Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)

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Johnson City Pressi

Johnson City, Tennessee

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-V 4 5 Page iv Section A JOHNSON CITY TENN PRESS-CHRONICLE buniuy iuuuung February 5 ly-iy ICO At clnmbun Poivell Have Perfect Attendance Abigail Smith Adams who died I Sir Hubert Wilkins Arctic ex in 1818 was the only woman who £Jcorer t00k tire first pictures has ever" bee both wife and mother of a President of the fghting ever shown in mo-ed States: her husband was John Adams and her son John Quincy Adams Gilly Eimlie Ledford end Betty Jo Cantrell Second grade Mss Ada Cross teacher cJerry Lee Carver Frank Hendrix Russell Pate One hundred and nine students Frank Preston Larry Lowe Dan-Rowe Frances Johnson Linda at Columbus Powell School have iej Cantell Jimmy Le800- Sparks Rosalyn Sparks Bonita been listed on the perfect attendance roll for the 1948-1949 semester Miss Maigaret Pain princi- Brenda Charles Johnson Pa my Roak 1 Stamper Linda Lowe Rether Griffith Arm strong Wills Michael Benton Wayne Lee Frye Kirk Charles Marston Elrod Jimmy Junior Fe-n Gilly Carolyn Reece Louise) 1 5 pal has announced The students listed by grades 1 Hopson Mary Sue Candle and painter Jr usie Haw- are: Greta Sue Campbell Mrs Louise Jurfth Hall Peggy Lowe First Mrs Myra Wein- McMackm teacher Larrv Car- Carolyn Robinson and Teresa berger teacher Brent llliams'mack Suzanne Archer Yvonne1 jjoody Third grade Miss June O'Dell teacher Billy Buchanan John Candle Leslie Evans Wavne Lowe Louise Roark and Emma Sapp Miss Anna Thomas teacher David Anderson Wayne Church Joe Ray Palmer Billy Roark Eddie Street Ted Vanover Geraldine Leonard Ivan Miller Phvlli Pams Hazel Saddler and Priscilla Onks Fourth Miss Sophie Boring teacher Charles Lovely Roark Armeta Bennett Jean Caiaway Peggy Dyer Mary Katherine Miller Gail Pate Peggy Seott and Lilli an Vanover Mrs Mvatt teacher Foster Elrod John Hall Johnny Price Tinker Stefcle Carolyn Gioss Lorraine Murphy Betty Lou Myers and Helen Pickering Fifth Miss Lottie Price teacher Bobby Bryant John Moore Billy Dyer Ernest Simer-ly Don Trevathan Robert Van Dyke June Fox Betty Morefield Mri Donna Anderson teacher Homer Bunton Tommy Whisman William Dingus Phyllis Graybeal Zenabia Sisk Margaret Swartz and Wanda Hughes 1 Sixth Mrs Pans Huddle teacher Zertha Mackley Helen Miller Billy Bam Phil Col-hs Frank Emerine Geoige Marston Wanda Hagy Jack Fisher and Joan Ray Miss Mildred Dulaney teacher Robert Bolinger Robert mwwutmmiMiiMtmiiMum Decidedly yes! By ac-cepting your thrift deposits and your purchases of Savings Bonds banks help you postpone your spending for scarce articles by lending funds to business and industry for constructive purposes banks help increase the supply of scarce goods In these and other ways banks fight inflation ED A A A vCs -A rAj vt 4-H CLUB OFFICERS Bobby Britt left student at Gap Creek School was reelected president of the Carter county 4-H Club at a meeting in Elizabethan" Other officers elected left to right ere Janice Minton vice president Smrley Little secretary Jean Nidiffer reporter and Charlotte Davis song leader (Photo by Greene) Daily Radio Timetable 1 L7 0 NATIONAL BANK of Johnson City Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member federal Reserve System WETB 790 Ke EST II Sermon in Song 30 Rev 9 Ham 9 45 Community Chapel 10 00 Al and Lee Reiser 10 15 Merle Pitt 10 30 Southernairee 11 po Christian Church 45 Silver String AMERITEX CandyCord 4) Jneh rayon eord In mue black and brown with white hairline stripes $169 yd JUST RECEIVED 44) yards color fast PERCALES SI inches wide 39e yd II Square Fast Color Cettcn Prints II Inches wide 29c yd Sanforized CHAMERAY In (tripe nd solid color just In Si inches wide 49e yd AMERITEX Cotton Cord 34 Inches wids $119 yd 1 15 Chapel hr the Road 7 30 Sport Headlines 7 35 Piano Moods Ellis Claude Story Swartz! Local and World Newt Tommy Nelms Dorothy Dingus Sue Jones Catherine May Faye Rowe and Elmar Swanner I 15 Organ Fverie I 38 follow the ruoni 00 Newt Views 15 Upper Room a 0 00 Horae Held! 7 30 Phil and ARco 00 Fred Alien 1 30 NBC Theater 0 00 Merry-Round 0 30 Familiar Musie 10 00 Tea It Or Uav fl 10 30 Wh Said That 00 News Variety i Hours) CBS 9 30 Spike Janet 7 00 Jack Benny 9 7 JO Amos and Andy 00 Sarp Spade 8 30 Luui and Abney 9 00 Helen Hayes 9 30 Mis Brooks 10 00 Life With Luti 10 30 Cabin Drama 0 30 Music for Bunds? i tuou newa nmentin aaua 1 A new trimming fos dresses andiio'3d smg of onr rime sweaters is strip of double Batiste with neatly stitched buttonholes spaced thiee Inches apait Both edges of tlje strip are finished with eyelet ruffles 10 00 News American Must 10 45 740 acert Hall 00 First Preabyteria t'h? EST IS 06 News Serenade 11 15 Sunday Serenade Week la Review EST 13 00 World New 12 15 0 Reporter 13 30 Brotherhood Hoof 1 00 American Almanac 1 15 fcdtiot at Home 30 National Vespers 9 00 Aropnd the World 30 Mr President 00 Tlua Changing World 3 15 Longtne Musical 3 30 Band Show 4 4 00 Future of America 4 15 Dick Tood 4 30 Affairs ft 15 News Summary ft 30 Quiet Please 9 00 Drew Pearson I ift Newt Round-up 6 30 Greatest Story 1 00 Go fer the Hops 7 30 Calvatade of Musie 00 Stop the Music 9 00 Walls i WtncneM 9 15 Leuelia Parson 0 30 Theatre Omld 10 30 Mooes Modern 10 46 Geoige Sokolaty Fire Drives 225 From Dixie Asylum JACKSON La Ib Doctors nd attendant led 223 sci earning panic-stricken women mental patient to safety when fire swept three-story brick building in which they were housed at toe East Louisian Hospital before dawn today Dr Glenn Smith superintendent at the institution said of the 225 1 patients 75 were violently insane women housed on the second floor in which the fire ongmated The others with less serious mental aliments weie in wards on the first and third floors 1 Lacev Richardson business man-1 ager of the hospital said flames 1 were discovered pouring out ofjf the windows of the violently in-k sane ward at 4 45 a Pandemonium broke out But Richardson said Dr Smith quick-if ly assembled all of the doctors nurses and attendants who led the patients do safety night clothes ithin five minutes VJclzzms HQII" fer BsomaiH PAIQS Jr -'Ssy 30 45 Concert in Minaiare 1 DO Neva 1 05 Lynn Murry 1 30 Sunday ttymphony 08 Coiw 2 15 Just Rambling 3 30 Lutheran Hour 3 00 News 3 30 Playhouse of Favorites 4 00 Showers of Blessing 4 RLMusie Room 4 45 Lean Back and Listen 5 00 DeaoUne Daia 515 Proudly -We flail 5 45 My Serenade 5 55 Sport Spotlight J0I1HS01I CnfcLPRESS-CHHOHICLE 6 pAPZit VVS All The ABC 00 Newt Comment 6 15 News 6 30 Greatest Story 7 60 Go For The House 7 30 Carnegie Hall Mui I 00 Stop the Musie 9 00 Waiter Winchell 9 30 Theater Guild Hour 10 30 Commentary II 00 News Variety Hour! News Tobacco Canvas kirlfwi 33 13 yards 3 yards wide long- Leathsrstt Red blue gold green brown and pale green- 37 inches wide $129 yd 00 News Report it 15 Thoughts in Passing 11 30 Grchsstra 13 00 Nwf Summary 6 00 Sunset Serenade 15 Sign Off 29c yd or $903 Colt MBS 6 00 Roy Rogers Show 9 30 Nick Carter 7 00 Falcon Adventures 7 30 Mavor of Town 9 oo Mediation Board 8 30 Memos 9 00 Under Arrest 9 30 Hollywood comment 10 00 Secret Mission 10 30 Don Wright Chorus 00 New Variety Nationwide System ONLY NBC 9 Ml Catholic Service 30 ppsie and Harriet Buy Your OWN Home City Paper Through its (oeurate news reports you art informed daily of international national and local evgnts of people and polltica In Hs editorial columns the Important topic of the day are analysed Interpreted made readily understandable Its cultural features are the to the finer things in life art music literature and the theatre WJHL 910 Kc EST 45 Walt Time 6 5d News 7 00 Evangelical Rouf 7 30 8uniight Gospel 06 Olg Fashioned Gospel 0 30 Sunshine Gospel 0 06 News TAFFETA Is solid and plaid lolid in Navy pmk blue black white and rose riitdl In red blu brown black yellow and green end $119 yd "Piece Goods Headquarters" Bui to Muscular Strain Jciatici Lumbago Ibeumathm! JUST tub refreshing gene! Neuri4wlm fn the sor spot Instantly aching muscle nan relax the pain eases Neura blim effective medication help relieve suffering here fl hurts Don ait Ask 1 your drugg st for a bottle of Neurahalm to get fail long lasting relief from the miseries if mtmulif ihti ind pami 61VIJ if Mr i' IIEURADALM New Comics! New Featmes! JVIore News! Soviets In Virginia Never Even Heard I Of Robert Lee 1 1 RICHMOND Va Teb 5 couple of A couple of Rui-ians who WAY RELIEF FROM ACHES AHD FAIN SPRING ACROSS FROM SEVIER THEATRE And through its advertising columns yen are enabled to choose freely what yon want and from whom you want to bny ft at price within ypar budget 1 i The American Way i Subscribers By MAIL LOOKING AHEAD STUART Neb Feb 5 The unyielding spunk of snow-weary Midwesterners brought chuckles miked with heart tugs today to crews opening roads into farms and ranches many of them snow bound for weeks A bulldozer crew reached the ranch place of Rudolph Kubick near Stuart and olfeied to open up routes to his haystacks so his cattle could get feed The operator suggested opening a road to the nearest haystack to make for ihoiter hauls no" replied Kubick who is fibout 75 that one way ou injhe field about two miles away saving these closeln here for bad weather" NOW is the time and HERE is the place te get that RCA-VIctor radio-phonograph wanted so long Look at the amazing offers below! In Zones One and Two and Three You May Subscribe For The Remainder of the Year 1949 never heaid of Robert Lee took Richmond today like Grant never did Traffic jammed and business disi upted as the two Russians who took French leave of the So viet Am Force lagt fall after hs tening to the Voice of America got rtheir first good look at an Amer- lean city Ij A thousand people jammed a downtown department atore after the management announced it would (give the Lieutenants Anatol Barsov and Peter Pirogov a new shirt apiece They biomptly picked a couple of $10 il numbers the most expensive in 1 1 town grinned Barsov have Virginia officials who invited the Russians to be their guests after they told reporter Austria they wanted to visit the Old Dominion were deeply ehargmed to learn neither had ever heard of Lee tha 'Confederate hero write or risit CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TODAY! IN RECORDS FEBRUARY THRU DECEMBER FOR g)08 of your own choice with the purchase of this Sulphur Springs Singers Will Be Heard On WTB i Radio- Phcncrcph MUST listening A special musical program will be presented by Don Bowman baritone and Jeanne Kennedy soprano at 1 05 today over radio station WETB Both graduates of Sulphur Springs School Miss Kennedy and Bowman are music students of Mrs H- I Burbage who wiE be piano accompanist today A varied program is being planned for the 25-mmute broadcast Its new console-type changer up to 12 records automiti nrnt point pickup eitrs-powerful radio sxtrs-lsrgs spesker th fs mom "Golden Throat" ton tern! In rich walnut or mahogany finish AC operation tag IF 40 Vlctrela 77VI lenten Juko Rechn Neal's Order Bars Patrol Prom Politics MEMPHIS Feb 5 (U Neal new safety commissioner issued an order today taking the State Highway Patrol completely out of In a telephone interview from NashviUe with Clark Porteous a Press-Scimitar reporter Neal said said: may be idealistic but I think I can keep highway patrolmen from taking pait in politics "I have sent out order that Highway Patrol personnel should go to the polls and vote then go back to their jobs They should not talk politics Those aie my orders no politics except to At the same time Neal disclosed that he had dismissed four Memphis highway patrolmen and replaced them woth men resom-mended by supporters of Governor Gordon Browning Victrol 67 Qnbty and beauty (t a moderate price! Stand-ard and short wv broadcasts 3-pontion ton control 12 inch A Spakr sutomati- Nu tally plays up to 12 record has permanent jewel pKkup th "Silent "Golden ton system for radio and ictrola phonograph In striped and heart walnut vsneers AC in with 487a Checks Rheumatic! crd Arthritis Pcb If vw mJH from rbumii ftrtknti ar muntu pam try tbta simple inexpenavs-hom 4 recipe that thousand are using Get a pacltag of Hu-Ex Compound a two-weefc supply Aoday Mix it with a quart of water add tha juice of 4 1 lemons it a easy trouble at aU ana pleasant I ou seed only 3 tablespoon! uia two timea a day Often within 49 hour sometime splendid reeulte are obtained (he pains do not quickly Uave gad if you do not fed better return tha empty package and Rtt-S will i eeet you nothing You ar (ha sole judge RU-LX a sold by your druggist under a money -back guarantee Over 5 miUon pnokagm tinadjvpnt I if wonderful reeulte Adv records of yotir choice the purchase of this RCA-Victor combination HYMN SINGER am Blondays Through Fridays EMMA LEE BARTON am Mondays Through Fridays SPORTS SPOTLIGHT p111 Mondays Through Saturdays Lnxitriow Victrola radio-phonograph Hepplewhlte-inipired Mahogany -Beers For radio you bar standard oesaa-bopping short wave plus static-free RCA Victor FM For records a ntw aotomstie changer with "Silent Sap pickup 4-pomt ton control "Golden Throat" ten system AC nwr-UMtstt in records of your choice with the purchase of this RCA-Victor combination Victrola 711V3 EASY TERMS LCCX1 1 rVUY N2W r'TTTAr rayile Heebie mi 790 790 rJy 0 Phone 3133 238 Fast Main Street itokaMheimi 1415 Bristol Phone 2760 Kingsport Tenn.

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Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5728

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.