How to Become a Temu Reviewer: 2 Free Affiliate Programs (2024)

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Find out how to get paid for promoting Temu products

Co-authored byRaven Minyard, BA

Last Updated: April 1, 2024Fact Checked

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  • What does a Temu reviewer do?
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  • Temu Affiliate Program
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  • Temu Influencer Program
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Temu is an affordable online marketplace that popped up seemingly overnight. You can buy almost any product you can imagine, and if you’re an affiliate reviewer, you can earn some money when someone purchases a product through your link. If you’re looking for a new side hustle, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to become a Temu reviewer in both the Temu affiliate program and the influencer program.

How to Become a Temu Affiliate Reviewer

Create an account on Temu and sign up for the free affiliate program. Receive your affiliate link and code from Temu, and post this code alongside your reviews on any social media platforms like Instagram or your blog. Earn commissions any time a new Temu user purchases something through your link.

Section 1 of 3:

What does a Temu reviewer do?

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  1. Reviewers in the affiliate program post reviews for commission. While anyone can be a Temu reviewer in the sense of posting reviews on Temu, the website also offers the opportunity to join the affiliate program. Affiliates post reviews, referrals, and participate in activities to earn coupons, gifts, store credit, and commissions on orders. This program is open to everyone; just sign-up and you automatically become an affiliate![1]

    • Anyone can sign up to join the affiliate program, and there is also an influencer program for social media influencers with at least 300 followers. These programs share similar benefits, though the influencer program has additional posting requirements based on the influencer’s main social media platform.
    • Temu has affiliate options for websites and organizations, too.
    • Reviewers test products and provide honest, detailed feedback. They write clear, concise reviews and post them in a timely manner to meet deadlines and product launches.
  2. Advertisem*nt

Section 2 of 3:

How to Join the Temu Affiliate Program

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  1. 1

    Create a buyer account. If you don’t already have one, create a Temu account with a valid email address you check frequently. Fill out your profile by adding a profile picture, mailing address, contact number, and payment method. Having everything filled out shows that you’re an active buyer.[2]

  2. 2

    Sign up for the program. Visit the affiliate program page on Temu’s website and click “sign up.” Log in if you aren’t already, and Temu will send you your affiliate link and code so you can refer new users to Temu.[3]

    • Participating in the affiliate program is completely free and open to anyone. There is no application fee or minimum sales quota.
    • While some outside sources suggest otherwise, you do not have to make any purchases on Temu before joining the affiliate program. You can join the same day you make your account.
  3. 3

    Finish setting up your affiliate account. After you sign up, you’ll be redirected to your affiliate page. You may need to set up your PayPal account and payment preferences, as well as any basic personal information that didn’t transfer over from your buyer account.[4]

  4. 4

    Explore your dashboard. Temu will briefly explain the different sections on your affiliate dashboard page, but take some time to explore each feature on your own. This is where you track referrals and new customers, monitor your commissions, and access promotional material.[5]

  5. 5

    Start promoting Temu. Post your product reviews on Temu and any other social platforms you have, like Instagram, TikTok, or a blog. Be sure to include your referral link with your reviews so you can earn a commission when people sign up and make a purchase.[6]

    • Unlike the influencer program, which has specific requirements and expectations for posting products and reviews, affiliates can post their reviewers wherever they feel is best.
    • Because the affiliate program is based more on getting people to join Temu and make purchases, there doesn’t seem to be any length or quality expectations for affiliate reviews.
    • Temu does, however, have rules in place for referrals to ensure there is no fraud or malicious behavior. Temu will monitor this behavior and has the right to freeze your account or take back any earnings. Read the rules carefully to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.
  6. 6

    Enjoy your benefits. Affiliate reviewers earn commission whenever a new Temu customer use their code to purchase an item or service offered by Temu. You can earn up to $100,000 per month in coupons and credit, 20% commission for every new referral order, and up to $5 for every new download and log in.[7]

    • Note that you’ll only receive money as coupons, discounts, and store credit. Temu does not currently offer money that you can deposit into your bank account.
  7. Advertisem*nt

Section 3 of 3:

How to Join the Temu Influencer Program

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  1. 1

    Have at least 300 social media followers. To be considered for the influencer program, you must have at least 300 followers on a single social media account. If you have multiple platforms, choose the one with the highest amount of followers and engagement.[8]

    • You must also be at least 18 years old and a legal resident of the United States.
    • While you only have to have 300 followers, aim for at least 5000 to better your chances of getting approved. Avoid using bots or fake followers, however, as these go against Temu’s rules.
  2. 2

    Apply for the program. Visit Temu’s influencer page on their website and click “join now” or scan the QR code at the bottom of the page. Create or log into your account, read the terms and conditions, and select which products most align with your content.[9]

    • Read the terms and conditions carefully to understand the endorsem*nt guidelines and what is and isn’t allowed within the influencer program.
    • The product categories you can choose from include apparel, household products, outdoor/sport, digital, and makeup and skin care.
    • Make sure the email address you use for your Temu account is the same one you use for your influencer social media accounts.
  3. 3

    Get your social media account authorized. After selecting the products you want to represent, Temu gives you the option to authorize your Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube channel. They may ask for your username, account type, and other information like number of followers and contact information.[10]

  4. 4

    Wait to get approved. Temu will review your application and make their decision based on the number of followers and engagement metrics of your account. You’ll typically receive an answer within 5-7 business days.[11]

    • If you don’t get approved, continue building your following and apply again at a later date. Continue being active on Temu, as well.
  5. 5

    Receive products and post your reviews. After you’ve been approved to join the program, Temu will send you your first product and the posting requirements for your reviews and content. Follow them carefully and fill out the link they’ll provide to receive your benefits.[12]

    • Unlike the affiliate program, the influencer program has different “campaigns” where you select which products you’d like to review or online promotions you’d like to share. Temu then provides an explanation for the campaign and requirements for posting your review, like how long review videos should be and where to display prices in photos.
    • Influencers also receive a “seeding balance” on their account which allows them to purchase “free” items to try out without spending their actual money.
    • Rules and requirements vary depending on the campaign. Be sure to read them carefully to ensure you do everything correctly. Temu monitors activity and has the right to take back earnings or freeze your account if they suspect malicious behavior or fraud.
  6. 6

    Enjoy your benefits. Temu influencers can earn up to a $300 balance and up to $100,000 affiliate cash per month. The exact amount you receive depends on how much content you post and how well it performs. The more high-performing content you create, the more you earn.[13]

    • Your account balance is Temu credit, and you can use it toward receiving campaign–specific items.
    • Temu does not currently offer “real” money that can be deposited into your bank account. All benefits come in the form of store credit, discounts, and coupons.
  7. Advertisem*nt

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      • Only sign up to collaborate with Temu through their website. Any ads or links you find elsewhere are likely a scam.


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      About This Article

      How to Become a Temu Reviewer: 2 Free Affiliate Programs (31)

      Co-authored by:

      Raven Minyard, BA

      wikiHow Staff Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Raven Minyard, BA. Raven Minyard received her BA in English and Creative Writing from Sweet Briar College in 2020. While in college, she served as the Coeditor-in-Chief of Sweet Briar's literary magazine Red Clay and has since gone on to write for publications such as The Zillennial Zine and Halloween Every Night. Raven recalls reading articles from wikiHow's early days during her childhood and is thrilled to now write for their content team. She enjoys learning about new interests and topics with each article she writes and hopes to help audiences of all backgrounds continue to learn new and exciting things. This article has been viewed 1,199 times.

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      Updated: April 1, 2024


      Categories: Making Money Online

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      How to Become a Temu Reviewer: 2 Free Affiliate Programs (2024)


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      Name: Manual Maggio

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      Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.