Rider Time Zi-O: Roze from Remnant - Chapter 141 - ZeroEnchiladas (2024)

Chapter Text

Woz was currently in 9-5-DO, the area darkened as he sat at the front table, a spotlight shining down on him as he flipped through the pages of his book. He took hold of a cup of tea before sipping it.

"The more enemies we fight, the more that arrive, and our worlds draw even closer," Woz stated as he set his tea down, "Narutaki is intent on trying to break us, though we will continue to fight. But… only two chapters remain until the end of our worlds as we know them."

Earth – Tokyo, Early July 2019

"Thank you for the tea," Woz said as he closed his book and looked over to Junichiro who was at the work desk of the shop, "Especially since you seem very busy."

"It's not an issue," Junichiro said, "I'm honestly glad you've stopped by, I'm getting worried since the others seemingly haven't taken a break yet."

"Do not worry, they will be fine," Woz reassured as he stood up, giving a slight bow before going to take his leave, "Now if you'll excuse me…"

"Woz," Junichiro spoke up in a near hurry, letting out a breath of relief when the retainer had stopped, "I need you to get Sougo to come here, there's… something important I need to give him. And I think by the time he gets here I'll be done."

"Very well," Woz said, offering a smile as he turned to walk out, "Consider it done."

"This is certainly a crowd," Diend quickly dodged back against a swipe from a Road Dopant, loading in two cards before aiming forward, "Let's even the odds a bit."


In holographic bursts of energy, three Riotroopers alongside three Kurokage Troopers were formed, the six rushing into battle to help spread the Road Dopants out further.

Two Shocker Riders leapt up, punching against Ex-Aid who braced with his arms. He then shoved them back before dispersing into gold pixels. He reappeared behind the two while his back faced them, spinning and performing a roundhouse kick that knocked them away.


Gaim yelled out as he unleashed his pineapple flail around him, energy gathering within it as it smacked away the Road Dopants near him. He then slammed it downwards, a projection of a pineapple trapping a few of the Dopants before exploding.

"These aren't the usual grunts," Gaim called out, "What the hell are these?"

"Clearly they found a pretty good enemy to mass produce," Ex-Aid said as he backed up, getting back to back with Gaim as a few Shocker Riders and numerous Road Dopants approached from different angles. Several Road Dopants began to form superheated energy wheels, launching them out at the two Riders. While Ex-Aid vanished into pixels Gaim flew up to avoid the superheated wheels slicing into the ground and burning it.

Decade meanwhile let out a grunt as he blocked with his sword against Kaiser and Kaiser Reverse, the duo using their gears to force Decade's weapon down before they punched at him. Instead they were suddenly caught in Decade's cape, the Rider quickly letting it flow while spinning to distract and force them back.

Despite having ten fighters technically out, it wasn't long before any straggling Shocker Riders started interfering in the Rider Troops' battles. A punch to knock a Riotrooper forward allowed a Road Dopant to grab on and bit down on the trooper's shoulder and neck. A Kurokage defending itself against a Shocker Rider was suddenly tackled to the ground as a Road Dopant opened its mouth wide before lunging and biting down.

It wasn't long before six explosions occurred as the six allied mass produced Riders had fallen in rapid succession.

"This is getting too messy," Decade said as he quickly spun away and held out his hand, "Daiki, your Final Attack card!"

"Huh?" Diend asked as he drew it out before tossing it through the air, "What are you planning?"

"We need more breathing room and this form will help with that," Decade said as he loaded Diend's Card into his NeoDecadriver.


Decade held up his left hand as he summoned his own copy of the NeoDiendriver before turning and aiming at several Road Dopants that were charging towards him. He pulled the trigger, unleashing a beam of energy from the far end of the crowd before swinging his arm towards the other side, the beam following his movements. It soon cut/struck through numerous Road Dopants, explosions occurring as the weapon vanished.


"Well that worked a little," Decade remarked before bracing against a punch by Kaiser Reverse, forcing its arm down before punching it in the face, "But we've still got more to deal with!"

Some Mole Imagin had started fighting against Zangetsu in Kachidoki Arms, some Rat Fangire leaping in only for the Rider to draw out his flags. He began batting the mob of monsters away, unleashing a wave of energy to lift the grouping of monsters up.

It didn't take long for several red arrows to pierce each of them, the mob of grunts exploding.

"I think this area is clear big brother," Ryugen said as he walked into view, currently in Jimber Dragon Arms.

"Good, let's keep going," Zangetsu suggested as he began to walk past Ryugen before noticing his younger brother's posture, "Is something wrong?"

"Are you sure we should be here?" Ryugen asked.

"Mitsuzane," Zangetsu looked over, "The others can help Zawame just fine. But the bulk of the attack is here. It's why I had us leave immediately after the meeting."

"Right," Ryugen replied, "I guess I'm just worried about them."

"And that's alright," Zangetsu said before facing forward, "But they're likely fighting their hardest so that we can help out our allies here."

Giggling was heard however as blue electricity struck between the two brother Riders, sparks pushing the two back as Zangetsu was forced to let go of his flags.

The two soon saw that what had intercepted them was the Hopper Dopant, it giggling before quickly leaping up to avoid an arrow from Ryugen.

Ryugen continued to launch arrows out at the Hopper Dopant, the Dopant bouncing around and hopping in place while it avoided the arrows.

"It's too fast," Zangetsu muttered as he brought out his Melon Lockseed, realizing he'd need to goad it into attacking with a more nimble form, "Then-"


The Hopper Dopant leapt up, attempting to send a spinning kick towards Ryugen only for several orange magic circles to appear, chains lashing out and binding it in mid-air.

"Take the shot!"

Zangetsu heard this and quickly brought out his Hinawatenka DJ-Ju, loading it with his Kachidoki Lockseed while Ryugen loaded in the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed onto the Sonic Arrow.



A cannon blast of green energy from Zangetsu struck the Hopper Dopant before a red energy projection of a Chinese dragon snaked into view, opening its mouth and biting down not long after.

The Dopant could only scream out as it exploded, the chains breaking and falling limply before being dismissed.

"Are you two alright?" Mage asked as she walked over.

"Yeah, thanks for the assistance," Ryugen nodded.

"What's the situation?" Zangetsu asked, "We had just arrived but it seems like its just chaos."

"That's because it is," Mage nodded, "Their grunt monsters are seemingly endless so the best tactic I've seen is cutting down their more unique heavy hitters."

"I see," Zangetsu replied, "Then we'll need to keep pushing forward."

"Help anyone you can, try and prioritize the more unique monsters," Mage suggested, "I know there are several shelters being set up too."

"We'll see what we can do," Ryugen replied.

The Lionkurage Yummy hissed out as it was knocked into several Kuzu Yummies, the nearly unmovable grunts accidentally catching it as a result. Of course there wouldn't be a chance for a counterattack.


A slash of energy cut through the grouping of Yummies, space distorting and sliding before coming back together. The Yummies all exploded, spewing out Cell Medals all around.

"Good job," Ankh said as he floated into view, having been reduced to a right arm thanks to the ambush from Ancient OOO. He began absorbing the various Cell Medals that rained down, and once those stopped he began scooping up whatever he could from the ground, "This is so annoying…"

"Is it still not enough?" OOO asked as he walked over but winced as he held his side.

"It's almost there," Ankh said in a near frustrated tone as he floated over, "I've got all my Core Medals so that helps out, but unless I want to burn up too much energy then this form will have to do for now."

"I see," OOO nodded.

"What about you?" Ankh asked, "You're still recovering, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going to sit back while I can reach out and help those in need," OOO replied, "And that includes you too Ankh. I know Kougami said that Cell Medals found during cleanup would go to you, but I still want to help you recover faster."

"You're a damn idiot you know that," Ankh scoffed before turning away, "But thanks…"

OOO tilted his head when he heard Ankh mutter his last words, "Eh, what was that?"

"I'm not repeating it!" Ankh shouted as he pointed at OOO, "Do we need to get your hearing checked?"

"I don't think it's my hearing," OOO chuckled as he lowered Ankh's finger, "But we should-"

Feathers suddenly struck the ground in front of the two, explosions kicking up and forcing them back.

"Huh?" Ankh said before letting out a light gasp, "That's…"

"The Shocker Greeed," OOO nodded as he stared at the sight before him.

Standing before them was the being born of Shocker's ambitions that nearly destroyed the history of Kamen Riders, the snake/eagle themed gas-mask wearing being of desire, Shocker Greeed.

"I still recall the humiliating loss I was dealt by you all back in 2011," Shocker Greeed answered as it spread its arms outwards, "So when I was revived and told you had been weakened due to a prior plot of ours I knew I could enact my revenge."

"Is that so?" OOO asked as he began removing his Medals before drawing out three purple colored O Medals, "Sorry to say but it won't be easy."

"You sure you should be doing that?" Ankh asked, "You're still recovering."

"I know," OOO said as he began to carefully slot the purple O Medals into the Driver, "But I'll need to take that risk!"

"Fine," Ankh replied as he floated back to give OOO room.

Shocker Greeed yelled out as it kicked off of the ground, flying towards OOO who scanned his medals in retaliation.


OOO let out a yell as the Medals lined up before transforming him into the white bodied, purple armored prehistoric Putotyra Combo.


Immediately he slammed his hand into the ground, retrieving the Medagabryu before swinging it towards the Shocker Greeed who closed in.

The Aracnea Worm Rubor wasn't having a good time, it being tossed to the ground and sent rolling. It was then grabbed and slammed against a wall as Geiz had been relentlessly attacking against it in Goretsu.

So it did what only a Worm could, using Clock Up to slip out of Geiz's grip faster than he could react before going on the assault.

Geiz grunted as Goretsu was forced back by the high speed attacks. While they didn't penetrate his defenses, the velocity at which the attacks hit was enough to push him. Of course the Aracnea Worm Rubor wasn't stupid, quickly going for lower strikes against Geiz's legs, forcing the Rider to the ground.

"You want to play like that… fine," Geiz said as he flipped the Revive Ridewatch.


The Aracnea Worm Rubor had leapt onto Geiz to try and choke him out only for Geiz's Goretsu armor to open up, smacking the Worm away as Geiz shifted into Revive Shippu.


Aracnea Worm Rubor landed with a growl before quickly clocking up. Geiz however was prepared, already getting in a crouched stance before speeding up as well. All anyone could see were blurs clashing against each other.


Several quick claw strikes could be seen, the Aracnea Worm Rubor screeching out as it was launched out of Clock Up, flying through the air and exploding.


"Damn Worm," Geiz muttered as he landed in a crouched stance before standing up straight. He heard the sudden sound of a pole hitting the ground and quickly turned before backing away from the swing of a staff.

Skidding backwards the Rider found himself face to face with the Lord, Pantheras Magistra. It only let out a chuckle before waltzing towards Geiz who got on guard.

Mach and Heart both yelled out, a bright red aura enveloping their bodies as red electricity crackled. The two closed in on each other, punching and kicking numerous times. Upon finishing their set they grabbed onto each other, their usage of the Dead Zone growing more intense.

"To think you can use the Dead Zone too," Heart said before starting to laugh, but it wasn't one meant to mock, no it was one of joy.

"It's honestly sad," Mach scoffed, catching Heart's attention, "You really don't remember us, meaning you don't realize I can easily go beyond!"

"Huh?" Heart asked before he was shoved and forced to take a step back, only to watch Mach increase the usage of Shift Deadheat via the Mach Driver.


Mach let out a shout as the outer layering of the Deadheat Tire busted, and normally this would mean entering a berserk state. But out of every user of Deadheat, he was the one who mastered it fully. The Rider rushed forward, unleashing a massive burst of energy as he punched at Heart who tried to catch the punch.

Heart could only gasp as red electricity lashed out, an intense wave of heat pushing him backwards thanks to Mach's attack, "You mastered it?!"

"Hell yeah I did," Mach chuckled as he watched his burst of energy briefly stop Heart's output, "Now!"

Kikai II moved in from behind Heart, releasing a sudden burst of ice occurred beneath the Roidmude leader. The ice encroached and coated his legs to keep him in place as Faiz and Chaser both closed in. The two grabbed onto Heart, holding his arms out as Kikai II kept adding ice to keep Heart in place.

"Perfect," Mach said as he drew out the Drive Driver alongside the Shift Brace and Shift Heartron. He ran forward, ready to initiate the next part of their plan, "Don't worry, this will be over in a bit!"

"Not bad… you all are treating this seriously," Heart gasped out before steam began to exit his body, the ice slowly but surely melting. Both Faiz and Chaser grunted as they realized they were only now just barely starting to hold his arms back, "I have experienced your strength first hand… so with my power, I can surpass it!"

"Oh no," Chaser gasped.

"I'm sorry," Faiz stared at Heart when he heard this, "What-"


Heart's power rose in an instant, an explosion occurring that sent Kikai II staggering back while Faiz and Chaser were sent rolling away, Mach gasping as he backpedaled and fell before slamming onto his back.

"Now then," Heart chuckled as he stepped forward, Dead Zone reactivated and growing stronger than before, "Let us continue."


A sudden purple projectile struck Heart in his exposed heart, the energy exploding out and making him gasp as he was sent staggering back from the shot.

"Huh?" Kikai II looked upwards, managing to track the projectile only to gasp as Mad Rogue was on a nearby building, having shot at the Roidmude Leader via a vantage point with the Nebula Steam Rifle.


"Keeping him still isn't going to cut it," Faiz gasped as he stared at his wrist, looking at the Axel Watch and quickly standing up and setting up his form change, "I'm already tired of this fight so let's get this over with."


"What are you doing?" Chaser asked as he saw Faiz shift into Axel Form.

"Ending this in ten seconds," Faiz answered as he pressed down on the button to activate the Axel Watch, running forward before becoming a blur.


The world grew bright and everything slowed down as Faiz worked quick. He hurried over to Mach and grabbed the equipment before running over to Heart. It didn't take him long to set the Drive Driver around Heart's waist and the Shift Brace around Heart's left wrist before loading Shift Heartron.


"Alright, let's go," Faiz said as he turned the dial before backing away.


Everyone could only stare in surprise as Faiz had managed to do it, the Rider's armor in Axel form shifting back to Faiz's base armor.

Heart had paused only to yell out as green and purple electricity lashed out from the Driver and Shift Heartron. Red electricity soon began lashing out as the red, green, and purple electricity formed the numberings 002, 003, and 009 respectively before the numberings slammed into Heart and released a multicolored burst.

"Did we do it?" Mach asked as he managed to get into a sitting position.

"I think so…" Kikai II said.

"We better have, I busted my ass off for that," Faiz panted as he went to sit down.

Chaser stayed silent but stared intently, waiting to see the result.

As the smoke cleared from the burst, Heart was no longer in front of them or rather… he wasn't in his Roidmude form. Instead he was in his human disguise, wearing a long red coat with a puffy collar, having fluffy hair with his bangs being swept to one side. The Drive equipment was still on him as he gained his bearings, being in a kneeling stance at the moment.

"Huh?" Heart asked as he looked around, "I'm alive…?"

"More alive than us," Brain remarked as the Shift Heartron lit up, "But I suppose this form of ours was too incredible to simply be a swan song."

"Lord Heart, it's good that you are back to your senses!" Medic spoke up.

"Brain, Medic…" Heart trailed as he stared at the Shift Heartron, "Last I recall was us discussing Brain's odd dream, and then… I felt like something pulled me away and jumbled me around."

"That would be Final-Shocker," Kikai II spoke up causing Heart to turn towards her, "They were the ones who brought you back to fight for them."

The Riders around Heart slowly but surely dismissed their transformations before walking closer.

"Gou Shijima," Heart said as he began to stand up as Gou walked over, "I take it my sense of self returning was because of you?"

"Somewhat, I just set things up," Gou admitted, "It was all Brain and Medic once everything was in place."

"I see," Heart said before glancing and seeing Chase before giving a soft smile, "I also see you managed to achieve your goal. That's good."

"I am glad that this managed to end well," Penny said with a smile.

"Yeah," Kaido nodded before realizing something, "Crap, Takumi probably still needs help and I spent a long time helping you all! I've got to go check up on him!"

"Thank you again Kaido!" Penny called out with a wave.

"You…" Heart said as he turned towards Penny, "Who are you?"

"Penny Polendina sir Heart," Penny saluted before flicking her hand for a quick wave, "Salutations!"

"Please, just call me Heart," Heart chuckled at the title, "Thank you for assisting them."

"It is no issue," Penny bowed, "After all, our types should stick together."

"Ah," Heart let out a hum, "So you are-"

"Do not forget that it was I who assisted you all in your time of need!" Mad Rogue called out as he was now near the group, everyone reeling back in surprise at his sudden appearance. The Rider pushed against his mask as if pushing up glasses, "There is no need to thank me, we fellow mechanical beings should help each other."

"Wait, you're a machine too?" Gou asked.

"No, I was a cyborg in the old world," Mad Rogue explained as he held up a hand, "I am human now, but I shall not forget my time as a mechanically enhanced human."

"What are you even talking about?" Gou asked while Penny, Heart, and Chase could only stare at Mad Rogue with varying levels of confusion.

A yell caught everyone's attention, the group turning towards the side as the white bull themed Overlord Inves Grinsha stomped against the ground. It raised its sword towards the group as Combatmen, Inves, and blank plated Roidmudes stood alongside it.

"Gou Shijima," Heart said as he stepped forward, "You would not use this setup again for no reason, can I…"

"Transform, yeah," Gou replied, "The data on that transformation was one of the reasons I was able to make this whole thing work."

"Yes, thankfully when preparing this we were able to adjust some things," Brain replied.

"Which means we're able to transform without issue," Medic added.

"I see," Heart nodded as he stepped forward and turned the dial of the Drive Driver before pressing the side of the Shift Heartron.


Without another word he pumped the lever once, "Henshin…"


Spreading his arms out, red, green and pink digital rings formed around him before forming projections of armor that floated downwards and latched onto his body in one red burst. The base body was Type Tridoron, having shoulder pads, a right forearm guard, and various waist cape extensions that evoked his form of the Heart Roidmude. His helmet was the most different, keeping Type Tridoron's base but having a more jagged mouth-like jaw, bright green compound eyes and golden horns that resembled the ones from his Roidmude state.


"Whoa, he became a Kamen Rider!" Penny called out before clapping several times.

"Incredible…" Mad Rogue said before lowering his voice to a mutter, "But it feels a bit rehashed."

Heart let out a low breath as he raised his right hand, gripping his hand tightly as Grinsha charged towards him like a bull. Heart rushed forward before stopping once he was far enough, sliding his foot back before punching and striking Grinsha directly in the skull.

Grinsha let out a howl as sparks flew from its head, holding its head with its free hand as it staggered backwards.

"I don't exactly enjoy being put into servitude by you all," Heart said as there was clear venom in his tone, "I also don't enjoy you mocking my fallen brethren as well…"

Grinsha yelled and swung at Heart who blocked with his right arm, the sword was shoved away before Heart spun and struck Grinsha in the stomach with his heel. The Overlord gasped out as it was thrown on its back, merely yelling and aiming its sword as the Combatmen, Inves and Blank Roidmudes charged towards Heart.

"Leave this to me," Heart said as he ran towards the mob, "Do whatever it is you need to do!"

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Mad Rogue asked, "Wasn't he an enemy two minutes ago?"

"Heart can handle himself," Chase answered, "Besides, after everything he's been through, I doubt he'll pull anything."

"If that is the case then I should head off," Penny bowed as she began to back away, "I must go see who else I can help now."

Gou, Chase, and Mad Rogue watched as Penny launched up into the sky before flying off, Gou and Chase looking at each other and then at Mad Rogue who was still staring at where Penny had flown off to. Gou nudged Chase, the prototype Roidmude silently nodding.

"Well since she is going on her own, I suppose I can team up with…" Mad Rogue trailed as he turned to face the remaining two Riders only to see they weren't around anymore, "You…" he turned towards a laughing Heart who was currently smashing a Final-Shocker Combatman into the ground, "I suppose going solo will work."

A few police officers let out shouts as they shot at the approaching Gurongi, Xu·Gmun·Ba. The Gurongi let out a low laugh as the bullets weren't effective before it spit out webbing from its mouth, wrapping it around an officer's neck before grabbing the web, ready to toss the officer over to him.

That was until a green blur occurred, slicing through the web before it rolled along the ground to a stop. It was Amazon Omega who let out a growl towards Xu·Gmun·Ba, The Gurongi backing up in surprise.

"Run," Omega glanced back at the officers who nodded before quickly heading off to help out elsewhere. He then turned back to Xu·Gmun·Ba who had sent more webbing towards him. He let it wrap around his right arm before he sliced through it with the blades on his left arm.

Xu·Gmun·Ba could only gasp before turning to run only to yell out as it was sliced into.

G had been in the area as well, having decided to stick with Omega for the time being, "You're not running."

"Let's end this already," Omega said as he ran forward while initiating his Driver's finisher.

"Right," G said as he slid his hand across his sword, it shining a bright red coloration.


Omega didn't give the Gurongi much chance to run, leaping forward and launching past Xu·Gmun·Ba while slicing with his arm blades. G had rushed forward as well, rushing past with a stab as he came to a stop before turning.

Xu·Gmun·Ba could only gurgle out something in an unknown language, clearly angered by its defeat only to suddenly explode. Both Riders glanced back towards the explosion and each other, soon nodding.

The Shoot Roidmude chuckled to itself as it watched the destruction unfold from its vantage point. It had chosen one of the taller buildings to begin its assault. But it didn't choose the tallest building, as its plan was to strike at the taller buildings to level them. It was chosen specifically to do this due to its main ability, which was its near impossible to track high speed missiles that were mounted on its shoulders.

Of course it realized that its assault had brought unwanted attention, watching as the Nevermore Summon that Weiss had was heading straight towards it. The Roidmude scratched its chin a bit at the direct assault but shrugged, unleashing its four missiles at once.


In an instant the Nevermore Summon had been shot out of the air, only pieces of it falling and those pieces soon faded away. It could only stare at its handiwork for a bit and give an approving nod before going back to targeting buildings.


The cracking of glass caught its attention, suddenly looking to the side as the Evolved Shika Inves Summon had scaled up the building from behind and launched high into the air.

Something had dropped off the Evolved Shika Inves Summon's back as the Summon slammed into the rooftop.

Shoot had barely backed away while getting grazed by the beast's fist. Of course its larger missiles weren't the only trick it had up its sleeve, unleashing high speed undetectable needles from its abdomen and striking the Summon.

The Evolved Shika Inves suddenly groaned out as its body began to deteriorate, Shoot laughing as its darts were laced with a deadly poison. While the Evolved Shika Inves was still a Summon, the poison was potent enough to destabilize its spectral body, forcing it slowly dismiss itself.

A glyph appeared underneath Shoot, vines suddenly launching out before electricity flowed through the bindings, sparks flying as it had been ensnared.

Weiss quickly stood up after having stabbed Myrtenaster into the ground, quickly going for another card combo. It was a big gamble, utilizing her Nevermore and Evolved Shika Inves Summons to distract Shoot long enough.


She let out a yell and leapt forward, forming a Glyph to coat her Chalice Arrow with fire, it folding up into its default state as she dropped down and chopped at the Shoot Roidmude.

Shoot let out a yell as it unleashed more poison darts, managing to strike Weiss just as she chopped against it. The Roidmude could only gasp out as sparks flew as the chop cut through the front of its body. Weiss quickly stumbled away as she fell to her knees, dropping her weapon as the Shoot Roidmude exploded.

"Damn it…" Weiss breathed heavily as she quickly drew out her Scroll, watching her Aura levels drop rapidly due to the poison. She pocketed her Scroll before grabbing another card and sliding it through her Chalice Arrow.


Utilizing Shuffle Centipede she was able to recover the cards she had already used up. She then wasted no time in drawing out Recovery Camel before scanning it.


Holding the Chalice Arrow over herself she watched as green sparks burst out from the Chalice Arrow, falling onto her and dispersing the poison.

"Too close…" Weiss muttered as she stayed sitting where she was to catch her breath, "Way too close…"

World of Tsukuyomi

New Den-O and Aqua were still fighting against their respective Dark Rider opponents, New Den-O clashing blades with Wiseman's Hamel Cane. The older wizard Rider quickly shoved New Den-O away before scanning its spell ring.


New Den-O gasped out as a magic circle formed and caused an explosion right underneath him.

Aqua meanwhile gasped out as True Brave had used its sword to easily cut through the future Rider's water constructs, closing in and striking Aqua multiple times. True Brave threw its arm to the side, summoning swords of light that launched at Aqua and struck him, sparks flying as he was sent to the ground.


Eternal sped forward as his body gained a red glow around it, using his speed to strike at numerous angles against Roze and Tsukuyomi who were forced near each other and into defending. That was until he leapt up to strike at them from above to force them away from the other only for to freeze mid-air.

"Huh?" Eternal gasped before gasping further as sparks flew, Tsukuyomi having frozen time around him before Ruby brought out Gambol Shroud to shoot the Dark Rider out of the sky.

"Just how does he even have these Gaia Memories?" Tsukuyomi questioned.

"Alternate Rider World weirdness I guess," Roze remarked.

"Oh these aren't those Riders Gaia Memories," Eternal scoffed, "I hold the T2 Gaia Memories, much stronger next gen types that I alongside others used to try and send Futo straight to hell."

"Stronger Gaia Memories aren't going to help you," Roze said before hearing yells and quickly turning her head as she saw Aqua and New Den-O fly into view, the two rolling as Wiseman and True Brave approached, "Crap."

Tsukuyomi looked over with a gasp, "Michal, Kotaro!"


"You should also worry about yourself," Eternal said as he aimed his knife forward, launching rapid-fire energy blades out towards the two female Riders.

Roze quickly summoned a Disc Grenade, throwing it in front of her and Tsukuyomi and forming a Hard-Light shield that blocked against Eternal's assault.

"Like that will hold forever!" Eternal called out as he kept up the pressure.

"Ruby, can you handle him?" Tsukuyomi asked.

"Of course I can," Roze chuckled as she glanced back, "And if I can't I know you and the others will have my back."

"Got it," Tsukuyomi nodded before hurrying off towards the other fight.

"Sorry princess, but you aren't taking another step," Eternal said as he turned to aim towards Tsukuyomi before noticing movement from behind the barrier, "Huh?"

"I could say the same!" Roze shouted as she leapt up while summoning Wilt and Blush, a red bladed sword held within a rifle scabbard. She immediately pulled Blush's trigger, launching Wilt hilt first and striking Eternal in the helmet, Wilt spinning up into the air.

Eternal gasped as he was disoriented by the hit to his face, his vision blurring as he wasn't aware Roze had used Petal Burst. This allowed her to close in on him, grabbing Wilt and slashing down against his chest, sparks flew as Roze followed up with several more slices to force him to step back.

True Brave and Wiseman brandished their blades, the two ready to bring them down against Aqua and New Den-O who were struggling to get up.


Suddenly Woz's finisher cube was launched towards the two, Wiseman getting caught in it as Tsukuyomi immediately spun in from the side. She let out a yell as she kicked the cube Wiseman was trapped in against True Brave who braced against the projection to keep from being trapped.


But that was Tsukuyomi's plan, True Brave skidding backwards from defending against the spinning cube before it suddenly exploded. Wiseman gasping as he was thrown onto the ground from the explosion while True Brave was sent to the ground.

"Are you two alright?" Tsukuyomi asked as she looked towards the two.

"Yeah, just barely hanging on though," New Den-O admitted as he used the Macheteddy to lift himself up.

"We've still got some fight left in us though," Aqua insisted as he managed to pick himself up.

"Then let's end it in one go," Tsukuyomi said as she began to initiate her finisher, "Think I can count on you two?"


"Just leave the opening to us," New Den-O said as he stepped in front of Tsukuyomi with Aqua, "Let's go Michal."

"Right," Aqua said as he entered a stance, "Just hit them with all you've got!"

True Brave and Wiseman groaned as they managed to pick themselves up, ready to get back into the fight. At least until the Macheteddy came spinning rapidly their way, the spinning blade slicing through them and staggering them due to just barely recovering.


Aqua and New Den-O leapt upwards into the air, kicking out as bright blue and red energy gathered respectively in their legs. Both Wiseman and True Brave tried to slash at them only for the kicks to be too quick, the two Future Riders kicking past the Dark Riders.

Sparks flew as the Dark Riders began to stagger tiredly, bumping into each other though it was those few moments of them close to each other that Tsukuyomi took advantage of.

The princess of time had launched forward almost immediately after Aqua and Den-O's kicks landed, leaping towards the Dark Riders. Images of Geiz, Woz, Shinobi, Quiz, Kikai, Kikai II Roze, and Zi-O all flashed over Tsukuyomi's armor as they followed her movements as she reeled back her right arm before punching forward.


She had managed to land a direct hit, shooting past the two Dark Riders who began to spark violently before exploding.

"No way," Eternal gasped as he backed away from Roze, staring at what had happened in shock, "The last of my Dark Rider army!"

"Well good news!" Roze shouted as she summoned a baton shaped grenade, tossing it near Eternal before it exploded and unleashed a burst of wind, "It won't take you long to join them!"

Eternal gasped as he was launched into the air, yelling defiantly as he went to load the Eternal Memory into his Eternal Edge while drawing out the Unicorn Memory, loading it into his Maximum Slot.

Roze leapt towards Eternal while summoning her Repligirade, loading her base Roze Ridewatch into it.



Eternal yelled out as he launched several fiery waves of blue energy towards Roze who allowed them to close in before breaking apart into gold and red petals. The energy simply passed by harmlessly as the petals spiraled around before launching upwards in clumps and passing Eternal who turned in surprise.


Roze reformed above Eternal, the Repligirade's blade shining a bright red as petal-like energy began to leak out of it. She then let out a yell as she gripped her blade with both hands, slashing downwards as Eternal punched forward, drill-like energy erupting from his fist.



Red petals lashed outwards like a storm, disrupting the energy of Eternal's punch and cutting into him several times. She pushed further and forced Eternal's hand down before performing a diagonal cut across the Dark Rider's chest.

"So this is… death… again…?" Eternal choked out as he let out a weak laugh before exploding.

Roze dropped through the explosion, landing on the ground on one knee before getting up and swinging her sword to the side before dismissing it. She looked at the other Riders, the group soon surveying the area and noticing a distinct lack of any minions.

That was until some Shocker Combatmen suddenly rolled into view, screeching out and exploding.

"And stay out!" Futaros called out as he walked into view before looking around, "Damn, did we really clear them out?"

"Looks like," Roze said as she went to dismiss her transformation alongside the others, "I guess they couldn't spare everyone here given the main Rider World is their target."

"I'm assuming they figured those Dark Riders would be enough," Tsukuyomi guessed, "Alongside the Briars they sent earlier too."

"They did send enough to give us some trouble," Michal replied before bowing, "Thank you for your assistance."

"Yeah, definitely," Kotaro nodded, "Having another strong Rider like you around definitely helped out."

"You have our gratitude," Teddie bowed.

"Well when I figured out what was going on I wasn't about to let Tsuki go at it alone," Ruby smiled as she walked over to Tsukuyomi.

"I appreciate it," Tsukuyomi replied with a light smile, "It was also nice getting to see your new form in action."

"Same here," Ruby chuckled, "You had some pretty cool tricks."

"Only thanks to you and the others," Tsukuyomi said, "Speaking of…"

"Yeah I should probably get going," Ruby said as she rubbed the back of her neck, "There's still a lot more fighting likely going on-"

"Thanks again," Tsukuyomi interrupted as she hugged Ruby who hugged back, "I'll miss you."

"Same," Ruby said before pulling away, "Hopefully things will get sorted soon so we can visit."

"That would be nice," Tsukuyomi nodded.

"Just worry about the Main Rider World for now," Futaros said as he walked over and put a hand on Ruby's shoulder, "We beat everyone up here, and even if more come, I'll keep Tsukuyomi safe."

"I'll hold you to that," Ruby smirked before turning and hurrying off, she turned and gave a quick wave as the Geiz Unit Time Mazine landed near her. She quickly entered it before taking off, a time gateway opening up as she went to take the trip back to the main Rider World.

"We don't have a lot of time left," Michal said as he stared upwards at the sky, Remnant and the main Rider World growing more visible as time passed, "Is our future really at stake?"

"We're still here aren't we?" Kotaro asked causing Michal to turn in surprise, he looked up, "And something tells me we're not going anywhere."

"But just what can we do to ensure that happens?" Michal asked.

"Something drastic is likely going to need to happen, but not from any of us," Kotaro answered as Michal and Teddie stared at him, "It'll all come down to him…"

Earth – Tokyo, Early July 2019

Several Reaper Roidmudes attacking anyone they could, having occupied the interior of a warehouse to harass the workers there. Some were using their scythes to close the distance while others went in close to grab with their claws. Normal class Roidmudes also began to join in, though all of them had the blank plates.



Blade in King Form and Wild Chalice both leapt into view, drawing their blades and slicing through the Reaper Roidmudes.

"Get to safety," Blade said as he helped up a young worker before ushering him away. He quickly used the King Rouzer to block the scythe of a Reaper Roidmude, drawing out his Blay Rouzer and slicing through its stomach.

Two Reaper Roidmudes grabbed onto Chalice who simply slammed his arms inwards, smashing the two mechanical enemies together as he was released. He then slashed through them, the Reaper Roidmudes falling back before exploding.

As the two continued to fight, watching from the corner of the entrance was Garren. Of course he didn't go unnoticed as Blade had spotted him.

"Eh, Tachibana…?" Blade asked as he cut through a Roidmude, "Quit playing around!"

Garren continued to stare at the scene only to suddenly get kicked from behind, rolling into the warehouse as a result.


It didn't take long for another Garren walk into view, taking aim and launching fireball after fireball from his Garren Rouzer.

The first Garren yelled out when struck by the fireballs, revealing that the voice was not that of Sakuya Tachibana's. 'Garren' soon fell back as an explosion of fire occurred, the armor breaking away to reveal the imposter's true form.

It was a Spider Roidmude with a multicolored collar, it having an identifiable number plate reading out 027. The Spider Roidmude could only groan out before it fell limp and exploded.

"Ah, so it was a fake," Blade said as he watched Garren walk over.

"Sorry I'm late," Garren said, "But I figured we'd need all hands on deck for this."

"All hands… wait, do you mean?" Chalice looked over.

A blank plated Roidmude quickly ran into warehouse, it having a large cannon attachment for its right arm as it took aim towards the three Riders.


A purple card projection spun into the Roidmude, knocking it down before sliding back onto an approaching man. The card formed the green suited and gold armored club/spider themed Rider, Leangle.

"Ah, so you did get Mutsuki this time!" Blade called out.

Leangle drew out his staff, the Leangle Rouzer, jabbing the end of it into the Roidmude before using it to knock the mechanical enemy away.

"Tachibana caught me up on what happened," Leangle said as he gave a quick wave, "Glad to see I could make it this time!"

The Roidmude managed to get up, firing blasts of energy at Leangle who leapt up to avoid it.


A freezing wave of cold air was released from Leangle, the Roidmude being frozen as Leangle performed a scissor kick, striking the frozen Roidmude and shattering it.


"You still haven't lost your touch," Garren remarked.

"You really think so?" Leangle asked with a sheepish chuckle as he stood up.

"It's good to have you back, even if it's only for a bit," Blade said as he and Chalice walked over.

The four however quickly turned when they heard rumbling before the roof of the warehouse began to get torn through. Combatmen, Salis Worms, Mole Imagin, and even Rat Fangire all began to flood in from the roof while also breaking through any windows. Walking through the entrance were the Rose and Dragon Orphnoch's, clearly being the ones leading this grouping.

"Looks like we'll have to turn things up a notch," Garren said as he raised up his Rouse Absorber, loading in the Absorb Serpent card before drawing out Evolution Giraffa, "Mutsuki."

"On it," Leangle said as he held up his arm to reveal he also had a Rouse Absorber, loading in Absorb Tiger and drawing out Evolution Tarantula.

"Eh?" Blade looked in surprise, "You have a Rouse Absorber now?"

"That's right," Garren nodded, "Ever since that Another Rider incident I made sure that Garren and Leangle would be ready for the next time things got bad."

"Now you can really behold my King Form, Kenzaki," Leangle chuckled as he slid his Evolution Tarantula Rouse Card against the Rouse Absorber.


Garren did the same, sliding Evolution Giraffa through his Rouse Absorber's scanner.


The Rouse Cards of Garren and Leangle launched outwards, soon becoming the armoring that would signify their ascent into King Form. The result turned their bodysuits black, Garren holding silver and gold lined armoring similar to Blade while Leangle had dark green and gold. The Giraffa and Tarantula emblems were emblazoned on their chests, with one noticeable different between them and Blade being that the symbols on the armor were generic diamonds and clubs. This was likely because their sync rate wasn't as high as Kenzaki's and because they wanted to avoid any potential Joker transformation issues.

The two stepped forward and into their own stances, both of their Rouzers being enhanced by their King Forms.

"Looks like we're all ready to go," Chalice said as he entered his stance.

"Yep, all four of us at our strongest," Blade nodded as he entered a fighting stance as well.

The four had inadvertently stood where the light from outside shined the brightest, the outside light allowing their armor to shine brightly as they stood defiantly before the monster horde before them. The four Riders soon yelled out, all charging towards their opponents.

Cross-Z and Rogue both yelled out, the two slamming against the ground. They barely had a chance to react as Evolt launched out blasts of energy from his shoulders towards the two.

"Like that will work!" Grease shouted as he landed in front of the two fallen Riders, forming energy shields that managed to barely bounce the blasts back slightly. He stepped back before swinging outwards, slicing against the blasts and deflecting them away, causing explosions to occur mid-air.

"I'll admit that new multicolored form is good," Evolt said before quickly turning, "But not good enough!"


Build slammed the Fullbottle Buster into Evolt's arm who managed to hold it back. That was until the blade of the weapon erupted into gold and silver energy. Build soon sped up, managing to slip past Evolt and strike the Blood Tribe member in the gut, slashing past.

Evolt gasped out, gold and silver energy lashing out as sparks flew. He stood there stunned for a moment before he began to turn.


But it was too late as Build had already loaded the Hazard Trigger onto the Build Driver, soon pressing down on the button before pumping the crank to the Build Driver to initiate the finisher.


Build grunted slightly as there was a backlash to utilizing the Hazard Trigger and Genius Fullbottle together, but he fought through the pain.


Just as Evolt had fully turned, all of the bottles on Build Genius' body lit up brightly, the Rider punching with a mostly closed fist as he struck Evolt directly in the gut.

"This kind of attack again…?" Evolt gasped before laughing as he grabbed onto Build, "Idiot, I didn't use any Panels this time! What do you think that will even do to me?!"

"Who said anything about this doing anything to you?" Build called out as a red glow began to form from the cracks of the hand he had punched with.


Evolt gasped out as he could feel his power being pulled on and modified, he tried to pull away only for Build to grab onto him. The genius physicist yelled out before a red burst of light occurred, the two being thrown away from each other.

Evolt gasped, trying to pick himself up as he hunched forward, "What the hell did you do to me?!"

"Like I said, I wasn't trying to do anything to you," Build laughed as he lay on his back, holding up the hand he had punched with. He was grasping a Ridewatch, but it wasn't just any Ridewatch. It had a crimson body with a gold dial and button, Evol Phase 1's mask on the front.


"Huh?" Evolt asked as he stared in surprise, "You made that from me?"

"Precisely," Build said as he lowered his arm and began to pick himself up, "It was a sudden plan but I figured it needed to be done."

"You're being pretty casual about handling my power, especially since it's tied to my genes," Evolt mentioned.

"Oh trust me, I knew that your genes could be an issue," Build said as he fully stood, "It's why I used the power of Hazard and Genius to fully sterilize your genes, only copying the power in order to get the Ridewatch to form."

"Not bad, brat," Evolt chuckled as he dusted himself off, "So how does getting my power help you?"

"Like this," Build said before tossing the Ridewatch towards the other Riders, "Banjo, it's time!"

"Finally," Cross-Z called out as he pushed himself up, running and catching the Ridewatch before tossing it up into the air. He then brought out a Fullbottle he hadn't used yet, the Muscle Galaxy Fullbottle, soon preparing to transform further with it, "Let's go!"

The Evol Ridewatch had fallen in front of him just as the Snap Builder transformation parts formed, the Evol Watch acting like Evolt did in the past and completing the Snap Builder as it closed in.


"Huh… clever…" Evolt said as he could only stare as Cross-Z took the form of Cross-Z Evol, "You figured that the form was useless without me so you found a way to access it without my help."

"Ever since we confirmed your presence in Remnant I've been trying to make sure that Banjo could utilize that form," Build admitted as he stared down Evolt.

"And with this, we've got a bit more even ground now," Rogue said as he grunted, being helped up by Grease.

"Now all of us have final forms to kick your ass," Grease called out.

"Is that so?" Evolt asked before laughing, "Then come!"

"Alright punk, you asked for it," Cross-Z said as he cracked his knuckles before stepping forward alongside Rogue and Grease, the three standing alongside Build as they stared down Evolt, "Because I get the feeling we can't lose!"

"What is your dream?"

The Unicorn Yummy currently lumbered over to an older woman, grabbing her head and forcing smoke to come out as a book appeared. It gripped the book before tearing it apart as the woman fell to her hands and knees in a despondent fashion.

The Unicorn Yummy could only nod in approval as it walked off, ready to close in on a couple that were trying to get away. Or at least it tried to as it was suddenly kicked in the side by Zi-O who had drawing out the Saikyo Girade, shifting it to its Best Face mode.


Zi-O let out a shout as he swung forward, an arc of multicolored energy launching out and striking the Unicorn Yummy. It could only gasp out as it held where it was cut, reaching forward before exploding and producing one Cell Medal.

"Alright," Zi-O pumped his fist before hurrying over to the older woman, "You okay?"

"Y-Yes… thank you," The woman said as she suddenly regained her senses and was helped up.

"Seito University Hospital is nearby," Zi-O spoke up, "They're one of the places setting up safe zones, so head there alright?"

"I will, thank you," The woman said before hurrying off.

"Excellent work my Overlord," Woz said as he appeared leaning on a nearby wall outside of his transformation, "However your presence is required elsewhere."

"What do you mean?" Zi-O asked.

"Your Uncle wishes to speak to you," Woz explained as he walked over, "It's urgent."

"Uncle does?" Zi-O questioned in slight surprise before nodding, realizing that his uncle wouldn't be calling him for something minor, "Thanks Woz, think I can leave this area to you?"

"Of course," Woz said with a smile as he walked past Zi-O, "Leave everything to me."

"Thank you Woz," Zi-O said before hurrying off.

"It is no issue," Woz stated as he prepared his transformation into his base form for now, "Henshin!"

Ida was a normal man, just trying to take care of his son Keisuke. So of course when Final-Shocker's invasion had gone into full force, he was trying to keep his son safe. They were currently heading for one of the safe zones set up when the Kaiden Bugster got in their way.

"Halt!" Kaiden called out as it drew out its swords, "I am Kaiden of the 50th Standing! In order to pass you must defeat-"

The Bugster was suddenly kicked into bushes before it could finish speaking.

The culprit was a man in all black, wearing a Gamer Driver. He held black leather gloves and had bushy brown hair.

"Huh?" Ida looked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Kagenari Yagumo," Kagenari answered as he drew out the Hurricane Ninja Gashat, "There's a safe zone at Seito University, it's not too far from here so get going."


"T-Thank you," Ida said as he and his son hurried along.

"Who dares interrupt my speech?!" Kaiden called out as he managed to brandish his blades.

"I'm not repeating myself," Kagenari said as he initiated his transformation, "Henshin!"


A digital screen spun outwards before sliding back into place as navy and orange energy burst out, transforming Kagenari into Kamen Rider Fuma, Ninja Gamer. It was a ninja themed Gamer Rider without the health bar, having white with hexagon patterns alongside navy blue armoring and orange accents, the Rider helmet having spiked white hair with soft strands running down the sides of the forehead, orange eyes piercing through.

"Kamen Rider Fuma," Fuma said as he withdrew the two Kodachi that were on his backpack before charging towards Kaiden who did the same.

Off to the side, a few Kuzu Yummies and Ghouls rolled backwards before exploding. Blake and Yang walking into view as they had dealt with the grouping. The two however paused when they saw Kaiden and Fuma exchanging clashes.

"Huh?" Yang stared in surprise, "Is that?"

"A Ninja Gamer Rider…?" Blake asked before quickly summoning Hurricane Ninja, "That must be where this Gashat came from."

"Huh, you know Emu and the others never talked about him," Yang replied.

"He just might not be affiliated with CR," Blake guessed.

The two heard screams from nearby, the two turning before looking back at the fight. Despite Kaiden's swordplay, Fuma was easily dealing with the Level 50 Bugster. The two looked at each other before nodding, hurrying off towards where they heard the screams.


OOO let out a yell as he swung the Medagabryu, a purple wave of energy launching outwards and striking the Shocker Greeed.

"Did I…?" OOO trailed only to gasp out as sparks flew, a flurry of feather projectiles striking and exploding against his armor as he was sent to the ground, losing his transformation.

Ankh quickly floated over, "Hey, EijI!"

"I-I'm alright…" Eiji gasped out as he held his chest, though he was covered in scratches and bruises, adding to the ones that he was still recovering from.

"You idiot," Shocker Greeed laughed out as it walked towards the two from out of the smoke, "Do you think I only have the one Cell Medal like last time?"

"Huh?" Eiji asked.

"Oh don't tell me…" Ankh trailed.

"I was given a large amount of Cell Medals to increase my strength further!" Shocker Greeed answered as it spread its arms out, "Meaning I have become one of Final-Shocker's strongest!"

"Eiji, we need to get out of here," Ankh realized, "As much as I hate running…"

"Then we won't," Eiji said with a light cough, "Ankh, there's still one way we can beat him."

"Eh?" Ankh looked over at Eiji, "You can't mean…"

"You trust me, right?" Eiji asked.

"I'd ask if you could handle it," Ankh said before scoffing, "But considering it was your desire that brought me back…"

"Yeah…" Eiji nodded as he began to pick himself up, "Come on… Ankh…"

"I'm not about to let you keel over so easily," Ankh said as he launched towards Eiji's right arm, combining with it as a burst of red feathers occurred. Eiji's body soon grew spectral multi-colored wings that were tinted red, the wings spreading out.

Shocker Greeed gasped as it was forced to step back from the sudden burst of feathers and spreading of wings, "What?!"

Eiji was now standing in front of the Shocker Greeed, his hair curled up as parts of the right half of his hair were highlighted at the tips in gold and red. Of course the most notable difference was that he had Ankh's right forearm.

"You two combined?" Shocker Greeed asked before laughing, "This just makes it easier for me, both of you will die at once."

"You really think so, huh?" Ankh asked as he looked over his right arm, "Eiji… fine…" he said as he held out his hand showcasing the Kujaku and Condor Medals alongside his personal Taka Core. The Taka Core had changed when he had revived, the animal emblem holding a red, green and yellow gradient to it. However it pulsated and released a short burst, the Kujaku and Condor Medals also changing to the gradient coloration.

"What is going on?" Shocker Greeed asked.

"If that's what you want…" Ankh trailed off as he began loading in the enhanced Core Medals into the OOO Driver. Condor was first, then Kujaku, and finally was Taka, which he stared at for a brief moment before loading it in, "Eiji… let's do this."

"What are those medals?" Shocker Greeed questioned further, "Just what are you doing?!"

Ankh scoffed before scanning the Medals to activate his transformation, "Henshin!"


Eiji and Ankh's voices called out the Medal announcements in union. The three multicolored bird medals formed as projections in front of Ankh before combining into the completed Tajador Emblem, it slamming backwards as an inferno was unleashed.


Fiery wings spread out before shrinking and flapping, the flames dying away to reveal a new variant of Tajador that wasn't the ones Eiji or Ankh had assumed before. The base suit was still the same Tajador, various green markings on the lower body with a few gold markings fading in on the upper shoulders of it.

The center circle where the Tajador emblem was had the upper portion as red that faded into yellow, and then faded into green, the emblem fully in gold. The helmet had the most drastic change, the visor over the mask being clear with the compound eyes being green, the side feathers of the helmet being multicolored alongside the forehead crest resembling Ankh's Greeed form's crest. Running down from the back were peaco*ck-like tassels that were also multicolored, running from red to purple.

Finally the Tajaspiner had gotten an upgrade into the Tajanityspinner, the red base becoming gold while the spinner portion turned fully black with a red ring. Tajador's emblem was multicolored with most of the animal being red while the tail feathers shifted to yellow and green.

Shocker Greeed could only let out a light gasp before turning when a nearby mounted building screen suddenly turned on. It gasped further as Kougami's image appeared on the screen, stepping back due to how close the human was to the camera.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OOO," Kougami shouted at the top of his lungs, bringing out party poppers and pulling the strings to let streamers and confetti loose, "IT'S AN ALL-NEW TAJADOR!"

OOO struck a stance before charging straight towards Shocker Greeed, going for a punch before following up with another, and another. The force behind the punches was great enough to where Shocker Greeed was forced to actively step back from the attacks.

Shocker Greeed attempted to overtake OOO only to get struck in the side by a kick, staggering back further. It tried to move forward again only for a projection of Eiji to form in a brief moment, that projection transforming into normal Tajador and slamming its fist into Shocker Greeed's face.

"Huh?" Shocker Greeed gasped.

Tajador looked over at OOO, the two nodding to each other with OOO going for a low punch, Tajador bursting into flames and striking past the Shocker Greeed before vanishing.

"What is this power?!" Shocker Greeed questioned before launching a flurry of feather projectiles towards OOO.

OOO quickly held up his Tajanityspinner, fire bursting forth and forming a circular shield to burn away the feathers. OOO then released the Red Bird Medals he had alongside the Tajador Eternity Medals, opening up the Spinner and loading them all in before scanning the weapon with his O Scanner.


Fire alongside red, yellow, and green energy began forming and spiraling into the center of the Spinner, a cross of fire erupting for a brief moment. OOO took aim and pushed the trigger, a bright flash of red occurring as fire was channeled, unleashing a phoenix made of fire against Shocker Greeed.

Shocker Greeed gasped out as it was sent flying as a result, landing on its back as its body crackled with energy, "No… it wasn't supposed to go like this…"

"It's over, trash," OOO remarked as he returned the Medal's he used for Eternity Scan, as he did he saw Eiji in the corner of his eye.

"Ankh," Eiji nodded.

"Right," OOO nodded as he prepared his next finisher, "Let's end it."


OOO leapt up into the air with Eiji vanishing, as he did the Standard and Lost Blaze versions of Tajador formed on both sides of him. Both variants merged with him as red rings formed between him and Shocker Greeed, fire erupting from his body and forming wings as he closed in.

An eagle's screech was heard as he slammed both feet against Shocker Greeed, performing a dropkick as projections of talons in a cross-shape formed before striking through.

Shocker Greeed exploded in a fiery blaze, OOO standing amongst the flames as Cell Medals had erupted everywhere, scattering across the ground. Of course some had launched up into the air, raining down as OOO stared off into the distance.

The Nightmare Dopant laughed as it began launching fireballs out from its shoulder, causing destruction and managing to knock a few people around. This resulted in plenty of unconscious people it could take advantage of and make its victims.

"Who was laughing at me just now…?"

The Nightmare Dopant turned towards an alleyway as green pulsations were seen.


Red round eyes lit up in the alleyway as Kamen Rider KickHopper walked out with a shaky breath.

The Nightmare Dopant launched several fireballs at the base of the alleyway, kicking up fires to try and force KickHopper back.

"Was it you?" KickHopper asked as he stepped through the fires without any issue, a few flames licking his armor before dispersing.

The Nightmare Dopant backed away in surprise at this, unsure of what to do as KickHopper's presence was unnerving it. It tried launching out fireballs again only for KickHopper to run past them, going for a rapid series of kicks and sending the monster backwards.

"Rider Jump," KickHopper said as he initiated his finisher, energy gathering in his left leg as he leapt high into the air, "Rider Kick!"


The hopper leg on his shin folded up before unfolding, releasing a pulse of energy as KickHopper struck the Nightmare Dopant. The Rider flipped back before landing on his knee as the Nightmare Dopant gasped while staggering back. KickHopper didn't even bother waiting as he stood up and turned, the Dopant exploding behind him and obscuring his form due to his close proximity to it.



Decade and a copy of Build Genius Form leapt up alongside Ex-Aid, the trio striking past both Kaiser and Kaiser Reverse who attempted to defend against their kicks. The two copied Kaisers however could only groan out as sparks flew before exploding.


Gaim yelled out as he swung his Musou Saber in its combined Taiken Mode, unleashing an bright yellow slash of energy against the Shocker Riders, the group yelling as they exploded with fruit projections flying all over.

Diend was currently battling against the remaining Road Dopants, managing to shoot down one only to wince as one managed to grab onto him and bite his arm. He shot it in the face, before shoving it away, shooting it further and further until it exploded.

The remainder of the Road Dopants used this to their advantage, leaping into the air to strike at the distracted Rider.


A line of Final Attack Ride Card projections appeared off to the Road Dopants side, a cross-slash of silver hurtling through the projections before striking the group. Diend turned as he was met by the explosion of the Road Dopants before turning towards where the attack had come from.

"Hope you don't mind," Rose said as she walked over with Qrow.

"Where's the rest of your team?" Diend asked.

"Tai and Raven split up to keep thinning out Final-Shocker's forces," Rose explained.

"That means you're stuck with us," Qrow shrugged with a smirk, "Just your luck, huh?"

"Is that so?" Diend asked with a chuckle.

"You guys finally made it to the party," Decade said as he walked over with the other Riders.

"To be honest we were just in the area," Rose admitted, "But you guys looked like you had your hands fuller than you normally should."

"Blame that Another Rider," Gaim said, "After we cornered him he sent a large amount of his minions after us while he fled."

"Narutaki fled?" Rose asked in surprise, "Just what is he up to?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Decade agreed, "Regardless-"

"Hey, are you all alright?"

Everyone turned to see Oscar and Ren running over, the two having been in the area as well.

"We heard fighting but it seems we got here too late," Ren said.

"What's going on?" Oscar asked.

"I'm not explaining this twice," Decade groaned as he slumped forward before clearing his throat, "The point is we need to find Narutaki soon before he starts up whatever he started brewing."


Everyone was forced to brace as the ground began to rumble, and while one would assume the worlds drawing closer was the case… this felt a lot more like an actual earthquake.

"Is it the proximity of our worlds again?" Rose asked as she tried to regain her balance.

"No…" Decade muttered before loud explosions could be heard in the distance, turning in the direction of where a nearby mountain range was, "Something tells me we're about to see Narutaki's desperation play."

"Damn you Decade!"

Everyone turned to see Another Decade emerge from an Aurora Curtain, the Another Rider standing on a tall pillar with his arms spread.

"What did you just do buddy?" Qrow asked.

"By gathering the power of Shocker Leaders from alternate worlds, I have reawakened one of the greatest enemies of Rider!" Another Decade shouted as the mountain range erupted, boulders and large chunks of earth being launched into the air as a gigantic being that towered over King Dark in size emerged from the Earth's crust.

It was a creature that had only been faced once in Rider history, when the world was threatened by Shocker rewriting history back in 2011. Though defeated by the combined efforts of many Kamen Riders, Another Decade had revived it via his powers. The colossus made of stone that dwarfed even Mount Fuji in size cast a shadow over Tokyo. This being was known as the Rock Great Leader.

"What the hell?" Qrow asked.

"It's too large…" Ren's eyes widened as he let out a short gasp.

'Oscar…' Ozpin's voice spoke up.

"I know," Oscar spoke up causing a few people to look over at him when they realized he wasn't responding to Ren.

"I do invite you to try and defeat him," Another Decade laughed, "It took many of you united to do so before, and it was only thanks to history being a mess that you were able to gather the numbers to do so… so how will you do so this time?"

"Narutaki…" Decade hissed out.

"I've got an idea," Oscar said as he held up Long Memory, "Oz and I can potentially heavily damage it so that the other Riders can finish it off."

"Wait, what?" Qrow asked in surprise, "Isn't that too risky?"

"Risks aside, how would you even get close to that thing?" Rose questioned.

"I'd need a lift, yeah," Oscar nodded, "But if a Rider can get me close enough then I can do some serious damage."

"He's serious about this," Ren replied, having used his Semblance to get a read on Oscar's emotions. There was anxiety, and nervousness, but a determination to see the idea through to the end was holding those other emotions back, "I think we should take this chance."

"But who do we get to take him?" Diend asked.

"Leave it to me," Ex-Aid pounded his chest, "If it's an escort mission then an invincible gamer who can warp will be just the thing."

"Fine, but you need to make sure you get out of there if things get too bad," Decade said as he pointed towards Oscar.

"I'll be fine," Oscar reassured, "I have some of the best heroes ever to help me out."

"Good luck then," Rose said.

"I'll try and run interference then," Gaim said as he opened up a Crack behind him before backing through and closing it.

"So how does this work?" Oscar asked, "Do you carry me in your arms or…"

"Hop on my back," Ex-Aid said as he knelt down, Oscar getting on his back. But instead of holding onto Oscar with his hands, his tendril-like strands of hair began wrapping around the farmhand. The result held Oscar firmly, and allowed Ex-Aid fully movement with his arms and legs, "Alright… it's now or never… so, you ready?"

"Of course," Oscar nodded as he went to hold onto Ex-Aid, wrapping his arms and legs around the Rider to keep a firmer grip.

"Then let's… go!" Ex-Aid shouted as he began to run off towards the towering figure of the Rock Great Leader. Just as they did the chunks of earth that had been launched up began to rain down around the city while causing heavy damage.

Another Decade had heard the entire conversation and could only scoff at the "plan" he had heard. After all there was no way to know how true Oscar's words were, and if they were, how much was the kid overestimating his own power? Not to mention there was the factor of Ex-Aid even getting there in the first place. While some concern was there, Another Decade knew that it would only take a miracle to defeat the monstrosity that he had summoned.

"Uncle…?" Sougo asked as he entered the front shop area of 9-5-DO, "Woz told me that you wanted to see me?"

Junichiro peaked out from underneath his main desk, giving a smile as he hurried over and hugged Sougo, "Thank goodness you're alright."

"Of course I am," Sougo chuckled as he hugged back, "Because…"

"Because you're a King and Kamen Rider," Junichiro said as he pulled away and put his hands on Sougo's shoulders, "Right?"

"Yeah," Sougo nodded, "So the reason you wanted me to come over was…"

"Ah, right," Junichiro said as he quickly moved back to his work desk, grabbing a large tray and holding it out towards Sougo as he smiled, "Here you go."

"These are…" Sougo trailed in shock at what was on the tray, the various color combinations and visages staring back as he was entirely speechless. He looked up, "You managed to…"

"Well it's like those Imagin guys said, I am the best Clockmaker of this era. There's no clock I can't fix," Junichiro said with pure pride as he winked before chuckling, "I mean, I fixed a time traveling train, and while this was just as tough, I still managed."

"Uncle…" Sougo smiled as he took hold of the tray, "Thank you."

"And with that job done, I will retire to the kitchen to make sure you all aren't fighting on empty stomachs," Junichiro said as he began to head towards the kitchen, "Be safe."

"Right, I'm off," Sougo said, a magenta light shining from his pocket while the tray began to light up in various colors before him. Energy began to gather in one spot as a result, resulting in a gold flash that enveloped the room.

Ex-Aid continued to run through the city, avoiding any grunt or monster he could alongside whatever debris were sent his way. It didn't take long for Rock Great Leader to act, explosions suddenly going off all over the city and causing more destruction.

Ex-Aid quickly leapt onto a car before leaping towards a building, leaping to another before vanishing into gold and green pixels with Oscar, soon reforming on a taller building as he continued to run and leap from building to building.

The Rock Great Leader stared at the golden speck trying to reach it. It wasn't sure what exactly it was planning but it wanted eradicated in an instant. Its eyes shined a bright red, explosions erupting all around Ex-Aid and Oscar.

The two yelled out as Ex-Aid tried to defend them to the best of his ability only to get knocked around too much. The result was him losing his grip on Oscar and the farmhand falling.

"Oh no," Ex-Aid turned towards the falling boy, "Don't worry I'll-"

'Emu look out!' Parad's voice called out.

Ex-Aid turned only to get smashed into by a sudden boulder, the boulder striking a building as Oscar continued to fall.

Or at least that would have been Oscar's situation… had a blue blur not suddenly grabbed him while flying upwards.

"Huh?" Oscar looked up to see the familiar blue mask and yellow hiragana of Geiz Revive Shippu, "Geiz!"

"I'm always rescuing you, huh?" Geiz asked, "So what were you and Emu up to?"

"I need to get to that thing's chest," Oscar pointed towards the Great Rock Leader, "Oz and I have something up our sleeve that can maybe do enough damage."

"Oscar… you…" Geiz trailed, realizing what they were likely planning and what it would do to the farmhand.

"I'm prepared for what might happen," Oscar said as he closed his eyes before opening them up wide with determination, "So please let me do this, Geiz!"

"Alright," Geiz agreed as he continued to fly forward, trying to dodge whatever falling pieces of rock he could, "But this is going to be a close one!"

A blue streak continued to fly through the late day sky as Great Rock Leader stared at it, quickly unleashing more explosions in mid-air. To the gigantic creature's surprise, the blue streak easily flew past the explosions.

Of course what the Great Rock Leader wasn't expecting was fireballs, lasers and missiles to start impacting against it. Oscar wasn't the only one who was trying to damage the Great Rock Leader as the DenLiner and ZeroLiner had joined the fray, being piloted by Den-O and Zeronos. It wasn't just them as Drive had gotten in on the action, using the Ride Booster carts to let the Tridoron fly. Joining them all was the massive castle that had dragon-like features sticking out from it, Castle Doran.

That wasn't even counting Gaim who was utilizing various Cracks to form portal to the vastness of space where the debris could safely pass through and float off. And any that were two big he used his combined greatsword weapon to slice through and break down into more harmless chunks.

"Go, Castle Doran!" Kiva held the Zanvat Sword forward while he stood on top of the castle, it launching fireballs out from its mouth.

"Let's go, let's go," Den-O shouted out from the DenLiner's co*ckpit as it and the ZeroLiner had linked up, the two trains throwing their entire artilleries out at the Great Rock Leader, "Let's go!"

"Like I'm letting you all destroy more of this city!" Drive called out as he began pressing down on a few buttons, "Belt-San!"

"Of course Shinnosuke," Belt-San cleared his throat, "TIRE FUERU!"

Belt-San's voice echoed out as the Tridoron began launching out Shift Tire after Shift Tire as a projectile towards the Rock Great Leader.

The Rock Great Leader was overwhelmed by the constant attacks despite its large body, small explosions littering its body as the assault was managing to distract it.

"Looks like we're not the only one with ideas to take it down," Geiz replied.

"They're doing a good job though," Oscar said, "So with that thing distracted we can get close but…"

"But…?" Geiz asked.

"I'm going to need you to hold me a bit differently," Oscar admitted, "Arms around the stomach, get high enough and just drop me."

"That's risky," Geiz replied.

"But you're fast enough to catch me," Oscar reminded, "Just start getting in position after you drop me."

"Fine," Geiz grumbled before launching high up into the air.

The Rock Great Leader roared out at its attackers, its eyes shining brightly as explosions occurred all in front of it. The explosions managed to do their job, blocking any further projectiles while also forcing the force of vehicle riding Riders away. Of course however with its opponents distracted it was able to see an orange glint in the sky.

Geiz had just dropped Oscar when the Rock Great Leader had forced the Riders back. Oscar held Long Memory with both hands as a bright orange light shined. He was rather stiff as he fell but he knew he had to keep up his concentration. It didn't take long for green and orange specks of light to start swirling around the cane as the gears within the cane began to turn.

The Great Rock Leader raised its arms, planning on smashing Oscar between its palms. As Oscar dropped down, the palms began to close in further and further.

Oscar meanwhile closed his eyes, a burst of magic exiting his cane before he formed a green magical barrier around him. In an instant the barrier was enveloped in a white light.

A speck of white was seen between the Great Rock Leader's hands, and in mere seconds an expansive sphere of white surrounded by green and orange energy erupted outwards. The blast tore through the Great Rock Leader's hands, the shockwave forcing the colossus to take a step back as most of its forearms were also shattered.

The sphere had released an astounding burst of light that lit up the late day sky, everyone being forced to cover their eyes as time seemed to slow for nearly everyone. The Riders that were nearby in their vehicles/mounts had barely just managed to regain control of them due to the shockwave unleashed from the blast, the force of it being enough to cause trouble.

As for Oscar himself, the young male was slowly but surely falling as he smiled at the damage he had managed to do. He felt himself fading out of consciousness before something tugged at him, waking him up briefly.

"You did good kid," Geiz said as he had caught Oscar, having had to speed backwards to avoid most of the aftershock but managed to course correct just in time. It didn't take him long to fly off, planning on getting his friend somewhere safe, "Everyone else should be able to take it from here."

"Y-Yeah…" Oscar said in a daze as he went to close his eyes again.

"W-What…?" Another Decade gasped out as he let his arms drop, surprised by the massive power behind the blast, "Had he hit dead center with that…"

"He could have taken it out in one go…" Rose spoke up as she inadvertently continued the Another Rider's thought, "I was not expecting…"

"…Oz to have stored that much power," Qrow finished for his teammate.

"I suppose once the shock wears down we can finish it off," Decade suggested before noticing a few golden glints in the sky, "Or we can finish it right now."

"Huh?" Diend asked before noticing the shining gold glints, "Oh…"

"What's going on?" Ren asked.

"Huh?" Another Decade looked at the group before staring up at the gold lights that were managing to be seen. He let out a shudder however as the gold energy suddenly expanded into multiple large gateways.

The gateways themselves were different sizes, but it was clear that they were meant to transport large individuals.

One had the date 2013, opening up to reveal a giant flaming Kamen Rider Wizard performing a downwards upside down kick against the Suika Arms in Oodama Mode. The result launched a fiery Suika Oodama that hurtled straight towards the Great Rock Leader's right shoulder.

Another gate opened up to 2008, where it revealed a giant gold Kiva projection that kicked straight towards the Great Rock Leader's left shoulder.

The next gateway opened up to reveal it was from 2017, it angled to where it was high above the Great Rock Leader. In an instant a fiery comet with eyes similar to Ex-Aid's crashed down and aimed itself right at the colossus' face.

The Suika Arms and giant Kiva struck through the Great Rock Leader's shoulders with the Ex-Aid comet smashing into its head with a burst, causing a heavy indention.


As if that wasn't enough there was still one gateway left, it opening up to reveal the date 2009 while sliding backwards to reveal Kamen Ride Cards of every Rider from Ichigo to Decade. Behind the cards was a giant Decade Complete who yelled out and kicked through the cards, powering up further and further until…


The Jumbo Decade slammed his right leg into the Great Rock Leaders torso, the attack combined with the damage from the other attacks causing the evil colossus to break apart, shatter, and finally crumble.

"T-Those gateways…" Another Decade let out a gasp.


Build in TankTank Form emerged from a gateway on a nearby building, launching out energy blast after energy blast from the Fullbottle Buster.

The result blasted Another Decade off the pillar he was standing on and onto the ground.


Drive in Type Formula 01 launched out of a gateway that formed to the Another Rider's side, becoming a blue blur and striking the Another Rider several times.


A gateway slid back to reveal Ghost, spreading his arms out as a sigil with seven emblems appeared behind him. The emblems combined together with his right leg, unleashing a bright orange burst of energy he kicked against.

Another Decade had just gotten up, bracing against the kick only to stagger from the surprising power behind it.


OOO in his Sagohzo Combo emerged from his gateway, launching his gauntlets at Another Decade like missiles and causing an explosion that sent Another Decade rolling.

"Those gateways…!" Another Decade gasped as he reeled on the ground, holding his chest, "I was sure I destroyed the power of All Riders…" he paused at this, "No, if it was still intact then why wasn't it used earlier?!"

"You're right, you did break it, but you only broke what created it," Sougo's voice was heard as everyone saw him walking up, the four Riders that were summoned turning into balls of light that entered the GrandZi-O Ridewatch he now held up. He then smiled, "And you underestimated my Uncle and his love of clocks."

"Well, look who finally showed up," Decade chuckled as he and the others in the area turned to see Sougo approaching.

"This is not how it's supposed to go…" Another Decade hissed out before shaking his head and gesturing upwards, "Regardless, you seem to be forgetting that this is bigger than just my invasion now."

"If you're going to try and distract us with Tsuki's safety, then try again."

Bursts of red petals launched past Another Decade, combining back into one when they were past him before moving towards Sougo. Ruby soon reformed out of the petals, sliding to a stop near Sougo as she stood up.

"A Dark Rider army is pretty good, but I've got a final form now to help out with that," Ruby said as she held out the RozeRemnant Ridewatch, "Last I left Tsuki though, we completely annihilated your forces."

"I see…" Another Decade said with a near shudder, whether it was one of realization on his impending defeat or one of anger, it was unknown. But it was clear he was taking in his surroundings, "Then we'll break for today."

"Huh?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Sougo asked.

"You can't be serious," Decade spoke up in utter disbelief, "You're calling a time out?"

"Consider it this way, you're bound to be tired due to all the constant fighting," Another Decade explained as various minions and monsters in the distance could be seen suddenly being drawn in by Aurora Curtains, "And my forces have been wearing themselves thin. Thus I will call a break for the evening as it is getting quite late."

"That's awfully kind of you," Rose remarked, "Let me guess, you plan on replenishing your forces in the interim."

"And you will be able to enjoy a good night's rest to refresh yourselves for the coming storm," Another Decade answered as he placed his hands behind his back. An Aurora Curtain formed behind him as he began to back up into it, "After all, some of you have been fighting much longer and harder than the other Legend Riders."

"Fine then," Sougo said, "But tomorrow is when we end this Narutaki."

"Oh I know," Another Decade said as he stepped into the Aurora Curtain, his form becoming shadowed as it faded away, "I'll be waiting…"

Sougo and Ruby both stared at where Another Decade once was, the two slumping forward before falling onto their knees in near exhaustion. Everyone else quickly began to hurry over to the two exhausted Riders as both Sougo and Ruby while relieved for the break, knew that the final confrontation was going to be a hellish battle for survival.

To Be Continued…

"Mine is the power of every Rider!"

"No matter what happens…"

"So then, that is your decision?"

"You'll still be you…"

"Destroy everything, connect everything, right?"


Next Chapter: 2019: Hallowed Time, Oma Zi-O!

Rider Time Zi-O: Roze from Remnant - Chapter 141 - ZeroEnchiladas (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.