You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (2024)

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (1)

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Move over, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! It's time for Valentine's Day to shine, and we're here for all the Valentine's Day nails, romantic movies, and themed Starbucks drinks. But before you start gathering your crafting supplies to make a custom candy jar, cross off the most exciting line item on your list: gifts!

We have the top gifts for him and gifts for her, but the following is the ultimate list of Valentine's Day gifts for whoever you want to treat. Below, you'll find cute gifts, affordable gifts, sentimental gifts, gifts for kids, gifts for friends, and more. Whether they're into skincare, cozy clothes, cheesy stuff, or custom creations, we have it.

Check out our suggestions, and if you're already planning your activity schedule for the big day, take a look at our favorite things to do on Valentine's Day.


Best Photo Gift

Heart Collage

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (3)


Best Photo Gift

Heart Collage

Now 21% Off

Preserve your best moments with this 30-photo, foil-pressed artwork.


Romantic Gift

Romantic Scavenger Hunt Kit

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (4)


Romantic Gift

Romantic Scavenger Hunt Kit

Want an adventure you can both share on Valentine's Day? Scavenger Box comes filled with different hints, clues, and activities that you can customize for your loved one.


Thoughtful Gift

Personalized Story

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (5)


Thoughtful Gift

Personalized Story

Not only does this personalized book include customizable messages for your sweetheart, but it also features characters that look just like both of you!

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Framed Heart Map

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (6)


Framed Heart Map

Honor the city or small town where your love story began with this one-of-a-kind idea.

This box of preserved roses can be customized with scents, messages, box accents, and more. The roses are guaranteed to last at least one year, which means 365 days of her appreciating your thoughtfulness.


Useful Gift

Back Neck Shoulder Massager with Heat

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (9)


Useful Gift

Back Neck Shoulder Massager with Heat

The best gifts of all are the ones that can be shared with the gift giver!

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Vintage Valentine Seals Puzzle

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (10)


Vintage Valentine Seals Puzzle

Can't find that perfect vintage gift this year? This puzzle that features a fun collection of vintage Valentine seals is the next best thing.


Sweet Gift for Him

First Dance Lyric

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (11)


Sweet Gift for Him

First Dance Lyric

Pick a date and time for the "night sky" image at the center of this print, and add lyrics from one of your favorite songs (or your first dance song). A frame completes the gift beautifully.


Gift for the Office

Coffee Mug & Warmer Set

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (12)


Gift for the Office

Coffee Mug & Warmer Set

A special gift to keep your loved one's mug warm all morning long, and it's easy and fast to use, too.

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Secret Gift

Morse Code Bracelet

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (13)

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (14)


Secret Gift

Morse Code Bracelet

Choose from a variety of words to spell out on this bracelet, including amore and love.


Cozy Gift

Teddy Bear Wearable Blanket

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (15)


Cozy Gift

Teddy Bear Wearable Blanket

Is it a blanket? Is it a sweatshirt? Does it really matter when it's as comfy as this?


Gift for Kids

Heart-Shaped Mini Waffle Maker

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (16)


Gift for Kids

Heart-Shaped Mini Waffle Maker

This mini waffle maker is more than just useful. It also shapes your breakfast like a heart!

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Personalized Guitar Picks

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (17)


Personalized Guitar Picks

Does your partner love to play guitar? Then he or she will love this personalized pick, which is as useful as it is thoughtful. Both the box and picks are customizable with 15 designs, from images to initials to special dates.


Cute Gift Idea

Kissing Mugs

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (18)


Cute Gift Idea

Kissing Mugs

Now 23% Off

The perfect gift for a newly engaged couple: a pair of his-and-hers mugs for sipping coffee or cocoa together.


Fun Gift

The Daily Question Conversation Card Set

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (19)


Fun Gift

The Daily Question Conversation Card Set

Perfect to play with the whole family or just each other, this conversation-starting game will get everyone talking, from mundane topics like "What is something you own that is really old and why do you hang on to it?" to the more thought-provoking, such as "What is the hardest thing about being a person of faith in today's culture?"

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Personalized Gift

Custom Bottle Label

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (20)


Personalized Gift

Custom Bottle Label

"Happy Valentine's Day From the Best Decision You Ever Made," reads this funny label. It's the perfect way to liven up an otherwise ordinary gift.


Valentine's Day Candy Gift

Sweet Treats Select

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (21)


Valentine's Day Candy Gift

Sweet Treats Select

If you're in a new relationship or gifting for someone who's not a significant other, then Sugarwish makes a great Valentine's Day option! To be honest, though, we don't know anyone who would turn down their treats.


Fresh Flowers

24-Stem Rose Bouquet

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (22)


Fresh Flowers

24-Stem Rose Bouquet

Yes, you can order fresh flowers from Amazon! Just remember to place your order about a week in advance.

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True Crime Game

Death at The Dive Bar

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (23)


True Crime Game

Death at The Dive Bar

Do you have a true-crime loving partner? Then look no further for your perfect Valentine's Day gift. This immersive game is incredibly realistic and makes you the detective.


Useful Gift for Him

Bluetooth Shower Speaker

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (24)

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (25)


Useful Gift for Him

Bluetooth Shower Speaker

Now 40% Off

Gift your partner something you can enjoy too, for all of your singing-in-the-shower sessions.

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (26)

Hannah Jones

Commerce Editor

Hannah Jones is the Commerce Editor for Country Living. Her eye is always on the next up-and-coming products to include in gift guides and she's ready to test everything from dog beds to garden tools for product reviews. When she’s not scoping out the latest and greatest items on the market, you can find her hanging with her two rescue dogs.

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (27)

Maggie Panos

Freelancer Writer

After over a decade as a digital editor, Maggie Panos is navigating freelance writing and full-time parenting. She covered entertainment for POPSUGAR from New York and San Francisco before setting down roots in tree-covered Portland and focusing on local journalism. A self-proclaimed "okay baker", Maggie is interested in all things lifestyle — especially if those things involve Bravolebrities.

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas (2024)


What is the most bought Valentine's Day gift? ›

What are the most popular gifts to send for Valentine's Day?
  • Flowers & Chocolates. ...
  • Cook a Romantic Dinner Together. ...
  • Treasure Hunt. ...
  • Couples Activity. ...
  • Make Your Own Card.

What to get someone who doesn t like Valentine's Day? ›

Here are eight Valentine's Day gift ideas for people who hate Valentine's Day.
  • Ice cream and booze. ...
  • A fancy vacuum. ...
  • A portable desk. ...
  • A very cozy blanket. ...
  • A 40-ounce mug with a handle—but no, not that one. ...
  • A good cast iron skillet. ...
  • Velvet hangers. ...
  • Really pretty coupe glasses.
Feb 1, 2023

When you don't get anything for Valentine's Day? ›

Things You Should Know

Give your partner the benefit of the doubt: maybe a present is on its way, or maybe they forgot the holiday. Not getting a gift hurts, but try not to let it ruin your whole day. Treat yourself to a V-Day present, or try to pretend it isn't Valentine's Day at all.

What are the top 3 items consumers buy for Valentine's Day? ›

While flowers, candy and greeting cards still top the list of main gifts, younger generations are shifting the way Valentine's Day is being celebrated, looking beyond traditional gifts.

What do most people want for Valentine's Day? ›

People typically want romantic gestures, gifts, and experiences for Valentine's Day. Some popular options include chocolates, flowers, jewelry, candlelit dinners, couples' getaways, and memorable experiences like scenic walks or horse-drawn carriage rides.

What kind of gift is given most often on Valentine's Day? ›

The most commonly given gifts on Valentine's Day are candy, greeting cards and flowers.

What to get someone for Valentine's Day that doesn't like sweets? ›

Valentine's Day Snacks
  • Heart Breadsticks. For those having a romantic night in, add these bread sticks to the menu. They are super simple to make and taste oh so good! ...
  • Chicken Handpies. Nothing says “I Love You” like a home cooked meal from the heart. ...
  • Pizza Roses. Who doesn't love pizza?
Jan 30, 2023

What to do if you don't have a Valentine gift? ›

10 Things To Do If you Don't Have A Valentines
  1. Go to the Bar. (Photo by Thierry Monasse/Getty Images) ...
  2. Go Skating. (Photo credit should read Joshua LOTT/AFP via Getty Images) ...
  3. Buy Yourself Something Nice. ...
  4. Go Out With Friends. ...
  5. Order Take out. ...
  6. Binge Watch Netflix. ...
  7. Go to the Movies. ...
  8. Treat Yourself to a Spa Day.
Feb 14, 2022

Do guys care about Valentine's Day? ›

In Today's Talker — it seems men care more about Valentine's Day than women do. According to a new survey by One Poll, more than half of the men questioned expected their partner to put in max effort for the holiday. Only 36% of women felt the same way.

Is it bad if your boyfriend doesn't get you anything for Valentine's Day? ›

Generally, some reasons why this embarrassing and heartbreaking event happened include: he's just too busy, your gift might still be in transit, or worse, he doesn't love you anymore. It might also be because he's planning a surprise for you or because he views valentine's as a “Hallmark Holiday.”

Do guys expect gifts on Valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day is a popular holiday for couples that dates back to the 1300s. Throughout history, this holiday has been celebrated by couples but, more so, the women in the relationships. However, a survey has proven that men enjoy celebrating the holiday and getting showered with gifts too.

How to get over Valentine's Day disappointment? ›

Instead, take a deep breath. Ask yourself if the night was truly awful or just different than expected. Reframe negative thoughts. Maybe the "meh" gift shows they're saving for something bigger, or perhaps the canceled reservation just meant more quality time at home.

What should I give her on Valentine's Day? ›

Makeup products and beauty and bath products make for great Valentine's Day gifts for her.

Who should be gifted on Valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day is a celebration for everyone, regardless of gender. It's a day when both partners can express their love and appreciation for each other. It is the celebration of your love story. It is the celebration of your partner for who they are and how lovely their presence is!


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.