothing to be sorry for.”

“Stop it, Reign,” Theo said softly, holding Reign just a little tighter. “I have dozens of things I’ve done already that I should be apologizing for. If you were anyone else, I would need to be on my knees, begging you to let me stay, but you’re not anyone else. So, if you are going to insist on being so endlessly forgiving of my emotional outbursts, at least let me be here for you when you need me.”

Reign didn’t know what to say. He figured he should be angry with Theo for invading the privacy of someone he held dear. But he couldn’t bring himself to be. He silently cursed himself for being so forgiving. How could he be so foolish as to let himself love someone that much? He leaned further into Theo, finding it harder and harder to support himself as he sobbed into his shoulder for what seemed like forever.

As the tears finally started to dry up, he lifted his head from Theo’s shoulder, scoffing in dismay at the tear-soaked fabric of Theo’s shirt. “Well, now I’ve gone and ruined your shirt. Let me find you something else to wear.” He broke away from Theo’s embrace and went to his chest, rifling through it to find something decent for him to wear.

Reign heard Theo sigh behind him and shuffle over to the small basin with water. He cast a spell of some kind before coming over to Reign. “Reign, honey, stop for a second and look at me,” Theo instructed, gently tilting Reign’s face towards him. He used a cloth to wipe the tears stains from his eyes. It was cool to the touch, a nice contrast to Reign’s inherent warmth. He leaned his head into Theo’s hand, allowing him to fuss over him.

“Close your eyes, Reign. This will help with the swelling.” Reign sighed as he did as he was told. Theo gently placed the cool rag over his eyes. He felt Theo bring his hand up to give him control of the rag before pulling his hands away. “You know you don’t need to worry about my clothes, Reign. Your well-being is far more precious to me than any shirt.”

Reign was thankful for the rag that now covered his face; he was tired of people seeing him cry and at least now he could hide it. As if he didn’t have enough of hiding from how he felt. He held both hands over the cloth, silently letting the rag soak up the falling tears for a moment before groaning loudly and wiping his face with it.

“I’m sorry, I’m being dramatic,” he muttered raspily. He cleared his throat as he looked up at Theo, his eyes heavy. “I’m sorry that this was your introduction to the people in my life. I promise it’s not always like this.”

“You’re not being dramatic, sweetness,” Theo insisted. “It’s simply been a dramatic morning. I’m simply sorry I made it so taxing on you. That wizard of yours seems to get under my skin in a way few others ever have, but that’s no excuse for me to act like a bit of a bastard if I’m being honest.” He reached out to gently cup Reign’s face with his hand. “The others didn’t seem to mind me so much. I think Astarion at least finds me entertaining, and Wyll seems very sweet. The girls were rather quiet, but they seemed nice. You seem to surround yourself with good people.”

Reign chuckled, a semblance of a smile falling across his face. He had never known Karlach of all people to be quiet, which let him know that this was a particularly bad spat. But of course Wyll had stepped up to reassure Theo. That man prioritized others over himself almost as much as Reign did. Almost as much. And if he knew Astarion, which he did, he knew he had tried to lighten the mood, which he was also thankful for. His vampire was not one to let heavy moments sit for long and he always tried to bring a sense of humor even into the most dramatic moments. There was a reason he was so madly in love with all of them.

He placed his hand over Theo’s and pressed their foreheads together. He wanted to apologize ceaselessly, as that was all he knew how to do. When things didn’t go right, he took the blame and his instincts told him this situation was no different. But he bit back his apologies, instead offering a simple and choked out, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. I’m here for you whenever you need me to be. Rwy’n dy garu di.” Theo assured, his voice soft and even. “Now would you like to stay here for a little while longer or would you like to go join the others?”

Reign rubbed his eyes once more, trying to rid himself of any evidence of his sobbing and failing miserably. “I think there’s been enough self pity for one day. Besides, I wouldn’t want to worry the others more than I’m sure they already are.” He reached up, placing a gentle kiss on Theo’s cheek. “Rwy’n dy garu di,” he said before standing to his feet and opening the door for Theo.

Theo approached the door, but stopped in front of Reign. “You know, Reign, you don’t have to pretend to be okay just because someone else needs you. Trust me, I know,” he said before walking through the open door.

Reign hummed in disapproval. It was an idea that he wasn’t all too fond of, one he wasn’t all too familiar with. Outside of just the concern he was certain his companions were feeling, there was still the matter of dealing with the Elder Brain and the Dead Three’s Chosen so he hardly had time for wallowing now.

He followed close behind Theo, approaching the large, open common room where the rest of the party had joined the others and they had gathered to eat. Halsin sat on the floor in a corner of the room, whittling at the same project he had been working on for months. Minthara paid them no mind, but Lae’zel scowled at Theo, her face twisting at him as they approached.

Wyll gave Reign a look of concern and Reign shook his head, trying to silently assure him that he was fine. Astarion didn’t even make a witty comment, but rather matched the look on Wyll’s face. Reign simply led Theo to a sofa before sitting down in the middle and patting the seat beside him, signaling for Theo to join him.

Theo followed the silent command sitting down next to Reign, body turned to face toward him with his arm draped over the back of the couch and his hand gently coming to rub against the back of Reign's neck.

Gale emerged from the kitchen, the same look on his face as he eyed Reign and Theo. Gods, did everyone have to look at him like he was a wounded puppy? Gale stood at a distance from the two, wringing his hands together nervously as he thought of what to say to ease the palpable tension. “Theo, I am sorry that you were offended by what I said.”

Reign half-glanced up at him with a raised brow. “Try again, Gale,” he sighed in exasperation. Gale co*cked his head in confusion. “You’re sorry that he felt that way or you’re sorry for what you said? Try again and this time, don’t center yourself.”

Gale’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry for what I said,” he murmured, eyes fixed on the ground.

Reign nodded in approval as he looked to Theo, hoping that he felt that it was an adequate apology, at least for now.

Theo, who had been avoiding the other wizard’s gaze, finally turned to look at Gale and sighed. “It's alright, Gale. I'm sorry for what I said as well. I let my emotions get the better of me and it was unnecessarily cruel.” He turned back to Reign as he finished speaking.

Reign gave another nod of approval. “Thank you, both of you.” He then turned to address the rest of the group. “As you all know by now, this is Theo, someone I care for very deeply. So please,” he looked pointedly at Gale as he emphasized, “please be kind.” He turned that same look in Astarion's direction. “And don't press him for answers if he doesn't want to answer your questions.” Finally, he turned to Wyll and paused before continuing. “Actually, you're fine.” He sighed as he addressed the whole group again. “Now, can we discuss our next steps?”

The party spent their breakfast informing Theo on all they had encountered and learned over the last few months; all the while, Reign kept a hand on Theo’s lower thigh as he learned about just what they were up against.

After the party had shared the story of how they came to be where they were currently, THeo looked as if he was going to be sick. Reign gently rubbed small circles on his thigh with his thumb, hoping that it would remind him that he was right there if Theo needed him. He watched Theo pull a dab-pen out of the inner lining of his coat and take a deep hit, blowing the smoke up into the air.

“What is that and where can I get one?” Karlach excitedly piped up.

“A dab pen, and I’m afraid it’s a rather rare item that you need particular connections to requisition,” Theo answered vaguely. “Oh and before you ask, no you can’t have a puff.”

Reign watched Theo blow the smoke into the air out of the corner of his eye. That was a habit of Theo's he was going to need to break, but right now certainly wasn't the time to start. He gave Theo's thigh a reassuring squeeze as he figured the amount of information just dumped on him was likely overwhelming. He looked at Karlach. "You of all people don't need one of those anyway." Theo stashed the pen away again as Karlach whined, but she didn’t protest.

“When we get your engine fixed, you can get as high as you want, but for now, I would prefer if we didn’t test the limits of Zariel’s machinery, please,” Reign added. Karlach pumped her fist excitedly at the prospect of something pleasant to look forward to when this was all said and done.

Reign stood from his seat, his hand coming off of Theo’s thigh for the first time since they sat down. “Shall we go then?” he asked the group.

Theo looked up at Reign as the others started to rise, before getting up himself. Getting close enough to Reign to whisper. “May I speak to you privately?” he asked, eyes flicking to the two elves, clearly worried about them overhearing what he wanted to say, before giving Reign a meaningful look.

Reign nodded to the others to go ahead and waited until they filed out the door before turning back to Theo. “Of course, darling. Are you okay? I know that all of that was a lot and we should’ve given you all of that information in pieces rather than all at once.”

“I’m fine,” Theo assured. “I just have some affairs I need to put in order so my absence is not so terribly missed. So I’m afraid I won’t be able to go with you to the city today. I also will likely need a room here for the time being as it logistically makes more sense to have me here and I’m sure your other partners would prefer to have the option to go see you in your room.” He frowned apologetically. “I’m sorry about this, but…well, you were already at risk of being smacked by Avis and I’d rather get to her first. I need to make sure she and Lucy know I’m fine so they don’t think you’ve taken me against my will or something terrible like that.”

“Oh, of course,” Reign remarked in relief. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed that you were coming with us right away. You actually have a life here. We have been renting the whole top floor so I’m sure there is a room that you can make yourself at home in.” He gently grabbed Theo by the shoulders and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Do what you need to do, darling. And don’t feel pressured to stay with us or fight with us. It’s daunting for the people involved; I can imagine it would be even more so for someone who’s not.”

He took Theo by the hand, walking him out of the Elfsong and joining the others on the street. “Would you like me to walk you home, love?” he asked Theo.

Astarion grimaced. “And get lost in getting back to us? Darling, I love you, but you’re more than a bit directionally challenged.”

“I’ll take Karlach with me,” Reign offered. He turned to the tiefling who was beaming and eager to go with them, should Theo take them up on their offer.

“I suppose if you would allow me to be so indulgent,” Theo responded as he fiddled with Reign’s hand in his.

“It would be my honor,” Reign assured, smiling softly and nodding to Karlach, who seemed more than happy to have some time to talk to Theo more.

Karlach looked to Wyll. “Meet up at the Central Wall?” Wyll nodded before heading off with the rest of the party.

Reign gestured out in front of him. “Lead the way,” he directed at Theo.

Theo smiled at him and started towards his home, leading Reign by the hand. As they walked, Reign listened to the sounds of the bustling streets. He never thought he would be one to like the city, and he didn’t particularly enjoy it. But it did make him wonder what it must be like to have grown up in such a busy environment. His own childhood was filled with far more solitude; having spent the majority of his formative years honing his music as a lethal weapon. What would he have been like if he hadn’t been given away? Would he have had a more normal life?

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of Karlach’s voice. “So, Theo, what kind of wizard are you anyway? Gale is always talking about seeing the future and stuff like that. Is that what you do?”

Theo smiled. “I’m afraid not. I prefer to trade in illusions myself. Being able to create beauty is a gift many artists strive for, and to be able to do it with magic? Well, I’m just glad I found I had the knack for it.”

What would it be like to be able to create so freely? Reign thought. The thought left his mind just as quickly as it entered and he gave Theo’s hand a slight squeeze. “I think you’re underselling yourself a bit there, darling. You have more than a knack for magic. You’re quite talented.”

Theo shook his head at Reign. “Sweetness, there is no need to exaggerate my skill. You’ve hardly even seen me cast, even if you count all those months ago,” he protested, squeezing Reign’s hand back.

Karlach co*cked her head to the side. “You two keep mentioning this history of yours. What kind of wild sh*t were you two lovebirds up to before illithids came and f*cked it all up?”

“We had both been sent on a mission to retrieve some kind of missing shipment,” Reign explained. “I believe Theo’s explanation as to why he was there was he was doing it ‘as a favor.’” Reign hummed fondly at the memory of meeting Theo for the first time. He hadn’t met many people outside of his father’s realm before that point, but of the ones he had, Theo was the most beautiful.

“Well, it turns out the real favor was getting me out of my master’s hair for some time so he could ruin my organization system in peace,” Theo scoffed. His tone relaxed into a more serious one as he added. “I almost wish I hadn’t given you that flower back now. I’m sure it got lost a long time ago and I had intended to press it properly.”

Reign’s heart skipped a beat. The flower he had given Theo as a small, flirtatious gesture during their time together now sat pressed between the pages of his journal back in his room at the Elfsong. He could give Theo that flower back later, but seeing as it wasn’t with him at the moment, he opted for the next best thing. He stopped walking and bent down to pick a wild flower on the side of the street, tucking it behind Theo’s ear. It was a small, pink flower with rounded petals and a yellow center. Reign hummed in satisfaction as he took a small step back, eyeing Theo with admiration. “I know pink was more of Gwen’s color, but it suits you just as well.”

Theo tutted in embarrassment, looking down at the cobblestone road as he blushed. “I’m telling her you said that, I hope you know,” he muttered. “Her and Vithka have been traveling outside of the city together for a while now, but we keep in touch.”

“Please do,” Reign said genuinely, taking Theo’s hand once again as they continued walking. “I hope that they’re doing well, or at least better than fighting illithids and gods.”

“Gods, you two are so adorable. No wonder you were so keen on seeing him again right away, Reign,” Karlach said with an ever-present enthusiasm. “You will have to tell me more about this mission of yours and your old friends’ sometime. It sounds like a fantastic story.” Theo chuckled quietly, as did Reign.

“It’s a fascinating tale,” Reign started dramatically, as if he was telling a most riveting bedtime story. “Of a woman so in love, she crafted a whole labyrinth of traps and encounters just to protect her beloved.”

“Reign, we hardly have the time to go through the whole story now!” Theo chided playfully as they rounded the corner. They saw a lavender colored tiefling trying to unlatch a window from the outside. Reign remembered her from when he had briefly seen her a few months ago, but they didn’t really get a chance to talk. “Avis,” Theo called out, sighing and dropping Reign’s hand to go to her. “Please don’t break my window again.” Reign looked to Karlach and mouthed a silent “Sister” to provide a simple explanation.

The young tiefling froze for a second before turning around with her hand behind her back, as if hiding the tools she was using would make her seem more innocent.

“I wasn’t going to break your window! I was just going to unlatch it so I could check on you. You haven’t checked in in a few days like you promised Lucy you would,” Avis said, slipping up and pointing at him with one of her tools before quickly putting her hand back behind her back.

“I know, Avis. I was going to send to you as soon as I got home, but I’ve been a little busy with my…,” Theo hesitated for a second before continuing. “New friends.”

Avis looked behind Theo and frowned at Reign. “Why is he here?” she asked accusingly.

Reign cleared his throat and straightened his shirt. He extended a hand as he approached Avis. “I don’t think we got the chance to be properly acquainted the last time we met. I’m Reign.”

Reign barely had a second to step back before she was lunging at him. Theo wrapped an arm around Avis’ waist, holding her back from actually doing anything. He caught one of her elbows in his chest in the process, heaving as the breath was knocked out of his lungs.

“Ohhh,” Karlach chuckled. “I like her.”

Reign hummed, folding his hands behind his back. “You know, that reaction is likely warranted,” he said matter-of-factly. He took a few more steps back, not particularly looking to find out how fast she could punch.

“Avis! Avis, stop!” was all Reign could hear before being sent stumbling backwards as Avis’ fist connected with his face. Between Karlach pulling him backwards and Theo running to get between them, the second attack that Reign was sure was going to follow didn’t land. Or the third. Or the fourth.

“Theo, move,” Avis demanded.

“Avis, please leave him be and let me explain,” Theo begged, his hands out in a placating gesture. Reign held his hand to his eye where he had been hit. He was certain this was going to bruise. Oh, the boys are going to have fun with this.

“Fine, but I’m not apologizing for hitting him, not after what he did,” she stated firmly. Reign shrugged as he pulled himself out of Karlach’s grasp, motioning to her that he was fine, though he still kept his distance.

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” he assured. “It’s well deserved.”

“Yeah! Wait…no, you shut up!” Avis said, glaring at Reign. Theo carefully took her hands in his.

“Avis, I think we should go inside and talk,” he suggested, looking over his shoulder at Reign and Karlach apologetically. “I’ll send to you later. I’m really sorry about this.” He started leading Avis away towards his apartment, but not before she managed to slip one of her hands free to do a dramatic “I’m watching you” gesture at Reign.

Reign held up his hands peacefully as the other two disappeared into the apartment, leaving the other two out by themselves.

“How did you manage to piss off someone so small that badly?” Karlach chuckled, looking over Reign’s bruising eye.

“I think not contacting someone after you made it seem like you were interested in them would do the trick,” Reign muttered, pressing his fingers to his eye and wincing.

Karlach tried to hold back her laughter, but a snicker escaped still. “Come on, soldier. Let’s get you back to Shads.”

Chapter 4: Propaganda

Chapter by coathangercowboy

Chapter Text

“I leave you for five seconds and you come back all battered and bruised?” Shadowheart chided upon seeing Karlach and Reign approaching, the cambion barely able to cover the black eye given to him by Theo’s younger sister. “How the hells did you manage this?”

“You should’ve seen her, Shads!” Karlach exclaimed as she recounted what happened outside Theo’s apartment. “I’ve never seen someone punch so fast! She was all pff pff pff.” She punched the air as fast as she could, doing her best attempt at reenacting the scene.

Shadowheart held up her hands, trying to get more of an explanation. “Who is ‘her?’”

“Theo’s little sister,” Reign sighed, removing his hand from his eye. “In hindsight, perhaps I shouldn’t have told her who I was.”

“Retrospect does tend to be a clear visual,” Shadowheart agreed.

Reign looked around. “Where are the others?” Shadowheart pulled a folded piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it, revealing it to be a section of the newspaper that had been ripped out.

“Gortash doesn’t much care for the heroic adventurer types and he wanted to make sure the rest of Baldur’s Gate felt the same way.” She handed Reign the paper and he read the article that had been ripped out. It was spreading rumors and false accusations about things the party had done and their behavior.

“Misbehaving miscreants who could somehow miss with magic missile,” Reign read aloud a portion then hummed in disapproval. “That’s a bit redundant. He’s just using big words because he thinks they sound good.”

“It’s no wonder you landed yourself with two wizards because that’s exactly what Gale said,” Shadowheart giggled. “So the others took him to the press to see about getting some propaganda of our own printed.”

“f*ck yeah!” Karlach pumped her fist excitedly. “I have a few choice words for that f*cker myself.”

“I’m sure you do, love,” Shadowheart chuckled. “Why don’t you go on ahead? We’ll catch up.” Karlach gave her a look of concern, double checking that she was sure, and Shadowheart silently assured her that she was. The tiefling placed a quick kiss on her cheek before running to catch up with the rest of the group.

Shadowheart turned back to Reign. “Are you okay?”

Reign furrowed his brow. “It’s a black eye, Shads. It’s hardly the worst injury I’ve acquired in the time you’ve known me.”

“I’m not talking about the black eye, Reign,” she said. “You’ve had quite the emotional morning. That little spat between Gale and Theo seemed to do quite a number on you. I suppose I just want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself before you take care of everyone else.” Reign hummed in disapproval. People really needed to stop bringing that up. He was fine. He had to be. There was simply no time to not be with everything everyone else had going on.

“I’m fine, Shadowheart,” he tried to assure. She met him with a look of disbelief, to which he waved a hand dismissively. “Their ‘little spat’ upset both of them more than it upset me, I’m sure.”

“They weren’t the ones crying,” she rebutted.

Reign sputtered in exasperation. “Can we not dwell on it? It’s been dealt with and everything is fine.”

Shadowheart narrowed her eyes at him, deciding whether or not to relent, but ultimately, she did. “Very well. I’ll let the matter rest for now, but don’t think I’m going to let you off so easily.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Reign sighed. “Thank you, Shadowheart.”

She gave him a simple nod. “Now hold still,” she instructed, hovering her glowing-blue hand over his face and muttering, “Te curo.”

Reign sighed dramatically with an eye roll. It wasn’t unlike Shadowheart to make him sit still so she could heal him. She often found him to be particularly wounded when he came to her tent asking for healing, even if the rest of the party seemed mildly injured at best. It seemed that his habit of not asking for help extended to his physical well being until it became too much to hide, at which point he would hobble over to her tent. As Shadowheart began noticing this pattern, it became routine for her to stop by his tent every night and cast a minor healing spell. Reign would try to protest sometimes, insisting that they hadn’t even gotten in any fights that day, but she would cast it anyway, saying something like “It’s less costly to cast a small spell every night than to cast a stronger one when you’re on the brink of death.” Shadowheart was always quick to treat any of his wounds, claiming that she didn’t want to let them fester until it became a bigger issue.

Shadowheart scowled at the cambion, raising a brow. “Don’t look at me like that. Do you really think it wise to go running back to your boyfriends with a black eye? If you think the rivalry between the two wizards is bad enough, it would only get worse with the other two involved.”

“You’re right,” he admitted. “I’m sorry.” He could already imagine what Gale would say if he came back from dropping Theo off hurt. He could vividly picture how Astarion would react, but he didn’t even want to begin to imagine what a defensive Wyll was like. Wyll was not one who was quick to anger, but he was certain that if he showed back up like that, he would find out what happens when one angers the Blade of Frontiers. Or rather, Theo would find out and he wasn’t going to let that happen.

“You say that as if I’m not right frequently,” Shadowheart teased with a faint smirk.

Reign chuckled. “My apologies, princess,” he said with a slight bow, holding his hand to his chest. “Your word is law and I would be a fool to question it. Now, shall we go and spread some propaganda?”

“A princess deserves a proper escort, don’t you think?” she posited lightheartedly.

Reign offered his arm out to her in a dramatic gesture. “Yes of course, your highness. How silly of me.” She linked their arms with a giggle and a light smack on his shoulder.

“Quite silly,” she chided as they headed towards the press.

The cambion and the half-elf entered the news press to a slew of slaughter. What looked to be the entire staff of the press laid about in pools of blood and several Steel Watchers were broken to pieces, light wisps of smoke still emanating from their electrified bodies. Reign looked around in shock, facing his companions. “What happened?”

Karlach was rifling around in one of the bodies’ pockets, trying to find anything worth keeping, as she spoke up, not bothering to turn around to face him yet. “Didn’t like how this guy talked about devils.” Reign blinked, taken aback. When he had met Karlach, she had nothing but bad things to say about devils, something Reign was quick to point out. He didn’t fault her for feeling the way she did; devils were generally not great people to get involved with and given her history, he was even less inclined to feel some type of way about what she had to say.

Even still, Reign had spent the majority of his life trying to prove stereotypes about people like him wrong. He didn’t want to be manipulative, exploitative, or harmfully cunning and he took every opportunity to prove that he could be anything but that. It took some time, but eventually, Karlach had managed to correct her language to more specifically talk about the devils from her past and not make generalized statements about them. And now she was even defending Reign from slander, though he was certain that was because it was him and not because she suddenly had a fondness for devils.

Karlach finally turned to face Reign and blinked in shock. “Oh hey! You’re all better!”

Reign grimaced as Wyll, Astarion, and Gale co*cked their heads at him, their eyes betraying their confusion. It would almost be comical, the simultaneous motion, if it wasn’t done in concern over him. He felt like he would have to have a conversation with Karlach about keeping secrets, but he knew that she was just excited to see that he no longer had a black eye.

“What can I say?” Reign chuckled nervously, avoiding the concerned stares of his partners. “Shads is a miracle worker.”

“I’m sorry,” Gale spoke, waving his hands, demanding clarification. “Did you somehow manage to get hurt in the short amount of time you were away?”

Reign hummed as he avoided the three pairs of eyes watching him, examining him for further injuries. “Well, yes, technically I did, but I’m all better now and there’s no need to dwell on it. Anyway, newspapers, am I right?” he added, trying to change the subject.

Astarion narrowed his eyes. “It’s not lost on me that you were walking the other wizard home and came back apparently injured. So why exactly were you conspiring with Shadowheart to try and keep it secret from us?” His tone became more serious as he asked, “Did he hurt you?”

“Gods! No, Theo did not hurt me and I would very much appreciate it if all of you got the notion that he would out of your heads!” Reign chided. “It’s a long story that I don’t even know the full context of, but suffice it to say that it was well deserved.”

“Now, I hardly believe that’s entirely true,” Gale scoffed. Reign gave him a look, begging him to drop it. Their conversation from earlier that morning played in his mind and Gale seemed to get the memo, not pursuing the matter more.

As Reign correctly predicted, the look on Wyll’s face was a terrifying one. He had never seen him so truly angry. He didn’t say a word, but rather, his chest rose and fell in heavy breaths and his eyes stayed fixated on Reign. It made the cambion squirm under his gaze in a way that he couldn’t explain. I’ll unpack that later. “I assure you all I’m fine and there is no reason for any of you to be cross with Theo. Now, can we-”

Reign was cut off by the sound of the doors opening. The party’s heads turned towards the door and a shorter tiefling man with curly, chin length white hair and a burn scar across his face entered, eyes wide at the scene before him.

“What happened?” the man asked flatly, unmoving from the doorframe.

Reign rushed over to the door, gently pulling the man inside and shutting the door behind him. He looked over to his companions, where Astarion had already begun readying his bow to take the new presence out. Reign made a motion for him to stop and he lowered his bow with a pout.

“It was a mere…accident,” Reign offered, looking to his companions for them to affirm what he was saying.

“Yes, Ettvard here simply ran into my knife,” Astarion insisted.

“My spear slipped,” Karlach added.

Reign pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that the accusations in the paper were false, but right now, the party wasn’t doing the best job of proving it.

“I apologize,” Reign said. “I fear my party may have gotten a little over enthused in their pursuit of debunking the accusations posited about us in the paper.” He studied the man, noting that by his uniform, he must work here too. He hoped that he would be of help to them so that there didn’t have to be any more bloodshed. “What are your feelings on the Archduke?” he asked bluntly.

The tiefling man looked over the party, raising his eyebrows. “I have no high regards towards him,” he admitted, turning his attention back to Reign specifically. “As for Ettvard,” he continued with a shrug. “He’s always been a klutz. The man’s caused enough accidents to finally fall victim to one. Shame I hadn’t seen the evidence of it myself.” He grinned at the implication.

Reign sighed in relief. The man was clearly on their side, enough for him to not be an issue. He extended a hand out to him. “I’m Reign,” he said before shrugging slightly. “Well, you may already know that.” He grimaced slightly at his own words. Having two wizard boyfriends is rubbing off on you, he thought to himself. Now you sound like the “pompous ass.”

The man took Reign’s hand in a shake and nodded. “Canvas, a pleasure.” He glanced back at the party and took a small step back once he’d shaken Reign’s hand. “Do you need anything else here?”

Reign stepped back as well, recognizing that Canvas likely wanted space between them. “Well, seeing as you work here, or at least I presume that you work here, I was hoping you would be so kind as to help us get this absolute nonsense out of the paper by tomorrow.” He handed the torn article that talked about him and his party to Canvas. “Even if you could just show us where the press is, I’m sure someone could figure out how to work it.”

Canvas gestured to the stairs leading down to the building's basem*nt, keeping his eyes on the group. "The press itself is down there. I've not seen it myself. The door's always locked, but if you can get in ,it shouldn't be hard to find," he advised. Before they left, he remarked, "Perhaps as thanks for my silence, you could give me your own report. There must be a great manner you've learned over your adventures, and I have questions."

Reign nodded to the door, gesturing to the party to go ahead of him and see about getting their propaganda published. He waited for his companions to leave, but Wyll stayed planted right by his side. “Darling, I’ll be fine,” Reign tried to assure him.

“I’m not entirely keen on the idea of leaving you with another person that I don’t know when that proved to have gotten you injured the last time it happened,” Wyll said firmly.

“Very well,” Reign sighed, turning back to Canvas. “You can say I’ve seen a thing or two so I will do my best to answer your questions.”

Canvas exhaled deeply. “Alright,” he muttered, looking down at the ground. “How familiar are you with warlock pacts, namely, escaping them?”

Reign tilted his head, his brow furrowing. Though his relationship with his father was outside the norms of a traditional warlock pact, it would read as something similar to the average person. And obviously Wyll was no stranger to it either. Reign could only assume that another devil had sunk their teeth into this poor man, stripping him of his freedom. He often found himself pitying even warlocks who were enthusiastic about making their pacts. It never ended well for even the most willing of souls.

“Pacts as a whole, I can say I know quite a bit. As for escaping them, I’ve only been successful in that department once before,” he explained, glancing over at Wyll.

Canvas’ eyes lit up. “That’s more than enough,” he blurted. “In that case, there’s only one more thing I need to ask. In all the places you’ve been, from anything you can remember, were there any traces of strange fungus, something that seemed unnatural?” He paused. “Sorry, it’s strange, I just thought you might have seen something.”

“No, no it’s not strange,” Reign assured. He turned to Wyll. “Wasn’t there something like that in the Shadow-cursed Lands? Right outside of Last Light?”

“Yes,” Wyll sighed. “I would remember since Karlach seemed particularly interested in them and Gale had to convince her that they were likely not ones that were safe to eat.”

“If they are what I think, then no, it would certainly not be safe,” Canvas remarked, eyebrows furrowed in thought. “Where is Last Light?” he asked.

“Just up the Risen Road, beyond the borders of the Gate,” Wyll responded. “But I would be careful trying to leave the city right now if I were you.”

“Perhaps once our business in the city is finished, we can venture back to Last Light with you,” Reign offered with a gentle smile.

Canvas’ eyes widened in stupor, a slight reluctance to his demeanor when he opened his mouth to speak again. He offered Reign a smile and nodded. “I’d like that. If you have the time, I could use the help.”

“Of course, darling. I’m just sorry that you got caught up in a devil’s scheme,” Reign said sincerely, placing a hand on Canvas’ shoulder. “Would it be best to find you here? Or how should I contact you once we are ready to leave the city?”

“I should still be here,” Canvas shrugged, looking over the room and the corpses that littered the floor. “They’ll need assistance finding someone to replace Ettvard…and all the others here. In fact, on that note, I shouldn’t linger here. I’m lucky the Steel Watch didn’t see me. I don’t want to be implicated in this mess.” He gave another small nod to Reign before turning to leave, halting just a moment to add, “Thank you. I don’t get to say that often anymore, but thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Reign said, his smile spreading wider. He watched as Canvas left, his smile morphing into one tinged with sadness.

“You can’t save everyone,” Wyll said softly, placing a hand on Reign’s shoulder. Reign’s eyes stayed fixated on the door, thinking about what could have possibly happened to drive the poor tiefling man to making a pact.

“I have to try, don’t I?” he posited.

“Not at your own expense. This is becoming far too common for you, my love.”

Reign sighed. How many times was someone going to bring that up? He was fine. He had to be fine. There were simply too many people for him to help for him to not be. He forced a smile once again, facing Wyll. “I’m fine. I promise,” he assured, placing a gentle kiss on Wyll’s cheek. “Now, I think we have a certain Archduke to disparage.” He took Wyll’s hand, leading him in the direction of the press Canvas had pointed them towards

Chapter 5: Everything and Nothing

Chapter by coathangercowboy


elvish is welsh, abyssal is french. i cant be bothered to translate everything so have fun

Chapter Text

It had gotten rather late by the time Reign and the rest of the party returned to the Elfsong. They all trudged up the stairs to the common room of their floor, ready more than ever to turn in for the night. It wasn’t that Reign had forgotten about Theo; the wizard occupied his thoughts far too often for that ever to be the case. He just didn’t expect him to be sitting on one of the sofas in the common room, waiting for them. He honestly didn’t really expect him to come back at all after the fiasco that Theo experienced with the party that morning. Reign thought that Theo would find it easier to send to him, keeping updated on the progress of their adventures from afar. And honestly, he wouldn’t blame Theo for that.

“Hello, darling,” Reign greeted Theo, not getting too close as he was certain he was absolutely filthy from the events of the day and wanted to take a bath before showering Theo with affection like he wanted to. “Were you able to get your affairs in order?”

Theo smiled at Reign as he rose to his feet and moved closer to the cambion, gently taking his chin in his hand. “Yes, I should be fine to place my focus on helping you,” he said before turning to Shadowheart. “You do good work.”

Shadowheart gave Theo a quick and knowing smile, careful not to say more as Reign’s partners were still currently in the room.

“Yes, she does,” Wyll responded, taking a few steps closer to Theo with his arms crossed over his chest. “Though I am quite curious to know why it was necessary in the first place.”

Reign sighed. Of the three of them who could’ve spoken up, why was it Wyll? He had stuck particularly close to Reign after he had returned from walking Theo home and Reign was hoping to get a chance to talk to him before seeing Theo again so that he could make sure Wyll didn’t do anything rash. But it seemed that he wouldn’t get that opportunity so he had to make due. “Wyll, love, I told you before that it was nothing that you should worry about. Please, let it be.”

“Reign, it’s only natural he would be concerned,” Theo assured before turning to Wyll. “It was simply a misunderstanding between him and my younger sister is all. She can be quite spirited when she is upset. But I assure you it won’t happen again.”

“See?” Reign said, placing a hand on Wyll’s shoulder reassuringly. “Like I told you before, it’s fine. Now can you please stop worrying about me?”

“No, Reign, I don’t think I can,” Wyll remarked, a gleam in his eye as he looked from Reign to Theo, one that Reign didn’t quite like. Or maybe he did. He knew which one was the right answer. “I don’t understand how you can show this man all the kindness and love you’re capable of and yet, the moment none of us are around, he still allows you to get hurt.”

Reign’s face fell, genuinely shocked that Wyll was being this way. Despite the same easy smile he always wore, the look in the warlock’s eye told Reign that he was furious. It made sense, he thought. Any time Reign would get hurt in combat, Wyll was quick to react and land a powerful smite in retaliation. Still, it didn’t change the fact that he was way out of line with that comment.

“That’s hardly fair, Wyll,” Reign scolded, gently pulling Wyll by his shoulder. “As I told you before, it wasn’t Theo’s fault and frankly, I’m a little irritated that you continue to insinuate that it was. Do you think I’m lying to you?”

“No, I think you’re protecting him.”

“So, yes, you do. Unless your next words are an apology, this conversation is over. Understand?”

Wyll looked between the two of them before storming off to his room, a seething anger barely being contained. Reign turned to Gale and Astarion. They both seemed to know better than to make any similar accusations, but Reign had to be sure that was the last time something like this would happen.

“Either of you have any similar comments?” They shook their heads and Reign nodded definitely. “Good then.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before continuing. “Now, per usual, I will be waiting for everyone to be finished with the washroom. Please come and notify me when that happens.”

With that, he took Theo by the hand, dragging him to his room and shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the door, taking a few deep breaths in and out and turned to Theo. “I’m sorry, it seems that I keep having to apologize for my partners’ behavior.”

“You really don’t, Reign,” Theo assured, coming closer again to touch Reign’s face once more. “Wyll is simply concerned for your well being and I can’t exactly blame him for that. He actually reminds me of Avis in a way. They both have that same protective streak it seems. A shame that Wyll has a bone to pick with her now. I think they might have gotten along quite well.”

“He may be concerned, but that doesn’t give him the right to imply that you just let me get hurt,” Reign insisted. He removed his top, folding it neatly even though he was going to wash it soon. “You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but Avis is mad about me not contacting you, yes?”

“Um…in a way, I suppose,” Theo stuttered before turning around. “More so, I think she is upset about how I reacted to you not contacting me.”

Reign tilted his head, confusion forming on his face. Theo had seen him topless before, naked even, so why was he acting all shy now? He shook his head, focusing on what the wizard just said. “Wait, what do you mean? How did you react?”

Theo rubbed at his chest. Reign suspected that from the way Avis caught him with her elbow, it had also likely bruised. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad. I was concerned and maybe a bit angry at times. That’s all.”

Reign raised a brow, unimpressed. “I hardly think that a little concern and anger would drive her to hit me in the face.” He turned Theo around by his shoulders, placing his fingers over Theo’s and pressing down on his chest, noting the visible pain. He hummed and went to his chest, searching it for something to help with it. “Sit,” he instructed as he half-gestured to the bed.

He heard Theo cross to the bed and sit down. “It’s really nothing worth you worrying about, Reign. I talked to her about it and she agreed not to hit you again.”

Reign huffed as he couldn’t find his potions bag. He couldn’t remember who he had given it to to carry and he couldn’t be bothered to try and find it now. He instead opted for something else, grabbing a rag from his chest and wetting it at the small basin of water in the corner of his room. He brought it over to Theo as he spoke. “It’s not her hitting me again that I’m concerned about. If that’s the way she feels she needs to resolve her anger, then she can go ahead.” He held the rag out to Theo. “Do you have some kind of spell to make this cold? And also, it is worth worrying about because you’re worth worrying about.”

Theo cast frostbite in the rag. “It’s not worth worrying about because it’s in the past and we can’t change it. There is no point in my telling you something that will only upset you. It’s not constructive.”

“Thank you,” Reign said as he undid the bow around Theo’s neck, letting it drape across his shoulders and undid the top few buttons on his vest and shirt. He pressed the cold cloth to where the bruise was. “It’s clearly not entirely in the past if it’s still a point of contention with your sister. I might not be able to change it, but I would like to at least know what exactly caused her to have such a reaction.”

Theo sighed. “I may have forgotten to contact them for a couple of weeks myself, due to some poor choices that impaired my thinking. And I may have been a bit upset when they found me again,” he answered vaguely.

Reign tilted his head and raised his brow at Theo. There was clearly more to the story than Theo was letting on and it made him wonder just how bad Theo’s reaction to not hearing from him had been to make him want to hide it. Be that as it may, he let the matter drop for now, knowing that he likely had already pressed Theo for more information than he should have. “Very well,” he relented reluctantly. “I would like to hear more about what happened, when you’re ready to share more, of course.”

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he crossed over, opening it to see Wyll. “The washroom’s available,” he said quietly, avoiding Reign’s eyes.

“Thank you, my love,” Reign answered, but it seemed there was more he wanted to say based on the way his eyes darted. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe, remaining silent and offering Wyll the chance to speak.

“I’m sorry for accusing Theo of letting you get hurt. It was wrong of me to make such an accusation based on no real evidence and I let my anger and protective nature cloud my judgment. It won’t happen again.”

Reign nodded in approval before looking back over his shoulder at Theo. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” Theo moved forward, smiling reassuringly at Wyll, his shirt was still midway open.

Wyll’s eyes flickered down to his chest where the bruise was before quickly coming back up to his eyes. Reign couldn’t tell if the flush that formed on his cheeks was from seeing that Theo had also gotten hurt, and therefore being wrong in his assertions, or from getting flustered. Either way, the deep red that creeped up his face was adorable. He repeated his apology to Theo, holding his hands behind his back, before he cleared his throat and tried to excuse himself.

Reign gently grabbed him by the arm, stopping him in his tracks and pulling him close to place a kiss on his cheek. “Eu te amo,” he said in a way that seemed like he was trying to remind Wyll of the fact.

“Eu estimo você,” Wyll responded in kind before giving a slight nod of acknowledgement and returning to his room.

Theo watched him go with a smile. “Vocês dois são muito fofos,” he muttered to Reign as they stood in the doorway.

Reign tilted his head at Theo. “I didn’t know you spoke infernal,” he said, gathering his things to finally go take a bath and Theo watched as he did so.

“I learned pretty young. Avis was always interested in the books her tiefling friends had so I taught myself to read them.”

Reign hummed. He knew he hadn’t actually known Theo all that long, but when one occupies your mind so frequently, you feel like you’ve known them for a lifetime. So it still surprised him when he was learning new things about his wizard. He also loved hearing Theo talk about Avis. Despite their unfortunate proper introduction, he wanted desperately to prove to her that he only had the best intentions for Theo and meant him no harm. “What is Avis like? Besides the,” he gestured flippantly. “Besides the punching.”

“Well, I’m afraid the punching is kind of her thing. You’re actually very lucky. If she had gotten to you properly, she could have punched you a half dozen more times before Karlach, and I couldn’t have gotten her off of you. She really has an impressive skill there, though she would never believe you if you said that.” Theo shook his head. “She can be very stubborn, but she is actually quite sweet when you get to know her. She is always telling some sort of story.”

Another stubborn Dainslief who doesn’t believe in their own skill? Perish the thought. Reign held back the thought as he knew it would only be more detrimental to verbalize it. “What was it like growing up with siblings?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed with his items for his bath still in hand, completely forgetting that that’s what he was going to do before getting lost in conversation with Theo.

“That’s a rather complicated question to answer and I think you have a date with the bath to get to. I’ll be here when you get back if you would like, but I think it might be beneficial for you to get some extra rest. As much as I would love to keep you up,” Theo teased, placing a kiss on Reign’s forehead.

Reign groaned at the reminder. He was thankful to Theo for it as he once again became aware of the dirt and blood that covered his body and was itching to get himself cleaned up. He stood from the bed and went to leave the room before turning back to Theo. “I’ll be back in a moment,” he said before shutting the door.

Reign stepped back into his room, rubbing his towel over his chin length, dark green hair. He smiled as he saw Theo on his bed reading. He took a moment to observe the wizard. How he managed to find such a beautiful partner was well beyond his comprehension. Reign laid down on the bed beside Theo, wrapping his arm around his waist and kissing the top of his head. “What are you reading?”

“Ah, just an old classic,” Theo teased slightly with a smile. “I heard it’s favored among mages, so I picked up a copy myself.” He handed over the book which had already been turned to a particular page. Reign never really could process read information unless he read it out loud, so that is what he did.

“Fabian ran his calloused fingers along Allura’s scales. Her tail quivered in response…Hey wait a minute…,” he said, realization hitting him as he recognized this book as one they had read when they traveled together.

“See? I told you it’s an old classic. Even you recognize it,” Theo chuckled. He paused before adding, “I missed you.”

Reign looked up at him affectionately. “I missed you too, Theo. More than you could possibly know.” He placed several kisses on Theo’s cheek before finally meeting his lips.

Theo kissed back before smiling. “Oh my, first, you stole my romance novel and now you’re trying to seduce me? No wonder you need four boyfriends. Your insatiable lust knows no bounds.” He pulled away from the kisses dramatically, putting the back of his hand to his forehead like he was going to faint.

Reign rolled his eyes at Theo’s dramatics as he interlocked his fingers with the ones across Theo’s forehead. “Well, tell me. Are my feeble attempts at seduction working?”

“Perhaps, but I think you’re getting a lot of help from those good looks of yours. If you were naked, maybe you would even be succeeding at seducing me without really trying.” Theo smiled at him mischievously.

“Right and the blush that comes across your cheeks when I say things like, ‘If I was given a thousand years to describe the pinnacle of beauty, I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything that compares to you.’ is just a byproduct of my ‘good looks?’”

“Well, that’s more attributable to your rather poetic nature,” Theo said as a blush crept up his cheeks and he squirmed under Reign’s gaze. “Perhaps it’s that nature of yours that makes you enjoy my rather verbose descriptions of what I would like to do to you?”

“Perhaps it is,” Reign muttered, eyeing Theo intently. “Though I must admit that I am unfamiliar with such descriptions. Perhaps a proper example?” Reign was plenty familiar with the way Theo could go on about what he wanted to do to the cambion, but what was he going to do? Beg Theo to not only tell him but then give him a demonstration? The thought made him shift as his stomach flipped. Interesting.

“Well if you insist,” Theo teased. “I think first I would make you strip naked, maybe slowly so I can watch you unwrap your pretty body like a gift. Then I would have you lay down on your back on the bed. I know you would be pretty as a painting lying there, waiting for me to touch you. But from what I’ve seen you can’t seem to keep your hands to yourself so I would have to do something about that. I think wrapping them up in my scarf would do. No real ties, of course. Just a tangle of fabric to remind you to behave and keep your hands where I put them. And you would behave, wouldn’t you? It seems to me that deep down, you want to be a good boy for me. To listen and let me play with you. But perhaps I’m mistaken. Why don’t you tell me, Reign? Would you like that?” Theo looked at Reign, the desire to act on such fantasies evident in his eyes.

Reign blushed fiercely. It wasn’t that he was put off by the apt description he was just given. Quite the opposite, in fact. He was simply unaccustomed to being the one taking orders. He would be lying, though, if he said that he didn’t like the prospect of it, especially if it earned him being called a good boy over and over. Pleasing Theo by letting him act out his fantasies and be praised for doing so? He wouldn’t be opposed.

“I would very much like that,” he said, his thumb idly rubbing the side of Theo’s hand where he held it.

Theo let his free hand idly slide up and down Reign’s chest as he continued on. “Good, because I would keep you that way for a while so I could trace all the pretty lines on your body with my fingertips. I want to study your body and memorize the stories laid out on its pages. You seem to have many, laid out in both scars and ink. Maybe one day you will tell me about them, but not while in that moment. No, you will be far too distracted as I catalog how you react to my touch. I already know you like it when I touch your horns, but where else do you like to be touched, sweetness? Where do you yearn to have a hand press against you, gently or otherwise? To be licked, sucked, and bitten?” His hand squeezed Reign’s waist as he watched the cambion intently.

Reign stared down at Theo, mesmerized by the sound of his voice and vividly imagining the things that he was describing. He silently guided Theo’s hand that was on his waist to just below the base of his tail, moving his fingers in small, circular motions that elicited a soft, high-pitched moan from the bard. His eyes squeezed shut. He should have known better than to show Theo that particular trick because now that he had, it was only a matter of time before he was going to be falling apart in Theo’s hands.

Theo repeated the motion himself, seemingly enjoying the way it made Reign moan and his tail twitch.

“Gods, you’re beautiful like this. You’re being so good for me, Reign. Such a good boy to show me this. So good to indulge my curiosity.” Theo shifted so one of his thighs could rest between Reign's legs. Gently, he removed his hand from Reign’s grasp; instead, moving it to his waist to gently encourage him to run against his thigh if he chose to while he played with the sensitive spot at the base of his tail. Theo tested different motions, pressing harder and softer, faster and slower, watching Reign intently to figure out the perfect way to make him cry out.

Reign whined as he grinded down on Theo’s thigh. If this is how it felt when he praised his partners and called them “good boy,” no wonder they were always so eager to please him. He felt like he couldn't get enough. Every word of praise coupled with the touch on the base of his tail sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body.

“Theo..Theo, please,” he gasped out, grasping at the sheets of the bed to at least try and show some restraint rather than coming within .2 seconds.

“Please what, sweetness? Use those pretty little words of yours,” Theo cooed at his partner, seeming to be intent on watching him fall apart under his hands.

Reign could barely form a coherent thought, much less a coherent sentence. Still, he tried. “f*ck, Theo. Theo, please..please f*ck me.” His words were intermittently interspersed with faint moans as he became more and more desperate for the wizard.

Theo chuckled lightly, removing his hand from where it had been playing with the base of Reign’s tail and kissing his neck before gently pushing on Reign’s shoulder, signaling him to get up. “Take off your clothes, sweetness,” Theo directed, unbuttoning his own shirt and vest, eyes fixed on his partner. Reign whined as Theo pulled his hand away from his tail, but did as he was told, eager to please. He removed his pants before instinctually reaching to help Theo out of his clothes as well. “Ah, ah, ah. No, sweetness. Lay back.”

Reign huffed, hesitating for a moment as he struggled between doing what he was told and his overwhelming desire to take control; however, he ultimately relented and laid back. Theo smiled as he let his shirt fall to the floor and quickly rid himself of his pants. Slowly, he crawled over Reign, stopping to kiss and suck on his stomach and torso as he went, leaving small marks dotting his body. Finally, he kissed Reign properly, passion bubbling just under the surface of the deep kiss.

“Alright, sweetness. Be a good boy for me and keep your hands to yourself while I prepare you,” Theo instructed. Reign furrowed his brow. He hardly thought that was fair; still, he made his best attempt in an effort to please Theo. He grabbed at the sheets, trying to keep his hands occupied so that he would “keep his hands to himself.” It was certainly tempting though.

Theo smiled and kissed him again before sitting up and casting his own modified version of the grease spell with a few words and a small gesture. The oil that coated his fingers was warm and abundant without being so much it dripped off his hand. He brought his hand down between Reign’s legs, teasing his entrance with them as his other hand gently rubbed his thigh. A soft whimper escaped Reign’s lips as his fingers tapped against the sheets. He wanted to obey Theo’s instruction more than anything in that moment, but almost subconsciously, he reached out again, his fingers lightly grazing the ones on his thigh.

The wizard hummed in thought, slowly pressing one of his fingers into Reign while taking Reign’s other hand and pressing it into the bed face down. “Now now, Reign,” he chided, moving his free hand back to the man’s thigh as he started to thrust his finger in and out. “I’ll let you get away with it this once because you’ve been so good for me so far, but I told you to keep your hands to yourself.”

Reign whined in protest. Theo knew what he was doing, not allowing him to touch the wizard, and though every instinct told him to flip the proverbial script and take control, he simply grasped at the sheets again instead. A cruel one his wizard was, but he would allow it for now. His head leaned back with another moan as Theo added another finger with the first and slowly scissored them open as he thrust them in and out.

“You’re doing so good, sweetness,” Theo said, curling his fingers just enough to hit that sensitive spot inside of Reign. “You’re almost ready.” The way Theo curled his fingers made Reign gasp as his hips bucked up in an attempt to get him to hit that spot again.

“Theo, please,” he mumbled, his brow furrowing as his eyes squeezed shut. “Please, I can’t be teased much more.”

“Oh, I think you could, sweetness,” Theo said, curling his fingers to hit that spot one more time before removing them and coating his co*ck with oil, moaning as he finally gave himself some attention. “But I’ll relent as you’ve been so very good.” He pressed inside Reign with intention, his hands digging into the cambion’s thighs as he watched his body take him inch by inch until their hips were pressed together. “f*ck.”

“f*ck, Theo,” Reign gasped. He grabbed at Theo’s hips as if to try and pull him closer than he already was. He opened his eyes to look at the wizard on top of him and he purred in delight as he took in the image of his gorgeous partner. “You’re so beautiful.” He relished the brief moment he allowed himself to touch Theo, however brief it was, as he was certain Theo would not allow it to last, seeing as his wizard loved to torment him.

“And you are absolutely gorgeous, but I don’t think I said you could touch,” Theo said, taking Reign’s hands off his hips and placing them above his head. “A shame too. If you could have held out just a little bit longer, I was going to let you touch me all you wanted.”

Reign whined loudly. Why must the gods give their toughest battles to their weakest soldiers? His hands squirmed under Theo’s. This is bullsh*t. This is all bullsh*t, he thought. He thought about giving Theo a taste of his own medicine later, not allowing him to touch Reign at all. Perhaps even for a whole day. No, no. I can’t do that to him. Or myself, for that matter.

After allowing himself a brief moment of silent soliloquy, he huffed. “I’ll be good, he muttered. “I’ll be good for you, Theo. Just please keep going.” Theo slowly started to thrust into Reign, his eyes closing as he enjoyed his partner’s pliant body. His moans fell freely as he f*cked Reign, opening his eyes once again to look at him when he found a rhythm that made Reign moan.

“You feel amazing, sweetness,” Theo said breathlessly. “So pretty when you’re practically begging to touch me.”

“f*ck, Theo,” Reign groaned, his back arching slightly off the bed and his hips rolling in tandem with Theo’s rhythm. His hands clenched into fists as he stayed determined to keep them where Theo had placed them. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself when given such attention. It wasn’t that he was giving while receiving nothing in return with his other partners; he just wasn’t used to not being allowed to return pleasure when it was given to him. And he liked it. Some small part of himself deep within said that it was nice to be the one doted on while not having expectations placed on him. He didn’t have to accept that he liked it, he decided, but at least he acknowledged it. “Yes, Theo, just like that. That feels wonderful.”

Theo’s hand moved from Reign’s, holding onto his hips instead. He leaned down to kiss him, and then started to trail kisses down his neck, stopping to leave marks in his wake. “You’re such a good boy for me, Reign,” Theo muttered, nuzzling his partner’s neck before sitting up. He watched himself f*ck Reign for a moment longer before letting one of his hands wander. Theo caressed the other man’s co*ck with an open hand just enough stimulation to tease.

Reign tensed around Theo’s co*ck. His hands clenched tighter, his nails digging into his palms. He wanted this moment to last forever; where there were no illithids, no murderous cults, no gods; but with the way Theo teased him, he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to last. He looked up at Theo, letting himself get lost in those ocean-esque eyes as his pulse quickened and his breathing became heavier. “Putain,” he muttered under his breath with a soft whine. His head began to grow fuzzy, his thoughts becoming harder and harder to verbalize. “S'il te plaît…”

Theo wrapped his hand around Reign’s co*ck, properly stroking it in time with his thrusts as he put one of Reign’s knees to his shoulder, letting him hit that sensitive spot within him. “f*ck, Reign, you’re so good,” Theo groaned. “Let go, sweetness. Cum for me.”

Reign tightened around Theo as he finally let himself fall over the edge, a slew of curses in his heart language following that gradually grew louder and louder. He whined as Theo thrust into him, overstimulation quickly forming. Theo finally let himself go, leaning over Reign as he chased his own pleasure in earnest and cumming with a groan of the other man’s name, panting as he looked at him.

Reign squirmed under Theo’s gaze, his eyes seeming to pierce right through his soul. His hands fidgeted as he lingered in his afterglow. He hoped that now that Theo had thoroughly made him fall apart, he would be allowed to hold him like he so desperately wanted to. Reign’s hazy gaze traced the contours of Theo’s face. “Tu n'es pas seulement mon souhait devenu réalité,” he said breathily. “Tu es ma belle réalité.”

Theo smiled as he moved to lie down next to Reign, casting a quick spell to clean them both up. He grabbed Reign’s hands and kissed the back of each one gently. “Sweetness, you’ve been so patient, so good. I only wish I knew what those sweet words of yours meant,” he cooed. “Feel free to do as you like now, Reign.”

Reign, all too eager to do so, even in his haze, immediately pulled his hands from Theo’s grasp, cupping his face and peppering it with light and quick kisses. It wasn’t lost on him that Theo had just admitted to him that he now had a way to tease him back by showering him with all of his most sappy lines in a language he didn’t understand. “Chaque jour avec toi reforge mon âme brisée morceau par morceau,” he muttered between kisses. Theo sighed as he returned Reign’s kisses, seemingly frustrated at Reign continuing to speak in a language he didn’t understand, which only encouraged Reign. “Je vous aime. Je t'adore. Je vous chéris. Tu es tout pour moi.” A teasing smirk formed as Reign chortled, finding his new favorite way to compliment his wizard.

“You are having far too much fun with this, Reign,” Theo said, his exasperation clearly exaggerated for effect. “I know I’m good, but even I don’t have the ego to believe that I’ve made you forget the other three languages we share.”

“I’m sorry, ange. It’s simply so much fun getting such a reaction out of you,” Reign teased before placing another kiss on his cheek.

Theo scoffed at Reign’s antics. “You act like you’re above trying to get a rise out of people, but I see you revel in it like the rest of us do when it suits you. What language even is that?”

Reign tilted his head. “I’m not above it. I just told you I do it. For fun. But if it truly upset you, then I’m sorry, love,” he responded, tactfully avoiding answering the actual question being asked.

“I’m not upset, love,” Theo said, making puppy dog eyes at Reign as his hands went up to play with the hair at the back of the cambion’s neck. “But I do really want to know what language that was. If you please.”

Theo was almost as persuasive as Reign was and the way he was looking at Reign wasn’t helping either. He struggled between his own stubbornness in wanting to keep the secret for himself and giving in to Theo, something he found himself doing often. “You’re smart, ange. You’ll figure it out,” he assured with a playful grin as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“Could I at least have some of it written down?” Theo groaned. “It’s going to be near impossible to figure it out if I only have my likely poorly pronounced approximations of what you said to go off of.”

“Please,” Reign countered with a scoff. “Since when are you one to back down from a challenge? Besides, my handwriting is terrible anyway. Even if you did understand the language, you wouldn’t be able to decipher it.” Reign wore a smug grin, knowing that his handwriting was actually quite beautiful.

“I think it would still be a better start than what I have currently. I mean, I don’t even know if I’m really pronouncing, ‘Tu es tout pour moi,’ correctly right now, much less if I will be able to tomorrow,” Theo whined.

Reign hummed. His pronunciation was actually quite good for someone who didn’t even know what language they were speaking. He couldn’t help but enjoy hearing Theo speaking in abyssal, especially with what he was saying. “Wait, say it again, but slower.”

Theo hesitated, but did as he was told. “Tu es tout pour moi.”

Reign watched the way Theo’s lips moved as he said the words with the intention of noting ways to help him correct his pronunciation, but instead he ended up staring at his partner’s lips. “Again,” he muttered. He could listen to Theo speak his heart language all day long.

“Reign, if you want me to speak that language, I assure you it would be much easier to just teach me than make me say that over and over,” Theo argued, keeping his tone soft.

“Why would I teach you how to say it properly when I enjoy the way you say it so much?” Reign asked, rubbing his thumb over Theo’s jaw.

Theo rolled his eyes, but his blush indicated to Reign that he wasn’t as annoyed as Theo likely wanted him to believe. “Because I don’t enjoy the idea that I sound like a child stumbling over my words again, especially when they were already said with such a smooth tone when coming from your lips.”

Reign sighed, deciding to relent just a little bit. Theo’s pleading made it hard for him to stay strong, but he also wasn’t going to give in completely. “You’re thinking about it too much, darling. Let the words kind of run together. Say it again, please.”

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Theo said, slurring his words closer to what Reign was talking about. “Tu es tout pour moi.”

“Very good,” Reign praised, purring softly. “See? You’re doing so well without me. You hardly need me coaching you.”

“I still do need some help though, clearly. If you won’t help me, would you at least help me find someone else who can?” Theo tried once again. “Please..a bit of reprieve for a curious wizard?”

“You’re adorable, ange,” Reign hummed as he kissed Theo’s cheek. “Gale knows this language. I’m sure he would be more than happy to assist.”

Theo groaned, throwing his head back onto the pillows. “I highly doubt he would be happy to help me with anything, especially not after the prank I pulled on him.”

Reign narrowed his eyes slightly. “I hardly think that talking in his head counts as a prank, but still, I have the feeling he is eager to make amends after your last dispute.”

“Right,” Theo drew the word out in a way that made Reign tilt his head in confusion. Theo didn’t allow him too long of a moment to parse why he had said it like that though. “I know you want to see the best in people, Reign, but frankly, I think if Gale thought he could get away with it, I would have been at the center of an inferno or struck by a lightning bolt by now.”

“Now, I don’t think Gale is all that vindictive,” Reign said with a tut as he laid beside Theo and idly stroked his hair. “You two may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I do think that relationship is mendable.”

“If you say so,” Theo sighed, leaning into his touch. “Maybe I should give him a book like Wyll said. Gale could add it to his collection.”

“Oh, he would love that, Theo,” Reign gasped. “Maybe you can give him something on illusion magic so that you can learn from each other.”

“I don’t think that would go over as well as you’re thinking, Reign,” Theo explained gently. “If I know anything about wizards of his kind, they are very proud. He would probably take it as an insult if I offered to teach him anything without at least seeing him cast first.”

Reign hummed in thought. He didn’t really think that Gale was so sensitive, but then again, if the past two days were any indication, he could see how Theo would be right. “Perhaps you’re right,” he muttered. “But I do hope that you two can find a way to smooth things over. I love you both dearly and frankly, I think it’s silly this rivalry you have going on.”

“I’ll try to get along, but if he starts fights, well, I’m going to finish them,” Theo responded.

Reign gently grabbed Theo by the chin and turned his face so that their eyes met as he raised a brow. “Really? Because thus far, I’ve been the one finishing you two’s arguments.”

“Well, what can I say? You’re very expedient in your conflict resolution,” Theo countered, seemingly unbothered by Reign’s handling of him.

“Years of practice,” Reign sighed, letting his hand run down to rest on Theo’s chest as his tail wrapped around the wizard’s waist, pulling him close. “Besides, one has to be when traveling in such a large party with so many contrasting personalities.”

Theo snuggled up to Reign’s chest, tracing a pattern on it once again. “And I’m afraid I’ve only made it worse, and for that, I’m sorry. But for now, let’s go to sleep. We can put those fires out tomorrow.”

Reign watched Theo trace his fingers in a pattern across his chest. This was the third time he had done that and he started to wonder if this was more than just a fidgeting habit. He tried to mirror the pattern in his mind to figure out what he was doing, but he was too tired to remember it. He rested his head on top of Theo’s, purring as he drifted off to sleep.

The cold, dry air breezed through Reign’s hair as his eyes fluttered open. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Another visit from his lovely “patron”. How exciting.

He looked around in the icy plane. It was unlike his devil “friend” to not make himself immediately known to him in these odd dreams. The vast void seemed to stretch on endlessly. Reign glanced down at the ground, covered in ice, that somewhat reflected his face back at him. He ruffled his dark green hair in an attempt to fix it to his liking before shrugging, accepting that it was never going to behave the way he wanted it to.

“Well, I’m here,” he called out into the air. “You have another mission for me? Another innocent soul that needs tormenting?”

“Torment? Reign, you offend me,” the familiar deep voice called behind him. Reign rolled his eyes again and crossed his arms over his chest as he turned around to face the devil. Standing in front of him was a tall, dark figure in long robes. The void that served as their eyes glimmered in a way that was unsettling to most. His lips curled into a smug, fanged grin and his hair curled messily down his shoulders, framing his face perfectly. Ah, yes. The face of countless years of pain and emotional torture. The Steward of Cania that harnessed Reign’s music for his own gain.

“What do you want, Adonides?” Reign asked disdainfully.

The devil formed a half-frown. “Come now, child. Why the cold tone?” he drawled, the pseudo-frown curling into a grin.

Reign glanced around at the frozen wasteland they were standing in, unamused. “Hilarious,” he remarked indignantly.

“Well, you didn’t get your humor from your mother.” The devil’s robe flowed behind him as he stepped closer to Reign, tapping his finger to his chin as he did so. “I hear we’ve taken a liking to other forms of magic, is that so?”

Reign glared at him unfalteringly. “Do you often listen in on my private moments?”

Adonides’ gaze hardened. “First of all, boy, I have far more entertaining ways to busy myself.. Secondly, even if I wanted to, your wizard made that impossible with that clever little trick of his.”

Reign chuckled under his breath. “Perhaps I should get him to teach me it then. I’d appreciate the privacy.” A sudden, piercing pain shot through his head and he held his palm to his temple as he staggered to his knees.

The ice devil’s anger was palpable as he seethed. “You will do no such thing! You are worth no more than the use I have for you. You think I like seeing you like this, Reign?You think I enjoy seeing you in pain? I don’t, yet you keep forcing my hand.” Adonides watched with a crooked smile as Reign groaned in agony. “You. Are. Nothing,” he spat. “Do you hear me? Nothing.”

“I get it…,” Reign stuttered between labored breaths.

“Oh, I don’t think you do. Say it.”

Reign groaned and turned his head away from the devil, only for the pain to intensify.

“Don’t look away from me when I’m talking to you, boy. I told you to say it!” Adonides yelled.

Reign winced as he turned to look back at his father. “Nothing,” he whispered.

“Louder, Reign,” Adonides called in a sing-song tone. “I need to make sure you understand.”

“I am nothing,” he murmured, a bit louder this time. And he believed it. His music was everything to him, even if it really wasn’t his. Reign didn’t really believe that he had much worth outside being a soul collector for Adonides. At least caring for his partners brought him some joy, even though it felt wrong for someone like him to even dare to want to experience something so divine as joy. The pain subsided and he stumbled to his knees, looking at Adonides’ void-like gaze.

“Good. You would do well to remember that, unless you enjoy being in pain that much,” Adonides remarked, stepping back slightly. “Now, play me a song.”

Reign knew this routine all too well. He was to play a song for his master and if it wasn’t to his liking, he would give him a quota of souls to collect the next day with the song, ruining the song forever in Reign’s mind. He had yet to impress Adonides.

His fiddle was always nearby in these meetings. No matter what other business Adonides had to attend to with Reign, it always boiled down to a performance so the devil always made sure to keep it near for Reign. He picked it up from its resting place on the ground and rosened his bow. He pulled the bow across the strings in a simple melody. As much as he hated this routine, it was the one place he could play without fear of hurting other people, so for that, he was grateful.

Though he tried to keep the song simple so as to not get attached to it, he couldn’t help himself from getting lost in his music. He savored these moments of creativity where he could unabashedly create music.

“Pretty,” Adonides remarked as the song came to an end. “I would say that’s a…ten soul song.”

Reign sighed heavily. Of course. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to create a song that was too good to be used for such vile purposes. “Two.”

The ice devil’s bellowing laugh filled the frigid void. “You offend me, Reign. But you are my favorite child after all so I might be willing to negotiate.”

“Aren’t I your only child?”

“That remains to be seen.” He tapped his finger to his chin. “Seven souls.”

“Five,” Reign shot back quickly.


“That’s more than your initial demand and not how this works.”

Adonides scoffed dramatically. “You’re no fun,” he whined childishly. “Seven. Take it or leave it.”

Reign took a deep breath as he considered his options. Completely denying him wasn’t exactly in the cards, and at least this way, there would be three people who were spared from him. “Fine,” he sighed. “And the previous stipulations still apply?”

Adonides held his hands up peacefully. “None of your pretty companions will come to harm. Not by my doing, anyway.”

“And that includes Theo now too, yes?”

The ice devil whined. “You always take the prettiest souls for yourself.”

Reign’s expression remained neutral, unaffected by the small tantrum being thrown. “That includes Theo now too, yes?” he repeated firmer.

“Fine,” Adonides relented. “Sass Master Part Two will not come to harm either.”

Reign sighed in relief. He might not be able to save everyone, even if he wanted to, but so long as he could keep the ones he cared the most about safe, that’s all that really mattered. “Thank you,” he murmured.

“Finally, some gratitude,” Adonides drawled. He stepped back as he prepared to send Reign out of his realm. “Oh, and by the way, Atè says hi.” And with that, he flicked his wrist, pushing Reign back into his conscious body and out of his dream state.

Chapter 6: Morning Routine

Chapter by coathangercowboy

Chapter Text

Reign awoke with a start in a cold sweat. He looked around, trying to ground himself in reality as he tried to steady his breathing. The visits from his father were never pleasant ones, and he thought he had gotten used to the way they seemed to rattle him. His arms tightened around Theo’s torso. He knew that it was irrational to fear that he would end up hurting Theo; yet, he couldn’t help but dwell on the thought for a bit too long. His arms relaxed only slightly as Theo stirred, suddenly aware of how tight he had been holding on to him.

“Reign,” Theo said, his voice still rough from sleep, as he reached up to cup Reign’s face in his hands. “What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” Oh, if only it could be so simple. He wished that this was nothing but a nightmare, a sad dream that he could wake up from and it would all be over. But it never was that simple, was it? Instead, this was his reality, one he was determined to protect Theo from. The less he knew, the better, as he told himself with all of the people in his life.

“No, mon ange. It was nothing. I’m sorry that I woke you.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s alright, Reign, but it’s clearly not nothing. Please don’t try to lie to me like that.” Theo pressed a kiss to the cambion’s forehead, making Reign shift awkwardly. Theo was right to call him out on trying to cover up his emotions, but it didn’t mean that Reign had to like it. Besides, what was he even meant to say to explain everything? Yes, my father is a literal devil and I am his prime source of power. Well, it wasn’t a bad start, but he couldn’t just drop that on Theo.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s not nothing, but you also don’t deserve to have more to worry about in terms of me,” Reign tried to counter, remembering the way Theo reacted when he learned about the tadpole and the experiences the party had over the course of the last few months.

“I’m always going to worry when you seem upset, sweetness. It’s part of how I love you,” Theo sighed, letting his thumb run back and forth over one of Reign’s cheekbones. “And while I may interject with my comments in your head sometimes, I would never try to make you show me things you’re not ready to share.” The notion was a bit unfamiliar to him, seeing as every moment of his life was monitored in a way. Again, though he knew it was irrational, especially given what Theo had just said, he still felt defensive and hesitant to share what he had experienced. He had faced severe backlash before when his father had delved into his privacy before and still continued to do so. The concept of it being safe and okay to share one’s troubles was one that he still wasn’t used to, even after almost a year of being away from his father’s plane.

But a knock at the door told him that today wouldn’t be the day he unpacked that. He sluggishly got up from the bed and put on his pants and stood at the door, allowing Theo an opportunity to do the same. The wizard shrugged on his shirt as well, motioning for Reign to go ahead.

Reign opened the door to a seethingly angry Gale. His face was beet red, his brow furrowed and his lips pressed into a firm line. His eyes were immediately drawn to the various marks left behind by Theo on Reign’s chest, which only seemed to fuel his fire. Reign could see the half-formed thoughts on the tip of Gale’s tongue and tried to prompt him to share them. “Good morning, darling.”

“I don’t think it’s a particularly good morning when I wake up to a note on the back of my door waiting for me!” Gale stammered, clearly taking a lot of effort to maintain eye contact with Reign.

Reign waved his hand, confused. “I’m sorry. What? What do you mean?”

Gale narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. “Someone decided it would be rather hilarious to leave a little note for me on the inside of my door! You know, the inside? Meaning they have been inside my room?” He looked pointedly at Theo behind Reign, silently implicating him.

Theo smiled back at Gale, flipping his ponytail over his shoulder and tying his bow tie as he spoke. “I didn’t touch any of your toys, kitten, if that’s what you’re concerned about. I didn’t even technically touch the inside of your door.”

Reign was ready to defend Theo, figuring that it was just another accusation being thrown at him by one of his partners. But with that admission, Reign slowly turned to Theo, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head with a raised brow. “So you were in his room?” he asked with a cold tone.

“Well, I was a bit curious when I could detect magic through the door,” Theo started slowly. “But I do assure you as I said, I did not touch anything in that room. The note on his door was supposed to be a joke.” Theo seemed to be doing his best not to cower in front of Reign’s cold stare. Reign was trying his best to not let his own irritation be readable across his face, but was failing miserably.

“It doesn’t matter that you didn’t touch anything,” Reign scolded, remaining as soft-spoken as ever as he did so. “What matters is that you were in there to begin with. That was overstepping and you should’ve known better. Now, I suggest issuing an apology and I expect to hear no more of this ridiculous rivalry. Understand?”

“Fine,” Theo huffed before looking at Gale. “I’m sorry for entering your room without permission.”

Reign nodded at Theo approvingly before turning back to Gale. “And is that an acceptable apology?”

Gale made a similar huff as he looked from Theo to Reign. “I suppose it could be. So long as he promises not to do it again,” he said, punctuating his words with a finger in the air.

Theo bit at his bottom lip. “Promise. Perhaps we could arrange for an actual exchange of some kind. You seem to have quite the collection of tomes, and I’d love to actually get to look through them properly. My own collection had quite a few rare finds I think you might be interested in. What do you say? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?”

Gale scoffed at the innuendo. “Please. My collection of rare tomes is one that took a lifetime to obtain. I hardly suspect that whatever you have managed to get your hands on is at all comparable.”

Reign fluttered his eyes, growing tired of the bickering between the two. “I’m sure both of you have many impressive books, but we have far more important matters at hand. Can we please get on with the day?”

Theo crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine,” he said, before looking back over to Gale and smirking. “Run along, kitten. Aren’t you the one who likes to cook in this group? Or was that special just for me?”

Reign gave Theo a look, telling him to back off, before turning back to Gale. “I will come to do morning rounds in a moment.”

“Oh, so we still do our morning routine?” Gale asked with a catty tone. “I suspected that you would find yourself too busy to do so now, seeing as we skipped doing it yesterday.”

Reign sighed. He had forgotten to do their morning routine yesterday. He knew how important that process was to everyone, especially Gale, who hated when his routine was interrupted. He reached for Gale’s hand, and the wizard hesitantly took it. “I’m sorry, darling. I know how important that is to you. It won’t happen again.” Gale nodded slowly, seemingly accepting the apology, though his face suggested otherwise. Reign placed a kiss on his cheek while holding the other side of Gale’s face and rubbing his thumb along his jaw. “I promise I will come find you in a moment to do morning routine.”

Gale hesitantly sighed and walked away, his shoulders slumping. Reign turned back to Theo. “Look, I know that I don’t understand the entire wizard rivalry you two have going on, but there is already a lot going on so I am begging you to please at least keep civil between each other.”

“I’ll do my best,” Theo mumbled, grabbing his bag and pulling out his traveling robes and securing them to his person as he tactfully avoided Reign’s gaze. “Go do your morning routine. I’ve caused enough trouble.”

“Ange, please,” Reign muttered, crossing over to Theo and taking his hand. “You know I don’t see you as trouble. You are my joy and I am so glad that you are here with me.”

Theo squeezed Reign’s hand. “Yes, yes,” Theo said dismissively, looking anywhere but at Reign. “Go on, I don’t need to upset your partners and your routine any further.”

Reign furrowed his brow. He wasn’t sure how to convince Theo that he wasn’t disrupting anything and was welcomed. But as much as he wanted to believe that, he knew he was likely the only person who enthusiastically enjoyed his presence in their camp. Gale hated him; Wyll seemed to strongly dislike him; at least Astarion seemed to be not entirely displeased with him. He had gotten so used to the rhythm they had all fallen into in their months on the road that he didn’t even think about how bringing Theo into their group would potentially disrupt that rhythm.

“Rwy'n dy garu di,” he said intentionally, placing a hand on Theo’s cheek and pressing their foreheads together.

Theo leaned into his touch. “Dwi’n dy garu di hefyd, yn fwy na hud.” Reign loved it when Theo told him that. It reminded him that there were things people valued more than magic, even if he had trouble convincing himself that it was true when it was said about him. He thought back to the words said to him by his father and made him want to hear one more thing.

“Can you say that phrase from last night again?”

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Theo whispered back to Reign.

Reign squeezed his eyes shut as he let the words wash over him and tried his best to believe them. “Thank you,” he muttered before kissing Theo. “I would love it if you joined us for breakfast, but I understand if you would rather not.”

Theo shook his head before once again squeezing Reign’s hand and letting it go. “No, I’ll come. If I’m ever to be able to get along with everyone, I need to show my face. But you might want to put on a shirt, um, I might have been a bit overzealous last night and based on Gale, your partners might not appreciate that.”

Reign hummed. As much as he hated wearing shirts because of how constricting they felt to him, Theo was right. There had already been too many arguments between Theo and his other partners and there was no reason to start another one. He went over to his chest, looking for a shirt to wear and finally pulled out one of Astarion’s frilly shirts. He shrugged. At least it wasn’t as claustrophobic as some of the other shirts he had and at least it would cover the marks left by Theo. He slipped it on over his head and pushed the sleeves up. He couldn’t stand long sleeves. He took Theo by the hand and led him out the door.

As they approached the common room, Astarion stopped them in the hall. “Reign, darling, there you are.” He started to speak again before cutting himself off, looking over to Theo and then back to Reign. The cambion could practically see the wheels turning in his head before Astarion asked Theo, “Comprenez-vous ce que je dis?”

Theo stopped and took a deep breath. “I can only assume the correct response is no,” Theo said irritatedly.

Reign squeezed his hand reassuringly. “That would be the correct answer,” he said to Astarion more than to Theo. “What is so sensitive that you can’t just tell me?”

“J'ai…,” Astarion hesitated before continuing as he twiddled his fingers. “un peu faim.” Reign tilted his head. Theo was smart so he thought that he would have figured out Astarion’s secret one of the two times he left Theo alone with him. But seeing as Astarion was still doing his secrecy routine, perhaps he didn’t. He turned to Theo. “I’ll be right back, ange,” he assured before pressing a quick kiss to Theo’s temple and following Astarion back to his room.

Astarion shut the door to his room behind Reign, sighing in relief.

“I’m sorry I didn’t feed you yesterday, fy seren,” Reign said, sitting on the edge of Astarion’s bed.

“It’s fine, darling, really,” Astarion tried to assure, waving his hand. “You know I would often wait for weeks at a time for my next meal? What harm is one day?” Reign tilted his head, guilt overwhelming him. “Besides,” Astarion continued without giving Reign much more time to think. “I figured it would be rather ‘improper’ of me to ask when you seemed to be enjoying yourself so.” The vampire brushed Reign’s hair aside from his shoulder, raising a brow at the marks on Reign’s neck; not his own, but those from Theo. “You certainly did make it known.”

Reign squirmed underneath Astarion. He would have to remember to ask Theo to cast that barrier spell more often. But then his father would get mad at him for not being able to contact him whenever he wanted. Perhaps he should just learn to be quieter. But if last night was any indication, Theo was going to make that incredibly difficult. “I’m sorry I forgot to do our morning and nightly routine. I know how upsetting that is to everyone.”

“The rest of us will live, darling. Honestly, it’s nice to see you enjoying yourself after all we’ve been through.” Astarion was trying his best to assure Reign that it was fine, but it didn’t help the overwhelming guilt he was feeling. He didn’t feel like it was right of him to take moments of selfish pleasure when there was still so much to do for everyone else. “And before you say it,” Astarion interjected, “it’s not selfish.”

Reign narrowed his eyes. “I thought we agreed not to use the tadpole’s powers on each other without permission.”

“No tadpole required, my love,” Astarion assured, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “I just know you. You deserve some time for yourself, time where you’re not thinking about others. And from what I can tell, the wizard did a wonderful job of rendering you unable to think at all. Was that abyssal I heard last night?”

Reign playfully swatted Astarion’s shoulder. “You say that as if I don’t speak abyssal daily.”

“You do; however, not in the way I heard it,” Astarion continued teasing. “I do wonder what kind of tricks that wizard could have up his sleeve if he’s capable of turning off your brain that much.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Reign responded in an equally teasing manner.

“Oh, yes. Please.” The vampire sat criss-cross on the bed, resting his head in his hands and leaning in as if he was about to be given the best gossip.

Reign fluttered his eyes. “I’m not going to be telling you all the details of my night with Theo, thank you,” he said, holding his wrist out to Astarion. The vampire took it in his hands, running his thumb over the scars from where he had fed so many times, before sinking his fangs into the tender skin of Reign’s wrist.

Reign winced and groaned softly. Astarion always tried to be gentle when feeding on him and Reign handled pain rather well, but the sharpness and suddenness of it always caught him off guard, no matter how many times he had done it before. He often found that talking was a good way to distract himself. “Thank you for being so understanding, fy seren. I didn’t imagine that bringing Theo into the group would cause so much tension.”

Astarion hummed against Reign’s wrist, pulling away and licking the blood off his lips. “You didn’t think that putting a snarky wizard in the same room as another snarky wizard would end in anything other than dramatics? Reign, my love, you’re not quite that short sighted.”

Reign furrowed his brow. “I was hoping that they would both be mature about whatever rivalry wizards tend to have between themselves.”

“Darling, use that pretty brain of yours,” Astarion sighed. “It’s not about the magical aspect of it all.” He ran his hand over the marks on Reign’s neck. “It’s about who they’re sharing that with.”

Reign tilted his head. He really didn’t think that jealousy and insecurity would be such a big problem, but as he thought back to the beginning of his relationships with the others, he sighed. Wyll had been the first one to confess his feelings for Reign, followed by Astarion, and then Gale. There were several conversations that were had about trust and love and needs and wants. Reign thought that would be the end of it all, but he really should have known better. Those feelings of jealousy and insecurity don’t just go away, not when someone has been through what some of his partners have been through.

“I don’t think I would be able to choose between them, Astarion,” Reign muttered.

“I don’t think you have to,” he responded. “Perhaps just keep the public displays of affection to a minimum. At least until the two start getting along more.” Reign groaned. The gods seemed to be back at it again with their toughest battles and what not. Astarion held his hand up, stopping the whining that was bound to start. “I know you think that’s impossible, but perhaps it’s for the better.” He stood from the bed, taking Reign by the hand.

Reign rolled his eyes. He hated when Astarion was right; he would gloat about it for days. He stopped at the door, looking the vampire in the eyes. “May I kiss you?”

“There is nothing I’d like more,” Astarion chuckled before pulling him into a brief but lingering kiss then opening the door for the cambion.

Reign and Astarion entered the common room to find Gale and Theo having a seemingly friendly conversation for once. Reign blinked in surprise before leaning over to whisper to Astarion, “Pinch me.”

“Don’t worry, darling,” the vampire chuckled. “I’m seeing it too.” Reign shook his head before approaching the two wizards.

“Wonderful to see you two having a friendly conversation,” he said, holding his hands behind his back as he was already finding it incredibly difficult to do as Astarion suggested. He looked over at the man, who was seemingly aware of his internal struggle and shook his head at Reign.

Theo hummed in response as he observed the way Reign held his hands behind his back. “Yes, not an impossible feat it seems. You seem to be attempting to pull off quite a feat yourself. And here I thought you really didn’t know how to keep your hands to yourself.”

Reign’s nose scrunched as he felt his cheeks warm. He caught Gale out of the corner of his eye, mouth slightly agape as he struggled to formulate a response to Theo’s teasing. “I’m capable of such a thing, thank you,” Reign countered, crossing his arms over his chest. He turned to Gale. “Morning routine?”

Gale nodded, standing to his feet and casting Mage Armor on Reign and then himself. As the spell fell over Reign, he couldn’t help but sneak a quick kiss on the cambion’s cheek. Reign blinked in surprise. He knew Gale was likely doing it on purpose, but he couldn’t help himself from taking the bait. He grabbed Gale by his arms, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

As Reign pulled away, he noticed that Theo had left the room. He immediately felt guilty and looked at Astarion, who tilted his head with a raised brow. “Really? You couldn’t hold back for five seconds?”

“Morning routine!” Reign whined. “I always kiss him after that. You really expect me to keep my hands to myself when he does that?”

“I feel like I may have missed some rather important context,” Gale interjected.

“Don’t worry about it,” Reign and Astarion said in tandem. Gale narrowed his eyes, but let the matter drop.

“Tuebor,” Reign heard from behind him as a golden ring surrounded him. He turned around to face Shadowheart as she cast the spell on him.

“I suppose you want to cast that healing spell too since you didn’t get to last night?” Reign asked with a slight flutter of his eyes.

“Well, not when you ask like that,” Shadowheart teased. “Say please.” Reign huffed. Why was everyone so keen on teasing him all of a sudden? He looked at her with a questioning glare. Shadowheart tutted in response. “Use your words, sweetness.” Reign stammered, the blush on his cheeks growing brighter. He didn’t recall Theo using the pet name in front of the rest of the party except for one time and Shadowheart wasn’t even there for that. He sighed. He was certainly going to have to have a talk with Karlach about not sharing every piece of information with her girlfriend.

“Please,” he muttered. She hummed in approval and cast a minor healing spell, as was tradition for their morning ritual. He mumbled a thank you before finally shuffling off to the kitchen to find Theo again.

Theo was washing the plate he had been using for breakfast when Reign entered the kitchen. He kept his eyes on the task, pulling a drying towel down and drying both the plate and his hands. He turned to Reign, pulling an easy smile. “Finally got hungry? Make sure you serve yourself more meat. You’ll need it if you’re feeding the vampire. Lesser restoration helps, but it doesn’t fully refresh your blood supply if you don’t get proper nutrition,” he rambled.

Reign chortled. It was good to know that Theo had in fact figured out Astarion’s secret; not that he hid it particularly well, but at least they wouldn’t have to be secretive about feeding. He tilted his head as he considered what Theo said. “Have you encountered many vampires before?”

“Yes and no,” Theo said, tilting his head back and forth. “I’ve encountered one and they aren’t exactly a vampire per se; just part of the larger vampire family. They’re a friend of mine, but like Astarion, they would not take kindly to me giving out their personal business. Suffice it to say, I know enough about vampires and being bitten to know that you need to be taking extra care of yourself.”

Reign hummed in disapproval. People really needed to stop telling him that. He was doing fine. “I am taking care of myself, ange” he tried to assure, picking up some bread from the spread on the table and taking a bite. He raised his brow, in a way to make a point.

“You know,” Astarion said from behind them. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you have a ‘vampire related’ friend. Whatever do you mean by that?”

Theo looked over at Astarion, frowning. “I mean she has been much better at hiding what she is than you have been, Astarion, and I know better than to piss her off by saying any more to another vampire.”

“I never said I was a vampire,” Astarion chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

“You didn’t have to, fy seren,” Reign said.

“You told him?”

“I didn’t have to,” Reign smirked, looking Astarion up and down. “You don’t exactly hide it all that well, my love.”

Astarion pouted with a scoff. “All I’m saying is I just find it incredibly intriguing that there is a vampire in this city not under the thrall of Cazador.”

“As fascinating as she may be, she would also probably find you incredibly untrustworthy, even if I tried to make an introduction I’m afraid. Not to mention the fact she would probably make my life hell for leading you to her,” Theo said, shaking his head at the thought.

Astarion threw his hand over his chest in dramatized offense. “How dare you! I happen to be quite trustworthy, thank you.”

“He didn’t say you were untrustworthy, seren. Just that his friend would find you untrustworthy,” Reign explained. “It probably says more about them than it does you. And I do believe Theo has made it quite clear that he doesn’t want to talk about the matter anymore?” he asked with a hum.

“A fair point,” Astarion conceded. “I’ll leave it. For now,” he added with a smirk as he left the room.

Theo sighed in relief. “He’s very persistent. I think that’s the one thing we all have in common. The real question though, Reign, is do you pick stubborn partners on purpose or was this all a subconscious desire of yours?”

Reign tilted his head in thought. “I don’t know. I guess I just like men who know what they want and are willing to fight for it.” He shrugged. “Or maybe I just enjoy arguing.”

“Perhaps a little of both,” he chuckled as moved closer to Reign. “Now have we decided on a plan for the day yet?”

“I suspect that is what the rest of the group is deciding now,” Reign responded. He stepped away to head back into the other room before stopping and pulling Theo into a kiss. “You get morning routine now too,” he said with a smile.

Theo smiled back at him before grabbing Reign by the waist and back of his neck and pulling him in for another, much deeper kiss. “Hmm, that’s better,” he cooed as he pulled away before letting his hands fall from Reign as he walked away back toward the other room.

The rest of the party had indeed started making a plan for the day. Wyll was talking about finding the targets of the Bhaalist cult’s murder list and ensuring their safety.

“And while we’re at it,” Gale suggested. “We can always stop by Sorcerous Sundries.” He said the name of the shop with a sense of child-like wonder.

“That is certainly on the list of priorities, Gale,” Wyll assured. “Right under, saving a dozen people from murderers.” He traced his finger along a map of the city until he found the area he was looking for. “Facemaker’s Boutique, business of Figaro ‘Facemaker’ Pennygood.” He traced his finger along the map again, calling out all the names of the people on the list and where to find them. “We should split up into two groups to handle this as efficiently as possible.”

Reign knew that splitting into groups always caused at least a little bit of tension between his partners. It had gotten better over time, but with Theo being in the group now, it was almost certain to be just as bad. The party used to have Reign make the groups, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t please everyone so Wyll took over that department.

“The first group will go up towards the Upper City gate,” Wyll continued. “Me, Reign, Shadowheart, and Astarion.” He looked towards Theo. “We’ll take you with us as well,” he said pointedly. Reign raised a brow at him. He was still clearly miffed about what happened the day before, and he was probably just determined to keep a close eye on Theo. Still, he wasn’t being outright mean about it, so Reign allowed it. “The rest of you get to these targets.” With a final nod, the groups started dispersing and making their ways to their respective destinations.

Chapter 7: Regardez-moi

Chapter by coathangercowboy


here have some trauma as a treat :))

Chapter Text

Baldur’s Gate truly thrilled Reign in a way he couldn’t explain. He enjoyed walking through the streets and taking in all the sights and sounds of the bustling shops. Sure, they were actively hunting down a murder cult, but it was still fascinating. He had noticed Theo falling towards the back of the group but didn’t want to say anything that could make him uncomfortable in front of the rest of the group.

“You do seem to have a knack for picking the broodiest men of the bunch, hm?” Shadowheart whispered to him, nodding back towards Theo. Reign looked back and slowed his steps to be walking beside Theo.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine, sweetness. There is just someone I would rather not see who frequents this part of the city is all.” Theo gave a smile that bordered on being more of a grimace.

Reign tilted his head. It was hard for him to believe that Theo had enemies in the city, but still, he reached for Theo’s hand, giving it a gentle yet firm squeeze.

“Well, just let me know if you see them. You haven't seen Wyll’s smite yet, have you? Devastating for anyone on the other end of it. I'm certain he could give a demonstration should this someone make an appearance.”

“Reign, while I do not care for this person's presence, I think having them smited down by Wyll might be a bit of an overreaction to my distaste. I would rather leave them alive if it’s all the same.”

“Of course, mon ange,” Reign chuckled. “It was merely a suggestion. I would never actually do such a thing,” he added with a drawled, lilted tone. “Unless they deserve it. Or hurt you. Or are a threat to you in any way.”

Theo scoffed. “Careful, You’re starting to sound like Avis,” he said, squeezing Reign’s hand.

Reign hummed as they stepped into the shop, the Facemaker’s Boutique. This was where they were meant to find the first person on their half of the target list. Reign looked around, grimacing at the gaudy outfits on display. His taste in clothing was far more simplistic, often opting for a plain, black monochromatic look. Who would think this sh*t looks good? he thought to himself.

“Oh, this one’s actually mildly decent,” Astarion said, pointing out one of the black jackets with red accents. Of course. Astarion’s fashion sense was far more extravagant than Reign’s own, as exemplified by the outfit the vampire picked for him for his first date with Theo. Even the silliest-looking things would look extraordinary on Astarion, Reign thought. Wyll and Shadowheart talked to the shop owner, Figaro Pennygood, while the other three searched the shop for any signs of the Bhaalist assassins.

Theo stopped to cast detect magic, humming in thought as he seemed to not find anything wrong. He looked at the closed door, leaning over to whisper to Reign. “The back is not usually closed off like this. I know Figaro takes private appointments, but this is strange.”

Reign tilted his head. Subtlety was never his strong suit and he wasn’t going to start practicing it now. He opened the door, revealing…nothing. The room was seemingly empty. He took a look around, but nothing stuck out to him. He shrugged his shoulders, content with leaving it.

“Gods, what is that smell?” Astarion scoffed, holding his hand over his nose. “It smells like rot and death.” Reign furrowed his brow, stopping to take a deep breath, but not picking up on the smell Astarion was talking about. “How can you not smell that?” the vampire whined.

“He probably can’t smell it under the candles,” Theo explained. “That is foul though.” There was a brief moment of silence before the sound of a vase breaking rang through the air, causing Reign to jump as it startled him.

“Putain,” Reign muttered under his breath. He held his hand to his chest, exhaling briefly. He didn’t see any change in the room, but something seemed to make Astarion more on edge than before. Reign took a deep breath, concentrating on focusing his magic as he rosined his bow. He pulled it across the strings, playing a short and sweet melody as he lulled, “Sortez, sortez, où que vous soyez.” Green and blue lights bathed the room, illuminating two figures dressed in black, poised to strike.

Reign changed tactics and keys, remembering his father’s demands from the night before. Well, these were good as souls as any, he figured. And they were already fighting so what’s the harm? He played a tune that made the two assassins focus their attention on him. They were far too enthralled by the music to see Astarion sneak up behind them, brandishing his daggers. The vampire quickly stabbed into one of them, one blade after the other. Reign watched with a bittersweet smile as he stumbled to the ground, the life quickly leaving his eyes, and felt his violin hum with power as it vacuumed up the assassin’s soul.

The cambion focused on the second assassin. His eyes twinkled as he continued playing and lilted at the assassin before him, “You want to listen to this song. You want to do nothing but sit there and watch me play.” The assassin did just that, eyes fixed on the way Reign’s bow ran across the violin, allowing for another opportunity for attack.

Astarion took the opportunity with glee, stabbing through the man’s abdomen. The assassin crumbled to his knees, eyes still transfixed on Reign. The cambion knelt, not letting them break eye contact. “Listen to me. It’s all you want to do.” As a final, shuddering breath left the man’s lips, Reign sighed, closing his victim’s eyes. He took no pride in the way he went about killing and if it was up to him, he wouldn’t have to take anyone’s life. But it wasn’t up to him and his father needed power somehow. His violin thrummed with energy, evidence of the lives that were taken.

Reign searched the bodies, looking for something, anything, that gave him some sort of indication of the names of the two souls he just stole away. He cursed under his breath, not finding anything, before standing up and looking around. He was just now realizing that Theo had disappeared. He left the room, finding the wizard on just the other side of the door, his hands clenched into fists as he stared across the street.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Reign cooed, gently grabbing Theo by the shoulders. “What’s going on, Theo?” He rubbed his thumbs in gentle circles on his wizard’s shoulders, trying to help ground him in reality.

Theo looked at Reign half-heartedly smiling. “Nothing. I’m okay. I’m okay.” It seemed like he was trying to assure himself of that more so than Reign. He took Reign’s hands off of his shoulders as he moved away from the shop’s front window, waiting by the door where he wasn’t facing the windows.

Guilt overwhelmed Reign. Months of battles had made him forget that not everyone dealt with it daily. He and his companions had all but gotten used to the hordes of enemies that they cut down day after day. He really should’ve known better than to let Theo get involved. Reign didn’t judge him for the reaction he had; it was something he envied, frankly, being able to have such a normal reaction to seeing a person’s life taken away.

“Theo,” he said softly as he approached the wizard, trying to get him to focus on something other than the panic he was feeling. “Theo, darling, I need you to take some deep breaths.”

Theo shook his head as he took deep, shaky breaths. After a few moments of repeating that, he looked Reign in the eye. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be,” Reign insisted, shaking his head slightly. “Now, I’m going to give you two options, and don’t feel like you have to verbalize a response.” He held up one finger on his right hand. “Is this a, ‘stay here and take a few more deep breaths’ moment, or,” he held up two fingers on his right hand, “a ‘go back to our rooms and talk about it’ moment?” He took a brief pause before adding, “And no one is going to judge you or think less of you, no matter what you choose. I just ask that you be honest with me about what you need right now.”

Theo stared at Reign for a moment before reaching out and gently lowering Reign’s hand. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t want to be here anymore. I…,” Theo sighed in frustration. Reign felt Theo enter his mind. He had only done it once before and that time, Reign had reacted rather poorly. But now, though he furrowed his brow at the sudden intrusion, he wasn’t upset about it. He knew that it meant that Theo didn’t feel safe enough to say what he wanted to aloud, similar to how Astarion had used abyssal in front of the wizard earlier that morning.

"It’s too close, Reign."

Reign nodded slowly, not quite understanding what was too close. He had seen Theo looking out the window, but couldn’t quite tell what he was looking at, as there was seemingly nothing or no one of note on the street. “Would you like to simply get away from this place?” he asked in a hushed tone, trying to maintain the sense of privacy even if he couldn’t do it in the same way Theo could. He held his hand out, offering it to Theo but indicating that he didn't need to take it if he didn't want to. Theo simply nodded at Reign, stepping slightly closer to him and taking his hand.

Reign led him out of the shop. He didn’t know exactly where he was going; he just knew he needed to get Theo away from whatever was causing him such distress. He led the wizard around a corner and up towards a park. He found a corner where there seemed to not be a lot of people and gently pulled him in that direction. Reign guided him to sit down before placing a hand on the top of his back, rubbing gently. He didn’t say anything; instead, allowed Theo to have the space to talk if he wanted to or to just sit in silence if he preferred.

Theo leaned on Reign’s shoulder, taking a few more deep breaths. “Thank you, he murmured.

“Of course.” He continued rubbing his back as he let his head rest against Theo’s. He stayed silent, feeling Theo’s shoulders rise and fall against him as he waited until his breathing was a bit more even. “Do you want to talk about it? And you can absolutely say no.”

“No, please, no,” Theo pleaded.

“Okay. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Reign assured. He didn’t say anything else; he simply let them sit in silence until Theo decided otherwise. His mind drifted back to the shop. What could have possibly triggered this? He was certain that it started with the combat, but there was something about the way Theo looked out the window, like he was paralyzed in fear, but Reign couldn’t pick out any notable details.

“Let’s walk, Reign, and then we can figure out where to meet up with the others,” Theo whispered. Reign nodded, taking his hand and leading him on a slow walk through the park. It was nice, in a way, to see people living normal lives while their very existence was threatened. It was poetic, almost, Reign thought.

Reign barely had a moment to react as a cloaked man emerged from the shadows, attacking one of the civilians in the park. Reign recognized the cloaks as belonging to the same group of people as the ones from the boutique earlier. He pulled Theo closer to him, whistling a short note, and teleporting several yards to the side. “It’ll be over soon, I promise. I’m sorry,” he tried to assure Theo before muttering, “Je me tire,” and teleporting back to where the fight was happening. Reign unstowed his fiddle and bow as he saw more assassins emerge. He counted six. He was used to controlling a group of enemies for an extended period, but normally, he just kept them distracted long enough for the rest of his party to finish them off. This would prove especially difficult now that he was on his own.

“Kachow!” he heard from behind him as a streak of blue lightning shot past him, hitting two of the ambushers. Reign’s heart dropped. He knew he had to keep the enemies’ attention on him rather than on Theo. He wouldn’t forgive himself if Theo got hurt. He played the same melody from before, but the assassins’ attentions were already too fixed on Theo.

“You want to look at me,” he suggested towards the ambushers, his tone confident at first before slowly descending into desperation. “You want to look at me. Look at me.”

Theo looked over at Reign. Not you, he thought. A third assassin circled the wizard, driving his dagger into Theo’s side. It seemed to happen in slow motion, Theo’s face twisting in pain as the assassin pulled the knife from his wizard’s side. Reign was grateful that even in shock, Theo seemed to have quick reflexes as he cast some kind of spell, but Reign didn’t understand what he had done. As far as he could tell, Theo was still standing exactly where he was, unmoving.

Reign wasn’t quick to anger; he truly wasn’t, but seeing as one of the people he loved the most had just been stabbed, it was safe to say he was well and truly angry. His gaze darkened as he pulled his bow across the strings and a soft glow encircled his body. It was a trick that his father had taught him; making himself look like his enemies’ ideal version of ethereal beauty so that they were more easily drawn in by his magic. The spell had its limitations, of course, but it always seemed to work for him. He looked to the assassins, who were now completely enraptured by however they thought he looked. He smirked, knowing that they were walking right into his trap.

“Chwythu nhw i gyd i fyny,” Theo’s voice called from behind him. A ball of flames came hurtling towards the assassins, exploding on impact and searing their bodies. Two of them fell, while the others tried to douse the flames.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Reign tutted. “Stay.” His voice seemed to split into three parts; a higher pitched, more feminine sound and a low bass that harmonized with each word he said. One of the ambushers did as Reign commanded, freezing in place. Reign turned his attention to one of the others. “Kneel.” And they did. The assassin dropped to his knees, screaming in agony as they were unable to try and douse the flames that wracked their body. Finally, Reign focused on the last one, the one who had hurt Theo. “Beg.”

“Please, please have mercy,” the man sputtered. Reign’s malicious grin grew as he tapped into the fears so evidently on display. He played another tune, this one sounding sweet, but holding an undertone of malice. He watched as the assassin cowered at whatever illusion of his worst fear was conjured for his eyes only and he reeled in pain from just simply looking at it.

“Look.” The man couldn’t look away; his eyes were transfixed on the illusion and he held his hands to his head until he finally collapsed to the ground.

Reign stood over the body on the ground, unsheathing his rapier and stabbing it into the dead man’s side, just as the assassin had done to Theo, before retracting it and sheathing it again. He took a few short and shallow breaths as he looked around, trying to calm himself down. He saw Theo off to the side, clutching at his side where he had gotten hurt. Reign rushed over to him and knelt beside him. “Hey, hey,” he called gently. He could see the panic in Theo’s eyes and he tried to keep his voice as even as possible and remain calm, though he was anything but. “Look at me.”

Theo did as Reign asked, his eyes welling with tears. He shook his head slightly as he looked away again. Reign took a deep breath as he pressed his hand to Theo’s injury, putting pressure on it to slow some of the bleeding. He cupped Theo’s face with his free hand, gently rubbing his jaw with his thumb. He knew that this particular injury wasn’t likely to be fatal, but he would also prefer to see it healed sooner rather than later. “Theo, darling, I need you to focus on me. I need you to send to Shadowheart and tell her where we are. Can you do that for me?”

Theo nodded, taking a breath before murmuring, “Gadewch i ni sgwrsio.” A moment of silence followed and Reign relaxed a bit, knowing that Shadowheart was on her way. He pulled Theo into his arms, cradling him, and stroked his hair as he waited for the others to arrive. “You’re okay,” he assured over and over.

Theo’s hands curled into fists against Reign’s chest. “Reign, why does it look like you’re naked?” Theo muttered against Reign’s chest, drawing the lines of the cambion’s tattoos over his armor. Reign tilted his head, confusion etched into his face. He had hardly remembered that he still had his spell up.

“What do you mean, darling?”

“You have some sort of illusion spell that makes it look like you’re naked and you should probably drop it before you get arrested for public indecency.”

It took Reign a few moments to realize what he meant, but eventually, he put the pieces together. “Ohhh,” he drew out. “That’s not what everyone sees, ange. That’s just what you see.” He stopped concentrating on the spell, his appearance returning to what he looked like in reality. As he thought about it a little bit more, he realized what that meant. Theo’s idea of ethereal beauty was simply him but naked. The idea caused a faint blush to form on his cheeks. He knew he was considered beautiful and he could accept that conclusion was right, for the most part. But with all the forms Theo could have imagined, he imagined Reign.

“What spell does that?” Theo inquired, tilting his head. “I’ve never heard of a spell that is personalized to the viewer. What is it supposed to show the person viewing it? And why are you blushing anyway if it’s only me who saw you naked? Surely it can’t be that embarrassing.”

Reign chuckled, holding him close. “It’s just a trick I’ve learned, darling. I must say that if I tell you its intended purpose, it would sound rather vain of me.”

“Please, I simply must know. Illusions are my specialty. I would love to learn about this trick of yours,” Theo asked, practically pleading with him.

“My love, I know illusions are kind of your thing, and I appreciate how eager you are to learn about my magic, but I would appreciate it if we didn’t discuss this particular spell any further.” Reign’s hand kept stroking Theo’s hair as he spoke and his tone remained soft-spoken and even as ever.

Theo sighed, laying his head against Reign’s chest and closing his eyes. Reign tilted Theo’s head up. “Look at me. I need you to keep looking at me, darling.” Despite the situation, his tone remained calm. He didn’t want to make it worse for Theo by panicking himself. Theo flinched at the gentle command, as if the words hurt, as he opened his eyes and took a shuddering breath. He didn’t look at Reign though; instead, he looked away.

Reign tilted his head in confusion. “Please, ange. Please keep looking at me.” His voice shook a bit as he wasn’t sure why Theo was so insistent on looking away from him. He figured it was just because he was in pain, but still, it confused him.

“Na, na os gwelwch yn dda peidiwch â gwneud i mi, os gwelwch yn dda,” Theo said shaking his head. “Ni allaf, ni allaf.”

Reign’s panic was rising quickly. He didn’t know what he was doing to elicit such a reaction, and he was desperately hoping Shadowheart was on her way. Perhaps it was the shock, perhaps it was the blood loss, but still, it was well and truly scaring Reign. “Ti'n iawn, ti'n iawn. Rydych chi'n ddiogel, dwi'n addo.”

Theo whimpered, pressing his face into Reign’s chest. "Mae'n ddrwg gen i, mae'n ddrwg gen i.”

Reign held him close repeating, “Rydych chi'n ddiogel, dwi'n addo,” over and over.

After what felt like an eternity, Shadowheart, Wyll, and Astarion finally came rushing to them. Reign looked up at the noise of their footsteps, a sense of relief overwhelming him. “Gods, what took you so long?” he asked, his panic betrayed by his tone.

“We didn’t know where you had gone,” Shadowheart explained as she knelt beside Theo. “We were looking for you when I got Theo’s message.” She moved Reign’s hand from the wizard’s injured side and muttered, “Te curo.”

The wound in Theo’s side closed and he pressed against Reign’s chest, trying to put some distance between them. He was insistent, but not quite strong enough to push him away. Reign realized how tightly he had been holding Theo and relented a bit, still holding onto him, though. His anxiety eased a bit, knowing that he was healed. “Rydych chi'n ddiogel, Theo.”

Theo just looked at Reign silently, looking drained and exhausted. Rhy agos,” he murmured.

Reign understood the memo and let go. It started to click for him. Even in his travels with Theo, he had never seen Reign use his magic the way he had just now. He felt like he was going to throw up.

The first time the rest of his party fought with Reign, they all had varying degrees of negative reactions. He couldn’t exactly explain it to them, the way his magic siphoned life that fuelled his father’s power. He couldn’t even explain that he was empowering his father. But Wyll had seemed to resonate with how tightly Reign held the secrets behind his magic close to his chest. So, that was the beginning of their little “warlock buddies” club. Reign felt a little bad about how Wyll named their friendship-turned-romance, given Reign wasn’t a proper warlock. Still, he found it endearing how Wyll comforted him in having to do things for his father that he hated doing. They had ended up bonding over being in an exploitative pact.

He didn’t know what to expect from Theo truly seeing his magic for the first time; honestly, he didn’t think anything as he didn’t think about that at all up until that point. But he didn’t expect such a visceral reaction. He let his arms fall to his side as he kept his eyes fixed on Theo. “I need to get you back to the Elfsong,” he said softly. “Can you stand up for me?”

Theo nodded, standing up and sparing the others a passing glance. He simply pushed past the others and made his way in the correct direction.

Reign sighed, his heart dropping. The way he enchanted and enthralled enemies was so common to him, so day-to-day, that he often forgot just how upsetting it truly was. He really should’ve informed Theo about it before he joined their party. Reign turned to the others. “I’m sorry. Please find the others and keep pursuing this lead. I’ll be back at the tavern. I’m…I’m sorry.” He didn’t allow for another word from his companions as he followed after Theo in silence, allowing him the space to talk if he wanted to.

Chapter 8: Illusions of Ethereal Beauty

Chapter by coathangercowboy


surprise theo's still traumatized !!

Chapter Text

The continued silence as they arrived at the Elfsong was agonizing. Reign watched as Theo made his way to his room, stopping just inside the door. He sighed and approached Theo, keeping a few feet of distance between them so he wasn’t getting too close as Theo had told him he was before. “Would you like to lie down, darling?” he asked softly.

Theo thought about it for a moment before letting himself collapse on the bed staring at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Reign shook his head. “Don’t be.” Theo’s head turned towards him. He stayed standing in the doorway, his hands fidgeting at his sides. He wasn’t sure whether he was giving Theo too much space or not enough and he didn’t want to overstep, even if he wanted nothing more than to just hold Theo and assure him that everything was okay. “Darling, I have to ask, but you don’t have to answer. Does this have anything to do with my magic?”

Theo sat up, for a moment, taking a breath before speaking.

“Do you trust me, Reign?” he asked softly.

“More than anything,” Reign answered quickly and assuredly.

Theo pulled his tie loose from his neck as he rose from the bed and went over to where Reign was standing. Reign looked at him with confusion, but he simply raised the fabric to cover the cambion's eyes, tying the makeshift blindfold behind his head. Theo took Reigns' hands in his own, squeezing them before slowly leading Reign back towards his bed.

Reign didn't say anything, even though he was so very confused. He had so many questions, but there was something Theo needed to do and he was sure his questions would be answered in time, so he simply allowed Theo to lead him towards the bed.

Theo sat Reign on the edge of the bed, standing between his legs and wrapping his arms around him. “Thank you.”

“Of course, ange,” Reign started hesitantly. “May I ask: why the blindfold?”

There was a brief moment of silence before he heard Theo mutter, “Magic is heavily reliant on sight.”

Reign's heart sank as he realized what was happening. Theo had seen him manipulate the enemies' wills and minds and he was afraid Reign would do that to him. "Theo..," he muttered. "I would never- you know I would never."

“I know, of course I know,” Theo whispered back, “but knowing doesn’t make me less afraid.”

Reign sighed. He wanted to hold Theo, and assure him that he was safe with him; he wanted to be able to lift this pain and anxiety from his wizard. But rather than any of that, he simply sat with his hands in his lap. "Okay," he breathed. "What do you need from me right now?"

There was another moment of silence and Reign desperately wished that he could see Theo’s face to try and decipher what he was thinking. “I need a distraction.” he finally said.

Reign hummed in thought. Everything he thought of that could be a good distraction would likely only make things worse. I can read to you- no, that means taking off the blindfold. I can tell you a story or just talk. Is it just my eyes or is it my voice too? Maybe he can tell me about his magic? Wait, but magic is the whole problem. He tilted his head up to where he assumed he would be looking at Theo, were he able to see. "Perhaps you can just simply talk to me?" he suggested. "It doesn't have to be about anything you don't want to talk about. And I'll just simply sit and listen unless you say otherwise." He offered a small smile, hoping to bring some small sense of comfort, even though he feared it was impossible for him to be such a thing for Theo when he was the one who started all this.

“Honestly I don’t know what to talk about. I spend most of my time transcribing spells and doing alchemy. It's not very exciting to talk about,” Theo said absentmindedly, starting to pet Reign's hair.

Reign leaned into Theo’s touch, purring softly in hopes that the sound would help calm him. “Tell me about your alchemy.” Perhaps it sounded mundane to Theo, but Reign knew nothing about it and he enjoyed learning, especially from Theo. He also just enjoyed hearing him talk. Besides, perhaps a more “mundane” topic would take his mind off of his anxieties.

“Well, basic alchemy is quite simple, really. For the most simple of potions, it really only requires three ingredients. Usually, herbs or plants are the main components with a more rare ingredient involved such as moonstone. Similar principles apply to making powders.” Theo starts explaining, wrapping his arms around Reign.

Reign tilted his head as he listened intently. He thought for a moment before asking, “What’s moonstone?” In truth, he knew what it was as it was something Gale used frequently, but he wanted to hear Theo say it.

“It’s a type of stone. It provides storage for magical energy when ground into a fine powder. It is also very good at releasing the energy quickly which makes it a rather ideal component,” Theo explained. The way that Theo explained alchemy to him was sweet. He didn’t talk down to Reign; instead, he explained what he was passionate about with care and precision, answering all of Reign’s questions.

“And what if you don’t have access to moonstone?” Reign asked. “What would be a good replacement?”

“Well, there are several different components you could try but it really depends on what you’re making and there are some things for which there really is no good replacement. Dust of Disappearance, for example, absolutely requires it to store that much magic.” Theo continued stroking Reign’s hair as he spoke. It was hard for Reign to tell if Theo had calmed down enough since he couldn’t see him. But his voice was a lot more even the more he spoke so Reign took it as a good sign.

He hummed in acknowledgment of what Theo had said, letting a moment pass before he asked, “How are you feeling, darling?”

“Calmer,” Theo answered, “Will you hold still for me? I want to show you something.”

Reign nodded and did as he was asked, sitting completely still and closing his eyes. He didn’t ask you to close your eyes. And even if he did, you’re blindfolded. But he didn’t open them. Even if Theo couldn’t tell that his eyes were closed, it was a silent gesture that he was trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

Theo moved around him, sitting behind Reign on the bed. He took a deep breath and Reign felt the familiar hum of magic in the air before pulling his scarf loose from Reign's face and saying the required words. “Breuddwyd dydd.”

Reign opened his eyes to see the image of their reality shifted: they were sitting on a ship instead of the room at the Elfsong, looking out over the water at night. The cool ocean breeze felt nice against his skin as he looked out over the water. A whistle sounded, followed by the telltale explosion of fireworks. They flashed across the sky in dazzling silvers, golds, and blues.

Reign thought back to how Theo described his feelings toward magic to Karlach. “Being able to create beauty is a gift many artists strive for, and to be able to do it with magic? Well, I’m just glad I found I had the knack for it” And Reign was right in his response. This was no mere knack; this was pure art, something he could never even hope to achieve. The way the moon beamed across the dancing waves; the sounds of water crashing against the sides of the ship; the smell of the salt air. He knew it was an illusion, but Theo was truly a master of his craft.

“Theo,” Reign gasped out in awe, taking in the sights before him. His eyes were transfixed on the bursting fireworks. He had never seen fireworks proper and now he understood people’s fascination with them. The spread of color through the air enthralled him in a childlike wonder and though he jumped slightly with each boom, he simply couldn’t look away.

“Estella always said the fireworks further south were better, but I could never quite believe her after she let me watch the summer festival fireworks from her ship. Avis was so excited to even be on the boat, she couldn’t stop giggling when the fireworks started. Even Lucy took the time away from her work to come with us.” The sound of Theo’s voice only added to the grand display of beauty before Reign. He could listen to him ramble all day if he was allowed. It was endearing the way that Theo talked about his sisters. And though he hadn’t talked about Estella much, he thought she sounded lovely.

“Your sisters seem truly wonderful,” Reign muttered, not looking away from the fireworks.

“They are. Maybe when this is all over, I can introduce you properly,” Theo hummed in agreement as the fireworks slowed down and stopped. Reign frowned slightly as the illusion started to fade. It was beautiful and he wanted it to last far longer. But he had something far more beautiful with him now. “I’m afraid the spell is still a work in progress so it doesn’t last for very long and I don’t have enough magical energy to cast it again today. Next time, though, you can tell me about something you want to see and I will try and find a suitable image to show you.”

Reign opened his mouth to speak, but stopped short. He paused before asking, “Darling, may I turn around? You can say no.”

Theo paused to think about it for a moment. “If you close your eyes,” he said quietly.

Reign nodded. “Understandable.” He closed his eyes and slowly turned around to face Theo. “You once said that you simply had a knack for magic. I would like to reiterate that you are indeed underselling yourself. The image you showed me was certainly beautiful and I would like to see many more like it, but I hope that you know no illusion could compare to the way your eyes glimmer when sharing your passions, the way your lips curl when you are particularly pleased with something you’ve said, the way your brow furrows when you are deep in thought. I have no need to search for the perfect image when I have already memorized it.”

“Must you always be so sappy?” Theo whined before leaning in to kiss Reign. The cambion returned his kiss, leaning into Theo with his hands in his lap. He didn’t let the moment last long, but he savored it all the same.

Reign pulled away with a faint chuckle. “I’m afraid I must, ange. It is simply too hard not to be with you.”

Theo let out a soft scoff at that. “You’re impossibly stubborn. What does that mean anyway? Ange, you keep calling me that.” Theo moved his hand to stroke Reign's cheek as he spoke.

Reign thought for a moment. As much as he loved this game of keeping Theo in the dark when it came to abyssal, he had suffered enough today. “It means angel,” he explained with a soft smile.

Theo stopped for a moment, sputtering. “You…you can’t just say things like that,” he finally managed to get out, “I…you know I’m nowhere near angelic in nature.”

“You’re right. You far exceed that,” Reign hummed, pleased with the way he was flustering Theo. It was adorable the way Theo shut him up by kissing him over and over until they were both out of breath.

“I really must insist you stop making such ridiculous statements,” Theo panted.

“It’s not ridiculous,” Reign insisted. “The heavens would be lucky if it got to experience even a fraction of your divine beauty.”

Theo whined at him. “I haven't heard lines this exaggerated since I was a magewright. Really, Reign, if anyone can be said to have divine beauty, it’s you. I’ve never met anyone quite as captivating as you even without your magic.”

“Please, darling,” Reign scoffed lightly. “Now you’re the one being ridiculous, saying a cambion has ‘divine beauty.’ I could accept extraplanar, fiendish charm perhaps. But divine? That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?”

“Well if you won’t accept divine as a descriptor, perhaps ethereal. Yes, I think that does fit a bit better, my ethereal beauty Reign,” Theo said, pressing their foreheads together.

“Ethereal?” Reign stammered slightly. He knew he wasn’t actively using the spell that he had earlier when they were in the park. Even if Theo was affected by it then, it wouldn’t still be active. Wait, Theo was affected by it, he thought as he remembered Theo asking him why he was naked and he had to explain that it was just an illusion. But did that affect how he sees Reign? His stomach churned at the implications of Theo having been affected by his magic and he wanted to open his eyes to alleviate his suspicions. However, he simply kept his same even tone as always as he asked, “And what exactly about me would you say is ethereal?” Sure, on the surface, it sounded like a shallow pull for praise, but he had to be certain that Theo was seeing him as he truly was.

“It’s hard to explain,” Theo finally said. “It’s in all the small things like how your horns curl in such a way they look like a crown from certain angles; the way you always look so kissable when you smile; the way your freckles make you look so sweet; the way your tattoos trace your body like a caress.” Theo paused for a moment before adding, “It’s in the you look at me like I’m something precious and hold me like you never want to let go.”

It wasn't often that Reign was rendered speechless, but for a moment, he was. He felt the familiar warmth in his cheeks that came anytime Theo said such things. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing that his anxieties were assuaged. When he gathered his thoughts, he smiled at Theo. "I think the blood loss got to you, ange. Now you're the one being sappy."

"Well, turnabout is fair play, Reign," Theo said, earning a small huff from Reign. "Rwy'n dy garu fy harddwch ethereal. Diolch am ymddiried ynof."

"Rwy'n dy garu di hefyd, fy enaid,” Reign responded quietly. “Byddaf bob amser yn ymddiried ynoch chi waeth beth."

Reign heard Theo chuckle before scooting back on the bed. He heard the rustling of a bag and then after a moment, Theo spoke again. "Alright, Reign. Um, don't laugh, but um, thank you for being so patient with me. But I think it will be okay if you open your eyes now. If you want to."

Reign opened his eyes after what felt like an eternity of keeping them closed. He didn't mind Theo having him close his eyes if that's what he needed. Still, he was more than happy to be able to look at Theo again.

His eyes opened to see his beautiful wizard with the addition of a hat; not just any hat, either. It was the one that Reign had insisted Theo keep after their mission all those months ago. He pressed his lips into a hard line to stifle a laugh. He wasn’t laughing at how it looked on Theo at all; he just didn’t think Theo had really kept it this whole time after expressing such disdain for it. He reached up and played with how the dark blue hat sat on Theo’s head until it was easier to see his eyes.

“Perfect,” Reign hummed when he was finally happy with how it looked.

“You just think I look funny in it,” Theo muttered, pouting a bit. “Brings out my eyes, my ass.”

“It got you to put it on, didn’t it? That was my whole goal because I don’t think you look silly in it at all.” Reign tilted Theo’s head up and craned his neck so his horns could get under the wide brim of the hat as he pressed a kiss to Theo’s cheek. “I think you look rather adorable.”

“You would say that I’m adorable anyway.” Theo scoffed, but he flushed and let the hat stay for now.

Reign shrugged, conceding just a bit. “Perhaps I would, but I think the hat adds to it.”

“Oh and pray tell what does it add, Reign? Other than an old-fashioned flair, I suppose,” Theo rebutted, tilting his head so he could get a good look at Reign from under the wide-brimmed hat.

“Well, for one, it’s adorable when you try to whine whilst wearing that hat,” Reign started with a smile. “Also, it’s a wizard hat! And you’re a wizard! I just think that it suits you quite well is all.”

“Well, just realize that I don’t plan on wearing it out anywhere. If you want to parade it around on a wizard for display, we can let Gale borrow it and you can tell him it matches his eyes too,” Theo teased.

Reign hummed as he played with how the hat sat on Theo’s head some more. “No, no. This one’s just for us, darling,” he teased back, a slight smirk creeping up his face.

Theo narrowed his eyes, sizing up the mischievous look on Reign’s face. “I’m not sure I like where this is going but please enlighten me as to why.”

Reign narrowed his eyes back. “No..,” he said hesitantly. “I sense I may have made a mistake of some kind.”

“No, You don’t get to back out of this now, you clearly had something fun going through your head. Tell me or I’ll have to start guessing what terrible things you had in mind.” Theo teased, raising an eyebrow at Reign in challenge.

“All I meant was that I simply think it suits you best,” he answered. He pressed a quick kiss to Theo’s cheek, attempting to diverge the conversation. “Anyway,” he added suddenly. “I have something for you.”

“Really? And you’re not just trying to get away with implying you want to do wicked things to me while I wear this hat?” Theo asked in a rather deadpan tone.

Reign simply shook his head. It wasn’t entirely truthful, but he did have something for Theo. He stood from the bed and went to his room to retrieve his journal then returned to Theo’s room, sitting on the edge of the bed once more. The edges of the pages had a slight blue tint to them. He opened his journal to the midpoint where pressed between the pages was the same flower they had exchanged all those months ago. The color had started to bleed onto the pages, which is what gave the edges the blue tint. Reign picked up the flower gingerly. It was withered from living between the pages of Reign’s journal for months, but Reign still held on to it.

“Who knew you were so sentimental?” Theo said no trace of his previous teasing in his voice as he looked at the flower and then at Reign, carefully taking it from him.

“You had mentioned that you wanted to press it properly,” Reign explained, “and though I think it may be far too withered to do so at this point, I just wanted to show you proof that I had indeed been thinking of you this whole time. Every time I went to write, I would open up my journal to see that flower and would think of the way your cheeks flushed when I first gave it to you.” Reign paused for a moment, thinking. “You know, now that I think about it, I think I loved you then, even if I didn’t know it.”

Theo stared down at his lap as his cheeks flushed. “Well, that’s your problem. If you want to press a flower, you need to leave it undisturbed in a book for at least a month, especially one this large,” he muttered. “Though, I think knowing you thought of me so much is far more precious than the flower being preserved properly.”

Reign hummed in thought. “Actually, I think my problem lies more in the fact that I couldn’t let a reminder of such a sweet memory remain undisturbed for so long.”

“Well, hopefully, we can add more memories for you to choose from,” Theo said, setting the flower down on the bedside table. “Perhaps we should find something productive to do. I feel a little guilty to be keeping you here doing nothing but saying sappy lines at me.”

Reign tilted his head to the side. “I think you’ve already had a rather strenuous day, ange. You should probably get some rest.” He placed another kiss on Theo’s forehead as he stood from the bed.

“And where are you going?” Theo asked, grabbing Reign’s hand before he could leave the room. “It’s been made very clear that if I let you go wander the city alone, you will get yourself lost.”

“Astarion may have been a little hyperbolic when he said that,” Reign tried to protest before shaking his head. “Actually, no. He was completely correct. But I’m not leaving. Did you think that I was just going to leave you here by yourself? No, I’ll be right outside if you need me, don’t worry.”

“Oh, okay,” Theo responded, seemingly a bit embarrassed. He let go of Reign, finally reaching down to slip off his shoes so that he could lie down properly. Reign tilted his head as he knelt to unlace his boots, stopping himself before doing so and looking up at Theo.

“May I?” He silently chided himself for not being more attentive and making sure Theo was comfortable in bed before attempting to leave, a mistake he meant to rectify.

Theo simply looked at him, taken aback, a reaction Reign was confused by. “I suppose if you want to, but there is really no need.”

“Nonsense,” Reign insisted as he unlaced Theo’s boot. “You know how I enjoy ensuring your utmost comfort.” He removed the boot, setting it to the side as he started on the other one and then doing the same.

“You’re ridiculous sometimes, Reign. I’m not some prince that needs to be wooed, you know. I’m perfectly content with you the way you already are.” Theo said as he sat back and watched Reign work.

Reign raised a brow as he rose to his feet. “I’m aware. If you feel as if I am being overattentive, you can say that, ange. I enjoy doing things like this, but not if it feels smothering to you.”

“You’re not smothering me, Reign. I just..,” Theo trailed off in thought. “I prefer when you are in such a submissive position because I put you there.”

Reign hummed. He recognized the need to deflect as it was something Astarion often did with him as well. “Cute deflection,” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest, “but if you would rather me leave you alone, you can just say so.”

“I didn’t say that, Reign, and I would prefer if you didn’t put words in my mouth,” Theo corrected, taking another moment as he set his other show on the ground. “I just- it doesn’t feel like you would allow me to do the same and that bothers me.” Reign shifted slightly as he considered what Theo said. He wasn’t wrong; Reign probably wouldn’t allow him to do the same. Why that was, Reign didn’t think he could admit that to anyone, not even himself. He wanted to make Theo happy, but he didn’t know how to rectify that with his aversion to being helped in any sort of way.

He put on a smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that’s what you were saying.” He placed a kiss on Theo’s forehead before grabbing his journal from the bed. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Reign knew that he should’ve also addressed the second part of what Theo had said, but that would involve unpacking so much and Theo had been through enough already today. There was no need to get into that at the moment. He left the room, figuring that removing himself from the situation was likely the best way to avoid processing his feelings. He closed the door quietly and sat on one of the sofas as he waited for the rest of the party to return.

Chapter 9: When The Curtain Falls...

Chapter by coathangercowboy


more of reign's daddy issues lets goooooooo

Chapter Text

Reign looked up from where he was writing in his journal as he heard the footsteps that indicated the rest of the party had returned. He set his journal to the side as he turned to greet them. He was met by mostly greetings he expected; the simple hello from Minthara, Lae’zel, and Halsin expressing their concern over his well-being in their own way, Karlach fussing over him. Shadowheart was quick to cast her ritual healing on him to ensure he was truly okay. Astarion and Gale seemed to be mostly assuaged of whatever anxieties they had about Reign upon seeing that he was okay, though Reign could tell there would likely be questions later.

When he looked at Wyll, however, what he could see was nothing short of pure rage. If he thought that Wyll was mad the first time that he had gotten hurt, this was ten times as bad as before. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Wyll interjecting.

“I’m glad to see that you were able to make your way back here.” The smile that accompanied the statement would normally be warm and caring, but now, it was cold. “I thought that perhaps you would have managed to find another group of murderers to throw yourself at without anyone there to help.”

“Now, Wyll,” Reign started as he stepped towards him. “You know that’s hardly fair-”

“Fair?” he cut Reign off. “No, what’s hardly fair, Reign, is turning around to see that you have run off to gods know where with Theo, searching the entire northwest section of the Lower City, assuming you somehow managed to get lost, only for Shadowheart to say that you’ve been attacked. Then, we finally manage to get to you, only for you to run off once again. Tell me, does that seem fair?” Reign stammered as he tried to answer, but Wyll held a hand up. “I can assure you, having to assume that you were hurt in the attack and weren’t letting anyone know whilst you cared for someone else and I couldn’t do anything about it is what’s not fair.”

“Amado, perhaps this isn’t the best place to have this conversation,” Reign muttered, sheepishly glancing at his friends and partners.

“I think it is,” Wyll retorted. “We were all worried about you.”

“Well, I appreciate the concern, but I am fine.” Reign tried to put on his usual assuring smile, but it didn’t seem to work as Wyll gave him a stern look in response.

“Don’t lie to me,” he scolded. “I know when you’re tired and you, my love, are exhausted.”

Reign sighed with a slight flutter of his eyes. “I can’t be exhausted when I’ve hardly done anything today. You all had to manage dealing with the cult. Speaking of-” His attempts at diverting the conversation away from himself once again were cut short.

“Reign, stop. Can you just take a moment to consider how you are feeling for once before asking about anyone else?” Wyll took a breath, gathering his thoughts, before continuing. “I don’t appreciate having to worry ceaselessly about where you might be or what might be happening to you.”

“Then don’t,” Reign said definitely. It was so reflexive, like a knee-jerk reaction that he didn’t even realize what he said until he saw the look on Wyll’s face. It immediately made him want to take it back, to assure him that he was right and he would start thinking about himself first more. Even if it wasn’t true, he would want to say it just to placate his partner. But he had said it, and he wasn’t backing down from it now that he had. He crossed his arms over his chest, showing his finality in the thought.

“You know that is impossible for me,” Wyll argued softly. Reign usually loved his stubborn nature, but in this particular instance, it was rather frustrating. He didn’t enjoy arguing with any of his partners, and he and Wyll had hardly argued at all before. That in and of itself was enough to make this conversation difficult for Reign, the subject matter making it even more so.

“Then make it possible.” He wanted to hide himself away with how that comment only seemed to stoke the flames even more. He wasn’t sure why he was being so blatant about pushing his partners away in such a way. He could tell how it was hurting them, but he couldn’t seem to stop.

“Reign, I love you, and I love that you have so much love to give, but I cannot bear to watch you push yourself beyond your capabilities to ensure the comfort of others any longer. When you are ready to accept there are people in your life willing to care for you the same way you care for them, then we can talk.”

Reign’s eyes welled with tears. He knew Wyll was right; he was exhausted. He had spent so much of the last few months listening to his companions’ stories and ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone he met that he didn’t even stop to consider how he was doing in all of it. Not that he hadn’t been prompted to before. There was simply no time as they were always bouncing from one place to the next; pursuing another potential for a cure, saving some more people. He had to be fine, he had to be. He looked to Gale and Astarion who both wore a look of concern. It wasn’t quite as stern as Wyll’s, but it still hurt all the same to see them look at him like that.

Theo opened the door to his room and approached Reign. “Reign, why don’t you go lay down, sweetness?”

“I don’t think we invited you to this particular conversation.” Wyll’s statement was directed at Theo, even if he didn’t take his eyes off of Reign.

Theo didn’t bother looking at Wyll either. “And I don’t think I asked for an invitation,” he stated bluntly. “Go lay down, Reign,” he said softer and more even, “before you say anything else you don’t mean and can’t take back.”

Reign couldn’t even look at any of them. That would mean facing the concern in their eyes and he couldn’t handle that. He simply nodded, eyes fixed on the ground, as he retreated to his room and locked the door behind him.

Reign leaned against the door as he tried to regain control of his quickened breathing. This is stupid, he thought. They’re only expressing concern. Yet, that was the whole problem. Why was he so insistent that he was fine all the time? Deep down, he knew he wasn’t. He had to be, though, didn’t he? There was simply no time to be anything but. Was there no time or did he not make time? There had certainly been instances of people allowing him the space to do so, but Reign would always brush it off, insisting that there were far more important matters at hand. But that was catching up to him. Wyll was right; he was exhausted and he didn’t even allow himself the time to realize that.

A soft knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts briefly. “Reign, love. Can we talk?” he heard Astarion call from the other side of the door. He didn’t respond. He couldn’t. He feared that if he opened that door, he would only be met with pity and worry and he couldn’t handle that right now. He wasn’t sure if he could ever handle it, honestly. He knew he would have to eventually, and gods would that be a nightmare to deal with.

Reign could hear the others talking, presumably about him, which was not a thought he loved. He couldn’t quite make out what was being said until he heard Theo yelling. “You know nothing about not being allowed such things, Gale. Maybe you think you do with your tadpole connection, but you have no clue.” That was all Reign needed to hear. He lazily whistled a short note, casting a soundproof barrier in his room and keeping out the loud noise. He felt guilty for it, but he couldn’t handle hearing Theo yell in such a way. He figured that someone, likely Gale, said something to provoke him again and it was likely a valid response, but he was too tired to care at that moment.

He curled up on the floor beside his bed, unstowing his violin and laying it down before flopping down, not bothering to change out of his robes. It was pathetic, really, the way he dramatized the whole situation. There was no need for him to get snappy with Wyll and make this into a bigger deal than it was. He should just clean himself up and go back out there to resolve the whole situation. It would be better that way, to just apologize and promise that he would do better to take care of himself, even if the promise didn’t carry any weight. He couldn’t do that to his partners, though. They all loved him too much and he hated seeing them so upset. No, he would stay right here until, like Wyll said, he was ready to have a conversation and actually accept care from others. It seemed like he would be lying there in his bed for a while if he was waiting for that to happen.

Reign rolled onto his side, curling his tail around himself. He hated this. He had gotten so used to never spending a night alone that the feeling of lying alone in bed was a strange one. He never wanted to experience the feeling of being alone again after spending so long in it for the majority of his life. Perhaps that’s why he had acquired so many partners. So that he never had to. Gods, that was a truly depressing thought. He had spent his whole life trying so hard to prove the notion that cambions were manipulative wrong, he hardly realized he was playing into the stereotype far too well. He had all of his partners in the palm of his hand, ready to shower him with affection should he show the need for it. And for what? To stave off his insurmountable fear of being alone? It was far easier to not need that.

He closed his eyes, letting a few of the tears that had built up fall. He wiped them away quickly. There was no one around, no one he had to be strong for; and yet, he still couldn’t allow himself to be vulnerable. Why? Well, he knew why. He knew that being so vulnerable only led to trouble in the past. He couldn’t show such weakness in front of his father for fear of being reprimanded and told that he was being dramatic. A few more tears fell as he realized that he had truly internalized everything his father had ever told him; that he was nothing, he was only worth something when he was useful to others, that he was only looking for attention when he was expressing his emotions. He hated his father for making him believe such things about himself. Yet, now more than ever, he craved his validation. He wanted someone to tell him that he was doing well, even if he knew that wasn’t necessarily true. Even if his father were to tell him that, it wouldn’t be for the right reasons. Still, he felt like a little kid looking for their dad when they were hurt.

As he drifted off to sleep, Reign found himself in the familiar icy landscape that was his father’s dominion. He fluttered his eyes open, not bothering to stand from where he lay on the frozen ground. The cool touch of the ground reminded him of so many times from his childhood when he would lie on the floor of his bedroom after a particularly bad argument with his father. He recalled one time after his father had yelled at him for messing up a single note in the song he had been practicing. He was made to do the section he had made a mistake in over and over until it was done correctly. “If you’re going to do it, do it right. Do not disrespect me again,” he remembered him saying. Reign had laid on the floor of his room until Adonides came to find him, where he knelt beside Reign and apologized, or rather, gave Reign his version of an apology. “I do not enjoy yelling at you so, mon loulou. Don’t make me do that again.”

“I don’t enjoy it,” his father’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. “And I hope that you’re not going to make me do it now.”

Reign looked up to where his father was standing over him. It reminded him of how he appeared to Reign when he was a child; tall, imposing, and a little frightening. “I would rather appreciate it if you didn’t,” he muttered, not sounding like much more than a dejected child.

“Well let’s see if I will need to.” Adonides summoned Reign’s fiddle and hummed in satisfaction as he felt the thrum of energy from the souls of the lives he had taken that day. “Eight? So you’re an overachiever now? I’m not complaining; I just never thought you would go above and beyond what I asked. It’s very good, Reign. Well done.”

The words cut deep just as much as they soothed. What he was being praised for was monstrous, but he was being praised and that’s what mattered to him. “You know I live to serve,” Reign sighed.

“And that’s what I love about you,” Adonides cooed. He tilted his head as he knelt beside Reign. “Why are you still on the ground?”

Reign groaned as he turned away from his father. Because I can’t seem to do anything else correctly, who’s to say that I would be able to manage standing on my own two feet? he wanted to say, but when vying for his father’s affection, he knew better than to give him a smart answer.

“Ah, we’re being a bit dramatic today, are we?” Adonides chuckled as he stood to his feet. “Get up. We’re not doing that.” Reign groaned again. There it was, the ever-classic line. “Perhaps you didn’t hear me,” the devil said coldly. “Get. Up.” Reign knew better than to disobey again. He stood to his feet slowly before looking at his father sheepishly. “That’s better,” he hummed. “Now, I think that this little self-pity routine is most unbefitting of a child of mine. Get yourself cleaned up and do what you need to to appease those boyfriends of yours. You’re not getting home any quicker without their help in getting that pest out of your head.” He waved his hand and just as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.

Reign sniffled as he awoke again back in his room. He shouldn’t have expected much more than what he was given and yet, he still found himself wanting more. Some semblance of affection from his father. “Je t'aime, papa,” he muttered as he curled into himself even further, trying to force himself to go back to sleep.

It took a while, but Reign was eventually able to properly go to sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, which Reign was thankful for, after the experience he just had. Well, mostly dreamless, as he heard what he could’ve sworn was Theo’s voice. “Rwy'n caru melyster i chi. Gofalwch amdanoch chi'ch hun i mi heno. Byddaf yn ôl erbyn y bore. Breuddwydion melys.”

Reign shifted in his curled-up position on the floor. He wasn’t sure if Theo was in his room currently, saying these words to him. But that couldn’t be as it felt more like he was hearing them in his head. Had Theo already left without him having a chance to apologize for the scene he caused? He wrapped his arms around himself. “Rwy'n dy garu di hefyd, fy enaid. Mae'n ddrwg gen i.” The thought was mostly to himself as he assumed that the way Theo was communicating with him was one-sided. Theo said he would be back in the morning, but Reign wouldn’t blame him if he never did come back. He could understand; his other partners had to deal with him as they were intrinsically linked due to the tadpole. Theo, though, didn’t have any reason to stick around if he didn’t want to. He curled further into himself, forcing his eyes shut once more as he attempted to drift back to sleep.

Chapter 10: ...The Mask Drops

Chapter by coathangercowboy


happy pride here's a 200 word reign rant to celebrate. also this one's kinda short oh well have a break from 6k+ word chapters ig :))

Chapter Text

Reign woke up to a soft knock at his door. He was still curled around himself on the floor, still in his robes. He sighed as he turned to his other side, groaning quietly. His body ached from sleeping on the hard ground all night. He knew he would regret it later but couldn’t bring himself to care yet.

He heard the door handle rustle and a faint snapping of metal. “sh*t,” he could just barely make out from the other side of the door. Of course, Astarion was too worried about him to let him be. He couldn’t find it in himself to feel mad about it though; he couldn’t find it in himself to feel much of anything, really. Besides, it was a welcome reprieve from his overwhelming loneliness.

The lock clicked finally and the door creaked open. He didn’t need to see the pity in Astarion’s eyes to know that it was there. The vampire stepped into the room before quietly closing the door and kneeling beside Reign. “Did you sleep here all night, darling? This can’t be comfortable.” Reign sighed as Astarion circled him, gently taking Reign’s hand and guiding him to his feet. As much as he wanted to let Astarion fuss over him to appease his partners, he also couldn’t bear how Astarion looked at him with so much concern. Is this how he looked at everyone? No wonder it was suffocating.
Reign curled into a fetal position as Astarion laid him on his bed and stood to the side, his fingers twiddling nervously at his side. “I wanted to check in on you, love. We haven’t heard from you since last night and frankly, I was a little worried. Do you want me to stay or-?”

Reign reached out, grabbing his hand. “Don’t go,” he said quickly before adding a soft, “please.” He could feel Astarion tense under his grasp, an indecipherable reaction to Reign as he wasn’t fully awake to process it yet. Astarion hesitated but lay beside Reign, pulling him close. Reign buried his face into Astarion’s chest. The familiar smell of bergamot and rosemary brought a sense of comfort, a sense of safety, to the cambion. He finally relaxed a bit, knowing he was no longer alone.

“Reign, I know that you likely don’t want to talk about what happened yesterday,” Astarion started softly, “but I feel the need to emphasize how important it is that you share some of your burden to alleviate it.” Reign took a deep breath. He knew Astarion was right and he hated when Astarion was right.

“I know,” he muttered against the vampire’s chest, not bothering to look him in the eye. “It’s just… it’s not fair for me to put this on you when you have Cazador to worry about-”

“Reign, darling,” Astarion cut him off, “you know how many nights I came to your tent after a…particularly bad dream, the amount of times that I’ve waken you up because I couldn’t handle the overwhelming weight of being alone. What’s not fair is that this whole time, you never felt that it was alright if you did the same.”

Reign looked up at him finally. “Astarion, it’s not that I didn’t feel safe to-”

“Then what was it?”

Reign sighed. Astarion was making him actually think about what he was saying and it was an uncomfortable truth for him. He wanted to run from this conversation and hide where no one could make him unpack what he was feeling. But if he wanted to be better for his partners, then he had to stop running for once. Besides, it seemed that all of his insistence on unpacking things later had finally caught up to him.

“No, you’re right. I didn’t feel safe to do so, as hard as that is to admit. And it’s not because of anything any of you have done. I just…” he trailed off as he wasn’t quite sure how to word what he was trying to say.

“You don’t have to explain, love,” Astarion tried to assure him.

“No, but I feel like I do.”

“Has the notion that it is okay to simply exist ever crossed your mind?”

Reign thought for a moment. It really hadn’t because he was simply never allowed to. “Well, no. It’s hard to allow yourself to just be when you spend your whole life creating the perfect image. I always had to be this idealized version of myself that fit my father’s wishes for me and that meant never being honest about what I was feeling. If I was upset, no I wasn’t. If I was tired, not if he needed me. If I showed even the smallest ounce of weakness, I was being dramatic. So, I put on a brave face and pushed past whatever I was feeling to be what he needed. He would say that it is quite fitting that I am a bard, seeing as I am so dramatic. But I’m not a bard. I don’t create, I destroy. I force my way into people’s heads and beguile them into handing over the most precious thing one has to offer: their life. It’s silly, really; you would think that the parent is the one to be there for their child, but not with him, not with me. I am simply a tool for my father to become more powerful at the end of the day and without that purpose, without a purpose, then I am nothing.”

He finally took a breath after seemingly not having done so for the last minute. His words hung in the air as heavily as they had weighed on his chest. Reign had never allowed himself to be so vulnerable with anyone before, and he felt guilty that it was Astarion of all people he was dumping all of this on for the first time. No, if he truly wanted to be better for his partners, then he needed to get out of that mindset. He was grateful that it was Astarion of all people that was listening to him. He sat up, burying his face in his hands.

“Do you really believe that?” Astarion finally asked, sitting up to meet Reign as he placed a hand on the cambion’s back. “That you’re nothing?”

Reign nodded slowly. It was an incredibly difficult thing for him to admit, but he needed to. He had spent so long hiding his feelings away that it was only right he finally opened that door for the people who loved him most.

“You must know that you mean the world to me,” Astarion said softly as he rubbed small circles on Reign’s back. “You’re the first person I truly ever cared for and I hate to see you genuinely believe such blatant lies about yourself.”

Reign shook his head, trying to clear his head of the thoughts that seemed to intrude telling him otherwise. “I’m sorry,” he muttered into his hands.

“Part of just existing is doing so unapologetically.” Astarion seemed to be making a quick habit of saying exactly what Reign needed to hear and while Reign was grateful for it, he wasn’t sure how to process it.
They sat in a silence that seemed to last forever. It was nice, not having the expectation to make conversation but the presence of someone else to listen still present. He laid his head in Astarion’s lap as the vampire stroked his hair. He felt like there was still so much that needed to be said, but he let it be.

Finally, Reign decided he couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “What’s the plan for today?” he muttered tiredly.

“I’m not entirely sure what the others will be up to, but our plan is to stay here and rest,” Astarion explained.

Reign furrowed his brow as he looked up. “What do you mean? There’s still so much to do.”

“And we will get to it,” Astarion interjected. “But before we do, you need a day of rest. Empty cups and the inability to pour from them and so on,” he added with a wave of his hand.

"But morning routine!" Reign protested.

"They will all be just fine if one morning routine is missed," Astarion assured. "Besides, they're already gone for the day."

Reign huffed as he searched his thoughts for anything else that could possibly let him win this argument. "You haven't fed," he finally said in a triumphant voice, certain that he would at least be allowed to help with that.

"And I am doing just fine," Astarion rebutted. Reign raised a brow at him. He appreciated Astarion trying to make him prioritize himself, but he wouldn't abide a peckish vampire. "Once we get you cleaned up, we will see how you are feeling," Astarion offered placatingly.

Reign sighed. This wasn’t an argument he was winning. “Fine. What are we doing today?”

“Well, we’re going to start by getting you out of these wretched robes and into a bath,” Astarion said. “Then we can do all sorts of various things that don’t require leaving the Elfsong.”
Reign thought for a moment, trying to come up with things they could do to pass the time when an idea came over him. “I have a book I picked up quite some time ago that I think you would enjoy,” he offered with a small smile.

“After a bath,” Astarion emphasized. Reign relented, sitting up once more and standing from the bed. Astarion gathered his things for said bath and gently pushed him toward the door by the small of his back.

Reign stopped at the door, turning to Astarion. “Rwy'n caru chi, fy seren.”

“Et je te chéris, mon soleil,” he responded softly, claiming Reign’s lips in a gentle kiss before leading him to the washroom.

Chapter 11: Blood of the Covenant

Chapter by coathangercowboy


estella !! estella !! estella !! speaking of, minor spoilers for estella lore :))

Chapter Text

Reign ran a towel over his wet hair as he and Astarion entered the common room. As unfamiliar as it was to have someone caring for him, he had to admit that it was nice to have the roles reversed a bit, especially after a morning of releasing all of his pent-up emotions. He sat on one of the sofas, rolling up his sleeve.

“What are you doing?” Astarion asked.

“You said you would feed after a bath,” Reign said smally. He figured Astarion would still protest, but he wanted to at least do something for someone else.

“No, no. I said, ‘Let’s see how you feel after a bath,’” Astarion recalled.

“And I feel fine.” Astarion gave him a look that made him groan. “I would like to be helpful in one way or another today. Please.”

Astarion raised a brow and tutted as he considered Reign’s request. “You can be helpful by doing nothing but caring for yourself today.” Reign huffed, lying down on the sofa. Astarion hummed as he lay beside Reign, practically on top of him. “You’re cute when you huff like that, you know?”

Reign didn’t respond; instead, opting to reach for the book he had picked for Astarion to read to him. Astarion glanced over the covering, tutting and giving Reign a playful look.

“What? I thought you would like it,” Reign whined. Astarion didn’t argue, but instead, opened the book. Reign had found several copies of this particular book in a rather dismal chapel. He had kept them in his chest, thinking it would be funny to give to Astarion as a way to call him out, but ultimately deciding that it would be too mean.

Astarion let Reign settle into place, the cambion’s hand and head resting on his chest, before opening to the first page and starting to read. “Harken close and beware the Vampyr. Beware its cold beauty. Beware its charm. Beware its curse.”

Reign grimaced. “Is that what it really says?”

“Did you not think to give this a once over before having me read it?” Astarion scoffed.

“Well, no. I saw ‘vampire’ and I thought, ‘Oh, like Astarion.’”

“Darling, we had hardly known each other when you said you picked up these books.”

“I know,” Reign hummed with a grin. “You weren’t very good at hiding it.”

Astarion started protesting as Reign sat up with his brow furrowed as he heard footsteps approaching. He hadn’t expected the rest of the party to be back so soon. His face lit up as he saw Theo before tilting in confusion at the person who was with him. He stood to greet the two, a little put off by the newcomer.

“Theo, I’m so happy to see you. There’s so much that I need to explain-”

Astarion cut him off by clearing his throat. Reign looked back at him and took a breath before turning back to Theo. “I…don’t need to explain. I’m just grateful that you’re back.”

Theo smiled back at Reign. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling a bit better,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to Reign’s cheek.

Reign felt the familiar warmth flood his cheeks that always seemed to accompany any interaction with Theo as he returned the smile. He looked behind Theo toward the tiefling woman, who was leaning against the wall. “Who’s your friend?”

“Estella. Nice to finally meet you, lover boy,” she said with a smirk. Lover boy? Well, he was certainly a lover, he supposed. Theo looked like he was going to say something before Astarion chimed in.

“Estella,” he repeated with a drawl. “What a lovely name.” Reign could practically see the expression on Astarion’s face, him putting up his usual facade of bravado and charm when meeting someone for the first time. It hadn’t worked on Reign and from the looks of the tiefling woman, she seemed to be a no-nonsense type of person so he doubted it would work on her either.

“A pleasure,” Reign responded quickly but genuinely. “You already seem to know me, but I’m Reign anyway.”

“I know of you, and the way you seem to turn off my wizard’s brain enough that he says things he ought to keep to himself,” Estella responds once again, not allowing Theo to get a word in. “You, I’m less familiar with,” she adds, turning to Astarion. “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before, gatinho?” The familiarity with which she spoke to Astarion took Reign aback. The pet name wasn’t lost on him either. He wasn’t one to often use pet names in a language that his partners didn’t know; that was special to Theo since it flustered him so. Still, the look on Astarion’s face, as he tried to parse the meaning, told him he should use more infernal with him.

Of course, Astarion had a quick and easy response. “I would hope not. I would hate to forget such a face.” Reign couldn’t help but flutter his eyes slightly at Astarion’s practiced flirtations. Though, he couldn’t help but admit that he was rather interested to see how long it would take for Estella to tell him to f*ck off.

“Fofo, mas tenha um pouco de amor-próprio.” She said to Astarion, clearly enjoying the confusion that crossed his face as he tried to parse what he was saying. She turned to Reign not long after, speaking directly to him this time while motioning to Astarion. “Preciso falar com você sobre ele. Ele é sensível?”

Reign tilted his head. “Ele pode ser, mas geralmente não. O que há de tão sensível que não podemos falar claramente?”

Astarion sputtered in frustration. “Excuse me! I don’t appreciate what is clearly a discussion about me happening right in front of me in a language I can’t understand.”

Reign looked toward Astarion, offering his best placating smile. “Est-ce que ça aide si je dis que ce sont toutes de bonnes choses ?”

Astarion sighed and rolled his eyes. “Pas vraiment.”

“Fine, we can speak plainly in common about, well, I’m afraid I never got your name because you were too busy commenting on mine, Gatinho.” Estella’s tone invited a playful challenge, something that highly intrigued and entertained Reign.

“A-Astarion, but hold on!” It was adorable seeing Estella push him so far out of his element, but as entertained as Reign was, he gave Astarion a look that told him that he would intervene should the vampire feel he needed it. Reign trusted Theo enough to not bring someone into their living quarters who had ill intentions, and it helped that it was one of Theo’s sisters, but still.

Theo shook his head as he turned to Estella. “I thought we had agreed on behaving ourselves.”

“No, we agreed on not causing arguments. That’s different,” she responded.

“You’re always so pedantic about the deals we make, Estella.”

“And you refuse to use that brain you’re so proud of to consider consequences before you take action, hm? I think we might have had this conversation already.” Theo sighed in exasperation at her last comment.

Their little back-and-forth was endearing, but one particular phrase caught Reign’s attention, causing him to tilt his head. “Deals? What kind of deal are you talking about, Theo?”

“Just the silly agreements Estella gets me into,” Theo explained dismissively. Reign could tell Estella muttered something under her breath that caused Theo to hiss back at her, “Estella!” She gave him a knowing look that told Reign that whatever she said was likely best left not understood.

Reign nodded, trying to divert the conversation for everyone’s sake. “Right,” he drawled. “Anyway, I doubt that your sole intention in bringing Estella here was to flirt with Astarion and bicker a little, so what can I do for you?” he asked with a genuine smile.

Estella’s cheeks flushed at Reign’s comment and she let out a small hum, but she quickly seemed to shake it off as she stood up straight and came further into the room, almost circling, as she kept her distance from the three men.

“I’m here to get answers for certain parties in the city who are very interested to know why a vampire not under Cazador has entered the city,” Estella said, no trace of teasing left in her tone.

Astarion glared at Reign, who sheepishly shrugged his shoulders. It had only just occurred to Reign that it wasn’t unlikely that Estella heard Reign say something about Astarion’s vampirism moments before they entered the room.

“Wait, hang on,” Reign chimed in, glaring back at Astarion as another thought occurred to him. “Clearly there are other people who know if there are ‘other parties’ who want to know why you’re here.” He held his hands up in a gesture of innocence. “This one’s not my fault.”

Astarion rolled his eyes, turning back to Estella. “I don’t tend to be in the business of sharing my plans with the first person who asks.”

“That's something we share, then,” Estella said, still moving about the room. Her pace was even and casual, but she seemed nervous almost. “However, as you should already be aware vampires tend to be quite territorial creatures and you poking the nest of snakes that is Cazador’s brood would be quite the problem. Now tell me: are you trying to provoke him by being so obvious or do you actually think you can dethrone him and take his place without pushback?”

Reign watched intently as her tail flicked behind her anxiously. Something about Astarion seemed to agitate her and while he knew that his partner could certainly get under some people's skin, he didn't think Astarion had really done anything to particularly piss off Estella in the time she had been in the Elfsong. Reign studied her for a moment. He knew that she was one of Theo’s sisters, but that didn't quite explain her nervousness as her concerns didn't seem quite so personal. She didn't look like any of the Gur they had encountered upon first entering the city. He remembered Theo saying she had a ship and it clicked for Reign. Estella was a pirate and somehow her dealings involved Cazador remaining in power.

“Well, I can assure you that Astarion's not taking his place,” Reign piped up. Since they learned about the Rite of Profane Ascension, Reign had been very firm in telling Astarion that he would not support him taking Cazador's place in the ritual and he wasn't about to let Astarion suggest otherwise. Besides, he didn't particularly want to piss off another one of Theo’s sisters and earn himself another black eye.

“Oh, so what are your intentions? If your goal is not to take him down, then you’re just stirring up trouble from what I can tell is carelessness. Or do you actually think dethroning him and leaving a power vacuum is a good idea?” Estella was getting more agitated by the second as Reign seemed to be giving her none of the answers she wanted.

“Estella, please,” Theo said, trying to soothe her just a little bit.

“No, Theo. This is not some simple thing you do without regard for the consequences of your actions!” she scolded him, causing him to shrink in her ire. Reign was right in his assessment of her from the beginning; she was not one to tolerate foolishness and it seemed that she thought challenging Cazador was incredibly foolish.

"See, darling? She's right. Someone has to be there to take his place," Astarion said, trying once again to barter with Reign regarding the ascension ritual.

"I didn't say we weren't going to take him down," Reign explained to Estella. "We already have a plan on how to approach it. As for the power vacuum, I'm not sure what circles you're running in to make that the top priority rather than taking out an abusive piece of sh*t, but that's my motivation." He took a breath before turning to Astarion and adding, "We've been over why you're not ascending and I'm not changing my mind on that. Please stop trying."

Estella was quiet, her anger boiling just under the surface of a calm mask. “Estella, I’m sure we can figure something out,” Theo said, moving closer to her. The two of them whispered amongst themselves as Theo took one of her hands in his own. Reign tilted his head, noticing that Theo’s wrist was bandaged. That hadn’t been there last night, at least not to his recollection. He pushed it aside for now. It didn’t seem to be a vital injury as Theo only looked to be a little more tired than usual, kind of like Reign did when Astarion fed from him. Wait a minute.

“Tudo bem, suponho que se você conseguir derrotar Cazador, poderá ter a chance de desafiar Calliope,” Estella said, pulling Reign from his thoughts. “Mas saiba que se ela aparecer, espero que você assuma a responsabilidade pelas consequências de suas ações.” She turned to Astarion and added, “You should listen to lover boy. Ascension wouldn’t suit you and deals between devils and vampires rarely end well.”

Reign looked between Estella and Theo, the confusion evident on his face. "Posso saber quem é esse Calliope e por que eles são tão perigosos? Além disso, por que ainda estamos falando no inferno? Ele não deveria saber também?" He nodded slightly over to Astarion. He understood that this was a sensitive subject and it wasn’t uncommon for him to speak in an exclusive language with his friends and partners when doing the same with them.

“Calliope is the vampire who made me what I am,” Estella said bluntly, finally speaking in a language they could all understand.

Reign tilted his head. If Estella was a vampire, she was certainly a lot better at hiding it than Astarion was. Reign was completely clueless until she mentioned it herself. That would also explain the bandage on Theo’s wrist if Estella had fed from him during the time he was away from the Elfsong. “You’re a vampire?” he asked, looking between Estella and Theo. If she was a vampire, why wasn’t she under the control of this Calliope, like Astarion had described he had been under Cazador? She wasn’t tadpoled, that much he could tell. There seemed to be more questions than answers in her explanation.

“No,” Estella answered, “I’m a far more rare commodity.” The answer was cryptic, sure, but it told Reign that she likely didn’t want more questions asked, which he was perfectly alright with. She certainly wasn’t the first person he met who didn’t want people prying into her secrets. He traveled with Shadowheart and didn’t even know she was a Shar worshipper until she ended up telling him because she felt like she had to.

“Estella, they are going to ask what that means anyway. Can we skip to the part where you tell them the word for what you are and they ask what that is and we go from there?” Theo pleaded. Reign went to assure them both that it was fine and no answers were owed if she didn’t want to, but Estella motioned for him to go on. “Estella is a dhampir, essentially what you get if the process of making a spawn is interrupted or goes wrong in some way.”

“A dhampir?” Astarion perked up, clearly poised to ask more questions, but Reign held a hand up, silently begging him to save his questions for later, if ever at all.

“Apologies. I shouldn’t have asked,” Reign said. “I feel that it goes without being said that Calliope is rather dangerous and would be a threat when Cazador is dealt with. I can assure you that if that is to happen, we would be more than willing to help deal with it.” Astarion huffed and Reign glared at him. “We would be more than willing to help with an issue that we caused, wouldn’t we, Astarion?” Astarion paused, thinking for a moment, before nodding. “Although,” Reign added. “I do have business outside the city once we have done what we came here to do. But I promise that we will be right back here should Calliope show up.”

“I suppose that’s acceptable,” Estella said contentedly as her tail slowed and flicked. Theo dropped his hand from hers and she gave him a playful push. “I shouldn’t trouble you any longer, but do me a favor and don’t get my wizard killed. I’m rather attached to this one,” she added as she began walking away.

“I’ll do my best,” Reign chuckled as she left. He turned to Theo and added, “I wouldn’t want to anger another one of your sisters more than I already have, though it would be well deserved if that were to happen, which again, it won’t.”

Theo looked at him for a moment before it visibly clicked what Reign had said. “Reign, Estella isn’t one of my sisters. We’re just close,” he clarified. “And honestly, considering the subject matter, that went very well. She seems to at least be willing to take you at your word. Hopefully, once she goes to see Canvas, she will have calmed down a bit more and realize you’re actually quite nice.”

Reign felt a bit embarrassed that he had just assumed Estella was one of Theo’s sisters, but given how he had talked about her, it felt safe to assume. He shook his head as he realized Theo had mentioned, by name, the tiefling man from the press the group had met the other day. “Wait. Canvas? Estella knows Canvas?”

“Yes. Why?” Theo asked in surprise. He thought for a moment as he put the pieces together. “You didn’t happen to stop by the newspaper while I was busy with Avis, did you?”

Reign bit down on his bottom lip, realizing that no one had mentioned their visit to the press to Theo. He heard Astarion barely stifle a laugh and he turned his head slightly to side-eye him. “We may have paid it a visit, yes.”

Theo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, I’m glad Canvas made it out of that particular encounter with you unscathed. Please never mention that to Estella. But I think that confirms more than anything that I need to get to work. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

Reign pulled his fingers in front of his mouth, miming sealing his lips. He tilted his head as Theo turned to go toward his room. “Wait, what do you mean ‘get to work?’”

“You’ll see,” Theo threw back over his shoulder as he walked away.

Reign sighed. He understood the not-so-subtle hint at needing some space and relented. He sat back down on the sofa beside Astarion and laid down once more.

Astarion lay beside him, wrapping his arms around Reign’s waist. “You keep making these promises to help people, love,” he said softly. “Do you ever plan to give yourself a break?”

“If one of Theo’s friends is endangered because of something we did, then I owe it to them to see that they’re not harmed,” Reign rebutted.

“And what about your ‘business outside the city,’ hm?”

Reign furrowed his brow. “You didn’t see it, Astarion, his face when I told him I could help. You didn’t see the hope in his eyes.”

“But it’s not all your responsibility,” Astairon argued.

“No, but it is my pleasure.”

Astarion sighed. “Has anyone ever told you that you are particularly stubborn?”

“Only in situations that matter,” Reign shrugged with a grin as he turned to face his partner. “You love me though.”

“That I do, mon soleil,” he agreed, placing a soft kiss on Reign’s cheek.

Chapter 12: A Fire Warms as Much as it Burns

Chapter by coathangercowboy


okok fine i'll stop being mean to gale (im a liar, i'll just bully him later)

Chapter Text

Reign was awoken by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, indicating the rest of the group had returned from the day’s activities. He hadn’t even realized he had fallen asleep as the last thing he remembered was listening to Astarion make up stories about random people they had seen on the street since being in Baldur’s Gate. It was a small way to add a bit of fun to the gravity of their situation for him and it seemed to accomplish what the vampire wanted it to, as it had lulled Reign to sleep.

Astarion’s arms relaxed, allowing the cambion to sit up and stretch slightly. Reign smiled up at Gale and Wyll as they approached the sofa, each leaning down to plant a kiss on either of Reign’s cheeks.

“How are you feeling, my love?” Gale asked quietly.

“Better,” Reign sighed. “Tired, still, but certainly less so.”

Wyll knelt beside the sofa, taking Reign’s hand in his own. “I want to apologize, Reign,” he started.

“There’s no need,” Reign tried to say but was cut off.

“Please, Reign,” Wyll interjected. “There is need. I was unfair in shouting at you the way I did. I was concerned, but I had no right to speak to you that way. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I beg of it all the same.”

Reign cupped Wyll’s face in his hands, his gaze softening. “Don’t be silly, amado. Of course, I forgive you.”

Wyll sighed. “I will spend every day proving myself worthy of such a sentiment.”

Reign let the matter drop for now. He knew that it would be just as difficult to get Wyll to believe that he was worthy of forgiveness as it was to convince Reign that he was worthy of rest. “Catch me up. What did you all do today?”

“We will tell you all about it, right after a nice bath,” Gale said with a grimace as he removed his cloak.

Reign huffed softly. He was so antsy after staying in the Elfsong all day that he hated having to wait even longer, but he would be lying if he said that he could tolerate the smell acquired after a day’s worth of adventuring and heroism. Gale and Wyll went to their respective rooms to wait for their turns in the washroom. Reign turned to Astarion, whispering, “How high do you think the tension will be once they realize Theo is back?”

“Darling, you know I’m not a betting man,” he responded just as quietly. “But twenty gold says Gale’s the one to storm off this time.”

“Astarion,” Reign scolded. “This is not some drama written for your entertainment.”

“I know, love, I jest. But it certainly feels like it at times.” Reign rolled his eyes as he sat back on the sofa, his leg bouncing nervously. Astarion put his hand on Reign’s leg. “I’m sure that it will be fine.”

Gale and Wyll joined Reign and Astarion back in the common room once they had taken their baths. Gale and Astarion sat on either side of Reign, who had one leg draped over Gale’s. Wyll sat opposite of them as they discussed the events of the day, finding the man behind the murders in the city and how they found a map leading to the Bhaalist Temple. Reign looked up as he saw Theo rounding the corner, hiding his anxiety behind a smile.

“There you are, love,” he said. He watched Gale out of the corner of his eye, who shrank back as Theo entered the room. He didn’t know what exactly was said between the two wizards last night as he had blocked out the sound, but it didn’t take someone as intelligent as either of them to guess that it was likely something less than savory. He took note of the scrolls in Theo’s hand, tilting his head slightly. “What’s that?”

“Oh, these are sending scrolls. I figured I might as well spend some time making them, especially as I’ve heard time and time again you have a propensity for getting yourself lost,” Theo said, moving further into the room and holding a scroll out to Wyll.

Wyll took the scroll, offering a genuine smile of gratitude to the wizard. Reign scoffed. “I am a perfectly good navigator, thank you.”

“What about that time in the Underdark when you attempted to find your way back to camp from that beach?” Astarion recounted.

“That was the Underdark,” Reign rebutted. “That place was a maze.”

“Darling, give me your left hand.” Reign held his hands up in front of him, making an L shape with his fingers on either one before determining the correct answer and holding his left hand out to Astarion.

Wyll shook his head at Reign before turning back to Theo. “This will prove quite useful, Theo. Thank you. And I do apologize for the way that I spoke to you yesterday. I was afraid and frustrated, but it wasn’t right for me to take that out on you. I’m sorry.”

“We all say things we don’t mean at times, especially when under emotional stress,” Theo responded appreciably. “You know, I was going to give the other two to Reign to hand out, but considering you seem to be the planner, perhaps it would be better to leave them with you. Shadowheart already has her own if that changes anything.”

“Yes, that’s probably for the best,” Reign interjected softly. “Otherwise, I would just hand them off to Gale as I do with all the scrolls I find.”

“That’s how I’ve ended up with at least seventeen scrolls of fire bolt in my bag,” Gale added, a playful undertone lying beneath the matter-of-factness of his statement.

“They could be useful!” Reign whined.

“It’s a cantrip,” Gale rebutted plainly. “One I already know too.”

Theo shook his head as he handed the other two sending scrolls off to Wyll. “There was likely a reason that there were so many of them lying around for you to find, Reign,” Theo added, teasing the cambion as he stood there rather awkwardly.

“Yes, like perhaps to sell,” Gale agreed. Reign frowned. He was glad that there wasn’t an argument being had, at least not yet, but not when the alternative was him being teased.

“Fine,” Reign pouted. “I’ll just keep them all in my bag.”

“No, you won’t,” Astarion protested. “You’ll hand them to me to carry and I will hand them to Wyll because I can’t be bothered to carry all of that.”

“Is that where all of your arrows that I got you have gone to?”

“No comment,” Astarion responded quickly before turning to Theo, changing the subject. “So, wizard-”

“Theo,” Reign corrected.

“Theo,” Astarion reluctantly repeated. “Is sending the only spell you know or is it just your favorite?”

“That’s an awfully long way of saying, ‘Thank you,’” Reign admonished.

“It’s fine, Reign,” Theo assured, finally deciding to take a seat next to Wyll. “And no, sending is most certainly not the only spell I know. Just the one it seemed most necessary to make scrolls of at this moment. Why? Do you have a specific request?”

“Do you happen to have a ‘beat a vampire lord to death’ spell in that book of yours?” Astarion asked as Reign rolled his eyes.

“Astarion, please,” Reign chided lightly before turning his attention back to Theo. “These are very useful. Thank you, mon ange.”

“You’re welcome,” Theo said to Reign. “And while I’m afraid I know of no such spell, I could see if I could convince Estella to let us borrow the holy symbol of Ravenkind she had me retrieve for her,” he directed toward Astarion. “She might actually hand it over given our agreement and the fact we have people in our group who could use it. Based on my research, it can at least hold vampires, and then you can do the beating-to-death part yourself.”

“Calling it our agreement is a bit generous, I feel,” Astarion scoffed. “I just happened to be present when such plans were made.”

“And might I ask what these plans were?” Wyll chined in.

“It’s more of an if/then situation to do with Cazador,” Reign explained. “One that requires a bit of explanation that is not my place to share.” He watched Gale out of the corner of his eye, noting the way he avoided looking at anyone and was particularly quiet, not having said much since Theo entered the room.

“And one that we can only hope will never come to pass. Still, her extensive warehouse of magical items, while not exactly free for us to pick through could prove useful,” Theo added.

“Yes, it could,” Reign said absentmindedly, seeing Theo look over at Gale. As much as he was ready to move on from the events of last night, he knew that if the two wizards were to ever get along, they would have to discuss it sooner rather than later. “Alright, I’ll bite. What happened last night?”

“Nothing you need worry about,” Theo said, making a poor attempt to give a reassuring smile.

“See, but I think I do,” Reign responded firmly but gently. “As I see it, two people I cherish were hurt and that concerns me greatly.”

“It was nothing,” Gale insisted. “Just a rash comment I severely regret.”

“‘Nothing’ doesn’t drive one to feel the need to leave for the night,” Reign protested. “You have both asked me before to not lie to you and I am now asking you both to do the same. If you would rather discuss it between yourselves privately, that’s fine, but don’t tell me it’s nothing when it’s clearly not.”

Gale sat silently for a moment, clearly deliberating whether or not to share what had caused Theo to leave. “I may have suggested that he doesn’t understand the meaning of privacy regarding one’s thoughts,” he muttered, avoiding Reign’s gaze.

Reign stared at him in disbelief. “That’s a serious accusation, Gale, and one that I thought we had long since gotten past. Theo apologized for speaking in your head so with that in mind, what made you think such a thing was alright to say?”

“Could we perhaps do this in the comfort of privacy, my love?” Gale asked quietly, finally managing to meet Reign’s cold glare.

“No, Gale,” Reign scolded. “As much as you know I would be willing to cater to your comfort, you do not get to make such a claim and then go crawling away when you’re met with the repercussions. Now, I ask again, what made you think such a thing was alright to say?”

Gale stayed silent, not willing to admit the reasoning behind such a grievous mistake. “Alright,” Reign sighed. “You want to know what I think?”

“Reign, darling, perhaps consider what you’re saying before you say something you’ll regret,” Astarion suggested, gently placing a hand on Reign’s shoulder.

“I’ve considered,” he snapped back, not taking his eyes off of Gale. “I think that you’re once again letting your insecurities overshadow your judgment. I think that you heard I was here with Theo alone and you spiraled in your thoughts so you harped on the biggest mistake that he made since being here to prove to yourself that you can be better than that for me. I can remind you that you have nothing to prove and that I adore you wholly and completely as you are, but if this is going to be a recurring theme, these spats, I would like to know now, if you would be so kind.”

Reign watched as Gale’s eyes filled with tears and his heart broke just a little. He knew that Gale had his reasons for being so insecure when it came to Reign’s relationships with his other partners and he didn’t fault him for that, but he couldn’t help but feel rather frustrated that it caused so much turmoil for Theo.

“It won’t be a problem again,” Gale choked out, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Reign never felt so conflicted; he knew he was right, but seeing Gale in such a state made him want to take back everything he had just said. Astarion had proven to be right once again.

“That doesn’t sound like an apology,” Reign mustered. He desperately wanted this particular conversation to be over so he could begin groveling to Gale and assuring him that he still loved him despite the awful things he had just said.

“I’m sorry, Theo,” was all Gale could mutter as he kept his eyes fixed on the ground.

“I’ll get over it,” Theo said softly. “Just don’t let it happen again.” Reign was thankful that Theo seemed to be so willing to accept the apology. This would have gone a lot worse if he hadn’t been, though he felt that it was likely Theo was more upset about what Gale had said than he let on, especially considering it caused him to leave in what Reign could only assume was fury. The silence hung in the air as Reign tried desperately to think of a way to break the tension.

Gale silently lifted Reign’s leg from where it rested on him and stood to leave the room, gently kissing the top of Reign’s head as he did so. Reign sighed, knowing that it was likely to happen, but upset at himself for causing it anyway. He watched as Gale meandered off to his room, deliberating if he should follow him or leave it for the night.

“Go on then, Reign. You’ll drive yourself crazy with worry if you let him sulk,” Theo finally said.

Reign looked at Theo, grateful that he understood. He wanted to apologize, but he wasn’t even sure what he would be apologizing for and he had already told Astarion earlier that he would stop doing that if he didn’t need to. He got up from the sofa, kissing each of his partners goodnight quickly before following Gale to his room.

He knocked softly at the door. “Gale?” No answer. He sighed as he leaned against the door. “Gale, my love, may I come in?” The door opened slightly and Reign quickly stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Gale slowly walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge. “Come to yell at me more in private?” he asked dismally.

“No,” Reign assured. “I’m sorry that I did in the first place.”

“You didn’t sound so sorry,” Gale snorted.

“No, I suppose I didn’t.” Reign sat beside Gale on the bed. “I was just frustrated that these arguments between you and Theo keep happening and it got away from me. I shouldn’t have aired that out in front of everyone. I truly am sorry, my darling.”

Gale took a deep breath as he looked at Reign, his chestnut eyes widening and forming into that all too familiar puppy dog-like expression that made Reign fold every time. “I don’t know what came over me when I said that to him. You had spent the past two nights with him and then we were separated yet again and I was left to only imagine the kinds of things you two were whispering in each other’s ears. Then after what Wyll told me happened in the park, I could only assume the worst, knowing that you were here alone with him. But you were right in that assessment; I let my insecurities cloud my judgment and get the better of me. You deserve better than that, mon cœur. I’m sorry.”

Reign tilted his head, running his hand through Gale’s dark brown hair. “I can’t fault you for having insecurities, darling, nor can I for you acting on them. I can ask you to do better, and I will, but that’s not what this conversation is about. No, I want to hear all of your insecurities regarding my relationship with Theo and I will do my best to assuage them.” Gale sighed as he gathered his thoughts, but he couldn’t seem to figure out where to even begin. “Does it have to do with the fact that he’s a wizard too?”

“Yes,” Gale admitted. “One who knows far more than I do while still being far younger as well.”

“I know that your magic is important to you and you are very proud of it,” Reign started, “but to me, you are Gale Dekarios before you are Gale of Waterdeep. You are the man who makes me breakfast in the morning before the one who devastates enemies. You are the sleepy kisses and the groggy ‘good mornings’ before the illusions of a starry night sky in the middle of the Shadowlands. You are the quick ‘I love yous’ in the midst of combat. You are the mundane before the magical.”

The tears welling in Gale’s eyes fell rapidly as he took in Reign’s words. The cambion could see the thought process in his eyes; the disbelief that it could ever be possible that someone loved him without the need for magic. “I don’t love you because of your magic,” Reign added, “I simply love you. Your magic is something you do, not who you are.”

“Reign, please,” Gale choked out, “I can't-”

Reign ran his hand down Gale’s back, rubbing it up and down. “I know that you don’t want to hear someone loving you despite what you perceive as your flaws, but I unabashedly adore you. I can’t help it.” He let a few moments of silence linger between them before speaking again. “Would you like for me to tell you what exactly I love about you? I will warn you that the list is extensive, but I will ramble all day on the subject if given the time.”

Gale hesitated but ultimately nodded slowly. “I love the way you explain things to me. You don’t condescend and you allow space for me to ask questions until I understand. You never make fun of me if I ultimately cannot understand either.
I love the way you love me, like a gentle mist nurturing the dry earth or like the warmth of a fire in the winter. You assuage my fears and calm my nerves.”

Gale chuckled softly. “Now you’re just waxing poetic.”

“Yes,” Reign agreed sincerely. “Shall I continue?” Gale made a motion for him to go on and he did. “I love your eyes and the way they are highlighted so perfectly in the sun, drawing out amber rays in the midst of deep chestnut. I love the way streaks of silver and gold adorn your hair like fine jewelry. Your voice is akin to the low rumble of thunder on a stormy night, the kind that makes you want to curl up under the covers of your bed because it’s so comforting. I love you fiercely, Gale Dekarios.”

Gale was left speechless after hearing Reign gush about him. It wasn’t often that this happened, but it was cute when his verbose wizard couldn’t think of a response. Reign shifted to lie down on the bed, motioning for Gale to join him. The wizard did, curling up in Reign’s arms and resting his head against the cambion’s chest.

“I adore you, my darling,” Reign hummed softly.

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Gale responded shakily, his face still buried in Reign’s chest. Reign’s heart skipped a beat hearing the phrase that he had Theo tell him over and over just a few nights ago.

“Say that again?” Reign said, acting as if it wasn’t clear as day the first time.

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Gale repeated, looking up to Reign once more. Reign paused, letting the words sink in, before claiming Gale’s lips in a soft and gentle kiss.

“I cherish you, my love,” Gale said softly as they pulled away from each other. He nestled his head against Reign’s chest once more and the two rested there, letting sleep take them.

Chapter 13: Unspoken Desires

Chapter by coathangercowboy


silly goofy haha nothing else :))))))))

Chapter Text

Reign shifted as he slowly awoke. He couldn’t feel Gale in his arms anymore and it caused him to half-open his tired eyes. He looked around the room, assessing that Gale had likely already started making breakfast for the party. He sat up and stretched before getting out of bed.

He stepped out of Gale’s room and made his way to the common room where he found Shadowheart and Karlach already getting ready for the day. Karlach was braiding Shadowheart’s hair, something that the cleric had taken to teaching her partner how to do for her.

“Good morning,” Reign greeted simply.

“Morning, soldier,” Karlach responded with a beaming smile. She was always a morning person, something that Reign found endearing even if he couldn’t match that energy himself. She continued trying to braid Shadowheart’s hair, getting frustrated when she wasn’t getting the even plaits that Shadowheart was so easily able to obtain.

“May I help you?” Reign offered, but was quickly shut down.

“No, no I got it,” Karlach insisted, her frustrations clear in her tone. Shadowheart felt down the uneven braid that was forming.

“You have to separate them into even sections, love,” she explained. “That’s why one side is thicker than the other. You’re also going under when you should be going over.” Karlach huffed and unweaved the strands of hair, starting over.

Reign sat one on the armchairs, propping his leg up on one of the armrests. He saw Astarion coming out of his room from the corner of his eye and made a motion, beckoning him over. The vampire obliged, approaching Reign cautiously as it was clear there was some kind of intent with the motion. Reign held his arm out, offering his wrist to Astarion, who began to say something in protest, but Reign cut him off.

“You wouldn’t allow me to feed you all day yesterday. And if we are going out to do things today, then I will simply not allow you to not be fed. Now, please.” Astarion sighed, kneeling and taking Reign’s wrist in his hands. He ran his thumb over the vein before biting down gently. Reign winced at the sharp pain and took deep breaths as Astarion licked and sucked at his wrist. The more he did this, the more Reign was convinced that he would be able to tolerate the pain, but time and time again, it was proven that his pain tolerance was not a high one.

Astarion pulled away, gently kissing the spot he had fed from. Reign tilted his head up, wiping some of his blood from the corner of Astarion’s mouth with his thumb. He pressed it to the vampire’s lips, who took it into his mouth, licking up the stray blood. Reign hummed in approval as he pulled his thumb from Astarion’s mouth, taking his jaw in his hand and pulling him close for a gentle yet passionate kiss.

“Thank you, my love,” Astarion said softly as he pulled away from the kiss. Reign nodded in acknowledgment, letting the vampire go and sit on one of the sofas, waiting for the rest of the party to join them.

Reign glanced over as Wyll emerged from his room, looking him up and down. The way the man carried himself with equal parts confidence and grace made Reign shift in his seat. Too bad he’s so insistent on doing things ‘properly,’ Reign thought. I could think of a few places he could bury his blade, would he be so inclined.

He was pulled from his thoughts as Wyll grabbed his hand. He realized his eyes were certainly not where they were meant to be, an error he quickly rectified. “Good morning, darling,” he managed to squeak out.

“Are you alright?” Wyll asked sincerely. Now, how was he meant to answer that question? He wasn’t about to embarrass Wyll, sweet Wyll, with his deviant thoughts, especially not this early in the morning.

“Splendid, love,” he assured with a smile as he stood from his seat.

Wyll hummed, seemingly satisfied with the answer, for which Reign was thankful. Wyll was always so sweet with him and he would be mortified if the man knew how he was thinking about how to put his horns to use as handlebars. Reign absentmindedly grabbed Wyll’s chin between his fingers, guiding his lips to meet his own. He was sweet like honey and oh so tantalizing. Reign pulled away, stopping himself before he jumped the man’s bones. Wyll pouted as he pulled away and silently pleaded for more. Who was Reign to deny such a request? Wyll leaned in, gently kissing and sucking at the base of Reign’s neck. The cambion gently pushed against his chest, signaling for him to stop. He had to be able to focus the rest of the day and it seemed like Wyll’s only goal at the moment was to see that idea squandered.

“Where’s Theo?” Wyll asked sincerely as if he had no idea what he had just been doing to Reign. The cambion tilted his head. He had no idea if Wyll was doing it on purpose or if he was genuinely clueless.

“I can only assume still asleep,” Reign answered. “I’ll go wake him.”

Reign went to Theo’s door, knocking softly. “Theo?”

The door opened to a tired Theo who was trying his best not to appear so. “Good morning, sweetness,” he said, his voice still rough from sleep and lack of use. The slight rasp of his voice and the way his eyes lit up upon seeing Reign did nothing to purge Reign’s mind of what he had been thinking just moments before; those thoughts simply found someone else to fixate on.

“Good morning, ange,” Reign responded, lacing his tone with sweetness that he hoped hid the way he was thinking. “Did you sleep well?”

Theo leaned against the door frame, looking up at Reign. “Well enough. What about you? Did you manage to ease your mind enough to rest well?”

Reign hummed in agreement, running his hand along one of the ends of the bow tied around Theo’s neck. It wasn’t always this color. Theo often opted for more blues than purples, but perhaps he was finally getting the memo that he looked good in purple.

“Your scarf is different,” he commented absentmindedly, eyes fixed on the bow.

“Am I not allowed to change things every once in a while?” Theo teased. “Besides you seem to like it anyway.”

“Perhaps I do,” Reign responded just as teasingly, even though it wasn’t intentional. His eyes wandered back up to Theo’s, their intense blue burning hotter than hellfire. He cleared his throat as he tucked his hands into his pockets, trying to keep himself from getting further distracted. “Were you going to join us for breakfast?”

“I suppose I should. Are you alright, Reign? You seem a bit absorbed in your thoughts this morning,” Theo said, reaching up to gently tilt Reign’s head.

Reign leaned into Theo’s touch, letting his head rest in the wizard’s hand. He found himself subconsciously stepping closer as he was drawn in by the vast ocean that was Theo’s eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying once again to focus his attention. “Yes, yes, I just seem to find myself a bit distracted.” Way to go, Reign. That’s literally what he just said.

Theo studied him for a moment as he rubbed his thumb against Reign’s cheek before stepping back into his room. Reign leaned forward, subconsciously chasing Theo’s touch, not wanting it to end any time soon. “Well, we can’t have that out in the city. Why don’t you let me help you? I’m sure we can figure out a way to make you more focused.”

Reign tilted his head as his cheeks flushed lightly. “What do you mean?” He knew what Theo was implying, but he felt a little embarrassed that his desires had made themself so apparent so he didn’t follow Theo into his room.

Theo smiled as he reached out with his telepathy and spoke to Reign. I think you know exactly what I mean, Reign. Now come in. We don’t want the others to have to hear all the sounds you make when I’m on my knees for you.

Reign let the image, his pretty wizard on his knees in front of him, linger in his mind for a moment. He made a noise that was a bit too loud and gave away a bit too much for his liking as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He reached out to cup Theo’s face, and Theo turned his head to kiss Reign’s palm before looking back at the man in front of him.

“Would you like to sit down for me, Reign, or do you think you can stay on your feet?”

Reign considered the question for a moment, but not long enough to remember how Theo had completely turned off his brain and reduced him to a pleading, desperate mess just a few days ago. “I think I can stay standing if that’s alright with you,” he said softly, rubbing his thumb along Theo’s cheek.

Theo’s smile widened as he dropped to his knees in front of Reign, taking a moment to just look at his partner. He ran his hands over Reign’s clothed hips for a moment longer, teasing him.

Reign tilted his head with a raised brow. “You’re not going to make me beg, are you?” he asked teasingly as he ran his fingers over Theo’s braid, lazily twirling it between them.

“No, not today,” he teased, moving his hands from his hips to run over Reigns' already half-hard co*ck before opening them. The sound of delight that came from Theo was adorable to Reign. Theo leaned forward and left sloppy kisses up his partner's length.

Reign could already picture just how lovely his wizard would look with his mouth occupied by his co*ck and he moaned softly at the mental image. But his mind was getting away from him. He instead rested his hand on the side of Theo’s face, rubbing his thumb along his jaw.

Theo hummed before taking Reign’s co*ck in his mouth, slowly bobbing his head up and down until he had taken all he could comfortably take. He flicked his eyes up to Reign, holding himself there as he looked at him.

Reign already regretted his choice to stay standing as he groaned softly, placing his free hand against the door to ground himself. He let the hand on Theo's face slide to the back of his neck, weaving his fingers between the hair too short to fit into the braid. Reign looked down at Theo. His knees threatened to buckle beneath him at the visage of beauty before him. "Oh, mon ange, you look so pretty like that."

Theo hummed his approval at the praise as he started working on Reign in earnest, bobbing his head up and down at a fairly moderate pace, slowing his motion just enough at the end to flick his tongue at the sensitive spot on the underside of the head of his co*ck.

Reign moaned softly in a miserable attempt at staying quiet, considering the rest of the party was awake and moving about. His grip on Theo's hair tightened, pulling ever so slightly as his tongue flicked at the underside of the head of his co*ck.

"Oh, my love," he murmured breathily, "if you keep doing such things, you'll have me coming undone far too quickly."

The wizard grabbed onto his partner’s hips, before sliding one hand back to the spot at the base of his tail that made him squirm and rubbing it just how Reign liked it.

Reign's reaction was immediate, squirming as Theo reached up and rubbed at the base of his tail. His tail arched up at the base and curled at the end as he whined, his attempts at staying quiet getting lazier and lazier. “Theo,” he whimpered, a bit louder than he meant to. “Theo, please.” He wanted to last longer than it seemed like he was going to, but he was certainly trying.

Theo hummed in response looking up at Reign once more before pulling out another trick. He let his jaw open just a little wider, allowing Reign’s co*ck to push down his throat and swallowing.

Reign’s breath hitched at the sudden change. His muscles tensed and his eyes squeezed shut as he came and he moaned Theo’s name, surely being loud enough to elicit questions from the others later, or at the very least, plenty of teasing. His grip on Theo’s hair loosened as he panted and pulled out of the wizard’s mouth. “You are exquisite, mon ange.”

Theo beamed up at him. “I live to please, sweetness,” he said before getting to his feet and giving Reign a quick kiss.

Reign hummed in disapproval. He had used that line on more than one occasion and he knew that he had never been in a good mental space when he did. It always meant I’m not feeling good about myself and I need validation of some kind to make it better. Reign held Theo’s face in one hand, rubbing his thumb over his red and slightly swollen lips, and rested his free hand on Theo’s waist.

“That’s my line,” he teased, adding with a more genuine undertone, “May I return the favor?”

Theo shook his head. “I think I’ve been selfish enough dragging you in here to have my way with you,” he teased gently, pressing his forehead against Reign’s and closing his eyes.

Reign sighed as he cradled the back of Theo’s head and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Theo’s tone made it clear to him that there was more going on than Theo was telling him. “It’s not selfish at all, my love,” he assured. “It’s perfectly alright if you don’t want to receive anything sexually.” He paused as he tried to find the right thing to say. “I hope you know that you don’t have to hesitate to ask if there is anything else you need though.”

“You’re far too sweet to me,” Theo responded. “Would you mind fixing my hair? It’s probably a mess with all the playing with it you did.”

Reign tilted his head as he looked over the way Theo’s hair was ruffled and strands from the braid had started coming loose. He grinned as he thought how he liked the messy aesthetic on his wizard, but didn’t mention it as at the end of the day, Theo didn’t seem to like it for himself so it wasn’t his place to say anything in protest. He pulled the chair from Theo’s desk out and gestured to it. “Of course, ange. Sit, please.”

Theo shook his head as he went over to his chair and sat down. “You always call me that even though I’m so far from being an angel,” he said, looking back at Reign over his shoulder.

“And as I told you before, you far exceed the divinity of even the angels,” Reign protested, kissing the top of Theo’s head before undoing the tie at the bottom of his braid and unweaving the strands of hair. “So forgive me if I default to calling you angel. There is simply not a word in any language that would adequately describe your beauty.” He looked around. “Do you have a comb I can use, my love?”

“There should be a brush on the bed,” Theo answered, leaning into Reign’s touch. Reign looked over to see the item he was talking about and frowned. Theo should really be using a wide-tooth comb with the volume and texture of his hair. His hair was quite similar to Shadowheart’s and it was something she had told Reign about her hair. He made a mental note to pick up such an item while he was out in the city today.

He retrieved the brush from the bed and used it to tame the flyaway strands. His hair was far too short to do any such styling like Theo’s, but Shadowheart had taught him how to braid her hair so he hoped the knowledge would transfer to doing Theo’s hair as well.

“Do you often do people’s hair, Reign?” Theo asked softly.

“Only Shads,” he shrugged. He separated the longer portion of Theo’s hair into three sections and began crossing them over each other. “I asked if she would be willing to teach me how to braid her hair so she didn’t have to do it every morning when we first started traveling together. She didn’t take me up on the offer right away, but eventually, she did. Now she’s teaching Karlach so I don’t get to do it as much anymore,” he added the last part matter-of-factly. He couldn’t lie; he did miss that little part of their morning routine, but it was rather adorable seeing Karlach braid Shadowheart’s hair, so he didn’t mind so much.

“Well I don’t often wear my hair braided, but I could be persuaded to do so more often if you wanted to do it for me.”

“I do think it suits you rather well,” Reign hummed, tying off the braid. He pulled at some of it, giving it a little bit more volume, and laid it over Theo’s shoulder. “I would like that,” he added as he circled around the chair and knelt in front of the wizard, delicately smoothing any strands that threatened to fly away on the shorter portion of his hair.

“Then you can come braid my hair whenever you like,” Theo said, taking Reign’s hand in his own and kissing the back of it. “I suppose we should go out there, though with how loud you were, I’m sure there are going to be comments.”

Reign fluttered his eyes, rolling them playfully. “I’m sure there will be. You didn’t exactly make it easy to stay quiet,” he teased back before kissing Theo’s forehead. “Rwy'n dy garu di.”

"Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi hefyd melyster. Ti yw fy hoff aderyn cân." Theo replied standing from his seat and kissing Reign on the cheek before going over to the door. "You coming?"

Reign stared at Theo for a moment in disbelief. His music had been the cause of Theo’s spiral just a few days ago, so for him to now say something like that caused a mix of different emotions. On one hand, it was nice to hear someone try to appreciate his musical propensity in such an innocent way; however, it also made him feel as though he had to immediately jump on the defense and explain that Theo shouldn’t try to make something he hated about himself into something cute. Despite his conflicting feelings, he pushed them away with a smile as he tucked Theo’s chair back under the desk and opened the door for him.

Theo walked out the door and Reign followed behind him, noting how he stayed close by his side. He knew that there would certainly be some teasing comments made by his companions considering he had not exactly been subtle about how good Theo had been making him feel. He was prepared to deal with that fallout; he just hoped they would at least have the decency to not cause Theo grief by saying such things in front of him.

“Ah, wizard,” Astarion perked up as the two entered the common room. “I thought of a request for a scroll.”

“Oh?” Theo questioned as he moved to sit down on one of the free chairs.

Reign could see the half-formed smirk on Astarion’s face as the vampire realized Theo had walked right into his trap. He couldn’t even get in a reprimanding word before Astarion was already delivering the line he must’ve spent the entire time Reign was in Theo’s room working on.

“How about a scroll of whatever made it oh so quiet the first night you were with us? Or with Reign, rather.”

“Astarion, please,” Reign sighed. He knew he had been too optimistic in hoping that no one would make such remarks in front of Theo, but it was nice to hope.

“Well, I could certainly make you a scroll of private sanctum if you want, though whatever would you need that for?” Theo asked, not bothering to feign innocence.

“I just think that it would be rather nice to be able to let my favorite cambion get as loud as he wants when we’re having fun,” Astarion responded coyly. Reign tilted his head, giving the vampire a knowing look. The two of them hadn’t been sleeping with each other as Astarion had made it clear that he needed some time to process what he had gone through in the past. Reign was more than happy to oblige; it just hurt to see him feel the need to don the mask of suggestion once more. It reminded Reign once again that though he felt like he had known Theo his whole life, in reality, he hadn’t known him all that long.

“Well, next time I have some downtime, I’ll make sure you get your scroll. Fair warning though: it takes ten minutes to cast and stays where you put it for twenty-four hours, regardless of whether you still want it. It can do a lot more than soundproofing, though. It actually blocks divination spells on the people inside, to give just one example,” Theo rambled. Reign was glad Theo seemed to pick up on the silent indication he had made to change the subject.

“Does it keep unwanted visitors out of your dreams?” Astarion asked, seemingly also picking up on the change of subject.

“Yes, it does,” Reign responded vaguely. He hadn’t actually heard from the Emperor in a while, so while he wasn’t entirely sure if the spell would work in that particular instance, he assumed it would considering it kept his father from appearing in his dreams when Theo had cast it in his room.

“Oh,” Astarion giggled, tapping his fingers together excitedly. “Then I would most appreciate that scroll after all.”

“Perhaps if unwanted dream visitors are a common problem around here, I could just cast it on the whole floor every night, if I’m careful enough to save some of my magic. The soundproofing benefits wouldn’t work between rooms at that point, of course, but I would think that would be a small price to pay for everyone to get some undisturbed rest,” Theo said, giving Astarion and Reign both an earnest smile.

Reign forced a smile back. He recalled what happened the last time he found himself under the protection of private sanctum and while he would appreciate undisturbed rest, he would also prefer not to anger his father if he could help it. “I appreciate the offer, mon ange, but I’m afraid that’s not necessary.”

“What’s the harm?” Astarion whined. “If it keeps the squid out of our dreams, then I think it would be perfectly alright.”

“I’m afraid that’s not necessary,” Reign repeated firmly, giving Astarion a pointed look. “If Theo is willing to make enough scrolls to supply such a demand, then you can cast it in your room, but I would prefer not to have it cast on the entire floor if it’s all the same.”

Theo paused for a moment. “Honestly, making the scrolls would be a bit of a waste of time if you want it every day. I can just cast it for you, Astarion,” he said.

“If it isn’t too much trouble, darling,” Astarion pleaded.

Gale entered the room from the kitchen, approaching Reign from behind and wrapping his arms around the cambion’s waist, causing him to jump slightly at the sudden presence. He placed a quick kiss at the base of Reign’s neck before turning his attention to Theo. “Ah, Theo. I have a gift for you. A peace offering, if you will.” He hurried to his room and shortly thereafter came back with a book in his hands. The cover read Abyssal pour les nuls. “I believe I owe you an apology for the way I spoke to you, but the more I try to properly phrase such an apology, the more I find myself approaching the realm of insult.” He held the book out to Theo. “So, I hope that this will do.”

Theo took the book from Gale’s hands, flipping through the pages briefly. He dug in his bag, producing the same book he had let Gale inspect the other day and holding it out to him. “Here. I did promise to let you borrow this in exchange,” Theo said reluctantly, stashing the book on abyssal in its place.

“That you did,” Gale hummed, flipping through the front few pages before returning it to his room for now. When he came back, Reign offered them both an appreciative smile, seeing them at least be civil with one another.

After ensuring that his companions were ready for the day, Reign returned to his room to get dressed properly. His robe was still folded up where Astarion had left it yesterday. He pulled it over his head and messed with the sleeves and neckline until it didn’t bother him as much before stowing his fiddle and grabbing his bag.

He went back out to the common room to see the group gathered and talking about what the plan for the day was.

“We have the map to the temple,” Wyll was explaining. “We should probably speak with Gauntlet Devella before confronting Orin, however.”

“We already know where to go,” Reign chimed in, sitting on one of the sofas beside Gale and once again draping his leg over the wizard’s. “And Devella has already permitted us to pursue any leads. What’s the use of keeping the Fist up to date on our progress?”

“I know you don’t love the idea of having to work with the Fist, my love,” Wyll sighed. “But they are the authority of the city and unless you would prefer having to break out of prison, I suggest we do this as legally as possible.”

Reign huffed at that. He truly hated the Flaming Fist. As far as he had seen up until that point, they had been nothing but extensions of Gortash’s tyranny, outright barring refugees from entering the city when they needed somewhere to go and increasing patrol throughout the city, presumably to keep a watchful eye on the party’s doings.

“Well, I hope you know better than to let me talk to them then.”

“Yes, love, I do.”

The party stood to leave and Reign went over to Theo, taking his hand in his own. “Are you staying here, ange?”

Theo frowned. “Is that what you want me to do?”

“Not at all,” Reign assured. “I just know that it was hard last time, seeing my magic and I don’t want to put you in another compromising situation. Considering the plans we have for today, I fear that the fight that would ensue may be overwhelming. I don’t doubt your abilities, I just,” he sighed, realizing that he was quickly digging a hole for himself and trying desperately to crawl out of it. “I just want you to be safe is all.”

Theo looked up at Reign, reaching to gently stroke his cheek. “I know, Reign, and I know I haven’t been very good at showing it lately, but I promise I’m not as fragile as you think. If you remember, I was fine fighting a chimera. Combat, while not my specialty, is not something I’m incapable of handling. I’ll come with you and if it gets overwhelming, I can head back on my own, alright? No need to worry about me, really.”

Reign hummed in thought. He really didn’t want to run the risk of putting Theo in another situation that caused a panic attack. It wasn’t that he saw Theo’s reaction as a burden; he just knew that if it were to happen in the Bhaalist Temple, Orin would likely take advantage of it. He would be ready and willing to keep that from happening, but he was wary of the idea of it happening in the first place. “Alright,” he finally sighed. “But we need to make sure you aren’t so easy to hit. If fighting beside Gale has taught me anything, it’s that enemies love targeting wizards and, no offense, ange, but considering what we’re up against today, it would be all too easy for them to hurt you badly.”

“Well, what do you suggest? I’m not exactly well suited to armor,” Theo said, crossing his arms.

“No,” Reign agreed, giving a slight nod, “but there’s a spell that Gale uses that essentially gives the effects of armor. So perhaps something like that?”

“I don’t have anything like that, I’m afraid. But I can make myself invisible if the need arises,” Theo offered after a moment of consideration.

Reign sighed. He was sure that the invisibility trick would come in handy, but still, that wouldn’t prevent shots from being taken at him. That also meant he would need both of his wizards to not make a big deal about what he was about to ask. He turned to Gale, giving him the same pleading look that Gale would give Reign to make him fold and do whatever he wanted. “Gale,” he drawled, “would you be so kind as to cast the armor spell on Theo, my darling?”

“I really don’t think that’s entirely necessary,” Theo protested.

“Theo,” Reign pleaded, turning that same look toward him. “Again, I don’t doubt your abilities, but for no other reason, will you allow this for my own peace of mind?”

“Fine,” Theo grumbled.

“Thank you.” Reign turned back to Gale, giving him a nod to proceed. Gale shuffled over to Theo and cast mage armor on Reign then himself. He hesitated to cast it on Theo but eventually did, keeping his eyes narrowed at the other wizard as he did so.

Reign placed a quick kiss on Gale’s cheek. “Thank you, my darling.” He then did the same for Theo. “And thank you for understanding, mon ange. Now, we’ve dallied long enough. Let’s go talk to the Fist, I guess.”

The party ventured to Basilisk Gate, intent on meeting with the Gauntlet to discuss the next steps in confronting Orin. Their plans fell short when they ran into a hysterical woman pleading for the Fist’s help. She had explained to the group that her daughter had been taken. Much to the protest of some of the others, Reign had insisted that they help her. “You’re going to leave a defenseless child out to fend for herself when gods know where she is right now?” he had said.

After a little persuasion, they headed to the Blushing Mermaid, where the woman said her daughter was last seen. Reign kept a watchful eye as Wyll spoke with the tavern owner. Nothing seemed amidst, but still, something felt off.

Reign noticed Theo falling toward the back of the group. He hung back, leaning over and whispering to Theo, “Wyt ti'n iawn, fy enaid?”

Theo looked at Reign, letting his hand brush against the cambion’s reassuringly. “Rwy'n iawn. Efallai fy mod i ac Estella wedi meddwi ychydig yn ormodol yma ychydig o weithiau, mae'n embaras braidd,” he whispered back.

Reign narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. Theo didn’t seem to be lying to him, nor did there seem to be anything more to what he was saying. “Iawn. Rhowch wybod i mi os oes unrhyw beth yn teimlo i chi.”

He was so focused on Theo and wasn’t sure what to even be looking for that he had no idea the bar owner Wyll was talking to had been a disguise for Auntie Ethel, the hag that Reign and his companions had dealt with a few months ago. Some of the patrons also seemed to be disguised, transforming into some of the foul little creatures that had roamed her swamp. He barely had a moment to react before one was lunging at him, dagger in hand. Reign held his arm up, the blade that was aimed at his chest being stopped short as it pierced through his hand instead. He cried out as the redcap retracted his blade and poised to strike again; this time though, Reign was quicker on his feet. He managed to dodge out of the way just in time, getting in view of Shadowheart as he called out to her.

“Vis medicatrix,” she chanted and the wound started to close. It wasn’t perfect, but it was at least enough for him to be able to play his fiddle, he thought as he unstowed his instrument.

“Drain blodeuo,” he heard Theo call out behind him and he watched as a circle of blue and white flowers appeared around them, thorns digging into the redcaps and opening wounds that swelled and wept. The flowers themselves swayed in a calming manner as Theo guided the spell to push some of the life force it siphoned from the creatures into Reign. “It won’t hurt you, only them.”

Reign tried to keep himself positioned in such a way that his eyes could never meet Theo’s as he raised his bow to his fiddle. “Please don’t look,” he pleaded as he pulled the bow across the strings in a haunting melody that spawned a twisting pattern of colors in the middle of the group of redcaps before quickly disappearing. Most of the creatures seemed to have been affected by it and Reign hummed in approval as he played the same tune from a few days ago, once again donning the visage of the most ethereal beauty to any who looked at him.

“Brysiwch,” he heard Theo incant behind him. He saw Karlach’s spear fly past him, taking out three of the six redcaps in quick succession. He caught one of the creatures who was unaffected by the pattern Reign had created earlier going for Gale.

“Stop,” Reign commanded the creature softly yet firmly, his voice carrying the same three-part harmony as before. “Stay right there.” The redcap did as commanded, unable to move as Karlach’s spear went straight through his chest.

The fight was practically won when the hag’s voice rang out. “Here to validate yourself with other men’s cum again, dearie?” Reign could practically feel Theo tense behind him. The words seemed to cut in just the right way to make the wizard stagger.

The anger that flooded Reign was something he only felt a few times before. Uncontrollable, unstoppable, and far, far too dangerous for everyone in the vicinity. He directed all of that ire toward the hag as he spat a quiet, “f*ck. You.” With those words, a column of hellfire surrounded her, searing the fey creature’s flesh in a burning visage of reds and blues. His gaze stayed fixed on her as she writhed in agony, crumbling to the charred floor.

Reign watched as the flames sizzled out, his heavy breathing being the only thing he could focus on until Wyll placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“My love,” he started.

Reign cut him off with a cold, “What?” one that directly countered the searing hatred that accompanied the flames from just a moment ago. Wyll didn’t say anything more; he simply squeezed Reign’s shoulder softly.

The cambion turned to face his companions; most of them avoiding his gaze and he would normally be mortified at such a display of his wrath, but in that moment, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He looked around for Theo, blinking a few times in confusion, before asking dryly, “Where’s Theo?”

Astarion tilted his head, assessing his partner's demeanor. “Perhaps you should take a moment to regain your composure before speaking with him,” he suggested, his tone overly hesitant and wary.

Reign nodded as he took a few deep breaths. He wasn't mad at Theo at all; he couldn't be. He was worried for him, but he knew that his tone would likely not convey that if he didn't calm himself down first. He sat down in one of the chairs in the room, continuing to take those deep breaths as Wyll knelt beside him, gently rubbing his back.

After a moment, his shaking hands steadied and he looked up at his companions. “I think it goes without saying not to discuss what was said with him, yes?” The group nodded collectively. “Good.” He turned to Wyll, lowering his voice to a hush. “He may want to go back to the Elfsong. May I have one of the sending scrolls he gave you? You all go and speak with Devella like we originally meant to. I will go find him. You can safely assume that we will be returning to the tavern for the night and I will send to you if we decide otherwise.” Wyll nodded, pulling one of the scrolls from his pack and handing it to Reign. They exchanged a quick kiss and Reign did the same with Gale and Astarion before they all left the tavern.

Chapter 14: A Haunting Lullaby

Chapter by coathangercowboy


yippee fun times with orin !!:)) there are small descriptions of violence in this chapter, so keep that in mind

Chapter Text

Reign took another deep breath before heading out of the room and looking around the tavern. He finally found Theo standing just outside the doors to the bar, surprisingly fine. despite what just happened. He approached the wizard, trying not to startle him. “Theo? Are you alright, ange?”

“I’m fine,” Theo snipped back with his arms crossed over his chest. His demeanor spoke of irritability and perhaps some embarrassment, but if what had been said to him truly bothered him, he seemed to be hiding it well.

Reign furrowed his brow as he circled the wizard to face him. “I already told the others that we’re likely going back to the Elfsong so you don’t have to keep going if you don’t want to.” He reached out, placing a hand on Theo’s shoulder.

“I can get back on my own,” Theo said dismissively. “After all, what would the others think if you ran off with your slu*t again? I’m sure Gale will have another tantrum.”

Reign’s stomach churned at those words. He couldn’t bear hearing Theo talk about himself in such a way. “I assure you that’s not what anyone thinks, mon ange,” he said softly, running his hand down Theo’s arm and taking his hand. “We don’t have to discuss what was said if you don’t want to, but just know that you mean the world to me. I would never reduce you to such a state as that.”

Theo looked at him with sadness in his eyes, like he might cry, before turning and starting to walk away toward Elfsong. “Sure they don’t. It’s not like they liked me before.”

Reign sighed. He felt like he was fumbling and he wasn’t sure how to recover. He followed after Theo, keeping a distance between them as it seemed the wizard wanted some space. “That’s not on you. They have insecurities of their own that they’re working on.” He thought for a moment before adding, “Astarion likes you. I know he teases you a lot, but that’s like his love language. He appreciates you being able to dish it right back.”

“Stop it, Reign,” Theo demanded, turning to him before they could even enter the tavern. “You can delude yourself like that if you want, but we both know you’re smart enough to see that they don’t think I’m good enough for you. And you know what? They’re right.”

“Theo,” Reign choked out as tears stung the corners of his eyes. He truly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was this what Theo thought the entire time? He figured that the bickering with Gale was taxing enough, and Wyll essentially blaming him for getting Reign into a fight likely didn’t help the way Theo saw himself. He blinked, letting the tears run down his cheeks as he turned away and opened the door for Theo. “If this is about what Wyll said to you, then I can assure you, just as he did, that he didn’t mean it. And if it’s about Gale’s accusation, then I can assure you it’s not true. I’m not sure what you need me to do to believe that you are precious to me, but say the word and it’s done.”

“Well, maybe I shouldn’t be so precious to you. I’ve been nothing but another burden to carry this whole time,” Theo spat, rubbing his eyes as he walked past Reign into the tavern.

“People are meant to be burdens, Theo,” Reign protested, following after him up the stairs and into the common room. “People are meant to be burdens and we’re meant to carry each other. That’s what people do when they love someone. I can’t say I understand why you’re so insistent on pushing love away, but I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Theo.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t then,” Theo said with a sense of finality, tears now falling down his face as well.

“You know that’s not possible,” Reign murmured.

“Then make it possible.”

Reign stared at Theo, the words echoing in his ears, the same ones he had told Wyll a few days ago. He knew that when he said it, it was upsetting, but he didn’t understand just how badly until that moment. He felt like his heart had been shattered into a million pieces and he was desperately begging Theo to collect the pieces, only to be met with disdain. “I can’t. No matter how hard I try, I can’t.”

Theo didn’t say anything more. He just stood there, crying as he wrapped his arms around himself.

Reign watched him for a moment more before shuffling over to him and wrapping his arms around Theo, burying his face in the crook of the wizard’s neck. As he did so, however, he noted how Theo didn’t seem to be wearing the cologne that he normally was. The scent of petrichor that he had come to associate with Theo was replaced by something that resembled flowers. Not the usual sweet scent one would associate with flowers, though, but more like flowers that had been left in a vase too long; flowers that had started to wilt.

He pulled away from the wizard, examining Theo as he tried to make sense of it. “Rwy'n dy garu di,” he murmured, hiding the way he was listening intently to how Theo responded.

“I know,” Theo responded simply.

Reign crossed his arms over his chest. Something was wrong, but he wasn’t quite sure what. He looked Theo up and down, trying to decipher his body language, but it seemed to be giving no hints. “Rydych chi'n gwisgo rhywbeth gwahanol,” he said as he narrowed his eyes.

“Reign, please,” Theo sighed. The response only frustrated Reign.

“Please what?” he asked intently, tilting his head. Speaking in elvish with each other was something Reign cherished and it confused him greatly why Theo was suddenly refusing to do so.

“Let me go,” Theo whispered.

“I’m not touching you,” Reign remarked, tilting his head to the side.

“Don’t be a fool. You know what I mean, Reign. Let me leave like you left me.”

Reign’s gaze hardened and his nostrils flared. “Rydych chi'n gwybod nad dyna ddigwyddodd. Pam fyddech chi'n dweud hynny?” He heard Wyll’s voice in his mind and recognized it as him using sending.

“We are on our way back. We need more time to prepare before confronting Orin. We will do that tomorrow.”

Reign responded in a similar manner. “Something’s wrong. It’s not Theo. Possible fight.”

“I’m tired of this game you’re playing, Reign. Speak plainly!” Theo demanded, irritation coating his words.

“Of course, how silly of me,” Reign responded flippantly. “I keep forgetting that you don’t know abyssal.”

“I highly doubt you just forgot. You’re not that stupid,” Theo scoffed.

Reign tilted his head again. “No, but I’m not quite stupid enough to confuse elvish with abyssal either.” He looked the person in front of him up and down, crossing his arms over his chest as a slight grin crept up his face. “You know, of all the doppelgangers we’ve met, I have to admit, you’re outstanding. You actually made me cry, and that’s a rather tough feat. But I don’t exactly appreciate being toyed with, especially when you’re using my partner’s face. So, I suggest you cut the charade.”

The doppelganger writhed as their bones cracked. The image made Reign feel sick. He knew it was a doppelganger, but seeing what looked like Theo’s body do that was truly terrible. Their disguise slipped, revealing Orin the Red. She turned her head toward Reign.

“Well, I had hoped to play with you for a little longer, but I guess that can’t be helped when you insist on speaking in nonsense. I guess I’ll just have to enjoy the new playmate I took.”

Reign’s fists clenched at the insinuation. “You wouldn’t-”

“Oh, not to worry, little one,” Orin cut him off. “I haven’t done a thing to your little playmate! It’s still gasping and gagging on the foul airs of Bhaal’s temple. Oh, but if it is such a fragile little thing, its screams will be divine!” She descended into a maniacal fit of laughter at the end of her sentence.

“I’m not above killing you here and now,” Reign spat, the flames of his eyes flickering in time with his tail.

Orin tutted at him. “If you want the playmate to live, then your blade must go thirsty. The Murder Lord demands a sacrifice, and the wizardling proves to be a most succulent one. Still, it can be useful yet. Bring Gortash’s Netherstone to me and I will not slice. Then, we duel for control of the stones. Agree, and I bring my assassins to heel, but refuse me and you will learn what happens when you refuse Bhaal’s doctrine. So will the playmate.”

Reign considered her words for a moment. He had no issue with taking down Gortash as that was already on the agenda, not only for the Netherstone but also as revenge for Karlach. But he also wasn’t about to play into her hand. He knew she was dangerous and figured that she wouldn’t be able to do anything drastic if he was quick. “f*ck you, Orin. I don’t make deals with monsters.”

“Monster?” she gasped, holding a hand to her chest in feigned offense. “How intriguing the words you use, devil. Only a monster would leave their pet to the mercy of my blade. Bring Gortash’s Netherstone to me for your bond will not save him, sweetness .” With that, she reached for a ring on her finger, disappearing as she twisted it.

Reign’s breathing quickened as he processed what just happened. He had to get to Theo before she could hurt him. He started to leave, only getting to the archway leading to the stairs as the party came racing up the stairs.

“Reign? What happened? Are you hurt?” Wyll asked the flurry of questions as he took the cambion by the shoulders, looking him over for any injuries. Reign didn’t respond, only pushing at him to try and get past. “My love, talk to me. Are you alright?”

“She took him,” Reign murmured, his gaze fixed ahead.

“Who took who?” Wyll stuttered.

“Theo,” Reign answered, his voice and lips quavering. “Orin…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence before completely breaking down in Wyll’s arms. “I have to…I have to get to him.”

Wyll turned to the rest of the party and Reign could only assume he gave them some kind of silent communication to leave them as they filed past, leaving only Reign with his present three partners. “You’re in no state to do such a thing,” he said firmly but gently. “We need to get you some rest and tomorrow we will get Theo back.”

“No,” Reign shook his head frantically. “I can’t. I can’t. She’ll kill him.”

“She won’t,” Wyll assured, even though Reign didn’t believe him, “but we’ll need to be more prepared than we are before we confront her. You need rest.”

Reign conceded. He knew there was no point in arguing with Wyll anymore and ultimately, he was right; he was in no state to face Orin, especially alone. He pulled away from Wyll, wiping his face. “Fine. But we wake at first light.”

“Of course,” Wyll nodded. The four of them went back to the common room, Wyll’s arm wrapped around Reign to support him. He handed Reign off to Gale, who led the cambion to the wizard’s room.

Gale helped Reign into his loungewear before lying him down on the bed. He went over to his bookshelf and pulled the book that Theo had exchanged with him earlier that day. He handed it to Reign. “I know it’s not much, but perhaps having something of his will help ease your mind.”

Reign took the book, clutching it to his chest. Gale lay beside him, holding him close and stroking his hair gently. It felt like he wanted to say something to further ease Reign’s mind, but silence filled the air instead. The two lay in this seemingly eternal silence until Reign finally drifted off to sleep.

The following morning was mostly silent as the party went about their morning routine rather quickly. Mage armors were cast, weapons were bound, and warding bonds were established. Shadowheart had insisted that there be a new addition, specifically for today, specifically right before they actually entered the temple. Reign was curious, but couldn’t find it in himself to prod further as his thoughts were only focused on saving Theo.

The group found themselves at the top of a staircase leading down to what they could only assume to be the Bhaal Temple if the map were to be believed. As they descended, Gale kept a reassuring hand on Reign’s back. It brought a sense of comfort, however small.

As they approached the doors, Shadowheart stopped Reign. “Do you trust me?” she asked.

Reign tilted his head but nodded.

“Then I need you to relax and don’t try to fight this.” She held her hands above his head and a soft light washed over him, providing him a sense of peace he hadn’t felt in the past twenty-four hours. He took a deep breath and gave her a look of gratitude before opening the doors.

Reign froze for a moment, hearing Theo cry out. He felt calmer than he had all day, but that sound would haunt him. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he might see, before stepping through the doors.

He felt like he was going to be sick from the view before him. Theo was splayed out on a stone altar, face down, as Orin knelt over him. “You’ve been a very fun playmate, but I think it’s time we put you down, pet. In Bhaal’s name,” she drawled before once again standing and starting to carve a pattern into his back.

Reign turned his head, taking a moment before descending the final flight of stairs. He kept his eyes fixed on the changeling; even under the effects of Shadowheart’s spell, he felt like if he looked at Theo for too long, the rage that was seated deep within would still make its presence known. He just needed Theo to hang on a little longer and this would all be over.

Orin paused as she looked up at Reign. “Hush, hush,” she coaxed at Theo, not taking her eyes off the cambion. “I hear footsteps trip-trapping on the Murder Lord’s stones. It refused the Murder Lord’s command and comes crawling into his sanctum with the tyrant unpulped.”

Reign rolled his eyes. “I told you, I don’t make deals with monsters.”

The changeling cackled. “Did it think it could protect? Did it think it could save? Only the blade offers salvation.” She raised her blade once more, prepared to drive it into Theo’s side.

“Anything you do to him, I will do to you ten-fold,” Reign threatened. His tone was just as even and calm as usual, but he knew that it wouldn’t be so if it weren’t for the spell from Shadowheart.

Orin paused once more, looking back to Reign. “Just like Gortash - all air, no mettle. Flap your jaw all you like - your vapors hold no threat for me. You disobeyed the Murder Lord. He will be compensated.”

Reign felt the panic bubbling deep within, suppressed only by the spell he was under. Still, he took a deep breath and a few steps closer. “Doesn’t Bhaal want a more worthy sacrifice? Isn’t it more fun when the victims put up a fight? This one is far too broken. Let me take his place. We can duel for the Netherstones and if you somehow manage to defeat me, then I will prove myself a most willing sacrifice to Bhaal.”

“No, no, little one,” Orin cooed as she trailed a hand down the side of Theo’s face. “I have cracked open this pretty skull and seen what’s on his mind. Your screams will never match the beauty of his.”

Reign felt the effects of the spell starting to slip and, just as he suspected, his fear and rage started simmering once more, threatening to boil over. He had to get her attention off of Theo. “Your assassins have seen my magic. I can reach into your mind and turn your worst fears against you.”

“Magic is dull! Boring,” she spat as she rose from where she knelt over Theo and slowly stepped closer to Reign.

Reign grinned, knowing his words were having the intended effect of drawing her attention away from Theo. He continued as if she had never said anything at all. “Is that what it is, Orin? Are you afraid to learn that Bhaal will never be satisfied? That no matter how hard you try, no matter how many sacrifices you make, it will never be enough to sate the Murder Lord’s bloodthirst.”

“No!” she cried. “No, no! Father will be pleased. Father will feast on your cries for mercy!”

“Yes and then what? You know, our fathers are very similar. They require sacrifice after sacrifice and yet, none of it is enough. But why let that impede art? We both take great pride in our craft, but only ever use it for our fathers’ benefit. Paint me a picture of my crimson and I’ll play you a lullaby.” He unstowed his fiddle, keeping his eyes locked on her.

Orin considered his words for a moment. She started giggling, the sound low and quiet at first before building up to maniacal. “Yes, yes, yes! Give me agony! Twist and mangle my mind! A sharp lamb to be sacrificed, but your cruelty makes the crimson sweeter. Your murder shall be exquisite. Come to me, Father. Set my flesh to your unholy desires.”

Orin lunged at the cambion, daggers brandished. She didn't get a chance to attack him, however, as Astarion had been prepared for this moment. Reign watched as one of his arrows flew past and hit her directly in the shoulder, causing her to stagger and giving Reign a chance to get out of reach of her. The moment she was fully out of reach of Theo, a silvery mist surrounded Gale as he teleported over to him. He grabbed his hand and drew a pattern in the air, summoning a spectral door. He stepped through as he kept a hold of Theo’s hand, teleporting them both somewhere behind Reign.

Reign raised his bow and began playing a haunting melody, something that resembled the lullaby he would play for his sister when he was younger. It echoed through the chambers of the temple, surrounding them on all sides while also being played directly in each enemy’s head. With the way the sound bounced off the walls, it seemed almost as if the song was being played twice in quick succession to each other. All together, it made the song quite alluring and Reign knew this. It was something he didn’t use all that often as it was a song that held particularly bad memories for him.

Orin was enthralled by the music, keeping all of her attention focused on Reign while slowly staggering toward him. The sight was truly something terrifying. The changeling stumbled toward him in a way that should have terrified him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to feel anything but spite and rage toward her.

He kept her facing away from the rest of the group, allowing the rest of the party to attack the rest of the assassins while she was distracted. Occasionally, he would glance over to Theo, assuring himself that he was okay. He was a lot more assured of that once he saw Shadowheart restore him from his paralysis. He was finally able to focus all of his attention on Orin. He coaxed her closer and closer as Astarion prepared another shot. The arrow loosed, lodging into her side as she let out a shrill screech, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Reign.

“Yes, focus on me,” Reign coaxed. “You want nothing more than to listen to this song.”

A flurry of pinks, golds, and oranges appeared in the distance and Orin screeched in pain, holding her hands to her head.

With the changeling incapacitated, Reign stowed his violin and unsheathed his rapier. He drove it into her stomach before retracting it and doing it again, over and over, not stopping even as she crumbled to the ground. His vision blurred and his hands trembled, but he didn’t stop until Wyll pulled him away. He could tell Wyll was saying something to him, but he couldn’t make out what it was as his ears rang and he kept his eyes fixed on the bloodied corpse on the ground.

“I’m fine,” he said dryly before weakly pushing Wyll away from him, sheathing his rapier and going to Theo. He knelt beside the wizard, cradling his head as he assessed his wounds.

Theo leaned into his touch, but couldn’t say much. Reign’s hand and lips quivered as he looked over Theo’s broken body. He knew he had to get Theo out of the temple, but he couldn’t bring himself to do anything other than hold him.

Wyll silently approached, gently scooping Theo off the stone ground. Reign kept a hold of Theo’s hand, whispering, “Be careful,” in a choked voice. Wyll gave him a nod, ensuring him that he would, and Reign let go of Theo’s hand. He followed close behind them as they exited the temple, unable to take his eyes off of Theo. The whole time, Astarion kept an arm around him, holding him close as they left.

Chapter 15: Family Matters

Chapter by coathangercowboy


adonides when i catch you adonides adonides when i catch you adonides

Chapter Text

Wyll gently laid Theo on his bed once they got back to the Elfsong. Reign pulled the chair from his desk up to the side of his bed and sat down as he took Theo’s hand once more.

“Do you want me to stay?” Wyll asked softly.

Reign shook his head. “No. I don’t want to overwhelm him when he wakes up.”

Wyll simply nodded in response before softly kissing Reign on the top of his head and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Reign kept his fingers interlocked with Theo’s, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb along the side. He let his mind wander as he watched Theo’s steady breathing. He thought back to the fight in the Blushing Mermaid. If he hadn’t taken a moment to gather himself before going to talk to Theo afterward, perhaps none of this would’ve happened. If he hadn’t let them get distracted and had gone straight to Orin like they intended to, perhaps none of this would’ve happened. If he had taken Orin’s deal and killed Gortash first, perhaps none of this would’ve happened. But he was doing what he thought was best. He was doing his best. He was doing his best and Theo still got hurt.

Theo awoke with a start, sitting up and whimpering. His eyes darted around the room before they landed on Reign.

Reign was pulled from his thoughts at the sudden movement. “Hey,” he greeted softly, “you’re safe. You’re in your room at the Elfsong.” He let go of Theo’s hand but kept his own hand close, just in case Theo needed physical contact.

Theo took a moment as he processed the words, but he cradled Reign’s hand to his chest as he curled into himself. Reign’s heart broke, seeing Theo so utterly broken and hurt. He lay on the bed beside Theo, using his free hand to hold the back of his head and run his fingers through his hair. He didn’t know what to say. He felt like there was nothing he could say to make what Theo had gone through any better.

He looked over Theo once more, taking note of the multiple wounds still covering his body. He would need to get him cleaned up, as painful as that was going to be for Theo. But for now, he simply lay beside his wizard, grateful to have him back and silently swearing that nothing like this would ever happen to him again.

Theo sobbed as Reign held him, his body shaking with his heaves. Reign loosely wrapped his tail around Theo’s waist, gently pulling him closer while still trying to be mindful of any wounds that he couldn’t see. He held Theo’s head to his chest while he stroked his hair and listened to him sob.

“Mae'n ddrwg gen i, mae'n ddrwg gen i,” Theo muttered between sobs. It would have been refreshing to hear Theo’s voice speaking Elvish once again if it wasn’t so utterly devastating.

“Nid eich bai chi ydyw,” Reign whispered. “Dim o hyn oedd eich bai chi.”

Theo just shook his head as he continued to cry until his body finally gave into the impulse and pulled him back into a fitful sleep.

Reign didn’t know what to do. He had never felt so helpless. He felt like he always knew just what to say to make the pain more bearable and the burden to lift just a little. But he didn’t know how to do that for Theo at that moment. He had already killed Orin so he had already gotten revenge for what she had done to Theo, so that was off the table, and he was at a loss for words. So what then was he meant to do while his partner, someone he utterly adored and cherished, processed one of the most traumatic experiences one can go through in his arms? He didn’t know, and he hated not knowing. He was bound and determined to find a way to make it better for Theo. He set his mind to thinking of something while he fought off sleep, afraid that if he let Theo out of his sight again, something even more terrible would happen. That didn’t last long though, as his body reminded him of just how exhausted it was and he nodded off to sleep.

He woke up once again in his father’s realm and he groaned. He didn’t want to be dealing with him ever, really, but especially not right now.

“The Chosen of Bhaal?” Adonides drawled, standing with his arms crossed above Reign. “That’s quite the powerful one. And with the same lullaby that sang poor Até to sleep? That makes it all the more delightful.”

Reign rolled his eyes as he stood to his feet, keeping his back turned to his father. He didn’t want to be reminded of his failures while being praised for his accomplishments if one could even call them that.

“‘Paint me a picture of my crimson and I’ll play you a lullaby.’ I’m so glad to see you finally taking pride in your artistic side. You did always take after me in the best ways.”

“I would rather enjoy just one night of peaceful sleep,” Reign scoffed. “Especially after saving my partner from a crazed murderer who tortured him.”

“Now, you know that’s not an option,” Adonides cooed, his chill tone making Reign shudder.

“It’s not an option? You only ever seem to feel the need to visit me when you want something,” Reign snapped, turning to face him.

“Are you really speaking to your father in such a way?” the devil challenged, uncrossing his arms and glaring at Reign.

Reign cowered under his glare. He was never one to back down from a challenge, but something about the way his father looked at him made him feel like a scared little kid. “No.”

“I thought not,” the devil said with a smirk.

Suddenly, the landscape of his dream shifted. Reign was sitting in a cabin next to a lit fireplace that crackled as it burned, snow falling outside the windows. He and his father were standing exactly as they were before.

“This seems like a rather cold way to speak to your family,” Theo said behind him. Reign felt sick hearing his voice, slowly turning and seeing the wizard warming his hands by the fire. Oh, Theo, you didn’t, Reign thought. Adonides hated Weave magic, especially when it was used around Reign so frequently. He would say that he was worried it would give Reign ideas of picking up another kind of magic and he couldn’t have that. He had promised not to hurt Theo before and he could only hope that his father would stick to the stereotype of devils not being ones to break their promises. His mind was slightly put to rest knowing that at least here, his father could only hurt him, not Theo.

“Quaint,” Adonides remarked as he looked around the cabin. “I wouldn’t expect much more from a wizard.” He practically spat the last word out.

“Yes, perhaps not something that is to your personal taste, but you’ll have to forgive me for that as we’ve only just met,” Theo remarked politely. “I’m Theo. And you are?”

The devil let a cruel, almost uncanny grin fall across his face. “Adonides, Steward of Cania, right hand of Mephistopheles,” he responded arrogantly. Reign rolled his eyes. Of course, he would take any opportunity to exalt his title. It made Reign sound like some kind of child of nepotism. You make me sound like I would say, ‘Do you know who my father is?’ Reign thought.

“Perhaps you should use that more often,” Adonides directed at Reign, keeping the void that served as his eyes fixed on Theo. “Perhaps more people would take you seriously.” He paused for a moment, assessing Theo. “So, Theo, what brings you to interrupt my little visit?”

“Oh, I assure you, it was never my intention to interrupt you. Far be it from me to waste the time of such an important person,” Theo said, a sweetness that, to Reign, was so clearly fake dripping from his tongue. “I just wanted a word with Reign but couldn’t bear to wake him when I’ve caused so much trouble lately.”

Reign shifted uncomfortably. He knew that it was not a good idea to ask his father for a moment alone with Theo, especially when there was something Adonides wanted from him. But it was clearly important enough to Theo to make him feel the need to enter his mind in such a manner. “Father, please. If I could have just a moment-”

“Reign, mon loulou, you would do well to remember that blood is thicker than water and I will not have precious quality time with my favorite songbird taken from me.” Adonides held the back of Reign’s head in a way that would be read as a parent’s love if it were any other father besides his.

Reign tilted his head at the pet name. It wasn’t something Adonides usually called him, but it still seemed to roll off his tongue quite easily. He remembered Theo using the same name with him before. It clicked in his head; Adonides wanted Reign to know that before he was anyone else’s, he was his.

“Reign, please, I can just go,” Theo offered. “I seem to have made a poor impression anyway, so I shouldn’t impose any longer. Rwy'n dy garu di, yn fwy na fy hud. Hwyl fawr.” Just as suddenly as the illusion appeared, it dissipated and Reign was once again left standing in his father’s icy wasteland.

“You know, I like that one,” Adonides remarked. “He seems to know his place. Something you should learn from him.”

Reign kept his eyes fixed on the ground. He never wanted to be free from his father’s dream-like visits so badly, and if what he suspected was true, he wanted to wake up to assure Theo that he wasn’t trouble and he wasn’t making a poor impression. That was just how Adonides was.

“Please,” Reign choked out. “I need to wake up.”

“No, what you need to do is let that good-for-nothing wizard leave like he was going to. You’ll never live up to your full potential whilst chasing him around, saving him from whatever danger he gets himself into next.”

Reign’s hands tightened over and over into fists as he tried to find the words to adequately rebut that remark. He didn’t see Theo as some burden and he was more than willing to save him from whatever trouble he found himself in while the universe seemed to have it out for him. But Adonides wouldn’t see it like that. He would never see Theo as more than a hindrance to Reign, or more specifically, a hindrance to Reign gaining him more power.

“Play for me, Reign,” Adonides commanded, breaking the seemingly eternal silence. The cambion hesitated, still lost in his worry for Theo. The devil tutted, pulling his head back. “I asked you to play for me, didn’t I?” Reign nodded and his father smiled, pleased with his compliance.

Reign picked up his violin, playing a melody that he had been composing in his head. He let the music speak to him, getting lost in the composition.

When the song was completed, he looked to Adonides for admiration or admonishment. The devil only met Reign with a cold glare. “Again.” Reign sighed, repeating the song. This happened a few more times until Adonides was finally bored. “That’ll do, Reign. I expect this tune to lure Bane’s Chosen and at least five others to their deaths. Now you may wake up. Try not to let the wizard occupy your mind too much.”

Reign awoke with a start to the place in the bed beside him empty. He thought about what his father had told him. Not letting Theo occupy his mind was an impossible task, especially since he had just given him a cryptic goodbye. He got out of bed quickly and left the room, looking around briefly for Theo but only finding Astarion reading on one of the sofas.

“Where is he?” Reign asked, his voice tired from lack of sleep and lack of use.

Astarion looked up from the book he was reading and closed it, setting it to the side. “He’s gone, darling.”

Reign rolled his eyes. “Well obviously, but where to?”

“I can’t say,” the vampire responded. “All he said was he was paying a friend a visit.”

“And you just let him go? In his condition?” Reign chided, crossing his arms over his chest.

“As opposed to what? Holding him here against his will?” Astarion took a breath, standing from the sofa and taking Reign’s hand. “I know you’re upset, darling. Let’s get you out of these robes and into something more comfortable so you can rest, hm?”

“I'm not upset,” Reign protested. “I'm angry. I'm angry that no matter what I do, it's never enough to protect Theo. He has gotten hurt on my watch twice now. Perhaps it's best that he stays far away for now. Perhaps if he’s not around me, he won’t get hurt. And perhaps that’s how it must be.” He said the last part almost more to himself than Astarion, as if he was trying to convince the former rather than the latter.

Astarion was silent for a moment as he processed what Reign said. “It’s not your fault, mon soliel. You are not to blame for that mad woman taking him. You are not to blame for his injuries in the park. There is nothing more that you could’ve done. You did your best and that’s all you could’ve done.”

“I did my best,” Reign muttered with his eyes fixed on the floor, again trying to convince himself rather than his partner. “I did my best and he still got hurt.”

Astarion sighed. “You can’t prevent every bad thing from happening to the people you love.”

“No, but I can try.”

“And run yourself ragged by doing so.” There was a sense of finality that backed Astarion’s words. Reign couldn’t argue that point, as much as he wanted to. He was once again forced to face the fact that he was exhausted. He felt like this exhaustion was ceaseless and he couldn’t even imagine a day where he wouldn’t be so tired, seeing as there was so much to do and so many people who still needed his help.

Reign looked up at Astarion, tears blurring his eyes. “Then what am I meant to do?” he choked out. “Let you all be hurt?”

“You do your best,” Astarion reaffirmed. “That’s all you can do. If someone still gets hurt, you pick them up and do what must be done. Then, you press on.”

Reign shook his head and wiped his eyes. “But he’s gone, Astarion. How am I meant to pick him up?”

“You don’t.” Astarion cupped the side of his face, wiping the tears that fell. “That’s someone else’s responsibility right now.”

“But I’m his partner,” Reign protested once more, leaning into Astarion’s touch.

“Yes, but that doesn’t make you responsible for resolving all of his emotional turmoil,” Astarion rebutted. “He’s given that responsibility to someone else right now. Let him.”

Reign couldn’t argue anymore; the lack of sleep was catching up to him. “You’re far too good at that,” he remarked, “redirecting my thought process and all.”

“Where do you think I learned it from, darling?” the vampire chuckled as he placed a kiss on Reign’s cheek. “Come on, love. Let’s get you cleaned up and back in bed.” Reign let Astarion lead him to the washroom. Despite the conversation just had, he couldn’t stop himself from worrying about Theo and praying to any god who would listen that he was alright.

Chapter 16: Water of the Womb

Chapter by coathangercowboy


just be glad reign isn't as prone to violence as i am is all i'll say

Chapter Text

Reign awoke slowly in Astarion’s arms in his own bed. He blinked groggily as the sun peaked through the curtains and he pulled the covers over his eyes, blocking out the morning rays.

Astarion ran his hands through Reign’s hair. “Good morning, mon soliel. How did you sleep?”

Reign simply groaned in response, nuzzling his head against Astarion’s chest. The vampire provided a coolness that nicely contrasted Reign’s warmth. He often found himself lingering in bed for what some would consider too long when he woke up beside Astarion. The vampire chuckled as he kissed the top of Reign’s head. “I’ll take that to mean that you slept well.”

Reign couldn’t bring himself to pull away from Astarion, as much as he knew they had to get on with the day. He found himself drifting off again until Astarion shifted ever so slightly, rousing him once more. He groaned loudly, protesting the need to actually wake up, before untangling himself from Astarion’s arms and sitting up in the bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he took a moment longer to properly awake before getting out of bed. Astarion followed close behind him, taking his hand and leading him to the common room.

The others were already mostly prepared to go about their day when Reign and Astarion entered the room. Wyll had his back to them, but Gale’s face brightened upon seeing Reign. The cambion shuffled over to the sofa where he was sitting and plopped down, resting his head on Gale’s shoulder and tucking his legs up underneath him. Gale wrapped an arm around Reign, holding him close and kissing the top of his head. Reign didn’t pay much attention to the talks of the plans the group was making for the day; instead, he let his mind wander, thinking of where Theo might be, what he might be doing, and if he was okay.

“Reign?” Gale’s voice and a soft jostle roused him from what he realized was him falling asleep once more.

“I’m awake,” he muttered groggily as he nestled into Gale further.

He heard the wizard laugh softly under his breath. “Hardly. It seems you need more than a full night’s rest.”

Reign groaned in protest as he half-opened his eyes and sat up. “No, no, I’m awake. See?” He looked around the room; most of the party had dispersed, save for Gale and Wyll, who looked at him with deep concern. Reign hummed in disapproval at the looks. “I’m fine.”

“I believe the word you’re looking for is exhausted,” Gale corrected with his signature pointed finger to the air to emphasize his point. “You should take the day to remedy that particular predicament.”

Reign groaned as he flopped against the back of the sofa. “Haven’t I taken enough breaks? I want to do something.”

“Do something for yourself, love,” Wyll suggested as he kneeled in front of Reign to meet his eyes. He took Reign’s hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of it. “When was the last time you did that?”

“Approximately three days ago,” Reign huffed, crossing his arms.

“No, when you did something for yourself,” Wyll emphasized.

“Is it not doing something for myself to take a whole day to spend time with one of my partners?” Reign raised a brow, feeling like he had successfully gotten the last word.

Of course, though, he was proven wrong. He was surrounded by men who loved to argue. “Yes, but did you do that for yourself or us?” Gale countered.

Reign narrowed his eyes at the wizard. Damn, these beautiful men and their quick wit. “Fine,” he sighed, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. “What do you suggest I do?”

Wyll shrugged. “That’s up to you, amado. Anything you want.”

“And what if I want to help with what you all have planned for today?” Reign argued, once again crossing his arms.

“Anything but that,” Wyll chuckled as he stood and kissed Reign’s forehead, causing the cambion to huff.

“Well, I wasn’t aware that I was given limitations.”

“You are now,” Gale added, repeating the action done by Wyll before gesturing to the book he left on the side table. “It’s a fascinating read, one I think you would rather enjoy. And it has a most intriguing addendum.” They both started to leave before Wyll turned back to Reign.

“There’s one more sending scroll Theo made. Use it if you need us.” And with that, they both left, leaving Reign by himself in the Elfsong.

Reign sat for a moment, deliberating what he would do with a whole day to himself. He picked up the book on the side table, his face twisting in disdain as he read the title. Etheril’s Enchidrion of Enchanting Easem*nts. He loved Gale’s intellect, but the wizard was not as smart as he seemed if he thought Reign was going to be able to understand and appreciate the volume the way that he did.

Nevertheless, seeing as he had a whole day to fill, he opened to the first page, immediately losing interest upon seeing all the big words that he didn’t understand. He flipped through the pages, only becoming more and more frustrated the more he read. How was he meant to understand any of this wizardly nonsense without either of his wizards here to decipher it for him?

He huffed as he flipped to where a folded letter separated the pages. He tilted his head, reading Theo’s name in the middle and then an unknown name in the top left corner. Hester. He knew he shouldn’t pry as it was likely Theo had left the letter in the book on accident, but remembering Gale’s remarks on “a most intriguing addendum,” he found himself opening the envelope and unfolding the letter.

“Dear Theodorus,” the letter began. “It’s been quite some time since we spoke in earnest with each other. Your sisters say your magical abilities have grown tremendously since I saw you. Avis mentioned that illusions are your favorite and I can’t say I’m surprised, considering how quickly you mastered minor illusions as a child. You always did make the most beautiful of images and sounds, like things pulled from happy memories rather than reality.

“I miss you dearly since you left, but I understand you need space and room to focus on your apprenticeship, so I’ll keep to my part of the city and leave you to yours. You know how to reach out if you need anything at all, just call for me and I’ll be there.

“I hope this gift will be received well. It’s a rather rare volume, on a topic that I think you’ll find interesting. Happy birthday, my boy.

“Rwy’n dy garu di yn fwy na fy hud, bob amser. Hester”

Reign felt sick reading the last line. It was something Theo told him often. He couldn’t pinpoint why exactly it upset him so, but the feeling was there all the same. He returned the letter to the envelope, situating it exactly as it was before placing it back on the side table. I think that’s enough reading for today.

He returned to his room, pulling out the sending scroll he had tucked away in the pockets of his robe a few days ago. He muttered the incantation he had Theo use, “Gadewch i ni sgwrsio,” before sending his message. I understand if you need space after what happened. I will always be here if you need me. Rwy’n dy garu di. Ti yw fy- The message was cut off, though Reign had more he wanted to say. He huffed in frustration before hearing Theo’s response.

Dwi’n dy garu di hefyd, yn fwy na hud. Byddwch mor ddiogel ag y gallwch. Gallwch gael fy enaid i’w gadw, fy nghasglwr.

Reign once again felt sick hearing that. He knew it was meant to be an endearing sentiment, but it felt wrong, in a way. Like he had just been given something he didn’t deserve or didn’t want. Not because he didn’t want Theo’s love; no, it felt like Theo gave him something that he would never be able to take back, even if he wanted to.

He shook his head, trying to rid his mind of those thoughts, as he returned to his room and shut the door. He picked up his violin. While no one was around, he could play in peace, something he hadn’t been able to do in months. He ran the bow across the strings as he played a melody he had been composing in his head. Even with no one around, the music still had the same haunting effects, echoing off the walls while sounding like it was right in front of him at the same time. The music seemed to stack like the same tune was being played in a slight delay. He let himself get lost in his music. It wasn’t often that he got to enjoy playing just for the sake of playing, so when it happened, he cherished it.

Reign ceased his playing abruptly as he heard an unfamiliar voice call out from the common room. “Hello? Anybody here?” He kept his violin in hand as he opened the door to his room. He wanted to be prepared should this person prove to be any kind of danger.

He hesitantly stepped into the common room, the unfamiliar figure coming into view; a half-elf man standing just a bit shorter than Reign with light blonde hair and silver eyes that seemed to pierce right through him. Reign tilted his head as he observed the man. “May I help you?” he asked flatly.

The man paused for a moment, making a face as he surveyed Reign’s appearance before looking him in the eye once more. “Perhaps you can. I was sent to deliver this package from Theo to someone named Reign. Do you know where I might find him?” he asked, his tone light.

Reign’s face brightened at the mention of Theo. “Yes, that’s me. You’ve seen him? Is he okay? What can I do for him?” He relaxed slightly as he asked the flurry of questions.

“He’s doing better,” the man said, seemingly amused by Reign’s sudden burst of energy. “He’s been seen by one of the most skilled clerics in the city, if I do say so myself, for his wounds. As for what you can do for him, I’m sure he would be plenty pleased if you just accepted his gift.”

Reign tilted his head. Shadowheart’s busy though. She didn’t have time to see Theo, I don’t think. He looked to the box in the man’s hands and extended his own, offering to take it. “Well that much I can do, I suppose.”

The man chuckled as he handed over the box. “I’m glad you’re so agreeable. I have to ask. Did Theo never tell you that his older sister was a cleric?”

Reign took the box, tracing the silver ribbon wrapped around the light blue box as he pondered the thought. “You know, now that I think about it, no. He mentioned his sisters’ names and some vague details of some memories with them, but never anything too in-depth.” He held the box up to his ear, shaking it gently to hear what rattled inside. He stopped abruptly as he heard glass clinking. Don’t break it, Reign. Gods, he thought as he wrapped his hands securely around the box and held onto it tightly.

The man smiled at him. “Do be careful. If I’m right, there is quite the collection of perfume in there. You must be truly special for him to make up so many unique blends for you.”

Reign’s eyes widened with interest. He was trying to be patient and polite and not open the box in front of its deliverer, but a collection of unique blends was too intriguing for him to wait any longer. He sat in one of the armchairs opposite the man and gingerly untied the ribbon around the box and separated the paper folded over the top of the items. “I mean, I would certainly hope so.” He pulled a silver music box out, examining the blue and purple flowers on the outside. He set it to the side with a hum. We’ll save that for later.

"I don't think I caught your name," he said in a moment of realization as he pulled a well-worn scroll out and unfurled it, recognizing the runes as sending. Haha, Theo. Is this just our thing now? Though the thought was sarcastic, he did think it was adorable.

“Pardon me if this comes across as rude, but I never expected a cambion like yourself to act so much like a puppy with a new toy when given a gift,” the man remarked. He paused before adding, “I’m Hester, pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Reign’s face dropped as he heard the name. He recognized it from the note left in Theo’s book. He knew that Hester was Theo’s father and he knew that their relationship was rather strained, though the reasoning he wasn’t particularly aware of. It couldn’t be anything like Reign’s relationship with his own father, considering Theo willingly went to Hester. But from the way Hester spoke in the note, there was definitely tension and that was enough to change Reign’s demeanor.

“Well then consider yourself pardoned,” Reign said flippantly, briefly looking up at Hester and giving him a forced half-smile, his nose scrunching as he did so.

“I see,” Hester said, his own smile becoming more cold. “Well then, let us drop the pretense since you seem to know who I am now. Do you know why Theo came to see me?”

“Can’t say I do,” Reign remarked, crossing one leg over the other as well as his arms over his chest. “Enlighten me, if you would be so kind.”

“Well, he asked me to cast Geas on him so he wouldn’t be able to come back to you. He is terrified of being a burden to you, to a degree I have not seen him be before.”

Reign’s stomach twisted in knots. He knew that spell all too well. It was part of his father’s influence over him when he was younger. Adonides only ever used it once, but the experience was so horrible that the mere threat of using it again was enough to make Reign fall in line when he would rebel, a threat that would still work. “But you didn’t, right? You wouldn’t do that to your child, right? And you told him that’s ridiculous. That he couldn’t possibly ever be a burden to me.”

“Of course not, but he’s stubborn and won’t listen to a word I say,” Hester assured.

Noooooo. Theo? Stubborn? Reign’s thoughts were cut short as Hester continued.

“I can tell he’s trying to put on a brave face again, bury himself in work in order to seem fine. I suspect once he feels he has a good enough mask, he will come back here because of how strongly he feels drawn in by you. And I need you to make him slow down when that happens or he will let his need to feel useful eat him alive.” Hester’s eyes grew icy cold as he went on. “If my son comes back to me again in a state like this after I let him come back to you, I won’t be so magnanimous. You get one more chance because he clearly loves you, got it?”

Reign’s eyes flicked away as he took a deep breath. Hester made it seem like Theo getting hurt was Reign’s doing and while he did blame himself, even he wasn’t so dramatic. He already felt horrible about seemingly attracting trouble for Theo; he didn’t need Hester to make it worse.

“I never meant for him to get hurt,” Reign muttered, staring off into the distance beside Hester. “I did my best to protect him and he still got hurt. And I know sorry isn’t good enough, but it’s all I can offer right now.” He turned to meet Hester’s cold glare once more. “How do you suggest slowing him down?”

Hester’s fury seemed to melt a little. “Well, I doubt he will allow you to let him get any proper rest, but giving him tasks that force him to work less hard is a start. I also don’t recommend leaving him alone. He will pretend as best he can that he’s fine with it, but that boy hates solitude.”

Reign tilted his head as he thought about what he could possibly do to meet all of Hester’s suggestions. He couldn’t feasibly keep Theo at the Elfsong all day. One, Theo would likely get bored and would drive himself mad trying to keep busy. Two, even if that weren’t a factor, Reign couldn’t stay with him all day every day when there was still so much to do. And he didn’t want to potentially put Theo in more dangerous situations. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes. “What kind of tasks would be best for him?”

“That’s a hard question. I used to have him identify plants for me when he started getting anxious on supply trips. He also used to paint, though I haven’t seen him do that in quite some time.” Hester paused for a moment. “Of course, you can always have him make spell scrolls for you, though that can be taxing in its own right, considering how it drains his magic. Perhaps if you’re very lucky, you can try and convince him to sing.”

Reign nodded, already making a plan for when Theo came back, if he came back, on how to keep him from spiraling. The thought of hearing Theo sing, a way for them to share his passion without risking the effects of his magic, was particularly interesting to him. He realized that he had an opportunity to potentially find a way to further ease the burden he had created for Theo in their time together, seeing as someone who knew him far better than Reign was standing right in front of him.

“Thank you. I will certainly put your suggestions to use. Though, while I have you here, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on something else. I understand that it may be something that you can’t divulge yourself, but Theo seems particularly wary around enchantment magic, which, unfortunately, is what I specialize in. Is there anything more I can do to help reassure him that he’s safe from my magic?”

Hester’s smile dropped for the first time in the whole encounter. “I’m afraid I know of no such way to reassure him. He’s been scared of such magic since he was a small child, even when it was not directed at him.”

Reign hummed in thought. Why? he wanted to ask so desperately, but he knew that was not his place. If Theo wanted to tell him, then he would. He sighed, offering Hester a genuine smile. “Well, I appreciate your insight anyway.” He stood from his chair, ready to escort Hester out of the Elfsong.

Hester held up a hand that told him to pause. "There is no need for that. I can be on my way on my own." He quickly incanted, “Gyrchfan o fy newis” and disappeared in a shimmer of pink, orange and gold.

Reign hummed as Hester disappeared. It seemed that abrupt comings and goings was a Dainsleaf trait. He felt like there were still things he wanted to ask Hester, things he wanted to know about Theo, but he figured there would be plenty of time to ask such questions, given how he planned on staying in Theo’s life for the foreseeable future, and the unforeseeable for that matter.

He considered Hester’s suggestions for a moment, making a mental list of things he would need, before returning to his room to get properly dressed. If he was to help keep Theo from spiraling, he would need to visit a few merchants. Though he was sure that if his partners knew he was trying to venture out in the city without someone who knows it better to guide him, they'd have a fit. He considered waiting for them to come back, but ultimately decided he was perfectly capable of navigating back to the Elfsong. Besides, should he get lost, he could always ask someone for directions.

Reign looked over to his violin once he had gotten dressed. He figured that it wouldn't be necessary, considering he was just going shopping. Then again, he did have a tendency for attracting trouble, it seemed. He stowed it on his back anyway before venturing out.

Chapter 17: The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter by coathangercowboy


more of reign being a bimbo simply trying his best and also some really sad lore so have fun with that :))

Chapter Text

Reign came back from his outing completely frustrated. Perhaps his partners had a point in their relentless teasing of his complete lack of direction. He had to ask at least three different people how to get back to the Elfsong and he had yet to venture that far. His several detours in trying to get back had taken most of the day. He huffed as he hid the painting supplies and the wide-tooth comb he had gotten for Theo in his room. At least it was worth it.

He came back to the common room and retrieved the gift box Theo had Hester deliver. He sat down as he finally took the time to thoroughly look through what was in it. He once again picked up the music box and wound it up. The soft melody that followed was soothing, something that he wished he could replicate for Theo. He allowed himself a moment of daydreaming about being able to create and play music freely without the risk of sacrificing his loved ones' souls.

Reign shook his head. That was just a fantasy. He couldn't fathom a future where his father would give up his primary source of power. He set the music box to the side as he picked up one of the perfume vials, one tied with a red ribbon. He unscrewed the cap and inhaled the scent. Bergamot, rosemary, and brandy. This was clearly meant to resemble Astarion. He hummed as he set it to the side and did the same with the one tied with purple ribbon. Leather-bound books and old wood. He tilted his head as he thought. He had never noticed a strong scent associated with Gale, but he could only imagine that's who this one was meant for. Reign started to notice a pattern with these perfumes. The one with the orange ribbon smelled of ocean water and citrus and it brought him the same sense of comfort he felt when he hugged Wyll. Finally, he held the one tied with a blue ribbon to his nose and recognized the smell immediately. Petrichor, a forest after a rainstorm. Theo.

He gingerly placed all of the items back in the box and set it in his room. He perked up, hearing the sound of the party returning for the day. He eagerly went to greet them, practically throwing himself in Gale's arms. The suddenness took the wizard aback, knocking the wind out of him slightly.

"Easy, love," Wyll chuckled. "He had a rather tough day."

Reign pulled away, looking him over. Gale seemed to be in pain, though he wasn't making it entirely obvious. "What happened? Are you okay, my darling?"

“Karlach may have encouraged Avis to show him how fast she could punch,” Theo said from behind Astarion.

Reign looked up at Theo, his face brightening as he realized he was back. "Ah, yes. I can attest to how hard and fast she can hit someone," he chuckled.

"Excuse me, we seem to be forgetting that I am in a great deal of pain here," Gale whined.

"Oh yes, of course, darling," Reign cooed half-sarcastically as he led Gale to one of the sofas in the common room.

“So what did you do with a whole day to yourself?” Astarion asked Reign as he took a seat beside the cambion on the sofa.

“I managed to navigate myself to a market, I’ll have you know,” Reign responded smugly. “Without getting lost at all.”

“Which market did you go to?” Theo asked.

Reign tilted his head. “A few, actually. The ones by the big magic shop, the fireworks shop, I’m pretty sure I was in Wyrm's Crossing at one point.” Reign tried to play it off as though he had meant to hit all of those spots, but in truth, he kind of just wandered around until he found himself back at the circus and had to get directions back to the Elfsong.

“Quite the trek,” Theo teased. “What rare items were you looking for that sent you far and wide?”

“Nothing in particular. I’m a free spirit, Theo. I just let the wind carry me wherever it wants.” Reign provided the explanation quickly, trying to deflect the conversation. If Theo kept prying, he would reveal what he had gotten at the markets and he wanted it to be a surprise. “Anyway, what did you all do today?”

“You remember that pathetic artist you insisted we bought from the Zhentarim?” Astarion sighed. “He made a reappearance.”

“You know, just once, I wish that when you recounted stories of our adventures, you didn't make us seem like complete assholes,” Reign sighed before turning to Theo. “We didn't buy an artist for the sake of it. It was the only to free him from the Zhentarim.”

“Of course, now shall we let Astarion go on?” Theo responded.

“Thank you,” Astarion huffed. “Reign, darling, I'm sure Theo is smart enough to figure out that you didn't purchase that artist for pure want.”

“I know. I just-” Reign huffed. “I felt the need to explain. Anyway, continue,” he added sheepishly.

Astarion sighed. “Anyway, the whole thing was rather boring. A tortured artist, a spirit trapped in his painting, a choice to be made; stay possessed by his dead lover or let her go forever. Oh! We also killed a mummy lord while we were at it.”

“Pardon?” Reign sputtered. “You just casually killed a mummy lord?”

“We also managed to kill an avatar of Myrkul, love,” Gale interjected, groaning as he adjusted how he sat on the sofa. “I hardly think a mummy lord is the most outlandish of our enemies.”

Reign caught Theo watching Gale carefully before disappearing into the kitchen. He came back with a wet rag and stood behind the sofa, handing it to Gale hesitantly. “Here, put this over your eye. It will help with the swelling.”

Gale hesitantly took the rag from Theo and put it over his eye. “Thank you.”

Reign smiled at the sweet exchange, or what could be considered a sweet exchange for the two wizards. Theo had done something similar for him not too long ago when he had found himself on the wrong end of Avis’ punches. It was reassuring to see his wizards getting along finally.

“It's cold,” Gale remarked flatly, pulling the rag from his eye.

“Yes, my darling, that's kind of the point.” Reign brought the rag back to Gale's eye and held it there.

“It's supposed to keep the swelling to a minimum, help dull the pain a little, and make the bruising less severe,” Theo explained, leaning against the back of the couch by Reign.

Gale looked as if he had some kind of sassy retort lined up, but managed to hold his tongue. “Well, I certainly appreciate your aid,” he said, offering Theo a half-smile. He looked at Theo intently, probably for the first time since they met, before clearing his throat and standing from the sofa. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to get myself cleaned up a bit. The stench of a mummy lord's abode tends to linger and I would rather it didn't.”

Reign hummed in acknowledgment before catching him by the hand as he tried to leave and pulling him into a quick kiss. He made a face as he pulled away. “You're not wrong, my love,” he teased before gently pushing him away.

Theo watched as Gale walked away before turning back to Reign. “Efallai y dylech chi roi rhywfaint o'r persawr hwnnw a anfonais atoch chi iddo,” he joked, smiling down at Reign.

“Roeddwn i'n meddwl eich bod wedi gwneud y rheini i mi!” Reign whined, turning back to Theo with puppy dog eyes.

Astarion perked up. “Mae'n ddrwg gen i. Mae'r beth?”

“Dim byd,” Reign insisted.

“Roeddent yn anrheg i chi melyster. Rydych chi'n rhydd i wneud gyda nhw beth bynnag y dymunwch. Dim ond jôc oedd hi,” Theo assured Reign, keeping his statement vague as he played with the hair at the back of Reign’s neck.

Reign purred softly as he leaned his head back, looking up at Theo. “Diolch i ti, fy enaid. Nid oedd yn rhaid i chi wneud hynny i gyd mewn gwirionedd, ond rwy'n ei werthfawrogi'n fawr.”

“Os gwelwch yn dda, roedd yn rhywbeth roeddwn i eisiau ei wneud i chi. Rwy'n falch eich bod yn eu hoffi ddigon i fod eisiau eu cadw.” Theo said, looking down at Reign with a smile.

Reign sat up and turned to face Theo properly, tucking his legs underneath him. “Hoffi nhw? Rwy'n eu caru.” He leaned in and cupped Theo’s face in his hands, gently kissing him.

Astarion scoffed with an eye roll. “If we could stop being so vague for a moment, I would be thrilled to know what these things are.”

Reign hummed as he pulled away from Theo. “A gift. For me. That’s all you need to know.”

“Yes, it’s nothing you need to worry about,” Theo added absent-mindedly as he stared at Reign’s bright green eyes.

“The more you continue to be vague about it, the more curious I am,” Astarion whined, throwing his arms up dramatically.

“And the more you whine about it, the more I am inclined to tease you about it,” Reign responded, half-turning to the vampire. He frowned slightly upon seeing the upset in his eyes. Though he knew it was theatrical, it still made him fold. He sighed with a slight roll of his eyes and kissed Astarion’s cheek. “It’s just a gift Theo gave me. Don’t let your curiosity get the better of you.”

Astarion huffed. “Alright, I suppose I can let it go. But only because I love you.”

“Byddaf yn gwneud rhywbeth i'w wneud yn iawn i chi yn ddiweddarach Astarion. Fe wnes i gynnig rhywbeth i chi yn barod neithiwr wedi'r cyfan.” Theo said to the vampire, smiling at him.

Reign looked between them, confusion lining his face. “Arhoswch, beth ydych chi'n ei olygu?” he whined. “Beth wnaethoch chi ei gynnig iddo?”

Astarion grinned smugly. “It is nothing you need to worry about, darling.”

Reign pouted as he thought for a moment before looking at Astarion with a proud smile. “I’ll tell you what I’m talking about if you tell me what you’re talking about.”

“No, no,” Astarion said dismissively. “You were oh so fond of keeping your secrets before. You two can have your secrets and we’ll have ours,” he added, gesturing between himself and Theo.

Reign whined as he flopped against the back of the sofa. “Fine. Keep your secrets. I didn’t want to know them anyway.”

“Reign, it’s abundantly clear that is not true but trust us, it’s nothing to be concerned about,” Theo added with a small chuckle. “I would have thought you would be thrilled to see us getting along so well anyway.”

Reign huffed. “No, I am.” He took a breath and collected his thoughts. “Apologies. If you want to tell me, that’s fine, but if not, that’s fine too,” he added with a reassuring smile as he looked back up at Theo, fluttering his eyes. Despite what he said, he silently hoped that if he gave Theo the right look, he would get to know what they were talking about. He respected his partners’ rights to privacy, and he was certainly glad Theo was starting to get along with at least one of his other partners, but he was also curious by nature and couldn’t help himself from pleading just a little more, even if that was just with a simple look.

Theo hummed before speaking. “Rydych chi'n giwt iawn pan fyddwch chi'n erfyn melyster ond ni fyddaf yn dweud wrthych oni bai bod Astarion yn cytuno.”

Reign narrowed his eyes as a faint blush crawled up his cheeks. Since when was Theo immune to his charms? Still, he was slightly embarrassed for being called out on his feeble attempts at persuasion. “I’m not begging!” he insisted. He shot Astarion a look when he heard him snickering. He turned back to Theo as an idea struck him, deciding to tease back in equal measure. “Se você quer tanto me ouvir implorando, certamente posso fazer isso acontecer.”

Theo blushed as he let out a surprised noise, much to Reign’s amusem*nt. He lowered his voice, “Você realmente não deveria me tentar com essa doçura. Você sabe que eu adoraria ver você me implorar para deixar você me tocar novamente. embora eu tivesse que amarrar suas mãos desta vez para que você realmente se comportasse.” Theo thought for a moment longer, hesitating before adding. “Você acha que os outros também gostariam de ver você implorar tão docemente?” Reign tilted his head, ready to challenge Theo on what he had said before Astarion interjected with a scoff and roll of his eyes.

“And now you’re speaking in infernal?” He turned his head, seeing Gale leaving the washroom. “Have fun with whatever this is,” he said with a tone of disgust as he waved his hand in front of him. He stood from the sofa and promptly left the room.

Reign hummed as he watched Astarion leave before turning back to Theo. “Não acho que você vai gostar da minha resposta a essa pergunta em particular.”

“Deixe-me adivinhar, você acha que Gale gostaria de ver você implorar?” Theo asked, looking at Reign with an exasperated expression. “Bem, eu esqueceria isso, doçura. Dado o ciúme dele, não acho que aquele homem aguentaria fazer um ménage à trois.”

“Bem, essa é sua única opção,” Reign informed him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “E acho que ele estaria interessado no futuro. Quando vocês dois estão se dando mais bem..”

Theo scoffed in disbelief before clearing his throat. “Acho muito difícil acreditar que ele algum dia estaria interessado em fazer isso comigo envolvido. Além disso, estou muito feliz por ter só você. Eu só sugeri isso como uma forma de evitar negligenciar seus outros parceiros só porque gosto de foder.” He gave the cambion a mock look of concern as he spoke, though his tone was flirtatious.

“Posso garantir que Wyll e Astarion estão bem. Infelizmente para você, Gale é o único que falta nesse departamento,” Reign chuckled. He could admit he wasn’t exactly giving Gale the attention he deserved and felt rather guilty about it. He would have to make it up to him, and he could certainly think of a few ways to do that. Still, he wanted to focus on Theo at least for tonight. The two of them hadn’t really been able to talk about what happened with Orin. He tried to assure himself that keeping the conversation light and flirty was for the best as he didn’t want to bring up anything Theo wasn’t ready to discuss. But he found himself holding Theo’s face in his hand, assuring himself that he was here and he was safe.

“Would you like to go lay down, mon ange?” he asked finally after letting a silence linger for a bit longer than it should.

Theo looked a bit tense at the suggestion. “Bem, sinto muito que você ache que Gale está faltando, talvez se você estiver certo sobre ele estar mais disposto do que eu penso, eu possa mostrar a ele uma ou duas coisas.”

Reign raised a brow. He was all too familiar with that particular deflection method. Not only had Theo tried it on him before, but Astarion used it frequently as well. It told him that there was something he was missing, something that Theo was trying to avoid. “Não foi isso que eu quis dizer,” he responded firmly but gently. “Eu quis dizer que não estava dando a ele tanta atenção quanto deveria.” He paused before adding in a more serious tone, “Você quer se deitar, meu anjo?”

Theo sighed and took a moment to think. “I don’t know,” he finally answered.

Reign tilted his head as he stood from his place on the sofa and circled around, placing a hand on the small of Theo’s back. “That’s okay, love. Let’s just take a moment and sit here, hm?” he offered, gesturing to the sofa.

Theo nodded, sitting down on the couch with his feet under him, looking up at Reign.

Reign sat beside Theo, instinctively wrapping an arm around him. He noticed Theo flinch as he did so and he caught himself, pulling away. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked first. Is that okay, darling?”

“It’s fine,” Theo responded, almost instinctually. “Sorry.”

Reign had to remind himself that there was likely a lot Theo went through in the time Orin had him that he would need to unpack before he felt truly safe with Reign again and as much as that thought hurt, he understood and was willing to give Theo all the space and time he needed.

“No need to apologize,” he assured. “But are you sure? As much as I know you love teasing me about keeping my hands to myself, I can assure you that I am capable of it if that is what you prefer."

“No, it’s fine, I-” Theo started, seeming to be struggling to find the right words. “I have some injuries on my back that are resistant to healing magic, it seems. It doesn’t hurt, per se, but it’s a bit odd to have them touched.”

Reign withdrew his arm completely, instead opting to reach for his hand. His face fell as he realized Theo would always have to carry reminders of the awful things he endured while he was tortured by Orin. “You don’t have to explain, ange. But I do want to ensure your comfort above all else. If you would like me to hold you, do you mind showing me what you are most comfortable with? I can also just sit with you if that’s what you prefer.”

Theo thought for a moment before slipping into Reign’s lap, placing the cambion’s hands on his hips before wrapping his own hands around Reign’s neck. “I think this will be okay,” Theo murmured, looking into Reign’s eyes.

Reign rubbed his thumbs along Theo’s thighs as he let himself get lost in Theo’s eyes. Even after everything he had been through, the vast ocean that was Theo’s eyes still seemed to captivate him in the same way as before. He noticed the faintest note of sadness and he realized Theo was trying to hide it from him. He also noticed the way his hands tightly gripped Theo’s hips, like he was almost afraid to let him go again, and he relaxed his hands. There were so many things he wanted to ask, so many things he wanted to assure him, but he didn’t even know where to start. So, he sat in silence, allowing Theo to share anything he wanted to or nothing at all, if that’s what he preferred.

They sat in silence for a while, just looking at each other. “You said you loved the perfume. Did you have a chance to look at the other things I sent?” Theo finally asked.

“Of course, mon ange. I particularly enjoyed that music box.” He tapped his finger to his chin as he pretended to try and recall the tune. “I can’t remember how it goes, however.”

“Would you like me to fetch it for you?” Theo offered. “I assume you put it in your room.”

“No, no,” Reign insisted. “You don’t have to do that.” He was trying to be subtle in his attempts to get Theo to sing for him as Hester suggested, but Theo didn’t seem to be catching the hint. Either that or he simply didn’t want to. Reign couldn’t quite tell which. “What is that song anyway? Is it one from your childhood?”

“Yes, it’s a music box from Eberron. It was originally a gift for Lucy, but she insisted I have it after our father adopted me,” Theo said softly, smiling at the memory. “We actually painted the flowers on it ourselves, not long after Avis joined our family. The song is called 'Become the Wind'.”

“What are the words?” Reign asked, tilting his head as he adjusted a bit under Theo.

“You just want me to recite the lyrics for you?” Theo asked a little confused by his request.

Reign sighed. “Well, traditionally, lyrics are sung, not spoken.”

“You’re the musically inclined one of us, Reign. I’m sure you don’t want to hear my mediocre singing.”

Reign hummed in thought for a moment. Hester did say that he would be lucky to hear Theo sing so he didn’t want to pressure Theo into doing something he didn’t want to. “I can assure you that I would find it quite charming. But if you would rather not, then I won’t pressure you.”

Theo thought for a moment before picking a verse from the song and began singing it to Reign.

I’ve never felt this way before

And now I only want to see you more

Oh darling would you take me by the hand

Together we could fly across the land

Hester was right; Reign was lucky to hear Theo sing. Despite being untrained, seemingly, Theo could easily pass himself off as a bard himself with just his voice. The sound was enchanting to Reign and he wanted to listen forever if he could. “Mon ange, someday I hope you will learn to not undersell yourself when it comes to things you excel at.”

“I wouldn’t call singing something I excel at. I’m not bad, but you probably enjoy it more than most because you love music and me,” Theo said, blushing at Reign's sappy lines once again.

“Now, love, I think that you are once again not giving yourself enough credit,” Reign protested. “I think- no, I know you excel because I know music so well and I love you. The two are mutually exclusive.”

Theo simply sighed and shook his head before laying his head on Reign's shoulder. “You’re lucky I don’t have the energy to argue this point further.”

Reign chuckled as he kissed the top of Theo’s head. “I’m sorry, darling. I simply cannot allow you to win arguments in which your point is so blatantly untrue,” he said, twisting Theo’s ponytail between his fingers.

Theo hummed at that, simply enjoying Reign's company for a moment. “Can I ask you a potentially delicate rather personal question? You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to, of course as you so often remind me.”

“Of course, darling,” Reign responded simply. He found the question rather odd as there wasn't much he could think of that he wouldn't be willing to share with Theo now that he knew about his father.

“Why would they clip your wings? Don’t most cambions use illusions to hide them instead?” Theo asked softly.

Reign’s stomach churned. He knew this question would be asked eventually, and in all honesty, he had moved past the pain of it. When he was a child, before he had been sent to live with his father, his mother would do everything she could to pass him off as just another tiefling that she had adopted rather than the product of her deal with his father. It was fairly easy to do until his wings started coming in. Memories of him being held down while his mother stood over him, not-so-carefully cutting at the base of his wings, flooded his mind, causing him to flinch and pull away from the couch, as if he was trying to get away from it. Well, he had thought he had gotten past the pain of it.

He refocused on Theo and smiled up at him. “Well, one can't exactly pass off their ‘demon child’ as a tiefling if they have wings.”

Theo pulled Reign closer to him, hugging him to his chest. “I’m sorry. You deserved so much better.”

Reign held him close, mindful to avoid touching the wounds on his back. “It's okay, mon ange. Those wounds have long since healed.”

“We don’t flinch at things that no longer hurt us, Reign, even if the pain isn’t physical,” Theo said.

Reign sighed. He was meant to be comforting Theo, not the other way around. He was already doing a poor job making good on his promise to Hester. Besides, he had already forgiven his mother for how she treated him. No one rises to her station without a little sacrifice.

He pulled away from Theo’s embrace and shook his head. “It's in the past, love. There's no use dwelling on it.”

“Alright if you want to move on we can. Is there anything you want to talk about?“ Theo asked, playing with Reign's hair again. “Do you have anything you want to ask me?”

Reign thought for a moment. It only seemed natural to ask a similarly personal question and he certainly had plenty of those. Why are you so afraid of enchantment magic? What happened between you and Hester? He refrained from asking such questions, however, as he reminded himself that Theo would tell him if he wanted to in time.

“You told me once that you would tell me what it was like growing up with siblings and I have yet to hear about it.”

“Well I think I should preface this that my family is a bit atypical but I’ll try my best to describe it,” Theo started. “I would say, I liked having my sisters around. We could drive each other crazy at times because someone was always around whether you wanted them to be or not but it was hard to get lonely that way. Lucy would always try to boss me around and tease me because she was the oldest. It was annoying but I also found myself missing it when she left to do her learning pilgrimage as a cleric. Avis was always a ball of energy and she loved to try and get me to do acrobatics with her when we were little despite her having a lot more talent for it than me. I worry about her sometimes because she can be quite naive but I’m glad she found something she enjoys in her monk training.” Theo stopped himself. “Sorry, I’m just rambling now and not even really answering your question.”

Reign found himself hanging on to every word Theo said. Having grown up in solitude for the most part, he found Theo’s rambling about his sisters fascinating. It made him wonder what Até would have been like should she have gotten the chance to grow up. “No, please. Continue.”

“Well, both my sisters are telepaths as well. We all developed that skill growing up and Avis used to try to make me laugh by saying the strangest things in my head. She once started talking about how would a dog properly wear pants.” Theo half-chuckled at the memory. “Lucy on the other hand was very serious whenever she used her telepathy, I think both me and Avis have heard her say ‘Behave yourself’ in our heads dozens of times at this point.”

Reign tilted his head. “Your sisters are telepaths too? How did you all get that ability? Is it genetic- no, you’re adopted,” he added, thinking out loud.

“We were all exposed to a great deal of psionic magic growing up. I guess after years some of it just sunk in giving us some limited abilities,” Theo offered in explanation.

Reign’s eyes widened with curiosity. “Psionics? Fascinating. Is that common in people from Eberron? Did your parents pick up three telepathic children on purpose or was it purely coincidental? Oh, and what was it like when they realized you were all telepathic if it was coincidental? I can only imagine chaotic.”

“Reign, slow down,” Theo stopped him. “No, Eberron is not known for psionics and none of us were actually born with telepathy. We developed it over time and it was a bit chaotic for sure when each of us became able to use our abilities. But our father helped us learn how to control them and use them properly.”

Reign hummed. “Interesting. What was it like growing up with telepathic sisters? I can only imagine that young children with telepathy would torment and bother each other by speaking in each other’s heads all the time.” He took a breath as he was hit with a sudden realization. “Oh! And is that why it’s so natural for you to speak in other people’s heads? Because you grew up with it?”

“We definitely used it to play pranks on each other but luckily our telepathy requires you to be able to see the person so there was a way to get away from it. And I suppose you could say that yes, growing up with a bunch of telepaths is why talking in someone else's head doesn’t necessarily always occur to me as something one shouldn’t do.”

“Interesting,” Reign commented absentmindedly as he sat back against the sofa. He let his fingers trace lazy patterns on Theo’s thighs as he thought about what his own sister would have been like. He started crafting a story for her in his head. Maybe she would have been as fast and strong as Avis. Maybe she would’ve been spunky, sassy, and no-nonsense. He decided that she would have found a best friend that encouraged her mischievous behavior and they would have gotten into a lot of trouble together. There would be another friend of hers who would constantly have to bail the other two out of the situations they got themselves in, but they would love each other anyway.

He shook his head slightly, bringing himself back to reality. “Your sisters sound lovely,” he said softly.

“They are. I’m just sorry you missed out on seeing them today.” Theo said, pressing a kiss to Reign's forehead.

Reign hummed. “That’s okay. I know Avis’ feelings about me and I can only assume Lucy isn’t particularly fond of me either.”

“Not particularly but she at least seemed satisfied with letting Avis punch you being the only retribution needed for what you did,” Theo said rather sheepishly.

“I’ll take it,” Reign chuckled. “Hopefully one day I can prove to your family that I am truly sorry for not contacting you.”

“I’m sure they will come around and there are only three people you have to convince so that should help,” Theo joked.

“Well, Hester seems to at least be willing to give me a chance,” Reign responded nonchalantly.

Theo froze for a second. “You’ve met Hester?” Theo asked, his voice strained with anxiety and anger.

Reign tilted his head in confusion. “Yeah? He dropped off the gift box.”

Theo took a deep breath as his hands curled into fists. “You didn’t happen to feel like someone was rooting through your mind while he was here, did you?”

“No, nothing like that, mon ange,” Reign assured, furrowing his brow. He rubbed his thumbs back and forth on Theo’s thighs, attempting to help calm him. “I’m sorry. I thought that you had sent him.”

“No, no, it’s not your fault. It’s something I will have to discuss with him later. Fair warning if you ever see him again, though: even if you can’t feel him in your head, he can pick up your surface thoughts. So do your best to control what you think around him.” Theo said, clearly still angry with his father's antics.

Reign nodded slowly. “That would explain his behavior, I suppose.” He shook his head, trying to once again divert the subject to something that would be less contentious for Theo. “Anyway, we don’t have to talk about Hester anymore if you don’t want to. I was offered that book that you gave Gale to read whilst I was made to stay here all day and I must admit that I didn’t quite understand what it was talking about. Would you be willing to explain?”

“It’s a book on basic healing magic. To be honest, I struggled with it myself. The way I cast is essentially the antithesis of what the book describes. Wither and Bloom was the only spell I've ever been able to master from it. You might actually have more luck with it than I did,” Theo explained.

“Oh, is that the spell with the pretty flowers?” He recalled the image of the blue and white flowers that surrounded the redcaps in the Blushing Mermaid and smiled up at Theo. “The way you cast magic is so beautiful, my love.”

Theo found himself smiling at Reign again, blushing slightly.

“Yes, that’s the spell, and as an illusion specialist I do try and make my spells pleasing to observe.”

“Well, you’ve certainly succeeded in that department.” Reign chuckled as he gave Theo a quick kiss on the cheek. He could listen to Theo’s voice for hours if he was given the time so he intended on keeping the conversation going for as long as possible. “What are some of your favorite illusions?”

“That’s a very difficult question,” Theo said with a sigh. “Well, as you probably already guessed, I like fireworks for one. Making facsimiles of creatures can be interesting as they are quite complicated to maintain. Tressyms are always a crowd pleaser. I think sunrises are my favorite at the moment, though I still don’t quite have the illusion perfect yet.”

Reign tilted his head, noting the mention of tressyms. Theo and Gale really would get along if they both took the time to properly speak with each other instead of constantly starting arguments. But if he was honest with himself, it was Gale who started most of the arguments. He didn’t bother to mention it yet, as it didn’t seem like the best idea to mention Gale at this particular moment. “I would love to see one of your sunrises, when you feel like you’re ready to share it, of course.”

“I’m not sure how much good it would do when you could just watch the sunrise yourself,” Theo said, rubbing the back of his neck with mild embarrassment. “Really I just took it on as a personal challenge, it’s quite hard to perfect how the colors blend together just so.”

“Yes, but everything is so much better when you do it,” Reign responded with a confident smile as he once again set himself to playing with Theo’s ponytail. “You’ll get it, mon ange. You’re quite talented.”

“You always say things like that. At least this time it’s actually about something I am talented at,” Theo said, humming as he enjoyed having his hair played with. “I do think we need to get some rest tonight, sweetness. As much as I would love to stay up letting you fawn over me, I also promised Astarion I would cast that spell for him, so why don’t you go get ready for bed while I do that for him?”

Reign whined softly, but relented. He guided Theo off of his lap and took Theo’s hand in his own, kissing the back of it. “Very well, darling. I’ll be in my room, but don’t feel like you have to join me if you don’t want to.” His hand lingered on Theo’s for a moment as he stepped away, heading back to his room and shutting the door.

Chapter 18: Blind Devotion

Chapter by coathangercowboy


i swear we know how to write things that aren't sad but unfortunately for you, we're not proving that in this chapter

Chapter Text

Reign sat on his bed for a moment before he reached under the bed and pulled out the bag he had put all of the things he had bought that day in. He pulled out the comb he had gotten for Theo earlier. It seemed a bit silly as something that someone would get for their partner, but he really thought that it would better suit Theo’s hair texture than what he was currently using. He set it on the side table as he pulled out his journal, flipping to one of the middle pages, where the blue from the flower Theo had given him had made itself most apparent. He copied down the lyrics to the song Theo had sung for him, taking his time to make sure it looked as neat as possible.

He blew on the ink, making sure it dried before flipping the page. He started recording the story he had made up for his baby sister. He decided that the friend she would get into trouble with was Aria and the one who would bail them out was Aurelia. He chuckled to himself, realizing they all had names that started with A. He decided to play into it and they would often joke about it to each other. Aria was a sorcerer and her magic was rather difficult to control. Até would often find ways to trigger a wild magic surge, like scaring Aria, much to Aurelia’s disapproval.

Reign was so focused on what he was writing, that he didn’t even hear Theo come in and jumped a little when he spoke. “What are you writing, sweetness?”

"Just a story," he said, sitting up and setting his journal on the side table, leaving it open for the ink to dry. "I got you something while I was out today." He grabbed the comb and held it out to Theo, a proud smile on his face.

Theo gingerly took the comb from his hands looking it over. It was fairly ordinary but of good make and quality.

“You really didn’t have to get me anything Reign but of all things why a comb?” Theo asked.

Reign tilted his head as his eyes were drawn to a bite mark on Theo's neck. That must've been what he and Astarion were trying to hide from him, but he didn't quite understand why. He didn't allow himself to think about it too much as he was sure there was a good reason and as with most things his partners hid from him, if they wanted to tell him, they would.

"Well, I noticed that your hair texture is pretty similar to Shadowheart's and she refuses to use a regular brush because she says it makes her hair frizzy," he explained as he made eye contact with Theo once more. "So I got you a comb because I noticed that you were using a regular brush." Saying it out loud, he realized how condescending it sounded. Surely he knows how to take care of his own hair, Reign. His cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment. "It's silly, but it was something I thought of when I was braiding your hair."

Theo looked at him for a moment, shaking his head. “I don’t think I’d ever even considered if my brush was making my hair frizzy, to be honest. The shorter parts tend to be hard to tame anyway and I usually have the longer tied back so it's not in my way,” Theo explained. “Thank you for thinking about me, sweetness.”

Reign hummed as he messed with how the shorter part lay. "Well, when we get the opportunity, I'm sure we can find something that could help with that if you'd like." He paused before adding, "If it's any consolation, I rather like how it looks, but it's up to you, darling."

“It doesn’t bother me that much, really. Who knows, maybe this comb of yours will help. What else did you get while you were wandering the city?” Theo said, teasing Reign lightly.

“Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that,” Reign answered nonchalantly. “Nothing of particular interest. Anyway, how are you feeling, love?”

“Well, I could be better if my lovely partner wasn’t trying to hide what he bought during his extensive shopping trip,” Theo said back, moving a little closer to Reign.

Reign hummed disapprovingly as he thought about whether or not to relent before ultimately sighing and standing from the bed. He pulled a bag containing the paint and brushes he had gotten out from under the bed and set it beside Theo. He then pulled out a medium-sized canvas and set it down as well.

“I didn’t know you painted, or is this a new hobby?” Theo asked, looking over the supplies.

Reign shrugged. “I figured that if everyone was going to keep insisting on me taking time for myself, I might as well find something productive to do while everyone else is off saving the world,” he said with a faint hint of scoff accompanying the last part. “And you just seem like the type of person who would enjoy painting, with how beautiful your illusions are and all.”

Theo narrowed his eyes, seemingly suspicious at Reign’s comment, but he also seemed to be willing to let it slide. “I used to try but all I ever got good at was painting wildlife. I always wanted to paint people but I could never quite get them to look the way I wanted them to.”

“Well, that still is a skill in and of itself,” Reign countered, sitting back down on the edge of the bed. “And sometimes when creating art, letting less-than-perfect creations exist is a prime way of learning and growing. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time you do it. It’s art; you just have to let it be.”

“Well, that's a bit hard to swallow when you spend most of your time trying to make illusions that mimic reality to the point of being indistinguishable,” Theo responded dryly.

“You’re not going to put the idea into practice right away,” Reign assured, reaching to rub Theo’s back by instinct before catching himself and placing it on his shoulder instead. “Just be patient with yourself. And I’ll be here to remind you if you need it.”

“Hang on a second, weren't you supposed to be the one who’s painting?”

Reign bit at his lower lip, realizing that he had unintentionally let the true intentions behind him acquiring art supplies slip. “Yes, but also I thought it would be a fun thing to do together. You know, as a way to help you relax and keep your mind occupied.”

Theo sighed. “Reign, do you actually want to learn to paint or was this another attempt to try and do something you think I would enjoy? Because if it’s the latter, I can assure you I would find much greater peace in just seeing you happy doing something you wanted to do,” Theo said, half-scolding Reign.

“Why can’t both be true?” Reign shrugged. “What if I want to learn how to paint from you, hm?” His signature proud grin returned, as he was certain that he had made a rather indisputable point.

“I believe I have told you before that I am a poor tutor. Wouldn’t that artist the others saved be a better painting instructor? He does owe you a favor,” Theo responded, raising an eyebrow at Reign in challenge.

“And I believe I have told you before that I would much appreciate it if you didn’t speak about my wonderful partner in such a way when he is perfectly capable and talented, thank you,” Reign snapped back gently. “Besides, I don’t believe I would learn well from that artist.”

Theo rolled his eyes at Reign’s way of arguing with him.

“While I can’t comment on the artist as a teacher as I’ve never met the man, I think I’ve earned the right to be as harsh on this particular partner's teaching skills as I want, thank you very much.”

“And I love that you think that, mon ange,” Reign responded sarcastically. “If you don’t want to teach me, that’s perfectly alright and you can just say that, but I can also continue playing this game of shooting down your self-deprecating thoughts if that’s what you prefer.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to teach you, Reign,” Theo sighed. “I just do not believe it would be very effective is all. The only thing I’ve managed to do well is…,” he trailed off as he looked away from Reign in shame.

Reign tilted his head, frowning. There was clearly more Theo wanted to say, and Reign could certainly fill in the blank with answers of his own. Magic, illusions specifically, singing, making Reign laugh, loving Reign. One day, Reign would get his own stubborn nature in check before it pushed too far.

“Well, that’s a matter for a different day,” he said softly as he stood from the bed and moved to the door. “I’ll be right outside while you get ready for bed, darling.”

He stepped outside and shut the door behind him. He leaned against the door frame and tucked his hands into his pockets, waiting for Theo to let him know when it was okay for him to come back in.

“Reign, would you stand with your back to the door please?” He heard Theo ask from the other side of the door. He nodded and when no response came, he realized his mistake.

“Yes, of course, love,” he answered verbally as he straightened up, his back facing the door as requested. He heard Theo open the door and saw the fabric of his scarf come over his eyes and then nothing as Theo tied the scarf around his head. He was pulled back into the room and he heard the door shut before Theo carefully led him back to the bed.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Theo said. Reign obliged, leaning back onto the bed. His head bumped against the headboard and he simply remarked, “Ow,” before adjusting to having his head rest on the pillow.

“There we go,” Theo said softly as he settled himself in Reign’s lap and kissed his forehead.

“Mon ange, may I ask why the blindfold has made a reappearance?” Reign asked, tilting his head up so that he would be looking at Theo were the scarf not impeding him from doing so.

It was silent for a moment before Theo answered, “Because I don’t own any shirts that are acceptable to sleep in.” It was an odd reason to require a blindfold, but if it made Theo more comfortable, Reign was happy to oblige.

Reign shrugged content with leaving it at that. “Alright then,” he said with a smile.

Theo leaned in and kissed him. It was a short kiss, but Theo continued to trail kisses down Reign’s jaw and chest until he pressed a kiss right over his heart.

“Rwy'n dy garu di.”

“Rwy’n dy garu di hefyd, fy enaid,” Reign whispered back. “Ti yw fy mhopeth.” He kept his hands by his side, not wanting to touch Theo unless he was given explicit permission.

“Ti yw popeth a mwy i mi. Byddaf yn enaid i chi cyn belled ag y bydd gennych fi,” Theo said, taking Reign’s hands in his. He placed one in his hair and the other on his hip. “What do you want Reign? Let me do something for you.”

That sick feeling returned once again, causing Reign to shift uncomfortably. Each time Theo said that it seemed to only solidify the feeling that something was wrong when he did. “You already do so much for me by simply existing and being you,” Reign protested as he brought both of his hands down to rest on Theo’s thighs. “But please don’t say things like that. You can’t promise me things like that.”

“Why not, sweetness? You deserve everything I have to give and more. You say I’m your soul, why is it such a problem if I agree?” Theo argued gently.

Reign just shook his head. “I can’t explain it, love. I know you mean well, but it…,” he trailed off, trying to decide how much to tell Theo. He already knew about the nature of Reign’s magic and its purpose, but Reign wasn’t sure if he understood exactly what he was promising with that statement. Theo was smart; he should know better than to willingly give his soul to a cambion. “It just means something different when you tell me that.”

“I know,” Theo started hesitantly, “but if you would prefer something else from me, please do tell me what it is. And no, I will not be letting you get away with taking nothing.”

Reign hummed disapprovingly at that, but he was thankful Theo seemed to get the memo to not promise his soul to him. Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was different now. He shook his head, trying to pull himself from that thought. There was no use in dwelling on it; it would only send him on an anxious thought spiral. He thought for a moment. It was true that there was nothing he could possibly want from Theo that was more than what he had already given him, but he knew the wizard felt the same incessant need to prove his worth that Reign did. “Can you say that abyssal phrase for me?”

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Theo said without question or hesitation.

Reign took a deep breath, letting the words wash over him. “Thank you, mon ange. You don’t understand how much that means to me.”

“I don’t know what that means, period, but at least now I can try to look it up.” Reign heard Theo rustling in his bag for a second then the flipping of pages. “Unless you would rather just tell me?”

“Well, I mean you’re about to find out, aren’t you?” Reign replied somewhat smugly. “Where would the fun be in just telling you?”

“Tu es tout pour moi, you are my everything,” Theo said, finally processing the statement before adding softly, “You know you could have told me what it meant. You already were my everything even before you had me say that.”

Reign’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “I know, but like I said, where’s the fun in that?”

“Well, tu es tout pour moi, and this time you can be sure I mean what I say.” Theo flipped through the book again and Reign could feel him tense. He furrowed his brow, rubbing his thumbs back and forth on Theo’s thighs. “You have some strange things you call me,” Theo half-laughed sadly.

“What are you referring to, darling?” Reign asked as he racked his brain for what he could’ve possibly called Theo that upset him so. It couldn’t be “ange” as Reign already told him what that meant and while Theo protested the worthiness of such a pet name, Reign knew that wouldn’t cause such a reaction. Other than that, he couldn’t think of anything he called Theo in abyssal.

“You called me Putain,” Theo responded, “and I suppose you’re not wrong.”

Reign tilted his head in confusion. “That’s not a name I called you. That just means-” he cut himself off as realization dawned on him and his cheeks flushed brighter. “No, no, no. I wasn’t calling you that. It also is a swear, similar to f*ck. I would never call you that, my love. I’m so so sorry.”

Theo was silent for a moment before starting to chuckle in earnest. “No, it’s alright. I should have known better than to trust the dictionary to tell me everything about your language. I’m sorry for assuming you would call me such a thing. I guess I’m just a bit sensitive about that kind of thing lately.”

Reign thought for a moment. The two of them hadn’t had a chance to actually talk about what happened at the Blushing Mermaid, not really. He didn’t want to upset Theo more than he already had, but he needed to assure Theo that what the hag said about him wasn’t true. “Darling, if this is about what that bitch at the Blushing Mermaid said about you, I hope you know it’s not true. That’s just what she would do. She knew how to get under people’s skin and poke at their worst insecurities.”

“Things like that don’t get under your skin if they aren’t at least a little true,” Theo mumbled mostly to himself as he finally moved to lie down beside Reign.

Reign sighed as he turned on his side, facing Theo. “Mon ange, I know there is nothing I can say that will make her words hurt any less. But I want you to know that you are precious to me. You have nothing to prove, certainly not your worth. And I can remind you of that as many times as you need to hear it. I love you, Theo. Nothing you or anyone else says or does will ever change that.”

Theo carefully moved closer, curling up against Reigns' chest.

“I love you too. Tu es tout pour moi,” he whispered.

“Tu es tout pour moi,” Reign whispered back. He sat for a moment with Theo in his arms, stroking his hair, before he got an idea. “Darling, there’s something I would like to do, but it would require me to take off the blindfold for a moment. I won’t look at you while I have it off, I promise, but is that okay?”

Theo was silent for a moment before Reign felt him roll onto his back. “Okay,” he said softly.

Reign turned over to the side table and lifted the blindfold from his eyes with one hand while he pulled Theo’s music box out of the gift box with the other. He wound it up and set it down before pulling the blindfold back over his eyes and turning back to Theo, holding him once more and continuing to run his fingers through his hair.

Theo leaned into Reign’s touch and hummed along to the music. Reign listened as his humming slowly died out, indicating that he must have fallen asleep. Reign soon thereafter followed suit, letting the song lull him into an oddly dreamless sleep.

Chapter 19: Words Fail

Chapter by coathangercowboy


sorcerous sundries is such a fun time when you have two wizard boyfriends !! :)))

Chapter Text

Reign awoke strangely well-rested. He figured Adonides would have something to say about Theo promising his soul to Reign, and he couldn't decide if it was more or less unsettling that he didn't receive a visit from his father last night. He shook his head, clearing his mind once again of the thought that would only cause him to spiral.

He looked down at Theo and smiled at the seemingly peaceful rest his partner was getting. It's what he deserved after everything he had been through. He gently kissed Theo's forehead and brushed some of the hair away from his face. He gasped softly in remembering the blindfold and realizing that it had slid off during the night and he quickly tried to put it back on without rousing Theo. Reign wrapped his arms back around Theo's waist, waiting patiently for him to wake up.

Reign felt Theo shift in his arms as he muttered, “No, that’s my banana.” Reign chuckled. He didn't know Theo was a sleep talker. He pressed his forehead to Theo's, nuzzling their noses together.

"Good morning, mon ange," he muttered, placing kisses along Theo's jaw. It was a rather sloppy job, as he couldn't quite see what he was doing.

Theo giggled faintly before guiding Reign’s lips to meet his own with a hand on his jaw. “Good morning.”

Reign hummed in satisfaction once he heard Theo was properly awake. "Of course, it is when I get to wake up beside you," he said softly. He held Theo close to him, unwilling to get out of bed when he was so comfortable where he was.

Theo kissed him again before pulling away slightly. “May I put a shirt on so we can take off that blindfold, sweetness?”

Reign groaned. Not at the suggestion of Theo putting on a shirt or removing the blindfold, but he was so comfortable and he didn’t want that taken from him. Still, he loosened his arms from around Theo’s waist and rolled onto his other side. The scarf around his face actually proved to be rather nice as it kept out most of the light. It was dangerous introducing him to such a thing; he already had such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning and if he had something covering his eyes in the morning, he would be in danger of sleeping the whole day away.

Theo got out of bed and Reign heard him getting ready as he started drifting off to sleep once again. He was awoken once more by Theo pulling off the blindfold, to which Reign groaned and buried his face in the pillow. “Too bright,” he said groggily, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Theo chuckled, stroking Reign’s hair and moving to sit on the bed beside him. "Come on now, sweetness. It’s time to get up."

Reign groaned again before lifting his head and turning onto his side, doing his best to meet Theo’s eyes through his own heavy ones. He really didn’t want to get up; he would be far more content to lie in bed with his wizard all day. But of course, that wasn’t an option for him. He sat up, slowly blinking and rubbing his eyes. He sat for a moment as he stared in front of him, trying to convince himself to actually get out of bed.

Theo gently turned Reign's head to look at him, giving him a quick kiss before speaking again. "You know, if you're not feeling up to going out today, you don't have to. We could always stay here and you could help me study abyssal while the others take care of business in the city."

Reign shook his head. “No, I do need to go. I’ve already spent enough time here. It’s just hard to leave when it’s so comfy.” He was half-tempted to flop back down, but stopped himself and instead threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood, taking a moment to center himself once he did. He grabbed Theo by the hand, pulling him off the bed and toward the door.

He led them both to the common area where he plopped onto one of the sofas and Theo sat beside him. Reign curled into him, resting his head on his shoulder and tucking his feet up underneath himself while his tail wrapped around Theo’s thighs. He watched as his other partners started to trickle in; Wyll entered the room with his journal in hand. He was tracing his finger over the pages and muttering to himself, assumingly deciding what the party was going to do that day. He almost passed the two on the sofa before Reign stuck a leg out in front of him, stopping him just short and grabbing his attention.

“Good morning, meu amor,” Reign greeted.

Wyll looked up with a smile. “Good morning, minha luz.” He placed a kiss on top of Reign’s head before settling on the other side of the cambion, keeping mostly to himself as he continued going over the plan for the day.

Astarion came in next. His brow raised when he saw his typical spot next to Reign was occupied on both sides, but he didn’t say anything about it. He instead did the same as Wyll had, placing a good morning kiss on top of Reign’s head before deciding on one of the armchairs across from the other three.

“So Wyll, I was thinking we might do something a little less taxing today as Reign here still seems a bit tired. Perhaps finally allowing Gale to drag us to that monstrosity of a magic shop to get whatever it is he wants so badly wouldn’t be a bad idea?” Theo suggested.

Reign gave him a look, ready to protest the notion, but even he couldn’t argue it. A day at Sorcerous Sundries sounded lovely, as it was still helping someone he loved and it wouldn’t be too draining.

“Ah, yes,” Wyll agreed, looking at Theo. “That’s a wonderful suggestion, Theo. Thank you.” He turned his attention to Reign. “Dare I suggest another day of rest for you though, love?”

“You don’t,” Reign responded politely with a small grin. “I would rather actually do something today than just wander around the city like a lost puppy,” he scoffed, remembering his misadventures from the previous day.

“So you finally admit you got lost now, hm?” Theo said teasingly into Reign's ear.

Reign froze, realizing his admission. Perhaps he was too tired if he made such a mistake. “No,” he drawled, “I’m simply referring to the many other times I have gotten lost, not specifically yesterday.” He looked up as Gale joined the group.

“Perfect timing, my darling,” Reign greeted quickly, deflecting the topic once again. “We’re planning on going to the magic shop today.”

Gale’s face brightened with that information, though it seemed he couldn’t help himself from correcting Reign. “It’s not just a magic shop. It’s Sorcerous Sundries.”

“Yes, of course. We’re planning on going to Sorcerous Sundries,” Reign repeated, correcting himself. He didn’t mean to sound so flippant about something Gale was so excited about, but he just worried he would find himself out of his depth in a place filled to the brim with books with big words he didn’t understand.

Theo seemed to pick up on Reign's anxiety and he started to play with the hair at the back of the cambion's neck to help ease it. Reign leaned into his touch, purring softly. “If I may inquire, Gale, what are you looking to acquire at Sorcerous Sundries?” Theo asked.

“Well, all manner of things, really,” Gale answered. “More specifically, the Annals of Karsus. I'm hoping to learn more about the Crown that is controlling the Elder Brain.”

Theo perked up. “Well, that’s certainly a tome I would also like the chance to look through if we’re able to get our hands on it. I will say, however, that doing so might not be easy. Lorroakan, the owner, is not known for his kindness or generosity. I suspect if he has such a rare tome, it’s locked away and rather well protected.”

“I assure you, I have dealt with my fair share of haughty wizards,” Gale chuckled, looking Theo up and down.

“If all else fails, I'm very persuasive,” Reign remarked proudly, sitting up slightly so he didn't fall asleep again. His anxiety about going to the shop eased, knowing that there would be something he could do, something he could do well.

Theo just sighed and reached into his bag, pulling out some more scrolls and handing them to Wyll.

Wyll unfurled one of the scrolls and gave Theo a smile of gratitude upon seeing they were more sending scrolls. “Thank you, Theo. We were just about to run out of these.” He turned to Reign. “Go get dressed, my love. The others will be ready to leave soon.”

Reign was still sleepy and wanted to insist they stay at the Elfsong just a little longer, but he knew that was hardly fair when they were on their way to do something so important to one of his partners. So instead, he went back to his room to get properly ready for the day.

Reign rushed to get ready. He didn’t want to leave everyone waiting for him, especially today. He looked in the mirror once he was dressed, ruffling his hair a bit until it sat how he liked it.

He went back to Theo and Astarion having a discussion in Elvish in the common area, tipping him off that something was going on they didn’t want the other two to know about.

"Mae gennych arfer gwael o fod yn iawn yn aml," Astarion huffed. He turned to see Reign returning, dressed for the day.

"Right about what?" he asked, sitting on the floor beside the chair Astarion was in.

"Oh, many things, darling," Astarion assured, running his hands through Reign's hair. "He's a rather smart one."

Reign narrowed his eyes. He genuinely had no idea what they were talking about, but he let Astarion think he was letting him get away with it for now.

“Well, shall we go now that we're all ready?” Theo asked, looking over at Wyll.

Wyll nodded and stood from the sofa, offering a hand to Reign to help him up from the floor. Reign took the offer and Wyll used the opportunity to twirl him around before pulling him into a kiss. Astarion stood from his chair and wrapped an arm around Reign’s waist as he placed a kiss on his cheek then another lower on his jaw before turning him around and claiming Reign’s lips with his own. Reign hummed into the kiss, only bothering to pull away once he needed air. He approached Gale next, cupping the side of his face with his hand as he took a moment to simply take in the beauty of his partner before him. He pressed their foreheads together before kissing him deeply, his hand reaching to cradle the back of Gale’s head.

Finally, Reign turned to Theo, approaching him with the expectation of completing his morning routine. Theo gently placed his hand over Reign’s mouth before he could kiss him, smiling at the confused look on Reign's face as he stopped him. He pressed a quick kiss to Reign's lips, watching as he leaned forward just slightly as he went to pull away and kiss him one more time just a little longer for good measure.

"Come on now let's go." Reign found himself chasing Theo’s touch as he turned to leave. Something about the way the wizard held him so gently in all situations was intoxicating to him and he mourned each time it ended. Nevertheless, there was much to do so he followed the party to Sorcerous Sundries.

Reign immediately felt overwhelmed upon approaching Sorcerous Sundries. There were three illusionists outside, performing some kind of show for a crowd of people. Their incantations were constant, overlapping, and far too loud for Reign’s liking. He was half-tempted to lean over to Shadowheart and ask her to cast silence on them, but he knew that would do more harm than good. Instead, he tilted his head away as if that would do any good in blocking out the sound. Theo made an illusion of a hand over a mouth, making a shushing gesture and the accompanying sound. The crowd didn’t seem to get the memo, but Reign appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

As they entered the shop, Reign was taken aback by the sight of a battered and beaten Rolan at the front counter. He hadn’t seen the tiefling wizard since they left Last Light Inn, but if his current state was any indication, it was clear that particular trek didn’t go well.

“Rolan?” Reign greeted in confusion. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah, Reign,” Rolan greeted, seemingly relieved to see the cambion. “I’ve started my apprenticeship, it would seem.”

“Are you okay? The journey from the Shadowlands seems to have been rather taxing,” Reign inquired vaguely, not wanting to press him for any information that he didn’t want to give up.

“It wasn’t the journey that took its toll,” Rolan sighed. “Studying under Master Lorroakan has proven to be more difficult than I originally thought it would be.”

“Difficult,” Theo stated slowly, looking for a moment at the other people with Reign before speaking directly to the tiefling in a hushed tone, “Ouvir. Não há necessidade de esconder isso, a reputação de Lorroakan o precede. Da próxima vez que você tiver um tempinho de sobra, pare no templo de Bahamut, pergunte por Lucy e ela irá cuidar de você. Eu sei que você provavelmente não quer desistir desse aprendizado, mas não vale a sua vida.”

Rolan looked to Reign, questioning Theo’s intentions, but Reign just gave him a reassuring nod. “Ela faz um bom trabalho. Confie em mim. E ele está certo. Nenhum aprendizado vale essa dor.”

Rolan sighed. “Muito bem. Farei uma visita a ela quando tiver tempo, embora suspeite que com o treinamento rigoroso que o Mestre Lorroakan exige, essa oportunidade não se apresentará por um bom tempo.” He took a breath, turning to the group as a whole and addressing them louder as if there was nothing wrong. “Welcome to Sorcerous Sundries. What can I do for you?”

Reign hummed disapprovingly. “Rolan, está claro que há mais coisas acontecendo aqui,” he said softly. “Você não precisa me dizer nada que não queira, mas se ele estiver machucando você, então não me importo de cuidar disso para você.”

“Você deveria ouvi-lo. Lorroakan não para, ele faz essa merda há anos. Deixe-nos cuidar dele para você.” Theo added. “Apenas acene com a cabeça se quiser e então poderemos voltar às compras como se nada tivesse sido discutido.”

Rolan looked between the two of them before sighing and nodding. “We have several magic items and scrolls for you to peruse,” he said, changing the topic. “Tolna, our tome manager, can be found right over there if you wish to inquire about the literature department.”

Reign nodded. “Of course. Thank you, Rolan.” He paused before adding, “Teremos uma discussão com seu mestre enquanto estivermos aqui. Eu prometo que ele não vai te machucar novamente.” They exchanged a final look before Reign turned to head towards the desk of the tome manager.

“Literature department,” the tome manager whispered. “How can I help you?”

“Why are you whispering?” Reign asked.

“Shhh!” she chided. “These books are sensitive. They require a certain level of delicacy.”

Reign tilted his head in confusion. There was plenty of noise all around them so he didn’t understand why she was so insistent they be quiet. But she likely had the information they needed on the book Gale was looking for so he complied. “Alright. I would like to inquire about your more rare tomes.”

“Ah, we have many quite rare and valuable volumes. Would you like to know more about the Annals of Karsus, the Tharciatic Codex, Caution Before the Seelie, or the Red Knight’s Final Strategem?”

Reign stopped listening after hearing the first title as that was what he was looking for and he was just waiting for her to finish her question. “The Annals of Karsus, please.”

“It is said to be written by Lord Karsus himself, the Netherese arcanist who attempted to replace the goddess Mystra, failed, and was banished for the attempt,” she explained. “Great magical knowledge lies within those pages, but not many can withstand it.”

“That’s it,” Gale whispered excitedly to Reign. “That’s what I need to learn more about the Crown.”

“Alright, how much for that particular book?” Reign asked.

“These books are far too temperamental to be for sale,” the tome manager scoffed. “They are locked up in our vaults, where no one can harm them or harm with them. Consider yourself lucky for having learned of such a book’s existence and then forget about it- the Annals of Karsus are best left unread.”

“Come on,” Reign insisted, leaning on the counter. “Do I look like someone who would have ill intentions with the book? Besides, isn’t it a librarian’s job to share knowledge, not hoard it? At least tell me where to find the vaults.”

It wasn’t lost on Reign how the tome manager looked him up and down, a remark on the former half of his statement clearly running through her mind. Thankfully, she knew better and dismissed it. “The only way to gain access is through my office and before you ask, no, you’re not allowed in there either.”

Reign sighed, turning from the desk. “Well, thank you anyway.” He led the group away from the desk as he looked around. There weren’t any doors around so the office had to be on the top floor. He went up the stairs and to his left, there was a door with a plaque beside it that read, “Office of the Tome Manager.” Well, that’s awfully convenient. He nodded to Astarion and prepared to watch for anyone looking as he lockpicked the door. He heard the faint sound of the metal clicking together before a rather loud snap. He whipped his head around.

“Astarion!” he whisper-yelled.

“It’s a complicated lock!” Astarion said back in a similar tone.

Theo sighed and moved to where his hand could brush against Astarion’s shoulder and cast a quick spell, turning Astarion invisible. He quickly moved back away toward the balcony, looking out over the shop.

Reign relaxed slightly, knowing they would be less likely to be caught trying to get into this room. The lock finally clicked and they slipped into the room, Reign keeping an eye out to make sure no one was watching.

Once they were finally inside, he looked around. It was a normal-looking office. A desk to the left, a bulletin board beside it, another smaller desk across, and a bookcase lining the right wall. He rifled through the drawers on the desk to the left. Surely there was something that indicated where the vaults were.

Reign huffed in frustration upon not finding anything indicating how to get in. He turned to see Theo and Gale drawn to the bookshelf on the other side of the room. Theo reached for an unusually placed book on the shelf and Gale reached to stop him.

“Let’s not cause more trouble than what is necessary,” he scolded.

“Gale, we’re already breaking and entering. I hardly think taking a quick peek at this book will do much harm,” Theo responded before pulling the book from the shelf. A portal opened with a loud whoosh to Reign’s left and he could vividly picture the smirk on Theo’s face as he heard him say to Gale, “Look at that. It seems I might have found a way to the vault.”

Reign fluttered his eyes in a half-roll, but didn’t comment on the two’s bickering as he stepped through the portal. He found himself in a large room with two doors on opposite sides. He shrugged, hardly waiting for the rest of the party to join him before he opened the door in front of him. It led him to another large room with a door on each wall. The one in front of him read “Silverhand” on it, the one to his right “Karsus,” and the one to his left “Elminster.” Reign’s face twisted in disgust reading the last one and the one to his right seemed like it would lead him in the right direction for what he needed so he started walking towards it before being stopped by Astarion who came rushing to his side.

“Darling, I want you to take a look at where you were about to step.” Reign looked down and a pressure plate was inches from his feet. He was seconds away from activating a trap.

Reign sighed. “I wasn’t going to step on it.”

“Perhaps not,” Theo said gently, carefully moving through the room towards Reign and Astarion and watching his own step. “But Astarion is right to be extra cautious in a place like this. Normal traps can be quite dangerous, and magical ones tend to be deadly.”

Reign narrowed his eyes. He knew they were both right, but gods was it annoying when Astarion was told he was right. He moved back to the middle of the room, allowing Astarion to disarm all of the traps in the room. When he was done, Reign gave him a simple nod of gratitude before going to open the Karsus door, but it was locked and there was no keyhole. Of course, it couldn’t be that simple.

“Ah, a puzzle,” Gale remarked excitedly. He went over to the Elminster door and hummed in thought as he tried the handle. Seeing as it was also locked, he went to the Silverhand door and did the same, smiling as it opened. “Power of deduction is a good way to start,” he said as he gestured to the open door for the rest of the party to go through.

Reign smiled, seeing Gale in his element. Once the party was in the room, the door closed behind them. The next room had the same setup with more traps in front of each door. Astarion repeated the process from before, disarming each of them before Gale examined the doors. Illusion, Abjuration, Evocation, and Transmutation were written on the four doors.

“Well, it was never exactly specified which school of magic Karsus specialized in,” Gale thought aloud. “So the power of deduction takes precedent again, I suppose.” He went to the door labeled “Illusion” and opened it. As the party stepped through, they were teleported back to the room they started in.

Gale hummed in disapproval before going back through the Silverhand door, the rest of the party following suit. He looked around, seemingly turned around, and tried the door labeled Transmutation. Reign followed without question, only to find himself back in the same room.

“Perhaps you could let me try something, Gale,” Theo said as they all stepped into the room.

“Well, there hardly seems to be any rhyme or reason to how these doors connect,” Gale scoffed, “but if you think you have it figured out then please, be my guest.”

Theo simply smiled at him before turning to the Karsus door and casting. “Cnoc Cnoc” he incanted, watching as the door opened with a loud knocking sound. He motioned with his hand to Gale. “Please, you first, I insist.”

Gale scowled as he crossed his arms over his chest and silently went through the door. Astarion leaned over to Reign and whispered, “Smart and hilarious.”

“Don’t encourage them,” Reign chided as they went through the door.

Across from the door lay a bookshelf, upon which sat a rather large book with a red cover and a clasp on the front. Reign picked it up, looking it over. Perhaps the tome manager had a point in saying that it was best left unread. He could practically feel the malevolent energy left behind by the archmage that wrote it.

“The Annals of Karsus,” Gale gasped, “It holds the truth of the crown, I hope. All that stands between us and enlightenment is the turn of a page.”

Reign hummed questioningly as he looked up at Gale. “I don’t know, my darling. Perhaps this isn’t something you should be getting into after all.”

“Since when have we sought to avoid trouble? Come now, the knowledge lurking between those pages could help us greatly. Don’t be a hindrance after being such a great help.”

Reign’s heart dropped. He didn’t want to be anything other than helpful. Gale was smart. He probably knew what he was doing. And after all, he was right. Who was he to deny Gale this after getting so close? It felt almost cruel to deny him that. He was about to hand over the book when Theo piped up.

“Perhaps you haven’t sought to avoid trouble, Gale, but don’t presume to know what everyone else has been seeking. Have you ever considered that knowledge can be a burden, Gale? That knowing something could hurt, not only you but the people around you? Have you considered that using your knowledge of a person's thought process to manipulate them is a violation of the very trust they gave you by showing you that side of them in the first place?”

“Theo, I don’t expect you to understand this, seeing as you’re not dealing with the same affliction we are, but knowledge of this magnitude cannot simply be left unread,” Gale spat back. “I don’t know what possessed you to think it was alright to just waltz into our lives and upend the small sense of normalcy we had managed to establish for ourselves in this journey, but just because you did so does not give you the right to accuse me of being manipulative and using Reign in such a way. I love him, not that I would be able to show that with the way you so often keep him to yourself.”

It was a small room and the two were getting a bit too heated and loud for Reign’s liking. He shrank back, trying his best to stay present in the conversation, or argument rather, but he found himself staring ahead, losing focus on what was being said entirely. He didn’t realize just how much time he had spent with Theo until Gale mentioned it, but now that he thought about it, he wasn’t doing a great job at dividing his attention like he should have been doing. He was just more concerned about leaving Theo alone after what Hester said and he didn’t know how to meet that requirement from Theo’s father while still giving his other partners adequate attention. Gale’s words replayed in his head. It wasn’t Theo’s fault that Reign hadn’t been as attentive as Gale would’ve liked him to be and he wished Gale didn’t make it seem like that. He just didn’t know how to explain that to Gale without making him more upset.

Reign was snapped back to the present moment by Gale snatching the book from his hands. He crossed his arms over his chest, digging his nails into his arm to help keep him grounded. He watched as Gale paced the room while he silently read. The wizard was still seething from his argument with Theo and Reign couldn’t blame him. He felt sick knowing that he was the reason for their constant spats. Reign felt the tears welling in his eyes, but it would be no use to let them fall. He had enough people fawning over him and he knew that would happen if he did; he didn’t need that when Gale was so clearly in emotional distress right now.

“Did you find what you were looking for, my darling?” Reign asked, the words coming out more choked than he intended them to.

Gale looked up at him. “Yes, I believe so,” he responded simply as he closed the book, the forced pleasantry of his tone betrayed by the fire that refused to dissipate from his eyes.

Reign crossed over to him, taking his free hand in his own. “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel as if you were less important than anyone else. I simply got caught up in…,” he trailed off as he sought the right words, “a lot of things, really. You must know that you are my everything.”

“How can I be your everything when I constantly have to pass you around?” Gale responded quickly.

Reign’s knees threatened to buckle from how much they were shaking. He knew he was holding onto Gale’s hand like a lifeline, but he couldn’t bring himself to loosen his grip. He was on the verge of losing Gale forever and he couldn’t let that happen. “Please, Gale. I adore you and I cherish you. Just tell me how to prove that to you and it’s done.”

Gale’s gaze softened upon seeing Reign so utterly devastated by what he was saying. “It’s a rather delicate matter that I think is better discussed in the comfort of privacy,” he said quietly.

Reign nodded. He wanted to leave right away, to take Gale back to the Elfsong and do everything in his power to assure him that he was, in fact, unbelievably precious to him. But his feet didn't want to move. As much as he tried to make himself take a step, move an inch, do anything , his body refused to. All he could manage was following Gale with his eyes as the wizard left the room. He stared at the door, trying to will himself to follow.

“Do you need a moment, love?” he heard Wyll ask from behind him as he placed a hand on Reign's shoulder. A moment was not nearly enough, but he couldn't articulate what exactly he needed right then. The rest of the party seemed to get the memo to leave the two of them alone and they filed out the door.

Wyll stepped in front of Reign, facing him. “Do you want to talk about it?” Reign didn't respond; he simply stared ahead. “Do you want to talk at all?” Reign shook his head. Wyll sighed as he led Reign to one of the walls where he guided him to sit on the floor before sitting down beside him. Reign leaned his head on Wyll’s shoulder. This was silly. He shouldn’t be sitting here, wallowing in self-pity when two of his partners were so distraught. He should be following Gale or consoling Theo. Oh gods, what if Theo had run off again? What if he was hurt? The image of Theo’s battered and bruised body flashed through his mind and he whimpered at the memory. He shook his head, trying to force it out of his mind. It would do him no good to focus on that; it would only cause him to spiral more. But still, the thought persisted. Theo, curled up against him, shaking and sobbing while his body was so thoroughly and utterly broken. All because Reign had taken a moment, a moment , to gather himself. He had spent too long doing that again. He needed to check to make sure he was okay. Theo had just come back to him. If he had allowed him to get hurt again after just getting him back, no one would ever forgive him. He would understand; he wouldn’t forgive himself either.

He forced himself to sit up. He wanted to stand, but his legs didn’t seem to get the memo. Come on, get up. You have to go find him. Get up. Get. Up. The memory of Theo’s hoarse screaming from the Bhaal Temple played in his mind. You couldn’t protect him then; you couldn’t protect him in the park; what makes you think you could protect him now? Sure, your magic is dangerous, but all it does is control. All you can do is keep enemies distracted while other people do all the work. Even when you tried to protect him, you did more harm than good in using your magic. How can you protect him when he’s terrified of you?

He laid his head in Wyll’s lap, feeling defeated in his attempts to make himself go find Theo. You’re pathetic. You can’t even do the simple task of standing on your own two feet. It’s no wonder everyone is so disappointed in you when you can’t even manage that. And you’re still thinking about Theo. You have three other partners. What about them? You were literally just yelled at for prioritizing Theo over them and you still can’t manage to give them attention, even in your thoughts. How did you ever think you would be able to maintain four healthy relationships? Perhaps Gale had a point; perhaps if you weren’t so greedy and attention-seeking, perhaps these men that you claim to love so much would be able to find partners that actually properly loved them.

Reign turned his head to look up at Wyll. He was so sweet to stay here with him, but he couldn’t understand why he refused to leave his side. Perhaps it was Wyll’s own stubborn nature. It seemed so silly that Wyll would devote his life to a cambion after being so scorned by another. He traced the curves of Wyll’s face with his finger. The ridges along his cheeks were an interesting texture and he ran his finger over them multiple times, letting the simple task distract him. His fingers then trailed up to Wyll’s horns and his nails clacked against the ridges as he traced them from the front to the back. He repeated the motion again and again before letting his hand fall and curling into Wyll. He traced his finger on the back of the other man’s hand, spelling out W-I-L-L.

Wyll shook his head and repeated the motion on Reign’s chest, correcting his spelling. W-Y-L-L. Reign’s brow furrowed. He realized he had never seen Wyll’s name written out and the Y was odd to him. Wyll seemed to note the confusion on Reign’s face. “My father said it was a great uncle’s name, but I just figured he didn’t know how to spell.”

Reign chuckled at that. “Is it short for anything?”

“No. Just Wyll,” he responded simply as he ran his hands through Reign’s hair.

“Then why does Astarion call you William?”

Wyll shrugged. “Probably to entertain himself. I think he thinks it pesters me more than it does and that’s why he continues to do it. To be honest, it did for a while when he first started doing it, but it’s grown on me.”

Reign hummed as he sat up. He barely even had the energy to think anymore. Still, he needed to figure out how to resolve this situation. Gale was likely with the rest of the party, going back to the Elfsong. There was no way they were on their way to do anything else after this whole fiasco. He felt like he could safely assume he could talk to Gale later at camp. But he knew Theo wouldn’t automatically run back to the Elfsong like Gale would. It’s not where he felt safest. He wouldn’t have had time to run back to his apartment and while he didn’t know exactly where Hester lived, he couldn’t imagine he would have had time to make it there either. He really had no idea where else to look.

“May I have one of the sending scrolls Theo gave you?” Reign asked hesitantly.

Wyll’s brow furrowed. “Why?”

“I don’t know where he’s gone and I need to make sure he’s alright.”

“I’m sure he’s fine, love,” Wyll started before Reign cut him off.

“I’m not.” Wyll looked at Reign for a moment before deciding that the best way to keep Reign calm right now was to let him ease that anxiety the best way he knew how. Wyll reached into his bag and handed Reign one of the sending scrolls Theo gave him.

Reign unfurled it and incanted, “Gadewch i ni sgwrsio,” before sending his message to Theo. I’m sorry it got so out of hand. He’s mad at me, not at you. At least let me know you’re safe, please.

It was silent for a minute before he heard Theo’s response. I’ll live. Go find Gale, Reign. I’ve already taken up far too much of your time and energy. That was made very clear. That wasn’t true. Not even for a second. It wasn’t Theo’s fault that Reign couldn’t manage his time well and divide his attention evenly. But he was right in saying that he needed to go find Gale. He sighed as he stood from the floor and offered a hand to Wyll. “Come on. I have two very distraught wizards waiting for me.”

Wyll took his hand as he stood as well. “You know that while what Gale said has some merit, it’s not entirely fair either, right?”

“No, he’s right,” Reign insisted. “I haven’t given him the attention I should have since Theo came into our lives. That’s not on Theo; that’s on me. He has every right to be upset.”

“He has every right to be upset, but that doesn’t mean that he has the right to take it out on you in such a way,” Wyll countered.

Reign considered that for a moment. He wasn’t upset with Gale, but considering what Wyll was saying and the way Theo reacted, perhaps he should be. He pondered it as the two left the room.

Reign was surprised to see Theo and Astarion sitting against the wall right outside the room. He figured that Theo was long gone from the building, but the whole time, he was sitting right on the other side of the wall. He knelt to be at eye level with Theo, but the wizard didn’t meet his gaze. His eyes stayed fixed on the ground in front of him and his palms stayed pressed into the dusty stone ground. Reign held his hand out to Theo, offering to help him up.

Theo stood up on his own, avoiding touching the cambion. Reign tried not to let it get to him, as he knew that Theo didn’t like being touched when he was upset. He rose to his feet and went through the portal, teleporting back to the tome manager’s office. He was silent on the whole way back to the Elfsong as he thought about what he would say to Gale to apologize for the way he had been ignoring him.

I Live to Serve - Writing_rogue, coathangercowboy (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.