How to join Temu Affiliate Program in 2024? (Step-By-Step Guide) - True Gault (2024)

How to join Temu Affiliate Program? Temu is a relatively new e-commerce marketplace launched in 2022 by Pinduoduo, one of the largest e-commerce companies in China. Temu aims to provide good quality products at ultra-low prices by eliminating middlemen and sourcing directly from manufacturers.

Within a short period of time, Temu has gained immense popularity in the US market. As of August 2022, the Temu app has been downloaded over 5 million times on the Google Play Store.

To further boost its growth, Temu has rolled out an attractive affiliate marketing program that allows people to earn commissions by promoting Temu. As an affiliate, you can earn up to $150 for every new user you refer to Temu.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to join the Temu affiliate program and start earning.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Benefits of Joining Temu Affiliate Program:
  • 2 How to join Temu Affiliate Program?
    • 2.1 Step 1 – Sign Up for the Program
    • 2.2 Step 2 – Create an Affiliate Account
    • 2.3 Step 3 – Promote Your Unique Affiliate Link
    • 2.4 Step 4 – Monitor Your Performance
    • 2.5 Step 5 – Get Paid for Your Efforts
  • 3 Conclusion:
  • 4 FAQs
    • 4.1 Can I promote on multiple channels?
    • 4.2 Is there any cap on how much I can earn?
    • 4.3 How do I track my Temu affiliate link performance?
    • 4.4 What marketing materials will I get?

Benefits of Joining Temu Affiliate Program:

Here are some of the key benefits of joining the Temu affiliate program:

  • Handsome commissions: You can earn up to $150 for every new user you bring to Temu, which is excellent compared to other affiliate programs.
  • High conversion rates: Temu products have excellent prices and quality, so your referred users are more likely to make purchases.
  • Easy tracking: Temu provides user-friendly analytics to track your conversions in real time.
  • Dedicated support: You get dedicated account managers to help you succeed with the program.
  • Plenty of promo tools: You get access to ready-made banners, text links, coupons, emails, and more to help promote Temu.

How to join Temu Affiliate Program?

To join Temu Affiliate Program, follow the below steps:

Step 1 – Sign Up for the Program

Signing up for Temu’s affiliate program is easy and completely free. Just go to Temu’s affiliate homepage and click on the “Become our affiliate” button.

You will be redirected to the affiliate registration form. Fill in all the required details like your name, email, address, etc. Make sure to enter accurate information.

Agree to the affiliate terms and conditions and click on Submit.

That’s it. Your application will be reviewed by Temu and you will be notified regarding the approval via email within 2-3 business days.

Step 2 – Create an Affiliate Account

Once your application is approved, you can proceed to create your affiliate account on Temu’s affiliate platform.

You will receive a welcome email from Temu with credentials to log into the affiliate platform.

Use those details to log in to your affiliate dashboard.

The dashboard will show key metrics like your unique referral link, referral commissions earned, number of clicks, conversions, etc.

You can access various promotional materials like banners, coupons, and text links from the dashboard itself.

Make sure to thoroughly go through the dashboard and familiarize yourself with all the options.

Step 3 – Promote Your Unique Affiliate Link

Once your account is set up, the next step is to start promoting your unique affiliate link.

This special link helps track your referred visitors and ensures you get due credit for all conversions.

Here are some popular ways to promote your Temu affiliate link:

  • Share on Social Media: Share your affiliate link directly on your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can also post Temu promo banners, coupons, or deals on social media to attract clicks.
  • Email Marketing: Send emails to people in your contact list informing them about Temu and asking them to shop using your affiliate link.
  • Blog Posts: If you have a blog or website, write detailed posts reviewing Temu products and embed your affiliate link.
  • YouTube Videos: Create video reviews or unboxing videos showcasing Temu products and include your affiliate link in the description.
  • Discussion Forums: Participate in e-commerce forums and recommend Temu while sharing your affiliate link.
  • PPC Campaigns: Run Pay-Per-Click ads on platforms like Google, Bing, Facebook, etc. directing traffic to your affiliate link.

Step 4 – Monitor Your Performance

It is important to closely monitor your affiliate account to understand what’s working and optimize your promotions.

Log in to your Temu affiliate dashboard regularly to track metrics like:

  • Number of clicks your link has received
  • Click-through rate
  • Number of visitors referred
  • Number of sales generated
  • Total affiliate earnings

Based on these statistics, you can identify the best-performing platforms and double down your efforts on them.

You can also use advanced analytics tools to gain deeper insights.

Step 5 – Get Paid for Your Efforts

The best part about the Temu affiliate program is that it offers weekly payments.

You can request a payout any day of the week if your pending earnings cross the minimum threshold of $10.

So just sit back, relax, and watch your affiliate earnings grow every week with Temu’s program.


Temu affiliate program presents an excellent opportunity to earn hands-free commissions simply by promoting the platform.

It is free and easy to join the program. Once approved, you can start spreading the word about Temu shopping using your unique affiliate link.

The key is to be active on multiple channels to refer more users. With attractive conversion rates, you can expect a healthy second income stream from Temu commissions.

So sign up for the Temu affiliate program today and start monetizing your marketing efforts right away!


Can I promote on multiple channels?

Yes, you are encouraged to promote your affiliate link across social media, emails, blogs etc. to boost conversions.

Is there any cap on how much I can earn?

No, there is no limit on your affiliate earnings. You can earn as much as you want by referring more users.

How do I track my Temu affiliate link performance?

Your Temu affiliate dashboard provides real-time analytics on clicks, referrals, conversions, earnings etc. So you can monitor what’s working.

What marketing materials will I get?

You will have access to ready-made banners, coupons, text links, email creatives, Facebook ads etc. in your affiliate dashboard.

How to join Temu Affiliate Program in 2024? (Step-By-Step Guide) - True Gault (2024)


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