Abdullah Yusuf Ali-The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an (English Arabic Text) (2001).pdf - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

In the name of Allah,

the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe, and Peace and Prayers be upon His final Prophet and Messenger.


The ltleaning of The Holy (lur'an

Tenth Edition 1420 AH I 1999 AC Reprint 1424 AH I 2004 AC

The Meaning of




New Edition with Qur 'anic Text (Arabic), Revised Translation, Commentary and Newly Compiled Comprehensive Index

amana publications Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A.

Published by amana publications 10710 Tucker Street Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2223 USA Te l: (30 1) 595-5999 Fax : (30 1) 595-5888 Web: www.amana-publications.com Emai l: amana @igprinling.com

© 1422 AHl2001 AC by Amana Corporation

Tenth Edition ( 1420 AHl1 999AC) Reprinted 1424 AHl2004 A The Library of Congress has ca ta logued th e previous ed ition as follows:

' An, 'Abdullah Yusuf, 1872-1953 A.C. ( 1289-1372) A.H.) The Meaning of the Holy Qur'1ln , 'Abdullah YOsuf 'An.New ed. with rev . translation. commen tary. and newly compiled index. p. i-Ix.ii 1762 23 em. English and Arabic 1997 New rev , (9th) ed. previously published as: The Holy Qur'cin. 1989 added title page title: Tarjmat M a'ani 01 Qur'all of Karim hi al lnjil1z;yah

Includes bibliographicaJ references and index ISBN 0-9 I5957-76-0 I. Koran . English & Arabic. 1997 II : Title

BPI09 1997 297.1'227 - - de2 1 ISB ISBN ISB N ISBN

0-9 15957-76-0 0-9 15957-32-9 0-915957-77-9 1-59008-016-5

97-37495 ClP Hardcover (6x9) son Cover (6x9) Pocket Size (4x6) Deluke Pocket Size (4x6)

PUBLISHER'S NOTE Al J:Iamd Ii Allah (Praise be to Allah), this Revised Edition is a culmination of experiences in the last two decades in publishing translations of the meaning of the Qur'an in several languages. With the Grace of Allah , amana publications, a subsidiary of Amana Corporation has succeeded in publishing this great work of the late 'Abdullah Yiisuf 'Air , revised for the first time after his death with the highest standard of scholarship and authenticity that it deserves. About eight years ago, the work for this edition began when we started the J,eJection of fhl' mo.~1 recogniSl"d and authentic available English translation of the meaning of the Qur'in . The selection committee, comprised of highly reputable Muslim scholars, decided on the work of 'Abdullah Yiisuf 'Ali and solicited opinions and cri ticisms from Islamic institutions and scholars around the world . A number of committees re;v:iewed all the responses carefully, examined the text meticulously, upda ted the material and refined the commentaries. The last complete review was undertaken by the late Ismail Rijr al Faliiqi, who was the n Presidem of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (lI lT) in the United States of America. Guided by its own commitment to serve the Quran , amana publications undertook this tremendous task , and in cooperation with the lIlT completed this honorable work . amana publications and lI lT established an editorial board whose effort was [0 implement the final recommendations of the committees and to concentrate on the manuscript preparation, overall editorial changes, and revisions in style and format (discussed in the Preface to the Revised Edition). All praise be to Allah for enabling us to serve the Qur'an by making available this Revised Edition. We acknowledge with deep appreciation the efforts of lIlT and all those who helped produce this monumental work of 'Abdullah Yusuf 'AlT. May Allah bless his soul and reward him generously; wa al l:famd li Allah Rabb at 'Alam7n (All Praise and Gratitude is due to Allah , the Lord and Sustainer of the Worlds) .

Jumadi al Akhirah 1409 A.H . January, 1989 A .C. Washington , D.C.

Fakhri al Barzinji , President amana publications

'ABDULLAH YUSUF 'ALf On April 4, 1872 A.C. 1289 A.H .. 'Abdullah Yasuf 'An was bon! in a family of the Bohra community in Sural. India . His father, a merchant . was a very religious man who made sure that his 50n learned Qur'a-n before anything else. Upon the completion of you ng 'Abd ullah'a committing the entire Qur':rn to memory, his father celebrated the occasion with a grand banquet . thw showing to his 50n the imponance of his achievem ent a nd the importance of the Qur'J:n . In addition to studying contemporary knowledge at school. 'A bdullah continued to recei~ lessons in Arabic language and never ceased in his slUdies of the Qur'J:n. He was a superior slUdent who excelled in academic achievement and won the much co~ted Indian Civil Service Award . a prestigious honour resulting from the extremely competeti~ entrance: examinations for high pmitions in the Indian Civil Service which wealthy famil ies would aspi~ for their sons to r«eive. 'Abdullah was easily able to absorb English literature and was considered to be among the best of his fellow countrymen in writing English . Many of the most well-known scholarly magazines in India published his works and expressed their appreciation for his beautiful literary style. Later, 'Abdullah Yosufleft India for Europe and visited many European capitab and C'o'CnlUally resided in LDndon for a considerable period of time, While in london, he waa exposed to many translations of the Qur'1:n and continued to have a trem endous interest in it and its studies. He then began to closely study the Qur'J:n giving special attention to its various interpretations, both old and new, After studying what was written about the Qur'a-n in both European and Eastern languages, he returned to India and took up new residence in Lahore where he becam e the Dean of the Islamic College. He then began hia monumental work of t.ranslating and commenting 011 the Qur' nn which aftcf th ree fnll years of work was completed on hi~ 65th birthday. 'Abdullah Yilsuf 'An later died in London on December 10. 1953 AC. 1372 A,H,

PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITIO N It has been more than half a century since the first appearance of 'Abdullah

y-usuf 'All's superlative \o\'Ork,


Holy Qur'an : Text, Transllltion and Commentary. Since that time, there have been innumerable reprintings and millions of copies dinributed throughout the world , It is, by far, the best known, most studied, and most res pected English translation of the Qur'an . It was the first monumental and authoritative work. of its ki nd and it subseque ntly iru;pired many such similar endeavours. The eloquent poetic style of the traru;lation and the authenticity of the extensive commentaries and explanatory notes, have, no doubt , contributed greatly to its much deserved reputation as thf! English translation of the meaning of the Qur'an. The tremendous impact that this work has made upon the English.reading Mwlims (as well as, many non· Muslims) of the world, has never been greater than it is today and shaU continue - in shaa A I14h (Allah willing) - for generations to come, It has enabled interested readers of English, who do not have a proficiency in reading and comprehending Qur'anic Ara bic , to greatly enrich their understanding of the meaning and the incomparable beauty and perfection of the Gloriow Qur'i n . It has given them a more authentic and reliabk translation and commentary from which they could make a serious study. 'A. Ylisuf 'Ali was quick to point out that there ca n be no absolute or perfect rendition of the meaning of the Qur'lin and , at best , only an interpretation of iu understood meaning can be offered. Probably, he never envisaged how universal his work would someday become, for he was primaril y attempting to explain his understanding of the Qur'an to his fellow·countrymen - both Muslims and non· Muslims alike, T herefore, he was apt to occasionally use rderences which could not be easily appreciated outside the milieu of the Indian Subcontinent. Although it may not have been the intention of the author to reach such a wide range of readers as existS today. there nevert heless has long been a need for a revised new edition reflecting the Deeds and demands of today's enthusiastic readership, In response to this need , the prese nt edition represents the first major revision since the initial printing over fifty years ago. Revisioru have been made in both the content and fonn of the original work . Where necCMary, the content has been brough t up·to·date and within the CUITe.nt understanding and interpretation of the Qur'an , In the translation , the Siirah introductions. and the commentaries, such changes ~re relativdy few and infrequent and have been duly noted as havi ng been revised , The reader will , however, find $uch notable changes as the use of the name 'Allah' for the word 'God' (as used in previous editions) since it was felt that the use of this Most Glorious Name is morc- widely understood and accepted by the general reader today. Also, the word 'Messenger' has been given preference over the word 'Apostle' for the meaning of the Original Qur'anic word in Arabic, 'Ra..rul: T he reason bei!lg, it was felt , that the fo rmer term more clearly expresses the Islamic usage of the term without any negative connotations which may be associated with the laner term resulting from inaccuracies in iu use by other religious or historical worb. The explanatory footnotes and the appendices, however, were subject to more frequent , and occasionally more substantial, changes than those in the translation and the commentaries, The reason being there was a greater need of general updating of information and clarification of certain explanatioTl5 which were subject to misinterpretation , There were also a few instances in which certain pOrtions of the material were deleted , either due to its outdatedness or due to its proneness to misinterpretadon .

, The form or this newly ~vised edition has undergone a more dramatic change in style and has been vastly improved in order to facilitate its readability and studya bility. The type for the English text has been completely reset for [he first time thereby making the character definition more legible after many years of reprimings. In addition, the spelling has been modernised and the system of translitera· tion of Arabic into English has also been modemised and standardised. For reasons of practicality, the title of each Surah appears in its transliterated form at the head of each page within the Surah . This should enable the non-Arabic reader to not only become mOTC familiar with the names of the Surahs in Arabic, but also to begin to associate the content of what he/she is reading with the name of the Surah in which he/she is reading. Also, the 'Abbreviated' Letters (or al MuqaUaa/) have been transliterated as they are spelled out in Arabic so as to make it possible to learn their pronunciation . Furthermore, a new system of Qur'anic notation of the Surah and Ayah numbers used in the English text has been adopted. The Roman numerals used in the original system have been converted to Arabic numerals, thus making it easier for most readers to readil y understa n d the notations and to encourage them to investigate the frequent references and cross-references found in the Table of ContentS, Index , and Foomotes. In this edition (1416/ 1995), a new and comprehensive index for the translation and the commentary has been added to the book to facilitate its use and maximize the benefits of the work. Finally, the method of indicating each Ju: ' (or 1I30th part of the Qur'an) has been modified in order to incorporate the more conventional method of notation commonly used today and thereby reduce the potential for confusion to the reader. In sum, the editors have acted out of a sincere desire to improve upon this great work . It is hoped that this will - in 5haa Allah - help in furthering the aim of 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Air by enhancing the usefulness and relevance of his work to the ever-changing needs and demands of the coumiess readers of today. May Allah bless him for his truly extraordinary efforts in producing this invaluable work of translation and commentary. International Institute of Islamic Thought Jumada al Akhirah, 1409 A. H . January, 1989 A.C. H erndon , Virginia U.S.A.

PREFACE TO FIRST EDIT ION I DO I)I)t wish to writ .. I. long p matt. I wish merely to eo: plain til .. lliMory of my Proj:ct, Ill.. ICOP'" and plan of tll ia work. and tn.. objects I have hdd in vi ..... In ... para te intmcluctory Notell I ha".. m.. mion.-d the w.-fu l boob 10 which I have rtf.. rred . under th .. headings: Commemarie5 on the Qur'In; lhm~lat iolU of th .. l"lur'In; and Utehtl Worki of Rderence. I have .imilarly O!lIp:ained til(: J)1lem which I have followed in th .. 'Ihlnsliti'un and the Com panions. Through them grew up the science of fJodith or Traditions. A5 this litentu", grew, it bc: Glorious . ..... h. Matt,... wi.hou. f. .. T... . M Not ... ~ . H9 · 180


t58 t6S

Te .. . nd NOlO>, '121-148

C. S9


t6S · t15


P,8Crstition and excc.s.s. Text and NOlet, 6:150·150

C. 81

Allah's commands arc not irrational taboos, but bued on moral law Text and Notet, 6:151 ·165 .......... .

C. 82

m .. .... _ 5!19·543

Surah 7: Al A'rlJf (The Heights). Introduction and Summary


Revelation should ease difficulties of heart and mind: arrogance and exces.s at the root of


Text and NOlet, 7:1·51 Allah has forbidden evil: all good is for man'. enjoyment: Righteow to Ih·e in peace and fulfilment of all Hope... lbtt and Notes, 7:52 ·58


Noah, HUd , ~ilil} , Lut. (Lot), and ~u'ayb : how thei r wholesome warning was rejected , to the detriment of tht: rejecters Text and Notes, 7:59·87

C. 84



Text and Notes, 7:88 ·99

569 ·!l7!1

Moses had to fight alien arrogance as .....ell as rclodlion among hi! own peo ple, like the

final Messenger whom he prefigured Text and Notes, 7;100·157

36' !l61·569

C. 86

COI'ITENTS Surah 7: Al A',-aj (ConL). The MCS5Cnger'. Revelation supenaoaled t he

older Law Text and Notes, 7:158·m . The inborn good in man is strengthened by constant remindef5 from Allah; if sin hall a respite, it is only for a term; Judgement mwt come; 10 draw near to Allah , In humility and reverence.... "Ibn and Notes, 7:172·206

C. 87

C. 88 ..

Appendix IV: Egyptia n Chronology and Ts,..el

404 ·407

Appendix V: Egyptian Rdigion and lu Steps towards Islam



Surah 8: Al A.n/il (The Spoils of War) . lnuoduction and Summary


C. 89

To:t and Notes, 8:1 ·19.... Obey Allah's Call, and hold all else as naught : the godless will not thrive Text ~d Notes, 8:20·37

\0 .50

The Battle of Badr di fferentiated. Truth from Unbelief: its lessons Text and Notes. 8:.58·40 Text and Notes. 8:4\ ·64 . The true man is not cowed ~o wn by odds against him : he fights not ror spoils, but for truth and faith Text and Notes, 8:65·75



The Fight is not for Spoils or gain , but for the


'"0 .590· 594


414 ·418

C. 90

418 418·42.5

C. 91




C. 92



Surah 9: A.t Thwba h (The Repentance) or Barfj'ah (The Disavowal). Introduction and Summary If the enemy treacherowly breakJ faith , denounce hi! treaty. but give time before declaration or war: Mo,quo art: for men of fai th Text and Notes. 9:1·29


C. 9.5

436 4.57·445


£n falh .. ; M""" .nd hi> b""beT; I"",.n ,h. S.crific< of AII.h .nd

1, 19 ,41·65

Th. H.",.h< l.....n.d ., Judg=tm.J.



Out of a dOI .It.... and the sou l in him ~a c hing OUt to knowledge sublime. new And ever new, taught by the bounty Of Allah, and leading to that which man himself Knoweth not. And now, behold! a dattling Vision of beauty and light overpowered his 5Cn~, And he heard the word " Jqra 'f' C. 30 .-"Jqm 'f' which being interpreted may mean " Read! " or " Proclaim !" or " ~i tel " The unleltered Prophet Wrul puuled ; He could not read . The Angel seemed To press him to his breast in a close embrace. And the cry rang clea r "/qro '!" And so it happened Ihm: times; un til The fint overpowering sensation yielded To a collected grasp of the words which made clear His Mission ; its Author. Allah , the Creator, Its su bjttt , Man . Allah's wo ndrous handiwork, Capable, by Gr.u:II:, Qf ,ising to hcighu sublime: And the instrument of that mission, the sanctified Pen . And the sanctified Book. the Gift of Allah . Which men might read, or write. or study. or treasure in their souls. C. 31. - The veil was lifted from the Chosen O ne's eyes, And his soul for a moment was filled with divine Eatasy When this passed, And he returned to the world of T ime And Circu mnance and this world of Sense. He felt like one whose eyes had seen A light of dauling beauty, and fel t dazed On his return to com mon sights. T he darkness now Stt.med tenfold dark; The solitude seemed tenfold empty; The moum of !:lira'. he~fonh known As the Moumain of Light .1I the mere shell Of an intelU(: memory. Was it a dream? Terror fe ized his limbs ;md he stra ightway sough! Her who shared his inmost life. And told her or his seruoe of exaltation . And the awful void when the cunain closed. C. 32.- Shc undenlood, rejoiced, and comforted him ; Gave strength 10 his shaken senses: to A Stt 96 ! and n 610b Il Jaba! a! l>.'lIr (The place

wh~ ...




'ht lillol


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\0 Wrapped up in warmth his shivering body, Unwed as ~t to heM the strain and 5trCSll Of an experience rare to monal men. She knew it wu no dream nr delusion . She went and consulted her cousin Waraqah , A devou t worshipper of All ah in the Faith of Christ, Learned in spiritual lore. He iinened And with her rejoiced that he, Mu~ammad , Was Allah', Chosen One to renew the Fai th .

C. 3".-She said : 'Blessed be thou , Chosen O ne l Do we not see thy inner life - true and pu re? Do not all ~ thy outer life - kind and gende?Loyal to kin, hospitable to st.ra ngers? No thought of harm or m i5Chief ever stained thy mind Nor word t:\o'er passW. thy lips thal was not true Or u iJled not the passioru of narrower men . Ever ready in the service of Allah, thou art he Of whom I bear witnCSll: there's no god but He, And thou an HU Chosen Prophet.' C. !H .- KhadTjah believed , exalted in faith Above all women ; 'AlT. the well -beloved , Then a child of ten, but lion ·hearted , Plighted his faith , and h«ame from that moment The right hand of Islam; Abu Bah, the Sincere,11 The True-heaned . the man of wealth and influence, Who wed both without stint for the Cause:, The sober counsellor, the inseparable friend , Never hesitated to declare his faith ; And Zayd , the freedman of Mul],ammad , Cou nted hU freedom as naught compared With the service of Mul;!.ammad and Islam . These were the fint fruits of the mission : A woman , a child , a man of affain, and a freedman , All banded together in the equality of Islam. C . "5,- The revelation had come, the mission And the irupitation . But what wu it leading to? It was a miracle, but not in the sense Of a revening of Nature: AI M ~tafis vision Was linked with Eternity, hut he was no soothsayer Foretelling passing t:\'enu ; the mysteries


~idiq ~ ~ldd Tq.

the 'ide or Abu




Of knowledge were being opened OUt . but his message Was no mere esoteric doctrine, to be grasped By a few in contemplation , fleeing from action; Nor was it the praaice of single or social monasticism , Undisturbed by the whims or passions of life. He was asked to stand forth , to preach, to declare The One Universal God . the Gracious, the Mercifu l, And to lead men to the Right and forbid the Wrong. C 36.- The wrong?-The selfish pride of birth .

The massing of power and wealth in the hands Of a few. the slaughter of female infants, The orgies of gambling and drunkenness , The frauds of temples and ido1.s and priests. The feuds and arrogance of tribes and races. The separation of Sacred and Profane. As if the unity of All Life and All Truth Did not flow from the unity of Allah . Most High. C. 37.- He was loyal to his family, but could he support

Their monopoly of power?- To his tribe, But were the Quraysh the only creatures Of Allah? To the tempLe of Makkah, but Could he wink at Lit and 'Uzza , and the other monsters. Whose worship killed the spiritual growth of Man?To the earlier Revelations, but could he hold With the superstitions and falsehoods, the dogmas and creeds Which went against reawn and nature, and the inner light Which was now fanned into flame by the Will of Allah? C. 38.- And :;0 his very virtues and loyalties pointed To offence and conflict . mockery and misrepresentation . Hatred and pers«:ulion. threats, tonures, and exile For him and his, and martyrdoms. wars. revolutions, And the shaking of the foundations of history And the social order. But Islam meant The willing submission of his will to Allah . The active anainment of Peace through Conflict. C. 39.- And he gave that submission , not without effon . Even as MosesII did before him. And Jesus" in the agony of the garden of Gethsemane.

13 Qur'ln !O,U · U . Ii . M~" . t6 :S6. -4!



C. 40.- For three and twenty years, in patience. Conflict , hojX:. and final uiumph, Did this Prophet of Allah ~ceive And teach the Message of the Most High . It came, like the fruit of the sours own yearning . To teach profound spiritual tru ths. Answer questions, apjX:al to men In their doubts and fears, help and put heart In them in momenu of trial , and ordain For them laws by which they could Ih'e In society lille$ of purity, goodness and jX:ace, C. 41. - These mmages came as inspiratio n "TO Mui)amlllad a~ the Dced arose.

On different occasions and in different places: He recited them, and they ....ere recorded By the Pen : they were imprinted on his heart And mind , and on the memory Of his loving disciples: as the body Of sacred Scriptu re grew, it was arranged For purposes of public prayer and ~ading : This is the Book. O f the Reading, or the Qur'an .

lotTO. to Sun.h 1

INTRODUCTION TO SORAH l - AL Ft?rIl;IAH C. 42 .- Fil'Sl comes thal beautiful Surah ,1I The Opening Chapter" of Seven Verses," Rightly called the E.ssence of the Book. It teache'i us the perfett Prayer. For if we caD pray aright, it mearu That we haw: some knowledge of Allah An d His .utributes, of His relations To us and His creation. which includes Ourselves; that we: glim pse the sou.rce From which we come, and that fina l goal Which is our spiritual destiny Under Allah's true judgement: then We offer ourselves to Allah and ~k His light. C. 43 ,- Prayer is the heart of Religion and Faith But how shall we p ray? What words shall convey The yt"amings of our mi&erable ignorant heans To the Knower of all ? Is it wonhy of Him Or of ou.r spiritual nature to ask For vanities. or even for such physical needs As our daily bread ? The Jrupir«l. One Taught us a Prayer that sums up our faith, Our hope. and our aspiration in things that matter. We think in devotion of Allah's name and His Nature : We praise Him for His creation and His Cherishing care: We call to mind the Realities, seen and unseen: We offer Him wonhip and ask. His guidance : And we know the straight from the crooked path By the light of His grace that illumines the righteous,

IS . Eaeh ch1pplc who walk ;n .h.1ilhl of Allah', Vice. and whl11 only ... bm" tbti.. will '0 H,m) bu ...... from ""'),\"lI ,n'o pllh> of' ..... p ••• ;.... o. e.. d~ The "",an"" LM)ot ohould be co ....... «1 OJ .ppl)'lnl ".,. 10 Ihe WI,. bu ••• d...,nbinl mfn P'OIec.«I from two d l"llfn by All,h. Cra ef U

I f•

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to Surah 2


INTROOUcrlON TO SORAH 2 - AL BAQAIUH As the Opening Slln.h IWIlI up in InO:tI beautiful ~rx:t th. P...."' ....... '" _.nc Iponlull..,bcllion " .. lUI Ailih. u It .....,f>td by .""', _n Prophe.. Ind P....... hr .. and"" Muh.m .... d MuttaB 1'110'. and thinp h.re _uld includ. fcelin,.. Th. plrtlnlllf qu.liti .. or r....linp ",hleh woe ouwd. ,"" nl'u", of an,.I. were put by Allah into the n&lUf. of man. M. n w . . .hw able.o I"". and IIndemlnd I""". and .hu. pl.n and iniu .... as bttome •• he om.,. of yicege . ent . Th •• nge1l; Ickno ... l...tged .hu. Th...., Ihingr lh.,. could onl, i5 A. " nam .." in veTK 51 abo-vc • u.ocd for .he "n ... ure of 'h i np~, 00 " ..... na 01 .he head


all ,he

S'iIrah 2: Al Baqaroh


45 . Nay, seek (Allah's) help With patient perseverance'l And prayer : It is indeed hard, except To those who bring a lowly spiri t 46. Who bear in mind the certainty That they are to meet their Lord , And that they are to return to Him.

. "',;.1: " '\ '';~;' '\"0



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, }o ' " . "~1 '\ ~. ' p .....,. ....... COm"",n, ..o" .aU . h .. Stript.. ", .nd ,he en.cn(III (Fllr"jj~) '" be Itlcn.iul O.hcn lib: .hnn .0 be

,wo dl'''nel ,hing.

kriPlu", bel ... 'he wnn.n aook Inti .hc Cn, .. rion beLnl Othc. SI"". I Igreou.b.My .t.ould h ...., known .hal .he onl, Ihin. ~e"aln for .hem In EJ)'pI woo .hn. boncla,e.1id harob '~""'en' M....'•• ~p.-oa(h to .h~nI wu .-.dold (I) Such ... rift, of fDOdo you un ret 10 .01 toWn would)'OlI for ,bet .....ke . wll )'OUI' f.eedom) II nO! f~ .hln ddi( .. ~ footl1 ( t) la h on. 01 .he .. ~h Proml....t Land , which )'Ou are reluct.n. to mareh '0, IH:h,ncI io Eppt .he li nd of bondale \\'h,ch " betterl \'o\:Iuld ,.,.. ""'haa.~ .he bet.or for .he wo ....1


.wo .......


Siirah 2: Al Baqamh T hey were covered wi th humiliation'· And misery ; they drew On Ihemseh-es the wrath of Allah , This because they ",'ent on Rejecting the Signs of Allah And slaying H is Messengen Without jUSl: cause. This because Ihey rebelled And we nt on transgressing ,

)! "".... i....~ i:~' )... ,{'1 .:i.\!' ....1t.:,'::::~ ... . .. ..:"-:'"-1~ .. ~

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SEcnON 8 ,

62 , '[hose who believe (in the

Qur'in), And those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), And the Christians and the Sabians" Any who believe in Allah And the Last Day, And ""ork righl«lusness. Shall have their reward 7!> , From ha~ 1M "lfUn'~n. bKomn mOR ,en.. al Th~ "" .h~ Promixd Land Bu •• 11..,. lTaNtl""';ng The oI:'Y'n. of .lIe Propheu bq, ......."h I"" mll,de. 01 AI>.I, who wu.n ,IIn Drll'n we", a ooa 01 0"



11 The Moun •• in of Sinai (n;, al Sin;"). a promi"" .. , mOlln'ain in .h ~ Arabian de... I. ,n Ihe p"ru ..... I. betweoon .he amuof.he Red Sea t ~re the Ten C''''": And 0''''''' .. lbeh .. nk

,1 '" """ ", •• ~ ....,... til ..

"f'." ,.., .......... "" _ ...... . _

r_ ......... 0-1e "n",",', htan ~ .. hat .... , and harde. It is COo'4 \'01"mtl Tben 'he'" roclu wll'ell " ..'r.o ~.plh or du, .ntoo. blown lip with dynamite. and und ... nn,h wt find .bundant Wall!JJ. a, In wdb benea.h focky 10,1 Surh arr the hralt. of. ]".. del"'" of fine ...... wblcb ~et molt inw tea .. wben IoOme ,.rat blow or calaml'y c.lb ,ht mind to bi,he. !hlnlla. ( R).



U The imm edi.~ "-',,"""'nt appl;'" '0 ,Iu: J."... ~ Mad,nah b ... the mo.e le""ra] arvum.en •• pphtl to tht people of hi,h and tht people ..."hout ra"h • • , ..... ,ball _ below If.ht MuoI"uI of Madln~h C"tt mtr"~Inrd the t.opr th~I theJewI.n .~r c"y would . ... wd_ Muhammad Mu.ufi ... hor Prop"e. p1'ophelo...J j ... ho:lt - " boolu . •bq weft mwahn In I)cu. 1818. thory ond I Wtn nl.., ....... up. Proph ... from.motIJ .helt b .... h"'n like \lnlG .her." (u•• hke un.o M ....). whICh WII In.~r.,..,....J by lOme of ,ho:or docton al .efem,.,o M"hamm.d . and .hryu_ '1110 I~ am Tho: " .. I» Ire a l"nd •...J hnnc:h cL .he Sftn,u.; family, and are Coencd by aU parll.,., would ha,.., brou,h, a ""." of law .nd order fot '-hdlnlh 1111. -.,., ~.he t"'~chero ... Jew> I>e'fl intended '" oboe"", i .. ,erm. "..". r.... gh' Ind oIew each o' h .... and noM onl,. b~n"hed .tw:..- wbo ~ obnoaiou. '0 .hem bu. in."",...! "lIh the •• ennn,.,.. If by .ny cha'O(f 'hf')' C'm~ b..:k In.o ,/tri' hands 1$ , .p.....,., ,h.,. dnnand...! nNOm f.. ,h.tm.o return 10 the .. homes al.hou.h they hid no rlgh' 10 banioh them I t .1I If"'e undetJ1and by .. n ........ hem p.y ,an>On\ fO'l' Ihem 10 ",In", .hem from ,Ju, h.ndo of he ..-u..."""her.edl W. ra.o ....... to a I••• ,. ...'" I ~on Q/ .h. Q.,..·.nlc ,.achi.... Oil ,bcoc qucotiom. Sec ' ,6t II . 401 . (CI t .25')_ 91 Notlcc .he .udd.... trl"";,;., ... r....... he P'" 'e""'" in "oome Y'" uJd boo li,.rally tn.le.,.he rim. ,he _rdo we'" promul,lled '0 .he ~e. And lh .. tnnaition u,.do 0.. IIlIunIty 10 the DIU. _ . .... bkh ma lO.he actu.1 cond.itlOOI before Mul).unmad i .. MadT ... h ;" Ih. occolld ,..or of .he Hijnoh. (CI ~ :70) 5«';0,," II .IS (2 _87.121) "'fer 10 .h. People or •..., Book ",,,,,.. lIy. J~ .nd Chn..i..... £ ......... h.'" Mooa and .M t.. .. of Sinai a", memO 10. ,hcooe , ..dil ...... arc common 10 bothJ ...... aDd Ouiatla.... Th. otrw·... n1 is about ,he ~ple .. ho .... gb. 10 hoV't lunn fl"Olll pnmow ~latio .... twI...,I«omoNl Mul;tammad'. ua~ ..... and rei lhey both lOOk up In ...i.ud. of anoaa ... , 'ejection.


Surah 2: At Baqa m h


88. They say, "Our hca rts Are thc wrappingsll (which presen'e Allah's Word: wc need no more)," Nay, AHah's cu rse is on them For thei r bl asp hemy:" Little is it they beliC'o'e.

89. And when there comes to them A Book" from Allah , confirming What is with them - although From of old they had prayed For victory against those: Without Fa ith - when there comes To the m that which thc), (Should ) ha\'e r«ognized. They refuse to believe in it But the curse of Allah I! on those wit hout Faith. 90. Miserable is the price For which they h a\"C~ sold Their souls, in that they Deny (the revel atio n) Which Allah has sent down , In insolent envy tha t Allah Of His Grace should send it To any of His servants He pleases: u 92 Th~ J...... 1n the .. arroganc~ cla,mw .hlt all w ..On tJl Cabnd ,...... ~ ru, (Damd . IS 16 17). 8,11 ,h.. p,elence - tha, Mich.od wlS.beor r....1Id and Cab"..1,hco, ~ ...... y- wl.ll m....,I, I man,fOl ...... of bdtd on • ..,. ... P~.nd Allah lI,m.. Lf • • nd luch unto..hel could 001 win.be Ioo.oc of AIL.h In any COIC n ""'. d.o.atn'fn ......11O oar .h••• bt)' bel~ '" OM angrL and ...... n .lKMbn Muhamm.d ·, Inoplf'ltOn ""'.'b'......h ........ ofC.b""l Mui:d.t.io ..... nd _k.i", to do ,b~ will of AU.b . ran af.er aU ooru of occuh kDowledgpl~ We rollO' no, foUo ... ,lIa, bad ~""rople In 'pi.;'",,1 millen. ~ do no ~ que'"Om .hould he ... ked only for ",.1 ilUlru~"on

JII""" ..

109 "E""n ""'-y. 'he Anbic ....,rd gn>!'i .. """"tt"'..... oppooed to rougbne&ll . rytnrnetry ... opf>O"'d to Win, of plln: eq"ality or p.opemon a. oppooed to ..... n' ef deoign. r«,;,ude .. op~ to ~rookedn_ , a mun ... oppooed .0 ~~ lt~mn. and filn~ .. for Ih~ obj«t held ,'I vi"", as 0ppoKd ", faul~ne., (el n.711) _ 110. TIIr~ word •• re uJed In .he QI,t,'i n , witll • "",.n,nll akin 10 "fo'&1''''''' but nch wnh I dIfferent ,hide of me~""'g 'Afi (lIe.-.: tranllited ·· forgive") m u ",.o forgc •• •o obl" ..... c from onc', mmd SlY from , '0 ignore• •0 ura. a rna .... I i 'f" d ,d "'" .ffemonee ••• pph~ tG Allah , .. in 471 , (4) U""', ... u (" ro. ,h~ oak., 01"") al ,n 76 I . (5) .he firs, p~ft . thr bqinning as In 3 11, (6) na'U't in""" ~.", . t_nee • ..,If a•• n ~ LIl . !? II. and ~rbapo .100 S~!7 Hue I "nderstand mean,nr S. lhe face .".1'........ the penon.IIIY o. the LI\nt • ..,If ofrnan tel 7;" and n 10(0) ( R).


115 Thi. phrase comes in apdr ,n ,to own COnlat many Umes. In thlt SUrllh it occu ... n! 161. !14 . and !n ( Il"

n , n , 111.

116. I,,, ••".f "In of Ignorlln", .nd p'fJud,ce ... h~n Y"" .."dy ~hc ume book ,.. ano.ht~.". • ,'mll .. One .nil 1"'1 a.., abwlutely in.ol~.~nt of the munln, wh.ldltht other dr .... f.o m " You ,hould k _ boller, b",)'O" .~~k Iok.tM ',noran. In th .. u.., ~h~ prunary ,de..,,,,,,, '" .he ""l,d '" I(nor-In, " ""'J be.o.he P..... n Ar1obmo. who WJ.nted.o wonhip ,he ,rue Allah ,...ud of wonbippi"ll idolo? If ,b_ Pap .... hid luccceded, tbq wo"ld onll llavc clLIKd vioieDt divil10lll Imolill the i\nol» 'P1,i cI-:."oytd .he I-IInc"'y Ind ,M very .... iKen"" of ' h !\a'bah TIl ........... tolcen in • general """"". ft.abliJhcJ the principle of f.~om of wonbip in • public m06que or place dedica,~ 10 .be wonb.p of Alilh . Th;' i. «"e. {Rl.


119 h 1I. ""roga.ion f.-om.he glory of AUoh _ in fael 11 " hI.",b~m1 - 'o '.r AUah bqeu 00 .... Jib a mon or an onimllJ . The Cbnsti. n d""uine is hln cmpbotic.lIy rep"dllini If words ha ... any mean,,,, . i • ....,,,ld mean an lu ribuuon 10 AU.h of I m •• ~n.1 n • •u .... and of ,he 10Wt:r .nim.1 (unCI"'''' or..,x (R) (e! 394 )


Surah 2: Al 80qamh Of the heavens and the eillnh:"· When He dccrccth a matter, He saith to it : " Be," And it is. llS. Say those without k.nowledge : " Why spca k.cth not Allah Unto us? Or why cometh not Unto us a Sign?" So said the people bcfo~ them Words of similar impon. T heir hearts arc alike. We ha\"C indeed made clear The Signs unto any people Who hold fi rmly To Faith (in thei r hearts). 1l9. Verily. We have scnt thee I n truth as a bearer Of glad tid ings and a warner: But of thee no question Shall be ask.ed of the companions Of the Blilling Fire. U!o.

will the Jews Or the Christians be salisfiw With thee unless thou follow Their form of religion. Say : N~'CT

~~:ii.~' ·;:Li-JJJ

j1;';{ c; ;J;:.~) ' ) 1\1,;

Ito The pr"';O\U w..., .oId ... d'al e>'t'rythi .. , i .. hu..." .nd earth cdl:btun .1It- alOCY of AUah Lnc ... yon~ ,bo .. ld IhllIl< tb ~, .be hea"",'" and .he urlh "'e~ ,h.......,l_ pri ... eval and elunaJ . ...... re now told .1La1 .h.". .bem",1vn are c,eo'"'''' of AII.h', will _nd d ..ip CJ 6101 . whcr. ,lit- word boIlla;, t'"-' t. u.ocd ... hen for.he annon 01 u.. he&>'fl>& and 'M ,,"rlh , and ~q. it """" for .he ct-t • ( ... rian , ... pIyI.. liben..... from p,._i.un, mati.' .. Cl.nllna'anc.. .. , . mon', body from clay (U!4) or a n"mnJ from p.~ ""lit..,. Ornlm .. anc:co (~7 H ) .sn,.too I !H a Ill; Ii 91 n 1I!3 !of 14 nn MO~ I (Ed·l






Siirah 2: A I Boqarah


"The Guidance of Allah - that Is the (only) Guidance," Wen thou to follow their desires After the knowledge Which hath reached thee, Then wouldst thou find Neither ProteKlme .h. Iypt 01 hlam H. was !"_,,oed lhe ICldenh;p of lhe world ; he pleaded for"," p. .ny, and biJ pro.,... w",,"med , w;lb'M l"nitatlOfllb" if bOo p.~y wo. bloe to "'llah. Allab', promise dId DOt ",."h .he people who p""c::d ,h..,...,ku fa!':

Itt 1m.l1II .he pnmary..,"'" is ,h., of bei", f _ 1wn ..., 01 ,h_ n.... Meoo.al" I.n ~n duc!plcs In MadTnah evKvm( used 10 11K OIh" III. ruli'y Ont mrttOIM. o. u .. o. in "".If did n.... ma,,~r Wh .. ma .. tred. wu ,he..,.",. of dlJOpl...w, on wllleh Wam 10,. to ",uch ......., whieholus .. WIIh"l'o follow ,MdirttCC'llly dunnll 'he ClpUVllY. u...., "'all..., lite'. A. tbe llmeof ou, Prophe •. Jc.u •• km wu In th h.nds of ,he BY',n.i... Emp"" , ... htch "'f Chru.ian 8u. 'he Chris.i ..... orien.ed . he" ch urchCl to the UI: (hence the WOld ··oncntlllon"") . ... h,.h ... p rKCpIiw or the ...... M ...... gc. Som...... m.nl ..on conol"'" .h. demonl..a.;.., pronoUI'l ~.b,.~ lO .cfu '0 •..., Prophet . In ,ha ....... ohc ,ntaprna"on wollid be Tht ~plt of 'he Book know Muhammad II _II u they know .heir own IQN . they know him '0 be ..". and up,;rh'

they ~ him .0 be in tbe II .... of Ab.-aham .hey know h.m .0 corrapond to .h~ d~puon or 'he prophet ro.etOId .mong ,hornoeJw:s, bu, ..,Jrtlh_ intiuC'CS ....... of.hem.o 1e1 ","ut.hctr own knowlC'(\p Ind conceal the .rutb 1st Truth onl1 com.. (,om Allah .• nd n remaiN .ru'h. hOWy..h..1 point of y' ..... . he Q.bl.h will UNit ...... a oymbGI oI.hot Coal of Ihr F\&... ~ In t ;IMI brl_. iL 10 rq>.he 'U......10 Thc ~fllnd MI ....... h ..... ,.. eluded 1mo"l tl>o,eooc: or .n~ one cI.e, Who ano .h.", athen .. ho arc uocd ~ . fe ... he. by.1L< m"i",dcd l They ",ay k ' ( I) cno~'"'''' of IhcI< own .m:.ginalion. 0< of .hcor racul.;". m".....:I ; ,IL< idea lyt~1 khind idol. u akin '0 'his, fo. no in.~Lligcn. idOll ' wonlllPI>'" ""'.... '0 .. onhipping KoeD and .. onn: or (1) good Indtn ",h... nam .. h.ve b~n mul!iCd 0'" of ~ni.y .0 erK' 'hnn '0 a p:aidoll of cq".llry .. ilh Allah ; or (3) Po..., .. of ~l that delibera.ely mi.lnd . Wheo i. comft '0 .he in""luble conscqucnctl of b1uphemy and the re;":lion of Allah , .he "y"" of all arc Ol>"nt>'c In 100 much form.ti.." or bell,..... In no . cun .. io,," ",.U t,"m folio- , he GokIrn Mun All _II r......I.u:d ..",,"" .. tar down rUlon.blc lI...i ... ~ ;"""mbenl on .11 l.,..1 m..... bcn d Iny gi'",n oociery, .nd .110.. whit" "llwfu/' in that OQCI"'y. Bu. ,f ,he !tmllll1ON arc ,c_blc, II lhey ...... Id b.. ,he ·tawful~ wtll.1oo COincide more .nd morc wIlh what .. "good ~

,IO"'. ,""""

The ,~nc .. 1 principle t bn> would be wh., " lawful and what .. pod . .J.ould be followed noc what" noil or .ham..,,,1 Or foiot.-d On by false aocnp'lOn 10 dL"'ne injunctions. Or wh., rCllJ ",crely on the u».SC of .nealon . ~n lho\tllh ,he InC,,'On _re I'no ..... ' .>< foolith An aarnple of • Iha .....,..1 /;'tlll"m would be Ihat amoRff It.. !'affan An.bo or"kin, co",ul...t blood and .."nJ" f.i~

Siirah 2: AI Baqoroh 170. When it is said to them:

"Follow what Allah hath revealed :" They sa)': "Nay! we shall follow The ways or our fathers :" What ! eY(:n though thei r fathers Were void or wisdom and guidance?




~{j)t V· )r1~\:;lJ


h:;,; ~C;:i\tC;JI}~ ~j ~l; "'-,Ii'))

5J "/....-:; .q;( . ._. /,""J)! '~..q

171. T he parable of those Who reject Faith is As if one were to shout Like a goat-herd, to things That IiSlen to no thing But calls and c ries;l/' Deaf, dumb, and blind,!!! They are \'Oid of wisdom .

• ,'~""




. _ ,
t... m.ny ... p..n".I ......... nnn:'td .. i,t..M New Moon u .hen arc 10.he pracn. d~, Wt .., ,old 10 d ... ~••• d fuch oupcntili(lf'll. AJ a n.ulu ... tI 'imt. whe ... I'" I"n., .,altnd .. i. uoed . the New Moon i. o~ ' .... 1 II,... for wb,et. ptplc ""Ic h .. lth tqtmca. ,I.Iu,"m fesuvals. h":I,,d, .. I'" 1',I",m... •• e filtH! br .h~ .ppu ..... o:c of ..... 1'1_ ,1.1 ...... The- A •• bs, lmo.., omc, .ul"'lIIltiO.... bad one ... h",b m.ode ,linn entn It.ri. ho-=s by til ."" tOOl


In ~oenl." m aJ be Ax! ,h.. ,..... Ii ,be rd,,",,,, 01 pnc:~, rood.,,1 mo.ua' ..:odrnundi"ll •• nd rood Eaiu. 8u.".,,11 not arqllle Prop .... ' n.ey belin't i" courall", obc:dlen.~. d'K, phne. du,y. ilIId 0 (onotan, .,n,,"11 by III thc ""uno in ,he" pow~r, phys,ca' ....,.. 1. "".II~c,ual .nd .p"uual r"r .10. eo'abluhmOt1l of ,n"b .nd ri,h,,,o.JlnnL They k...... Ib .. war is u C",I . bu, ,h..,. ",HI not n,och from il if th(>r bo ....... , denuondo il .I\d • ris!'oleoul ,_"" lOoKh as Muh~ .......d wu ptJr u e,l/tIOu) command> It . for . ben tbqr k ...... .....,. • •• DOt "'n-i.... urnal end-. tn other CIUn ...... hal _hlDlI' '0 do wi,h ,he" faIth . .... ttpt , hat it will alnfO be ....... ,..nt b,." humane prettp.. (Rt



la..,.., .........

Z(l6 $u/tf"_foult in.ho. n • . . -r .. ..,11 u t ... If . hey "an, forcibl, to p~' )'Ou from ........... , J'OUt oanftI n'.,., .hey b.a~ ded ............ on J'OU ' n:ti,;on. ~nd it .....,ld be ~ardltt to i,......, .... cllal"nse 01' to .n _"1 __ oM ."aan~


to7 j>Uto« ... foult , The Arabo< word Ii 0;". whic:h llcomprehenoi\'t.. It tmplin m..idc:u oI;oo..b,"'_ d.I,. oOedlenu. pdgmenl: . J"ki«, r.uh. "'u,,,,n e: ......... a ry ri, ... etltf)ing acl1"'~ ...'nh Ihe k,.."'g uf the 11ll1~ Kluk Slone bllilt imo tlte ".1\. the 1)11,1to1 of co,,~"lt';llt{}n III the I",., of Allah; (3) after ~ .I>on pl"~)·.. r al,ht SUlIon of Abraham (Q 2'125), Ihe ptlW'''' goc:< to II,.. h,lb ~ m,d Mat_It (Q . 2,1.'>6). 1..... l)moolJ of palielltt and pe""".,,~,,~c; ~ 4 ) Ih~ gn"al ~nnon (K h"!b,,h) 00 tht 9th of I)h" al l;I!iiah . ... h .. " Ih'UoIOrM •• e .equ,,~ for a JOurney on urth. h"'" m ... h mo", ImpoTllnt .0 pro'"de for th~ fin al JOu.n~y inlO .h~ futu •• world? The bel! of , uch p,ovi.ions i. 'i gh ' cond ..., . which i•• he ume .. the r.ar of Allo h

!19. l.( if AIl. h a pp"."'o "' ..."h Hi. angtl. ,n IIi. glory I" In o,her "iorcU ,hfY .... D' '0 KU!. ,h. q" •• t10n ,h." ""Y, and DO' in AlI . h', " .y. Th., ",ill DO< 00. Thr d..,i"on in .11 ques';ON belan8' 'a Anah. If W~ .... ,rue '0 HIm • ...., w.o, £0. Ih. limn and Ka"'IlJ, &Dd do nO, upc' by m"T\$ of .rro..... on Ih. prlnc'ple of a lo".ry' the ITrows "C'. mlrked Ind ~ ....'ed 'hr .... m. purpose a , . mod.rn 10" t ry ticke, Somtthi,,! ' It ' tht Ufl""", of a "au,htered In,mll. WI. d,Yided II1tO u~qu.1 p.r .... Tht- m.rked Irmw> ....,..., d rawn from a b., blank and .h_ who d..".. . hem sot no, h.ng , O the" md,nlfd pnlrll. whIch w~ big or sm~1I Whclhn" you got a b' g ,ba l'fc Or I ",,~ II ohare, Or ""thing. depended on pur. Iud, unlns tbfTf .... fnud .110 on Ibc part of..,me concerned, The p rinci pl e on whi~h th. objeCtion i> ba.\Cd i,; 'hat . e_en If thert i. 00 frlud, you gaIn wha, you h'_e no ' .:untd. Or 1_ on a m"c cbance. Dire Ind wa,e,,"/I' are ngh'ly held '0 be wi.hin ,h. defini"o" of ga mbling , ( R)



i4! Hoarding iJ no \l$C elth ... 10 ou .... ly... or.o ~nr one elsc o" p"'nuftirt .... mu .. 'pend in good "",ru or in c"""y

"'* sho"ld .....he ..tahh ..



us. Cambling and ,me"'peronce "'" IOcia l a. ",.11 a. ind iVIdual., ..., They rna)' nlln uo in ,.." ordinary everyd ay worldly life, as well as (>ur opiri.u .l fut ure, In ca.., it i. oU(!8 e.. ed tha t , h"e II no h.rm ,n a lilt le ind " lgfnCe, "'C . ~ askd .0 . h'n k OVe r a ll i ... social and Indi.idu . l _ ....orldly Ind ,p,,,,ull


U~ For Orph a", ,he bes, rule i• •o k..,p 'hc;, propcrty, hou ... hold , and acCOu nt .... para.e , I.. , ,he.e .hould t... any ,cmp.a,ion 'o ~, a ~.""nll ad_an,agt be remembered . Ph).. ic.] cI~.nJjn.,.' .nd purity m.k~ for h~.lIh . bodily .nd opi rilu.1. Su •• he maIler .hould I.e looked a. from the woman', poin, of vie.... loIell a, th. man', . To he. ,he.., i, danger of hurt . • nd . he 'hould f,a,e ....ry """,idention In.he animal world . in .. inct ;. • guide which i. obeyed . Man .hould in 'hi' respee, be b."e" he i, of.en wO ..e. tiS ~/4ylll'" A comprehe"'"e word ..femng to manner. ume. or phcc. I he moO! dehea,. ma".rs ... her. r.ferred to in ,he moot di..,tttt and je' helpful .. nn •. In .ex mor.h.y. mann.,. time. and place a rc all important : and the high .. t ... ndud. an: ... by . od a ll ...... by our ololn refined i.... inn "f murual co.wdeunon . and above all . by theligh' .h.d by ,he hig~ell Teuhers from 'he .. iJdom ,.hieh they teeei,e Irom our Maker. WIlo I""", purity and cleanljn~ .. ,n all ,hing'. ~49 . Se~ i. no< a .hing .0 be ashamed of. Or .0 b. 'Tflhou.htlea oaths. bu' 'ns .. ~ on propr. 1oOI.1I1n ,n'.n"onal oalho lH.inl 1(TUI"'Iou,ty obsnvcd In a ..,riou. ma" .... lik. ,ha, affecting I wife. if lhe oll h was pUI fo,.......d as an nCUK• •h. man i, . old .bat it i, no exe ..... at.n Allah Ioob to in' ~n, ion . _ meTOlnlC "lIh... ho:r l'el)' rr~orn of prnoon mly turr••• ,he hu.blnd mUlol"l ,he duoolu.;on of marria,e. and prrh.po "ulins her with cru~hy. ,hen. In ouch fXccplion.1 eun, I, b pc:rmi.. iblc 10 li~e ..,me mau;,... 1 cotUidcnulon In ,be husband . bu. 'he n~ and equuy of .hb .hould boo lubrnill cd 10 the judg.:mcn. of impardol jud,... ,~ , prope'V'!'I

l:-~ -;'~; ~.b :~ ·t,;~;LY--~t .~ "'\-' r;rl:;';'rfl;'.l~l_ u !.J


;. _::-,,:;o~~\0H;J;~:~~\;


blame on you If ~ divorce women Before conswnmation Or the fixation of their dower ; But bestow on them (A suitable gift), The wealthy According to his means, And the poor According to his means A gifl of reasonable amount 15 due from those Who wish to do the right thing. DO

2'7, And if ye divorce them Before coosummalion, But after the fixation Of a dower for them, Then Ihe half of the dower (Is due to them), unless They remit it Or (the man's half) is remitted u • By him in whose hands II the marriage tic ;'" And the remission (Of the man's half) Is the nearest to righteousness And do not fo~t


. " .""' .1

.J:. , ... -\ . -

.... : ...j.bJ~.,,:.....:>lJ ..}:i~


".",. ". ,' ....... {-"j\:;, • ,.:.> .....-1&.1

...u:;:.uJi G~;J . ./.J;a~0r-"·h ~;i:~~j~!~wt &~\i);: - - ... \~'J ' ."

'.I ....

t69 The law deda..,. tut in ...cb a cue hair tbe dower fiud ....11 be paid by- Ib~ m ... 10 lbe _ ... ~II the h_I' whoch he It ,••>liUcd

lui ;1 . . . . . '0 tht: _ ... 10 ,emil tbe hair d"e to beT or to ,be "'a... to to dcdaa • • ...t tb ... I>"y the whole.

170 . HUll in l k"'II' They ",piLed wah .pml in word., bu. when" came '0 act ion. 'hC')' failed T h.-y h,d .hmud..... in cnCl .00 roeb, Or ran away. and ......,n ,htnt who rema.n"CI "follewed hIm .~bhnll'" [ Samuel. IS"6 7.

Siirah 2: At Boqarah


If ye were commanded To righ t, that ye Will not right ?" They said : " How could we refuse To right in the cause of Allah , Seeing that we were turned out O f our homes and our families?" But when they were commanded To right , they tu rned back, Except a small band Among them . But Allah Has full knowledge of those Who do wrong. 247. Their Prophet said to them :

"Allah hath appointed Talot " O as ki ng over you ." They said : '·H ow can he b :ercise authority over us When we arc: belief filled Than he to e:xercise authority, And he is not e\"(~n gi fted , Wi th wealth in abundance?" Hc said : "Allah ha th Chosen him a bove you , And hath gifted him Abundantly with knowledge And bodily prowess: Allah Granteth H is aut ho rit y to whom He pleaseth . Allah is All · Embracing, and He knoweth All things:'

$~clli)D4~ -:: ~l1.rW ~ ~.__ ~~~.:1-:'1.:r -1;:. {~"if~ "" , '-" V-J _

248. And (furth er) their Pro phet Said to them : '·A Sign Of his authority Is that there shall come To yo u the Ark of the Covenant ,!ll 280 TiJli, iJ,he ArabIC name lOr Saul. who will taU.nd UnWrnt . bUl t..long«!.o .h~ 'n~ollknjomin. 'he ""aU... , tribe In brad . lit. W .. J ---=...-I..y \:I; .) ~ J " 0



!T~)y( v~,:J;;.;~: 4 t

252. These: are the Signs

Of Allah: we rehearse them To thee in truth : verily Thou art one of the Messengers. !86. Nnte how .h. whole SlOry is compreMed in.o a f~WOTds u rcaanio J1.I.rrauoo , bu. iu "fIin.ual l......ru oro: d_l. upon from many polntt of view. Th. Old lh.amw. is mainJ, int ......"" in .he narroti"". which is full of dnail. bu, M)"Ilitde .bou. ,he uni"" ......1 of ... hich tvety ,"'. SlOry is a pUllbl.. The Q.ur'1n _umn 'he SlOry. bu ••ella ,h" panbl", David ... ,"" a n .. J'lutb , with nO al"Ulf or annOl>'. He "a! """ known """n ill r Ind arma '. He "a! """ known """n ill r Ind arma dirt of hI> _n P"Opio:: b~ orpo....d.Mm to r.ht ",nb 1M .word for PaIft.Unr. b... Wal ntsed.o ADahl muq- bdorr hll ent~rp ...e riprncd. and il lell .0 Jooh"l 10 cany nul b.. plan, David . •hou,b a mere """ptt."d boy. w .. chooeo by AUlh 1·le ....".th,ew the: ,'Utc.. w~rn .... of "" time. bttlmr I ~ ,o'. and wagni luccnoful w~ ... 1)"."10100 0 prop""t . I pool. and m .... C.ln Jcou~ "'II .... 'r"l. hrn..d WIt h II", Holy Spori.· "" .0•• g;H;n l'1l(I WUpolll'O fi,h •• and h .. mtMinn wo, of. mou hm,,~d dIanCtcr In MuI)lmm.d ·1 m ......... h ..... and other chID.l:'~" _.., oomb""O. c.:ntlcr than lcow. he ..... n'"""' ........... orale tban M....... Dd f,um Mu\TOIh he ruled Ind g • ..., I ..... and , h~ Q;u. '.n hal a vaottr..:o)PC lhao ,he Pial .... 01 D..~d (q t · t~ ) ~.

191 The",;'. ,_.fold "'''"''' '''''1 wt'c tli0e4 III hl,b poou of honou •.• nd 'hry the ..-Ir..-nu to ... '0 D.vid !91! Cj

t ,87. S«


by drgr ..... I take

n 4Q) '0 $.6!

, 29! , If lOme pow*, of chota! ..... to I)" "...,n to maa . htl"'lI.. h.... 'n ....".bl, auoed d' ....;o .... II m ... nor he IUppc.ed. Ih .. it I" unatco AU.h', Plln He U rn ... it ou' I, lY will

Siiuh 2: At Baqamh

105 Our dUly lMn is ,0 5eek Ihe puh uprighl ConduCI and O1ari ly - lo grasp AI no a.dVlllnla8" from I. brOlher', n«d, 10 Mand by the word that ill pkd~ , 10 bur troe minai, and n:movc all CilWC

or goodnes., kindnaa,

or misundl'l1t.l.ndings

in our dealings

AI between man and man.

SECTION 34 , 254 . tI) ye who bdi~1 Spend out of (t he bounties)u, We have provided for you , Before m e Day comes When no bargaining (Will avail) , nor friendship Nor intercession .l I • Those who rejeet Faith - they Are the wrongdoen, 255. c:? lJlahl There is no god But He - the Living, The Self-su bsisting, Etemal.l " No slum beT can scite Him No r sleep, H is are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede Tn His presence except As He pennittetM He knoweth What (appeareth to H is crea tu res

~~l~[-j~i €;)

~;.q;;:, ,;'J~~t.q~;;il~r

t94 Sf>ttt4, I L . gi..., IWlr ;n c hlr;ty. Of rmploy in ~ wodu. bllt do _ holrd Good _b.......Jd In ,01.", ",dude ........,.u.i", 'ha< IdwlMn t,,", ~ 01 one Ihat" io ne...t whether I roeia;hbour Of I ...... ngtt. or Ibt .dnftCU 01,,,", eDm",,,n't,. or....,o ,,,", ~ 01 the. J>r"OI' h,_lf to whom Alloob h.. I,,", bo\lol)'. B", it "' .... boo ull ~ Ind I"",,,, obov.ld he ftC> Idml.:otl"'~ of ........ mOl1_ ouch as o. fllx ind ,,~. or eDCOIIngem,",1I of Idleo .... or platina: off 0 .... ~n ....io....~. Thf: hou""a iDcLude menial and IImin.ll &iftt as ... u .....al,h Ind Dlaterill &if...


d ro ......... IIIppon of all dl:riwd fo ..... of I1fe. PMtKt IIf. iI perf«l Ictin,y. III contrul 10 the imperf«l loft which ... - ' In)(tWIINI", 10 ,b..,llIle. Ind io not tontiitioniNI by rlmco. SPIce. To .... Hi.. c"' ........., .hae fIOndi.io"" .1.... Y'.ppl'. Hil knowled", Inti Oil' knowllNl.e • ..., the,efo,e in dillc",.1t ClI(JOrie1. and .... , knowlcdac oaJy IICU lOme .d1c-ction 01 Reality wben il accortIa witb Hil Will .nd Pi .... (CI 10110).


I" e. ICII . pown-, 1t....... 1~ rymbol oIallthori.y. 10 OUt .b..... hlt ~ UbaWil ~ wbca .... "', - Ihe 1In_ and tJu, canb- Writ. lhen. U. ~ it the worti ... 01 AlI.h', powel.•nd will. anti ,"thority. EvtrJlhina: IIE.-ne indlldn ,piri...al .bingt u wdI u tbingt 01 ........... (R). 199. A hfe 0/' activity ,b.t it impnf«l or ",1.u1/II would DOt 0'tIlt neINI n:ot for c'l'T'fIJlC on iu own .amri,.., bllt would bot in neINI ot do .. bl~ n:ot wh .... it hu to look after atld , ...-rd, or cherith, Or belp oct.,.,. laiviuCl. III fIOnlrul Wltb thil u the Ab..,llI\e Ltrt. which U flft from '''Y ,"cb need 0, fIOnti""-nqo. r or it U,"prcmt .bo¥c anytbiDf that..., Un fIOncri~

500. Cornpubion to incomp.tible wilh ..,hiPon: bc8. we ....... ,uu,..."ed Allall', pow"r 0 ...... L,r~ and On.lI . oon",..."", .. "h ."aft. ".,n bol." 'knr !fo9 iIlw";",",,, how T.m~" un"",.~n.l.o AII.h·, _.~'nlf' . ..." ..... ind •• te'ide .galns"uch I (ontillg"ncy_ The ... h"lwind IS .he ....... h ' 0 .om...· the p .......iJion a g.;no, i, is a hf~ of .rue charilY and r;gh'...."'n.... which lJ ,h~ only iOU rce of tr,,~ and I..."ng h.ppinns;n .hll world Ind ,he nut Wi,hou, ,I ~ are ."bj«l'o oil ,h. ¥'clIIuudn of 'hil unccr,,'n life. W~ ma~ """n 'po,1 our JO calk-d "chlnly" by ,,,,,,"ng on .he obhgl"on whICh o thers owe to U. or by doing tome hi.,., . beel ",," our moti .... Ire no, P"""-


'1'_No. $"(1ng will or chlt. ct ••

(fflO~rh) d~ "4f5'~

llt"rally .. ~ak. dec,..,pi,. ,nfi.m. pouobly


to both huhh Ind

Sunh 2: At Boq(Jrah



267. (l) ye who believe I Givt: of the good things Which ye have (honourably) earned ,s" And of the fruits of the ea rth Which We have produced For you. and do not even aim'" At geuing anything Which is bad. in order that Out of it ye may give awa y Somethi ng. when ye younelves Would not receive it Except with closed eyes. m And know that Allah Is fr~ of all wants. And worthy of all praise.JLI

... )



268. The Evil One threatens You with pow:ny And bids you to conduct Unseemly. Allah promiseth You His forgiveness '14 . A«ordina; 10 Ihe En,lIsh plV"Cfb '·o.am, ~ a multilude of "N~ Such. oenllmcnt 10 'UOI'I,IJ' dinpp.",'ed ,n [.Lom Chmy h •• ",,[uc only If (1) OOdr ... .',


; ~ ./. / ' , L< ·-. ·\.r-----t'..; ) I --..:::: \I...1'"""""' ~J - _ ;:;- ......y

~~'t ~ ~I~r:. . ~/~


274 . 'ij!hosc who (in cha ri ty)1U


III. ecmnccUoII. witll charity tllio meaN tllal we mUll ,..,n ..... th..., ",ony in nttd . .. heth~r th., a,~ good or bad, on ,he ri,h, pa th Of 1\Ol, MlUl lma Of oehcrwUc. It II not fen ... to judge in theee mUlen. AU.II will Ii'" U,h, 1lCC'0ni'II( '0 llio wiodom. Inridmt.olly It adda • f,,"her _all.i", TO tbe comma"" , ~ l.ot1 ~ ~ 1>0 tooIIpubioD ill rdip)a- (t.tS6). For compubion may IlOl ollly be bt f~~, btl' bt ~oomk ~'y. In mattc .. of !'Cli,;on We mw.\ not " " " compel by a bribe of charity. The t llief moe;"" In Charity ohould be Allah'. pl~ .. u", a .. d 0"'- ""'" 'piritull JOOd. Th.ia . ...dd....ooed in tbe fint iNtancc to Al M...pJI ill MadT .... h. It it of ~J appliution


( r",u,,, 01 If t&lh It plid ....... nd ckh .... ry is con.rac.ed fo, II I fi,ed time .nod plac" In tho: lu,uK ,'" IUd. non • " ntl(1l documclU .. lft"Ommo:-nd .... b.. " . hrId ,hi' 'M -0.1_,.". on In dw ........ II,•• " .. 'Juc~' noon: ..j~b'" at;~, ond II'IOt"oncl'l .... bc\WftT1 0 ..... nd lnothrtaf Alllh', Mnpm, of.he _rId . liP . opprasion . """11"1'«, apd of r..,h ha..., SO"" ~h .... The Phu.oh of lhe , ime of MOld rehed upon hif~. hif ICTT1I...,.. hif um,,,. . • nd hll ~rc,," 10 mod I. MOld ,be m~....,r of AIl.h and 10 opp..,.. 'M ~Ie o£ Mc.o. AIl.h .. Yed .he I.... di.'" and pun"hcd .""', opprnwm throurh m.n, pi.,..", and tal.mili .... (R) '~I A, M..... warnHl ,he EfnM.i..... 00 .he ".mins'" hu" ..... ndood to .h" hr... Arabo. Ibe.JnducLna: A1riI J.M . the iDft1tnte roe .1Id patCCIIt ... of 101,,,, Ai.i"".aU odds lhe MILNIIDI won , brillint rictOf}'• • nd rna..,. of ,he ~ ...... y le.den. incilldina: AbO J.hI . wen: kill~ (Cj 50 .40). (It)

.bou, ._e-d.



'5'. It wu impcMiblt • .,;.11(111•• be "'lfI(\lI...... Id of AU.b. for I\ld! • ..,,,n ,OIl III e'q\llppcd fora: u _. thc Mwlim baod. to ddn . ,he 1.. ~ .nd _n .round "'ru of ,he e,,=y. BII' fi",,_. rul • • 1Id ellaciplir>e wo .. . ban c!i";..., lid Enmly pritor>en ... ~ that .bc enm>y ranb ..... be M... lim fon:e to ~ "'.,.,. ,lmn bfJ':' .h." i, ......

3S4 'The pleu\I.Ia of thia world .n: fi .. CIIwn~"I~; -.en for .....,: _ for OIra!f\h and pride: ~rdcd richtro. whidt pl1lCllrl: all h ...uria. thot: bnI .nd fincA pcdicrcc honer . elllie. tile me .... "' oI ....hb ill lhe world. I f -U I f lhe _.'" and rymbob 01 aood r""'ina: i".he ad .au 01 _ U·.illcd I.nd. S, ,nlo,.,. _ .... y iftc:lllct.-. for 0\Il' ~ or. ", • • hi,," 01 all ki..cto - .~ ... Otor· UR • • nopl ....... the ... in ......... I-combuocion t:rI(ina. eoC.,£U:. I .. "heaped. up hoa.ds 01 pd _lid tilwr; the Arabi arc TCldy and li1>Utl. night. me'/I'" ,n,o day. and d.y mtO n,sht . and tb • ..., i. no de .. bPJundary bc, ..·~ .hom In ~.• ..,. 00] . . yo:a,• • be ni.a:ht /lains go the day .ftcr 'Umme. wtlee. and ,he day It"ains on the nilt"h' aft.r the w,n'.r IOb,ice aut further, 'f lilht Ind darkneso • ..., y,ewed "l)TI\bolo of be....00 u in the pbys;ul world , and in II .. hand i, aLL Good



We un in",p,,,, Ocad and Uvin/l In....-m mo ... "'IUcI thin Day and Ni/lht duth physiC1l, tntdLc.:tuII .",...ionll, 'pontu'!. Uf~ aod Ocath may allo apply 10 coLLecl i..... group, o. national hfe And ... ho ha, """, roI-",d tb~ my.."'Yof Ltfe? Sut raith rd".... it 10 ALL,h', Will ud Pion (Of (051)

'72 ASlin .rue in ILL .he..,.....,. .uggnC'1l'h.1 Chru"." wn.ings lIy ,bat .he ..... b.ouBh, up in .he Temple to I.... age of ."",1.., hn a dotr of jeow, and vf j,""UI, thl: proph""- of [..... e[ . ... hom Ilr.o[ ~jeO)



Read ,hi~ ...."" 4' 1!> 7.158. ",here" .. ~:lId Ih~, -""herea. they .Iew h'm


nul' ,h"y c'uc,fird hiOl

but II lQ~ m;tek dubh.n uOle> The lIulh of''''' J~'''' ,"":u,,n:!. bUlJnu~ "'''' "'~U;IUyl"~" up n. Atlih.

S» jftUl ..... wrrd by thep. Wllh bl.uphmoy ucl ....... to be Cod or thrc_ of Cod ~Chrut ..... which _'" . on,hlta~ by perva lli .... _and , .... modem 0«' ..

" h., _ ,.1>e ...... ~

c ",u.d him

( mID

60 The Tn"" (coma) ~rom thy leT he ,.,. of


Who daub' ". 61

:r an,.,... d"P


.~.. -,

... ... .

... ~ -


~ ~ IJ "'J:ill,;.lit::; r~:}l

:'J~!::' ~1:!} ~~~1

66 . Ah l Ye are those: Who fdl to disputing (Even) in matters of which Ye had somt: knowledge'''' But why d ispute ~ In maltt:rs of which Ye haW' no knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, And ye who know notl 40! I" .hco .bi,raet ~ People of Ihe 800k woulo! aF"" 10 ,Illhr« p.opooil"' .... I" praClic~ Ih'"Y rlil " pa n from d~a1llfHa from I~ "nilrof , hc One 1h.Ic God,. , hco", is.1It ({\!CAlion of I COIlieCJatcd f'ricoIbood (Imong wJtwI iI ... U hu~d,,"1')' aJoo), U If a mt'~ hunl n b.!ing _ Coh~n , o. Popt', 0< Prim . or Brahmln _ could cI.,m 'UperiorilY Ipln from hi. lcarruollnd ,"" purity of hi. lif~. Of could .... nd MWttn min ud AU.h in OOtne .pee;al..,,,.., The Arne rmll.1to applr 10 ,he ..... rahop of Wilt&. Th.,. miT b.! pur~ and holr; bu . no 0"" Cln potCCt \II or dlim LordJhip """. \II eIIcep. AUah . Fo. lUlU, ...., I I . n , to. Abrahim • Inlt of Cod, bu. hco cook! POI ~ ailed. J.... o. a Christ,an .. M loved Ionc bdOn .~ Law of MOta Or the' CoIpeJ 01 Jaw >nO r~'Uled

0000 ....., • ....., w,& ... loo0n! d.npn>W .h.n oIwIou. ral""hoock. A..... hft.. '" concul it .l~h.". T\ooM who.", )1'.10 ... 01. prophn of AII.h . whom ,brr .nuall'_ ""'ror~ .1Inn do I>Ol .1I0w Iuto crflIenli.1s Of Y,.. UoU'O "'" . _ . or ... Ior, rum. or COIIeul rae .. whoeh would .m... people .olum When p.ople do tllIi of lin pur.,.,..., .g•• ru •• "",. own light ("of wh.e h "" .,.., yo ...... I..,. wnnesoeo"), they ate deKendmg-.o .he lowes. dept'" of ple 01 .he Book) ..... bo .. nd by you, own o~, .... o.ol.."nly.n ,hi: pr......""c of yo .. , own Prop"" ... In Ihe Old Tnta"""n, ;u i, now CJW ... M ..... mm.d IS rOfftOkiln De .., 18.18. and ,hf TIM' of ,h ... Ar.W ,1lI, lOn In IJ;oJ;o.h 42 II. ror~;u ..... a iOn of Ism) tI and lhe name .. uocd for the Arab na"on 10110. ,n ..... New Tesumenl ... II now ......... M.. h.m .... d .. fotfloid ,n , he Goopc\ 01 51 JoM 14 16 IS 26. and 16,1, u..flll~r~CDmfortel can.- be eM "Holy Sportl" lIS .. ndcncood byCh.lUua .... bo.; ....... ' .... 1I00ft Spon' alt.-ad, w;U P'eotnI , hotlptllland 1W'i'''IJnw. lbeGreck WOfd uaNl •• od ··Comfonc. is Pa ..elor_ . ... hleh" an eaoy co.rup!>o" from "' ""telY''''"' whteh II .1....... li.e",,1 ,,,,,noIa.ina of ~M .. hammad··or Ahmad ·' . ...., 7 1~1 and 61.6 r unh ..... the,e we ..... o.h., Coopcl. ha •• pcruhcd . but of wh,eh trICes •• ~I remain. whIch wer ... .....," mOre opeclfic tn ,hdr ,efe •• DCe to M.. ~."""ad •• If • ,he Coopcl 01" SI. Barnah ••. 01" whteh an ltallln .ra".la"oo .. ex'an, tn .he 5, ..... LIbrary" Vienna It wu edited '0 1907 wllh an EnKl"h , .. nola"on by Mr Lonwlak and La .... Rap: IWO11


Surah 3:




8&. If anyone de5ire5 A religion other than Islam (submission to AlIah), ' )1 Never will it be ac.c epled Of him ; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks Of those who have lost (All spiritual good) . 86. How shall Allah Cuide those who reject Faith after they accepted it And bore witness That the Messenger was true And that Clear Signs Had come UntO them? But Allah guide5 not A people unjust . 87. Of such the reward Is that on them (rests) The curse of Allah , Of His angels, And of all mankind 88. In that will they dwell; Nor will their penally Be lightened, nor respite Be their (lot);"1." 89. Except for those that repent ( Even) after that , And make amends: For verily Allah Is Oft· Forgiving, Most Merciful. 90. But those who reject Faith after they accepted it , And then go on adding To their defiance of Faith -


4 11 1M Muolun po.",on .. dUT 1M Mu.lo", don DO' to ha~ a ~h.,.,n pe"Cul,ar .0 lumKlf lib", It rIO( • $«' or an ",.h rue rdi"" ... In ". YlC"W aU llo.I"'on" ....... for the Tru.b II on~ It wu ,Ite ~h ...... prucb~t1 by ,illite n.li"" p ropbc". It wu ,be "u,b "!'lb. by ,IL 'he 'mplfIM Book,a. In Ce" amounU 10 • (onoc' ou.n_ oJ 'h", Will and Plan 01 AII.h aod a joyful .ubmit&ign 10 lh., Will and Plan If an ,.,,,,, .... n .. a ~I,gioo otber ,han th&a: which it akIn to ]0\1 ;. ' ht ....... ie.! of AlI ..h,


s: i

l 'lmriin


Taste then the Penalty For rejttting Faith ." 107. But those whose faces Will be (lit with) white -

They will be in (the Light Of) Allah's mercy; therein To dwell (forever). 108. 'QJhese are the Sigtu

Of Allah: We rehearse them To thee in Truth ; And Allah mean~ No injustice to any Of His creatures. 109 . To Allah belongs aU

That is in the heavens Aod on ea.r th ; to Him Do all questions Go back (for decision). UI

~j\i\~~';.;.~n '(> Ihe Will of Allah Th .. imptia (I ) F.i,h . (I) doi,. righ l. being an uample.o OIh~,. to do rilh. , a nd h.";ng Ihe P"""'" 10 ICC Ihll lhe right prenila, (5) _hewing wrong. bel", an ..,ample to odt.... 1O...,1\cw WTOtIJ , and h...inl Ihe P""'"'T 10 ICC Iha. wrong and inju"iu are dcfulcd . Itlam therrlorc livn. no. for i.... lf. bu. for m.nl0..... Th~ tu • ...,..... pok~ of fOfJlV~n now and of..", fOT 'WO "'&to... fi) ... hen ..... (",,1,nciinM '0 pay mon:: .han h.. man honour '0 on.: wbo W. . . M t", .. t . the pu""" • • nd .he g.n' .... of men. "nd ,hw In a octU< to compollnd for Oil. fo'l"'LULJ . M lpori. or h.. u:ach."II . and (2) "hen .. e ftd depl"ftMld a, .ht ella"".,. and cha..,.,. or ttRIC. and ro ....... tha, .be ncrn~1 Allah li_ and wa.ches ......... and ~. an Hlo c",uurn now u ;n .n h.lIory in lh~ put and ;n .he f",",~ 461. Th~ .... ;. a aligh< touch or ,rony In .h... AI applKd to ,he: archno ~. Uhlld . who ,u""".ttd th~I.1"'* for .ru. .ah of plllnd~r• • """ might have 10' IOm~ plllnde', bll •• hey pli' ,hem... l"", and th~ ... hoI~ Dr .1Id • . .... y .n.o JfOPatdr For ~ 1".k wo.ldly ..... n . •hey ....arly loti .boti.MMLh. On .II~ atMr haocon ,ha. '1'OOC'.1h~ """relli",

raJIIO'(! and tumtd but. (In ,be Musli ....... From the 10-. pund (In ,he bank oI.be Nu.llIh. 'he Mwlinu mna~ '" .I>om .utI! Ind tnlOCl 10 ,lIn tl>l: bill . i"hey IuoJl • double 10M: ( I) .hey ~ ba,,1.Ud of.tu, - , . t....,. h.d .,.n aft1' ond (I) ,bri. -.. li_ uwl .he Ii_ of.J.d, .... hole I rmr wen: in da ....... ud m."y h_ ~re '~I"alJr \01< rntm .hci, raniOmocy wubtd ..u IlOl ,be aood emmun,.y bUI j,. beill, pl.(~ ." a cOlluomptibl" Pf*UOn Whell th .. otltcn wn-e fo, ocIf I&cr.flu .I>cy_n. for calC and fa" W("d.. PT~~Dd,,'I '0 M I>hllhmJ, ,hey ..... re nu,..,r '0 ullt>..hd IrOIl,cally .h., p .....tlldcd .0 ~_ 1I00h,nS 01 filh' ;III, ."d Id, .h~ir dt"tOli. bre.h.~n to ddend .heir f.ilh and ,de .... If ,hal d",ollt .pin' did nQl a p~al'o .Mm• •hey m,sh. at Ie ... ha,.., ckfended .heir curof M a~'nah ... h .... ;1 .u,h.u.ened -


def~ t~"

l\eUlru and homn u



Siirah !I : Al '1m ron


168 . (They are) the ones that say, (Of their brethren slain). While they themselves Sit (at ease): " If only They had listened to \15, They would nOt ha\"e been slain ." Say: "Aven death From your own selves, If ye speak the truth ." 169 . '[hink not of tbose Who are slain in Allah's way As dead. Nay. they live, '" Finding their sustena nce In the Presence of their Lnrd ; 170 . They rejoice in the Bounty Provided by Allah : And with regard to those Left behind. who ha\"e not Yet joined them (in their bliss). The (Martyn) glory in the fact That on them is no fear. Nor ha\"e they (cause to) gTieve"" 171. They glory in the Grace And the Bounty from Allah . And in the fa ct that Allah suffereth not The reward of the Faithful To be lost (in the least).

, , ,.. ..... ... .,.. / .' .'/.l #\., ' '\ " '> . ,] .-~


. ~


SECTION 18. 172 .

ODr those

who alU""eTed The call of Allah

477 A bnuuful paaa", abo.... be Man,... In.be cauoe 01 Trulh 'f'ItC"J' are ncM dud lher \i", - • ...t ,n a fa. h'...... nd ,han In.he life they b.'" lefl E",n w .... bn.. no bub ,n tbe He""of_ bonou, I~ that du::1n tbc" ClWot. WI.h •..., COWn of ""mon.ol"y In.he and m~w,; 01 ",ron."..." unborn Bu. i .. Fai.h We"'" • hI.be .. .... e •• oDd I.... ...,I •• i"" ;mmo".h.,. ~tb.p" "im mo".h.y·' It not lilt .1,b. word ,n .hu connKtiOll • • ,It ;mph~. ~ontlnu."on ~1op,..j ~

\) Sur;........ h h;. M.l.!uo", wllbd.ew bu. left. chaUerllI'" With th"", to m«t h"n lind h.......1 a,a;" a, ,he f ... of lI.d . al Sue,l ne.. fU' ~ (hallen,e ..,.. .cc~ted .nd • podrd b.nd oE Muolimo uno:kr thftr unrq>Kl t",adn kq>t u..: '"",, but theeoetnJ dId ..... cor-. They n:t\>Tl'Ied. _ only unlu.rmed, but (nric~ bytM tr.k at the r.." and \l'l may be ~) .. mIf'bn>od hi' ,he .CttIOI .... of new .dhuent> to 'he;' c.......

Siirah ~ :




177. Those who


Unbelief at the price

Of faith Not the leut harm Will they do to Allah , But they will have: A gri~U5 punishment. 178. Let not the Unbelic\'crs Thlrilc. that OUf respite

To them i. good for themselves: We grant them respite Tha t they may grow'" I n their iniquit), : But they will have: A shameful punishment . 179 . c:x.Uah will not leave The. Believers in t he state In which ye are now, Until He ~parates What il evil

From what is good .'"' Nor will Allah disclose To you the s«reU Of the Un.s«n"n But He chooses Of His Messengers (For the purpose) Whom He pleases. So believe in Allah And His Messengers: And if ye believe And do right , Ye have: a reward Without measure. -4110 Thn ,he cu p of tllti. Ini'lui:y may boI'' "' ' .


dl The of frOOd. men by al.nuun and en! men by k • ...., .hem ,. , he nMl"OJImm, of ....,.t 'hutpllo pin of the U",,,,,_l Plan, "" whw:h OI)me fro:edom of (hoitt io lei, '0 min The ~holoJIallnd


IUbjKti.~ un£.,t."I, and ,be sn:! . and COPI~ mun, ar~ ,,,,- wh.,... tDh~",anc~ a 10 bot d,.id~, Th~ oha..,. af~ .po·dfi~ . H~f~ ,h~ g~""n.1 pnnctpl ... ar~ I.,d down Ihal f~maLe. ,nherit '"' -...Ll a. Olalo:s. a nd lhat rda, I... who ha.. e .... Iqal .h,"6, orpha n., and ,"d~m ~ple .... not 1' .J 1C J4o;/J Or a sister, ~ach on~ or th~ tWO \J" Geu a sixth: but if more Than twO, they shar~ in a third : !luon .ha. IMr~ orf no dC'K~,bntt Of a""eado" ... how..." remOlr, "h~ .... m." how,,'er bf. WId"", .. wldO>«T IUrvlV1n. Ihe or M u""" h'" or his ,har~ I. Itrudy op.-c,lied 11M: .d u .... ~ ""'Ia,tn" 1"'-0111 • .., col~ .. ]..... on 0 cornphtaled .,...em which an ..... be dncnbod In 0 b ....r nott 1'",. ,h_ ud 'M ...1.,. abou' Rtoadulnn (:.. ... h) .rfnrncf ,"""Id be m.df '0 1pn:1I1 kgal Un"....

tn ","u (on .. hkh r........ al r.ptrun I.ke fif'tll rant) and ""oco", .or Ihf fl.. chuJ'e OCI , .... atatt 01 • d«.-ilWd.....--. brio.-.:d, •• lI...l_ lakn piKe !lilt eq"lty and bIT dralon.'--Id "" ~ .... u ....,....., 00 ..... , ... _·, ...ItfftU.", pl'tJllcbM Th •• f~"""'" 6ptn>C1 doould be "' ........ blr debt, m .... be ........... and not fKkleIo debu and 'he 0100"" mlUl br uJaoiated ...:IIh f.,"""",tH II



S7. n


( R)

•• J~JI"~ ' Jli::'


Siirah 4: A.I Nisii'


AdJUited . ,md 1111 life lived

In fllith . Ch;lrlly. and kindnc. 10 .n our rellow·cnaturn.



15 . ~f any of your women Are guilty of lewdness. m Take the evidence of four'" (Reliable) witnCS5e3 from amongst you Againu them; and if the), t~tify,

Confine them 10 houses until Dtath do claim them , Or Allah ordain for them Some (other) way.lU 16. If twO men among you Arc guilty of lewdness, Punish them both . If they ~pent and amend, Leave them alone; for AII .. h Is Oft -Returning . Most Merciful. 17. Allah aa:epts the repentance Of thOSlt who do evil In ignorance and re~nt Soon afterwards; to them Will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge And wisdom . 18.

or no effect is the

~pen t ance

!.U MOIl ( ............ , ........ nd.....1Id ,hi. ,.. . dtr I...d ... '....,. ... '''"lIu11on ,n .ha. (CO'" lhey COlll,der Lha, tho: "....wu...", wu al.r.ecll .. 100 tller ~ U -! I .. , I .h,n. _ m~ .......nnall.nl CJUIW - . - . . - . .. .. ~ 10 .. nnal ..raI CI'tfM bft-.m morn on 4 16 below; b.n_ {I) ... ~ • M •• r... ,he man. at WQlJld ..., ct.. u'" wha~ a man wu 'n ......... ,n che crim • . (t) c.... WIIf'CI . .J lI,i che pwd, rm.. nI~ plun' 01 .01 1101••• \IKd 10' ,he P"'~ 10 ,ht (l ) ,he JI'U~'" it 'nddi",c • . 0«

""pes br'''''



'ht ....' nOOe .... , ,,"'" U4 1b pnMKl ,he dot .... al , _ ......-..

ho_rol~ I~ II

,he .. _

•• M:laewlckna ..


... che ewId.mce 01 r.... ;......,ad 01

for ad .. i'tft""J' (_ 14 4 )

55 ~ ,bm! ," P " - ..",iI_. ckfi .... ~ 0"",," IS re1 . ..


Siirah 4: Ai Nlia'


Among yoursc.lvcs in vanities; But let there be amongst you Traffic and rrade By mutual good will: Nor kill (or destroy) Yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Mercifull 30. If any do that

Tn rancour and injustice Soon shall We cast them Into the Fire : and easy It is for Allah .

31. If ye (bul) e5Chew The most hemous Oflhe IhlllgS Which ye arc forbidden 10 do, We shall remlt Out of 10\1 Your evtl (minor) dccru, And admlt you to a Gale Of greal honour. 32. And in nowise covet Jot Those things in which Allah Hath bestowed His gifts More freely on some or you Than on Others: to men Is alloued what they earn , And to women what they earn: But ask Allah of His bounty. For Allah hath fuJI knowledge Of all things. 33. To (benefit) enry one, We have appointed Shar.. n anft



~42 M ~n and _"",n ha,,, f«lm Allah ...... e ,rUII,r .han olhe". TIv:y Io«nl u","quaL bu. ~ ar. wured tllIt I'.""'d.nc~ ha •• Uoued tbem by • ocllc:m. by .. luch Pf'Opl. I'ffer' ....b .. ,b.,. nrn If .11 .. don "'" appea. den In Our ..,b •• let ... .nn.",bo:, tho .... bo •• lID rull knn .. I~. but Allab b... W". mull not bot I"alouO' • • "..c.~ 01 hr..... jrolo... or c....... ou .. w.lhould PRY 10 Allah aod pl~« lIdor. Hom OU r neflb , 'I\o"lIh He k--. all and b.. no tw:rd 01 ou. p ....,.. •• OIU p ....,.... may r""ul ,0 ourxlYCl our .1>0"43 Ala,.,.l;. plural of Mnliit. rrom ,he .OIM .... Illi. to II< OUr In pll ct Or ",la"o.. hlp, 10 rollow Ma .... rna, , berdo." man.. ( I) n~ •• ly rdlled . (I) h" ••• (3) aha ..... o. par\~ r; Ihn. , h.~ muTU"," Ir. ,mph", t..,..,. (4) ne.gbbour. .... fr~nd o. p'Olt'Ctor. o. dltlll (404 41) . (~llo.d o. m....,.. (16;76 ).



4: Al Nisi'


To property left 8y parents and reb.tivcs. To thO$C. abo. to whom Your right hand was pl~dgcd ,~" GillC thei r due portion. For truly Allah IS WltnCU To all things,.

SEcnON 6. M (JIU$oonds) arc the prol.CCtOn }ol And maintaincrs of their (wi\'C::I) ~ause Allah has gillCn The one more (strength) Than (he other, and because They support thcm From their rneanJ. Thcrefore the righteous women Are devoutly obedient . and guard In (thc husband's) absence What Allah would ha\'C them guard.'" As to thO$C women On whose part )'C fear Disloya lty and ill-conduct . Admonish th~m (lint). H' (Next). r~fusc to share their


... . '" . .... . ;..- :. \J , - ,li s.: .....

b«b, (And last) 5p .pptar In H .. ~n.., ( R)

Siirah 4: Al Nisii'


The arrogant , the vainglorious _


!l7. (Nor) those who are miserly, Or enjoin miserh nes5 on o thers, Or hide the bounties Which Allah hath bestowed Ul On them: for We have prepared, For those who resist Faith, A Punishment that steepsu. Them in contempt -

!IS. Nor those who spend Of their substance, 10 be seen~17 Of men, but have no fai t h In Allah and [he LaSt Day: If any ta ke the Evil One For their intimate, What a d readful intim ate he isl

-, ·'i d ....- ' " '(.& .. G-J r-+':'; \..:...:.;..,-ii!" : ~~ .J ~

:c'1(..;i~1; ~~~;.~.q;~iSi

39. And what burden Were it on them if they Had fai th in Allah And in the LaSt Day, And they spent Out of what Allah hath Given them fo r sustena nce?'" For Allah hath fu ll Knowledge of them , 40 . Allah is never unjust In the least degree : If there is aoy good (done), SM Rul dMI of tern~e Jnd k'ndna. pt_n

M8 Swtm.ooc. physic.1 10tcUCClII.J . JPirUual - ~""", pct,",ru"l 10 lore .ad growth 0 ... bcJ", m\lll ,h..d"OI'e lpend ouncJYf:I fred, fi7 l...... lIy, " befo.e \\~ obhu •• " ....... futll'" (Of fun) and tllm them fro«! 10 bnk (or bad 10 f ...",)", In Ar.b..: id,om , wh,ch m .... be "analated fr~ly 10 I"dd .u propel mu,,""1 i .. Enrluh The la •• io ,be dud: np."",on of. mIn', own ~.I _n .~ . n u .lfO thr ,nd,.. of hu fam. and eot.m •• ion Th. ~ of th. Boolt hod b«n fp« lally f",o,"red by Allah ~"h Ip",,"al ,.".,I."of\>, If lhoy pl'OO'..lvn ,""worthy, ,hey 10M .Il001. 'foe.", T he" em'""nc". would . ow.n, 10 lheiT own condl«'I. be '"rn~ '''I '' dop.d."on, Oth",. WOIIld lau thelt pluif ",., rl ....hall be lal' and the 1_ lIh,all ~ lin •• Mall t9 ,SO ~68




and n 79


~6' . JUII af in an urthly l .,mnl HC .'pN. e,,,,...,,on lrom "n.h. and who In ch mankInd by ..... mple.nd prcttp. Thu r.nIr. 1 ~ bl.m ;. Mid Mul;tamma d M"II an: (t) The nn, a.., t!tooC

man', Ihn",h. Such m~n arc far hOlm btlnr a f(I"rC~ nf ""'''ith.n in • fiCh. , a nd .hc nu t "c"" by impJIdhon b"n..... _n P'Inllltmo:n. If"~ .ull.., .h.. truth we ,hall be ..," room ,_ "'.. (I).t.., oIn 01 "'JUI.ice .0 AH.h-. M.,...,,,g.-n , lObo come for 0... food . •1Id. not for OUr harm, (t)'M 01" of __ ,ntJlinl our own ohortcvm,nl' or .ebeltion .l.d ,hus hviJ\( Irl 'plntuli darkn'en.tl.1 ~k t ory, And con""lXly. .... ca nnot IUPp-..d "" app" .. rlU"lUL for All ..h h"l"""""r ...... all thinp . &0, • h"m_At """"phon _ mode In the twO cor.... pec.fied 1ft 4 90

Siirah 4: A l Niia' Umil they flee'" In the way of Allah (From what is forbidden) . But if they tum renegades, Seite them and slay them Wherever ye find them : And (in any case) take No friends or helpers From their ranks 90. Except those who join A group between whom And you there is a treaty601 (Of peace), o r those who approach'" You with hearts restraining Them from fighting you As well as figh ting their own People. If Allah had pleased, He could ha\'e given them Power over you, and they Would ha\'e fought you : Therefore if they withdraw From you but fight you not , And (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then Allah 607 H,c ; th~ ~al form from which ,h~ ""un

p~rt,s-}~\\I~ ~\~Gp.0 ... b«n "'CIl:a.led. "he;' neu,,"lily i...,lf ""y be I g",a. ad'... n.. ~ 10)'0" So 1(11'1.1 at rou a.... tiofiw .h.. 'h~ :&cc line il ",orUl .tonr. as op"n r ....... i••. kq> .h~m not in ),0'" mMbt tf they glvc you JIII .... nl~ of pu"", I nd do no. I all .h,,,,, c..... mrn"o""d . •h..... whrre a Bdi",.. ltilled a B.ollC'o'rr urun .. nuonally and .he d"".,.ocd (I) brloDl1'd '0 tM ume communiry u you . o r (2) belong«! to a commun"y 11 "'at with YO" . Of IS) belonged to a community in alha ner w"h )Ou



612 Wha ... mendonl'd herr ... he puni,hmen' rn .he He,uf'eTq .. procC'tdm,: from ,M cbl'ftl .pptob.o.... and ~ of AII.h.


Surah 4: At NiJa '


Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight I-Ialh He distinguished Above thost who sit (at home) By a special reward -

96 . Ranks speci ally bestowed By Him and Forgiveness And Mercy, For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. SECTIO:>J 14 . 97. )F hen angels lake The souls of those Who die in sin Against their souls,'" They say: " In what ( plight) Were ye?" They reply: " Weak and oppressed Were ""e in the earth." They say: "Was not The eanh of Allah Spacious enough for you 10 move yourseh'es away (From evil)?" Such men Will find their abode In Hell - What an evil Refuge! -

98 . Except those who are ( Really) weak and oppressed Men , women , and children Who ha \'e no means In their power. nor (a guide POSt )fl6

To direct their way, 61~. The ;mm..;!o.te cu,"''' for ,hi. p .... ag. w... Ih~ qu .. don of m;gr."i"" (hIp,,") from p1ac .. "'her. a .. d join and ."... g.he ... he Muslim community among "'hom they &n OUr bre,hren in ..... ul"ny ... h~re :..., callJ'l()t put " do,",,,, bu' "'la,,).., a po.mOll from ... hkh "'. can pu, i, down.


616. If .hro"8h ph)'ll ca l, m~.. ,.I , Or monl incapadly, w..,ly 10 c...... incotwCnien« '0'''' __ '1" and damage to tho ........., or when ill...,.. ... f'''rue e........ he _arc", OIrcnl,h 10 f.iI Det,i" can be ... ned accord."lI '0 a'C\lmt'.nca, •• _ .(tu~1I1 do.... by the Prop .... at d,rre~, IIIl'I""-

... ,bo,,,

619 Two .nll':'j>ff,atiQru •• ~ potsobk. (I) 'wilen ye ha"" fin,oMd ~nlr..... iona.l pnyen • or (I) ~w"'" (on . (COII'" of ULremc d o",.e, ) yc h. "" lD p Ulo (Wer (on,r~l.uon.l prayen ahOfe'.hC'f-n'(n .h~ tho .. ~. ro,m ...d.uttd ror tim", or d.n~ r:' I prcf~ • •h~ I.ue" II It I«,d. ben( r with tn~ follow,nl ,l(n'enn... hi~h .Uo\O'$ ,.... '0 f~mml bc, .... lI.h ,nd.ndua.ll)'.n I ny pJ....A.i~ill ;?"


120, Satan makes th~m promises. And cr~atet in lh~m false desires; But Satan', promises Are nothing but dtt~plion "

121. They (his dupes) Will have their dw~lIing In H ~lI. and from it Th~ will find no way Of ~ape. 122 . But those who beli~vc And do deeds of righleousne51 w~ shall 500n admit t h~m To Gard~nJ, with ri\'~n FlowlIIg b~n~3Ih - to dwdl Th~r~m fOf(".-er Allah's promi~ is th~ truth , And ",hOSt word can be 1fu~r than Allah's? 12~ ~ot your desira, nor those'n


6SO Sh,,; .., .h. nn 01 co"lt .. just 0""' ,...... - or 1M .. 1'....11110&.0 whi(h ....,n becomc wbn ,....,. MI .. af," r~ IJO(ft, "nino Allah, Mncymmn .0)'011. htt,


,;.«o::lt' ~tI


Surah 4; At NisD' Of the People of the Book (Can prevail); whoever Works evil, will be Requited accordingl y. Nor will he find , besides Allah , Any protector or helper. 124. If any do deeds Of rightC'Qusness Be they male or female And have fai th , They will enter lieaven , And not the least injustice au Will ~ done to them . 125. Who can be better

In religion than one Who submits his whole self To Allah , does good , And follows the wa y Of Abraham the true In fa ith? For All ah did take Abraham for a friend .'" 126 . But to Allah belong all things

In the heavens and on earth; And He il is lhal Encompasseth all things... •

C. 67. -

(4 :127· 152.)



~}~\ ~t;J~;I,ao 'hll po,n. in Of",", ,0 .how ,h •• 11>0 mo,al l.w for man" no, a """~ mallcr o( '~nH"cntl~n'al command. bu. fully r..U on ,he aocn"al !W«tD proI«I ch,.,. ' ... e..... r.. ~'Cf ,han an, m...




646 If you. helod .. by h,bn Of bmh Of .M "",mpl., '" .h~ you t.,.... o ..... pc.:t '" adm,,,", m.\c bclodmo....pcafic and p.nonal to ,..... ...df w~ mUll not onl, ha"" f... h. bu. fHiiJe ...., fa"h." OUI , _ ~ dud obJKU 01 oar faitb arc An.h , H. M... ....,r• • "" Hal Rcwd."""" "Do an .Moe we .. _ J!"" • home'll OW !>carll. The anpb we do 1101 _ and ... ,Uoc iU we .... IlK Allah ,,100 io """,.e•• " \U ,h.n .he ""hick of OUr hf~ blond, attod ,he nlY "f Jlld~n. II fo. 0U1" fu''''., ... ~ bu. we mt* not .....,., thf'm. O• ...., (u. off • pa.. of OIl' tpmtual ... _

"'"' 'I

Surah 4: Ai Ni.s7i' In Unbelief-Allah Will DOt forgive them Nor guide them on the Way.'"'

''l~JloJ""J =" " .u;;.


138. To the Hypocrite, gh'e The glad tidings that There is for them (But) a grie\'Ous ~nalty -


...J . ..


0';0" ~ ... . . , 11~



139. Yea , to those who take For frie nds Unbelievers Rathe r tha n Believers: Is it honour they seck Among them? Nay A 11 honour is willi Allah. IO.

140. Already has He sent you'"' Word in the Book , that when Ye hear the Signs of Allah Held in defiance and ridicule. Ye are not to sit with them Unless they tum to a dirrerent Theme : if ye did. ye would be Like them . For Allah will Collect the Hypocrites and those Who defy Faith - all in Hell I'll. (These are) the ones who

Wail an d watch about you: If ye do gOlin A victory from Allah . They say: " Were we not With your-- but if The Unbelievers gain A succns. they say &47 11>000: 'Who so on "h.""",...:In 1,~ln.nd ... ,n Un h.o~ DO .u t F.lth~, an)' "me:, Tht" ...... ron Ii .... un ,h~ "~P«' Allah. gn~~ 0. fo ...."'n"w Ik.c;" a du. "'.. n,ng agaiN' ,hose who rnall" ,hd • •ch,ion I rne,~ rn."~rofwa.ldly con.,,,nlen.Co Tn... •dl"on I"'" fu d«~. It , •• rufonno 'he ~ry n.a,u.~ of rnan Iha. I"".form."on n .... unJlOlllblr for hlrn 10 dA~ AI " .. fOl 11gb! to b«ome: dlEknnl,

••~ """e worldly dGUbl~·dut;n.


64R. U ,he moll'" I' ...... c lei ..... , • • ". ""mc honou. _ the founlam of.lI Rood .. AU.h lio,", cln u ,,,.lly be: un obla,,, r..... on f..... ~Ond"OON ( I) .. nnA: ft'ptn •• """" _luell panfWo ,II"" .mnd, II) ..... ndm .... ' of clod. tOndUCI , winch punfin Ih .. If ...ne, Iofe . (5) ocndrltlnDI and d ....... 1oa ." AU.h , .. h,eh ."~n,'h~ru IlIdr r,lIh and pro«,




Siirah 41 At Niiii' 149. Whether ye publish A good deed or concea l it

Or cover evil with pardon , Verily Allah doth blot out (Sins) and hath power (In the j udgement of values).1U


-" ~ ~~ :--, ,,, I ....{

ofrJ ~1J ..J...:.i ,Jt It.

~~ ~;'5~~\0~}~~!.:4:;i'

1&0 . T hose who deny All ah And His Messengers. and (those Who) wish to sep arate Allah fTom H is Messengers. Saying: """ e bel ieve in some But rcjcrt ot hers": And (those who) wish To take a course m id way_ fU 1&1. They are in tru th (Equa lly) Unbelievers; And V,'e have prepared For Unbel ie\'ers a hum iliat ing Punis hmenr. 1&2 , To those who believe In Allah and His Messengers And make no d istinction Between any of the m essengers, We shall soon give T heir (due) rewards: For Allah is O ft· Forgiving, Most Merciful.


6 8 - Th~ I'ropl~ o f Ih~ Book "'C'm wrong (4 :153 ·176 .) Th~ Jews in o n"a king Ih" ir CoYen a n t .

And sla ndering Mary a nd Je1oUS, And in Ih"i, ""u ry 3nd i njUS(l~; And Ih~ ChrisU a ru. in Ime.lI,ng 10 a. '0 bnng" '"'0 eorrc.pcnMnec ... i,h ... m~' hU18 . Juds~m~n, of ,-alun I 'hlnk .um. up ,h..., finer ,had ... ofmcan,ng All a h fo'glVes ",h .. ",.,.on8 Ind" ab)~.e fully .f>p'~~i.", a nd jlldge 'hc ""llIe of o ur good denU ... h.~h .. we pu bh".h ~hcm Or conceal ,lIcm 6 ~6 Unbelief .ake. ~a"ou. form,. Th.ee arc mcn.;oncd here .( I) d~nial of Allah and .h. r.....ela,ion to m.nkmd 'hrough irupired mcn , (!). lOll of nom,n al bdid ;n All . h and H" Prophel>, bu. one wh ich I. pa.. ial , aed mi .. ed up "'IL" n CI.1 pnde . .... "J~" does not .Uo,," fo, ' he reeo8"",on of a ny M..... ngt'1'1 bcyet ~ wl"ch .h~ J.,... _.., ""hy" ,oci f....!w::w ,",q";"'" .... m... IInde..... nd ..,.".. ....k word>. "Thry I k .. nd.~ d,.,M dl~." ... · lach ~b...., of .Itt lndk,m~n. J hi'" ;fIOna~ty.



Lif, and Tnd ..... 01 Mlltym"''''

Siirah 4: Al N isa '


175. Then those who believe In All ah , and hold fast To Him - soon ..... ill He Admi t t hem to Mercy And Grace from Himself,'''' And guide them to Himself By a straight Wa y. ~

176 . Q.hey ask th~ For a legal decision. Say: Allah d irects (thus) About those ..... ho leave No descend ants or ascendants As hei rs. If it is a m a n"' That dies, leavi ng a sister Bu t no child , she shall Have half the inherita nce : If (such a deceaseJ. was) A woman, .....ho left no child, Her brothe r takes he r inheritance: If there are tv.'o sisters, T hey shall ha\'e two·thi rds O f the inheri tance ( Between them): if there an; Brothe rs and sisters, (they sha re), T he m ale having twice T he share of the fem ale. T hus doth Alla h make clear To yo u ( His law), lest Ye err. And Alla h Hat h knowledge of all things. 680 From Huntelf .. F.om Ill, Pr .... nc~


\'J .. ,4-=e . ., 'A'( ",,.bic wo.d .... 00 many .hior .ha. a .. bole dI.p.n 0( Commco.uy can I>( wn"eII on U rim . tbo", a~ .h~ d.nnc oblil"\lo", ,h •• a ..... (rom OIl' >p,n".. 1 nat"'" and our ~b"on .0 AII.h He e"",ed .... nd ""plln.ed in .... he facul.y 01 k.nowled", .nd forno,h •. bnld ... tilt ",."U,on .nd "' ........ hu:h H~ 1"'"" .... H. made. N ...". rnponl''''''o 0"11' nHdt. and Hia Signa In NII"'~ "'~ 00 mlny Icoto", .0 win OIl' own ,n"", lif~. tl. f".,h •• ~n. M..... ""'..... nd T~ilChen. (0. ,h~ ",ida"". of OIlT .ond~ct in indl..-ldlul . ooci.l . Ind pllbh. Lf~. All ,hne II'f.. .cq>uDf Rajab m.. ..htr .hrtt ",o,nt.. Ire ~.m.. 688 The imm""'1J f..om ...ad or Interference O::lIended 10 .he lnoma!. broua:hl u fIIfm",. for ..""rOtt lod t .... garlands or 61ku or diMinpiohiDf mlru which 1"'" them ,mmunlly. Thq wc.., .realed u ..cm:I rymbob. And 01 COline ncry prm

oppooed to ",eOl killed by "'"Pili WI,h Alpe","io'" ti •.,., (Cf 6 In .h.....pen the Ch"•• all rule It tilt oamf -n. .. ,., .bot,," from me . .. offr~d to IdOl .. alld from blood . and from ,hinl' '''an,1ed .nd from fomlc'"on - ( .....UI 15 29) r-;OIic~ the br1l ckeu"f of fom lntloll ..;.h .h,,,,, .. nl.wful UI tI. 700 hlam II I\Ot full..,,,", Soc..l '"1crcou .... , lIIc1udlll, in.er mama/ll', II pt"nn,,,~ wuh .he Peopl. of Ihe l:look .... Mu"i", m.n may m. r,., a wornall from .h.irr1l .... on .h~ tam. ,~mt.I .. he _"ld ",ony. M~itn wom.n, ' . , he ....... ,,""' her an economic and monol .u.w. and mw. not be aOM .~ 01 b .. hun l..d 00 ....



"J"tw,.~ ~ •


eo.~nlnl .ak~n





114-'. 4


and ~ oK

707 Th do ...... occ aM n. n,h,orouol, In a fa"""rlblt 01' """'fll •be .tal '.... com.. wb .. n JOY " •• e '0 do juMlce ,0 people who h .... B... no 1_ .. oequ"ed cI ,..... by dw hla;M. rnonl law.

aur-p~ )'OU

.. mlmton_ ..-a;tt. b,.. h."" ao Iw:nlo"

"J to w....... J'OU

Surah 5: At Ma'idoh



·~· · I~" ....>· W· ,. f(AJ Cf Job, S8'7 MWhc .. Ih. morning ..... una: ,~'h':T and ,nth. ... no of Cod Ih ou,~ fo. joy" In 'he n,h fnlm . t.1 "" ..... ,h•• u,horiocd T",nll."on "O ye m'a:h'yM.hould app•• cn,11 be "0 yo ION of £.l,m EJ bet.,. a name of God Cf allO c.nn ... ,! ""Tht 10M of Cod uW 1M du .." .... or men ' B.,,,,~J Cf PIodm. 1272 He .c"e,h h;, bel!>O"cd .Iecp ~ If IUCd ngur;o,,,cly. thee and li~ word> ref.,. to the I~ of Allah Unfonuna'~ly_ ~... nMwed In a ph)"llCal ........ o. Mbel~ M on an e.od",,~ ..,n'" a. if AII.h I""ft! only ,he Je_. make a moekery of relog\on

719 Thlt ..ofn i" ," Ih~ I.., •..,.... on ~"d"".., &I.,...,d·· rn bo,h (110(">" pan,alut

n~"vn me~M

Ihc .du of IONh.p. and ,n ,h" "~ ... n... a"...,. Ih~ ,du of ,hal Allah" independent of ph)'OJul .etniolllk,p" o. ud .... ,..,

720 The ... bundrcd yea .. em round fil(Urn) bctWttn ehn .. and Mul)ammd were Ir .. ly ,h~ dark " ... of tht _rid wu com.tpted. tht .undard or ",o,a" fell low. mao, fall.ocI L9 ~ Now ,h~.dor~. ,f f'" WILL obry mr ""tC U>cieed. and ~ mr ~nanl _ Ih.n,.. Iobal be". pOrthe'" fJl"''''''J of the Culf cI Su •• Mooeo CO'I~ruord aad lIumb.,.rd ,he peoplo .nd Ift'U.utrd , .... Pn .... hood ~ ........ lbo... too m,la 10 ,\1 ......, ,s,naI ...lot", ,he uw ..... retelYlO ('O~"'I" .ad .... .nd MOOQ rern ......... rd wi.h .hem


eom ....n.ar,..


f", ..,.





'U. Tt.. ptOp~ "'ftf PoOl willtn.,o fcollcow the ~ad 0( 101 _ and We'r ......... ,llonllO lilht for .h." ..... n'.n«,w I.. dire ••....,. ..,d. -nom ...... he ",emr and .hen _ "".11 nu .... ' ... 0 ~on ~ 10 AII.h', La..... "' .... _k 1ftC! >In"" for wll .. _ wWt ... enjDJ


Siirah 5: Ai Mii'idah


Never shall we enter il Unti l they leave it: If (once) they leave, Then shall we enter," 23, (But) among (their) Cod·fearing m,n "" ere IWO on whom Allah had beSlowed His grace :1It They said: "Assault Ihern At the (proper) Gate: When once ~ are in , Victory will be yours; But on Allah pu t your trust Ir ye have faith ,"




~~~ ~,\ ..... >t:tlion of Ih_ stiff-neded people, «:bcllion ,hit

. epe.,ed ~Ih_ len tim",,", ( Nllm . 14:") and mo .e. Wl" Ih .. they woo .. Inl to w.nder dillrac.et of I.. and b..,o ..'td " on • bre,b., u uon • •he ./Caleu.)" of b.ul pillng fur of dO(> 1'11 _~n rn. ,n .ht o.d,nu)' ..., * " whICh would mo~ .. yo ....'O,d .ht' ob,..-I of rUt On lhe con,,,,,,, ,b .. r.... r al ""~h "Ihe Inlt.,... d .... t.o ovo,d .....,.ro-ru,,« 'hOI .. all~''''' H.. \\,,11 ~nd law II .. III fan d .. ,y.o ,,".10, for w. ~'" lold ,o....,k ..dmtly ,lot mu ... by wh,ch w.. m ~y ~pproach 11,10 , and th~1 un only br don .. by .,m',ng .. "h ""Iht and "'aon ro. Ih. ca ..... 7~ O


p"" ..

;~I I''''''t- ,n ,h... al ..."",. for th .. "all .hat and of _all accoun , u al"iru, &~.n"1


u 'hr loft of ,h .. world" b"d on0( only pulWhes bu~ rOt';-. .nd ro"' .... _ 10 the Innb,,~~ wlueh io mo", promiMnd, placed bel"", us. It io not our wu.dom ~h.t can ....11y ddine .h• ......1Ida of foopoe ..... or puruatun.,nt. but HIS Will or ".n, wluc:b is the true M.nduo of "'h............ and juooce. ~her.

7H T_ daJICI of men.", me.n . . .... . t he Hn> 'I here: ..... rc men orno"!l' ~ Jro'. wbO ",nO' uMr< '0 .... uh up any h. ~'pirul ,hI' f'loph .. , 'I h..., h.d .ht..u",DpC'ft """'" '0 " , " (rom pm"", .. he hod _ . to much "C1>mO' ~., '0 thr Prophn If ...... ndent ..... " fo,' ;n.... ld or-,o- bri".r -OIMn" (f". ,h. Arabii' wo.d WOtlld b.... bo,h mun;np) ,~Iot .... WIll .... 1l1qt .. .., h .. n I..u~n or .pin for any Ion IMy un c:..e:h aDd Ihry acl f. OIM .. (t""'. Rabb ... n< ) ... ho 'n Ih .. b.arl.,ound bUI '0 .. hom I....,. UTlY f.l~ loIn



at.., . .

7i6 C/ ~ IS 'I h. odd"'on fIl ,h • ...,,,10 "',I< hoI~, h ..... ,uQn.. (h~ d •• nlf or _,d. foom Ih~" "81u " ....,.,...,II~. plan 1 h~ dId"'" dnl bonatlyw>.h .h~r La,"".Dd rnauppli or ... klll, u"due advOnlal" or ~pl~'. ",ul pooollOI) or ,h~" IIW. fldocut,+ pow,n '0 .dd '0 th,u _I) .. uhh 1~ \\ M ... " Ii .."..,Iv a "'0, 10 ouch .... t ,III' un ...,.,., • JU" mm mar ho ...... ,.bty dotc:J"", '0 .nt.... rr.~ .11 a tau ...ubmlll .. d 10 him. ao .Ito II. a ClIot wh ...... Iht puuu a.t "'" hollnt ly dn.t,o .. of JU'''c~ bUI 'a{h bo"", tho, tOm( paw.I", ... ,11 bo: ........... 10 II

Surah 5: A t MG'idGh


4S. But why do they come'" To thee for decision, When they have (their own) Law before them?Therein is the (plain) Command of Allah ; yet Even after that, they would Turn away. ror they Are not (really) People of Faith .

C. 73 . - llue jlllUc:e acconb with Allah'. Law. (5:4+86) FoUow nOf men'• .elf"lIh daires. But AUah'. Will, which W'U rcvt:aled 10 MOiel and pili, and now to Mu~ammad . nlt: not for frimdl and protectors Thr»t: in whr»t: hurn is '" di$t:lIIt: 10 whom ~l jgion is a mockery Or '" plaything- who worship evil. Proclaim the Truth of Allah , and be Not af,.id. Etchew their iniquities, Whkh _~ denounced by David And JOIli. But rccogniK with juati~ "Thole who a~ I;""~ and humble. Thou.gh they may be: tht:mxl-.a Not of ,our flock . if thq witncu to l hllh.


44. ~t was We who revealed The Law (to Moses): therein Was guidance and light . 1M By its 5tandard have been judged The Jews. by the Prophets Who bowed (aJ; in Islam) To Allah', Will . by the Rabbis'!! 149 Th .. 10 • Ie.",hl", queotlon ... to the ... 01 ..... of tbe J,... In hriDri"ltheL. Uoeo for dc-cbioTII to tM Pro9Mt Tb", came dther (I) to ridicule wh.I ..... he said , Of (I) to ~ rum ... to faell aDd lIIlil.cb a f._nble d~ which .... apinr< equi'J' If 1Mi. own Law did .......;, tMi. RIf..h;...,....., 'ero. if.bcylfl.-.: {a\w JIIdgrnenu. tMy IOf wro~ If lbe CbriouaN

follow ..... I ...... 6,"t, lbey Ire ,ebelh ......


Surah 5: Al h.fti'icWh

.., ", . O'°i;j;!W' ° {

The Law that had come Befo~ him : We sent him The Gospt"l : therein Was guidance and light, lSI And confinnation of th(' Law That had com(' b('fore him : A guidance and an admonition To those who f('ar Allah.

47. 111 th(' People of the Gospel Judge by what Allah hath revealed Therein. If any do fail To judge by (the light of) What Allah hath ~\'ealed , They are (no beuer than) Those who ~bel. 'u

48 . '[0 th('e We sent th(' Scripture In truth, confinning Th(' scripture thaI came Before it, and guarding it lU In safety: so judge Betw('en them by what Allah hath revealed, And follow not their vain Desires. diverging From the Truth that hath come To th~. To each among you H ave We prescribed a Law And an Open Way.,n If Allah had so willed ,


757 C ~,d.> nc. and lightr "'" n. 750 Fo. Ihe mean,ng of th. Gotpd (Injil) . ..., Appmdix III . "On the IQ;iI': (pnnlple, (Cf ~9'!) ( R). 160. Lu,,; , ~., ... " •• ul .. of pnCllC.1 (onduo;< . O{Mn Way' M,n/lllJ • the fine. things wh,ch n. abo.... .ho I.",. bu. which .'" l"" .o.il.ble to cvcryon,., liU • 00 .. of optn blghwI" Th. I.,hl in vtT$ef -H and 46 .bove, I unders •• nd .0 b. oomClh."8 in ';' ... IJ" .. .. JO'



' J .. .. )

~ ...



..J~~~ ~~~,~>!1!'j

.!J;." -_ C::!'J," ~il>

55. Your (rea l) friends are (No less th an) All ah, His Mes.senger, and the (Fellowship Of) Believers- those who Establish regular pra)-ers And regular cha rity, And they bow Down humbly (in worship). to tho~ who tum (For friend ship) 10 Allah, His Messenger, and the (Fellowship Of) neli~rs-h is The Fellowship of Allah That must ttrtainly triumph .

56 . As





® )'e

who believe! Take not for friends And prOlC"CIOTS those Who lake )'our religion For a mock~ry or spon _ Wheth~ r among those


767 A. mOM m,.,. ~,~ .. bo-Uiour'" ( ~ 49) . " " 'M\',,~bk ,h .. ,lot ... 'M"ld bot ,,,,,",arn n.;r> f,com _~ a r~llJM>. of ,r:ooon and common.., .... a. bbm S,,' k,t .. a ........... n. '" thobody ,hat thc-y "-14 nIH rep..., ,t... h.""" 0( d.~ Jew>. and b«omc >(I ""r ... ",fiw Or .rrogln, .. '0 depart frOn!. ,h~ .pn;' of Alilh. tu,hmll If .heY do. ,hr 1011 ... ,11 ~ ,hrlr.-n AII.h. ,-,n,y .. ,,0)< 1,,"""





168 I," ..... ".h•• ha • ....., obouJd be in ,,,,,mile ..."c.. ""n wllh '''''"'''0 whom "'~Jlon II ellho-. a ,olo"a of mockc!")' or at bn< " ..... hing b .. a play,h,,,. 1 bry may be amll~ 0, 'h")' m,.., .... ,.., "'he' mlH"'1~~

62 , Many of them dost thou Se-e, racing each other In sin and transgression And their eating of things HI Forbidden. Evil indeed A~ the things that they do, 63, Why do not the Rabbis And the doc::tOr5 of law forbid Them from their (habit Of) uttering sinful ....ords And earing things forbidden? Evil indeed a~ their worlu. 64 , '[he Jews say: "Allah's hand'" Is tied up." Be their hands Tied up and be they accursed For the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands Are widely outstretched : He giveth and spendeth (Of H is bounty) as He pleascth. But the rC\o'Clation that Cometh to thee from Allah Increaset h in most of them Their obstinate rebellion lU 771 £,olin,. oj IAlnp forlmldm mlrt>Cl rather thoD by .....'" fo"", or- labelt. In booh plac.. it ",,,,,dial" the rat... c1 ...... of ple 01 tb. 800): th,t tlKy had I Ip«:i.l rdatiomh'p wlIh Allah for ,h.,. ".'" 'he chUd",n of Abnham , ,ha, .hey Wr. a eh.,..n Pfi'ple wlIh .~cial p.h"le, ... and no rna"•• "h.. IlL....,(0", .he lord hurd thit. . nd Wat Wl'OI h ... I fire Wat kindled . '"1 .... Jacob, Ind In",. abo na>e up 0"""'" Io.nl; bee ...... they '"=heoed ..... '" God, IlId.~ ......11 H....1.... ioll~); Pul .... 69 U . Ia. IDd Pul .... 5 10 717 Cj M~" .Ion Mill It S4

15" r v. ...,rpl'n .., )'t ",,,,,rl. iOIl ol";pI'n. bow CIID '1" neapl' lhe darno"101i of HeU1);

788 Then are bi d mom in rYn1' mmmulllty. bit, ,f Ie. dm .,....11''''' a, 'M n:i.dcedoof the common.ltyllid 1'>1:11 wo,...., iflu dm .h"nu"l"", ohlrein the mildttdl, U hl ppened wl1h ' he Pharioen.nd Scnbn t ",hom J...... poke nut . Ih.:n thl' commu.,,,y i. doomed



Surah 5: A l MO' iOOh


Evil indeed are (the works) which Their souls hav~ sent forward Before them (with the result), That Allah's wrath Is on th~m , And in torment Will thq abide.



"" , ., ... "L ' ~w

..' f}Cd\


81. I f only t h~y had beli~\'~ d In Allah, in the Proph~t , And in what h,uh ~en Revealed to him , n~r Wou ld they have taken Them for friends and protectors, But most of them are

Rtbdlious wrongdoers. 82. Strongest among men in enmity To the Believers wilt thou Find the Jews and Pagani: And nearest among them in lo\'e To th~ Belie\'ers wilt thou Find those who say,'" " We are Chriltians": Because amongst these are Men d~'OIc:d to learning'" And men who have renou nced The world , and they Are not a rrogant.

,. ~

83 ~

And when they listen To the I'e'o'eia(ion rece i ~d By the Messenger, thou Will See their eyes overflowing With tears, for they Recognise the truth : They pray: "Our lord l We believe : write us Down among the witnl:S5es.

~.:.J;JtJ.)t:i;. ,'·\~G ~

illr~J..;;. ..~ ~ ~;1l>J



84 . " What cause can we have Not to believe in Allah 789 ll>c ...... lII", ....... ,ha, lhey m~rdy 011 ,hmI...t-n ChruoL ..... bL.ltlh., ,Ny .. ~ ... dl.nce ... Ch"."•• •hal ,h.,. .pproI""ge nf an Ih,ngcl .U rnOt",~" Nih. nelll 'er.., JlLyt,

wh,t. H...

or, lOrI'''''''

M... M.rclfut . II. u aloe .. ,k. In onfllfeing

'''pK' rco. II.. o.dinaDCO-



,,' JR ......

n.. . buda ..... 01 tho< bod IOh, d. " k "

s.. roT .uJo.h.

.0 ,..


Tho, (... ) ,..



Stcno .. 14 101

e,.. who beb ..,.1 Nk _ q....uo", ,IUDP wIudo. u ",ode plaia .., ,.....


Moy co .... ,.... , ..... bIc.



.bou, thina>

ooIt Wlw:a the Q.ur'1tn •


..... aIed. ,bey wil1 b< Mad< plo ... 10 ,.... .... Allah will forci'" l.t.. 1'0. Alloh u Oft.""""",,,,. M

J;']\JG:1iJ.;ltJl U~~\:j5;'t~JGr:'! ·;.1)0 ,

5-,~ I~y ~j~\;5~j,;l

\0:, . 0 ye who believe I Guard your own wuls: If )~ follow (right) guidance, No hurt can come to you From those who stra y. The goal of you ~1l Is to Allah: it is He That will show you The truth of all ThaI ye dO,I"



® yc

who believe! When death approaches Any of you , (take) witnesses Among yourselves when making Beq uests - two jml men O f your own (brd"o. ~ the Court of J ud..,men •• Jn ... iI atked to ftCou n. I II ,h~ mtrcin and h voufl Ihown ' 0 him . '" .ha t hil followefl .hould btcom~ .. hamed of their ,nllut;tude in CG'nlptin.g th" M. .ace. ... hen tMy could h."" done 10 much in prontlnc by ill and opiri'uIJ ,",th TILl, ...... m ..... enuDun IG I~ end of.t... SUra h


816 C/! 87 and S 61 , n 40]





S 46, I lld II. Sill. 48

819 C/ 5;49. and n . S90

Siirah 5: A l M7i'idah


And thou dldst breathe mto It. And It becoffiCth a btrd Bv Mv Lealt. And thou dldst hl'al those Born blllld, and the lepers. Bv My Lc:al"e And behold l thou dldst Bnug fonh the dud By My lea~. u. And behold I I did Restrain the Children of Israel From (violence to) theen! When thou didst show them The Clea r Signs. And the unbelievers among them Said: 'This IS nothing But evident m agic,'·n


. ... ..Il. ~




~ ... .




f """ :,\~

"And behold! I inspired The DiscipiH to have faith In tlf e and MinI' Messc.nger; They said . 'We ha\'C fa ith, And do thoullJ bear witness That we bow 10 Allah As Muslims',"u ,

112. ~ehold l the Disciples said " 0 Jesus the son or Maryl C an thy lord scnd down to us A Table SCt (with viands) • From heaven?" Said Jesus' 820




"- the...,..d.&

~ OUI 01

JO\IO ...


Itt ..



'by My In... Ire

,~p... ,ed

wnh nch mnaclt 10

o. will 01 Jet ... Inn by the lu.-r and ... U aDd

~mpha'; ...


'ht bet .h., 'hqof Allah who .. IIIpmIIO

.U other D>Onalo,

Btl Tbt' JIIJd no( J..... Into .lIcit villa",. ,h~ DiKip]eI Jam .. and John wln,ed • Ii", to (om~ dowlI {rom lIea""n and cotl.lllme ,lIem ( Luu1S :S4).



8t6. Tbe word, of .h~ PrayaIcc QQ _ ee." .. , 10 HlI" "",. r. He. 11'-111 .boo.:.11 B.., ,f He C " - ," fo ....e II~ In HII wuclom ...,.,. ,lit.... Ih" .... mo"..1o ""not...-e. ",. II .M hmi. ol,n.ucftSlon .h.. "",n 01 Cod An nuu on ~h.lf ol.n~ ...

Siirah 5: Al Mii'idoh


1l9. Allah will say: "T his is A day on which Th~ truthful will profit From their truth: theirs Are Gard~ns, with riv~rs Flowing beneath - their eternal Home: AJlah well.pleased With them , and they with Allah : That iJ the gTeat Salva tio n ...• (The fulfilment of all desires). 170. To Allah doth belong the dominion or the heavens and the earth , And all that is therein . And it is He who hath power Over all thi ngs.

835 A ... .. felici.y. happillCOl. uhiC¥CTllcn' . plva,ion, !he Iminmen! o. fulfil men. of dalrn. What • bUII!iIul ddinhion of Nlntion or the C'Rd oI1ifel- tM' ..., ohooolci win Allah'. rood plcuure and .ha. _ IhaWd reach ."" Ita", at winch Hu rood plcullre iI .n.;n-.II 10 ....




7aWTah (sec: 5:44 , n .


The Thwrilh is frequently rdt~ to in the Qu r'ln Ii is ~11 10 ha~ dur idcu u to what it «aeLiy mUIII. Vaguely we may l.iy lhat it "'u the J.-wUh Serlpcure. It u mentioned wilh honour u h:tving been, in iu pur'i lr. • true ~Iuion from Allah 10 Ir.uul atc it by the wordl " Thc Old Tes[;;1lmem" is obviow.ly wrong . The "Old Taumml ill a Christ ian term . applied 10 a body of oldjewish rtCom.. The PTotaunu lind the Roman Calholia an: not agreed precilcly U 10 the numlM:r of rttOrcb 10 he induded the of the "Old Testament," They IUf: Ihe term in contnodisl;nction 10 the "New T",lamenl ," .. hOte compolilioll we shall diKtul in Append;:- 111. D



Nor is il correct 10 translate 74wrah u the "Ptnilicuc h," a Greek term meaning the "Fi't Boob." These are the fint five boob of the Old TaumCTlI. known as Cenesis. UodUl, Uvitio: ..... Numbni, and Deuteronomy. They conn. in a IoCmi·hillorica ! Ind legendary narradv.:: of the history of the world from the Cll:ation 10 the time of the arrival of the J~ in the Promiled Land. There ~re , n them lOme beautiful idylls but there are also ItOri.,. of InCelt, fnud , c, I~ma_h , "'hith Ihqr ha\'!:: t""'r own ~n ..tightly (hJkn:n1 frum that in the Old Teaamem.


'0 ,he Je~.


The . ,"" of the scllool of Higher CriuCII'" is rlIdicaily dalrutt;ve. According 10 Rrnan it II doubtful whelhe. MO$d ~, not a myth TWo venions of S.. cred History c~;~ted . diffe",nt in language. slyle. aod spint , and tloqo _'" combined lo~h~r into a namtl>v.: 1fI the ""gn of Helek,ah ( B.C. 727-697) Thil fonnllhe gneatn" pan of Ihe Pmlalcueh :1 1 It ouu loday, ucluding the grealer pan of Dculffonomy and Leviltcw In the ""gIl of piah aboul 622 Be ( ..".1.;11 pnrru and KObes (wilh J .. rrnulh ,10" prophetl promulg;IIM a 11"" cod", Pro:ttndml thai they had found II in Ih .. T.. mpl" (2 Kings. 22,8) Thll La .. (11"Ylh .. 'Tiwrlh) "lllh" bait. of Judaoun. the new ",liglon Ihen founded in Palestine. TIm Wa! funher eomplelcd by the Acerdotal and Wlic.11Om" . compiled under the inspiration oft:Zl'.kiel, say. about ~n:. B.C., and contamed mainly in lhe Rook d Leviticus. with sc.ttered fraglTM:nll in uodu., Num1K:n. and Joshua We .'" enttlled 10 accept the generlll reulll of a SCientifIC oamination of documentt., probabiliuo. and daus, even though _ "'JCCI lhe pnemue which _ beheve 10 be bboe, Ut tltat Allah doe noc send inspired Books Ihrough inspired PTopheu, w~ belw",'I'. that Mosa CKUled , that he "'al an inspired man or God: Ihat he p.-e a mesUlg.- Io'htch wall aflcrwardt dUtonl'.d or 10M, thaI attempu werl'. made by iltad at vanoullimt::l to reconllnlCllhat m~gr , Ind Ihat the Thuo'/lh u ...~ ha .... it is (in '·Ic:-..' of Ihe Malernenl m i Esdrll5) no u.Ler Ihan lhe mIddle or thl'. fiflb century B.C. The


Torah muM ha>'C beef!


old Hebnew but Ihere


no Heb,..,.... manuscript

of the Old Tesament whIch can be dated Wtll! CCT1alnt~ eather Ihln 916 A C. I" ~br .... ceucd 10 be a spo~n language with th .. Jews d",ri", or aft .. r th .. Capl,,·ity, and by the time _ come

the ~nod or Jesus, mosl ,uldvated H "br~ u$Cd thl'. Cre.:k language, and olntt1l u$Cd ArlIm:II.JC (tndudmg S)T1ac and Chaldee), Utln, or local dtllecu.. l 1w:,..., ","no also A",bk ¥e~ot"lJ, For hUlorical purpost::llh~ most important K"nlOM _,e IhI'. Cr~k \'I'.rsion, kno>o'n ill th .. SrptuIgml , and the latin wnlOn , known u Ihe Vulgate. The Srptlllglnt was suppolcd 10 haw bttn pleJnred by 70 or 72J ..... (lalin, xptuaginta • IC\'I!fIty) ..-orbng mdcpcndcntly Ind at d,ffa-entlll1lCl, Ihe UrllCSl portion da"~8" from about 284 B.C. 11". ""I1IlOn ..m uxd by theJ~ d AklI• • R 110M. TA. A/"K?PNl N •• T.... _ . Lon6cm IUO. H L lieU and T.e. Skeat . F..,.....,w "1." 1I""'''''''''' GfIs"..I ...d " lit... CIt ...., ..... Fttpyn , p.. blUhcd by the BrilltJi M......,m . 19'5 Sec.1ao t h.pItt U of Clbbon', O«lm ••"d Ftt.1I gf IA. Ro ....." £"'fnn • • hne d .., rncoIs .r Ibe nrlj chun:bn and K'I-V",PI

Auy hat >lIri ..... mnnlrli' (I) 10 bold oom~.ru"l .' «j"at >0 ~lIl1n, ~I ... aI hen. U) balun deal ]WIly. &I bon-., .. ON panr and ............ of! I~. (5) .0 ....~ (Ohow b ...... .. In 8.)4

n",~lr. (I) ...



1S5 Tbr "I"mm, .. 'hrmold (I) AIl.h cru,t"d ~.,.,h"•• ,..,,, .... ,"d~..- how "'" fO'I ,lint "" up any of H," _II creo,,,r" as rq"'[ '0 lI,m' (t)l le own C".rd.. n Lord H~ (h~rw... IllIICi ' - JOII how "'" fO'I he >0 "n..... ,d'u! ... ,0 rv.n If,e • ..,..... hln, c\Jo:? (S) Da r"'", and L"hI .... 10 he[p,..,.. .0 dl$t'''IutoIt bel ..... II.two ",,~ f""" ,1M, f.be ""'" ,henu.. ,.... O)


I~' After ,h~ ..,.,..r.l.rl"m~n' ,he I,..."'",' o:lr. 10 Allah _ ................. n.t.nion or .n IIftda, bUI He ;. intlcpc:ntlenl of all tIftdt. (CI 7-19 .ntI 5:66 and "",e.)

Siirah 6: A l An'iim


15 . Say: " 1 would , if t Disobeyed my Lord , I ndeed hav~ fear or the PHlalty or a Mighty Day.

16. "On that day. if the Penalty Is a\'erted from any, It is due to Allah" Mercy ; And that would be (Salvation). The obviow fulfilmem Of all desiTC. I n 17. " If Allah touch thee With affliction , none Can rernOV'C it but He; If He touch thee with happiness. He hath power n\'er all things.'" 18 , " He is the I~istible, (watching) From abo\'e over His wonhippcn; And He is the Wi.soe, Acquainted with all things," 19 , Say: "What 'hing is mOlt Weighty in evidentt?" Say: "Allah is witness Between me and you : This Qur'an hath been ~ aled to me by inspiration , That I may warn you And all whom it reaches Can )'C possibly bear witness That bes.ides Allah there is Another God?" Say: "Nayl I cannOl bear witnessl" Say: " But in truth He is the O ne Cod. S4\1, We (on,in\l" ,1M! implio:d dilloflle IIIgcsltd in n. 846 In ........ I~ , ,be obJKlOr m'lIh, oar. " S.. _ 11IV\" Oth"r in •.....,... '10 lif~ ,h.n .thrion and AU." ,- - No,- ..,. ,~ man 01 God "Myereltor is the alit and only I'owtt wtu.e pl'Ol«tion Il«k , .nd I otr;.., to be flm In ..... na - In ..,..... IS , thor: objeCtOr - ED;"".he tood lhin,p 01 ..... "f~, ,,10 oIton ,- The ''''~ it; "The Hend.er" more re.l .0 1M, .nd lhor: . , . fulfil_". 01 all cIdtn;, Jupf>l- or Afnltlioo ~ ..... C""" d.e naun, pnw...n Of i U _ ol ,his hk, bll. r..." llw! power and ..otdom 01 AII.h ,- In ........ I'. the obpl.,. m.kct hio fID"I.pI .... -vo...... noukaa: io IheK lOr .u Ih,.,. TM reply.. I know ;1 10 Irvc to. AU.h', ,,".hiII _ . aDd my Im.or Tu(h ......... k..... that voIU. Ind ,'''''''' b ..... Book. of I"'p,nuo" ALb .. it OIW, lAd ,iIo n - f.1sc rods n .. 60 _,m AIl P""'" all a-l- it tn Ibt: h_ncb of AII.o.h AI doc kt p'cle"tt or m....on

Siirah 6: A i An"iim


And I truly am innocent Of (your blasphc:tny of) joining Others with Him ." 20. Thost: to whom We ha\"e given the Book Know this as they know'" Their own sons. Those who have lost Their own souls ~fuse therefore: to beJi~·e.


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~ho doth more wrong Than hi'! who inventeth A lie against Allah Or rejecteth His Signs? But verily the wrongdoers Never shall prosper.



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One day shall We gather Them all together : We Shall say to those: Who ascribed partners (to Us): "Where are the panners Whom ye (invented And) talked about!"

d::' -:l,~\ "'.


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.))-;., .t'.·. J::5j-:{ · .. do .... Ih., Sell of J.. drm>enl , becvm., duo In I...... own."a (e! !6 17 .nd 55 ")


SUrah 6: At .401I'Om

'0' ~d~~~~~j't5) ~~~; 5J.b~;t.'j1

For they bear their burdensu , On their backs, And evil indeed are The burdens that they bear.


32. What is the life of this world But play and amusement ?UI But best is the Home I n me Hereafter. for those Who are righteous. Will ye not then understand ? 33, ~e k.now indeed the grief Which their wo rds do cau$C thee : It is not th~ they reject: It is the Signs of Allah . Which the wicked condemn . 34. Rejected were the Messengers

Before thee : with pat ience And constancy they hore T heir rejenion and their wrongs. Unti l Our aid did reach T hem : there i, none That can alter the Words (And Decrees) of Allah , Already haSt thou received Some account of thOlle Messengers. 3&. I f thei r spurning is hard On th y m ind , yet if Thou wert able to seek A tunnel in the ground Or a ladder to the sk.ies .And bring them a Sign-'" 8S000. whott hur .. '''1: dud will no, IiSlen . )'L" Ibqo (,nnOt ne.pc bctng brought '0 .M Judgnncn, SUI iIrlo.e H,m ftflI

851 S'lIlIJ ore all .round .hem, bu. 'hqo do not undentand If Ihqo w. m • particul.r S,,., 10 IU;I lhe" 1"* il""ncnn, Ihqo WILl not be hwro;)U~ , for Ihqo c.... IWIIY' pIck lwla on .nythlng,h., dnecl'l.d> '" thar ~I

U9 -Anlm" !lvin, on th.c earth" Indude tho« livin, In the ........ - roohoes, ""ptileo, cru.UCltll ..... jl'lt«u• .. _II u four·f_nt beuu. Life on the WIn, io ..,pata.d, menlloned, "'lTu, whk,h. ord,n.rily tranalated u - b,.d. II .n),lIu". .h., fi,et, indud,n, m.mm" like b..... In OUt pndc we ma, U(lude .n,m.1o from our P"""ew.. bUI lbey aU h .... I loft, 1IOCl.1 and ,,,dMdu.l, libe oo.coo:l"'l:l, and all life ...... b~ 100 •..., Plan aDd ....~dl of Allah. In ,.~, we ..e loid ,hit _ I Iuf fallo I"" b, HU Will , .rod linn" d.,. 1M ~ An: f'OCCIfdcd '" H.. Book. I" ocbu worda they aU obey H...rclIcw who bra. Ihem

868 Therefor. comp'''' 1>01 the mn 0( AU.h ("".he KCin,') with orchn.ry mrn (",be blind") The ...... of AUah , II.housb 'bcJ be bll. men . h."" the h"her lillh' .."h .hem, .beref,.,.., do ..... ",oct of them epht:mer.1 ..,.... ic ... ThoulIh .hey are men . Ihey Ire no< .. Othe' men , . nd .'" entided to .~..,,,,n(1:

pcGI only nOI ..,n. ... ay to humour the we.lthy . ,hey we,.., hoooutrd and "'rn: ",,,,,,n a .p«ial ,.,Iu •• ,ion , "'hkh h .. 1I«0m. til.. d",rac,e.i ..1c ... l"tllion in lohm ' "Pcac. be on j'Ou''"-- .ht ~td ""ac.. , ..... t.lm.. ha"';nB .p«i.l affini,y ,..i,h ,h. "o,d " '.tAm ~ In wonU they.,.., ""~n .M ... Iu •• ,ion; in life 'hey • .., promi...., Me.cy by the .pe ". d - , ,r

78. - Allah's loving o:a~ doth eneompau Us round Ihroughout lif~, And d~li""l"11 \lI from dan~n By land and lell. He is the only Protector: how can we then Fo~1 Him or run afler Ihings Thai are m~re creatures of His,

(6 :61 ·82 .)

879 M"fi lO~ PI ... al of ~I./wrr ....ftil1 • • k."., or ...ifl;1It - "''''..... '''. 80Ih ...... nUlg. a", impl it .... daopB,


ill d....... or ......... , ..... or

f~~. Of . ,...

117 T'btn! an: . _ re.di ..... bul lhey INdo ,,'oml•...,. y;dd 'he .....e mea.." . (I) If.iJ...n--, ollndy. _red,. from .he tkpth 01,..,.... mile. hun . lIIgCICirc ..... pelhblc 1~1TOr (t) f1!;Pu" . OUI ailem:w or f... Or '~"'UIC • • &I .. 7 ~


Siirah 6: A t A n '1im 'If He only delivers us

From these (d angers), (We vow) we shall truly Show our gratitude.'?" 64 , Say: "It is Allah That delivereth yo u From these and all (other) Distresses: and ye t Ye worship fal se gods1" 65 . S..y; " He h .. th power To St:nd calamities'" O n you, from above And below, or to cover You with confusion In party suife, Giving you a taste Of mutual ve ngeance Each from the other." See how We explain The' Signs by various (symbols);1II That they may un dentand.

66 . But thy people reject This, though it is The Truth . Say: "Not mine Is the responsibility For arranging yo ur affai rs;"o

67. "For every Message Is a limit of lime, And soon shall ye Know it." 68. ;nIhen thou St:e5l men Engaged in vain discourse About Our Signs, turn Away from them unless 888 Co",miliu /"''" 060"" tlnd btl",.,: .ueh ao.lonn. and bliuanto.

noodt. land.lid ... e.c (Cf

torr~nl;all"1lLn ,

elC ,

'Cry few yean. For the lead"n or the ...... Ian~ ca me to an ";1 end . and theiT whale .)'Jl= cI fnud .nd ocl,.... nao "'U dalro,.,.:! . 10 mIke room for lbe pUT~r F.ilh oI"loIlm, APUl from IhJ I p~rlicuLlr .pplication , .hue;'.he mo,,, ,.,nc",1 Ipplicu ion for the present lime 1m! for ,II I;m~


Surah 6: At An'iim lll

They turn to a different Theme. If Salan ever Makes thee forget , then After recollection , sit not Thou in the company Of those who do wrong.

69 . On their account No responsibility Falls on the righteow,u2 BUI (their dULY) Is to remind them . That they may (Ieam To) fear Allah . 70 . Leave alone those Who take thdr religion To be mere play And amusement. And are deceived By the life of this world . But proclaim (to them) This (truth): that e~ry soul Deli'len itself to ruin By iLS own aeu;'" It will find for itself No protector or intercessor Except Allah; if it offered ransom . (or , E"ery Reparation), none Will be aettpted : such i5 (The end of) those who Deliver themselves to ruin By their own acu: They will have for drink (Only) boiling water, And ror punishment. One most grie\'ous;


891 Cj" 1>&0 . II in .. ny p'''~n", In,," IS r idw:u.ied, we ""'" "", .., ,n o.udlCOrDp"-ny.. If we find ourvl'on ... _ rraUM: It . .. ~ mUll .how OU r d4approval by lu';ng

89t E....., man is rcoponoibk for hit oom (Ondue! Bu •• "" nIh...,... h."" , Mel .... ,bey Ire de«iwcd by the .11...~enu a.bll life. 8 .. , IMi. OWII acta ",,11 find .hem "". 894


mua ......... fo.seo 0... 0Wtl ~1I.1 nesponsibiluy for 111

01 ....,.now .'Ollmten' .


Or d""dvcouncl_ byl~ illldioot

SUrah6: Al An'Om For tbey pe.rsiJtro In rejecting Allah.



71. $ay;m "Shall we indeed Call on othe:rs besides Alla h Things that can do w Neithe:r good nor harm And tum on our hc:cls Afte:r rece:ivilli guidance: from Allah - like: Olle Whom the: evil ones Have: made: into a fool . Wande:ring bewilde:red Through the: e:anh . his frie:nds Calling 'Come: to w ', (Vainl y) guiding him to the: Path?"

...... ",. " ... .~ . ''''''' "~ .J \",... \;"'~' . '! ~ ~

'ay : "Allah's guidance Is the (only) guidance, And we: havc bee:n directed To submit oursch-es To the LDrd of the: worlw -

72 . "To establish regula r prayers And to fur Allah : For it is [0 H im That wc sha ll be Gathered together."


It is He Who created The he:avens and the earth In true: (proportions):1U The day He saith . " Be:," Behold l it is. His Word Is the Truth. His will be

895 In connnY.uon n! ,he .....,n hcadl r;r( • .."...,nu rri~ '0 In nn 876 and U!> • ..., h..." bne u.. !;....I._ !ludl. \~) wllo _ulel , ahc. fea,vinllu,dlInee (rom.he ti";ill. c••• RIIl Cod , 'um.o li(c!eoo ; dol ~ 1b do 10 would i nd«d .how .ha. _ we", madI"'n hgt" of Oay. Now )0" h." •• he righl you .... ,he b,ggoo.' ob~ in lhe heaw.,.. BUI lo it Ihe biggat} There lie ,howand. of ...... in 'hr uni""..., b"". ,h.... he ,un . And .... rry day ,be .u.. app"'" and d"appcon from your ",hI. Such lo DOt God wbo p«Icd 10 _ that knowltd!C and d,gnlty fo. po-udu"l the mHh amona III' OWn peoplr.

)urah 6: At A n 'iim


84. We gave him Isaac And J aco b : all (three) We guided :"' And before him , We guided Noah, I . . And among his progeny. David , Solomon , Job, j oseph . Moses, and Aaron: Thus do We reward ThOst who do good :

./ .! ... "'" -" "

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85 . And ZakarTya and Yal;lya .... And j esus and Elias: All in the ranks Of the Righteous: 86. And IsmTll and Elisha .HI And j onah . and Lot : And to all We gave Favour above the nations: !lOS ~ ha,~ now a li.st 0( ei,lltccn Propllcu;n four I'OUpi. COfton, ~ Ifn. Tuch.eJ'J "'Cq>ted unODI tb.t thm: Ifut .~I i&ioru bued on Motn. Jaw. ar>d MuJ:tammad Tht fl ... ,roup '0 be m~lI.iontd is 'ha< 01 Abraham . !\is.on I.u~. aDd t.uc·, .on. Jacob. Abrahun wu ' he Ii... '0 ha"" a Book lIis Book is mtnUontd l~ Q. 17 19. ,hou,h It Is now lott . The)' w.r~ , h.",for. 'M fi ... to .«~i..., Guidlnce in ,h~ ... _ of . Book !11K In lhe.......,r>d group. we h • ..., 'M ".U t four>d.m .... £amili"". apl" from Abuhlm, WI • NOI.h or W I;,,"~ of ,h~ flood, David Ir>d Solomon . ,h. rral ntlblishen of lhe J ..... ish ,,"onlreh,: Job. who 1,Yn! 140 ,..n. .... fou. gnwn.tioru .... ckscer>d.nu. Ir>d wu b\cooed •• lhe end of his hfe wlIh I..~ plKOral _alth

lJob4! 16 11); Jooo"VI tl ... . .... 1 f .J ._ '\~(' .~_ u-=?-' . Jii~

'44 C! 5.4 Whtn. clear law h•• upl.",ed wh.! i.,. lOfullnd "nlowf,,1 in food . Ie I, wrorl, '0 rll.., IT .. h tcnIplo and mulud rile 'pGn'\I (C! ...... 100 ~, and 16 1\$)

,U Ii~... iI In aile,..", ol the Jood min wh h hll d,v;nc misaion and rhe e>'il ma .. w"h hb m.....o.. of "';1 The former. befo ... he Ir'" hi' op,nluillife. Wat bke One dud It ..... AU.h'. ,...« tha, I • ..., h,m Iporitlill ~ fe, ..hh I t..,h, by whiCh he «Iuld walk and ,\U~ hi' own foou;'e.- .. well ... he foo,",ep' of th"'" who ,,.. wilh",.o foil"", Allah', Iigh' The opvc-i,e 'YP"" .ha, whith ha, .. Anah·, I"h., ... hat h L"a in ,he d.,.,hi 01 da,k...,.., and whieh plou and bUfTOWlapJllllllI 1111111 pod Bur tm plo~ of t\.11 TKOII on luclf lililou.h ;, ,h,nu ,hI( tltqwdl hurt .he Jood Can .h~ (WO trPM be for I m...... nt compared wi,h uch o,h ... ? hrhlp' 'MInd In ...-eryCl':""e ofpop"bdoru It to ke .. by the mfn of ";1 8 ". the lood me ... hould .. or be d'K< ,nch,nl ,n AI1.h', ...,.ld of na,u . t Ind h, .. OI'}' 1001 h........ aKUKU. ......, So"" ~ "' 'M m.." of Cod , whICh ,hqo humbIJ Tft't'1 . . . .1Id 'tT to Ind min, 51.... lito _ 10 ,boo ''''(Odl,. tn ,I>< obapt of W>ll"I'lInl' 00' oohtnwut. wh"h ,be uAJOdl, .. thn do nOi ht«! Of ddl~r.,dy ~;.,c, Tht 5,,,,,,;n ' ht ''''0 Uta If" no, ,I>( ....... , and ,h., t.t.:omo .... 01 ,h... pt'1"'t1V .....mtn .. aptn.. f."h Ru, AU.h', wo.U"I WlU lit accord,"I"' IIi, _n Will .nd PI.n . . ... ftO\ ICCOrdlOJl 10 'ht wlmn or wh,m, of lIapdly leI n ~o 51)



'''' Al1ah,lhuonoal Pb.n. I.... QuII_ QM.t, wboch .....uch -....:k........ That PI.........hnablf. and ,h. II 1111 W,It It mn ... Ih .. ,n lilt .p""II.1 wo.ld, u ,n.he phpllul WQ.ld, ,lIt.t I~ 10 .... of 1""'1Ct, mo:rq...... Ce warnIng whIch Allah', m ...... ngt .. ume 10 gi.e N""hlng can IIOP Allah', Uni.'"rsal Plan , ~ n g..j7 '0 6 . 1!~ .


be fulfilled


9~7 huofar as ,hi.;. addrno.td 10 Ihe Unk~"," '" it .. I chlUen", " 00 your ulm"'t . no'hing w,1] de,e. m. from m, duty: "''' .hIll Jee who win. In the end " PUling from, he parol) " ,h,'IT awgnm..n'1


k::r,Ib.~; ~{....jl j...,.;jjj


[""n "'" in ,he."... Of "'''"' of ,he r og. ",,'" Thri: . Pom _ >o they Uf- I"" WUh. fUIII>«. ,!lett ''''

C."i. ro,bidd..n

to ,..,Ite'"' Ot bu.d,n. and . , ,,1. 0 .. wluoodo_ ".""r"-' """" oi,"' .... · 'oo ... _""""'''' ...... . ......... ' "'''P'. :' k ........ ___ ..._....... -_ ........_,~.

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'" c-Ilh mU"t 10 ma, eh Ihe mea nina

966 " W..,,, not . w.n, not ," .. Y' 'he Enll i.h

p~ rb .


6 99 and nol""

Here 111. ... m. wiMIom If p",achM from. hllher nat ure for Ih •• u"en.nce of all Hi...... 'um. bn;,uJe He l"".. ,h~m all Enjoy 'hMn in mod ... "on and be, a.-a,d"l BU I commll no U CnIl. and commn II w ... ,~ ,h. ' WO Ihlng> a ... the .ame from diff~r~n' anll .. of .,.ion Ir)'Ou do. )'0" lake away oomelhing f,om other O't lawful . beca~ .hq do !lOt ~dJ";dc tbe hoo('. Uod,";dc 'rue and d""p. a. fl'Iibloon of ..I.. ,IIJI .... fi,h"lIJI All thew: thlnt' orf confomloble to ..... ow .. 'n'~.esto . • I'd .b.morr "".....dom from our - " PO'''' of .......




"",In •• _


tn r.... tbcc-.prdwruo... word . I b • ...,w.nI the , _ _ do. ~jIIoti« and I.w'· ",boo:r ..:,..,nullo... ""plied an: ",hI, Irwh. wha, ,,11K........ etc It. not GDl, rrSI boIh .he idt .. wh .... I und ...... nd from lbe on"nll


Intro. to Surah 7


INTRODUCTION TO SURA H 7- A L A'RAF This Snnh is c:lOtrly connected, both chronologicl.Uy '-'1d in relpecl 01 the uiu~m , wuh the pre>'lO\U Sllr.r.h Bill it "pound. the doccrinc of I'cvdl.lion and ml.n's spimul.l history by iIIUStrallOIll from Adam onwanit, throuSh various Prophcts. and thc dctalls of MOlal', uruggles, to Ihe time of the Prophet Mll hammad, in whom Alll.h', n:YO:ll.llon is completed . Summary.- The note. ~ Inm from the put ,~ isJlruck from thc..,ry beginning The 0pposluon of Evil to Good is illustrated by the uory of Adl.m and Iblos. Arrogan« lnib IlD rebellion , 1m n:bel is }ntous and ICmpu the nalunl min. who is warned again$! deceit and all \'"lIce.s (7:1-'1. and C. 8'). If the wuning is not h~ed , Ihe (utu", penalties are Indicatrd, while Ihe privikga and the bl"" I.lId peace ollhe righteous an: .howl> III a p,cture of the Herearter; as wdl u on ,tot po...er and goodnoo of Allah on ,he world that we KC I.round UJ (7 '2·508, and C. 84) The siory of Noah and the Flood. and the smries of Hod , ~Jhh , lot , and Shu'ayb. all poln' 10 the la5CIn lhat the PropheIJ wen: misted and Il:.i«~d , but (nuh lriumphed in thc cnd ud evil WI.S humbled , (or Allah', I'lan nevn fails (7:59,99 and C. 85 ). Thc story of M Otc:$ IJ !(lId In gTCl.ter detl." , not only III his uruala wuh Pharaoh 1>\11 In hlJ preparatio n for hili m",ion , and hll Nruggln with his own T1'bt-lhous peoplc Even from the lime of M~, the coming of the unlettered Prophct was ionshad"",ed (7:100·157, snd C. 86) But the peopl4'


II . ~t is We W ho created you And gave you sh a~;'" Then We bade the angels Bow down to Adam , and they Bowed down ; not 50 Iblis ; He refused to be of those'" Who bow down, 12. (Allah)

~id : " What prevented Thee from bowing down When I commanded thee?" He said : " I am beller Than he: Thou didst create Me from fire , and him from clay,"n>

13, (Allah) said : "Get thee down From this:"> it is not For thee to be arrogant Here : get out , for thou Art of the meanest (of creatures)," 14 , He said : "Give me respite

Till the da y they are Raised up."

15. (Allah) said : " Be thou Amongst those who ha\'e respite." ' 9%. Slt.ope 01 fonn m,... .... in ..,rprnfll ..." only '0 mtr to ,h~ phYilcai (om> . which chlRJn dlY by dl,. b .. , lho ,be "",rio... form. or 0111"", wluch 0'" "I~II Ind 'p,ri".. 1 _til"" ... IY .Ike fmm WIIC.O "m~ Itt:ord"'t 10 O.. r '"M' Up"".nuos.; Cf It 8 II wu If.~, AdAm Cu ,Nlnd,", for all mlwnd) !>Id ~ 1>0 ,"",h. ,hat ,he...,.,10 WUt uHd.o bow down.o !um, for, by Allah', ,.-ICt . his .. I ... hid In .. llly Ioftn ra-.l bllt-. No.., .he .nmi'lOl1 (rom ~you~ (pl .. ", I) '" ,he n.., ell .... 10 'Adlm~ '" 'M « appu r'l'L(e nuy ht: lo",·dd.~

.'" ,heI.

SUrah 7; Al Afro!



said : " Be aBorealed by All ... (."d ,h.. 'pp"'" to all of UJ) "r,,,illno«lI' III mann> m ...Ti.1 .. _II at .pint,,", t - "" ro/d 8 .. r.ntl •., of " ....t t. ...... ch .... S'''''' '" ,linn .nd whIrl! 'aised ,h.", ........" ........",.... bo ,mpliftl .ha. 'My h.d ,h" ClIpad •., 01 ~l who"h by "0''''''' of OW" w1ll , ,....., to rejea T....,. were " ..ned 01 rho: da",c' Whe,,''''''' fell. ,....,. reallS .,"« ........... ;,!O ....""" " ............. _ .. ",,,.oty .ppIr ... ".;..... ,.. ,"" .. "" ......b . ...... , . ....... _ _ _ ~

........ ' _

. . . ., '

..... _,0 .....,.. ......... _ , . . . . . , . , . . .... _

................., ..... -

,.,,_ .. . . . _ _ _ oIIk .................. ' .. " ' ' ' - ....... '''' .......... ...;...,. A""' ........ . _.., ...,.. ""' .. _ ".", _'", .. ! .... ("-I.

Surah 7: At A'raJ At every lime and pl ace Of prayer: eat and d rink : But waste not by excess, For Alla h loveth n Ot the wasters.

C . 84 . - All.,h hu forbidden the thin!, Th;iI! a~ evIl. no, ,hose ,h.,t .,~ good .

(7:~2 - 58.)

For Ihoc w.;:re created for m.,n·,

EnjOyment The


An: thollC who n:ject All ah'! Signs. They wIll ha.-e no ,han: In the Bh,. Of the H e~artC'l'. BUI the nghlrotU Will dwell in P!:ace. and the Hope That wu promUed w,ll be the' "


;1,; VCd In.U tbr .n~l. of ,h .. _rid . tlu , 'My had faith.


1015 1M for bidden lhi"" u. deocnbw ,n fau. calqon... (I) what" >hamelul '" unbecon'unl th< of 'h"'" whit .. "a'"C .bo 1q.J and """al "ncoo,,", not e>f a 1001 bill of a 1I....·e...,1 und o '''''' may to. c.Ued Dflcnc.. ariM! IOCI~'y. (I) II"" a8"M' oc:lf and " ...p • ..." Dr uceooet of every to •• • the.. are apl .... "u.h and "'...... here would co..,.. '" .ndiKiphnc, bHun: In dD'''l in.... a"'ble dud .. not clurly WIned to, law . ..,Ifi>h...... Dr "'If agn.nd"""""n(, wb,c" ma, be condoned by CUIotQm aad no, pun .. hC0 _ , Inco ...... cn..."h" 1Wo ......... m.." hi ... I do .. bLe ""... hy. (R) UIIO W.ofl8docn h.... ~.lIr •.0 ......., of botoour .Oeo.

1()4 ~

AJ IIIUl.l1y happ"'1U in ''''''h cun. , .... IkUevero ... ere ,h. I""'ly and .he humble. and ,h. 0PP''''''''' -..no the I ..allant. wha ,n ",Ifi.hly 1r.eepl", blck na .."c', ~ftl (which ItC Alllh'. B,ftl) from .he ~plc. "'ere tlllf to ,be dict ..... af Jll'ticc and Lnd n. .. SII.h look ,he "d. of the unpmiJcx '" "de,.. u - . and """'IhoI:b~ 010. 7 I 6). Cideondeot,oyed them .gai". O.. dp 7 I !!o) . .. y lbou' '_«"'un,,, uter M.-.. ..... 11Ie d~W' bade ..... oea. ,n.. hill or Mo.th . ROI rar ..... 'h of Mount lltbot. _ m1r Iocal .... ,he M,d..",.n "" tM "..,....... III ,he ...... herll pl.'" of ,he Jordan .-altc,.. u lea .. !OIl 11'1,1.,. ROItn of lhe S,nll Pl:ruruula Th... nd 'he P"""OUt d.,.,rucaon .. nd.,r Moon _.e 1"".1. and mmuon no ,.."'" of M,d .. n In Iller Urn.,. IheTe wlO. ,_n of Ma dl"'n on ,,'" c ... , IIde of the Culf of ·Aqab. It is menuoned In Joocph .... [""'b, .... • ntll'tol ....r (£tiryc/optud ....j /,," ... ) The .. " d, ... ppun from geosn.phy In Muol,,,, Uma It w .. I revlV'Cd IOWn .. lth quite. d,fferenl k.nd of popul"'on . bUI 'I """"" nou",hed ""I'M I-hdilrut..,. dlllppured r..-. hlOW')'.


'" ,lie


Siirah 7: Al A'ril!


\\Ie sent Shu'ayb ,II" one

Of their own brethren: he said: "0 my people! worship Allah; Ve have no other god But Him . Now hath come Unto you a dear (Sign) From your lord l Give just Measure and weight , nor withhold From the people the things That are their due; and do No m iKhicf on th~ urth Aftl!'r it has been IC:t In orde r: tha t will be best For you . if ~ havt Faith.

86 . "And squat not on (:Very road, Breathing threat:s, hindering From the path of Allah Those who believe in Him . And seeking in it Something crooked; nu t remember how yc were Little. and He ga\'e you increase. And ho ld in your mind's eye What WaJ the end t05-4 ~IU}t> bdon", to Aub ntlMo. than to~ tndJuoro. to "lucia he. ur.k.-n H.. idC'ndf,,_ ",,,K Jetbro. .be r..he. ,n law 01 M.......... no ... a.nn •. and t ~J«t" Th..~ .. no ...."t.rIIy ."IIt. ,n n...... Or lnclden .... and there are chron:ol.ot,ul difficult\'" (I« HI64 bel....) If. u tbe Commen' •• on ,dl ... Sh'op _ 1ammao!l And It " for that an. lop ,nd ,ha, lfilen .h., the Itoria of Noah , Hlid , SihJ;l. Ui', and g. ..·ayb are relatcd to w-.II differc", . and yet an polnllng '0 ,be K'ca. lnocno in Muhammld', life. 1057. Stt 'he .rgum.ol in ,h~ I,... no'e. Allah'. decitian m~y come ~rtly in thll ,·ery life. ~i'he~ for 'he ume IrCner;>,ion Or for .uccording generatioru. by the lope o( eJllemal ~'.nu. Bu, in .ny cue it i. bound 10 oeme ,p""ulily 00 a hlghel plane ""entuaUy, when the ngbleo .....ilI be comforted and the lInn~ ..... ,II be eo"",o.ovt:, An unhqual.e ,ei.ed th~ by ni,h. , and .h..,. "'en: bunw in .hei, _n homn. no lenir" 10 ~. AlIoh', nnh Bu •••upplemenury de.';l io mentioned in Q., 26:189, " th. puniohmrn. 01. dayof' .....v..dowinl lioom; ",hieh may 1M: und.n.oad te m•• n 0 .hooon' of ... h", and cinden uCGmpanying a voIlrch •...". f.U e. ,ntO Ih~ mJ r~ (el 41 ~l11111 The ......,.m M..... II tOld .n m.ny pben.n ,he Holy Q... r·ln. WI.h • op«i.1 ~ in uci. con, ... In t . ',71 . 'M -orr II an appeal 10 .he~ from tnd. --" ocnpo .. r~.nd nad,UO-... Ind Iht Ch". I.,,,, of hi. dl,. MOta led hi. peoplt nearly '0 Ihe und of pTOmllf In Ipi .. o( rt'hclliono Imonl hll own p4:'0pl~ ; Muhlmmad .u•• crded complele1y ,n O'o'creominl .he .m.. a"", of hi, _n p4:'0ple by hio own ~;"..n .nd firmn .... of chara .... .. Ind by .he luldan. e of Allah Wt..a. _ . hope when.hcse Mallin ~ne, we,.. r~aJ~d b«lmc In accompliohrncn' bd'o.., ,"" end ofhi,li,•• nd m....... onnrth



Il)7t - Phlnoh~ (Arabi •• Full_ ) '" I drnmk IId~ . n.oc .he name of any p.rtlCUll •• lnl in £cpo Ii I... br$.... ~ with oome C4lnfide""". bu. unfOTlun"dy ,h. 1""'"pIIOIU f.il .... h io probable .h., ;''"20 an uri, Ph""oh of,he XVlllth O"'..., .... J ThoIhml!S I. about ISotO B C , Srt- Apptn and Iud ,beni to.he P'oaImt 01 DaVId .1Id .he . - - of Solomon,


1074 Th~ t ... wng di. l""", 1howJ ..... J»l"'boioIY on ...... _ oIda. Ph.r.oh ;. .... I'" i .. hit (OI.In , w;,b 1uo1ftillut"".1Id dUm • ..-nd btm 10 ...ti. arrop"'" tMy.u OtI.I, .................. df...... ny alld •cooI, 11..01, ... Le.,u,n. .nd •....,. ..,Iy "POll , bt1 ..........ptrior worldly f'OW"" aidod by.hot "'.~ wluch 'OaO • pl. .. oI.bc EIY!"".n . t hgio .. , Ccmrronu"C ,hem ... nd ..... III~. M .......lIb hio rn.uoi .... f ...... Allah, .1Id hiIo broo ..... ""ron wlwl.as Ilia heu,rnao. Thq.re co..rod .... t . ..... in their powtn. b". in.hot miMi .... they had .rccivtd. n.. rom .hi"ll....,. ha¥O 10 do io to art .... the ."bject,,,,, mind of.he £.ryp.! ...... t'Id by IIIC'lbodt whido by AII.h.....rack oDow ,ha, ErJpO ... mack .... _hall( bcfoK- ,he , ..... pow~t 01 AU.h




loa. The M:.-pcn. pl a,m I II~ !NOn in EnJIQln "",hoi"". The P.'IU" Jod Ra OI'On. ,rUt ';ClOry ___ the "'.-pcn. Apophio. .J"Pifro"Ilhe ";':,ory oIlitb. " .." d.r"--. lola..,. '" ,btir ro:... ....... ~1·#~·. .


;~ 0!

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..-:" 'j 1;--:->-", '" /' . ; i# ...;.;;.::.J ..."' , • - ....... 0 '"-'ll I~L;.J ' l~ft ·: -::.c::........J~!.r. . ".~ ld. #. "'..1.!;.r"' ..... 1 ~1·

----".. ....

• ~I ~ ,Jr-'". JI.i ~ \11





e 'I~r'-! I,ll; •

.... 1-"-

115. They said: "0 Moses! Wil! thou throw (fint), Or shall we have The (fim) throw?"



H4 . He said: "Yell . (and more) For ye shlill in that case Be (raised to posts) Nearest (to my penon) ."


. . . . )e:


~1 '"

. . . - .... . .


~.,,, ' .: Iv=-.:,-~ ~

1017 The twO Sipo had 1M des=d dfra on lM £cypua ... Thcr wn~ im~. bUI lbey jI>cI~ tbrm by lheir 0W1I Man(bnls. n.'"1lhou,hIIO Ih,.,....,lwa. ""'T'hnc:",c ",dina..,. 100""" let .......ch 0\01 OUr bnI ~ ........ ~ thnD .ha. 'My ha.., po.'Cn." 8 ..1 10k aU ..,rkDy ~k. Ib"y beJu 10 fur '"" .Iorir _n power ..... ~ ...... It _ far ffOlll " ' _.. i .. Ie1UIO" to oln.., OUt lhe ~io ... from .heu- __ I.nd ~' c merdy Wlntrd .0 mol Ihe £cypt iln opprtMion 8 11 •• be E(ypI1 bio - . . Ptf'O'I AlIoII 10 lbe conttM bcri.... with dlle obonnnce oIlbc amnu"". ob",,,d by ~b .. anu bd"o.~ thqo comc 10 dooc ,"po.



Siirah 7: At A'm!

116. Said Moses: "Throw y~ (first) ." So wh~n th~y threw, They bewitch~d th~ ey~s Of the ~pl~. and struck T~rror into th~m : for they Show~d a great (feat of) magic. '• "



put it into Moses's mind By inspiration: "Throw (now) Thy rod": and behold I It swallows up straightaway

All the falsehoods Which they fak~ 1 Jl8. Thus truth was confirmed. And all that they did Was made of no effect . 119. So the (great ones) Wl!"re vanquished There and then, and were Made to look. small.loll

ItO, d if they Ila"" ,he pown. they lAke cn.d...,.....",... H~ the PhII ..oh thrut ......... ...pmt..uI. "l1Mn WIth . he U INmle punbhmcn. for '~uon and lpootU)' (annn. ofr of harnb and ombiMq '"""' m.nTn 10 rhro. fUlh . Ind ,heir .... nynionl .rrect...cl nation ;Ill_ .... yo. In t10c 6.. pliU. as lhey wen: the pod. ollhooc ..ho pracluocd the r.1roc ... perM,.... ill Efypt . ...... _ .......... d ... ppe .... na: dCIII I "'W'inII blow 10 IIIe whole .,.,cm _ Secondly. ..... iDdirea effect 01 their ",.nyrdom "'" the commonilly of f.cypt m.... h • .., bcc1I f .. thn cln be mo: ..... red by numhen. The b.n" •• rJ. AUlh was pI.ouod. Ind It"" .. lent .pln.u.1 r'lht m.... h• .., iliac 011 C¥CI oince. IhouJh hlocory. ,n I"U'OI"d,,'I ou ..... rd eoenu. boaknt oa ,he Porw."", ,"dUll proc~ of tranafonal""" unde.pIC:"" Er'fpti.n ..Ii..... F..- • m-.c p.an,hcoro oI.a.in:oala alld .......11 pelt. the -.lu.p oIlbe KID .. ad lbe 1ocloenlf NOla. .... ,he wonhip of 'he Pharaoh as.he .... bod' ... e'" of P""'t" . they ,..-.dllilly UIIIe fO .taU- the onetM:OIl Ind mnq III ,he 'N. Cod . Af.er m.n., tI'm .... of MoDOlhcum on £ryp!;'n tOil iuclr, the Goopl'J ol JQ.... fUc10cd ,h .... , lad """ntll.Uy 100.m



SiiTah 7: A i A'iii!



127. 'aid the ehicf5 of Pharaoh's ~ple : " Wilt thou lea\"e MoSCI and his people, To spread mischief in the land, And to abandon thee And thy gods?" He said "Their male children ",ill we Slay; (only) their fe males Will we save alivc; And we have over them (Power) irresistible."""

~"I" "" ~ "

" ..

... . .)4.0~J\.!rY

128 . Said MoSCI to his people: "Pray for help from Allah , And (wait) in patience and constancy: For the earth is Allah's, To give as a heritage To such of His servants As He plei\.SCth; and the end Is (best) for the righteous."'''' 129. They said: "We havc had (Nothing but) trouble, both before And after thou c amest'~U To us." He said : " It may be that your lord Will destroy your enemy And make you inheritors'lli 1G84. Pha .... oh·. o,d~. a,ol,.., ,h~ oorce",.. wao d ..... ic tnOu,h. Bu, h;, Council Lo llQ' "'irfied. Wha' obou, MOOCI .nd ,he hneii,eo/ Th")' had. """",inr Yictory. and will now be rnon: mischievow ,han nn. Th")' appeol Ph .." oh·, ... ";Iy and hio lup"mhion and ..."", of JXI-'. " If you lea"" ,hem alonc." lhey oay. '"whe«: will be JOllr olllhorilyl Yo" and JOur aodo will be defied." Ph ...oh hu a ",ad, arvweT He .... ",ally i.wardl, cowed by 'he .pp....en' power at MOOCI. He d ored no< openly ocr. "",.not him . Dut he hod al",ody. bd'on: the: birth of M....... pUled a cunninl order to dc..."y ,he whole people of I.... el. TII""'lh the in",wnentoli.y of mid..iyco (£.ood . I : I~). all the male cluldn:n .. ere to be d .. t~. and Innillf and wicir.edn. . h.~ 1>0 po'Wc, .... i"" AIIah'o Pion for til...., who hac! faith . .se.. ""...., IU.


]08~ . N()ti«,~ Con'''''' bet~een the a""ll'~nl ,one of Pharaoh and th humility .nd r.hh . aulht b, Nooet. In the CI1d the acrllianee ..... bumbled. and h""'ilIty and r.i,h wen: pl'Ol,"",ed and ad~onced .

1086. 1 haeis a .Hlh, ncKe of '1utrUlowntsO ;n I 0I0rJ· S« abo £ODd '5. 9 U It H I~ n:r~"'fttt ia.o iii"" an. Si(rIo. Tb.ot: ....... (1) I~ Rod (710'1). (t) lhe IUdiant Ha. ,.-an 01 "'-Ih' 01 ohortar of _.,.,. ('J 130), (4 ) IIhon o:rop (7 ISO), awl ,he fi~ mlMlrioaM

1091 , .. 17'l01. (7 1111), (5) .....

in thu...,.., ~.. , (5) tpickmia amonr men Ind be..... (6) loauu. (7) I.e.:, (8) f..or, .nd (I) ,he ...1"" tumi ..

• b....

Siirah 7: At A' r'iiJ


Were steeped in arrogance, A people given to sin. 134 . Every lime the Penalty Fell on them, they said: "0 Mosesl on our behalf Call on thy Lord in virtue Of H is promi~ to th ~: If thou wilt remove The Penalty from us, We shall truly believe in thee. And we shan send away The Children of Israel With thee."Lou 135. But every time We removed The Penalty from them According to a fixed term Which they had to fulfil ..J tn Behold! they broke their word!

" ., ,· . . ·v .)· . . ... ,""€)

136. 50 We exacted retribution From them : We drowned (hem 'O " In the sea, because they Rejected Our 5igru, and fai led To take warning from them .Lon

;J - ~.'~ . I:..>!;' ,_ I ~• ..L:.i I" v :.r-

137. And We made a people, Considered weak (and of no account), Inheritors of lands


I()9Z . The demaud M.-. .. u t .. o·fold · {lJ come Lo Allah .nd "u ... r,OOI oppTU&ion. and (t) Ie:t me aU I.nd Ollt EgypL. At fim iL w;u hUlfhed al and .tjttted with ~om When the Phgua ume for puniohmeI1l , each time the Egypti..... u(fered . t h~ promiocd amn>dment .nd begged Moocs to inten:cde and c.we .M plap to eu .... Hut e¥CI'J time il co:aocd , Ih~ .....11 baclr. to lhrir nil .«hllde. untillhc final retribution came:. Thio i, • '")'p of .he An"".-, ,"itllde for all Ii""",



109). The illtcrttM;on of MOICI wao limited to pr.yer, E.ach plolf"c Or pen.lty h.d i .. appointed Lcnn iII All.h·, dec."". Th...erm wu duly (u1filled hefore 1M pI.gue ce.....:l . AJI,h', law io linn : j . docsllOt ncillale lih tile hum.n will . 111'trw..,ning confid~nce or .pin.ual "",binon not ~I juour~ lIa"" ,uchtd Moon had al rudy ..,en part of the glory of AUah ,n hlJ Radian. Whne Hand, Iha •• Kone .."II . he ,lory of Divine li,h. (7 108. n . 1076). Bu. he ......ill in .he ncsh. and .he m.Nion to hi. f""Ople .... to ~n af..... the Cove"", n. of Sinai. I . ..... premature of hi'" . 0 . .I< (0 ICC Allah by Ihe ttare _

IIOS . 8 .. ( AUah _ the Cherishe. clan H I. ('fcalu~ - I"'''' ~n our imp.OJl'" "'qu..... wi.h mcrt')', cO"'J'USioo . and undenund.ng . Evcn .he ",n«ltd Slory 01 Allah is '00 r~u for . lIe , ........ lubotallOe ~ ma,,~. ,..... puk on which il ,ho"" b«ame ... po .... d~r bdo,~ i""nable glory. and Mooeo could only II .. by b ro" in'~ TIobku 1m IDIItf ClI"IICDI ,nching in ,he c:ommlnw of Alloh ' T""rc ...ub,l( 'rony ,be ~b of Motef,. Tb(f'! U also l pl.y upon word.. '9' .. calf, and ...P'14 .. make blot. no .rarul."" n un b ri na: nJuu ... 1lI5 Do4,. .....M 1uIJI.

tw gnly ~n«I AlIu', wl1l\b



au. ,h,...

1115 . Put do ... lit. Thltl. .. .... a~ not ,oJd 'hu , he llIhleu ~ brom; In faCt' l54 (~Iow) .~ u...,. -.. whol". Tb~ conuinnt Allah', M ....... Tbtn' .. a 'ouch of d~ til _ blasphemy) in ",ppo.ing ,h.. Allah'l M~. brolc U\( llIbl .... in hit iIlCQn.in..n. nr. •, .......0 in.n.. O ld 11:0pm""" "M,*",', ang~r wued bQ •. and h. cas •• b •• abl.u QIl. of hit b.ndl., ond brake .h.m "",",a,h .he MQun, " (Eaoct ,!.to). On ,his point and aloo.,., ,b~ poinl ,hi' Aaron (in 'hf Old Thum(n. " 01')') Qrde"" from the ()I hers a nd ,coo.I1Ido, .he puni'hment came. (R)





Thotn •••• 1....,. peoplo- who .......... PT. no d .... b' n ......... I' . .. It.~. JOOd " .. '0 , .. co , lit: _ke•• (I) 'id.uJ Tho: wont. in humani.y, hom or unhom , ...,thou., ..., hmn 01 "me. Adan'-, oeaI eamn on .he I!:IUIleI>a 01 Adam .ntI.UCCftdo ... Itb opt';"..] b.eriure- HumaN" b.q btttt I'""n bJ AUah cat:lln p""w,,,. Ind facu.lua. wt.c.e pooocaion enlln "" ou.r oIde .pedal opinlua! oIobpUtlnl which..., m..... {aultrully dtKh ..... _ .5:1. Ind n. 6at Thne obli ... ,101>0 ma, from alcp\ poi ... 01., .... 1M: conoioiend U llUI'" from implied ~nu. In the pTffCd,nr YeTW (7-171)• • m=nce WIt ,.,.de .. th.,mplled Coo-ellaJu ohbe Jewbh .. adon Now..., conoitkr the Implied Coo-enant oflhe whole olltum.ni." lor the Holy Prophet'. milli"n w.. worldwide. (11.). atld

tIoo '011

mel" to .he tktcmdanll of tbe Children of Adam. ..... to all


1147 Tbe c.a..enan, ito completed In duo WI,. We • .:knowledge AU.b 10 our Creator. Cherllher, and S\Iota,no:r ,had"o.e..., a.:knowlfllge our du., to Him when we ... 'Cltif, concernina: ou...,l..... be obligatio" .. u it we .... a_.ned by ...; for IT. foil ...... ''''''' OW" w:ry ..... uf'e wben i. b PUf'e .Dd Ul>CONupted 1148 Tho: latent bculua.n "",n I.e eno .... It ... teach hi",.be dulinc:l;o .. between a-:I antl....u,.o.nrn ...... 01 tbe dangcn tha, bnet Iw hfe. BUI to I.aka and o"mul.tc lhem , • peno"al apptal .. mado- to ucb iM\rndual through ed rOt ...... if"L IU ..... we tan .AII,); 01, (II uprao Hit ... nb ....... 'f'IItre au rullfty. nll~ of ,ueh a"nl>uta. In .IIm.u..... (IOK!udi", aJ RIl!!,i.b al ~llIin') IIIWInsund i. 10 ..... p...... 10 ......... "wtU·lcqlll'ntcd.- h' 19 41. wi,b u.. prepooltion lot foUowll'll n, i, ......("" "wtU-d.itpc.ed .,.bl


~. ~;

195 . Have they feet to walk with?

O r hands to lay hold with? Or eyes to sec with? Or ears 10 hear with? un Wbclllbc ,hild 1o ........ , .1Ie pa~ fMJet tllIt it;.. prcdll ... (if. CIf Allab - . PlirWe CIf Crn.Ioco, wl,,'h ohou.ld lill mi...u up 10 .be hiJMr .h.i.... CIf All.h. I......ad , Ihdt I"'d.ul f .....iIi.ri., wi ........ new lif~ m.k... hem conn"" I. wilh. m.ny .u"".., illll'" idea. 0' ri.". .nd «rl'mo.u..., or ll,l.. aL lhc ~LlI'1". W";thou.t """p'n; ...... i. ia ""paooOblc .. I1 • m .... With OIl li.tnLty and plLila.ophic minin, could produce OII(b • book .. lhe Qu,"lD


1175 '" L,iL4"; qn, rlcu],y oflpitl.U.' .rui"'l Tbt ..,.,..,1 •• ;.." is for ... (I) spirilual ~ (%) gu,da,,", .nd (S) muq. (I) ;, .b~ bi,hnl in d...,..., jill! ... bhnd min. if be La ri...,11 C)'ft I Dd Ihe facul'1 of Ii,hl. is ., once rem",,", in.o .n en.irely new world , 10 ,hooc who cl n re.cb Ihe IliI.fC of lpitll ..l irui,h, pua LIll.O and become nl1lm1 at a whoJiy ...... spirilual Wond. (t) is nal in ~ the min 01 ,be -..Id c .... an ap to ,he .... b .... about tlJhl conduct and prqoare for the Hercafler. (Sl La ,he Mncr of ..... I.h. f= '0 """'r'I lint. . . inl a .. d .......... who .. n«rcly belilC"tft .nd puu h.ia mDI in AJI.b

Surah 7: Ai A'm!


206. Those who are ne.ar"" To thy Lord . disdain not To do H im worship; They celebrate. His praises. And bow down be.fore FJjm .llII

1176, Th~ h1rh~' fO" ar~ in 'pi.il" al a"a inm~nl. 1M ",o.e io fOu. deoir~ and )'Ou, opportuni,y 10 Krvc and worshI p roW" u..o and Ch.:,ul\er and n)'l, ilnd iu no)'l (lYe Iitlht 10 the: .piritual upinlllOnl of mlnkmd In the darlt.elt periods with a (I(ted and artillic people like the ErYPtialUl. IMr reUg;ow IImIe was led, U\ ,p,te d many rcbWft, ,",dually to I pum- and purer conception of man'l elr:ma\ dOllny. umil Mll~ammad 'i Mt:MI.JI! wu preached to them in the vel')' language: in ... hieh ;t Willi originally p.uched in Anobl' And thai LanJUage, Anobie. beeame and is IIO'W the language: of the Egyptian people thenuel_.

In the pre Dyn;u.tic Egypt , there mUll Ilre~dy have bttn a pat dul of developmem III the: religIOUS COnceptION ... h,eh aftCTw.ln:b ~ IUeh .;",lIty In 0yn»Uc Egypt The Old KlIlfdom, induding the Pynomid ~riod. ,bows thai the Egyptian mind wu obteued With lhe cenllntyof Me afler death. It was abo impreMo:d wilh ideu of grandeur, oRkr. and preciaion in lhe unlYefW ideu whleh found elaquem apreaKm on lhe ,nnd ooncep"olUI and malhemltical,J)'ffiffietry and t.lmpl>elly of iu arehll«lure.. lu mlllive dignily and repoK ~re abo lrllected In the raeel and jlOIaI of the figuto in Egyptian lIatuII")' and painting. The unendong apalUlC and the m~elJ of the darn aecm to have aer.ed on the: Egyptian mind like. IOporific and made it leu. aClloe In mundane ar&.ln and kM pnoc:ti(:al in lpeoculall.oo Ihan Ihal of IOIlU' ocher noea of Iimillr IIrU. What m)RCria are IW,rled in the proponoolll of the Pyramlch and the,r in~mal pllena ud m)'HenoUi chamben, we thall probably never know with eenllllly. Bu t a haunli~ ICIUIC of !kam .nd of the other world aeenu to opprc:$l U) in III atmOlphe~, a. it d~ tn the grim kf~ of tht: ~Book of lhe Dud'", AJ Prof TE. Pert muar'" (Combndg, AlKlcn. HIJIOry, vol I. p. ,Sot), "Ihe Egyptian mmd doaely lIIOCiated together men, goda, and the d~ld u merely Ihree IptOa of a Itnsle gem. ~ Eaeh of Ihew: " colllide~ wu IUbjeel 10 an I~,ble fortt nlled lI.b or II.M benee the fora of Ma(lt. InnmlliolUllo the Dud , and RIIH and Formulana m daily bk

11u: Middle Kingdom brinp ... Uoee to faee with fruh ideiU. We haYe no dal~ with ... Iudl of fore,gn eulu and foreign ;dell dunng the penod But know"" u we do, bow EJyp. Kled u I m~snet to the world at II,.. and how many pomll of conlKl the Euphnotca .. Iley dvilisaliolUl and the Nile valley civilwlIKma had wilh each otha, we m~y ~ IUPpote • broadcmng of Egypuan eulture and etvilisllion in COJUCquence. The Hy~ may h.~ to appnlX the mflucna


App. V

been Egyptiani$ed in Egypt, bUI they could not have failed in thcir lum to tonnibute Syrian and Semitic ideas to Egypl . Among thne were Monothcism. a patria«:hal orpnintion of society, and an impel of In., ChriRian eno ;. in the deYll:lopmcnt of ChristianilY ilKl!. h iI difficult to s;ly .... hen m. (!) The Alcundrian school deY , Itld u.,l, b«omn a pruo"",. 1190. Th. II ... of.pint".1 fir''' .rc eucdr aimil •• \.0 thooe .nI~ b, military vin"c .nd duClplll.... Meet,..,.... = r Cairl, Itld o.quI~ly, not ruh.iy, bllt . u.u du. p•• pantiotl. Zoova" in thr tat ( ...,.,,·... 1.. lumiJ. _ ....,,) u"plict 1.Jow I .. d wdI· plltl'led procted.ot13 to'Onlrdt. hootik """,, Wbcn or>« Ito comht. orT)' i.lh ......'h: lbon io DO room for ICCr'iani ' (I) ..eul•• pal., ... ,~"" ... wl.r. to I" back in order to jump forward. or to dec';¥!: tbr ......., by I ,"'81: (I) it:aD ,todivid.. a1 or bc.:Iy It. by Ib~ ch:oncn Df battle. .......nI from his OWII foru. be ea." fall bact on lUI for« in order.o fi,h. the ba.o..Ie. TlIerc .. toO vinll~ io ........ tacll itodovld .... l m .... """ hit life .Dd hla ~ \.0 .he bc:sI .dy... for lbe common e.......




Surah 8: At Anfiil



thou thr~west (a handfulntl Of dust), it was not Thy act, but AlIab'5: In order that He m ight Test th~ B~lie"l'~rs By a gracious lrial lltl From Himself: for Allah Is H~ \Vbo h~areth And knoweth (all things). 18 . That, and also because Allah is H ~ Who makes feeble Th~ Plans and stratagems Of the Unbelievers.

19. (0 Unbdieversl) if yc prayed For victory and judg~mem.ll" Now hath the judg~ment Come to you : if ye desist (From wrong) , it will be Best for you: if)'e return (To lh~ allack), so shall We. Not the I~ast good Will your forces be to you Even if they were multiplied : For verily Allah Is with those who ~lievcl C . 90. - Be rc~dy eo obey AIl~h'l ull , and to hold (8 :20·57.) All dx al naught : He will gi~ you The light , tum away all evil fnlm you . And forgive you )'Our lina lind ahoncomingJ. EveT k.etp in ~bnlll« Hu mercia and gno«. 11u:: godltsll may try 10 k.etp men From Allah , bUI they will not thnvt; They will be hurled t~ther to dCSlruclion




® ye

who belie\'el Obey Allah and His Messenger, When the billie bopn. the Holy Prophet

p~~ .

alHl threw. h ... dfulofdWol 01' . . nd at tbr.e_,. rUt porchoLOIluL df_ t....,. act In the b.ttle b uc:ri~ 10 Allah. u II wu tll ilisnwoc.nd it wunot ~nderult~ eo"",,' by H""",nnund (R). 1I9\! NumnkalLy .he odd> -':I'N< I.bc Mw.limo ......, .hm: 10 One. In Qlho:t waJS ,hc:y wen- .t a disad""ntag< ol.rnu and equLpmen' 'hey had bu, little. while tho: ellftny Wert well· fo..od • • hey we.., 'DUperlenctd. whiLe tbe QuraY'!!! had brou,h. thtit f _ waman. In .U .hb the.., was I teo< , b/I< u... ,eo< was acaomplcutd "'" gradow r...oW"O of C'Oph., In Jubjeawn in '-bk:Uh by putting prnou", 00 his IIncla. rell d ..... and friendo. Bu, .he In"", 'hey pmKu,l".:i "('I ' "'-!.~J.~~ ~~


:');;S::S;~ 61: ; ~(W\i)Jt

'a:he Unbelieven spend their wealth To hinder (men) from the path Of Allah , and 50 will Ihey Continue to spc:nd ; but In the end they will have (Only) rqTeu and sighs: At length they w-ill be overcome : And the Unbeli~'en will be Gathered together 10 Hdl -

Ito!> Thit wao .ceuallJ I challe.,.., th ............1 by lhe Infidclo In Millih. 1>01 ocrlowlJ but II 11. __ 1lu' ._~ II in tM: 1_ foIlowoll( Allih pullishes In Hit _n ,oocIIUnc. IlOl .ccord"" 10 lhe fooIioIo • ..:1 &noaao ,"UIIQ 01 the .... ~ ... W ..... u.. Hoir f'ropbeI wao wLtlo tJw"n . hie- aloe Merqo ro. cJw \'oI:IrWor.vnfnnd • cnuI." IJDOd The en! will be pilnt m", • ""ap. W"t'D ..... ""p u f .... l. the pu~ ..,R con>c. ~ will be 1>0 miluk about ;t The pocIlho1Ud _l;ied.JaM',fJlod . bo!c ......... fighu"g.p''''' ",""", .u f~ of .....u JOin """Ib..... nd pool tbrir '-1nJ togeth« The mo'~ ""~ do .... 1M ~....". ~ . he (mal .rb.. nlmml. It 1.1 all ." Allah'. PI ...

1!tI' Cf

If 08 . If

t 195 an.d. n cb~ c~_


(rom fi8hting.nd from che pen«IIcion of cnlcb. AII.h,ludgn lhem by chei, .cliona

lJId lheir tnOCivu. .nd would not wWt .hal chey t.hould W haroaed wilh funher ho.ulily. SII' if they rd'...



the nlhWKU h."" notlU"8 Co fca" Allah will help and prot"". Ihtm

Siirah 8: Al A nfijl

,. 10

41. C"~d know that out of All the booty that ye May acquire (in war). A fifth share is assigned l1 " To Allah - and to the Mcs.scnger. And to ncar rela tives. Orpha ru. the n~dy. And tht: wayfarcr 1£ ye do believe in Alla h And in the revelation We scnt down to our Servam On the Day or TcstingoJ'" The Day or the m~ting Of the twO forces. For Allah hath power Over all things.''''

42 . 'Nemember yc wert: Dn thc hitht:r sidt: Of the valley. and they On thc farther side. And tht: carava n"u On lower ground than ye. E~'Cn if yc had made A mutual appoimmt:nt To meet , ye would ccnainly Have railed in tht: appoimmem:11II But (thus yc mt:t).

u9 ,.. •

• J'"



1 ' •



... . .I1J

!tOIl The rule u .hat a fifth .hue i. oet aparl for 1M Imam (, ~ Cotn"'"nd~,) .nd tho: .eIt;' dioidtd '!!lOn, .h~ fo",co. T he fiftb oha,e u uprnotd to be for Allab and ,be P,ophet • • nd for chantlblt pto.poHO for .hoooe 10 wham charilY u due. Ult;m.,.Jy C'ftrythin, iI II .tt.. di.~1 of AIl.1t Ind Hil Propba 8 I b... fou.· lif.h,a are divided, and only ofIC ·lifth " retained for .h .peeial purpmn, The Irnlm has diocmioo II 10 'he mode of di ........ In th~ Prop!tft " "f"'ime a ttr.ain portlon wu aaiJn ronn., He lo.-. aU , ,,,d H ., reward wtll ,lwa1l be onore """'""'" tha" you. u n ~bJ)' 1217. B..



IHS Wh,le we rnlilt ,1""11 be ",.d, (or o.M IJood filht I,," it be forced Ott .... ",..,n in the midst of lhe r"ht we m...1 .1",,),> be ludy for peace I( Ihc.e II any i" cJin ol ;on iowartio pelce On lhe och ... sid~ Th~", 11110 IMn, me",1y in I filhl by luo:lf. It ............ be I ]011"111 dllty "0' for luo:lf. bll' 10 ,,"ullha" Ih ...elfII 0( pun .nd n,hlfCIUSMM ..... Allah', La ... Itn In woriu", fo. pe .... ,be:", may be c:......in rUt. 01 ,re.chery on ,he ",he.



m .... tltu, 'hI
«...... ,h.. men of r .ith ha"" AU.h... id 10 count upon .nd ,he OI""""h of lile llniled body of ,he "IhlHllll. (R)


Su.rah 8: Al Anfol 6~ .

And (moreover) He bath PUt Affection between their hearts: Not if thou hadst spent All that is in the eanh , Couldst thou have produced That affection, but Allah H ath done it: for He Is baltl!d in might , Wise.11II

64 . 0 Prophet! Sufficient UntO thee is AlIah (Unto thee) and unto those Who follow thee Among the 8e1ievers.IIU

C . 92 . - No man of hun , lpirit. or conttaDq (8:65·75 . ) Can ~r be cowed down by 9dd5 Apilllt him. We fight not for lpoilll Or for e.apti,,". but for the glory or Allah , and for truth and faith, We mutt be ltind to all , but lpecilUy Rrprd tbe n«Q and adop.ed woIunury nile from Mallon com~lIy w;,h ....... bel~ Luder, and their rood fnt1Ide in Madrnah. who",Y'O ,....... uylum and evny lind u uoisunce, monl.nd moteri.l Under ,he I1Ugnetic: ptnOIIali.,ohhe Holy Prophet tbt:oe twoJTOU~ beca_Iw bl.....:l· b.... hen. and ,hey w.coo '~"'td ,n ",otten 01 ,nheritance duri .., .IM: period whon Ihey we.e C\lt off from ,heir kilh and lin . 1140 The ~hn.n (Musil"") Were endUed '0 aU ....... no. in ma.,ell of rell';o .. , Bu, if thq< Wll' O(H ."on. eno..,.h " ruff.,.- woIunury ""lie Oil behalf or ..... C_~ _lid make .he c.. roc .. whICh .be;" more ardmt bmhro:n In faith made. they CO\lkII>OI ",_b1y .... for poIltic:.lI or- military aoolouna: or- ~,

pt'...o..., ..

lU I If . cunmunlly ",{fell ¥Giuntary n ile on aCCOUJ1t of penecution and opprnoion, and lIIme 01;1$ ..ute. b.~n .ay ~b;nd , holdi", fast 10 fa"h but no< p.epamt fo. I.... hi,he...cnrlC~, the Hila haY'O ttiII • dUly .0 help Ih .., weaker b.ethren In mat~ 01 ",lilioll. The .".Jla., bel", at opm war "P..... t.he ..... which op~ .hem. ooouId ~ f_ 10 r"bt ouch .... ~ But if t.he wakcr bmhnll a _ ... m... u.ll alIiaou wuh t.he """""un"y. the «IOIlD1II.Ll.l'Y UllDOt U. ' - ' r ~ ,""h Wt ....1e, whnbrr It II Moulim or nO'. Presumably the .IHallU',mpliQ WI rhc .....~ol 11 Il0l only Ii';", ;" ... u".aJ h.lrmonr. b... MInt re:ady., III Umn 10 protca nch other Ott..: .....ioc II", world will be to .1111,.;.... by uNICNpul ..... people, .nd tM aood will r.il i" their d .. " 10 t


and OIh~r ......go:-nu.. 81>1 ev.:n .h~ .he.( is room for repentance and lm"ndmC1l1 on the part of ,he ",illy P'rty, and if .bn ,at.,. placr, our dUI, i. fo",,..,neoo and .h~ .,...blishmcnl of pea.e, 1~~! The 1q)l..." pen or "'..clL..... ""ice or wealthy man', eonlribu tiolll may be .he _ nluable fonnJ of Jihd.

Siirah 9: Ai Tawboh


Have the highest rank In the sight of Allah: They are the ~ple Who will achieve (salvation).

21. Their Lord doth give them Glad tidings of a Mercy From H imself. of His good pleasure, And of Gardens for them , Wherein a re delights That endure: 22 . They will dwell therein Forever. Verily in Allah's presence Is a reward. the greatest (of all).'111 23 .

® ye

who believel Take not For protectors your fathers And your brothers if they love Infidelity above Faith : If any of you do 50, They do wrong .

24. Say : If it be that your fathers, You;r sons. you r brothers, Your mates, or your kindred: The wealth that ye have gained ; The commerce in which ye fear A decline: or the dwellings In which ye delight .Jul Are dearer to you than AUah, Or His Messenger. or the striving In His cause - then wait Until Allah brings about'fU 1t71. Th_ ... bo .,nvt ~nd ,uff~. in AII.b', OIU,", Ir~ pru:nbood (I) a m~r"Y 'p«laUy f'om nim..,lf, (!) Hio ""'" rood pIUIU"" ('I ptdCT'll of pt"rpctual dellgh, . (4) tbe .uprtm~ reward , AUab', own Prucnc "'" tM nbclllo ...... ThD ia of "m..,...,] .pp-lioulon. Bu! it ""'" "rikinsl, iUu.nled in 1M cUI: of t.hooe faithful ona who ~ .hc Prop","!" call . left.h. comfor! of ,heir hom .. in Makbh and oufferrd aile In Mld'n.h , ,I ...... up Ihd •• rade aDd !bei. pooIeMiOIU .... rove and foug ht for Albh', .1 ..... IOnIc.imti ag.lno •• IId, OWn kith .nd kin Or thc •• own .ri!>amcn who w~rC ~o"",iet nf l&lam. 111.,. won throulh . O.Mn ... ~.e 00. preplrrd for ouell u (rificc. but .h~i. f.il"", did 110' •• op the apk.


Surah 9: Al Thw bah Of Allah : announct: umo them A most grievous penahySS. On the Day when heat 'UJ Will bt: product:d out of That (wealth) in the fire Of Hell, and with it will be Brandt:d thei r fort:ht:ads , Their flanks, and their backs "This is the (treasure) which ye Buried for yourselves: U" taste ye, Tht:n , the (treasures) ye buried!" S6. mhe number of months UU In the sight of Allah Is twelve (in a year) So ordained by H im The day He created The ht:avem and the earth; Of them four are sacred: That is the straight usage. So wrong not yourselves LlH Therein, and fight the Pagans All together as they Fight you all together, But know that Allah


129~ Gold and .ymbollung wtahh whkh . h_ ~ple cherioh~d ~ mo~ lhan .he good pl~:Ull" of ,helf u.rd, will not only M Lhe cal>$< bu, the i .... 'rum.n. wh ... by .bey .... ould rK carlier ;n ,he 101 .. Y"u, Ind ,hw ,he loJlm, e mond" ... velled all round tbe tel"'''' and .he ",IaT Y"ar. ( R). 1296 The MUilinu ...... e I t • disadvantlge on accoun, of 'heir lCruplcs about t.hc Prohibi.ed Month&. They are ,old not to wrong ,hl!1mtlve. '0 1~ If .he Pagani fougbt in III mon,hs on 0"'" p •• ,enee 0 . 100Ihn; thq' W':re o.Ilo .. ed '0 defend in .11 mon' .... BII. oo:lf· '.'l.Ilint was (u IlwlY» recommcndtd u rv .. pnuible.


SUnh 9: A l Tawbah


Is with thme who restrain 11n;:lIIsc l va.

37. Veri ly the transposing'UI (Of a prohibitc:d month) Is an addition to Unbelief: The Unbe1i~n are Ic:d To wrong thereby : for they make It lawful one year, And forbidden another year, In order to adjust the number or months forb idden by Allah And make such forbidden ones Uawfui. The evil of their course Scc:ms pleasing to them .n ,. But Allah guideth not ThOle who n::j«t Faith.


58. (l) ye who believe! what Is the matte~ with YOU ,I U' That , when ye are asked To go forth in the Cause: of Allah, Ye cling heavily to the ea rt h?"" Do ye prefer the life Of this world to the Hereafter? But lillie is the comfort Of this life, as compared With the Hc:rc:::a(ter.

J..d1;l~t: l;:"X:-", 10 •..., ull. The u nf, nun.,~ oocs arc .hoM: .. ho a.., 10 cacr-lrdi bec: ...... Abu B.h·, prolld utlt

1SG4 C/ 9 !Ii

130!> The ,"perl.liva m ' he "'uble I hn~ renderoro by 'he penph ....... ..... "'mbloro '0 the depths" and "ualtcd 10 'he he,h ..." as they 'COad", of mum", lUOOdoff""",, ~nta. Tlw U"bd .-a ...oh (or d............ 10 tho: Bc-"~ but 'he Bd~ wiU ... , ..... CODq ..... or d~ ....... nyn ,n tbo: COuw.'" fIlM c ..... h.pPl';JI th~ iMu~ Tho: Bc"e¥tn r~put puni.lurKnt for the Unto.. i.....,n fo. ,h.... ,nfidel",. ~"n.. 'h....p


ow" il\Slnun"",,"I.., . O. In toone eMhe. ""1 ," AU ah', Plan. and tbe Unt..h",·~n _Id noIliL~ II in .....



las !o I~ . •nd



lIypocnla, wbo ~11 plotlw .P'I\SI w..... ...,,111 _uma (aad!My dod) nu.l~ a ...... of mak1na .orne COl!.'nbUIIOn to the C ...... ,n Ofd~I to kcp up P""~rw:c Th .. " (ontn but i...,. wo .. IIOC .«eptable. ... h~th~. thlO} ..... mrd 1o 1''''' w;llinlly o. unwillin,ly. bK ......... t..lhon .nd d,IO~1C'IICIi ~ .. III hun. Tb,tt lealON .. ~ ...,n for "'p:o.ion. ;n.M ...... ...,..... (I, .hf)' dId not lid.... (2l lhe" p"'~ _ 'e no! n.-nat . but for mc..... how. lad (S) ;11 ",.1111 IbM. !.tIm _ ........ btl"'w1 .... (Ollinbullor . ...b.kh IhlO} offerw Nodr.l ... II IoCcep.ablr to Allah wh,eh door, noI procHd from • pun .... .. nUrt ho:arl 1~14




.pu,rlC_uy ..



If '1My appe.red .0 lie ~,_ wlIh doo1. puna and ....... q...""n Nil (........ pboncaLl1" . ...., """Ii,y thri ....",J,h and I...... _ ~ I.........,. be. IfI.Ue Cf • U 0. .. paniao.l •• kCUIOII ..... wu PlOO'o:d 10 ,he hil, Tbt- wcooIth or ,he p...... rolled tbern w"h p~ dar .... tho:" undtnund.i,. . _lid kd ' 0 , ...... ct.e.l\ICooo. Tha. _ and r.:.uo-n adopted.he: F'alth wlu.ch ,bar fI, ..... h.d i'ou,h ......... mooch 10 ,be: 'h.... n 0( ,be rllho:n. wt- .pmtua.I deach W1U .....,. _ duoll ...... ~'u'" on LIw world w ...... _

... be:.....,.,.J In


Siirah 9: At 'lhwbah Allah's Pian is to puuish them With these things in this life,lm And that their souls may perish In their (very) denial of Allah . ,6, They swear by Allah That they are indeed Of you; but they arc not Of you: yet they are afraid (To appear in their true colours).

,7, If they could find A place to nee to, Or caves, or a place: Of concealment, they would Turn straightway therelO, With an obstinate rush .m'

,8. And among them are men Who slander thee in the matter Of (the distribution of) the alms,m, If they are given part thereof, They are pleased, but if not, Behold! they are indignant I

59. If only they had been coment With what Allah and His Messenger Gave them, _and had said, "Sufficient unto us is Allah ! Allah and His Messenger will soon Give us of H is bounty: To Allah do we turn our hopes!" (That would have been the right course),IUt 1516 Cj 5176 -178 and

9 , 8~

ISH lama"" _ ." M IIr.g""",nabl., .0 'lin


a ,un. way hO'It, '0 rwh madly and


1318 SGd4qah . aim ... hal which" I"",n in Allah', n.me, mainly to ,h~ poor Ulrl nee HrJIOCmn p..."md dul. by •• rc of 110 ..... or ",al tldp 10 '")'OM I



Siirah 9: A i To w boh Wilh thdr hands. They have f orgonen Allah; 50 Hel"" Hath forgotten them . Verily The Hypocrites a~ ll!bellious And perverse.

68 . Allah hath promised the Hypocriles Men and women . and the ll!jecters, or Faith, the fire of Hell : Therein ,hall they dwell : Sufficient is it for them : for them is the cunoe of AlIah ,1I1! And an enduring punishment-

69 . A.s in the case of those Before you: they ....'Cll! Mightier than you in power. And mo~ flourishing in wealth And children. They had Their enjoyment ofthdr portion: And yc ha\'e of yours, as did Those befoll! you ; and yc Indulge in idle talk As they did. They lTheir works are fruitless In this world and in the Hell!after. And they will lose r (All spiritual good) , 70 , Hath not the Story ruched them

Of those ~fore them?The people of Noah , and 'Ad ,L111 And Thamiid; the people Of Abraham, the menl l l' Of Midian. and the Citiet overthrown,Ut.


. . .• • ~; . . .

...... '




~.:r.t~yJ.),,-'J jU-.J e?~.J


IS!6 . Cf 1,51 and n. UlU . They ipo", Allab . .nd AIlab will ignorr IS!? "eUfX,n here:u elot-when:. " K_ hl.,n l imed at '"pprnoin, ~lr"lmeoo. 1l00d fo. the ri,h\.t of the poorat and hUD\bJ"". , an.d judged WW1~ by nJhleown ........ Ihan by buth or ~tk>".


un If mm a •• falle to Ihn. ~nan\.t Ind _nta, "'" nl.lI ....l .,......,qlln>« will M hypocrisJ' to """" lhe" bllehood. All CO,,",",!,",IKU 01 ..... own leu ... In QII,'.nic 1......"11= ucriM,embeT o. OcIO~' bo 'he lOla. calnwla.



n..,. may.".,.. 0' ridale 0'


now; Iba, will be only for

:0. Ijnl~

m.. d> Wlli ,...., b.t...

w""l' for af,uw.rdo.

1551. On ,be dealh of. MwJ;m . ;, iI 'M piow du,y of pcno .... lion ('D' M)" ... quntion 01 rd...... 10 pamcl p.lr in Lb" obocquin of.uct: ""roolLl aft., .lw:i. deatb ,,10 na,unl '0 om" .he word ~lirt" in .to.. .....


SUl1Ih 9: A l 7O w boh

86. ~hen a Sunh comes down , Enjoining them to belieo.'e In Allah and to Itri~ and figh t Along with His Messenger, Those: with wealth and i nnuenc~ Among them ask thee For exemption. and say: " Leave us (behind): we Would be with those: Who sit (at home) ." 87 They

pre r~r to b~


(th~ women). Who remain behind (at home):lIu T heir hearu are seal~d And so they undentand not.

88 . But the Messenger, and those Who believe with him , Strive and fight with their wealth And their persons: ror Ih~m Are (all) good things:'''' And it is they Who will prosper. 89. Allah hath prepared ror them GardtllS under-which rivtl1 flow. To dwell ther-dn : That is the . uprem~ relicity.....


90 . .And there were, among ~he d~n Arabs (also) , Men who made excuses And came: 10 claim exemption: IS" Ku..u/ . plural of Kwif.... ,I\o6t (retl'nnl""J who fen.. 11I bf,hb>el II home when the ",m I" '0 .u_ ~_ ~ iI ..., ....'" .a',n.l" ,II ... al\'~"oll'ba ..... cb "'ell wc"" cow.rdt, pft'fcrri.... 10 remain b'ene

I~' III dll. YffIO: t he,.., to I ,...nIl1UCn.ce. b ..1 DOt .a aK'I rq>nJUaa. '" wnM 71 a~ TIm b.la","" tbo parallel repetition or remln.Km« In "Cnc: n .boYe. Sec II. " M The .""m.. ..,. oIlhe a'I"lIIftIl U ,lIw _pIfted . . . . . .tcb ,he H~ of MadTaah. bcfot.! _ pqo 011 .. wloalo

And ,h_ who



fa ...

To All.b .nd H i> M< lOCn ~ (M.",ly) A.[ inac[i ....." .. SooD will • lI'"i "",,'" pena l[y Milt [he Unbc1iev.:,.. An>eng ,h~m .

The", io "" Mom"'''' On ,h"", who .'" mfirm . 0< ill. or who find


1ftO\1''''' '0

No ' p~ ,-,~\.

II"" .;~.., '" (;~ ~ ~' y) ' 0 AIl.h

J, ,(.'-"!~~~ ~ ;;:JIJ. to .. born Ihc contUI men. Ind DO' oIthe ..,.tlod citurm of MldTnlh , "hoM: Hypocrileo ...... al,udy ",rcrrm 10 in p• ..,;..... ..,;';ona. Th..., I1lllhl look ""'pic. bill they were, In their ;anonn«:. all ,he ........, obotin.'" and brpoo:ri.ial "~I Thei. pllnishmen. in 11111 world w.. dotIblc. ~ .. not only in .he" dueomfit .. ",. b ... ~o...., ,n .hcjr oboulUte ~""'" •...,. failoed to .. ~Dd th.- .ccomplish.... focII. wh.le cI.,...,." m.,., Tut,..! Ihat thtor h.-U;'y 10 hlom .... hope ..... In addillOn 10 t"-'" < Abil '}\mit, who h.d rough. ag.inst IsI.m u U~ud . When Ihe Prophet !ellnn! ofthdr dup!id.y on htl ,",urn f,om 'he b.IIle or T.but , he ordered two of IW companions 10 dell"", th~ mooque and bum it ' 0 'he

(TOlInd oouJ a!>d lIu _a1.h aad JOOdI. anO h,m in ........ 0 """'W< the best juII",~t1,whcn Ab .... ham .... con";nc«l thlt tM ""nditio", men.ioo.d in ,he lu. no.e applied to b.i..o father, Ileg."" ...p praying for hi .... u the ph~iul bond wu ..... off by the opiri.ual hoocility. r"".1le prttnWc LO pray for hu f.,I>a. 0C1! 19:47. (_ abo n. $41' .., 60:4).


SUrah 9: At Tawboh For Abraha m was most Tender·hearted . forbearing .""

liS . And Allah will not rnislead'ill A people after He hath Cuided them. in order that He may make clear to them Whal 10 fear (and avoid) For Allah hath knowledge Of aU things.

116 . ~t nto Allah bdon~ th The dominion of the heavens And I~ earlh . li e giveth life And He taketh it. Except for Him Ye have no p rot«tor Nor helper.

. .....c....,.J... I ....... t~



, ..

· ' ....


\.,oJ";-~~v!'J 'J'J


117. Allah turned with favour To the Prophet . the Muhijirs.l l f l And Ihe AO$ir - who followed Him in a lime or di5lre55, After that the hearlS of a pan'lIt Of them had nearly swerved (From duty); bUI He turned 1b them (also): for He is Unto them Most Kind . Most Merciful.


llS . (He turned in mercy also) To the three who were lefl 1)66 Ab ... h.m wu loy11 and lender hurled . Jlld bare wllh m.. ch lhll he duapp,,,,,.d. ~"lI ,n ,h. I pl'OUMJPC of .1 Muouol1 . and h mLUI hi.... go~ ..... _ h.. .,.1111 ,0 aol off ",IJuono \11 ,hI, way. II", II -.ld obncMIy bot ........, b • bUftI,.UI. beu!.I to ~""I Allah for mncy Oft peopk _ho had fmaIty ~ ABU. 1)61 AUJh. d.:or COftIm .. ndt 0", ......11. .... bft:oonlnl condllct.


Ih ...


",oy _

be- moJl.rd bt thor h",,,, ... ftl.lll1_

1561l Cf 9 100 The M .. hlpR ~.he: people who oriJIrWJy (~.he:" hoona \n M.u...h and ~ I I M"J'oA ,nulk 10 Mldlnah The A~, ...,'" .he: ...Iodin.h people who 1e«1otn: Iu""",h oupporu of 1.&1_ IDd proved .he:,r Fa.th bJ J'UI ... crill . .... a". ill .he dJtr..\lI, d.1,. or.be Tabi.ik upcd.l • • -..c of.hc:t!I 1>0( ~..,Iy, b\l. OIl' of IcUwn .nd "",,,,.n wuk-. hod f.;led .0 rollow ..... Itl""ard Th~...,,, ro ....... n IlId.hey IrlttW'ucb ICqw"~d .hnrutt_ wi.h .... 1

U69 N.... lba •• he: ~.WttVin .. (."'" du.y" wu me .... ly In ,nclJnl"on d .... to.1ot _Iu... 01 humlll unu. ,,, ,he: rlu of new cWliaoh>a; ,ha, " 0I1)y arkctcd a pan 01 the IIIdI rot ........ . ad we " wu_~ ~II ,n ,"~t u. by .h~ ...... c~ of Allab. '" .h ••• h", aU d.od. duty. ..... ..."e frttly fuJi ..... •Mlt 'DCI~ ... eu~ _lucll they eonq ......", The-te...,.. .h,t AU.h . bUI ~ould only find .ohee and ",fuJC in coming bad! co Him. They fr« ly "'l'C'n,ed . nd _"""'ed i, ,n ,h... decd.a, and AII.h frttly fO'lave chem aod cook chern 10 Hit ""ce. Thou,h il ...... nced by lhe particular eumpl.. of che "'011., ,or,-, Ka b, Mara,.h , and H,l~l . Ihe k.'On It perfectl) gene .... l ami '"lIood for all lImn.

SUrah 9: At lOwboh

But was reckoned to their credit As a deed of righteousness Whether they suffered thint. Or fatigue. or hunger, in the Cause or Allah. or trod path.s To raise the ire or the Unbelievers. Or received any injuryllll W hatever from an enemy : For Allah suffereth not The reward to be lost or those who do good -

121. Nor could they spend anything (for the Cause) - small or greal Nor cut acr0S5 a valley,un But the deed is inscribed To their credit: that Allah May requite their deed With me best (possible reward).

.~ ..2:....,)i;~.:.:; ..... lli,~.J);·..~.qJ

\:"1,'" -4--=."-111.::.)( .-:'.)~G:·r .~


~): .~ ~lbl::"" :.\~~ &IN

, 122. ~or should the Believers All go for th together : If a contin~nt from every expedition Remained Mhind. They couJd devote themselVft To studies in religion. And admonish the people When they return to them That thus they (may learn}"U To guard themselves (against evil).

~blh!' ~~5~j:j\0""Jr~; $

1"1 Ap,n. the iUlUIunon iI,h., o(Tllhllk , bU"M ItMOn U r:n~n.l w. mlUl not hold OUt own combt or 11_ OcaR'f than tbt • OIl' Lukt. _ ckwn lum ..II 'k hour 0( d • ..,..... If ... ha.., InK~ . ... .... U bold our ..... ti .... or ~omrort d.up h. mmp.,. . . to his.. BUI wh.,cwrr -........., KtIdrr to d.. en. • AII.h, .lId wha......,.. ... ff~nnp, h•• o;lehipo. o • •n,..n ...... ~nd~~ o. wha''''''' .novrc... _ .~..o for ... c...... .U 10ft ID n. .... OIl' til! pnxbimo lh. bUl'TlIng Fai.h of hit heart. whICh is unq""nclta bJ., AlI'h u An In All 1b ,'ust Him 1"0 find .he aCC(lmpluhmen. of aUopln'u, ] d .. i~ H .. grand"". is fi8Y'..! by a lof.y Throne. ."p.erne in Ilory! Thuo h a ... _ been led , . h rough ,nolable incid"". in ,I M,,!!af£o earthly car_. '0 ","110 of .he high ... •pin.ua l import. (el U 86)

Inuo. (0 Surah 10

INTRODUCTION TO SURA H lO - yUNUS Chronolo(lully thill Sllnlh and the five th l' follow (Sli nliu II, 12, 13, 14 , Ind IS) ~ue cJo.ely COIlM'Cted, and _~ 1''e\'UI«l in 1M bte Mallin ptriod, as the 8'~at event of the: lIijrah WII JnI Ahf, Urn , Ri , iI cognale to tbe gTOIIp A1 if. Urn, Mim, _ ha"" to consider and form lOme idea in our mind. .. co the probable mcanin& al the nrialion_ \\'c lOOk AI,f, Um , Mim to be a rymbol or thOIf' SU,..... Ihat dul with the bqinnin&, the nuddk, and the mel or man'l Ipintu&! hiItory- thc: on,;n, the prcxnt pc.ition, .nd the thinp to come in the W Oa)'f (CIChalolOJ)', to \OM: a theological term}. We look Alir, Urn, to lIand II rymboll or the fim tWO, ~nd Ml m, of Ihe hut. In the prac:nt group ofSti niu _ find hardly anyClCha,olOf!eal mlllC'r.. and thnrlo~ _ can undcntand the .btcl'lC\' of MTm. lhe I}'mbollt.ndl", lOr IUclt matter. In ,u place coma RI , which ~ phonetically allied to Um. Urn ill produad by the impact or the tongue to the front th" palate, and Ri to the middle of the p.late In manyianS-U&«a the Iccten ~ and RI are \ntC.l'Chanacable, .. , ' \0 Arabic:, Af &}.."a" bcc:oma IT Rahmin, and RJ in imptrfct:t etlUDCtaDon Urn , in OtincM: IIUatiolll.. If Urn ~ a I}'mbol of prrxDt·day thinp looking 10 the rU t U~, _ may take RI II • Iyrnbal of pn':ltnt ·day lhinr lookill8 wllh'n, , t ., into the inu:rior of the orpniution of the Ummah. And th .. Jyrnbolllll1 liu in wllh the lubJ«l matter oithc Silraha in queation. But no one: IhouId bo: dogmalic in ,p«UIation .bout m~ic: Syrnbot..


Let u& now CONider Stinh 10 .lone.. The central theme is that Allah', wondenul C~all(ln mUit not br v~ by UI as a creation of material lhinp only. once mack and f~ wllh MOlt wontknuJ 01 an b how He """"ala HilTlKlf to men through Prophcu and Scripturel, how ptophna are n:jct:tcd by men , and the Mau.gt: diabelicved until il ill tOO lite for ~pcntance ; and how, iIolI in Ihccut: ofYilnu.(fonah) and his people, ~ the rejection (when rcptntance' IUpmoorncs) docs not p""""nI AUah'l pee.nd mcrq from workin&. and how far thll working is beyond man'l compreheruion.


S..m ..... wondcnuJ worms of the: Spiril throup man by """"Iallon I«JI>Ilikc maric men , yn thcycou.ld find Signiand Mc:lllga from Him in the lUll and the moon and the CONtInt'" nrym&)'CI rqular phenomena of natv~. from wtUc:h men ihould lake a ICMOfI of conllancy and faith (IO:l ·!O, and C. 99) tD

All the goodnClt or beauty that man me-cu in th" lik around him pl"OC'eC0. all _C>Dth and ',reub!c. Tbe lint thm, i> to (on",n« ... of our ... and wrongcloirl.a; • • nd "an> UJ of OUT dan,., If..., hI,.., Faith . we then lurn whit a high rank w~ it! .he ",h' 01 AUah, thrOulh I-liliionolll Truth , wluch. mok .. UJ p"re and free llawdlnll to another riew tho word "q......." here rde .. to the fae. that .hr IU' 01. perwa ~ !um to h.. Lord Tho word sulq '1uolifia th_ 1m .... h "nem..,. and JI".uinen .... (R).


"85 Stt note 10'\ to 1 54

Siirah 10:



Then He established Himself"" On the Throne (of authority), Regulating and governing all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) Except after His leave (Hath been obtai ned). This Is Allah your lord : Him there:fore: Se~ ),e: will ye not Then be of th e warned? IVl7 4 . To Him will be )'our return -

or all or you. The promise or Allah is true and su ~ .1J" It is He who beginnelh T he process of Creation ,lIlt And re:pcateth ii, that He May reward with justice Those who believe And work righteousness; But thoie who reject H im Will have draughu"" Of boiling fluids, And a Penalty grievous, Because they did reject H im .

r>tfl("'" " •• ~ ... ~ ~ ..... oJ&.J H'.J! ......1-

~;~~~ . ~

5. It is He who made the sun To be a shining glory'Ul And the moon to be a light (Of beauty), a nd measured out 1'86 IUit-l . .... ,h ,he p",~uon .4 af,u II muno He t .. rncod 10 o. H~ d",.ft\.1\p Ihqr JCC1:"I,,",.n.d ~..-unp ,hey Ki- a~"" Pnce and Humo .., 1 From Ii... to Iaa ,hey ",al_ .ha, i. IIAliah Whoch.,n.hc:d.hem and mad,,'hem (FOW• • nd H .. ra,...", ,be;" Liglu . (Cf 56 j,I)

1598 Thote who ha"" no Ip,ri,,,.1 hope for .be ru.u •., ......1' 1I any .empo.a..,. a(\nn' ..... and in .Mu bllnd .. _ ",..,n mockingly ... k for immedia.e- pu .. i.ohmen. for .hei...... (8 31) •• hu. vainly d •• II~nging Alllh , ;n Whom .hq do nol beli ....... If Ih~ bendicenl Allah ... ~r~ .0 .alte 'hem a•• h~i r IoIord. Iltq WQUld Ita"" tIO chance al all Their doom would be .ealed 8uI e-en Ihe "'$pi'e .hey,..,1 'h.'" Of' th .. 1\,.lish Fn,pu''' in 11$ p;olm,C't' d.....,. dnd 'r>d«ial ....,.... !he Q.ur'Jn The dUly of Allah'l 1>1 _ shu ...... ~.o AU.h·.,1ory and pod ...... &!14 ... after bloc pcb. _lJIft....., plll>IiWr nCWC '0 .... Atl..,.. '\leh ao ,hI IIw:y ..ill m.n·..·dr for ..... 'Io.. how n ...lIeu and .. On.. ,a.~ratk for .. And how (lo..en .nlertfli( bKk .... Jw, uluma.., Uftity and ItnhIJ_ (~ abo to IH). (It)



1403 Tb...- tkmolld Sip ....... D~n .. 0111 A11 ...",...nd rC'l'dtu... r...-.uahalhcn> with 5 ..... What lMy .......... ,..., IIoak 01 thor U-c:n pt1Wd .........haD IiL: .iw phpietllca_ of 'My fo,pt. tlw. a pIIywic.1 Book • DOl a ...1ooUy d.n~1 r....... Albh-. M,..e..... ,lid 'hll



boot.. h

,bn. ~

,,"I ..... ct ....... ~ppnh"nd the m,...enn They m .... w, .. TNth will .IID ..... I But .... wIJu",ln ._ cua II in q.. itc d,ffer .... ' ..01 on'" forgel> \1 ,m btu ~(1l",1 1 ,- ~Ir... e. agam>! HIS (au,., Rill such I,",plo: aro: p,.>Or igno .."'1 cr.-alur~., not real",,,s 1""1 lhe Uni,..,~1 Plan ofAllah ;.....'fle' to $lap Ihelr po:ll}' plan •. and IhallhMJj:h Ih.,y fall, the rttord of Ihcm Km>io. c.~m3I1y again" them (k ) l~ 10. All the gre~1 ",,-enI.lOru and tI""",-eri"" on .. llIch m:llI prid~ huwdf are th" fnm of Iha'II"lUus "nd lal"". ..-II.eh Allah h", f,,,dy gi\-en of Iii. gr.ace, But the ,p,nt of nUln rem.l..,11 pe'll, at" " .llu,'r.llcd hi' the p"""bic from the !Ca. t i(M" ,he. ht::ut d' n"", ~ witen t/", otup g< II&. Of.he 1>n:onI, ,b.. ...,d. to



10 U... )'OW' And W. sholl &bow )'tN

The ,ruth 01 all tbot .,. did. U

th< ijk_ of .h< 6f. OfthoP

.... .

.... •h< ""n ... luch W. Send doom r""", ,h...... "" 8, ito mlngbns a....,. The p~ 01 'h< .o ..It Wiudl P~ food for ........ nd .",m01o ( h ,.-0) rill will I>< nII, .nd 10 th..,. conctal 'heir ....... of Ihame ond iporniny". (el ,.. 55).


Surah 10 : Yiinw


Is it not (the case) tha t Allah's p ro mise is assuredl y true ? Yet most of them understand not .

56. Il is H e who

gi~t h



And who taket h it, And to Him shall ye All be brought back.




~- 't".;.,...,..' ' 6i¢.\£ ."- 0~

To you a di rection from you r lord And a healing for the (diseases)'''' In your hearts- and for those Who believe, a Guidance And a Me rcy.

d ~li.;.' -"'- ~" "" J'..... ' »;,J;..,." -;J " ,.~. ~ ,;y

'" ~~·Ii~"'· "'''' f ,. .- ~ ~a(\ ~ . " J...i-..JJr.SJ..JoJ-lJ

&8. Say: "In the Bou nty of Allah .



" ." "


0.... -:: ....) i ".; t..r. _ ...






. .......... ~i

-,I. . v-! I - I)

' " '..I.,'oJ ~.' ......:"-II' -, ' 1,,-),' • .:..I) ,. .......• . • J ~

68 'Q!hey say, "Allah hath begonen A tonr~ Glory be to H i m l He is SeIC·Sufficient r His Are all things in the hca\'e.1U And on earth! No warrant Ha\'c ye ror this! Say ye About Allah what ye know not? ItS! Somnirn... Ih~ wod wu ... ~ f ..... tho fIoocI.

Siirah 10 : YU m u


Your Partnen. so YOllr plan'''' De not to you da rk and dubious. Then pass your ~ntence on me. And gi\'e me no respite.

72. "But if ye turn back. (coruider): No reward have I asked'''' Of you : my reward is only Due from Allah . and I Have been commanded [0 be or tht»e who !ubmil To Allah's Will (in Islam)." 73. They rejected him , Bu t We delivered him, And tht»e with him. In the Ark. and We made Them inherit (the earth). While We overwhelmed In the Flood those Who rejected Our Signs,lIn Then see what was the end or those who were warned (But heeded not)!

. .0 " ... . ".~ )K;'" ~ ..

.1 _..,.: • .. . 'J.


74 . 'tUhen after him We ~nt (Many) messengers to their Peoples: They brought them Clear Signs. But they would not believe What they had already rejected u " Beforehand . Thus do We seal The hearts of the transgresson. 14~? Finn in hlo"",,* of 1hoth from All.h. Nn.h pl.,nl,. told hlo people 10 eorJd""". hi". '0 death if ,hey liUd. openl, and In con«n. 00 .h•• he ahO\tld al k ... ktIow who would Iii",,, .0 hu M"..", .nd who -w. -. He _".~ .bm> to be frank and ~t . for"" fun: ,,,'" pi"", of (0'Wdo) . .. Ph. ~ _Id _ pn>bably allow .boom to Oft .. p pu.blit: pla_ of,...,....-. a.. tMr ...,."..,.. 10 1M: only JO}OU~ In Et'Jpt. The 0'60." wu.o bo. oymbohcal ofiMi. I..... w.ndennp '" Ara\lt.o anci 1M .uU lalet res0fa11otl of AII.h '. pw,~ wontup a l the Ita' bah unci ... at M..... n n-...,rt tbt JI" tid, .... (Ihe c..pol) 01 1....... which _ pt'ucM:d und~. Noah , Abnham 1ot..,... • Dd jQuo. and complmd unda M"hammad



..... f


1469 ).J ........ p"'""", In wblt:h AI ...., JO''''''''' , fOr hf WU ah..." wuh hurl, ma, hoe p.on.p~ u... '0 Alla h l Wf undfnland .ha, Ih~ ,lI"f' ."d the wuhh of .h~ Em".no .re no, '0 M ~nv,(d TII.,.~ boot . he ephcm~..I,.,...u of ,hla lI r~ TIwy .... a d .... du n.......11 .hal .0 ,1m. pride"" pooMMiolU ,he Efypa. . multad .1>c:!n...1...,. and ol hen. ~ 11m. p.ide 1M: .~'r " ........"" T.. r" we. l.h iMo bot~ and u.... ...... u hanl-. fot.hq ",jtct Th,..,. and .h., will nOl bo.l~ "nul 'lifT , a"all, "",.he Pu nloltmno

' '.0


ey ohouJd ha.. ~ hctter th.n 10 flU iJllo dilputn and ochismo, bu. ,bey did 00. ThU _ .11 the modid. One of .he mounds bea .. the name of .be ",he Tomb of Nabi Vlln ...:· A,ch.iN, but on .CCOunl of iu repenlanc£ .. u Ii""n a ".,... !t_ of glorio ... life in the Second Empi.c. 1419, The poinl of Ibe IUUJion he", rna, hi: th ... e~plained : NiTlC'o't1t WlL' a gTea, and ,JorioUJ Ci.y: hUI ,t betam~ li ke Babylon , ,city of lin. AUah ... m Ihe propbcl Viin ... Oon.h) to WlLrn i" Filii of iniqulli... bougb it ...lI, illiSlen~ to thc wa ming, perbapo in the penon of a few jwt Intn For their ...Jr. ... 'he AU ,Mc.ciful Ahh spared it, and ga.e il • n.,., Ic .... of III0riou, life. ,,«o.ding to the chronol"IY io the la .. no,,, ,he ...... !t_ would be for abou, ,>«I «nIUn"" af,u which it periobed completely fo. lu ,ins and abomln •• ioN , No,e .hu il> new lu ... of life w.., for il> coll"",h~ life ... Ci,y, Ihc life of the PrtK1'll , i •. , of this World It d .... oat mean Ihal individual oinnc:n """"ped I.... ,piritual conoequel'LC;.. , lI.b., _nh,p of 0"" Cod In ,.. ",,1UloII of 1M PTop~ It (OlIn .. " dlI~ c_aM tlu..... b hIm llId LO all

Surah 10:



10 be (in the raw) Of the BeliC'Y'CB... ••

105. "And rurther (thw): 'set thy race Towards ~Iigion with lrUe piety, And llC'Yer in anywise Be or the UnbeliC'Y'CB; 106. "'Nor call on any, Other than Allah Such will neither profit th~ Nor hurt thee: ir thou dost , Behold t thou shillt ccnainly Be or thOIC who do wrong.'" 107. If Allah doth touch thee With hurt, there iJ none Can remove it but He: If He doth dOllgn ,tOme benefit For thee, there is none Can k«p back HiJ ravour; He causeth it to ruch Whomsoever or H is servanu He plea.scth. And He is The Ort.Forgiving , Most MerciruL""'

( v .





... ... .

6 ~.H.S' ......,.u , 'c ' " , .~ . . .L:.J. ....

108, Say: "0 ye menl Now Truth hath reached you From your lord I Those who =,,~


do so for the good Of their own souls: those Who stray, do so to their own lou: And I am not (set) over you 10 arrange your afrain,"'O"

",, "


I"':~'J.:.. ~'". • ~.'"I loS l~.. .... : ~' W _-"""':' ~J 6; .... ~

14" IMb..-id ...1 r.1I1! I> pod bu, i. ia compk-wd aDd """'"(tiwt>oed ""



Of form, ... a kn .. hich.ho: Ind,.,duII Un "",",lop Ind ""pand l,Jam wu """,,. fT.1,,,00 ~ mow alld ID(ho,ha It laid ~ •• limo on ooa.l du.'''' wh,eh In ml", w.", la' .1Id ''''n ,ho: ,3\ilnd,uJ'. ch.. ac,~,


14" Allah ia or. F""'..... , MOIl MnaruJ E....... hrn _ ... ff.. undr. tn. . . .nd mb ..... twx>o "~for . ' pd . • nd noone un rnn""" ........ ucrpc Hr. whorn , ill HI> PI.n, Hr ...,.1, 10 be ""' for .11 COft«nlrd 011 ,be OIho:r hand .• hrre u no powe' th •• un inlen:..". Hi. bl"..,,,,,.nd f.\'O~ .... nd flu bo"nt, n ..... fruly ..... _ .rt worthy. and of,n whnl _ Irt DOt _nhy 01 "

F",,, .. ,

1~90 Thr Ihe Crnrnon bel-.:n "Ihl and W""II , hI. bee" >rII' 10 ... from Allab tr wt' I(c.-pt pod.oD(., it II not u of _ m nrn f .....,," on I t - who bri"ll ... ru1d.1I«. TMy .... rrc. """,lfothl, for .... ,n we ",.y "" I",drd for our -.. rood On thr «beT h.nd . ,f we",Jt'C'l It , i ... wr w.. ~ a an.,n _ I 01 f...r will .nd lhe ~"ilhy .. oun _ftC! UII.IWM be wf,", ..."" Tnchtn """'~ Allab

.... th.,


S'Urah 10: YD.nw



109. Follow thou th~ inspiration Sent unto thee, and be Patient and constant , (ill Allah Doth decide: for He Is the Belt to decide.lm


L491 \'IMn, Ln .pitt of an the effom of lhe I'roplteu of A"~h. people do not acupt 1hub . • 1Id fl''''''.''''

1}1~ Cj 7,'8 In impl~ tha •• hcy ..... mi"td . twOI'oId wrotlf (I) in on .....!i.... fab.h»ods ....... AUan, wlnc:h dI,. be 'EIIo,bem .bll It iI. M....,. of Mnq CO'o:D ;.,. ill .........DfI. tboufh ;.,. tb(1f 'rfOPDte .he !old'C)' mo, bit lliddom f ...... tMm Thirdly. .. tdlo lbem plunly thol thno:. caD .... 00 (OI'IIPIlUaGO U. R.tli';o~; bu. wU1 .h.ef oor. '","", wltb JOOdwill ...... io for own bo:ncfill He ple.1it with .hem II _ 01 oM.,. OWD



011 ,boo c.G .... potnlI. 50 t.bo:r U"I"a(l>lIolly tht!. ch.n..."... ..hlc;h ... """"pc>und 01 ~III Iuooknct'1 ..... ir ,be ..."al otlnt,. .... W .. W..., to be chan&nl_ • ....,. boo • ..,. df.wnpooa. A ,Iarioft d.a.......tll, 0I1...aU .... .11 ," ,boo lee ~ wwld b..., JKOdLiad ,he ... me milk. 1"hor ~n h,.. m.ny 1oc.1 ..... d"...... a 01 ",I.t--.lup,


..... """,..,....... Wllh II ..........


ID ""1lhiIIf 10 I~ law oIlIp,ncu;o\ J...ciclO. II Wh ....: .In bul ,......... nnl of ,hm "."h. l'hIo" .nd Sen.. ln, I[.(r Rilh. Th..,. .rt Jl~ AII.h·. ~.C(. wluc:h II .... 1M _I ~ callnn... Ind .. r~lI ..h. and 011 .M b lnoin&> .h.. now ftOnl 'piri,ual br~ . Th .. wu JlY"Cll _ ...., 10 Noah and lui famify bUI to 011 1M ",h~ ~ who _'" .... V't'd w"h Iurn And lbonr wm: abo prom,,", ,~ blnoin&> on amduion 01 ria;hlmusnnl. Su • ......, III I~ frlI from va« u_ 1_ In hlflO'l' AU.b·...."«;.IIOI. 1Oci.1 Ot f.mil, pn..u.,r- Each ptIIple and uch ind, ... d... 1moue ummly ..rt... "" " Ind nra it



dcottnd." ..


1!044 Cf" I~U , .. 9!~ ~ oum 01 lhie whole mUIer" ,hit .... n,h, ......... ... ho _.10 f ... "Ulh .nd f.11ow 1ftftI . m.y b.. ,,"duc.:d. i ..."II,"", . and pt"rteCU.ed Su, IMy win ......... llntO ..,. Alllh', Mm:y m...c ... on ...... u'" p'""ntly. fo •• he Er>d wiJ.1 III b.. for lhem and ,he.. C......


Siimh I I: IlUd


SECllO"Y 5.

to the 'Ad Peopk


(We sent) Hud, o ne Of their 0\11\ brethre n . t-I c said: MO Ill} peoplc l Worship A1lahl ~ havc No other god bm 111111.'(Your othcr gods) ye do notillng Butlmenu my people! J a.'lk of )'011 No ~-ard for tlus (Mess.... ge). ~ 1 )' rewa rd IS from nOlle But Him who created m(': Will )e not thcn undcrstand?




M And 0 m}' pc:oplcl Ask Forghen~ of your Lord, And 111m to Him (111 repcmance) : He ",11 S('nd \'011 the 5k," Pouring a bundant rolln. And add strength To }'OlIr strength'lHI' So tum }c nOI back In sinr

, 53.

TIley Solid: MO 1·l ud!

No Clear (Sign) h.lSt tho ll Brought 115. and \\c are no t 111e o nes 10 d(~rl our gods I~_ CJ- m"..wo olUnd lheMl'IIM:nll'" 10 ,l1c 'Ad People. on 7..l»o7'.L ll>erc the arxumcnc_Ioa odIcT" f'ropIn ~ g\h nloOT ref.... lOan IfI[rnro(p'p'ob_ •• ,.,.".. (AornrnCTID..", Jbd. \'Ilnlc other p>nJ oE An.t.a......., ~ pupubc..... che.-nga ..... bn< e.rth and .."led )'01> l1oo:re>n ,btD.u Io'l'''''''. or Him • • nd tum '0 Him (10 repmtall .. io .....1·' - ' > >If £~ p_ _ .... It ume:!:of ....1n ....d ....,..,.. dw:m ill ,bn, 00">1 fo....- bom tile fine pllce 10 help LII. u a warner 10 the Cities of .he Pl.in But In Ihe oecond place Ih..,. had JIOOd t>cWS for Abraham he Wit to be the fathc. cllf'ClI pcoplol (el M u tal ( it )

Surah 11 : HDd


-) ' !M


We: ha\'c: bc:c:n sem Against the: people: of Lii, ."'UI 71. And his wife was standing (There:), and she: laughe:d: ull But We: gave: he:r Glad tidings of Isaac, And arter him, of Jacob. 72 . She said: "Ala! for me:!,m Shall J bear a child, Sc:c:ing I am an old woman , And my husband here Is an old man? That would indc:c:d Be very slI'ange!


They said : "Dost thou Wonder al Allah's decree? The: grace: of Allah And His blessings on you, D ye people: of the housePIll For He is indec:d Worthy of all praise, Full of all glory!"'''·



~."I\~~l . ... -..s-'


~ ~I

". .....

, "~J~ ":""--J


74. ~hen fear had passed From (the mind of) Abraham And the glad tidings 'l1l Had reached him , he


1~66 ~o"'. of Lnl mUIlI Ihe people 10 whom l.U! w.. ",n, on hI. miWoo of warnina: • • he people of Ihe wkked Cili ... or 'Ik Plain , Sodoom and Comon-ah I ~" The nunt>"" io ""fJ co~. ar> wbom l.UI ~ oem ....... rno::r

SiJrah 11: HUd Began to plead with Us For Lut's people.


75. For Abraham was, Without doubt , forbearing (Of faulu), compassionate, And given to look to Allah .lm

76. 0 Abraham l Seek not this. The decree of thy Lord Hath gone forth : for them There cometh a Penalty That cannot be turned back pul



-;:r;.~ :..i~~{;'zPJ.;.1~)~ 0

jJ~;:~.!.\:l;.,:!.~~ r1i0~;;~

~hen Our Messengen Came tc) Lij~ , he was Gric\'cd on their account And felt hi mself powerless (To protect) them . He said ; "This is a d istressful day."11H

78. And his people came Rushing towards him , And they had been long In the habit of prac tising Abominations. He said: "0 my people I Here arc My daugh ten: they arc purer For you (i f ye marry)P'" Now fear Allah , and cover me not With shame about my guestS l Is there nOt among you A single right.minded man?" U k" I I MI1f!all , Abroham hoc! Ihre.: qUII"i .. in I p.~'('tn;n~nt d~gr«, which Ir" he", m~n,;nned" (1) be wu 10ng·"uff~rlDg with othu Pfl>ple'. flulls: (I) hlo Iympuhi.. I nd comp_ion wuc very "'id~; Ind (1) lar CYC:rY difficulty or Il"Ollblc he turned 10 Allih Ind lIOugh ' Him in pro~r. 1~72,

15a Thu il. _, nf prophetic lpoouophe . .... n )'DW' ca ", Ind sympa,hy arc UKI. ., 0 Ab.U1lm l All ,w. ",.rung. 0 Lill. ",ill M unh« th ••• h" daughto .. were mimed .nd their hUlbl ncb WCfC d .... by ~ same dellJoyM.l lho: muRin. ,ben _lIld be, 1m-- WIcked "'''n wc.c not 10 diffucal from o'hc. cili.... h,a. do wron • • for 'her would III , ..ffn -'mil .. p ..nllbmcmJ hrh.pt il .......d be bclln '" ,de' " U>cy~ to Ihe 010.... of p ..nUnmell • ..,. 0 '''',",0,..." for "pu.oiohrnc:rt..~; ' p.uw.hmcn. would 010' be far from any ~pJe Ih., did WTODI ' 151% Cj " 5 " The 1000,,,on 01 Madpll iI uplained ,n n I~' 10 , IS II>(! .h~ chtor.olg>ul pllce 01' Sh ..'lyb in II. 1064 10 , 95 The "",n' 01 1M rcr~UIKI: be.e io dJffc«n. from .bal In S. , H.,.~ ~ ~",ph .... .. on Allah', dulin,. Wllb "",II and ",,,n', ttOOlto:d and ob$'''lile w'Y" 'M" lhe ~mpbl'" wu ,"he. on .1It" 1",.ItII~nl

or .heir Proph" •• IhlU throwin.li,h. on


or 'M lilll or the lo1.kh no tn latt. limes.

I~n TM Midilnl.eI ..."e I com""fO..1 people. Ind their bcKt.in.g"D WU ~cilllClr.. hn. . and frludul.a. dc:a1itlfl in wci.lhu and ",e..\Un. 1"hcir Prop~ lello Ibcm .bal .ha••••1It JUrat WlIJ 10 nu lbor. !be.. ~pn.pcn'i'. bot h ill ~ ",.. ttlal _ad .M ,pln...11 oefIK. wtwD .be 01 JIKIgcmcn.. comn. \I WlIl ... rch ou' Ihnr 6011i..,, tJu.o",h and ,hro .. ~ Will comp_ ........ all fO4

SiIrab 11; H ild And His punbhmcnu ~~ jUM. All men Will be brought 10 Hu Judgement Sut, ilfld the Will be rewarded with bl.., at tbe: CYlI Will be eonaigned to mile.,.. &ehcw CVli; Stand finn in righteouaotM: be DOt immened In lhe lUlU of 11m world uam from the MOriet o r the paM . Ind JetJ" 1M LDrd'l Merty 1NH Him .owl _


and prabc H im rofC'o"er l

SterlON 9 .

96 . t\.nd we .sent Moses,"" '''itb our Clear (signs) And an ntbority manifest , 91, Unto Pharaoh and his Chid, : But tbey followed tbe command'U' Of Pharaoh , and the command Of Pharaoh was no right (guide). 98. He will go before his people On the Day of Judgement , And lead them into the Fire (AJ cattle are led to water):IWI But woeful indeed will be The place to which they are ledl 99. And they are follo""«1 By a curse in this (life) And on the Day of Judgement : And woeful is the gift Which shall be given (UntO them)! 1~98 The awry of Mow:. arid Pharaoh ~ td"et....d '0 in "'.ny plica ;n tM Q.IIT'ln . ud! ,n n ....II ..... c '1>Ki.d point 1.0 Ix ilIwuaoon ·A,., call be ..... 01.""",,, ,be~ ..... pflrer. jwt .r"" "noH. all be tbr IC'CCIrxI ",.. o..ly ru,h, pnyn. 'J,.\I : a'"pp''' tim... hnllhe ,1_ 0I ... ~ • diup""...." woIlId ... tIM: ,Iuni al.be ~.ppto.rn.. 01 tIM: .,;'h.~. ",ben ..., coram" ouncl.... to Allah brio.. oI""'P, n... ... lhe r, ... a-.cal 01 b1[m. (Cj ft _ .5511).

1"'""" .


tI,,,,,,. ....




If II T ...... f~'.., m dll' the -.to orin pnmorlly to pr~ _1M! ..ned 1.boIIfhu., hII' ,hey iI.dude all pod .lwu.&h ... pod_.do, .nd pod decdo. It 10 boy ,Iwm ,hal _ kcq> ...., ~ WI 10 COlI. wbnboo • •dt:ni ... '0 the puo. 1M PreRR' , Of .be r" .......

SiIrah ll: JIUd

OJ .! ouilude .0 hio.on~ and .. on~ i•• he WlIC h.. _4 .M M.if)'in, ma "'ri.1 whid! lcads ... AlI.h. 1637. Wh •• ....,r hap ... '" iI .h••Muh of Allah', Will alld Plall. And H e ;, good and wiI«, and He knll'Wl .0 Abraham , the 1hJe, Ihe Righ'eQw, who throu,h .11 ad,."';" .. kept hu F.ith pur .. and .. nd.filed . and won .hrough.

011 things. Thefefore we "'.,.••nw Him . [nJ""'ph'. c.... he coliid look baet.o hi. foth . ... and

1"8 In JIq)h' .Iory ..., ha"" good alld evil t'On ... uted in ... m.ny di ff..... n. wa~. """"" in ",uch of .pin •.,al knowledge can..,., i. embodied in tonCI'. ,~ I.d JoMph • • nd !he- ...., S-jominJ


to be lOme i.ony he.e. consulen, ";th Ule cyniul IUItll'" of th..., callo ......... Idly·witt 1640 The,"" _ brethren The pod ..... "'........ ph _ • reproach 10 ~'r _II ..;eked...... P!. ...... po thoc gn...-..l ration (Ontnut! joocp/ltp'IlOI them • ."d IOOlClunco opoIIcof,t "Wby don',)'0\1 bepodl;uJ-"ph?" Tluowu pll and wwmwood 10 ,hem Ret! soodTICII .. as 10 Ihm! nothinl b~1 • nome. P!..hapo it only tua:rslrd hypoc:riry '0 tb ..... So Ihey plotted to Jet nd of Joocph. In tM' mUll hearn they ,houlh. th.t would bnDC b . ck r.the .... _ whole: to them Bllt they nl .. ed that I""" Dilly r•• wh .. matmll Cood they could Jet 0011 of it . On lhe othn hand the!r fat~ ••11 nd.he. rool;./! nor IInjuady plni.l H. only k ...... th. cliffe.ence beL wun JDId.nd d.-n...y ...y ;n irony. ~ tLt .. Ii ... rid oEJoocph II wiU be lime C"IIOIIch .hen .0 p.c.nod.o be 'Jood. lib: ILia. 0' td ...


E.rYP< Ind hat bl"Ol~ ....

t - thl' ... W&I icc ~,. •• no! q""e comtincin8 bc-c11UC. I. oomc Commcntilon loa ... pointed ..... 1. •h~ lumtnl ..... in,.a ..lid I u..:oacaqble ir I ""DII hlld i:tr.dced dc>-oum:l Joocph (It). I~! . Jamb ..... h.o. ,,-,, hlld \IH-s......, rolll P"Y. and h~ d.d _ hcoou'e 10", _ ." effcn ....... -Ah....,l ..... ulc,.... .orIl may he,....a ~-P r... ,.,.. . ....... ,.........0 ill B., vb.a. ahou ~ _ • .,..... apel r......, Wha, io .Ilt:.~ Idt in life for me .......... uh my bclOYCd .." sonel And re' ... hat un • do bu, hold at,lIun in pal~O« ,Dd _pIG,.., AUah·, ...... n«? I loa..., !ai.h. and I u- 'hll IU .h.. He doos io fo. tI.. koj[:h. and value ., differen' and ,n d.ffen:nt SUIt .., (R)


And 10 the mOl, pru;ow of human ]i,·CI In .he age wll oold in,eo Ila""t)' reor a r"", on"". pie.os! (RJ.

1658·A. In popular . rodi"eon 'he wife of .he Egyptian counier i. ,den.ified


lulaylUed to Y'eld to ~r JOlicimiolU. Then: .... trouble and Kandal, and Joaeph Had to go to pruon Hen: WtrI! shown His patnew, and kindness, and wUdom . The King', cupbtan:r umo: in dilgnr.a To prison. JOKph uUlTUcttd him and Olhen In the eternal Co.pd of Unity. When n:le:ued And raton: 'IXI( bft",~ Iu.m by 'M IJRC~ 01 AIl,h , A11 ·Good and AII. Powt-rl ..1


1664 WlIC1IJ--ph \d', Co""' ..........."". J'O'l"l atld un"'a,u.c bd oI.,..,.n,,,", Or ..,h,~. blOt h.. "",... e . . . tnllOCm' .nd sood "T"brouJ:h ,be ...a.i,,,da 0I1w ionu"," ,n £.rrpc be fIn' in ~Io-d"". iudl""'""

.... ,.,..,

s-I 80th ,df,," Ife ""phtd lie nt«tolrily dol"li-' ,.. JOUowlf and ,oo,I>e...

lU! M"I1.0",'" IhoM: .. ho do ",h, ,how who do at!ldllC!, )IV\!

In follow.., ~ ".h,

11066 Tber. Ite wa> h.. ma" .f'n all . Iftd

1568 She . . hhnded with fN-JIlOn. lin p...toMI' 100.. Ind "'" bn"" pla«4:d he. looe. SLigbttd ~ (of .he phytiul kind) mid" h~. f~rodo" •. Ind oM Ie. .11 tCIlW oL n,h • • nd wrong (R)

1671 H"" lie.nd heT '«u>;aUOl'l _.e p...... blc.joocph .... found WI,h bi. dl'ftl dlll rnnrd She WI"," ,be infe ... nee to be drawn 'hit he hd ..... ule1' of faolu"".hle blnqllCU. Wh~o ck.cn _ rum..! loci the .alk na-d fl'fldy lboul .h., .... p.nd on .......1 wbidl made .11.";. botlat Uucretlu\I . theJ""K JIIIC .t.o.u 10 CUI tbe fNit WIth their hu_. when. hriIoId l JOOC'ph was h ......'" Lnt.O thcu ~ l .... giDe Ihr CODIW ..." .... which hlo beauty ","ilted. ...... be bvoc it pbyed wilh bea .., l ~AlI. r. thou,ht ,he .u. 01 A.I1 RDOW .. )'OUr hJl>l'C1'J ..,If-upoocd l Wh .. lbout JOUr I'4: hu ddibentdJ invil .... IteTwlf 10 f.lI . Her .pc«h in lO tWO pi .... with. hi •• bet_n o which I hi"" ",arked bJ the p"nctuallon m .. k (. . ). In Ihe fim p.an ,he .... it I note or triumph . as much as to .., . RNow you lee! Mine WiU no ""I,.. p ....lonl Vou aK JIlH II . UKepuble l \bu .... uld hi"" done tlw ... me .hin,l~ F'md,n,,,ncO"T&~nt frOtl'i Ihti. pa.ion Illd Ihn. fdlowfeeLi..,... oht optlliy "'OWl as I womall .monl" WOR>e" (by a ..... or frfffOuon.,.) wl"l.he would hl~ btta wh.uoall" .dtnowl....1" 10 ..."",.. bd'nrt. She r.lla I ""P 10,""••nd bo .... 01 ;'. A ttq) kowb .• i............. c, his f ......... in ....... , himotIf guiltlf:saJ Th~", is • pl.""" The tide or p _ riMs IUU Iupr. and the dKadf"L I«OI>d p.n of her ,,,,",,,,b bts>.... It " • oon at joi nt _ I " , ....... lhou,," olN: .pub In monoJosuc. The .......... n all th.t .... m." hu • n,h. 10 taW. their ... icitl.io .... 1kI..., .p"....... It 11>4: b~ cnrn.c. And 10 DOW aIt.e """ 10 .boo h~I,ht 01 suilt anti Ih", •• ~ ... J-pb. Sbt fo.... IU her fi ..... fcdilt(l. and II """jiOW .!utA IAQ ..... /f ",~"NOlit ....oranl who do not know min'. _.knao and Allah'... ,.""hI

.ttI ,line men ... w . he Sla:m uI AU.h .i>uu'J,*,pb. TI>cr £Ch no, nIr ,h., I.e hod woodom. 1Hu bt wu kInd ..,d bencwk ... , Ind. wOtlld ,,"e of h.. wiodom ...."CII to l"lnccn I;"" .h.cmxl.-a. They therefore told b,m ""'r dll:lmI Ind .. ked h,m to , .. tcrp .... ,hom>


1688 The d,um of one fono:bocItII sood'O him, Ind 0( the other, rJil 10 him It was ioocI thlt eadl >bould pn:pl.e for h;' fa.e, lIutjoKph', "' .... io .. w ... f• • h.,l'leT thin .hat of me.ely fO"'tcllin, ""nIL He",,, turn the tru,h of Allih I .. d the ruh in.M H c ",aft~t to bo.h mtn Ii< dOl':l tha, Ii," befo", he talh« the cvenll of ,hd. phenomenlL Life And yet .... does 11 It> tendcrtl" He dOl':l DOl lIIuall.tc th ..... I" offttt he ...,-, ~ you >ballIum ~ryth; ... befo.e ou , fIC1It meal . Inll let me: fi", tnch JO'U .... lthf·


1619 J,*"ph dots n ,how their h"",i.ude by in~entinB other "".nIlM Bods: ~UI

1692. No" 'he per10nal 'ouch ..pin. "A", _ not al"" com panio ... in milfonu ... ' An.d may I no,"peak to !'OIl 00 ,~nru of perf«t equality _ a. one priooncr 10 anotM.1 Wdl thom , do you ",all , .hinlr. a COnflIC' of

btt..-ogo:ntOW god, u bnns ra.tll.td to faYUlr. th.t wt con im.gi"" him .. Iu", an .«ltaia"... lu ... or J~b. uI """.. uki.., him in No elati".. if be ""ulel do .nythl.., rllr J_ph, J-pb had ..... I>Cf:d IIf earthlr f.~n - Ir.. or .n, f.om ki .." o. th". fa_nt ... The divi ne wu e....... h ror him . Bu • ..., hid ,...... work '~do. wh,eh"" could IIIIC do i .. prioon wort for E,ypt .Dd he, ting . ... d I'" wo.ld I t III~ If the alpbe" .. -W m.nu.... him '0 .... ki .." not by wly 01 uc:omnKnd.tia .. , but beelwe the tint. _ .. jwti« wu ""inr orioolat.d i.. Itttpi"ll." innocmt m.n in prioo... ~.h.po .ha. mith' help to .d.... ""e d"e COUK 01 thoolun. and fIlF.f7p. And .. he lIid . "M('IIlIon me to Ph."oh ." to ....


1698 Th" .... rn.1 PI.n doeo not PUt AII,h', Propheu under obhgl ,he Nik InoaP down ah"nd,n, ......11 from .he n itLI .. i .. -'II



Su::nc .. 7

,~. ~;~g ..,,[ "Bnnl l" bini un'o me "'''' B.. ",h." ,be: m~' c.mc: '" him. U...ph) ..id· "Go bad to 1orh·o ......... aol, b"'';1111 bd""".he kiq, d ..... ~ • ....t ,"" cInodP"1. ~bh.h.l", ,h_ llId " ..",d,,,, .Jv:,n , r", .h~ .."'pt.. ......" th .. he unden.ood .11.0. I\et'/I bene •• h ... 'nJO"dk - rltl> """Ill to ",le ..JII"~II."" l-"C"uo ... laugh. b) Ihe gract" of Allih, rur men. :as !lIch, ~'c (:IS Drl) Ie \:lId) mO:1I1) (ool,-dC."Old or kilO .. kd,~ and und( . IIi1ndUlg (R).

Sarah 12; rusuf C.


112.._Wht'1I the br(Itht'n ¥I"('III back ¥luhout IknJanun, ( 1 2'69·~.) Jacob~ O"'t:l'whelmrd ...1th gnrl, btl! ht' borf I l,s affi,cuon ¥11th p:uienct' and faith U\ Allah. ti e refus hrotlu'r at If'n8th

lie hl-ought il"'" out of his Brother's baggage, Thus did We Plan for Joseph, lie could not T,lke his brother by Ihe lal' Of Ihe klllg except that Allilh m• Willed it (so), We I'lll'>t' To degrees (ofl'o'isdolll) Ioholl1 "· We please: but o\"t:r all Endued "11h knol'oledge tS One, The All-Knowing

", "

) ... .,. " J: ,

I.!l,W I ~.lj ,\.;..\ ~IJ" , .. ,',,,

'7 ';;~ 2;~\~\""-:~J)il ,

77, Thev.s."1id: -If he steal!, Then:: was a brOlher of his \\1\0 did steal before (h im ).-'''' J\ut the«{' thing" thd J Ml"ph

I\.t:ep locked in his hean, RC'\~ahTlg nOI the Soe'CI't'I.S \0 , them,II. 17~2 1M pronoun 'hr- Bn on" f"l"lt. 10 J"""ph II~ IR3\ ha\., b...-n fI'""O'C'n, .11 'M lim.,. (If he'" _ J""' t-., CVf!\t up ... ,huui'fl'C"'"d thd", 0{ II", "'''K' I>WtI cup (12:n ~oo.... ) .... ~ ''''''t ... 10\.10 ;r,nd wnph' h .. 1'"'11) d ...... m ofb:7,'hood1 h .. grnuM3l foretOld! and now howdar\ was thr worIdllf .... cuuld bill "ffPI Te;ln m'gh, 1"'" ""bel', and h" r...t :and JWOIIom ")"" nughl )"" tqp,n lhe,r Lghl!' Bul h .. grid'..-a 101) Il«p rOl' lears. HI> e,'es loot IM,r (o\oo.,r, and ~ :a dull .. Io,,~ Th~ Ilgh, bc!clme :a mCTe blur, :a .. hne glimmer Darlrneo& ..,c~ 10c.....'rC'oTI)'h,ng So;1 was In th~ouu."k work\. So W'U II In his mmd II ~ gnd'w:u u,,,loarcd, ''''\"JCpr~d, and uneoLll"!:;,,n'''g II'ho could thar. It? Who could unden'am:luf He boo", hit _row in Jllence \'(1 h" (auh ..... uudimmcd, :ond he- ,nnnned II ... lamp of paticn,e ••run $Q\-er.'gn '1r1UC lor Ih"", ..-ho ha,,, faLlh 17~ ,\ ~pr«h full ol'..lcillouJ)', GiLUllting m:.lIi:e. and bck.."'- wlIk,w"''''''Ig_ooc th>., "'oukUu,... dn,-en mad amone Ir:so C"floo.."d ""h I"'uencc :lIId "wlom !han ";&0 J:acob, the Prophn of Albh It ~ WI tht loOns ~ till! unrC(C1'>er:I\~, though the ILIne oflhclr ",~ntllnu ami "",b",,,"on " .... dr;< ..-;ng "'Ih The m .. l ~ 01 their ""'"'" tt pwdrubttv OUI vi pbdw:n UH"'" b:>1 '" man, !hot ",bInI"lr XO"nnof oh .."C"althl WM And Ihn d>d .... P~lhap

lhn ""'nunnC"dth.... r blhn-', IOtKhong bllh, ",nd llul hroughlJ... ph Otll ofh" .....n, as on ,.... nt'"Ol 'tnt 171).~.

Jooiotph 'lOW """IS 10 .... cal h1n1rlhntl,ooKh their ron.:io'rn:.. H~ 11.>t"'! the c:ot"mny lhat 100. bther' "as arr old doc.ud. ""d ~.,.,.,bod) ~ •..,"nd 'I, cw:n o\... and n 16~1

I i79-A. Th~ ......,"'011\ of p"'..tr....on fo. palms ""f":'Cl migtll Ira,... bo;m alto..~ '" ,n,. 1IrrIf' of l)r'I'\u,u, ~1I, bill ""h tile ... of.he rom""", alld fin"! ~(buon ".....uab"n trd"u ... any"" " or"'" th;tn Allah .. ~ gr:"~ Jln IttiO""Y" or ~uthoril)'. His re:odlng of .... and dr"""", had .,,,"" miMiooo of Ii\""" III u.., great E)"Spuan f:uni",,: ,..,t h" ref" ... to n :oJ "..,lIIeth!ng 0[ 'he ;,uerpre\:luon of dr"""" ud ",enu" And he u k"" no cr"d" ... hn"",If. "All ,IIi.;" h" $;1)'0, '"m Til)' gtf~ 0 Allaht For .uch thin!,!:111 onl)· «,om" from ' h" Crt,UoTo[ til .. lIu,-..", and III .. canh"



1782. I'o"'er", the dOlr.g of tIling! ,.. ",dL :1$ po",,,r in Illlclhgenl foreeaw and Allahl oth.",u.: the dee1, ~ IMn. 1100000000'tr much U>l') cone ..... IhClt" pIam and un, ... 11ot-" £k". 01 lmfIdom' Wim Co""} ei'o:lnclt"l In tho: "'0ren npUmkd b.-for~, .. llClh~r III the P~n",~uo:h o r b\ ... nl Sen-I:Jt'f1lI"" "'htn thl. SUr.oIt w.u •.,.",,.Icd, .honh hdb~ the H~ nth? AI \1 .... alT. :mI~nl '"lIh :and faim _. 10 0;0." '". people :lnd aU ",.nlJnd from grattlCSl condlUOO Q/ WJ.nl .>I'f:llilh. OU[ dforu ~" Oout.ed, ""d h" h;>ul. file ~ph, and mort' 'han ./SC1,h , hc ..... mark...! 0111 (or gn:,., work. whl(~ h" fin~I"" ach,,,,ay thou: "This is my Way: I do invite UntO Allah On evidence clear a5 The seeing with one's eyes...J'" I and wh~'C:r follows me. Glory to Allah ! and n~'er WiU I join god!; with Allah!" 17&8 Not onl, C:&" we IUrf! .hrou.,h Scrip'"", of thr -or1U", of Allah'. prOO'id~. irI h"","o Iwtlrr hiscory 01 ".dmd.. a1 .... b. b.... aloo H.. Sip .rt K.n~red lituIII,.hro .. n.' .. ...,- tb..p. C...,."on-for.1I who h."" 00 iM"""" of N .......,or 01 ufI",~e .!'ttI. TM da,e p.olm 01 Arabil and !he hpaya of lnella. arc '''''lftCft 01 f"~11 I...,.,. wh.eh lit ........ ual (Cf !O;!>S and 51 10).

IBM Cf rs. Ind n lOS! Th. wllOlc p....... Ihcrt may be comp.ttd wllh , ... wh.l. p......'" he:rc IIotIl. ,110:;, .. milari'r and "",rial;on"'ow how cloofly rcuo~ each a'I"rne'l! it. w"b ... pr.,.io .... (:Iacdr appropria,c '0 ....h occui.n


1806 Doct "rowing ou l of lingle , .... It or .~h ....;..." qualify "palm ' ....... r ".ina" anel "co.,," •• well. Tbo former COIIItnKtion .. adop~ed by ' M cl"";cal Commen,"to.. 111 which UIC the «ft«!We It~. ~he fact ...Joer ,h•• wo ,,. "Wf'" palm Uoon ""'culon.. Uy ....... 0'" 01. a ""III. I'00I , Of , ha, palm ncapow """,eUmco .. ocId ,...,.,. and ..... ctUnts 111 rCl~ duck dw~c ... If the lauer co ......... el..,n u .dopted, ~ ... mercn« would lot on I.... fact that due pahn (anc! palmi "' ...... Uy) and 10m. ocha planlt INC ou~ 0( I .."gle "prooc. whilc 1M ml,....t, oIneco .r.... Ollt 01 • ncflll1 brou,"1 Sip I nd ~~nl; llJ IS Mba- J'Mpb.eu did • • nd lJu tlwnr.. muted 10"'u.t,.a. ldl~ c"rio.it, III! The] ... lC,,(CI.« '" thlo "'..., blS ...... lly bftn illu..-prt'lcd 1.0 lJlC. n c.... , lhe P'ropbol', f....'0 w .... . and thl! pcbnce .... ..,,,, ..,. Alllh to tY'I:l1' n.boa , ......... b Its P'rop....... ] foI'-t", incerJlrtl uiooo It oq".n,. po.bl~ 'it .. 1",,1( a Sip thl< AI M......11 ohould WI ... aDd pnadt; ... prod .." 'M Q.. ,..... • nd cM I"jda~ wltkb h.o bri .... it .."'...,...) I"id.nor . .. r..... Allah: w .. m~ rely

d.,. *

J:~ :


Ai & 'd



• tvery

!\l1ah doth know what fema1c (womb) doth bear,III' 8y how much thc wombs Fall shon (or thcir timc Or number) or do exceed. Eycry singlc thing is beforc His !ight, in (due) proponion .


Hc kno,¥cth thc Unseen And that which is open: Hc is thc Great. Thc m05t High .lIl·

10 It IS thc samc (to Him) Whcther any or you Conccal his speech or Dcclarc it opcnly; Whcthcr hc lic hid by night Or walk forth rrttly by day.ltl' 1\

For each (such penon)lll' • Thcre arc (angels) in succession . Bcfore and behind him : They guard him by command Of Allah, Vcrily n~'Cr Will Allah change thc condition Of a peoplc until they Change it thcmsch-es (With their own souls),''''

Ill' n.. fnnak -."b" jUft ... n.aIOIpk, •• """ cI Q"'""'~ M"Cf"OC)' N... "'""' tho: ' ..... ak knelf k _ wILl lI.n.he WOIDb _ whtth..:. i, io. ml~ you .... or I r...... le "ktlle. II ;,. co ... CO< mcor~ . whnhe. " • lObe bot .. .....,... of P"'tie> .. -



Qu. moo< hIdden ,houlhu Inc! mcKi.-n are know .. to Ihm ,t ,II ,i..."".

1816 Ste I... ...,..." £....-ry~ . .. kt ..... ho: c....eu..... ....."." hit thourbu. ................ ulb in duu.. or po lty dIy_ali I .... IIDdoor Allah~ "I,""'nc! ward Itt. ,",CO: encomp..,. neryo ..... Ind " ..;n Ind ..... prdl«u him. if he will only like ,he p.Ot"tion . brm .nod ~l If In II .. roily he .hlnb he can t«~ Ilk _ ple.... re « pRIIlt , he ,. WTO"I . r.....cordi"l • ....,....conl .u btl ,hou.lbu and d~



1817 AU.h Of DOl ,n'ftlt oa ""nio/unent He ~11ed m.n '"'nu_ and pva he ,."" htm in'd1~~ ... ~I"" he IIWTOIIDded Itim WIth .11 IO.U cl l_nunenu 01 Hio va« .nd ml7CJ If, i .. tpilC cI all . . . .1.. dUtoru .... own ."U .nd lOS"""" AII.h'. Will. ,...... AII.h·. "'"1;"'- ....... 10 ...... If .... will W. II II II oe>Iy ... hen be h......de hio OWl> oiahl h"Dd and chaoaed htl DW!I llIIlre ... -.l IWly from t .... ..... dNJ mOllld ... ,,"'eh Allah form.ed n , will he Whom onco: tbe "".u.hnleftC (Om .......... e io ItO ."......, i . had. S - 01 .... tAi,.. whi.,.. .... m..d "po.. - ... too , ...... Alllh _ cllt poMIbly p",""t It....


Siirah I!: Al & 'd


But when (once) Allah willeth A people's punishment , There can be no Turning it back , nor Will they find , besides Him , Any 10 protect.

12 . It is He Who doth show you The lightning. by way Both of fear and of hope :I'" It is He Who doth raise up The douds, heavy With (fertilising) rain! 13. Nay, thunder rcpeateth His praises.'''· And:lO do the angels. with awe:'u, He ningeth the loud-voiced Thunderbolts, and therewith He st riketh whomsoever He will ... Yet these (are the men) Who (dare to) dispute About Allah , with the urength , Of His power ($ upreme)JLI~' 14. ~or Him (alone) is prayer 'iri TrUlh:1u t any othefl that they Call upon bOlides Him hear them No more than if they were To $t-retch forth their hand! For water to reach their mouths But it reaches them not: For the prayer of those

, j" ' jN .",,) \.1 J

1818 Here .hen;' ,..., chm" '" .he 'NWnnr ..ub I ptnemahlY. '''1'=11• • plriu. bumln bn.......... pooat.I, thJ"" of ob.ie"liwo (nol neccooa.lIy malorill) uillencc, ., C1)nlfa.,oO wi,h ,h"i. Shadows Of S'm "I&C.~ or APfCUUIU!S. or Phantuma. mcntooroed I, ,he end of ~ ~ Both ,heM: 8conp lad ,""', Sbadowt 1,..,lUbjccl • obc WiD of Allah. .xc not.. 1815 .od II!?

f, .

1825. "Proo,n,c I~I,,"'" I"" POU"u mu", 1..w. whc."", ,hey wish it or "'"


,ha, lhey .eeCllnioc lhe" ...bjccl1on 11' Allah', W,ll loci

18t6 "In .puc of 'h"",scI_ Solan and lbe Spri.. 01 [ri!. They....,wd till' '0 rn away from ,be ,....,toI oflbe All Good Alilh . b.1t .h..,. Unnol, . nd Ib..,. hue 10 acl ........ led'" n .. '''prema..,. Ind klrdlh,p ""'" ,ht'm. n


In7 E~ tho! ShadaWl _ unu"". of the I~ ... OOD. '" projcctlont from othe, Ihlnp OM dtpo:adcn • .. tM otbcr Ihi"" fo, lheir "". the •...,., m ....... • "" ...JKt d.-. II Will obooo .....1>1... nh.. toIe Of wh .... .....r.. I, .n MXU oI_m .1Id nmrJ"~ _ coIlra ,,,d muc.1I ~Ie-dp.


Surah 13: Al Ra'd


18. For those who respond To their Lord . are (all) Good things. But those Who rc:spond not to H im E~n if they had all That i.s in the heavens And on earth, and as much more, (In vain) wou ld they offer it lill For ransom . For them Will the reckoning be terrible: Their abode will be HellWhat a bed of mi~ry l C . 115 . - The 1«"'1 and thr blind arr nOI alike (U :19-31.) Nor art thoM: blesoed. w; ,h Faith and IhOAr without Thr fonnrr leek Allah. and :o.lIain A::a« and blcuednt$ll in thrir hraru, And a final Home of ~I : Ihe laller Arr ;1'1 a Ilalr of CUIK, ;lnd Ihrir End h ~niblr. If-Allah in His wiJdom Pmlpone. rrlribulion. il is for a ume. lIis promisoe n~r f ... ib. it will comr 'to pUi in His own good timr In all Ihinp it IS for Him 10 command.




then one who doth know That that which hath b«n Revealed unto thee From thy Lord is the Truth, Like one Io'ho i5 blind?llJ. It l$ those: who are Endued with understanding Thai rc:cei\'(: admonition -

~lJ)t.i~~i f':) ~ ;.,:~ . · t'~i~:,"'~.......; ..r~.....


....'J~i~) j'~a~

!O. Those: who ful fil the Covenant

Of Allah and fail not In their plighted word; 21. Those: who join together Those: things which Allah lIS' G/ '91 and

IO ; ~

In ,his oeaioD .he ~rut brl..... n .'auh and Ri«hl.COumao "" 01", D.... b"d and l..todd,,), aad io "', GU •• Tho:. npleDW ma" is lr..-n u cmo: who (I) _rnw ad ....... ItDn, (t) ....."r tD .97

Allah will not fail In His promise.LU I C . 116. - T he mockery of Allah', M~n~n;$ an old game (13:32-43.) Of t he world . But Allah's Truth -w;1I C()me To its Own in good time . T he End Of the righteous ;s t heir Home of Blio.s. And they ro:JOi~ in the I'C\'elatiolU They r.-eei"e The Messengen 0:' Alla h Take their due sh a re in the life Of thO' "-arId : thO')' "';~ through by Allah's grace Against all t he plots of the world . T heir witnelS is from Allah , through H is rn'I"lation .


32 , JRocked were (many) Messengers"" Before thee: but I granted Res pite to the Unbelievers, And finall y [ punished them : Then how (terrible) was My requital!'u, 33. Is then He Who standeth Over e,'ery soul (and knoweth) All that it doth , (Like any others)? And yet They ascribe partners to Allah . Say: " But name them!"" Is it that ye will Inform Him of somet hing He knoweth not on earth , Or is it (jUSt) a show ",,~m '0 pt"0' P 1)0 YO" dal. to tell H,m of OOme,htnl on unh 'h'" lie d...., nO. kno"'i

0. .. "


a ,rick 0' a Ihow of wordt1

Siirah I!I: Al & 'd


Of words?" Nay! to those Who believe not , their pretence'"t Seems pleasing, but they are Kept back (thereby) from the Path . And those whom Allah leaves To stray, no one can guide.

",,, - , , ) . ;,

J,;:.I V j,L) ~ . ~

" .

J. ~


"! J. ~ '



"1.,,,,:.1 \j ""\~"')

!l4 . For them is a Penalty In the life of this world ,Llu But harder, truly, is the ~nalty Of the Hereafter: and defender Have they none against Allah.

55. T he parable or the Garden


Which the righteous are promised !Beneath it fl ow riven: Perpetual is the enjoyment thereor'" And the shade therein :"u Such is the End Of the Righteous; and the End or Un believers is the Fire.!I"

!l6 . '(fihose to whom \-Ve have Given the Book LIU rejoice At what hath been revealed Unto thee: but there are 18~t AU pro:'l~nceJ and f.nci... oenn lunuive '0 ,h~it in"o to the- P.th of ~liJion and TNth H ......,......, if by .hti. con. umaey• •hey h,,,,, c". ,h ....lle)"'" off from AUo ', guee, wbo un 8"id~ . hnn 0. ~,im 'h"'" from tllti, errorsl 18~~ The corucqurnca of lin mly be: felt in thiJ life itoel f. but th",.rc nothing comp"'cd to tbe flr.ol pcn.oltia in tbe: hfe 10 c.nrn~

185-'. For tbe c""'p,~bf,"';~ c mUn1na: of .h~ root akaJ.o (llterall, ·to uf) , _ S:66 . n . n 6. In id IS) Hil Pow.". ;n all hu,",n .oci ... th . Thw Ib It.ncb in 110 1Iftd of min', wordIip; Hil (IOOdQ".. " .11 lo.'~ (IOOd of man ( ..>tauo.I_.1I the .OD - .be Wra.h ...

fi)tII~ 1

187' The u...... li....... n .'" hf:", clun,,;.e. urd In .~ ways: (I) .hq love Ihio ephemeral liCe aM ,tI yanitia me'" 'hn 'he ,rue (.ife whic h 10ft in,o .b~ I"e,.. fu~.; {I) ,h..,. IlOt onl, hI""" Ihemtel .... b... mWe.eI o,hen. I') own CTOIIUd mincb lItan;h Co, .om... h'.., crooled In Allah', .... ;Ih' PI,h (el 7;4$) s,,' In elolnl 00. ,hey I" r..' ...... and (anhe. from ..... "Th,,"


Surah 14 : I briilim


4 . ,llle SCn! not a messenger

ExC\"pt (to teach) in the language'"t Of his (own) pwpk. in order To make (things) clear to them Now Allah lea\'el straying Those whom He pleases And guides whom He pleases:'''· And He is Exalted in Power. Full of Wisdom.


We SCnt MOSC:!i with Our Signs (And the command). " Bring Out Thy pwple from the depths Of darkness into light. And teach them to remember The Days of Allah ."'1ff Verily In this there a re Sigru For such a5 a re firmly patient And constant- grateful and apprecia live.'"'


tl'!~dy(i"-:j " ,#~"

1;'1.1 (.'}

... " .. .

' . I hll~cl.':'; 8

' '1

1 ;'''':''1


Moses said To his people "Call to mind ;rhe fa\'OuT of Allah to you When He deli\'ered you'''' From the people of Pharaoh : They SCt you hard tasb And punishments. slaughtered Rem~~r l

1874 If lh~ obJr"t of. MNoOl" II 10 ",.k~ ,IIln,. tlur. " mu., ~ ddlvc.~ In I~ 11"",1"" 0' (o..r~fttd 0" 'hnn by ,"" c"""'. "1DOClI d,nn 011 ,.n,n I'.ophct ,hln Mooeo.

Siirah 14 ; Ibmhfm





Your sow, and let you r womenfolk. Li~~: therein was A trtmendoWi trial from your Lord." S£CT10N 2 .

1. .And remember! your Lord 'taused lO be declared (publicly); " If ye are grateful, I will Add more (favours) UntO you: But if ye show ingratitude,'U' Truly My punishment Is terrible indeed ." 8, And Moses said : "1£ ye Show ingratitude,'II' ye and all On earth together- yet Is Allah Free of all wants,!'" Worthy of all praise.

;~P~~0~~;j~~ (!) ~!-~~L....;')~\ --;.; ~SYf-j

9. lias not the Story Reached you, (0 peoplel), of those Who (went) before you?Of the People of Noah, And' d, and Thamud?And of those who (came) Mter them? None kno\Q them" l t But Allah. 10 th~m came Messengers with Clear (Signs) : But they PUt their hands,m Up 10 their mouths, and said : "We do deny (the mission) tl19 eel '!-It). The variow oIIad.. ormuninr in Sll.a .......~ e>;pL.; ~ in. n. t871.~ KlJJ'rQ implia (1)10 "'JO'CI Failh. al U. t6 a .. d ... SO . (1)10 .... L1 ....... 'dlll for ~.eift alld f'VOLin ~Vfli . .. h~"' ; (S) ID taioI AU,h Or r,;,h, .. ;" S IS, (i ) 1Odt-1I)'('heS4(nooi Allah), .. i" S II . or.m.ylbe ",;';011 01 M~n. u In 14 g. }(aft. ," 'M ...... , ,.,.......1 oenoe ma, be I.. ....t.ted. "Ullt..he>"ricll.,. put thcb h.nda .. p 10 II.. mou.ho oI.hc i'TI>pbcu lO.ry 10 ",... CflI them f....... pI"OClaim,,,, Ihri. M~, or th a, the .. nbch ....... put lip tMir finan- '" their OWl! IIIOlItN. u mllth at 10 nr "Don't IUI~1l 10 them ." Or bi, their own fillien in token of ;ncondnent r;oge. Whale>"It", lntolennl oIlh... propheu ~ at Ih" QllraYl!! wert [",oknn. 01 AI M"¥..n al>Nonni'11.0 .. "",n .. a nda .... 0( evil. whkh i •• hin'" .d 1M: good. But Faith it noI 10 1M: ~ down by .. I........ ce ......."(th is Allah , and it reed..,. tIM: iUO"faDe .. t1u. noICDCC will ~ri.to u!timatdy by noIcn«, and that r..,b aDd Coodr.- m ........ and and be ~.blithm In be. the pod mw. inhcri. lhe unh ."dlh.. "";1 ona \It- blole Prophcu pntym ror a _tory.Yld detialon . and the unrotliJ ..... fnatn.ed in their efron. to oupp ..... the 1hllh H




S\irab 14: l""'Hm


16. I" f....... oJ. ",ell 1 0"'" h H.U. an d he .. ~"' n

f or dr. .... bo.U", lend " .... 17. I,. ",Ipo will h. ti p i •. B~' ...,..,.. will "" II< ... v S.... llmd.. OW' d\ll:J"o AU ......d _ d"., 10 ... The "notl .... o.d .. ;. oppotne UI.IU, f"l .. ,~hlio .. , bl.. ph~y, fal~ lp«Ch , or p,uelli", Of .uchilll ul\k,lId_ .Dd W1'lIQIdoolll ( R )


1901. The 1-'1, tree"'~ fOO' , (I) ,to h ,,_ pie.......... U ..100 _ It: (!) itt ... bibry: • ...... ',... firm "nd "lI$h.hn ,n .. ormo. bK.uor: IU TOOU.nI firmly6ud In 1110: urth , (S) Ito .. ,do: atmpM; ito b ....nr:;Io.n hlp • • tId .. ca.c"'" all .hoe 1I\lna!u..., , ....... be ....... ai!od ,..... "".d.... au ..*- ...... ito b ... Bdon .nd mm .nd animab be ....... h . and (4) iu .bllnda... tr,,", ..bJdO " y;tldo •• all WDti 5e. tbe Good WDrd I. II ......"u"!III .. " .. ""'"- It .bid.. ;II.11 ch.IIJft.ad c hanca oItlllalif• . • 1Id ~a bqoDooI (_ ~ t7 bekoof): n .. """"" • .a.u.. by .... . - or _b •• _ ... III cal ...... r. u• . - . .rot dttl' doowo:o .. the bednKk '.eu 0( Ilfe h' fucb it ...... ¥aUI , .bcMo. 10'0Uftd. bdow it it UI""";n.ted ..,. .be eli ........ from hoc~..,n , .nd lu «mtotauQn r... c.... countl. . ","lip ol alI"..ck. 0( life. lu fo.lt - ohr: ...JOJI"CII' af III bleMlnp - 1i IIQ. confined 10 01\11: ""IUOII 0. one .... 01 Ctfatnutar>ea. fllr,bermo ••• he fOf.un.,e m... wbo" ohr: ...,hlde oIlhaI wood b....... telf pnde he aunbut.a alIlu ~_ .nd .....a.n opreadullie•• "'Will ai!od Lc~..., of Alllh Cf ,he New Tetlm .... "'nbl. of .be Sowu. (101.". IJ I·', M.rk 4 I·')... af •• M...u.rd·1CCd (M.1t IS 51 51). hl.bu ra ... bleof the Q.llr'ln lha-•• rot fnoel wordt.nd n--= opln.".I_......, • ..d .be .... ph.... II on men: .........1 .hlnp.


1901 The. ~ tift II ,.... oppoot •• oIlbo ..,odly in IU ,he dei ••I. of .he 1.. no.e

lint ",..

plrlll.lt..., of moo .... an be


Siirah 14 : I briJhim



.-' .,I!lli:!''' . ~ '

t7. Allah will establish in strength Those who believe. with the Word That stands finn , in this world And in the Hereafter ; but Allah Will leave. to stray. those Who do wrong: Allah doeth What he willeth}"'

C . 118 . - 61.11 Ihe evil nOI only ( hOOK evil For theTllJClva but mislead other. 1b perdition. The ply Ulould lum from the SigN of Allah all around them . And be on their guard aga iNt III That is false. So Abrahim prayed Not only for his poIterity. but for ali i For he fo""",,w the univenahty or Allah's M auJe in Islam, That Iuds to the su blime doctrine or OneneY, wh ic:h will bo seen In ilJ fulneu on the C~at Day When a IlC."W Eal1h and I IlC."W Hu""n Will procla im the end or Evil And the adjustment of all thillife's ac:rounlJ ( R)_

(14 :28·52 .)


28, ll ilSt thou not turned ~hy ...uion to those who'Have cha nged the favour of Allah Into blasphemy and caused Their people 10 descend To the House: of Pc:rdition?-

29. Into Hell? They will hurn Therein - an evil place To stay in1 190' His Will .nd Plan ... ay bo: abo¥c tomp.eheNion bllt will prcqil ........ aU thinp. It is not lik the m.n. who .... y pia" good thi"" but it not ,,"nunly able to ca.ry thnn out

will of

1904 There it. particular and _ ~I muni", 11I.c partic,.J ..... eanins .. "ncknoood to bo:. r-d"e~ Allah m.o a plaa ro. .he wonh;p 0( horrible idols and ,he ptarut'O 01 unxnnly nla and cule.. "1"here it no ...,.1 d,rrocul., in acttpu", .h.. as pan of a !au: MaU." SOnhn"to wi, holl' tIIppooins il '0 he a p.oph..cy. 11I.c Makk.n Paganabad .lImed kll,...., In,o a blaspherrlolu ... pc ....,,'on. and were misguid,ns 'heir ~pl~. ""rvI"\h... produce uda • • nd In: reoponaibk .. . ~twnc: c.h,~ whkh .... olllw hi.'-' .."portallCf: in ,Itt 11Ie 01111111.. no.. ","-'on 01 D.y.nd ",pt itd..e 10 ,be app.tflI.I dail, COd_oI.he MIn ,ltro",h.he okl.... and the cool h,ltl 01 ,Itt mooa perlo...... • btr........ao dJ~n. r..... mud""" •• de oubJKt '0 him by Albh·. wmm.nd. 1910 SU''''''e.nd.~ pnJ"l'r ill f.,,1t ........nod 10, Allalb n ... He Ii""" ... ~.", wlucb ....... ..... 1w:........aeno l'tooncIerace UII . - . I'll I Ita"" Ined to ,end..... he ;",ena!"" fo ..... Arabit by wit .. I «naick •• be .. "".. eq ... nI~'" Iwrt· Uw phruc -.. _ up 10 .njlLfU« and i .....t1lude~ OUII:ICM" habit"al ~nc:o 01 JILfI 'ttorM nnpl1 01 blDDd when ci m.tJari.on "op.. ] ~ Ihio .Iale lhey will preoo fo ....... d 10 Jud,,,,,,~n. OIar~

Siirah l4 : l brahim



$0 wam


"And yc: dwelt in the dwellings Of men who wronged their own Souls; ye we~ ckarly shown How We dealt with them ; And We put forth (many) Parables In yo ur behalf!"




mankind Of the Day when the Wrath Will reach them : then will The wrongdoers lay: "Our lord I Rtspite w (if only) For a short Term : we will Answer Thy Call, and follow The messengers!" "What I were ye not wont To swear afoTCtime that ye Should suffer no decline ~' IH

u.:ul ·~ , .. O" lu 5. 1(1, .. hu" ..~" ~ found all1O;an orwl.>ClIuon uf .h",,,n"l'Il .ubj"CI ,.."..", o f lh" whole: ..,.,.,.,n tht-I~ o r Quroll\Jc ' ....c ~lnK

1M lped~ wbjca ma,lCr ofdu. Sa .... h.1hc procrtUoo of AUab', Rc¥I:la!:ioo and AIW," lhith. Eril InlK from Pride and ,nc OQrping ollN.n·, will, bu, Allab', M,,~ it the: IO'idctr., at Wat pf'OYC'd In ,h" ClUe or Abraham lnd Lot, and milh. hl.-c h«n pf'OYC'd by peopk III the Aykah Ind ,he I:lijr if they had only lltendc:d to AlI.h', MSiJN". Th" Qur'ln . bc:ginning_~ tbe. Sevm Ort ' ~p"atc:d Verxa, u the: preciow .-chide for ,he p .... iIa of Allah.


Sum_ry- AUah will guant Hu Rc¥I:llt inn, in .pilO: of the: urib oi.h" Un~l~ ADU. b .h" IOUftt of aU ,bing., H" ilnoWIl Hit own people:, whon He will gathu to Himxlf (UJ n . and C. 119) How E'fI1 1.1'I)l00: throulb the: pride of IblT.. 10 whom I ,.".pile WU Func:d for I pmDCI; but neither (car nor ~iI alfr:a .hOM: who receive Allah', Mc:stagt (IS 26-S0, and C. 120). M(f't} of Allah to Abrahim wu conyqed by lhe ume m~ tha' ~ 11m. Ig destroy the pcopk of Lot for their uDlp"abblc uima: E..\I broulhl iu rc:Iribution .bo on lhr Companiona of Ihc Wood (AI AyAaIl ) and of ,h" Rody -nacl (AII-..' '}') (U;51 84 , and C. Itl). Thr;


rThc: Q;vr'1n and lu snraht I.,.."h J'OU to cr:lcb .... le Allah', p.... iIa, !cam bumility in wonhip, Allah all JOl.If 1if" (I!I as-H, and C. In ).


619 SUrah 15 . A.t l!ij r 'UI -A

IT! tht I'IDmt oj Allah, Most Cracious, Most Mtrcifu.l. I . .Alif 111m ~i .IIJI Th~ are "he A)·it'" of R.cvclation Of a Qur'an That makes thin&, clear.''''


1l9 . -Allah·1 TN.h mau. all.hing. clear. and He (15:1·25.) Will i"nd il. Su. Hil Sign. an: not For tbote who mock. Who faib to tee The m ..p "y, "'=.. uIY. order, and harmony Blazoned in His Creation. and Hit goodnst To aU His erealura. in the hcaV'CIU And on earth1 With Him an: the IOUrca Of III Ihings. and He doth freely give His gilll in due mealun:. He holds The u,. of Life Ind Dealh, and He will n:main When aU elle P " - Iway.

2. ("l \gain and again will those

Who disbelieve, wish that they Had bowed (to Allah's Will) In Islam .'''· S . l..ea\·e them alone, to enjoyllll (The good things of this life) 1951 A Sec lin tOOt .nd 200' for .n eopl ... uJon of .111;1'1'. 19" F(Or

~ my"i~

I,..,,, .... _


'0 511 ",,1, 10

IUS Cf 10 I and n ISst. 19s-. NOtt how IpplOpri.,d, lhe d,fre.en. ph"".... ,n which the Q."r'ln II ch.",,~lot:TIJed Itn,. 0", ,II difTcrcnt upee .. u I Rcv.:luioD. Lrt wj_ conoidcr lhe ph......co Uf( n,h. pa.h , .nd it It 1M "fIC'O'Ilr wbll lIe .... U, .eun, .... hul thftr_ lIt::M '!lle,""""

19 . . .holly cI1ffeml' pt ....... (Cf tl.l04) " " Wh.t .... lIcJOII ( I _ bc id£n,ifinl Bu, ,"" bnml".fIC' pl .. n of,lI., lno(1 ...u uio ... ri,h, on 'h£ Ioirhw.y JM,t~n Ar.bi ••nd S,..... 10 , he ,novell£, ,n t.IK Mlshbo.lrbood oIlbe Oud Se • • t"" .. hole locality F(XIII>' te ..... 01 dumal dnola_ wbich ""Iy IUJIftU the • ...cul PUILIlhmC1l. for ..... pcabble mrnco, 157)_

(el "

.de".o aU ... ho h • .., the i ntcl1i~nce to m"p the Sip of Allah Vc:neo 76 n eopcc'oif who ...., ,he Arabi . · Syri.n hlsh.oac! Th(- desolation io eoop«i.Jly b,o"lh, horne '0 thmt

19!19. Vc:tre...,.n: told ,hl"IId. Prophet wu Shu·'rb. and och.". deuilo wi""n ......... pond '0 th_ of 'M MadfU, to whom SII ..·.yb will tenI"U Proph. ~ · tee 7 · 8~· 9' In my no'.,. ~o 'hat p ...ge I havt d""usaed 'M qu...... of Shu'lfb and ~~ M.d,...n ~pJ~ h io ,uKlnlble '0 '''PIX'"'' ,ha, ,ho! Comp.niON 01' the Wood -... ritbn ,he- ..... e .. ,he M.d,... .... or a ,"""p amoD, ,hm> or in ~hdr ""'"hb.".. hood !OOI Soth

,~ .


Co,..,. at tho!

PI.in and ,11£ CompanooN nI .1It Aybh

!OO! "The Rody 'Tho",~ .. uJ!doubtnlly I porraphical .... m~ O n.he mapa 01 Arabi • ...ul be f.....! • ,ra(l callnl ,h . Hgr. nort h of M.ln.h. Jabal 11'1' it .bout I ~ ....lIco ",,,,b of M.clin.b. The Ir.", -W f.U on the hi.h..... y w Syti • • Tb4 ..... ,he o:ou.n'ryol',~ TbamUd . ~'", Ibelll.nd ,lie country ICC 7:15. n. 11)011

Siirab IS: A l

~J ijr

82. Out of moun tains'''' Did they hew (thdr) edifica. (Feeling themselves) Stture.

U . But the (m ighty) BlastH'" Seiled t hem of a morni ng. 84. And of no avail to them Was all t hat they did (With such an a nd care)1 C , 122, - Bul Allah'. C",ation doth bear witnna

(15:85 -99 _) 'lO Allah'. Design and Mercy Hi! Piln gif. of .he gloriow Qur'aJ\ Is nIO", than any worldly &oodI ean M. So, whIle we dmounew: Sin openly, la .... oe. Ii ..

Let US be ~mle and kind , and adon:

And aenoe our Lord all our 10_,

85. ~ e c reated not the heavens, The ea n h, and all between them, But for just ends. ,_ And the Ho ur is surely Coming (when this will be manifest), So overlook (any h uman faulu) With gracious forgiveness. ,Nt

86. For verily it is thy Lord Who is the MUtCT-eTCiIlOr, t .. , Knowing all things.

87, And We have bestowed Upon thee the Seven !OO! Rtmai .. oIth ..... rod. ~irK" in tbe 11'1' a~ ..ill ro .. _ , alld .be Co" of Po:tno .. _ mo.e Ih ... fronJab"'II'l' See '" IOoU to 1,13 ~PHno" I" Crttl muno ~Roc\ ~ For.ho- ('-"'po ..... ""'nd 111m. and 1M• ..,..me-ft«, _ Appo:ndu VII 10 S. U



toO~ Alloh' C.nnon io .U fOr. ,rue, }wI , .nd ",httoUl p.. ~ CI .pon tl 16.


II ..

ow iii joi'" is m~I,.hc muI. iii OIl. ohonoirhted .and.rds. • often happen. tlIIoI whal .ppo:an 10 ... 10 be eo\) Of impo:tfttt o. "Qiu-; ... relkaloo 01. ou.r _II impo:r(en ....to. Sec the nol 1_ ~ and .....,...

Surah IS: Ai l/ijr


Oft.repeated (Verses)I"" And the Grand Qur'an. BB. Strain not thine eyes. (W istfully) at wha t We H ave bestowed o n cert ain cias.scs IOClt Of them , nor grieve over them :"1f But lower thy wings (in gentleness)IIU To the Believers. B9. c.~n d sa)': " I am indttd he That wameth open I)' And without ambigui ty' ~ I'1I

90. (Of just such wrath) As We scnt down On t h~ who divided (Scri pture into arbitrary parts) _ ml

. . .,. ·r· ;.\\



91 . (So a lso on such) As have made the Qur'an Into shrWs (as they pleasc:).IfH

9t . Therefore, by thy Lord . We will, of a surety, Call them to account , 2001 The ~ OfHe~'lcd 'Ie"" Ue l1Iu.lly "nderatood '0 be . be Op"ning SIIra.b, the FIlII'I,d T-.y sum up 11K whole 'cachirll of .be Q1.1r'JJ> Wha, a.rI be • mo .... preciow Jif•• 0 I Mwlim thaI! .he p...... Q.ur'tn '" IllY SU n b of It~ Worldly """.I.b. honou •• ~ ......... anyth'ng .Ioc. oInu in,o i ....gnifiClQa IIcompUUon "",h i. (C/" 17)


toot It may be oeM. pnoplc b .... _.Idly f""'da which ...... Idly .... n ~ Do Ib'1'lIC

pllaco ~ .11 deKnptio .... At . ' " ....... po,n, or nme. ma", unkowa .0 "'In Nor can we IIIppIW ..... I........ '0 ~ ","hod _ Of i, will ...... be reached I t In, fu"..... unx Throup ,......... • nd '1IIfC'I"'lJ 01 ",.n " • Allah tha. (ftl..,. """ thi_.. hlthono II.... II to ..I I....




01.,,-, _.., ,.""

10!9 TlII'..... h ..,a..:rill 'hi.... ·· ,he WI(' doa .I.a,.. lead to Allah 11011 _ mond& Ur on oboc.al .... h matori.'t"'", ,h.. .....,. III.. < bot. thc "".CCpUOII ed. opnol,.ad '0 co... ,....... I~'

Siirah 16: Al NClI}I


36. For W~ assuredly ~m Amongst every Peopl~ a messenger,- (Wit h th~ Command), "S~rvc: Allah , "nd eschew Evil": or th~ peopl~ ~re som~ whom Allah guided, and some On whom Error became"" Inevitably (established). So travel Through the eanh, and see What was th~ end of those Who denied (the Truth). 37, I f thou art an"ious For their guidance, yet Allah guideth not 5uch As He lea\'e5 to flray.'"' And there is none To help them ,

38 , '[hey s~ar their strongest oath'"' By Allah , that Allah will not Raile up those who die:'"' 'a)'. but it iJ a promi~ I (Binding) on H im in truth : But most among mankind Reali~ it not. ~9.

(They must be raised up), In order that He may manifest

to6O E_ ~h AU.h·, Sop ..e _ryw"""~ ~n N.,".e.nd i .. .... n·' own _ieaott. ~ ... .ddIu. AU.h hu ",1M h ........ M_nma co ~ ~ co aU I"''''ion co ,"'" Good .Ad ...... Ibm. rn. E",I So .hey UnllCK PH1~nd Ih., An.h hl •• b.ndoM(! II,., lie dOCl_ nrc wllu 'hcydo. H"cl,.u.. Gn~ .lwI,. ;"""n will '0 e~ ,he right (el 1047 .nd 55 tt).



,"m1 ....

1061 While ooone people ac«pI.he pichnn'" t .... di", ... Gnco:. _""" _ ... rn-ndn ,hormoo.l..,. .. loiII th.t il mllil n«.aaarily follow ,hat eoil ob";111 • riP """, thml They hI.., on.IJ to me",,' tllro..a\l ''''''". JPUO: to _ the mil oflhoM: who ab.ndoned thel. r.. bll.nd J\I"nlde~ CO E-.l1 .1Id nTOT• • 0 • t .... me .... nl 01 Jr..,., In I"," COIInecdoll tl 15 64


1M2 When once AII.II·. GrICe II "'JCCled by .nyone. ... eh • prnon I0Io ,II bd, .nd pidlll«. Sodc prnofll .'" then o....ille AII.h'. Cn"" • • 11n'll' CU4IU . , .. 'L , bYilll c~a lUI'ft. "Alllba, iI in 'M Maven 01' ~ulh:' Includes o:w:ry e.~ucd Alld en.,ft! .hi n"" • .., m...... ontd ill .b..,., c""-" IIurumalc t.iungo, ordinary Im n, !hi"",.nd a n",b. E....... he hilhClt an",b ar~ ..... atrOCaRt .11..,. bow dOW1l and ......, ,hd. Lord. alld 00 docs all Cft."o n


11)?6 A.Uah isoo hi,h • b no k"""lrdSt' .. pDOOIbk, and r"'uu..... gocb ",",,,, b", r1p1t'nu 01 ,bnr mugi"'''''''''


!O81 Cf 6 156 140 14! 14-1 Ind ~ 103 -n.. PII" .... ,n I ... ~'nl .nd drd,uunl oom~ 01 "b,ld,", o. oorn" ollMll' unk or ...... ~ or.he- pMdIl"e of.h~" r",kI •.• 0 .b"" fal ......... n ,h.r.. Wllb Ih~ .ru~ S"p.~m" AlUh made IhcmHlou doubly ...hc"IOII' lin! 1>«1"'" ~'''ry good Ih'''1 .ba, .he) ,--.l""d ..... S"~ b) Allah. and how ~Id lh~y ~"on ... nlly I ...sn ,,, Ib.m ~ .hur of III. OW" I.f.,! ~nd _ondly, 1>«.".., I~ b'''''lh. in ".h~, god> u .h., ......... had no u .. ("".~ .. h"r>~ll 8~,d ... lhe uul ••"d prod" ...... e cw... fQ' .h." ph)~'cal '''''~n.nc •• "d Ih. rh,ld.~ .. for .heir _,.1 and .p",,~.1 ." ...... ne. and how un .hq-. POO' n~n~ ... , II"" I~""n.nt. '" AII.h'


to!! Some of ,,'" P'gln A•• bl ull.d .ng~l. 'Ih. dauRh,," of AII.h· In 'he" o .. n hre .h'1 h •• cd t" h.... dngh,. ... '" upl,,"rd '" (h. n.Xl (wo .~ .... Th.,. pro",ie1l.an« If the ... p""t ....c .. ;" forthCOfDl"" AUah', M,KY it (orthcomi", ";Ihou. fa~ If Il0l . the p.... tthm ..... co"''' i....m ••"I' 0" .he ....pi....ioo of .he Term ",., tinne, nllDOt allucip_~ i. ~ aA iNOlen. ch.all~ \'00>' ca'" br del_, i~ wbeD thee WDe arnftS. ~ Iu.m not Ih.tnl lloa. the ...p~ I""" ...... ma, "'.,.11 that becu dowha. be liko,iUId th.a~ bea.. -"p"_f= froon the ...noequeDCU {CJ n·t~~


1019 The PI~ .... ~ (H~)""""'" tho. _Idly nljoymnw it JIIOII III iudf _.. WI .htre it I>OIh,.., beyond B,., II co'" .... thow"'. ~ 0fI ;u .,...., I""'",d . •h • • EO'tI"J K1 hu io ;".,.;uw. ~ ..... quen(", No Jood Un Iprillf OIl' 01.,..;1 For falxhood and wnlnr . he _cony 0( the: i< _lu .... l!IO! .he boutf.... ......n.. 01 faloctwx.d will be lhe fint ... fall 1"10 rI (CI " It' .04 51 Sf)


S'Urah 16: Ai Nal)l Before thtt: but Satan Mad~. (to the wicked). Their own acu seem alluring : H ~ is also their patron today."" But they shall have A most grievous penalty.

", ;;",,,, . .~, · 0· '''' I. •· '''1~ ' •.'''' ·1"1 •. . .,II


" ..


64 . And We sent down the Book To thtt for the express pur~. That thou shouldst make clear To them those things in which'"' They diff~r. and that it should be A guide and a mercy To those who beliC\'e, 6S. And Allah sends down rain From the skies, and gives therewith Life to the earth after its death : Verily in this is a Sign For those who listen. rtt!


66. ~nd verily in cattle (too)

\Viii yc find an instructive Sign.,n, From what is within their bodies,lIU

!090 In.n asa.nd "..,0"" aU I'f:opl.. AU.h lent U.. M~n 10 luch 1M lhIlh and poinl Ih~ wa, .. "'11'00.......... 8111 the lliIu"""~nu 01 £Yil tem'ltd alwa,., """ui..., .nd man, _TO prtf~rnd .lIar own ""I".nd ,he w'Y" C>l UlCir IO.I!C "'Or~ dIlroNl. path of r«li.ud ... Ttili. h.ppcMd '"Pm In IIIC um~ .t AI M,,!!an , and wtIl a1 ....,. hapPl dll', Worr AUab'1 M~ it ckar. He it...." w"lI.he


(lhc Q.U1~nl

lot 'hrtt ""prna pllrpcoa (I) that hr .hould hn", ahau, lin", among .100: jam.., _

fur .h~ Coopcl 01 UIUf)', wh.le prcuhing ,hr One TnH: Cod , luda.1oo 10 ,he lI.n;', ol mankind , (I) by m.,.,..nd fmllln, prod .. a:s;n.he t.u.... when ebey ha ... ,...."". u... w~ .nd comple.e food. ll>(no"Q" mUll Th/:n , wlcen uetle Ire larned ."d .pedlll, bOTp le); Ind We hl ~ ..""


lb . bee .. _ apl';niq"11 .hinga .• Guide. . ..... ercy. "nd Glod ThIll'll' '" Muolinu.




90. CWO ~._ Apan fl"Olll doquo1It Arab and prod ...... lAJIbi.ot: "'Ibt ~c, wid,b . _lid dqlc ondlirc. .. it ........ d,be &ook (el 41 44). (It)


-W be .,..,..,. III ......do • hi,,,, COIlId _ alll!



co.IcI_. u_.

tbar.""'" ,.... _


II II dearly ,!>oK ",1>0 "'Uo: ,he cry 01 fo.....,. tb .. plaUllbilny in geMio .. ,

~............ 0

,hd, ...

f.-"""" __


lI',hy of f&lM:hood . ..


Yboir."'" _ .....

io "'" , .... IU.M

1145 The ~puo .. rdcn '" a c.... likc that 0/ '" ...",1(, .. hooc r~~ ..... Swro.". ......., ""',.,ewe! 10 " 1 • "ble 10ft""" for I-lorit bobof ia W...... b", "'""" -.-led. 'AnlmJ.t, .... fen.., ~ ......... iIIo>ocIC.Pd hu onu>d &ned "'" by tbe Mlfftn1>p 01 bU p.t"" ... \llttnd a word COO&lruecl at fC(&nu.,ioo, tholl,b ube." ~ .......ecI.tood Jo. «1M back., 0lI«' t.od.. Propb.:l . .. bo (QoooIcd him r... hia pm.1Id confirme-d lui f.l,b (It)

5iirah 16 : A i Na 1!l 108. Those are they whose hearts, Ean, and e)'eS Allah has sealed Upl'" And they take no heed .




.. ,




/~ . ,~ "'. , •.-1 ".. . ,"" -' ''' . . "" -....:..J ,..' ,,-..II -"""'J . . .." ,. r-..:. ~ :- --' -',["--.,r """""' .... J

109. Without doubt, in thl! Hereaftt:f They will perish . 110 . But verily thy Lord -

To those who It:ave tht:ir homes After tri als and persttutions - I'u And who thereafter strive And fight for the Faith And patiently persevere Thy Lord, after all this Is Oft·Fo rgiving, Most Merciful.


Ill . tl}ne Day every soul Will come up struggling u " For iuc:lf, and every soul ' Will be reeompensed (fully) For all iu actions, and none

Will be unjustly dealt with. 112 . Allah sen forth a Parable: A eity enjoying securityl'" And qujet, abundantly supplied With sustenance from every place: Yet was it ungrateful For the favours of Allah: So AUah made it taste !I46. cf. ! :7. On a'.o"nl of .tu;ir iniquitin and (heir wan. of Fli.h their hearu a nd ,heir""....,. 11K.",. .ml"'rviou.o ", AU.h·. gncr, and 'h~ run hudlon, to I"'nii'ioD, (_ . bo 6,46 and SO:!>9). !147, I toke t his veroe to r..re. 1.0 .uch men at wc'" orifinallywi,h tM Paan. bu, af'etw'l.T(\s joinrd w."" hardship' and uile, and foughl Ind .trunled in ' he Ca~, "-;,h pa.ience Ind WDltlncy, Tho:" pall would be blolled Out ond fOTven. Men tile Khilid ibn . 1 w.r d we", numbered ";,1. the fo'erm).t hmIa of Warn . tn ,hIt cue ,hiI Yma bel ... een thi. Yyed; all.d (!) w rompl ... c ....f~fd...' of the city II with I """""'. by .hew roo 00;0"11'" hunl'" nd I lUte of oubjo:owa bow the.....t o( the Word 01 "U.b ml, germina.e in people', mindol It b not for mIn '0 loot (or foul ... Man', inrtC'r tIt.ouJbu In: tnowu hat to AUlh .

Siirab 16: A I N al}l


126. And if y~ do catch th~m out. Catch th~m out no worse Than they catch you out: But if ye show pati~nce, That is indeed th~ ~t (course)I'U For those who ar~ patient. 127. And do thou be patient ,III' For thy pati~nc~ is but from Allah; nor grieve over th~m: And distrcs.s not thyself Bei:ause of th~ir ploLS.

')~~J~~-jl ;J;';t;'J~t 0 5--,~k :-:1.:: -"::'j, ,., . ~ .':f. - ~ :

i-1J -"""r-' ...'1:

128. For Allah is with those" lu Who restrain themseh'~S, And those who do good.


tl65 h. the COIUal t .... p ........, men to contl'O'O'tfli.. and~. bu. ,'''' ....,rdi .n: wide ~ 10 (OYff.U huma .. OI~ d ..pu.... and IiShtt. I.. OInc!tIC tquuy rou .re ..... enutled to ai"" a wone b..... thAn is 1'...... Sut ho h."" .uched. hi lher >piritual OI.Dd.reI do n.:.. do ,h.,. They .aullll thmtr" pcnce .. tio .... He II laid h e,.. that he nm not enll,."", .nr ouch r.a ... Pad",n", (.. IIh co ..n.ncy) in 1_ ctrcumrt.n .... w.. In .«:o,dartC~ wilh Allah'o own comm and . No, ..I I h. to snn.: if ,hey ""~Icd Alllh', MeMalfC .h. Pmpl>e< had done h. duty when h~ boldly and opcntJ proclaimed II Nor ..... h.ia bun to • 110tIbted if thq ,,",,'che'd tw'eI. piau apino, htmadr and hi> pclIL..;-,JI ••• : .IIJ I" ,:,.

2, We gave: Mo.sc:s the: Book, til" And made: il a Guide: 1166. The .ne...1K'e is .0 fI.ln of Time or '''1 oePI..,t;on of Spice. Htc.n ,hcrd'ore_.nd he,. aU ,hi..... Ind the Mi"~ was. rdi«Lion of this knowIW,t witbout Tin'>< o.Sp.ce. In tm. Ind .he oubteqllem ~, ,he mn=« 10 AU.h 10 """,noLly Ln ,he fi .... penon and plll.,1 11.11 '" the Ii.... I nd the 10M d • ...., 01 , his "'_ '1 is I.. tbe th,rd penon .... rula, ~CIorJ to AU.b . ....'ho d od tile Hu s.fYaat .~, - "e ;. the Ont :: In ncb of throe '''0 ino.. nceo. ld IIIU hue ........ AUlh', rorJi'''nao if thcyload _ ob,dna"", K"..ted oh.e 'I"UtcIt ol ,,,, Propbct.o Iu.. If tlocyWCK ........ nue .n tbet. 01 .... AU.h'l pu~n. WOIlId _100 co .. ti ..... 10 ....1 .htm

Surah 17: Al Isro '


Revert (to your siru) we shall ~\~rt (To Our punishmenu): And \"'e ha\"e made Hell A prison for those who Reject (all Faith).'"u 9. Verily this Qu r'an Doth guide to that Which is most right (or stable), rl" And gi\'eth the glad tidings 10 the Bc1ieo.-eTS who work Deeds of righteousness, That they shall have A magnificent ~ard ;

10. And to those who believe not In the Hereafter, (it announceth) That We have prepared For them a Penalty Grievous (indeed). SECTION 2 .

II. '(fihe prayer that man


Should make for good , He maketh fm evi l;tl" For man is given to H asty (deeds) .

~1J~J~~~ ~j~~'''\i\G~ ~ 1x/,~aj

12. We have made the Night And the Day (WOr1n IIU nw.,.., .. ouch I wa, III d ...... u ift l!>u li ~. hUI Ib" finll d;"'lu II ia .be H~.~.r", .. uil lkIt will be irm.i~bLe. Nouc~ Ih.o.t ltu, IlIqronul ...t:.... ~nce.o Je'-uh hio""),, wb~1I b ....... h' .11111 rdl""" wi,b Ib~ ' rue_..... .... ",,-II,. •cf.... 111 the "0_1 Jtruglr ol.hc incL.>'idu.al oouI apimo. MI. It bao .u ,,",\>KkI and lU pun,,· _ lI u. if il i, ,rue 111 ,udf Ind If ,ru~ 101M FI;, b ia AUah , Albb wiU .,;"" 11 ot.om.&tb and ... Ike i, ..,ocaaI.I . a iu fi,b. "'"'.... ....;1 f'II. AlIlb'. M~r it an individual ue or pIety; lienee Ille lingular "'9,,1. qoJ, etc. 2!O~.

Cj. 15'88 Ind n. tOil, . nd

t6 ,tl~.

The mellphor ia IIIaI of a MI"·n,;", bird wlllell lowmlllr wi"ll ou, or tendunno .0 he. oI'f.prinl. Then> il l double Ip.neoo. (I) Wilen IIIe parenl WN """'1.1> up jnlOllle ........ .-pin .... 1 region .

Siirah 17 : Al Ina'


"My lordi bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they Cheruhed me in childhood."uM 2!i . Your Lord k.noweth best What is in your hearts : If ye do deeds of righ teousness, Verily He is Most Forgiving To those who tum to Him Again and again (in true penitence).!tOl

26. c~nd render to the kindred Their due rights, ali (also) To those in want , And to the wayfarcr:!tOI But squander not (your wealth) In the manner of a spendthrifL uM 27. Verily spendthri rcs are brothers Of the Evil Ones And the Evil One Is to his Lord (H imself) Ungrateful. l i l t 28. And even if thou bast To turn away from them In pursuit of the Mercy

mit ...,

tt06 Nou: Ire uked '0 honour Our £a'h .... ond motber, no, M,hl' thy d.Y' m.y be long upon .... t.nd wluch ,he Lo.d ,by Cod """b t ........ (Exod fO II), bu, upon mIK.h Jut"""" and. mont uni""nal In>Undo . ..dI .. befi •• ~lauon In 'he Ii", pl.ce. no' menly rnpKt . bu, CMnsJuna hnd_. and burniL,y


par.n ... I", rommandcd In ,he _ond plate thu commlnd u bnocketcd wl1b the command '0 wonhip ,be On. nut Cod. Pa.cn,.ll~ .hould be.o W I type- of d,v>"" 10'. noth,n, that we Un do c.n eve. rully """p .bere: much dlnr=oI ,bet ....... ,,"g the" ",botane.out of """benna.. £ ...... d.. comm.nd"to boRO\Lr tkJ fll~' Ind m01hn ~ .....,,,, ar'~r .bf ( ..c:monial obKrva,," of d", S.bblth With .... 'he wonlUp of A11~b ;. ~nt.cd up w"h klndnno-'o pare:n\.l, k"..lrcd , ~ ,n WI ... . . wbo are: far from .heir born", .bough tbtymay be tot.la ,bma • ""'" Of ~...., kindn .",tn.•• he ;nler~ 01 ch.ldn.n born o. 10 be barD, h may cawc m .. n!.cfI .nd fcuds Ind to.oInp.. ,.(ion and property, .nd .100 1"""'1lI pennlnently tM bond. ofoodf.,. No. onl, ,ho .. ld Ie be looid"'" .. I lin. but .n, Ippnllch or 'tmpt.tloo ,hould be ..... d"'" til' On.M: ... b}K'l 01 ~ _1l1I.nd.,", DIIIn thcrfto. Unci ... tbe Itfln 11m................., IIId down . m.y be IIlcn for • hf. The: IKIf It " ... n t,", ..,ht 10 d ....'nd the Iof• • bu. IK mUM not cscced d .. e bcc • ...e hoe It !wIped b,'M La ... Some eem ............ on .."O"lMand "heR ,n "he .. helped (..,..M Lawr • rrirr 10 lhe ~r fIE the penon aprn. _hom QooiIf "'lOOUIb. He 180 wid be belp.-d by .... La .. .I ~ ~r tI dw r... 1I,;n u.cecdo the bourodl 01 La_





l~! .

and. Other "",lUI" retali", to orph ..... . . . 1110 If.n orph.n·, propeny .. touched It iboWd be to .... p..,..., i., Or to " ... h,m _ h i " , be..... ltuo .. be had bdOft - tIf'O'e1' to lake I pn.onal f.". the ~tflEthoo .... ardl'n Ii. barJooInlhat ""Y be q",~ f", .. bo: 1'cG..iIl" J"'-' ~ '.J-IU ... o.r t ... '" ''''' ...

.... J . ...J ....... ':'J A! ~ •

nn S« lut IIOtt. ThaI ton", 00. !.be OOlIy mOU.., for 1M unpdly ... 1....... 10 AU,h, ·'hub .. 10 ocolI ". _ad ot ... be i .... tutI~ by it ~ ...., make. ohow ot hanli,. , bUI WMa 1beJ' _ "'1"...... h, pm'le'. thqo ,bow 1htnuc:1"", ill .ht.. '"'~ to!OIIrl. Cf ! 14 TIl.,., c>u'lICM Mlp IftID' ,h., 'he.t .. "lIJUlu ~. . .nd .n.KI,...- 'D AII.b. ~_ ,Dd lb •• ,, ~o""'-' bdpo.. .Dd el .....1t:I "'""" pNpH ",ho ~ ... 1M ..,hl op,n. pne.end lbl! 'hry Ife ... pnio.......ch people ond lo"lb It .hem fo. h.'enl", .. oomekor '0 Him ... __ 'II. 01 .how .bq wed or mo....etl .be ••Ioenu .nd "",,",UIU'''' whKh I"'" wen! pw'II. If" II to IN: 0 CleW en, ..... o, ",ha. tlIe1I1 ao..a .nd ,h... or .beI may 1'"1 m.IiII ~ (1/ doc ~IJ' ",blch wu ......bnDetI ill ! they ~ '"'-"c:~ .0 ....... . . . . 01' aa:yIhi .. ",It,i(b their mi..... e... oooori"" .......,... " lbe.~ .. IICMhi", imp...ble.. An.ltl He h .. de.rIy ICD" M......, .ltal "'" oiuJl 11.0",," 10 nendon ,'-', IICCJ>UOt lod Hi. Mcooqc • IOCeIIoInl, ..... (Cf '191 and n s) (II.)




Siira h 17 : Al b ro' T heir heads towards thee,UII And say, ''When will That ber' Say, "Maybe It will be quite soon l" 52 . "It will be on a Day When He will call you ,

.., 0".

And ye will answer (His call) with (word! Of) His p ra ~, and ye liU W ill think that ye tarried But a little while I"""




S£CTtOf'l' 6. 53 , Say to My servants That they should (only) say Tho.se things that are best: III' For Satan doth sow Dissensions among them: For Satan is to man An avowed enemy. 54 . It is your lord Th at knoweth yo u best ; If He please, He granleth llli H'~

The ocq>, iI h .. come , ao toO,,! ~ .he nu ' ..,no: and not. m6. II m.y be oh ••• hia _1houId III)( bt: in ,he ;n..,ncd o;omm • .....,....m '" .he wrb "say" .. ... llIl d ...... 01 .be: laIl..,rw, In oh •• c.c. .he .... wcr lO.he ...-pcie _ .. Id be finlabc:il in ..... lUI ....... .... ,h .. >'tnC _Id be a 1""",.-,,1 ........"'" .pplyi.....J.w.o "'" n,h.--. wlto ...11 rioc .. p cel.b .... Il"l.be 1't imply , .. po:riori.y. I. l AIl.b.. pralle. For.be IMIok of PuJ.m.o • ..,., ,he I.... parI of II 669 \0 4 where eualy tIM: ..... t wo.d. ate wed aboul D•• ld til



!+41. Men', .... picio ... of ...ch Of of Ihe P"'P""" ha..., been tcll>dcmnrd I.. t.hl all . thll of im.gtnina '''Y pth~r baogu brt", eq ...101 .n Ihe oame a,qry "'I~ One Tru~ Cod, AII.h hu all po;nottt lhey h • ..., n.o po>'~ Th", eannot """""" mell', uoubleo. They U!lI>OI rm> mill",,,, COt dt'nr limn ...... '" arrOld .ht lou. rdid". Whrlnd.,11" 10 f ...... WOI'Ihi~ %+4'. Whc", ... e .. co' hcn:Io:o., t>< prophet> or.~.", wonbipped , lbe wonhip is t .. til~ because (I) ~n iflilq an: pud and hoi" ..,.,J ~r to ncar tQ Allab. yt:llhc nclrcal of them hlYe no:cd 1.0 lcd, mURI of .«cu til AIl.h , ."d they dco _k ... , h mu .... ...... : .ho: ho:tpt af AlIlh', C,'oe' (Z) lho..rh br their ""'1' na'''''' II illtn~ble t" • .... CO ."ppolf: lbal .hqI "';11 iDC\l •• "" Wrath 01 Allah , 1'" lhey ..... bit' ""'.....". IDd _ .... ... bjtc< .0 .ht I.w of


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Abdullah Yusuf Ali-The Meaning of the Holy Qur&#x27;an (English Arabic Text) (2001).pdf - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.