40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (2024)

Your forties are when you blossom! These creative 40th birthday ideas will help you celebrate and honor the best parts of turning forty.

When I celebrated my fortieth birthday almost a decade ago, I was looking for meaningful, creative ways to honor my forties. I didn’t just want to have a typical 40th birthday celebration. I knew turning 40 was a big deal, and I wanted to celebrate with gratitude and excitement about my next forty years of life.

How will you make your 40th birthday meaningful? This isn’t your typical list of 40th birthday celebration ideas. Here you’ll discover delightful, fulfilling ways to explore, love, and be yourself as a beautiful, sensual, fulfilled forty year old woman.

I hope my ideas show you how to celebrate and enter into your forties in meaningful ways. I hope you create memories that will bring you a sense of warmth and love for the rest of your life. These tips will help you remember that turning 40 isn’t just about finding the best 40th birthday gift and celebration ideas– though that’s part of it! But, just like a happy marriage isn’t just about the wedding ceremony, turning forty isn’t just about celebrating a great night or event.

16 Creative Ways to Celebrate Your 40th Birthday

In this article, you’ll find a variety of tips and suggestions for celebrating a fortieth birthday in meaningful and joyful ways.

This list of 40th birthday celebration ideas isn’tabout partying it up or trying to forget that you’re turning forty.Rather, I encourage you to livefrom your heart and soul, and blossom into the womanyou were meant to be!

1. Give yourself the gift you really want

What do you really want out of life? If you could have or do anything as a 40 year old woman, what would you create?

Maybe you need to be part of a good, strong, healthy group of women. Here’s an interesting way to celebrate your 40th birthday from bestselling author Alice Walker:

“Begin a circle of women. Meet regularly. Don’t have an agenda. Get together simply to Be together. Eat, drink, be merry. Dance if you feel like it. Lie about on cushions. Tell stories. Share secrets. Teach each other how to garden, how to build fires. But definitely do not ‘plan’ what you are going to discuss or do. Whatever work needs to be done will be done without your trying to make it happen.”

2. Be open to risky ways to make your forties unforgettable

Maybe your 40th birthday means it’s time to celebrate an unexpected stage of freedom. Maybe you’re rebuilding after a loss, divorce, empty nest, unexpected career change or a life-altering health diagnosis. A stressful life event (or two, or three) is a normal, expected part of being a forty year old woman. Give yourself the gift of acceptance and flow. Know that a perfect life doesn’t exist, but a perfectly happy 40 year old woman can exist (if her source of joy, peace, and freedom is from her relationship with God).

In What NOT to Do When Giving Yourself a Pixie Haircut (I Accidentally Gave Myself a Buzz Cut) I share how adventurous I became in my forties 🙂

For some women, the best 40th birthday ideais to jump into adventure. It’s harder to make good friends in your forties; don’t get down on yourself if you don’t have close friends to celebrate your birthday with. Instead, make it a goal to make good friends this year — and for the next forty years of your life. Decide that you won’t get caught without friends on your 41st birthday, and you won’t be celebrating alone.

3. Create something new for your 40th birthday

My 47th birthday celebration was a two-week road trip to California, for a Christian Writer’s Conference. It was a brilliant idea because I met a literary agent and got a book contract to write Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back!

See how unforgettable a simple road trip to a conference can be? This isn’t a 40th birthday celebration idea you can plan. Rather, you have to be open to the possibilities and try new things. Don’t expect to have an unforgettable experience on your 40th birthday or even in your fortieth year. Rather, just be open to being surprised.

4. Pay attention to who and what brings you joy, peace and love

This is the most important gift you can give yourself: notice who fills you up with life and energy, and who drains your spirit and soul. Spend time with women who uplift you and help you be your best self.

These ideas for celebrating your fortieth birthday are more emotional than practical. They involve experiences, not just parties and gifts — though I included gifts because part of turning 40 is knowing when and how to treat yourself well.

I didn’t celebrate my 40th birthday by throwing a big birthday bash, taking an exotic vacation (though I did get a few “Happy 40th Birthday!” hugs in Jamaica last week even though my birthday had passed). Choose ideas and celebrations for your 40th birthday that help you be more kind and gentle with yourself. Look fro ways to make your life more meaningful and beautiful. I turned 40 severalyears ago and it’s been the best decade of my life. Ilook forward to celebrating my 50th birthday in less than a year, and I have a feeling it’ll be unforgettable 🙂

5. Treat yourself to something luxuriously YOU

I love Anuschka’s Genuine Leather Hand Painted Bags. If I was making a list of 40th birthday gift ideas, they’d be at the top.

40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (1)

A purse that is beautiful and artistic is a creative way to celebrate a milestone in life! Anuschka’s bags and wallets are colorful, hand-painted, durable, and gorgeous.

While I don’t think possessions make us happy, I love surrounding myself with color and creativity. So, I encourage you to celebrate your 40th birthday by getting rid of old things that don’t lift your spirits, and surround yourself with beauty, joy, and light.

5. Declutter and surround yourself with simple beauty

Look around your home and work environment. How do you feel about what you see? Are you surrounded with color, beauty, simplicity, and things that make you feel good?

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing isn’t exactly an exciting 40th birthday gift idea, but it is unforgettable. You’ll never be happy or free if you’re buried under a pile of stuff.

Make it a point to declutter and organize your life so that you can actually be free and happy as a forty year old woman. Getting organizedcan change your life. And if you’re searching for things to do on your 40th birthday, this will be the gift that gives all year long 🙂

6. Accept what you can’t change about your life

My husband and I can’t have kids, and I don’t want to try fertility treatments. Neither of us are keen on adoption. Now that I’m almost 50 I’ve accepted that we are a childless couple. I did pray for a miracle and I did want children, but I learned how to let go and surrender to God’s wise and loving will for my life. I’ve accepted and even embraced my life exactly the way it is…and it’s best gift I could ever get on any birthday.

Surrender to your life as it is. Change what you can. This may not be the most exciting40th birthday celebration or idea, but it will change your life in deep and fulfilling ways! Learn how to love yourself. Better yet, learn how to love yourself even if you think you let you down. This is the best 40th birthday gift you could give yourself.

7. Heal from past wounds

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life is one of the best ways to let go of the past and heal from old wounds. This idea isn’t exactly an exciting gift for celebrating your 40th birthday, but it will change your life forever.

Writing in my journal is one of the healthiest things I’ve ever done for myself. I’m more centred spiritually and emotionally, more grounded, and more in touch with my own spirit. I really did start to blossom after I turned 40 – and that’s one of the best 40th birthday celebrations I could ever ask for.

8. Write the story of your life (even though it’s only your 40th birthday!)

You don’t need a vintage “Journey of Life” writing journal to reconnect with yourself, but it can help. Where are you on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely spiritually and emotionally healthy?If you’re struggling with depression, loneliness, or existential angst, consider journaling as a way to learn why you’re so sad and how to get healthy. Learn more about yourself, your life, and your relationship with your own heart and spirit.

40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (2)

Follow a spiritually healing book such as The Mindful Life Journal: Seven Minutes a Day for a Better, More Meaningful Life and ajournal. Start writing your thoughts, emotions, experiences. This will help you let go of the past and heal from old wounds.

9. Refuse to be your own biggest critic

If you’ve been too busy to breathe for the past few years, here’s an unforgettable 40th birthday idea: start slowing down. Declutter your life. Focus on what really makes you happy, healthy, and whole. Give yourself the gift of freedom and peace. Start spending time with people you love, respect, and admire.

For example, I’m tired of beating myself up for saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, and making mistakes. I’m tired of criticizing myself! What happened yesterday – and 10 years ago, 20 years ago – is done. It’s over.Instead of flagellating myself for my mistakes, I now focus on the freedom and forgiveness I have in God. Instead of wishing certain people were in my life, I’m trust they’re here for a purpose.

This is one of the best 40th birthday celebrations and gifts you could give yourself: focus on your own heart, soul and spirit. The Creator put you here for a purpose, and is always whispering your name. Look up at the night sky, and know you were created out of stardust. Finding peace in your own heart, spirit and soul is the absolute best and most unforgettable way to celebrate turning forty.

10. Take good care ofyour 40 year old body

What does your body need? Is your neck sore, your body tired, your muscles flabby? Now is the time to make changes in your physical health. Don’t keep putting it off — yoga is a fantastic, healthy way to get your body long and lean.

I go for an hour-long walk/run mostmornings and listen to sermons about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on various podcasts. My treadmill is for checking email and setting myself up for my workday (I’m a full-time writer, and I walk for 30 or 60 minutes at the beginning of the day).

Get something like Ageless with Kathy Smith: Total Body Turnaround if you need an encouraging external motivation. A regular, healthy exercise routine is essential for a healthy body, mind, and heart. This isn’t exactly an unforgettable way to celebrate your 40th birthday, but it will change how you spend the rest of your life.

11. Try something wild – to YOU – on your 40th birthday

Here’s one of the most interesting 40th birthday celebration ideas from a reader:

“I’m going to spend my 40th birthday racing exotic cars in Vegas, then flying to Mexico for a week, lying on the beach, golfing on perfect turf, going to see Mayan ruins, racing dune buggies in the sand, scuba diving, and planning my new business idea,” says Shannon on How to Create Something New in Your Life. “Fortyis not old….you’re as young as you feel. IF you wanna go get all responsible for your 40th birthday….go ahead…..or you can embrace the fact that you’ve only lived 1/3 of your adult life and have plenty more to go!”

12. Get out of town – my favorite way to celebrate any birthday!

I love moving. In Moving to a New City Alone? Coping With Uncertainty, Fear & Loneliness I share why I’m a gypsy and how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

If you’re a homebody, don’t push yourself to leave home for an “unforgettable idea for my 40th birthday.” It’ll disappoint you because you need to do what you love to do. But if you haven’t gone on vacation for awhile and you love to travel, then seriously consider going away for your birthday this year.

13. Take good care of your future self

Now that I’m in my late forties, I’m finally starting to put money away for my retirement. Better late than never! Every time I put $500 or $1,000 into my RRSPs, I visualize my future vacations. I used to think putting money away for retirement was a meaningless chore, but now I see it as taking care of my future self.Same with decluttering and spending my time the way I want. I feel good when I’m surrounded by space and simplicity, when I choose to do things I love, and when I take care of my present and future self.

So, for me the thing to do throughout my forties (birthday or not) is to take good care of my future, my environment, the people I love, and my emotional and physical health.Now that I’m 47, I’m finally learning how to set myself up for success and happiness. Those are my little birthday gifts and tips to myself.

14. Join something new: a team, choir, band or group

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar – or any musical instrument – what better time than now? Or, consider joining a church or community choir. Music will bring joy and laughter into your life, and help you learn not to take yourself so seriously.

I played the flute in high school, and have always wanted to re-learn it. I loved the rehearsals, concerts, and feeling of being part of an orchestra! So I bought myself a flute a few weeks ago, and am working my way through a self-instruction beginners flute book. It feels so good to play, to learn and practice, to hear my musical skills improving. It’s also very healthy to learn to play a musical instrument!For me, joining a band is one of the most meaningful things to do when I turned 40.

15. March to your own drum for your 40th birthday

A few years ago I worked at a social service organization, and I was the oldest counselor there. The rest of my coworkers werein their 20s. They were nice, but I wasold enough to be their mother! Some of our work activities and events highlighted how my age.

For example, we hada birthday celebrationbowling event, and we were all asked to dress up in Fiesta costumes. I couldn’tthink of anything I’d dislike more! I’m a quiet, introverted, introspective writer. The thought of bowling in a Mexican or Fiesta costume with in a loud bowling alley with lots of young people makes me want to crawl under my bed with my dog.

So, my gift to myself was not to go. I was one of the only employees who didn’tattend the birthday celebration, and a wee part of me felt bad. But I just couldn’t do it…and so I allowed myself to march to my own drum. This is my ongoing 40th birthday celebration gift to myself! The idea is that if I can’t show up wholeheartedly, I won’t show up at all. I feel like I’ve earned the right to give myself permission not to attend events that make me feel tired and unhappy.

16. Embrace your forties – you’ve come a long way!

Wear a “Fabulous Forty” Bracelet with 40 delicate beads – it’ll remind you to learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. A visual reminder or symbol to “learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow” is priceless. What better giftcould you give yourself, than to live in the moment and cherish every second you have?

40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (3)

I love being forty. The best way to celebrate any birthday in your 40s is to be kind to yourself, surround yourself with beauty and creativity, and stay connected to your heart and soul.What about you – how will you celebrate turning forty? I hope this article has given you a few 40th birthday celebration ideas.

May your 40th birthday bring joyful memories, countless blessings, and peaceful thoughts.


40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (4)

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63 thoughts on “40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday”

  1. Lucy December 3, 2022 at 2:22 am


    This was lovely. What if we can’t feel god’s love and are homeless, jobless? Wishing to spend my 43rd birthday, not again in some motel alone with my poor beautiful son. Is exhausting. I’m more bitter and unhappy than I’ve ever been. Blessings

  2. Charlyn September 25, 2020 at 5:20 pm


    These are all great ideas. I have a year until i turn 40, however I wanted to celebrate the whole year since my birthday is in December. I thought about starting a journal and even a blog to chronicle my road to 40 in a memorable way. Thanks for sharing your insight.

  3. Chimere May 9, 2020 at 6:48 am


    This was such a beautiful piece! As I countdown 35 days until my 40th birthday this article resonated with me deeply. I am not a party person and was looking for meaningful ways to love and celebrate myself. Thank you!

  4. Ryanne November 17, 2019 at 10:58 am


    I love this. Thank you!

  5. Kim November 5, 2019 at 2:05 pm


    This reading was very refreshing! I am not 40 as of yet, but I do see my 40th and the years to come to be my best years yet!

  6. Jessica October 10, 2019 at 4:18 pm


    Thank you for this! I’m turning 40 tomorrow and it’s been bittersweet getting older. I’m really trying to embrace it. I know it’s a blessing, it’s just hard to accept sometimes. I’m also accepting that it’s likely I’ll never be a mother to children of my own. For whatever reason, being parents may not be part of our future. I’ve cried many times because I wish I could give my husband a child of our own. Fertility options are too expensive. I adore my fur babies and being a second mom to many of my students…and maybe that’s part of God’s bigger purpose for my life. Thank you for reminding me how exciting getting older can be if you embrace it. The 40’s are going to be great! ❤️

    1. Awo February 12, 2020 at 4:21 am


      Good day my sister,
      Never give up on your dreams and desires, God is in control and still in the miracle business. I feel your pain. Please do not give up the Lord will do it at his own time, no matter your age and all will see and rejoice with you to his glorification. This I can promise you.
      God bless you

      1. Kim February 12, 2020 at 7:38 am


        Beautiful, as women we have to be reminded of our greatness and the promises of the Lord. He always has a plan that is bigger than us. I am mother of two, with a husband, but at times I still feel lonely. I am renter at the age of 39 because my credit is horrible, but I am holding on to His promises and I know that MY DAY is coming! Again, thank you for those words of encouragement. I receive it.

  7. Pingback:7 Ways to Be Happier on Your Birthday After a Breakup ⋆ How Love Blossoms

  8. Pingback:How to Be Happy Alone on Your Birthday ⋆ Blossom Tips

Tags:creative fun and freedomgift ideas for womenhealthy livingjoyful life tipsseasons of lifewisdom maturity peace

40 is Fabulous! 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday (2024)


How do you make someone's 40th special? ›

Nostalgic 40th birthday ideas (with a grown-up twist)
  1. 1980s-themed party. ...
  2. Recreate your favorite childhood party place. ...
  3. Make turning 40 into a mystery. ...
  4. Fortune-ate at 40. ...
  5. Camp out under the stars. ...
  6. Take an online workshop. ...
  7. Host a Bob Ross paint party. ...
  8. Choose your own 40th birthday adventure.

What is the traditional gift for a 40th birthday? ›

Rubies are the most traditional gift for someone turning 40. A stunning ruby necklace, ring or jewelry pairing are meaningful 40th birthday gift ideas for a wife who loves luxury accessories.

What represents 40th birthday? ›

What makes a 40th birthday special? A quote from W. B. Pitkin states: “Life Begins at Forty.” The literal term for a 40th birthday is called a “Ruby Jubilee.” Forty is spiritually significant since it marks the middle of your life.

What's the best thing about turning 40? ›

Turning 40 The Best Bits
  1. You Become More Confident Turning 40. ...
  2. You Understand Age Is Just A Number. ...
  3. Your Relationships Become More Important To You. ...
  4. You Become More Comfortable With Your Body. ...
  5. Sleep Becomes A Priority. ...
  6. You Appreciate The Small Things In Life. ...
  7. You're More Resilient Than Ever. ...
  8. You Stop Being A Doormat.
Oct 11, 2023

What is the saying when you turn 40? ›

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.” — Sammy Hagar. “The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary on it”- Arthur Schopenhauer. “Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age”- Victor Hugo.

Why is 40th birthday a big deal? ›

Turning 40, in particular, symbolizes the start of a transformative chapter, brimming with potential for unparalleled growth and new beginnings. The number 40 can be found across religions and cultures as a number that holds significance.

What do you get a woman for her 40th? ›

  • InstaNatural Vitamin C Face Toner. $15.26. ...
  • Paw Paw Collection Gift Set. $25.55. ...
  • Grecian Bust Pot. $44.00. ...
  • EZ Feet Women's Genuine Shearling Scuff Slipper. $37.99. ...
  • Cosmetic Edition Brush. $65.00. ...
  • Original Oversized Microfiber & Sherpa Wearable Blanket. $49.49. ...
  • Bala Bangles Adjustable Wearable Wrist & Ankle Weights. ...
  • Daria Hoops.
May 20, 2024

What plant represents 40th birthday? ›

Ruby 40th Rose – 40th Birthday Rose

Its bright red flowers and delicate yet spicy scent is a delight for all the senses, as it blooms in the garden year after year.

What turning 40 means to a woman? ›

At 40, many women begin to notice that their lives are changing. This is the time in a woman's, mother's, and/or wife's life where her plate is the fullest. Her kids may be at the age where she worries the most. They are starting to date, drive or even go to college or leave the nest.

What is the color for 40? ›

40th Anniversary: Ruby Red. 45th Anniversary: Sapphire Red. 50th Anniversary: Gold. 55th Anniversary: Emerald Green.

What is the symbol for 40th? ›

The traditional 40th anniversary symbol is the ruby, a deep red gemstone that symbolizes passion, loyalty and devotion.

How should I celebrate turning 40? ›

Outdoor and Adventurous 40th Birthday Ideas
  1. Plan a Day of Adventure Sports. Gather your friends and take them rock climbing or zip-lining! ...
  2. Organise a Game Championship. ...
  3. Plan a Camping Trip. ...
  4. Have a Beach Party. ...
  5. Plan a City Break. ...
  6. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride. ...
  7. Go to a Game. ...
  8. Visit Haunted Houses in Your Area.
Mar 12, 2024

What is the best message for a 40th birthday? ›

“40 and Fabulous!” “Every year of life is a gift, even 40.” “See age as the gift that it is and you will always be grateful on your birthday.” “Today, you're a little more beautiful, smart, witty, and awesome.

Where to take husband for 40th birthday? ›

45 Top Ways to Wish Your Husband a Happy 40th Birthday
  • Diving with Great White Sharks.
  • 40 Hours to Choose His Own Adventures.
  • Fancy 40th Birthday Feast.
  • Dinner Cruise.
  • Golf Getaway.
  • Boat Rental.
  • Bucket List Bash!
  • A Very Merry Vacation.

Why 40th birthday is so special? ›

Turning 40, in particular, symbolizes the start of a transformative chapter, brimming with potential for unparalleled growth and new beginnings. The number 40 can be found across religions and cultures as a number that holds significance.

What do you say to someone who is 40? ›

I hope you have a wonderful day. Here's to turning 40, and to many more brilliant years to come. I hope every day is as happy and joyous as this one. 40 is the perfect age – you're old enough to recognise your mistakes, but still young enough to go out there and make some more.

How can I make my husband's 40th special? ›

45 Top Ways to Wish Your Husband a Happy 40th Birthday
  1. Send Him on a Birthday Road Trip. ...
  2. Inspirational Initial. ...
  3. Diving with Great White Sharks. ...
  4. 40th Birthday Theme Party. ...
  5. 5. Box of 40 Coupons. ...
  6. 40 Hours to Choose His Own Adventures. ...
  7. Fancy 40th Birthday Feast. ...
  8. Memory Book of 40 Moments.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.