Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Jul 1935, p. 1 (2024)

slxtyflrst year no acton ontario thursday july 25th 103 eiht homeprint pages five cents lightning causes double fatality on farm adjoining acton john robertson wellknown farmer and breeder of hoes and sheep and his helper ueff fenner instantly killed when shelter sought in clump of cedars had gone to field to harvest wheat mi kobertson was president at ton fair hast year the electrical storm umt passed over acton and district on tuesday morning left death in its stride and when it subsided john robertion and his helper reg furuier wcru found dead benath4iiirofce4arslwlicrethcy had sought shelter mr robertson was apparently struck by tho bolt on thcytop of the head and fenner on tho left shoulder deaui was instantaneouu both men with uiilr clothing wet mode perfect ground con tacts forjtho bolt tlio baric oil uio trees leaves tho only tracu that give uio couru of the bolt mr robertson and reg fenner hul left the home that morning to cut vrhcat in the field which him un cntrailsfeoff the crossroad opposite the farm of mr bracken it would appear that when tho storm came up the horses wcru tied to the fcncoand the two men took shelter under small clump of cedars growing beside the fence when the men did not return to the hom*o after tho storm whlcli liod boon severe mrs robcruon became alarmed and neighbor prank marshall went to the leld to find them one of tha three horses had brolnrp loose ano wis wandering about the fields quick search along uie fence found the men both dead beneath tho trcut mr robertson it would appear had been sitting on tho fence and pitched forward when struck reg fenner wtut found wedged between the butu of tlio two trees an examination showed uiat death hd been instantaneous it doubtful if any two men in the farming community about acton wore bettor or mora favorably known uian these two and the fatality has cast gloom over the entire community mr robertson wi tucccssful and wellknown breeder of yorkshire hogs and dorsctliorned sluep ho wuann exhibitor at all the fairs and hu stock and reputation for competent and fair dealing were of the highest he did considerable work in buying and trucking utock touie tock yards in toronto and was known by every farmer for miles about being breeder of pure bred clock he readily realized tlie advantages tc tlic farmer of modern nnd progressive mctliods he woo ft leader in nil move ment calculated to improve farming con ditions not only on his own farm but he took the time and energy to endeavor to brine his neighbors to realization of these advantages ho was the key man of the agricul tural department for this district the recent uork carried on to extermin ate hot tiles and the extension of the farm home destroyed houe axul content complete lostt ivcmlmcd had bocn unoccupied for kama months last thursday evening the lrumi house on the esquesingerln line nfcout three mllj nortii of acton wns completely destroyed by fire along with tho houso hold contents of mr crofts and those of harry gordon unit had been utoied there tim house luul been unoccupied for xime montlis since mr crofut and mr gordon had tone to northern ontario with uielr families when mr arthur swockhamer und his sons saw umokc coming from tliat direction uiey lm mediately investigated and notlllud brother of mr gordoni who also live in the nelgliborhood and had been left in charge of tho farm and buildings when neighbors gathered the lire hud gained such headway unit nouilng could bo done to sav the building and con tents mr gordon had sent for tho effects to jn thlmwd vmrfh nnd they wire to be rr fv actons latest improvement the murray memorial will be noted by vult jr as acton vi latest municipal ment the building will be open for inspceilrm on sipiddy august 4th improve from 00 to 00 sent in few days the origin of uia tho fci not known but provincial con stable cookmon and chief twcpherson are lmvdtlgatlnff the case government without opposition free aioa hi hal ton for cattle maiiy un hour he devoted to aulstlng hi this educational work yot years he lias been director or acton isill pair and one of the bebt on uie board last year ho was honor ed with the presidency and none fulfilled the position wlui greater ability or secured better results it was the writers pleasure to work wtui him on uio pah hoard und on ouier endeavors and words fall to exprtfc our admiration of his quallthis of community effort kttturally young man in his employ would be interested in community ac uvlues and ttg ivnner uie other vic tim wu active in uve work and life of the young people of uie farm community he playbd drums in dance orchestra of uie young pcopla in uils centre and was ocuvu in uie and rt in vngfl ivlnoo kdwyjd xkluid fcjtiatluhcj kuooct by iuluniint tklriy kjbprabj and not one cotiaervttuve klfhl krovtncd now liberal liberal tides flooded prince kdwnrl luland on tuesday defeattng overy con vcraatlvo candidate inan election tuirti over perhapii unprecedented in canadum jwlltical hhitory premierelect walter lea will hae no opposition in the house lie is about to lead premier macmluan and all seven of his cabinet minsters were swfcpt from office in the debacle which followed one month behind sweeping liberal vis lory in the neighboring province of new brunswick hurdjtghtin premier mncmulm waived comment on the result tho facli peik for thenu have nothing to say was hl only statement mr lea uhoe liberal government went doun to defeat in 1031 was jubilant over the sweeping victory but said jie fully realbed the grave responsibilities news of aclon and thejdistriet acton won from brampton saturday seicnoe specialist at uio june examinations at the on tario college of jiducatlon macltn principal of acton high school obtained science specialists certificate utile kutrntal help needed complaint has been made uiat some of uie boyr have been bathing in tho nude at palry lake within the corpora tion ibnlts this contrary to bylnw und conhnon decency and possibly if some of the parents would take hand in the matter it would avoid court appearance nndhelp to keep uie bauilng conditions at palry lake on higher plane at uie teiuila courts last wednesday and thursday even ings the tennl club held hound robin with nil the membership partici pating and getting better acquainted first prize uaj won by bill harrop and howard norton und second prize by george poole and mlji meryl grlndeli splendid social time was held and enjoyed by the club membership th acton club ls going to brampton tonight for gamus there tvimotit*cored shutout on flower town boys will finish in second place which the new government will assume the defeated cabinet ministers vvcre premier maemillnn who hold till port folios of public ileului und education and ha svj uie only member or the family resident in canada ha hod been wlui mr robertson for several yearn and uie hoberuoi home was his liomo la uils und lat yar he made visit ia few weeks to hi home tn uie old land xn uifch fcudden bereavement uie widow and family liave uie heart felt sympathy of hast of friends wlu mourn wlui them in the loss sustained ttiey arn mrs stuart lantn acton xary willie jlmmle and kathleen all at home two brouiers harry and steward of hornby and glster mrs harry lettlt of burlington remain mr robertson luid lived on the farm adjoining acton for tlie post flftch years he was member of st dtksephs churuli acton end the funeral uos held uilv mornlug ulth llequum mas shelton shnrpc minister of public works hon thos mackutt mlntiter of agriculture hon ii mclean hon arscnault and hon wood minister without portfolio beat showing made by any conserva tive candidate was that of hon mr mclean prominent merchant of sourls who had been victorious in every pro vincial election in tlie first district of kings county rhice 1017 when lie re placed his father hon john mclean who was summoned to uie senate eight of the provinces of uie dominion arc now under liberal governments and alberta lias government wlui the election slated for august 32nd news of acton and the district aoeidiital dejtut in taylor inquest verdict of accidental deaui was reach ed by coroners jury under coroner dr weaver enquiring into tlie death of uobert taylor who wai killed when utruck by it train while walking on thv rightofway at burlington beacii on july 13th rider attached to the verdict expressed the opinion that evid ence given by ethel joycu and harvey slfllon of drouu was uxlremely un sitlaeuhy and should be further lu acton brampton in uie sweltering heat and on grounds that had little llkentus to ball diamond the acton nine won the decision from the brampton boys by 71 lcore and while georgetown took double backfllp in guelph practically nsjurcd themselves of cecond plnce in thj league finish while the brampton boys put up good struggle nnd ueregame all the way through they just werent uiere with acton at any stage of the game terry started right ojf in thenrstlimlngs putting thj first icore across acton brought in two more in the third trio in the fifth and ilnal score in the ninth the brampton boys were saved from shutout by plants run in the rixth acton was swinging the hickory better on saturday and the 10 hits coupled with erne real base running brought in the desired finish to the game al though brampton is credited with imilur 10 hits they werent the tolld smashes that went off the acton bats inic bad throws by the brampton boya also heljkd in their downftul lacrunl ls evidently the iport drawiuj card in brampton and scorv of paid uliiilslons would be the extent of those who watched the game it was rather poor encouragement for both tcamsbu at that ll looked at if acton had more various items of local interest free prefcs third in clark trophy competition poix puts readers will be pleased to know that tip actum fmx piiucs was placed third in the annual newspapei ftupporters than the home town beam competition for the clark trophy for newspapen of this size special mentlui was aho made by the judges of the fhik prujj chrlitmati edition of last year which was one of the copies entered in the competition tho judge decision was given at the luncheon at the annual convention at uie iloyal york hotel toronto today the newmarket era won tho trophy and the listowel bonner camo second we congratulate our con temporaries daxxlera whi from guelph team the dazzlcra chalked up another win when uiey defeated the guelph west tnrtrrt nf the mercantile to by by rev father xtcdrlde and interment wvugated thcw two people were ulle made at holy sepulchre cemeury in other uunesscjt to luivv gone lo hamilton tailors home about 1145 on the friday the funeral pf reginald fenner wlld night and after whittling to attract watt in his twentyelghui year was tujluri attention the latter joined then being iwld this afternoon with service nd walked wlui uiem towards hurlln in knox church ciuulucted by rev betjnu inurment will be made in vulrvltw cvmeury acton um lloth of these ultnejjci swuiv gcore of 11 to cooper led all uie hitters with two homers and two singles in five times to bat tlie lineup guelph lovelock 3b hunter lb rob roh mcgee rf conroy 2b gearlc ia slithvtt if howl ambrolserf acton cooper if holloway cs clifford 2b mackie cf waterhouse 3b masalw rf waver spires lb kasterbrook wiubuns 2b guelph 020 100 000 acton 002 301 05 11 netahpaprr publljienj lu convention toduy and on irlday and saturday the weekly newspaper publishers of tlie dominion are in convention at the roy tl york hotel in toronto it the six teenth annual event premier mitchell hepburn and major james slmpnni opened the convention this morning while features of tin threeday buslnes sessions will include addresses by prank chappell coiupiergood nobb of salt lae city charles iurber of clillllwuck mlwi maryurit brown and thomas ilradsliaw president tile box jcore ulll tell til story acton ad it po terry if walters 3b 14 waterhouie cf morton wntcrhouiji 2b wlllluma rl slojff kmdrovemenld the bricklayers are at work on the new addition to pahants clouilng store the rear wall lyis been removed and uie new structure has almost reached the second storey in addition to u12 rtore space it will provide cun roim for the apartment obove stmcm injury struck by piece of flying metal from an hydraulic press james smith was fatally hurt at the plant of uio dominion steel foundries milton on monday morning the fragment etruck the worlmnhronthc back of tho head caus ing almost lnstantt deaui four people injured in headon colllslan mrs helen goodman and her clght earold son harry ot cooksville were cverely cut hen the car in which they were driving north on the centre road collided headon with car driven by robert williams aylmer avenue port ciedlt william moody owner or the car driven by mrs goodman was cut about the head and mr hare passenger in the williams car hnl her right leg bruised charge of reckless driving his been laid against mrs goodniun by provincial officer andenon an inspection opportunity meeting of uie board of directors of the wjis held on tuesday evenini at which it was decided that the building would be open from two until five oclock on sunday afternoon august ith during the homecoming days to allow any visitors or otheru to view the interior during their visit in acton tills is not formal opening but just an opportunity for those who may not visit acton often to see this lauest improvement for community llfo at this time along with any residents who may care to sec the building council cooperate to ensure success of civic celebration complies with request of committee to aid in decorating streets couiuil will omit the civic holiday session cement sidewalk will he itchiid for imock on mill street other blatters of routine business at the foruilghtly ujjliui of actfn council on monday evening couucllliri mccutcheon mcmillan dr nelson were prrstmit und ueeve harrison presided tlie fifteenth ivport of um finance committee reecommeiukd payment of following accounts crimral account cooper refund of jiart license fee guorge mebaln cirtage etc joluutone rumley funurul ukpcniui mm collins mc isaac oil for pump acton machine shop sharpening mower municipal world advice bell telephone co service ii farmer salary etc 00 jbq 25 01 1100 00 1154 144 us mclaughlin p1t an 37 10 27 14 brampton ab ii po if morgan 2b anthony rf richardson rf drown ss savage cf smith tyndall fleming lb wheeler 10 15 ilocud kii luiliuvr definitely that they had not seen taylor of un north american life asturancii for soino time and were not at uio place company sundwell editor tor nmiud unit night although jamej onto saturday night the entcrtuu wllam clerk in thv bvrage room at will include lour of the harbor as tnoa gibbons has constructed quite uw brant inn testified tlu were both glints of toronto and trip to niagara creditable ney traft uiat pllwi uie wauers the beverage room shortly after 10 of vulrvv lakf hum vvcntngs it oclock on friday night membctti of ccjulpp ill aid uiao built io as the train crew btated dertnluely uiat uiiy to accommodate un outboard motor tv luuj be lt tro or nur the construction ho beo uie vork of uiij trcka dick conductd uh locj boy lnvpstlguon for uie crown pulls and afternoon tea at the royal canadian yacht club as guests of the toronto dally tilur my gregory clark and mr jimmy tfrlw of the toronto stur weekly are to give akuneuilnj sketchy at the saturday luncheon 34 10 27 13 summary home run terry base hit plant base hit morton stolen bases walters waterhouse molozaie cacrlflco hit walters struck out by morton by wheeler walk off morton smlui off wheeler watcrhousc morton holloway terry watcrhousc left on bases acton brampton batterle morton and gibbons wheeler and tyndall scort acton 102 030 0017 10 brampton oou 001 000 10 moke notks thankti for the tryout well admit contuiued on poga five ttlk kvenlmo aual hlocbtkk mrs are the new couple in the next rial well niated7 mr in way he cant hold job und bile cant lutld her tongue itewore of tlud old gold couoaiors mrs burllngham crewsons cornero had regrettable experience with couple of btrangeni who presumed to ha buying old gold last wveek gold watch tfrrrrctftairatetm was received in return thp strangera called en thia elderly lady and whcvi their offer did not moet wliat alio felt the articles were worui uie vlsltoro requested the prwllego or taking uiem to the car and weighing them they nuver returned and the clues of their identity are not very conclusive tho chain was an heirloom uiat had been given mrs bur in lgluun over sixty yeara ago tho ox perlcnce sliould prove lesson to others to beware of thcsie strangers if uiey try to work the racket again muuclaiijj and candy a1j olhw children last saturday group of children started out bright and early and plied their musical talenli to gain aid for the stur kresh air pund all through the warm day they tugged their mhxchan eous orchestru equipment about lovn playing on street corners and around town their varied repertoire and at night the labors of the day had netted 31 for this fund to hulo ouier children the gioup included jean and gammy bruullle cluirlle uiifhmere and warren wood iiuplred by the activity 4f tho orchestra dora wood uiid tmurjole nohon tolled all afternoun making cuny and oollectlng maurlal for variety booth oiienid that evening on the corner of mr and mm murray lawn on mill street their labors netud 3ti3 for this siune fund and their dellcacuy sweetened uie bwect tooul of many tliey sold oiit early 207g2 murray memorlil fund jos chalmers changing radiator 050 the report was adopted moved by nelson seconded by mccutcheon that uie regular meeung of council ordinarily to be heu on august 5th 1035 be cancelled und that uie next regular meeting or council l3crn carried letter from mr warren re quested permission of uie council to lay two lines of held uie on the west side of willow street to allow drainage from the cepuc tank used hi connection with uie block at the corner of mill and willow streets mr warren also ex pressed the hope uiat in uie not far distant future when conditio permit ted the corporation would undertake the construction or sewers mr warrm agreed to protect the corporation in any respect in regard to any damage uiat might occur council decided after viewing uio ground uiat uils request could not be grunued us the street wad not suitable mr mcquarrle on behalf of delegation of the committee in charge of the threeday celebration requested permission to use uiu park for thce sports nnd hold motorcycle races pcr mlssiun was olo asked to hold street dance on main street and uie committee agreed to arrange for any business tha would be hindered uirough holding tills event reeve and council expressed hearty approval of the work of the committee in arranging this event tiie committee alo requested that the coui cil malje grant toward the expense incurred in decorating uie main streets ui acton moved by nelson seconded by mccutcheon and resolvvd that the acton citizens band and the acton baseball club be given permission to carry out their program for celebrating august 3rd 4ui and 5th in the way of iports and otherwise as outlined by mr mcquarrle that uie bylaw set ting speed limit in uie park at not more than 10 miles per hour be reuclnded insofar as it may affect the motorcycle races to be held on august 5ui and that permission be given to hold street dance on main street between talbots corner and king mcjacherns garage on uie night of august 5ui and to rope off said port of street and uiat dona uon of 35 00 be made fbf street decor ating purposes payable to coles financial secretary of uie reunloa committee carried letter from uie office of uie deputy mlnk4er of hospitals pointed out tho clianges ln uie act regarding the fx cklebkationl flashes just utile itudjiht into konuof uie committer actlvuicd und procram trance nu nui the prograiiui are in the printer luuids and it loolu iui if it were pretty repre sentative ilio advertising cohimltten luu made pretty thorough canvass the hand fireworks co have assured the committee of real good display of tlreworkii at the big band tattoo on saturday night tills company have tho arrangement in charge tlie cullthumplan parade on monday morn should see every youngster and oldster in the fun palnls and costumes are now being arranged therell be couple of jazzy clown musical 01h1il1 prizes of counu and the btit fun will be had by the paraders band tattoo will net tlie biggert ilinblage ot bands ever together in halton county several years ago four bands were assembled but on this occa sion ten bands will bo in the mossed iuul fig torchlight niurcl parade in thepark in ihls event past tlie extra lighting li now in place but street decorations will not be placed until just prior to the event the bands participating hi uio tattoa are guelph musical society band guelph canadian legion bugle band milton cubens band lome rifles scottish band georgetown oakville citizens band georgetown pipe bund newmarket citizens band fergus pipe band acton cltlzeiuv band selection of news items brlver spendi vacation serving jtall term fred lee puller avvnue toronto will spend his vacation hi brampton jail us result of his conviction on charo of reckless driving by magistrate bull he wa also driving without license lee who began his vacation monday was returning from guelph and struck another car when he could not pay uie 32 assessment he was commit ted to jail for 10 days ciiohjn for hlifh masonic honor brohnxfhilay of guelph lodge no 250 was elecued to tho position or district deputy grand master welling ton dls trio tat sessions of tho masonic grand lodge tn hamilton bro flnlay has been active hi masonic circles for many years and ills appolnunent la popular one walter white of palm ers tan wan chorim for north huron about twenty members walker lodg acton attended uio ses sion last week and it is reported uiat the grand lodge this year had one or tin largest attendance recorda of yeara guehh scrvlee suuloa uobbed ami struck by lightning double misfortune overtook browna service station comer of elora hood uminatlon af indigent iiaticnts in mental and spoodvaio avenueruueipn on uca hospltals tlie clerk was instructed to day early uiat morning uilevea broke reply appointing uie two local doctors as examiners of patients committed to hospitals anouier letter from um bureau of statistics requested information regard ing the hcweuon factory uiat was mw vacant and asked what prospects wore held for its immediate occupancy tin reeve roporled details that had been thus far carried an regarding the securing of ariojuvcr industry to occupy uie building tile clerk was instructed to advcrtlus for tenders for laying cement side walk on mill street from willow to main streets repairs tu uie streeta were also dis cussed and uie work outlined for im provements letter was received from newiuartet band expressing upprcclatlon of the courtesy ihnwn in allowing um of the stand for rehearsal prior to the band taking part in uie waterloo musical festival into uio building and made off wlui sum of money and quantity of tobacco to add to uie trouble bolt of llghuilng struck uio tat ion at about eight thirty oclock uie same morning and demolish ed the chimney and damaged uie roof the uucvas who entered the building effected entry by forcing window once inside uiey made systematic search tor money ond overlooked little they smashed open uio cash register and also broke into slot machine it is uncer tain as to how much money was taken as the amount in the slot machine was not known quantity of cigarettes und tobacco formed uie rest of uie loot there was only one bolt of lightning wlui uie storm that morning but it landed on the chimney of the servlro station and wrecked it al doing some damage to the roof fdrnui urmldciil lulv ulh maonfe hfoiiuc at uie elghueui annual communica tion of grand lodge of canada held in hamilton last week dr pursier of stratford wua clinseii district xkputy grand master for south huron or pointer wafof kuvcrul ynird ruddeiit of aatdn und frkeiubi hero tender coiigratulauon0 tin uie liojior eoiifcrrrd coming events crinruti al ullur kveiitu arc cliard iitliuiiiuiii cl ui tut of kic ililltli cimi umlr thin cent tr rg fur kiiy plie iuoit intervithig event of the year uie garden istrty at sunley park rlii will held ui monday august bui look for description of program in next weeks paper


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Jul 1935, p. 1 (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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