Skinny Fit Detox Tea Recipe For Weight Loss - Skinny Fit Mama (2024)

Here is the ultimate skinny fit detox tea recipe for weight loss to start adding to your diet plan! Cutting down on sugary drinks and replacing them with healthy smoothies, fruit-infused water, and detox drinks can help you reach your goal weight a lot faster.

I have been using the following detox tea for years along with my favorite diet plan and I can highly recommend it to anyone trying to lose weight. Do just take my word for it, read on to learn more about how this skinny fit detox tea works and what research has to say about it as well.

Skinny Fit Detox Tea Recipe For Weight Loss - Skinny Fit Mama (1)

The skinny fit detox tea consists of ingredients that fire up the metabolism, reduce cravings, remove harmful toxins through the urine, and put your body in fat-burning mode. These are simple ingredients that you most likely already have in your kitchen. Continue reading below to find out how the tea works.


  • 1 bag of green tea
  • 1 inch of ginger root
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 2 cups of water
  • 4 mint leaves
  • 1/2 a cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon of organic raw honey (for flavor)


Grate the ginger and add it to a teakettle along with the 2 cups of water. Let it come to a boil and reduce the heat, let it simmer for 2 minutes, and cut off the heat. Now add in the cinnamon stick and green tea. Cover and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Add in the lemon juice and strain into a teacup, stir in the honey and garnish with the mint leaves. Drink the detox tea right away 30 minutes before or after meals daily. Psst… make sure to eat those mint leaves cause they are beneficial too!

How The Skinny Fit Detox Tea Works

The skinny fit detox tea works by ridding your body of toxins and inflammation, even though the liver’s main function is to naturally detox the body by removing toxins, it sometimes needs a helping hand. This is where detox foods and drinks come in. It’s like giving the liver a helping hand so that it works efficiently.

Green Tea & Weight Loss

So green tea contains caffeine along with an antioxidant known as catechin. When combined, helps the body break down excess fat, increase energy levels, and speed up the metabolism. Green tea also contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

EGCG works by inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down the fat-burning hormone norepinephrine so you definitely want to add green tea to your detox tea recipe.

Ginger & Weight Loss

Ginger contains high amounts of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties plus it is also thermogenic meaning it promotes fat burn. According to this study, people who consumed ginger for 12 weeks saw significantly reduced body overall body weight.

Lemons & Weight Loss

Lemons are extremely high in vitamin C which is known to strengthen the immune system but that’s not all, lemons are very effective for weight loss as well. You see drinking lemon juice helps keep you full longer during the day, it also improves digestion and contains diuretic properties.

Study shows that consuming natural diuretic foods and drinks helps you reduce water retention and fat accumulation which is common with obesity.

Cinnamon & Weight Loss

According to this study:

Cinnamon is high in fiber. The spice can therefore help reduce food cravings by promoting a feeling of satiety and fullness. Cinnamon can boost metabolism, since the body uses more energy to process the spice than it does for other foods!

Can You Lose Weight Just By Drinking Detox Teas?

No! Detox teas are great for relieving your body of harmful toxins you acquire from the foods you eat and the environment. They work by flushing out these toxins through your urine and sweat. However, because detox teas are made with ingredients that contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, they can reduce factors connected to obesity.

You see, when the body is filled with toxins and inflamed, it will not be able to function properly and cause weight gain. This is because inflammation has been linked to oxidative stress which causes weight gain. Studies also show that there is a huge connection between toxins and weight gain among other health issues.

But the skinny fit detox tea recipe above contains green tea so it does help maintain your weight and prevents weight gain. That said, it is very important to follow a low-calorie diet plan and incorporate regular exercise into your weekly routine to lose weight and keep it off.

Check out my other skinny-fit smoothie recipes!


Skinny Fit Detox Tea Recipe For Weight Loss - Skinny Fit Mama (2024)


How does skinny fit detox tea work? ›

Studies suggest green tea leaf extract may help promote weight loss through its naturally occurring catechins, which are compounds that promote thermogenesis (the metabolic process of burning stored fat for energy). Green tea leaf extract also contains caffeine, which may help with weight loss and increased energy.

Does skinny tea make you lose weight? ›

Myth #1: Skinny tea is a magic weight loss solution.

Fact: There is no such thing as a magic weight loss solution. While some types of tea may have mild weight loss benefits, they are not a miracle cure. In order to lose weight, you need to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

How long does it take to lose weight with SkinnyFit? ›

Here's a general guideline on how you can use SkinnyFit products to start seeing better results in a shorter amount of time. Good results—use SkinnyFit products consistently for at least 28 days. Better results—use SkinnyFit products consistently for at least 60 days and maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

How to use SkinnyFit to lose weight? ›

Taking your SkinnyFit products daily will help aid in your weight loss journey, and there are so many ways you can use the products in your everyday routine. Mix Super Youth collagen in your morning coffee, drink Detox Tea before having lunch, blend a healthy smoothing using Skinny Greens or Beauty Juice, or do it all!

How long does skinny tea take to work? ›

Most slimming teas will be advertised as 14 or 28-day teas. However, you will realistically start to see effects 8-12 hours after drinking your first cup. As with any product, the effects will vary and depend on your specific body type, fat distribution, diet, level of exercise and metabolism.

How many times a day can you drink Skinny Fit Detox tea? ›

You can drink it anytime, with or without food. You can even drink it more than once a day. We suggest drinking it in the evening to take advantage of its relaxing benefits.

How does SkinnyFit work? ›

SkinnyFit Detox tea is the perfect kick-starter to any weight loss journey! It's loaded with metabolism-boosters, like green tea, sencha, matcha, milk thistle, and 17 grams of caffeine—just to name a few. This helps keep your exercise motivation high, and burn calories through a process called thermogenesis!

Is skinny tea a laxative? ›

Some slimming teas contain senna, a natural laxative. The FDA state there have been reports of problems associated with drinking slimming teas, containing senna. The FDA indicate that users report symptoms similar to those seen in people with laxative abuse disorder, which include: cramping.

Is detox tea a laxative? ›

These teas may also have a laxative effect, speeding food through your digestive tract. This can give your abdomen a slimmer, flatter look.

Do detox teas really work? ›

Items marketed as a tea to detox the body likely won't be beneficial and may even be harmful. Many products that influencers swear by aren't Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. There is no quick way to restore a body back to health without taking other measures to improve health.

How do I get the best results from SkinnyFit? ›

While Skinny Fit drinks can be a valuable addition to your diet, it's important to remember that they work best when paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Incorporate these drinks into a lifestyle that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

What is SkinnyFit for belly? ›

SkinnyFit Belly Balance promotes healthy digestion, relieves stomach discomfort, and calms bloating. Feel cleaner, leaner, and healthier! Includes 30 servings. One-time purchase.

How to take SkinnyFit drink? ›

Mix a scoop of our versatile unflavored collagen with your favorite flavored beverage or recipe for a fully customizable collagen experience. For best taste, blend thoroughly and do not drink with water alone. OUR SKINNYFIT PROMISE.

What do you mix SkinnyFit with? ›

Unflavored Super Youth can mix into virtually anything, from coffee and tea, to baked goods and soups. We do not recommend mixing it with water. Our flavored collagens, like Tropical Punch and Peach Mango, are perfect for adding to smoothies or infusing into water.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.